- XU, YU
Business Administration
- International and domestic R&D coopetition: the influence of information redundancy on innovation performance (11/2024)
- Nexus supplier transparency and supply network accessibility: effects on buyer ESG risk exposure (10/2024)
- Multinational Corporations and Their Corporate Citizenships: Exploring Their Effects on Corporate Performance Under Different Legal Traditions (08/2024)
- Nearby or faraway? Determinants of target selection in family firm acquisitions (08/2024)
- Predicting the virality of fake news at the early stage of dissemination (08/2024)
- Executive gender and firm leverage decisions: The role of firm ownership and governance (06/2024)
- Signaling and herding in reward-based crowdfunding (06/2024)
- Competition, coinsurance and moral hazard in banking (05/2024)
- A systematic review of operations research and management science modeling techniques in the study of higher education institutions (04/2024)
- The State of Supplier Diversity Initiatives by Large Corporations: The New Sustainable Supply Chain? (03/2024)
- The international linkages of market risk perception (03/2024)
- Cognitive economy and product categorization (02/2024)
- International evidence of the forecasting ability of option-implied distributions (02/2024)
- Joint probabilities under expected value constraints, transportation problems, maximum entropy in the mean. (02/2024)
- Accountability and information disclosure in a Catholic charity (1798-1801). (01/2024)
- Exploring the link between family ownership and leverage: A mediating pathway through socioemotional wealth objectives. (12/2023)
- Klima DAO: an intermediary in a nascent market (12/2023)
- Las ventas en corto: información o manipulación. (12/2023)
- The global spillovers of unconventional monetary policies on tail risks (12/2023)
- The international integration of the term structure of expected market risk premia (12/2023)
- Flexible work arrangements in family firms: A socioemotional wealth perspective (11/2023)
- How to keep your portfolio close in risk y diversification to a desired benchmark (10/2023)
- Managing volunteers and paid workers in a nonprofit operation (10/2023)
- Digitalization as a facilitator of open innovation: Are family firms different? (09/2023)
- Euro adoption and intra-European Union exporters'productivity: Differences between family and non-family firms (09/2023)
- Government intervention, linkages and financial fragility (09/2023)
- La guía danesa para regular las excesivas exigencias cuantitativas del trabajo (09/2023)
- The effects of the ECB's unconventional monetary policies from 2011 to 2018 on banking assets (09/2023)
- The unequal consequences of job loss across countries (09/2023)
- Green innovation strategies and firms' internationalization (08/2023)
- The case of a subsidized reverse supply chain in the Chinese electronics industry (08/2023)
- The two sides of corporate social responsibility and the quality of internal control audit opinions (08/2023)
- Family Control, Political Risk and Employment Security: A Cross-National Study (07/2023)
- Multi-Country and Multi-Horizon GDP Forecasting Using Temporal Fusion Transformers (06/2023)
- Problemas no resueltos de los consejeros independientes en España: El caso Indra y el sometimiento de los independientes (06/2023)
- Complex supply chain structures and multi-scope GHG emissions: the moderation effect of reducing equivocality (05/2023)
- Quarterly earnings guidance and real earnings management (05/2023)
- The hedging effectiveness of electricity futures in the Spanish market (05/2023)
- Exceeding the Ordinary: A Framework for Examining Teams Across the Extremeness Continuum and Its Impact on Future Research (04/2023)
- Aena case study: Privatization of the largest European airport group (03/2023)
- Combining interpretivism and positivism in international business research: The example of the expatriate role (02/2023)
- Socioemotional wealth in volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous contexts: The case of family firms in Latin America and the Caribbean (02/2023)
- Performance feedback and productivity: Evidence from a field experiment (01/2023)
- Positioning context front and center in international human resource management research (01/2023)
- The mere possession effect of shareable digital coupons: The mediating role of anticipated self¿enhancement (01/2023)
- The recruit requirements of recent graduates: approaching the existing mismatch (01/2023)
- Analysis of the influence of the moment the internationalization process begins on the internationalization intensity of family and nonfamily businesses: An approach using a Tobit model (12/2022)
- Socioemotional wealth and famiy firm performance: A meta-analytic integration (12/2022)
- Technology catch-up in agriculture among advanced economies (11/2022)
- Do employees boost opportunities to compete abroad? A longitudinal study of family and non-family firms (10/2022)
- Financial and market impacts of buyer-supplier sustainability asymmetries: Empirical evidence from sensitive industries (10/2022)
- New insights on satisfaction prototypes for segmentation: focus on customer experience (10/2022)
- Actuarial pricing with financial methods (09/2022)
- Benefits of investing in cryptocurrencies when liquidity is a factor (09/2022)
- Mindfully Aware and Open: Mitigating Subjective and Objective Financial Vulnerability via Mindfulness Practices (09/2022)
- The heterogeneous effects of environmental taxation on green technologies (09/2022)
- Cannibalization, depredation, and market remuneration of power plants (08/2022)
- Do price-earnings multiples for firms with patterns of increasing earnings vary with the quality of the earnings pattern? (08/2022)
- Impact of informal institutions on the prevalence, strategy, and performance of family firms: A meta-analysis (08/2022)
- Surety bonds and moral hazard in banking (08/2022)
- Employee downsizing and sales internationalization strategy in family firms (07/2022)
- Internationalisation and performance in familybusinesses: influence of the internationalisation pathfollowed (07/2022)
- Leaving the darkness: The emergence of shadow banks (07/2022)
- Friend-shield protection from the crowd: how close friendships make us seem invulnerable to Covid-19 (06/2022)
- Management control systems and real earnings management: Effects on firm performance (06/2022)
- Raw material variability in food manufacturing: a data-driven snack food industry case" (06/2022)
- The effect of coordination requirements on sourcing decisions: Evidence from patent prosecution services (06/2022)
- Pareto efficient buy and hold investment strategies under order book linked constraints (04/2022)
- Satisfaction with HR practices and employee performance: a moderated mediation model of engagement and health (04/2022)
- End-of-pipe and cleaner production technologies. Do policy instruments and organizational capabilities matter? Evidence from Spanish firms (03/2022)
- Financial reporting quality effects of imposing (gender) quotas on boards of directors (03/2022)
- Implicit impressions of creative people: Creativity evaluation in a stigmatized domain (03/2022)
- Market Makers and Liquidity Premium in Electricity Futures Markets (03/2022)
- Public Guarantees, Relationship Lending and Bank Credit: Evidence from the COVID-19 Crisis (03/2022)
- Risk transference constraints in optimal reinsurance (03/2022)
- Quality of evidence and legal decision-making (02/2022)
- The role of entitlement and perceived resources in gratitude's effect on materialism: Longitudinal and situational effects (02/2022)
- Tracking a Well Diversified Portfolio with Maximum Entropy in the Mean (02/2022)
- Using a hedging network to minimize portfolio risk (01/2022)
- An Emergence Model of Team Burnout (12/2021)
- Does persistence in using R&D tax credits help to achieve product innovations? (12/2021)
- Neural Photometry-Guided Visual Attribute Transfer (12/2021)
- Service robots and COVID-19: exploring perceptions of prevention efficacy at hotels in generation Z (11/2021)
- The Usefulness of Financial Accounting Information: Evidence from the Field (11/2021)
- Patterns of team adaptation: The effects of behavioural interaction patterns on team adaptation and the antecedent effect of empowering versus directive leadership (10/2021)
- Strikes Against Emerging Competition: Respecting Consumers' Needs and Gaining Their Hearts (10/2021)
- The Influence of Social Norms on Consumer Behavior: A Meta-Analysis (10/2021)
- The role of users' engagement in shaping financial reporting: should activists target accounting more? (10/2021)
- Financial constraints on R&D projects and minsky moments: containing the credit cycle (09/2021)
- A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush: Technology search strategies and competition due to import penetration (08/2021)
- Colaborar con socios internacionales para innovar: implicaciones para empresas de servicios profesionales y tecnológicos (07/2021)
- Empleo, trabajo y riesgos para la salud mental: análisis y propuestas de intervención (07/2021)
- Heterogeneity and competition in fragmented markets: fees vs speed (07/2021)
- Linking theories of incomplete contracts to empirics in IPO contracting (07/2021)
- Numerical approach to the risk capital allocation problem (07/2021)
- Omega ratio optimization with actuarial and financial applications (07/2021)
- Plataformización y gestión "platafórmica": una discusión de las condiciones de trabajo en una plataforma cualificada (07/2021)
- Team cognition at a crossroad: Toward conceptual integration and network configurations (07/2021)
- A pandemic is dynamic: Viewing COVID-19 through an adaptation lens (06/2021)
- Bank Runs, Bank Competition and Opacity (06/2021)
- Bargaining power as moderator of the 'delay costs effect' in supply chain negotiations (06/2021)
- Is there life beyond the Spanish government's aid to furloughed employees by COVID-19? (06/2021)
- Environmental determinants of energy-efficient transformation of national economies for sustainable development (05/2021)
- Failed and successful innovations: The role of geographic proximity and international diversity of partners in technological collaboration (05/2021)
- The pressure behind corporate social performance: Ownership and institutional configurations (05/2021)
- The timely overestimation of Spanish GDP in the great recession (05/2021)
- Young people's social engagement: personal motivations and social networks (05/2021)
- Analysis from a gender perspective of the Olympic Games on Twitter (04/2021)
- Bitcoin and altcoins price dependency: Resilience and portfolio allocation in COVID-19 outbreak (04/2021)
- Feature selection in a credit scoring model (04/2021)
- Green Bond Finance in Europe and the Stock Market Reaction (04/2021)
- Public thrift, private perks: signaling board independence with executive pay (04/2021)
- Resampled efficient frontier integration for MOEAs (04/2021)
- Bridging accounting and corporate governance: new avenues of research (03/2021)
- Greening Economy vs Greening Business: Performance Indicators, Driving Factors and Trends (03/2021)
- Stepping out of the shadows: identity exposure as a remedy for stigma transfer concerns in the medical marijuana market (03/2021)
- Cointegration, information transmission, and the lead-lag effect between industry portfolios and the stock market (02/2021)
- Dynamic Persuasion with Outside Information (02/2021)
- Compensation mechanism for damage from ecosystem services deterioration: constitutive characteristic (01/2021)
- It's about time: The timing of entrepreneurial experience and the career dynamics of university graduates (01/2021)
- Stakeholders versus Firm Communication in Social Media: The case of Twitter and Corporate Social Responsibility Information (01/2021)
- The strategic allocation of inventors to R&D collaborations (01/2021)
- An empirical assessment of proposed Solutions for resolving scale problems in value relevance accounting research (12/2020)
- Who Truly Bears (Bank) Taxes? Evidence from Only Shifting Statutory Incidence (12/2020)
- Do commonalities facilitate private information channels? Evidence from common gender and insider trading (11/2020)
- Constructing dynamic life tables with a single-factor model (10/2020)
- The impact of forced divestments on parent company stock prices: Buy on the rumor, sell on the news? (10/2020)
- Unpacking the black box of trade credit to socially responsible customers (10/2020)
- Automotive aftermarket forecast in a changing world: The stakeholders' perceptions boost! (09/2020)
- Combining internal and external R&D: The effects on innovation performance in family and nonfamily firms (09/2020)
- Managerial incentives for attracting attention (09/2020)
- OM Forum¿Challenges and Strategies in Managing Nonprofit Operations: An Operations Management Perspective (09/2020)
- Tail risk of electricity futures (09/2020)
- The challenge of using a 'non-positivist' paradigm and getting through the peer-review process (09/2020)
- Compensating international mobility in a workers' cooperative: An interpretative study (08/2020)
- Las acciones con derechos de voto adicionales por lealtad «acciones de lealtad» desde el análisis económico del derecho = Shares that confer additional voting rights because of loyalty, loyalty shares: a Law and Economics approach (08/2020)
- Manufacturing firms' export activity: Business and financial cycles overlaps! (08/2020)
- Team adaptation and the changing nature of work: Lessons from practice, evidence from research, and challenges for the road ahead (08/2020)
- The hospital survey on patient safety culture in Mexican hospitals: Assessment of psychometric properties (08/2020)
- Accounting information tools in managerial clinical service decision-making processes: Evidence from Portuguese public hospitals (07/2020)
- Gender differences in sports news coverage on Twitter (07/2020)
- The firm value and marketing intensity decision in conditions of financial constraint: A comparative study of the United States and Latin America (07/2020)
- An endogenous approach to the cyclicality of R&D investment under credit constraints: Firms' cash flow matters! (06/2020)
- Conditional conservatism and the limits to earnings management (06/2020)
- Product¿market competition and resource redeployment in multi¿business firms (06/2020)
- Voluntary pre-trade anonymity and market liquidity (06/2020)
- Testing, disclosure and approval (05/2020)
- The effect of patent protection on inventor mobility (05/2020)
- Tracking Fraudulent and Low-Quality Display Impressions (05/2020)
- Accounting conservatism and the profitability of corporate insiders (04/2020)
- Anticipating the financial crisis: evidence from insider trading in banks (04/2020)
- Barriers to the circular economy in European small and medium¿sized firms (04/2020)
- Corporate social responsibility and dynamic productivity change in the US food and beverage manufacturing industry (04/2020)
- Institutionalization of the Contents of Sustainability Assurance Services: A Comparison Between Italy and United States (04/2020)
- Who Acquires Information in Dealer Markets? (04/2020)
- Denial of Corruption: Voluntary Disclosure of Bribery Information (03/2020)
- Dissecting interbank risk using basis swap spreads (03/2020)
- Research paradigms in international human resource management: An epistemological systematisation of the field (03/2020)
- Causal ambiguity: shape-flip between product market competition at industry level and voluntary disclosure (02/2020)
- Regional crime rates and corporate misreporting = Tasas de criminalidad regional e información financiera corporativa (02/2020)
- Corporate social responsibility and cost of financing- The importance of the international corporate governance system (01/2020)
- Correction to: Institutionalization of the Contents of Sustainability Assurance Services: A Comparison Between Italy and United States (01/2020)
- Exploring the exporting-downsizing link: Does the type of export strategy and firm efficiency in foreign markets matter? (01/2020)
- Foreign monetary policy and firms' default risk (01/2020)
- Insider trading restrictions and earnings management (01/2020)
- Is managerial entrenchment always bad and corporate social responsibility always good? A cross¿national examination of their combined influence on shareholder value (01/2020)
- Optimistic credit rating and its influence on corporate decisions: evidence from Korea (01/2020)
- Socially responsible downsizing: Comparing family and non-family firms (01/2020)
- The Joint Effects of Leadership Style and Magnitude of the Disruption on Team Adaptation: A Longitudinal Experiment (01/2020)
- 50 Years of Accounting and Business Research (12/2019)
- Driving sectoral sustainability via the diffusion of organizational eco¿innovations. (12/2019)
- Los sistemas de evaluación del rendimiento en las administraciones públicas: la medición de las dimensiones intangibles (12/2019)
- Familiarity and format: cause-related marketing promotions in international markets (10/2019)
- La influencia diferencial de las redes sociales en la participación social de mujeres y varones (10/2019)
- The Impact of Innovation and Green Fiscal Incentives on Employment in Spain. (10/2019)
- Building team effectiveness through adaptation: Team knowledge and implicit and explicit coordination (09/2019)
- When more likes is not better: the consequences of high and low likes-to-followers ratios for perceived account credibility and social media marketing effectiveness (09/2019)
- Bonuses and promotion tournaments: theory and evidence (08/2019)
- Maximum entropy methods for loss data aggregation and disaggregation problems (08/2019)
- Monetary Policy, Macroprudential Policy, and Financial Stability (08/2019)
- Automatic Balancing Mechanisms for Mixed Pension Systems under Different Investment Strategies (07/2019)
- Go local or go global: how local brands promote buying impulsivity (07/2019)
- Good deal indices in asset pricing: actuarial and financial implications (07/2019)
- Technical Efficiency of Producer Cooperatives versus Private Firms: A Longitudinal Empirical Study (07/2019)
- Are EU's Climate and Energy Package 20-20-20 targets achievable and compatible? Evidence from the impact of renewables on electricity prices (06/2019)
- Information Technologies and Downsizing: Examining their impact on economic performance (06/2019)
- Safety and early efficacy outcomes for lentiviral fibroblast gene therapy in recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa (06/2019)
- Sample dependence of risk premiums (06/2019)
- Scrappage by age: Cash for Clunkers matters! (06/2019)
- Decision tree learning to predict overweight/obesity based on body mass index and gene polymporphisms (05/2019)
- Prudential supervisors' independence and income smoothing in European banks (05/2019)
- V@R representation theorems in ambiguous frameworks (05/2019)
- Green innovation and knowledge: The role of size (04/2019)
- Growth intentions in family-based new venture teams: The role of the nascent entrepreneurs R&D behavior (04/2019)
- Golden options in financial mathematics (03/2019)
- Information disclosure in optimal auctions (03/2019)
- Pricing factors in the multiple-term structures from interbank rates (03/2019)
- The determinants of leverage decisions: Evidence from Asian emerging markets (03/2019)
- Firms' innovation strategy under the shadow of analyst coverage (02/2019)
- Product portfolio performance in new foreign markets: The EU trademark dual system (02/2019)
- Ultra-Fast Activity and Intraday Market Quality (02/2019)
- Disentangling the role of management control systems for product and process innovation in different contexts (01/2019)
- Learning About Analysts (01/2019)
- Revisiting product and process innovations (01/2019)
- The Mechanisms of Social Norms' Influence on Consumer Decision Making (01/2019)
- Unauthorized use of famous brands and its impact on brand equity dimensions (01/2019)
- Up for Review: Unravelling the Link between Formal Evaluations and Performance-Based Rewards (01/2019)
- Product liability should reward firm transparency (12/2018)
- Relationship Between Erectile Dysfunction, Diabetes and Dyslipidemia in Hypertensive-Treated Men (12/2018)
- Small but sincere: how firm size and gratitude determine the effectiveness of cause marketing campaigns (12/2018)
- Default supply auctions in electricity markets: Challenges and proposals (11/2018)
- Deleveraging and decline in revenue-expense matching over time (11/2018)
- Detangling consumer attitudes to better explain co-branding success (11/2018)
- Retaining an ageing workforce: The effects of high-performance work systems and flexible work programmes (11/2018)
- Cash Holdings Adjustment Speed and Managerial Ability (10/2018)
- Does IFRS 9 consider financial statement users' preferences with respect to IFRS 13 fair value hierarchy? A suggestion to refine the definition of OCI (10/2018)
- El crowdfunding y la financiación del emprendimiento (10/2018)
- Selecting the governance mode when offshoring knowledge-intensive activities (10/2018)
- Supply chain environmental R&D cooperation and product performance: Exploring the network dynamics of positional embeddedness (10/2018)
- Debt pressure and interactive use of control systems: effects on cost of debt (09/2018)
- Divulgación de información por parte del gobierno y reacción del mercado de valores: análisis del caso español (09/2018)
- The institutionalization of the contents of sustainability assurance services: a comparison between Italy and United States (09/2018)
- The promise of reward crowdfunding (09/2018)
- Leverage, CEO Risk-Taking Incentives, and Bank Failure during the 2007-10 Financial Crisis (08/2018)
- Accounting quality in railway companies during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries: the case of Spanish NORTE and MZA (07/2018)
- Corporate Social Responsibility and Operational Inefficiency: A Dynamic Approach (07/2018)
- Does the source of debt financing affect default risk? (07/2018)
- Friends with benefits: Behavioral and fMRI studies on the effect of friendship reminders on self-control for compulsive and non-compulsive buyers (06/2018)
- Gromov Hyperbolicity in the Cartesian Sum of Graphs (06/2018)
- Forecasting multiple-term structures from interbank rates (05/2018)
- Asset Growth and Analysts' Multi-period Earnings Forecasts (04/2018)
- International collaboration and innovation in professional and technological knowledge-intensive services (04/2018)
- European family firms and acquisition propensity: A comprehensive analysis of the legal system's role. (03/2018)
- Is nepotism so bad for family firms? A socioemotional wealth approach (03/2018)
- Management sub-advising in the mutual fund industry (03/2018)
- Modelling Electricity Swaps with Stochastic Forward Premium Models (03/2018)
- Calibration of short rate term structure models from bid-ask coupon bond prices (02/2018)
- Diversification decisions among family firms: The role of family involvement and generational stage (02/2018)
- Managing risk with socially responsible actions in firms involved in controversial activities and earnings management (02/2018)
- Modelling the shape of the limit order book (02/2018)
- Strong shareholders, weak outside investors (02/2018)
- Idiosyncratic volatility, conditional liquidity and stock returns (01/2018)
- Cooperative Resurgence: The Effect of Government and Private Institution's Cooperative Program on Small Traders and Enterprisers' Resurgence and Policy Implications for Customer Satisfaction (12/2017)
- Differential equations connecting VaR and CVaR (12/2017)
- Factors shaping the international knowledge connectivity of industrial clusters: a comparative study of two Latin American cases (12/2017)
- Public oversight systems for statutory auditors in the European Union (12/2017)
- The Changing Nature of Expatriation (12/2017)
- Earnings: Concepts versus Reported (11/2017)
- Effect of rollover risk on default risk: Evidence from bank financing (11/2017)
- Corporate social responsibility and the assessment by auditors of the risk of material misstatement (10/2017)
- Engagement y/o intensificación del trabajo ¿opción y/o obligación?: «Si no haces lo que te gusta, te tiene que gustar lo que haces»=Engagement and/or work intensification, choice and/or obligation?: "if you don't do what you love, you have to love what you do" (10/2017)
- Managerial entrenchment and earnings management (10/2017)
- External Corporate Governance and Strategic Investment Behaviors of Target CEOs (09/2017)
- Capital and liquidity in a dynamic model of banking (08/2017)
- Politically Connected Audit Committees, Earnings Quality and External Financing: Evidence from Korea (08/2017)
- The influence of sports participation on academic performance among students in higher education (08/2017)
- The monitoring role of female directors over accounting quality (08/2017)
- Understanding the identity of Ibiza, Spain (08/2017)
- Teams in Small Technology-Based Firms: the roles of diversity and conflict management (07/2017)
- The bright side of financial derivatives: Options trading and firm innovation (07/2017)
- Do Perceived Operational Impacts Affect the Portfolio of Carbon-Abatement Technologies? (06/2017)
- The role of foreign shareholders in disciplining financial reporting (06/2017)
- A model of cognitive and operational memory of organizations in changing worlds (05/2017)
- Exact optimal experimental designs with constraints (05/2017)
- Una primera aproximación a los SPOCs-FC en el contexto de la Gestión de la Cadena de Suministro = A first approximation to the SPOCs-FC in the context of the Supply Chain Management (05/2017)
- What are the determinants of investment in environmental R & D? (05/2017)
- Can Retail Sales Volatility be Curbed Through Marketing Actions? (04/2017)
- Do Labor Unions Always Lead to Underinvestment? (04/2017)
- Experts or rivals: Mimicry and voluntary disclosure (04/2017)
- Impression management and Non-GAAP disclosure in earnings announcements (04/2017)
- La influencia de la práctica físico-deportiva en los resultados académicos de los estudiantes universitarios: el caso de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (04/2017)
- Maxentropic Solutions to a Convex Interpolation Problem Motivated by Utility Theory (04/2017)
- Measuring Exaptation and Its Impact on Innovation, Search, and Problem Solving (04/2017)
- The impact of health research on length of stay in Spanish public hospitals (04/2017)
- Los retos del gobierno corporativo de las sociedades controladas (03/2017)
- Search for Yield (03/2017)
- The role of trust in the primary adoption stage of management accounting innovations (03/2017)
- Understanding the decision to offshore human resource activities: a coevolutionary perspective (03/2017)
- Are High-Performance Work Systems always a valuable retention tool? The roles of workforce feminization and flexible work arrangements (02/2017)
- The governance impact of a changing investor landscape (02/2017)
- Autocratic tensions, cronyism, and the opacity of business information: party newspapers and circulation figures during the Francoist dictatorship (1939-1975) (01/2017)
- Clustering benefits for upscale urban hotels (01/2017)
- Fragmentation vs. consolidation in Spanish Stock Exchange. A note. (01/2017)
- Participation inertia in R&D tax incentive and subsidy programs (01/2017)
- The traditional approach to compensating global mobility: criticisms and alternatives (01/2017)
- VaR as the CVaR sensitivity: Applications in risk optimization (01/2017)
- A natural resource-based view of climate change: Innovation challenges in the automobile industry (12/2016)
- CSR serves to compete in the sport industry? An exploratory research in the football sector in Peru (12/2016)
- Going short-term or long term? CEO stock options and temporal orientation in the presence of slack (12/2016)
- Government finances and bank bailouts: Evidence from European stock markets (12/2016)
- Liquidity in credit default swap markets (12/2016)
- Riding successive product diffusion waves. Building a tsunami via upgrade-rebate programs (12/2016)
- The Governance of Perpetual Financial Intermediaries (12/2016)
- Bridging finance and behavioral scholarship on agent risk sharing and risk taking (11/2016)
- Loss data analysis: Analysis of the sample dependence in density reconstruction by maxentropic methods (11/2016)
- The Strategic Behavior of Firms with Debt (11/2016)
- Knowledge work intensification and self-management: The autonomy paradox (10/2016)
- Research paradigms and useful inventions in medicine: Patents and licensing by teams of clinical and basic scientists in Academic Medical Centers (10/2016)
- The illusion of CSR: drawing the line between core and supplementary CSR (10/2016)
- Heavy lies the crown? How job anxiety affects top executive decision making in gain and loss contexts (09/2016)
- Manager Replacement, Employee Protest, and Corporate Control (09/2016)
- Social business hybrids: Demand externalities, competitive advantage, and growth through diversification (09/2016)
- Tail risk spillovers and corporate cash holdings (09/2016)
- Teaching quality and academic research (09/2016)
- Determination of zero-coupon and spot rates from treasury data by maximum entropy methods (08/2016)
- Time-zero efficiency of European power derivatives markets (08/2016)
- Consumer Bankruptcy, Bank Mergers, and Information (07/2016)
- Corporate Science, Innovation and Firm Value (07/2016)
- Towards green growth: How does green innovation affect employment? (07/2016)
- SMORE: Towards a semantic modeling for knowledge representation on social media (06/2016)
- Strategies of Legitimacy through Social Media: The Networked Strategy (05/2016)
- Assessing the impact of environmental innovation in the airline industry: An empirical study of emerging market economies (04/2016)
- Good deals and benchmarks in robust portfolio selection (04/2016)
- Knowledge spillovers in the supply chain: Evidence from the high-tech sectors (04/2016)
- Multidimensional Competition and Corporate Disclosure (04/2016)
- Outperforming benchmarks with their derivatives: theory and empirical evidence (04/2016)
- Cambio de auditor y compra de opinión: efectos del cambio de firma y del cambio de socio (03/2016)
- Crowding, satiation, and saturation: The days of television series' lives (03/2016)
- Promotion signals, experience, and education (03/2016)
- The Limits of Reflected Glory: The Beneficial and Harmful Effects of Product Name Similarity in the US Network TV Program Industry, 1944-2003 (03/2016)
- A clash of governance logics: foreign ownership and board monitoring (02/2016)
- Accounting conservatism and firm investment efficiency (02/2016)
- Market frictions and the pricing of sovereign credit default swaps (02/2016)
- Using panel data DEA to measure CEOs' focus of attention: An application to the study of cognitive group membership and performance (02/2016)
- A maximum entropy approach to the loss data aggregation problem (01/2016)
- Effects of trust and distrust on effort and budgetary slack: an experiment (01/2016)
- Employee referrals as a screening device (01/2016)
- Learning by hiring: The effects of scientists' inbound mobility on research performance in academia (01/2016)
- The Effectiveness of Regulation Fair Disclosure: Evidence from an Emerging Market (01/2016)
- Sostenibilidad y calidad del trabajo en riesgo: la intensificación del trabajo del conocimiento (12/2015)
- What Drives Credit Rating Changes? A Return Decomposition Approach (12/2015)
- Historical impact of technological change on the US mass media advertising expenditure (11/2015)
- Measuring Systemic Risk: Common Factor Exposures and Tail Dependence Effects (11/2015)
- The idiosyncratic volatility anomaly: Corporate investment or investor mispricing? (11/2015)
- Walking a slippery line: Investments in social values and product longevity (11/2015)
- A structural model with Explicit Distress (09/2015)
- Maxentropic approach to decompound aggregate risk losses (09/2015)
- The reward for trading illiquid maturities in credit default swap markets (09/2015)
- Tort reform and the theory of coordinating tort and insurance (09/2015)
- Who Drives Corporate Restructuring? Co-Existing Owners in French Firms (09/2015)
- Expropriation risk, investment decisions and economic sector (08/2015)
- Platforms: a multiplicity of research opportunities (08/2015)
- Corporate Stock and Bond Return Correlations and Dynamic Adjustments of Capital Structure (07/2015)
- Investment, duration, and exit strategies for corporate and independent venture capital-backed start-ups (07/2015)
- The Performance of Green Supply Chain Management Governance Mechanisms: A Supply Network and Complexity Perspective (07/2015)
- Quote inefficiency in options markets (06/2015)
- How "smart cities" will change supply chain management (05/2015)
- Not all risk taking is born equal: The behavioral agency model and CEO´s perception of firm efficacy (05/2015)
- Segment disclosure and cost of capital (05/2015)
- Two maxentropic approaches to determine the probability density of compound risk losses (05/2015)
- Creditor Intervention, Investment, and Growth Opportunities (04/2015)
- Understanding the innovation behavior of family firms (04/2015)
- Comparing series of rankings with ties by using complex networks: an analysis of the spanish stock market (ibex-35 index) (03/2015)
- On the compensation for iliquidity in sovereign credit markets (03/2015)
- Price support by bank-affiliated mutual funds (03/2015)
- The Renaissance Man is not dead! the role of generalists in teams of inventors (02/2015)
- Time horizon trading and the idiosyncratic risk puzzle (02/2015)
- A contractual approach to discipline self-dealing by controlling shareholders (01/2015)
- A study on short-selling constraints: total ban versus partial ban (01/2015)
- Connecting the dots: bringing external corporate governance into the corporate governance puzzle (01/2015)
- Diviend Policy with Controlling Shareholders (01/2015)
- Editor's Choice: : Not invented here: how institutionalized socialization practices affect the formation of negative attitudes toward external knowledge (01/2015)
- Green supply chain management approaches: drivers and performance implications (01/2015)
- Industry characteristics and financial risk contagion (01/2015)
- Optimal reinsurance under risk and uncertainty (01/2015)
- Portfolio selection with commodities under conditional asymmetric dependence and skew preferences (01/2015)
- Social value of the firm: analyses and practical applications (01/2015)
- The effects of budgetary knowledge and extrinsic motivation on the importance that managers attribute to their budgets (01/2015)
- Towards a common Eurozone risk free rate (01/2015)
- Utilitarian and hedonic promotional appeals of 99-ending prices The influence of decision-making style (01/2015)
- A possible explanation of the gender gap among accounting academics: evidence from the choice of research field (12/2014)
- Banking crises and government intervention (12/2014)
- Estabilidad, integración y crisis de la deuda soberana: la historia del euro en tres trilemas (12/2014)
- External corporate governance and strategic investment behaviors of target CEOs. (12/2014)
- Licensing radical product innovations to speed up the diffusion (12/2014)
- ¿Qué sabemos de la negociación de alta frecuencia? (12/2014)
- Portfolio choice with indivisible and illiquid housing assets: the case of Spain (11/2014)
- Revisiting corporate governance through the lens of the Spanish evidence (11/2014)
- Special Issue on Risk Management Techniques for Catastrophic and Heavy-Tailed Risks (11/2014)
- Tail risk in energy portfolios (11/2014)
- Tax incentives...or subsidies for business R&D? (11/2014)
- ¿Es la eco-innovación una estrategia inteligente de especialización para Andalucía? Una aproximación desde el análisis multivariante (11/2014)
- Open innovation in services: knowledge sources, intellectual property rights and internationalization (10/2014)
- The Rate of Market Efficiency [estado "Revise and Resubmit en el Journal of Finance] (10/2014)
- The relation between segment disclosure and earnings quality (10/2014)
- Towards a theory of multi-tier sustainable supply chains: a systematic literature review (10/2014)
- Are All Credit Default Swap Databases Equal? (09/2014)
- Hedging of defaultable claims in a structural model using a locally risk-minimizing approach (09/2014)
- Measuring Risk When Expected Losses Are Unbounded (09/2014)
- The Value Relevance of Accounting Numbers Under International Financial Reporting Standards (09/2014)
- Valuing Customer Portfolios with Endogenous Mass and Direct Marketing Interventions Using a Stochastic Dynamic Programming Decomposition (09/2014)
- Derivatives holdings and systemic risk in the U.S. banking sector (08/2014)
- Financial intermediation in an overlapping generations model with transaction costs (08/2014)
- Nuevas dimensiones y problemáticas en el ámbito de la creación y gestión de marcas (08/2014)
- Why is timing perverse? (07/2014)
- A framework for analysing higher education performance: students' satisfaction, perceived learning outcomes, and dropout intentions (06/2014)
- Density Reconstructions with Errors in the Data (06/2014)
- Density Reconstructions with Errors in the Data (06/2014)
- Disentangling frequency models (06/2014)
- Teamwork Competency Test (TWCT): A Step Forward on Measuring Teamwork Competencies (06/2014)
- The Influence of Change-Oriented Leadership and Psychological Safety on Team Learning in Healthcare Teams (06/2014)
- Liquidity commonalities in the corporate CDS market around the 2007-2012 financial crisis (05/2014)
- Information consequences of accounting conservatism (04/2014)
- Accurately measuring gold mutual fund performance (03/2014)
- An empirical analysis of dynamic dependences in the European corporate credit markets: bonds versus credit derivatives (03/2014)
- International Franchising Decision-Making: A Model for Country Choice (03/2014)
- Looking for New Forms of Legitimacy in Asia (03/2014)
- Size, R&D productivity and Decision Styles (03/2014)
- Testing for statistical arbitrage in credit derivatives markets (03/2014)
- Investing time wisely: enhancing brand awareness through stakeholder engagement in the service sector (02/2014)
- Voluntary Disclosure of Press Releases and the Importance of Timing: A Comparative Study of the UK and Spain (02/2014)
- Aggregation bias in estimates of conditinal conservatism: Theory and Evidence (01/2014)
- CEO Entrenchment at Network Level (01/2014)
- Impact of ethical behavior on syndicated loan rates (01/2014)
- Patent now or later? Corporate financing decisions, agency costs and social benefits (01/2014)
- Trust in Supervisors and Dysfunctional Behavior (01/2014)
- Communicative Dynamics and the Polyphony of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Network Society (12/2013)
- Incentives, Capital Budgeting, and Organizational Structure (12/2013)
- Los multiplicadores fiscales: una revisión de la literatura empírica (12/2013)
- Product Proliferation Strategies and Firm Performance: The Moderating Role of Product Space Complexity (12/2013)
- Understanding Trust (12/2013)
- Current Marketing Practices and Market Orientation in the Context of an Emerging Economy: The Case of Uruguay (10/2013)
- Entry-Timing Strategies: The Road Ahead (10/2013)
- Knowledge for innovation in Europe: The role of external knowledge on firms' cooperation strategies (10/2013)
- Understanding the innovation behavior of family firms (10/2013)
- Understanding the innovation behavior of family firms (10/2013)
- What drives corporate default risk premia? Evidence from the CDS market (10/2013)
- Capturing the real value of patent analysis for R&D strategies (09/2013)
- Do Non-socially Responsible Companies Achieve Legitimacy Through Socially Responsible Actions? The Mediating Effect of Innovation (09/2013)
- How Much I Am Going to Tell You? A Study of Differences in Ownership Strategic Behavior (09/2013)
- Financial contagion and depositor monitoring (08/2013)
- Introduction to the special issue on entry timing strategies (08/2013)
- Necessity as the mother of "green' inventions: Institutional pressures and environmental innovations (08/2013)
- Optimal Reinsurance: A Risk Sharing Approach (08/2013)
- The importance (or not) of patents to UK firms (08/2013)
- Innovation and diffusion of clean/green technology: Can patent commons help? (07/2013)
- Introduction to the Special Issue on Innovation and Intellectual Property (07/2013)
- Learning Outcomes and Dropout Intentions: An Analytical Model for Spanish Universities. (07/2013)
- The Construction of Corporate Social Responsibility in Network Societies: A Communication View (07/2013)
- The impact of distressed economies on the EU sovereign market (07/2013)
- When does ownership matter? Board characteristics and behavior (07/2013)
- Corporate social responsibility and inventory policy (06/2013)
- Credit-risk valuation in the sovereign CDS and bonds markets: Evidence from the euro area crisis (06/2013)
- Good deals in markets with friction (06/2013)
- Open Innovation and service dominant logic: application of foundational premises to innovative firms (06/2013)
- Regulatory fit effects for injunctive versus descriptive social norms: evidence from the promotion of sustainable products (06/2013)
- Do spillovers matter when estimating private returns to R&D? (05/2013)
- Managing Licensing in a Market for Technology (05/2013)
- Operational Challenges and ST's Proposed Solutions to Improve Collaboration between IP and R&D in Innovation Processes (05/2013)
- Why do I like people like me? (05/2013)
- Deconstructing independent directors (04/2013)
- Resource partitioning revisited: evidence from Italian television broadcasting (04/2013)
- Stakeholder Pressure on MNEs and the Transfer of Socially Irresponsible Practices to Subsidiaries (04/2013)
- The Use and Abuse of Export Subsidies: Evidence from Colombia (04/2013)
- Building and sustaining a product differentiation advantage through a community-focused strategy (03/2013)
- Derivatives pricing with marked point processes using tick-by-tick data (02/2013)
- Corporate financial communication and the internet: manipulating investor audiences? (01/2013)
- Enhancing team learning in nursing teams through beliefs about interpersonal context (01/2013)
- Enhancing team learning in nursing teams through beliefs about interpersonal context. (01/2013)
- Entry-yiming strategies: The road ahead (01/2013)
- La marca en la orientación de la empresa a la creación de valor (01/2013)
- Optimal diversification across mutual funds (01/2013)
- What Happens When The Honeymoon Is Over? The Limited Effect of Impression Management (01/2013)
- Advertising and Consumer Awareness of New Differentiated Products (12/2012)
- La gestión de la crisis financiera global : el papel del Banco Central Europeo (12/2012)
- Green Supply Management Strategies in Spanish Firms (11/2012)
- Patent now or later? Corporate financing decisions, agency costs and social benefits (11/2012)
- Vector Risk Functions (11/2012)
- Extending sustainability to suppliers: a systematic literature review (10/2012)
- Where is the Value in High-Frequency Trading? (10/2012)
- Contingent Claim Pricing Using a Normal Inverse Gaussian Probability Distortion Operator (09/2012)
- The Power of a Package Product Claims Drive Purchase Decisions (09/2012)
- Training plans, manager's characteristics and innovation in the accommodation industry (09/2012)
- Analyzing Social Responsability as a driver of firm's brand awareness (07/2012)
- Influencia de las políticas públicas de incentivos a la I+D+i sobre la propensión innovadora y el comportamiento de la empresa española (07/2012)
- La Marca como activo estratégico de la empresa española. Posición actual y perspectivas (07/2012)
- Non-technological regulatory effects: Implications for innovation and innovation policy (07/2012)
- Board composition, political connections, and performance in state-owned enterprises (06/2012)
- Determination of the probability distribution measures from market option prices using the method of maximum entropy in mean (06/2012)
- Opportunistic disclosure in press release headlines (06/2012)
- Ownership structure and minority expropriation : the case for multiple blockholders (06/2012)
- Personal Values, Autonomy, and Self-efficacy: Evidence from frontline service employees (06/2012)
- Bridging team faultlines by Combining Task Role Assignment and Goal Structure Strategies. (05/2012)
- Moderating Role of Stress in Evaluating Negative Services: Encounters With the Police (05/2012)
- Pilot scheme of assessment in e-learning (05/2012)
- Are women pawns in the political game? Evidence from elections to the Spanish Senate (04/2012)
- Do recruiters prefer applicants with similar skills? Evidence from a randomized natural experiment (04/2012)
- Do structural constraints of the industry matter for corporate failure prediction? (04/2012)
- La respuesta de la política fiscal a la actividad económica en los países desarrollados (04/2012)
- Modelling electricity prices: international evidence (04/2012)
- Bridging Team Faultlines by Combining Task Role Assignment and Goal Structure Strategies (03/2012)
- Corporate environmental market responsiveness: A model of individual and organizational drivers (03/2012)
- Creación y uso de una plataforma web como apoyo a las clases del aula (03/2012)
- Generating global brand equity through corporate social responsibility to key stakeholders (03/2012)
- Gestión Estratégica de la marca en el mundo del vino (03/2012)
- International franchise expansion of service chains: insights from the Spanish market (03/2012)
- Service innovation in manufacturing firms: evidence from Spain (02/2012)
- The two faces of foreign management capabilities: FDI and productive efficiency in the UK retail sector (02/2012)
- How much should we pay for interconnecting electricity markets? A real options approach (01/2012)
- We were the first to support a major IS Innovation. Research into the motivations of Spanish pioneers in XBRL- Fuimos los primeros en apostar por una de las principales innovaciones en sistemas de información". Investigación de las motivaciones de los pioneros españoles en XBRL (01/2012)
- Obstáculos a la innovación y uso de incentivos ¿subvenciones o estímulos fiscales? (12/2011)
- Optional Accounting Criteria under IFRSs and Corporate Charasteristics: Evidence from Spain (12/2011)
- The effect of liquidity on the price discovery process in credit derivatives markets in times of financial distress (12/2011)
- Towards an integrative framework of brand country of origin recognition determinants A cross-classified hierarchical model (12/2011)
- Valoración del renombre de las marcas deportivas: Un análisis empírico para las marcas españolas de clubes de fútbol (12/2011)
- Volatility and covariation of financial assets: A high-frequency analysis (12/2011)
- Incentive Contracts and Time Use (11/2011)
- Stable solutions for optimal reinsurance problems involving risk measures (11/2011)
- Statistical properties and economic implications of jump-diffusion processes with shot-noise effects (11/2011)
- Customer satisfaction and brand equity (10/2011)
- Government, Taxes and Banking Crises (10/2011)
- The Interactive Effects of Person-Focused Citizenship behavior, Task Interdependence and Virtuality on Team Performance (10/2011)
- Does patenting help high-tech start-ups? (09/2011)
- Minimax strategies and duality with applications in Financial Mathematics (09/2011)
- Requisitos de Capital y Prociclicidad en el Credito (09/2011)
- Una reflexión sobre el impacto de la globalización en la eficacia estabilizadora de la política fiscal (09/2011)
- Brand Value in Horizontal Alliances: The Case of Twin Cars (08/2011)
- Community-focused strategies (08/2011)
- A numerical method for the expected penalty-reward function in a Markov-modulated jump-diffusion process (07/2011)
- Complementarities between Universities and Technology Institutes: New empirical lessons and perspectives (07/2011)
- Earnings Management and Cultural Values (07/2011)
- The Formation and Evolution of Childhood Skill Acquisition: Evidence from India (07/2011)
- ¿Qué preocupa a los Gobiernos, la brecha de producción o el PIB? (07/2011)
- Conditional conservatism and cost of capital (06/2011)
- Identifying the factors driving market selection in Latin America (06/2011)
- International market selection and segmentation: a two-stage model (06/2011)
- Competitividad en sectores de baja intensidad tecnológica: ¿Demasiado maduros para obviar la innovación? (05/2011)
- Corporate governance and impression management in annual results press releases (05/2011)
- Good deals and compatible modification of risk and pricing rules: A regulatory treatment (05/2011)
- US state policies for renewable energy: Context and effectiveness (05/2011)
- Are Workplaces with Many Women in Management Run Differently? (04/2011)
- El papel de las universidades y los centros tecnológicos como impulsores de la actividad innovadora (04/2011)
- Hidden innovators: The role of other innovation activities (04/2011)
- Intangible resources and efficiency. A comparison of Polish and Spanish textile and clothing industry (04/2011)
- The emergence of triple bottom line reporting in Spain (04/2011)
- An Institutional Perspective on the Diffusion of International Management System Standards: The Case of the Environmental Management Standard ISO 14001 (03/2011)
- Examining dual accounting systems in Europe (03/2011)
- La globalización de las marcas y la competitividad: tendencias y retos para las marcas españolas (03/2011)
- New ways of leadership in work teams (02/2011)
- Matching Goals and the Impacts of R&D Collaboration (01/2011)
- The interactive effects of person-focused citizenship behaviour, task interdependence, and virtuality on team performance (01/2011)
- Localized Knowledge Spillovers and Skill-Biased Performance (12/2010)
- Selección de mercados en la expansión internacional de la franquicia española (12/2010)
- The Relevance of Different Open Innovation Strategies for R&D Performers = Relevancia de distintas estrategias "Open Innovation" para las empresas que hacen I+D (12/2010)
- Who Benefits from R&D Tax Policy? = ¿Quién se beneficia de los incentivos fiscales a la inversión en I+D? (12/2010)
- What drives Bank Securitisation? The Spanish Experience (11/2010)
- Can Gender Parity Break the Glass Ceiling? Evidence from a Repeated Randomized Experiment (10/2010)
- Does Competition Reduce the Risk of Bank Failure? (10/2010)
- How Duration Between Trades of Underlying Securities Affects Option Prices (10/2010)
- Performance Measurement and Achievable Targets for Public Hospitals (10/2010)
- Training and Promotion: Allocation of Skills or Incentives? (10/2010)
- Colaboración tecnológica e innovación en las empresas de base tecnológica: implicaciones de las relaciones con universidades y otros socios tecnológicos (09/2010)
- Minimizing Measures of Risk by Saddle Point Conditions (09/2010)
- Modelling and Measuring Price Discovery in Commodity Markets (09/2010)
- The Exercise of Moral Imagination in Stigmatized Work Groups (09/2010)
- A Method for Determining Risk Aversion Functions from Uncertain Market Prices of Risk (08/2010)
- Data-Driven Smooth Tests for the Martingale Difference Hypothesis (08/2010)
- Behavior Finance and Estimation Risk in Portfolio Optimization (07/2010)
- Innovation, Exports and Productivity (07/2010)
- Building a Global Bank: The Transformation of Banco Santander / Mauro Guillén and Adrian Tschoegl (06/2010)
- CAPM and APT-Like Models with Risk Measures (06/2010)
- Crisis económica: ¿qué papel hay para las monedas y los tipos de cambio? = Economic Crisis: What Happens with Currencies and Exchange Rates? (06/2010)
- Delegated Portfolio Management and Risk-Taking Behavior (06/2010)
- The Performance of Socially Responsible Mutual Funds: The Role of Fees and Management Companies (06/2010)
- Voluntary Agreements to improve Environmental Quality: Symbolic and Substantive Cooperation (06/2010)
- Corporate Responsibility and Financial Performance: The Role of Intangible Resources (05/2010)
- Markets for Inventors: Learning-by-Hiring as a Driver of Mobility (05/2010)
- Public Selection and Financing of R&D Cooperative Projects: Credit versus Subsidy Funding (05/2010)
- Routing design for Less-than-Truckload Motor Carriers using Ant Colony Optimization (05/2010)
- Signal Orderings based on Dispersion and the Supply of Private Information in Auctions (05/2010)
- Team Learning and Effectiveness in Virtual Project Teams: The Role of Beliefs about Interpersonal Context (05/2010)
- Information Disclosure Policies: Evidence from the Electric Industry (04/2010)
- Introduction: Trading under the Buttonwood-a Foreword to the Markets for Technology and Ideas (04/2010)
- Foreign Entry and Survival in a Knowledge-Intensive Market: Emerging Economy Countries' International Linkages, Technology Competences, and Experience (03/2010)
- Organizational Attributes and the Distribution of Rewards in a Region: Managerial Firms vs. Knowledge Clusters (03/2010)
- Supply Flexibility Strategies in Spanish Firms: Results from a Survey (03/2010)
- The Role Played by Interdependences in ERP Implementations: An Empirical Analysis of Critical Factors that Minimize Elapsed Time (03/2010)
- Estrategias de inversión: El Club Med y el Euro (02/2010)
- Extending Pricing Rules with General Risk Functions (02/2010)
- Press release Disclosures in Spain and the UK (02/2010)
- Cross-Cultural Comparisons of Consumer Satisfaction Ratings: A Perspective from Albert Hirschman's Theory (01/2010)
- Managing Risk and Knowledge in the Internationalisation Process (01/2010)
- Market Orientation at Universities: Construct and Exploratory Validation (01/2010)
- On the Future Contract Quality Option: A New Look (01/2010)
- Technological Collaboration: Bridging the Innovation Gap between Small and Large Firms (01/2010)
- The Double Jeopardy Loyalty Effect Using Discrete Choice Models (01/2010)
- Towards a Model and Methodology for Assessing Student learning Outcomes and Satisfaction (01/2010)
- Does the Effect of Public Support to R&D Depend on the Degree of Appropriabiltiy? (12/2009)
- Credit Spreads: An empirical Analysis on the Informational Content of Stocks, Bonds, and CDS (11/2009)
- Inflation and Monetary Regimes (11/2009)
- Introduction to Conference Volume on Money and Monetary Policy (11/2009)
- Investment Analysts' Forecasts of Earnings (10/2009)
- Leveraging Resistance to Change and the Skunk Works Model of Innovation (10/2009)
- Quién interesa que invierta en España?: la inversión extranjera directa de Latinoamérica en España: tendencias recientes y perspectivas (10/2009)
- The Relation between Price and Performance in the Mutual Fund Industry (10/2009)
- Cuantificación del renombre de la marca: una propuesta metodológica (09/2009)
- Firms' Stock Market Flotation: Effects on Inventory Policy (09/2009)
- Good Deals and Compatible Modification of Risk and Pricing Rule: A Regulatory Treatment (09/2009)
- La internalización de la franquicia española y sus formas de penetración de mercados = The Internationalization of Spanish Franchising and its Foreign Entry Mode Choices (09/2009)
- Magazine Sales Promotion: A Dynamic Response Analysis (09/2009)
- Professional Portfolio Managers: A Setting for Momentum Strategies (09/2009)
- Properties of Distortion Risk Measures (09/2009)
- The Value of Coskewness in Mutual Fund Performance Evaluation (09/2009)
- Beyond Formal R&D: Taking Advantage of other sources of innovation in Low and Medium Technology Industries (07/2009)
- Assessing the Effectiveness of Supply Flexibility Sources: An Empirical Research (06/2009)
- Compatibility between Pricing rules and Risk Measures: The CCVaR (06/2009)
- Does Graph Disclosure Bias Reduce the Cost of Equity Capital? (06/2009)
- Earnings Quality in ex-Post Failed Firms (06/2009)
- Martingales and Arbitrage: a New Look (06/2009)
- Optimal Reinsurance with General Risk Measures (06/2009)
- R&D Managers' Adaptation of Firms' HRM Practices (06/2009)
- The Joint Relationships of Communication Behaviors and Task Interdependence on Trust Building and Change in Virtual Project Teams (06/2009)
- Too Important to Fail: Do Banking Relationships Improve Spanish SMEs Credit Conditions? (06/2009)
- Why Do Banks Promise to Pay Par on Demand? (06/2009)
- ¿Hay innovación más allá de la I+D?: el papel de otras actividades innovadoras = Is There Innovation Beyond R&D? The Role Played by Other Innovation Activities (06/2009)
- Automatic Spectral Density Estimation for Random Fields on a Lattice Via Bootstrap (05/2009)
- The Economic Determinants of Conditional Conservatism (05/2009)
- Innovation Activity in the Hotel Industry (04/2009)
- La gestio del capital intel.lectual a la Euroregió de l'arc Mediterrani (04/2009)
- The Multilayered Nature of Reference Selection (04/2009)
- Accounting Conservatism and Corporate Governance (03/2009)
- Employee Discretion and Performance Pay (03/2009)
- Managing External Knowledge Flows: The Moderating Role of Absorptive Capacity (02/2009)
- Masters of War: Rivals' Product Innovation and New Advertising in Mature Product Markets (02/2009)
- Comprehensive proteomic analysis of human endometrial fluid aspirate (01/2009)
- Corporation as Crucial Ally Against Corruption (01/2009)
- Evolutionary Changes in Service-Attribute Importance in a Crisis Scenario: The Uruguayan Financial Crisis (01/2009)
- Impression Management: Developing and Illustrating a Scheme of Analysis for Narrative Disclosures: A methodological note (01/2009)
- Portfolio Choice and Optimal Hedging with General Risk functions: A Simplex-like Algorithm (01/2009)
- Product and Process Innovation: Persistence and Complementarities (01/2009)
- Studying Influence and Accounting Use: Empirical Evidence about Individual Managers and Organizations with Changes in Galician Healthcare (01/2009)
- Why Do Employers Give Discretion?: Family Versus Performance Concerns (01/2009)
- Designing Organizations: Does Expertise Matter? (12/2008)
- Determination of Risk Pricing Measures from Market Prices of Risk (12/2008)
- Corporate Governance when Managers Set Their Own Pay (11/2008)
- Deterministic Regression Model and Visual Basic Code for Optimal Forecasting of Financial Time Series (11/2008)
- Risk Level Upper Bounds with General Risk Functions (11/2008)
- The Gerber-Shiu Expected Discounted Penalty-Reward Function under an Affine Jump-Diffusion Model (11/2008)
- Commonality in the LME Aluminum and Copper Volatility Processes Through a FIGARCH Lens (10/2008)
- Information Acquisition and Financial Contagion (10/2008)
- Introducing Practical Wisdom in Business Schools (10/2008)
- Disclosure and Liquidity in a Driven by Orders Market: Empirical Evidence from Panel Data (09/2008)
- Human Capital, Age and Job Stability: Evidence from Spanish Certified Auditors (1976-1988) (09/2008)
- Sequential Arbitrage Measurements and Interest Rate Envelopes (09/2008)
- When Cheaper Is Better: Fee Determination in the Market for Equity Mutual Funds (09/2008)
- ¿Afectan las restricciones financieras al régimen de tenencia de vivienda? (09/2008)
- Are Socially Responsible Managers Really Ethical?: Exploring the Relationship Between Earnings Management and Corporate Social Responsibility (08/2008)
- Missing the Starting Gun: De-Alio Entry Order in New Markets, Inertia and Real Option Capabilities (07/2008)
- A Study of the Interaction of Insurance and Financial Markets: Efficiency and Full Insurance Coverage (06/2008)
- El marketing como instrumento de creación de valor en la empresa industrial = Marketing as a Value Creating Instrument in Industrial Companies (06/2008)
- Liesbet Heyse: Choosing the Lesser Evil: Understanding Decision Making in Humanitarian AID NGOs (06/2008)
- Managerial Entrenchment and Corporate Social Performance (06/2008)
- Multiple Goals and Ownership Structure: Effects on the Performance of Spanish Savings Banks (06/2008)
- Bootstrap Mean Squared Error of a Small-Area EBLUP (05/2008)
- Influencia de los bancos y cajas como accionistas y acreedores en la manipulación contable de las empresas (05/2008)
- La influencia de la comunicación comercial en el proceso decisional jerárquico: una evaluación empírica en el contexto educativo (05/2008)
- A Conceptual Model of Firm Knowledge Base Dynamics in the Context of Mobility of Researcher (04/2008)
- Exploring the Antecedents of Potential Absorptive Capacity and Its Impact on Innovation Performance (04/2008)
- La presentación oportunista de la información financiera en las notas de prensa (04/2008)
- The Penguin Has Entered the Building: The Commercialization of Open Source Software Products (04/2008)
- An Interior-Point Algorithm for Computing Equilibria in Economies with Incomplete Asset Markets (03/2008)
- El alcance de la reforma contable en el cambio del derecho de los negocios: (la contabilidad del siglo XXI) (03/2008)
- Market Orientation and Organizational Performance in the Nonprofit Context: Exploring Both Concepts and the Relationship between Them (03/2008)
- A Stakeholder-Theory Approach to Environmental Disclosures by Small and Medium Enterprises (SMES) = Una aproximación desde la teoría de los stakeholder a la divulgación de información medioambiental de las pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYMES) (01/2008)
- Aplicación de los incentivos fiscales a la inversión en I+D en las empresas españolas = Application of R & D fiscal incentives in Spanish manufacturing firms (01/2008)
- Empirical Implications of Information Structure in Finite Extensive Form Games (01/2008)
- Erratum: The effects of diversity faultlines and team task autonomy on decision quality and social integration (Journal of Management (2007) vol. 33(1) (111-132) 10.1177/0149206306295307) (01/2008)
- La globalización de las marcas españolas: estrategia internacional e imagen de marca del Santander (01/2008)
- Solving Dynamic Stochastic Economic Models by Mathematical Programming Decomposition Methods (01/2008)
- Team Implicit Coordination Processes: A Team Knowledge-Based Approach (01/2008)
book chapters
- Marketing Trade-Offs in Periods of Low and High Munificence: A Study of Tourism Enterprises in Uruguay. In: Advances in Tourism, Technology and Systems. ICOTTS 2023. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol. 383 (09/2024)
- Does the negative environmental reputation of clients affect audit effort and quality for European Companies?. In: Climate Change and Corporate Reporting in Europe. (04/2024)
- Prioridades de prevención en la salud mental de los trabajadores: la intensidad de trabajo y la vida social. In: Precarizaçao deo trabalho, desigualdade social e saúde do(a) trabalhador(a) no contrexto socio-político e económico do Brasil e da Espanha pós-2008 (12/2023)
- Employer and employee learning. In: Elgar Encyclopedia of Labour Studies (09/2023)
- Il paradosso della motivazione economica: ipotesi dell"evento. In: Introduzione alla realtà totale: saggi sul pensiero pedagogico e sociale di Luigi Giussani (08/2023)
- The compensation of corporate expatriates. In: Readings and Cases in International Human Resource Management (08/2023)
- Career Adaptability. In: Career psychology: Models, concepts, and counseling for meaningful employment (01/2023)
- Inspection Rights in Spain. In: Research Handbook on Shareholder Inspection Rights: A Comparative Perspective (01/2023)
- Tokenized Assets and Securities. In: The Emerald Handbook on Cryptoassets: Investment Opportunities and Challenges (01/2023)
- Economía circular, dpi e industria de la moda : ¿es necesario revisar los dpi?. In: La propiedad industrial en tiempos de COVID-19 (10/2022)
- Transparency as social responsibility: librarians' and archivists' standpoints on active public disclosure as a mechanism for transparency. In: Boosting the knowledge economy: key contributions from information services in educational, cultural and corporate environments (05/2022)
- Edadismo y COVID-19 en el mundo digital: un análisis en Twitter desde la perspectiva de género. In: La discriminación por edad de las personas mayores : las múltiples caras del edadismo (01/2022)
- Taking stock of hrm research in Latin America: Implications for talent management. In: The Routledge Companion to Talent Management (01/2022)
- An original social marketing campaign to 'Try Vegan': effectiveness and impact on quality of life. In: Applied social marketing and quality of life: case studies from an international perspective (08/2021)
- Algunas reflexiones sobre la Industria de la Moda, la pandemia Covid19, y los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible: la Transparencia y la Economía Circular como condiciones necesarias. In: Nuevas dimensiones del desarrollo sostenible y derechos económicos sociales y culturales (07/2021)
- The law and economics of comparative corporate law. In: Comparative Corporate Governance (06/2021)
- Does carbon reporting really reflect companies' climate change action strategies?. In: Handbook of Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation. (03/2021)
- RSC 2.0: La comunicación entre empresas y stakeholders en redes sociales. In: Marketíng digital y big data (02/2021)
- Role of Donors in Global Health Supply Chains. In: Responsible Business Operations (02/2021)
- Edadismo, sexismo y discapacitismo. Un análisis desde Twitter en tiempos de la Covid-19. In: Avances de Investigación en Salud a lo largo del Ciclo Vital. Nuevas realidades (12/2020)
- Reporting of alternative performance measures by European firms. In: Non-GAAP financial measures and disclousre: A theoretical and empirical analysis in teh European institution setting (12/2020)
- Compensating Global Mobility. In: Global Mobility and the Management of Expatriates / edited by Jaime Bonache, Chris Brewster and Fabian Jintae Froese (11/2020)
- Annex: An estimation of the economic impact of Environmental, Social and Governance due diligence and corporate accountability for EU companies. Corporate due diligence and corporate accountability. In: Corporate due diligence and corporate accountability (10/2020)
- Hacia la plataformización: el caso de una plataforma digital cualificada. In: Fronteras del trabajo asalariado (10/2020)
- Interest rates, market power, and financial stability. In: VoxEu CEPR Columns [web] (08/2020)
- The influence of social norms through thinking = La influencia de las normas sociales a través del pensamiento. In: Nuevos estudios en educación, artes y negocios en una sociedad diversa = New Explorations in Education, Art and Business for a Diverse Society (06/2020)
- Reflexive chapter: The nonlinear relationships in cross-cultural and global mobility / Paula Caligiuri and Jaime Bonache. In: The SAGE Handbook of Contemporary Cross-Cultural Management. Part V, Global mobility and cross-cultural management / edited by Betina Szkudlarek, Laurence Romani, Dan Caprar and Joyce S. Osland (05/2020)
- Ética, sostenibilidad y RSC: ¿herramientas del marketing estratégico en los hoteles españoles?. In: Responsabilidad social corporativa (RSC) : economía colaborativa y cumplimiento normativo (09/2019)
- Institutions, governance, and strategy in a changing global landscape: the case of boards of directors in large listed firms in France. In: Research Handbook on Boards of Directors / edited by Jonas Grabrielsson, Wafa Khlif and Sibel Yamak (07/2019)
- Pré-show interativo na ecrã do cinema: um caso pioneiro de comunicação persuasiva. In: Comunicação e Interatividade (02/2019)
- The Spanish Banking Crisis as a Corporate Governance Problem. In: Governance of Financial Institutions (02/2019)
- Financing of trafficking in human beings in Spain. In: Financing of organised crime¿: human trafficking In focus (01/2019)
- Markets, banks, and shadow banks. In: VoxEu CEPR Columns [web] (12/2018)
- Crowdfunding: What Do We Know?. In: Economic Analysis of the Digital Revolution (10/2018)
- Compensating Global Careerists. In: The Management of Global Careers : Exploring the Rise of International Work (09/2018)
- Green Entrepreneurship in Tourism. In: The Emerald Handbook of Entrepreneurship in Tourism, Travel and Hospitality: Skills for Successful Ventures (05/2018)
- Gestión de la Cadena de Suministro. In: Dirección de la producción y operaciones: Decisiones operativas (02/2018)
- Authority. In: The SAGE Encyclopedia of Lifespan Human Development (01/2018)
- Innovation in the Spanish twittersphere: an ontology and stakeholder's salience analysis. In: Revolution of innovation management. Volume 1, The digital breakthrough (12/2017)
- Mood as a moderator of social norm's influence. In: Creating Marketing Magic and Innovative Future: Marketing Trends (11/2017)
- How Interacting Groups Remember: Implications for Learning by Groups in Organizations. In: The Oxford Handbook of Group and Organizational Learning (07/2017)
- Los movimientos sociales y el uso de recursos visuales en las redes sociales: un caso de estudio. In: La cultura de lo común. Prácticas colectivas del siglo XXI (05/2017)
- Team cognition: team mental models and situation awareness. In: The Wiley Blackwell handbook of the psychology of team working and collaborative processes (04/2017)
- Co-branding Strategies of High-Tech Products and Luxury Brands: A Cross-Cultural Perspective. In: Let's Get Engaged! Crossing the Threshold of Marketing's Engagement Era. Developments in Marketing Science (01/2016)
- Inversión y retorno de las empresas españolas en Latinoamérica. In: Inversión Extranjera Directa en América Latina. Una revisión en las economías latinoamericanas en los albores del siglo XXI (10/2015)
- SMEs Participation to supply chains and credit constraints: implications for internal credit risk models. In: Does one size fit all? Basel rules and SME financing (02/2015)
- Path Dependence in Technologies and Organizations. In: Palgrave Encyclopedia of Strategic Management (01/2015)
- Problemas de concepto, valoración y cuantificación del daño moral (Análisis económico del derecho). In: El daño moral y su cuantificación (01/2015)
- Society needs and university teaching: Is there a gap?. In: Investigaciones de Economía de la Educación, Volumen 10 (01/2015)
- Why some political opportunities succeed and others fail: Bridging organizational levels in the case of Spanish occupy. In: Civic engagement and social media: Political participation beyond protest / J. Uldam, & A. Vestergaard (Eds.) (01/2015)
- Plan Económico y Financiero. In: Manual de Creación de Empresas. De la oportunidad a la puesta en marcha. (12/2014)
- Pre-show interactivo en la pantalla de cine: un caso pionero de comunicación persuasiva. In: Comunicación e interactividad (12/2014)
- Job-Related Training and Education Sponsorship: An Analysis Based on Market Concentration. In: Advances in the Economic Analysis of Participatory and Labor-Managed Firms: International Perspectives on Participation (11/2014)
- Plan de Marketing. In: Manual de creación de empresas. De la oportunidad a la puesta en marcha. (09/2014)
- Ownership effects on unrelated diversification: An institutions´ perspective. In: Finance and Strategy Issue of Advances in Strategic Management (08/2014)
- SMEs Participation to supply chains and credit constraints: implications for internal credit risk models. In: Does one size fits all? Basel rules and SME financing (02/2014)
- Corporate disclosure strategies on company websites: reviewing opportunistic practices. In: Handbook of Strategice-business Management (01/2014)
- Risk factors in the oil industry: an upstream and downstream analysis. In: The interrelationship between financial and energy markets (01/2014)
- Glossary. In: Handbook of Economic of Enterprise (11/2013)
- Do banks value the ICT investment, e-commerce and cooperation agreements triangle?. In: Banche e ciclo economico: redditività, stabilità e nuova vigilanza: Diciottesimo Rapporto sul sistema Finanziario italiano - Fondazione Rosselli (09/2013)
- Rethinking team diversity management. Evidence-based strategies for coping with diversity threats. In: Developing and Enhancing Teamwork in Organizations (07/2013)
- Learning from Patents: An Application of Technology Intelligence in Nanotechnology. In: Organizational Change and Information Systems: Working and Living Together in New Ways (06/2013)
- Marketing y negociación internacional. In: Manual de Internacionalizacion: técnicas, herramientas y estrategias necesarias para afrontar con éxito el proceso de internacionalización (03/2013)
- Rethinking Team Diversity Management: Evidence-Based Strategies for Coping with Diversity Threats. In: Developing and Enhancing Teamwork in Organizations: Evidence-based Best Practices and Guidelines (01/2013)
- Il management degli eventi. In: Event Marketing (12/2012)
- A Bundle Perspective to Comparative Corporate Governance. In: SAGE Handbook of Corporate Governance (09/2012)
- Challenges in the Measuring of Comparative Corporate Governance : A Review of the Main Indices . In: Research Methodology in Strategy and Management (03/2012)
- Interaction Between the Stakeholders and Their Collective Influence of the Organization to Adopt Sustainable Strategies. In: Readings and Cases in Sustainable Marketing: A Strategic Approach to Social Responsibility (03/2012)
- The Role of Enterprise Risk Management in Determining Audit Fees: Complement or Substitute. In: Risk Management and Corporate Governance (12/2011)
- Casos. In: Contabilidad de gestión: Gestión de costes (01/2011)
- Corporation as a Crucial Ally Against Corruption. In: Globalization and the Good Corporation (01/2011)
- Patent-Based R&D Strategies: The Case of STMicroelectronics' Lab-on-Chip. In: Information Technology and Innovation Trends in Organizations (01/2011)
- Student's cocreation, learning outcomes, satisfaction and dropout intentions. In: Investigaciones de economía de la eduación, volumen 6 (01/2011)
- Employee Discretion and the Labor-Market Environment. In: Advances in the Economic Analysis of Participatory & Labor-Managed Firms (12/2010)
- Ilusiones relacionadas con el precio: el caso del cambio al euro. In: Temas y tendencias de investigación en precios (09/2010)
- Spain. In: A Global History of Accounting, Financial Reporting and Public Policy (09/2010)
- Modeling Compressive Strength of High-Performance Concrete with Multiple Regression. In: Advances and Trends in Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation, 6-8 September 2010, Cape Town, South Africa (08/2010)
- Efectividad de los incentivos públicos a la investigación e innovación empresarial. In: Análisis sobre la Ciencia e Innovación en España (05/2010)
- Innovación, exportaciones y productividad. In: Análisis sobre la Ciencia e Innovación en España (05/2010)
- Patent Information System in R&D Strategies: Tasks, Techniques and On-line Search Tools. In: Management of the Interconnected World (01/2010)
- Colaborar para innovar: relevancia del socio tecnológico. In: Claves de la economía mundial 2009 (04/2009)
- Brand Loyalty and Heterogeneity in the Spanish Market of Non-Fine Laundry Detergent. In: Building Brand Loyalty: Issues and Perspectives (01/2009)
- Deregulation, Efficiency and Environmental Perfomance: Evidence from Electric Utilities Industry. In: Regulation, Deregulation, Reregulation: Institutional Perspectives (01/2009)
- Do On-Line Labor Market Intermediaries Matter?: The Impact of AlmaLaurea on University-to-Work Transition. In: Studies of Labor Market Intermediation (01/2009)
- Do Reputational Concerns Lead to Reliable Ratings?. In: The First Global Financial Crisis of the 21st Century: Part II June-December 2008 (01/2009)
- Monte Carlo Valuation of CDOs under a Reduced Form Approach. In: New Frontiers in Insurance and Bank Risk Management (01/2009)
- Performance and Entrepreneurial Orientation in Small Firms: the Moderating Effects of Strategy, Structure, Human Resource Policies and Information Systems. In: In Energizing Management trough Entrepreneurship and Innovation: European Research and Practice (Routledge Studies in Innovation, Organization and Technology) (01/2009)
- Competitive Balance and Demand for Football: The Influence of a Liability of Newness in the Spanish Football League. In: Myths and Facts about Football: The Economics and Psychology of the World's Greatest Sport (11/2008)
- Marketing internacional. In: Marketing sectorial (09/2008)
- La conformación del mapa universitario de Madrid. In: Entre la ética, la política y el derecho: estudios en homenaje al profesor Gregorio Peces-Barba. I, Entre la ética, la política y el derecho (05/2008)
- Numerical pricing of collateral debt obligations: a Monte Carlo approach. In: Credit risk models, derivatives and management (05/2008)
- Pricing tranched credit products with generalized multifactor models. In: Credit risk models, derivatives and management (05/2008)
- Brand Loyalty and Heterogeneity in the Spanish Market of Non-Fine Laundry Detergents. In: Building Brand Loyalty: Issues and Perspectives (01/2008)
- Higher Education in Business: The Case of Spain. In: The Future of Business Schools: Scenarios and Strategies for 2020 (01/2008)
- Patents and the Market for Technology. In: Intellectual Property, Growth and Trade (01/2008)
- Pricing Tranched Credit Products with Generalized Multifactor Models. In: Credit Risk: Models, Derivatives and Management (01/2008)
- Marketing Research Methods: Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches (01/2021)
- The Cambridge Companion to Global Mobility and the Management of Expatriates / edited by Jaime Bonache, Chris Brewster and Fabian Jintae Froese (11/2020)
- What are the wider supervisory implications of the Wirecard case?: Public Oversight Systems for Statutory Auditors in the EU / Economic Governance Support Unit (EGOV) Directorate-General for Internal Policies (10/2020)
- Productos financieros para la transición energética (04/2020)
- Cambio tecnológico, reestructuración bancaria y acceso a financiación de las PYMEs (01/2019)
- Loss Data Analysis: the Maximum Entropy Approach (02/2018)
- Marketing Relacional (07/2016)
- Professional investors and the decision usefulness of financial reporting: Report prepared for ICAS (The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland) and EFRAG (European Financial Reporting Advisory Group) (03/2016)
- Riesgo Bancario, Regulación y Crédito a las Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas (01/2016)
- Algorithmic and High-Frequency Trading (08/2015)
- International Perspectives on Participation (12/2014)
- El riesgo de longevidad y su aplicación práctica a solvencia II: modelos actuariales avanzados para su gestión (11/2014)
- Cómo escribir y publicar una tesis doctoral (08/2014)
- Marketing Sectorial: aplicaciones a sectores específicos (04/2014)
- Saturación publicitaria en la prensa de distribución gratuita (05/2013)
- Marketing de Fútbol: Mercado de pasiones (08/2012)
- Contabilidad financiera: un enfoque actual (01/2008)
- Marketing internacional: nuevas perspectivas para un mercado globalizado (01/2008)
conference contributions
- Sustainable governance in family businesses: An environmental point of view: inaugural session (01/2024)
- CEO mentoring and post-CEO succession performance in family firms (01/2023)
- Aprender siendo parte del proceso de enseñanza usando las nuevas tecnologías (01/2022)
- Bank Specialization and the Design of Loan Contracts (01/2022)
- CSR and SDGs Contribution to Hotels Resilience in COVID-19 days (01/2022)
- Cognitive and Structural Embeddedness of the Supply Base: Effects on Buyer Profitability (01/2022)
- Conquering the Divide: The Role of Political Polarization in Destigmatization of the U.S. Medical Marijuana Market (01/2022)
- Costs of Resource Redeployment Strategy under Learning Effects for Diversified Firms (01/2022)
- Employee protection, inventor human capital and innovation trajectories (01/2022)
- Executive turnover in family firms: The effects of board independence and industry competition (01/2022)
- Informative Promotional Claims and Authenticity: A study of COVID Highlights in Restaurants (01/2022)
- On Site, Online, On Point: A Contextual Approach (01/2022)
- Piloto de Revista y Newsletter de Dirección Estratégica y Sostenibilidad (01/2022)
- Public Guarantees, Relationship Lending and Bank Credit: Evidence from the COVID-19 Crisis (01/2022)
- The ECB's Extraordinary Monetary Policy Measures from 2011 to 2018: How important were these policies compared to the usual factors affecting banks' investment choices? (01/2022)
- The Role of Political Polarization in Destigmatization of the U.S. Medical Marijuana Market (01/2022)
- Who is to blame? The Attribution of Negative Touchpoints and its Impact on Overall Customer Satisfaction (01/2022)
- Digitalización, intensificación del trabajo y salud de los trabajadores españoles (01/2021)
- Digitalización, intensificación del trabajo y salud de los trabajadores españoles (01/2021)
- Explicando la economía circular y la gestión de la cadena de suministros de alimentos en España durante la Covid19: el caso de Commanitas (01/2021)
- Plataformas y gig economy en el trabajo cualificado (01/2021)
- Plataformas y gig economy en el trabajo cualificado (01/2021)
- Who truly bears (bank) taxes? Evidence from only shifting statutory incidence File PDF: Opens in a new window (01/2021)
- Broadening our sight on family firms and employment changes: The role of institutional risks (01/2020)
- Investors' Behavior in Reward Based Crowdfunding: Do Followers Actually Follow? (01/2020)
- Investors' Behavior in Reward Based Crowdfunding: Do Followers Actually Follow? (01/2020)
- Investors' behavior in reward based crowdfunding: Do followers actually follow? (01/2020)
- Investors' behavior in reward-based crowdfunding: Do followers actually follow? (01/2020)
- Participant. Webinar. (01/2020)
- The role of users engagement in financial reporting system (01/2020)
- The usefulness of financial accounting information: evidence from the field (01/2020)
- Accounting Conservatism and the Information Efficiency of Stock Prices (01/2019)
- Accounting Conservatism and the Profitability of Corporate Insiders (01/2019)
- Accounting conservatism and the information efficiency of stock prices (01/2019)
- Control experience and R&D Collaboration: the "If" and "With Whom" Decisions (01/2019)
- Control experience and R&D collaboration: the "if" and "with whom" decisions (01/2019)
- El impacto de los sesgos conductuales en las estrategias y el performance de las empresas (01/2019)
- Family firms' concern for the environment: Does it pay off to pollute less? (01/2019)
- On the Relevance of Accounting and Finance Research for Society: Reflections from an Editor, Reviewer and Author Perspective (01/2019)
- Stepping out of the shadows: Identity Exposure as a Remedy for Stigma Transfer Concerns in the Medical Marijuana Market (01/2019)
- What is the effect of corruption on the accounting practice? (01/2019)
- Where should we go? Exploring how institutional distance between acquiring and target firms affects family firms' acquisition behavior (01/2019)
- "Forced" Entry: Leadership, Timing and Experience under Bounded Technology Adoption" (01/2018)
- CEOs debt-based compensation and CSR. Its effect on risk and performance (01/2018)
- Circular Economy and Pay Per Generation Schemes: Package management in Spain (01/2018)
- Corporate environmental strategy and financial performance: The role of family involvement (01/2018)
- Dividend policy of Spanish ralway companies: Accounting for State advance payments (1920-1926) (01/2018)
- Do Suppliers Value Socially Responsible Customers? (01/2018)
- Missing Narratives: An Analysis of Biases in Sample Selection and Variable Choice in Textual Analysis Research (01/2018)
- Selecting the governance mode when offshoring knowledge-intensive activities (01/2018)
- Small but Sincere: The impact of Firm Size and Gratitude on the Effectiveness of Cause-Marketing Campaigns (01/2018)
- Sustainable Supply Chain Management and Sharing Economy in Spain: How "conventional" Hotels innovate to remain competitive (01/2018)
- Taxation, tax incentives or public financing. How to successfully incentivize firms´green behavior (01/2018)
- Too Big to Discipline? (01/2018)
- "Forced" Entry: Unavoidable technology adoption, transformational experience and industry leadership persistence (01/2017)
- "Forced" Entry: Unavoidable technology adoption, transformational experience and industry leadership persistence. (01/2017)
- Age, Gender, and a Double Jeopardy in Expatriate Selection (01/2017)
- Are syndicated loans really cheaper? (01/2017)
- Drivers in offshoring and choosing the governance mode: the role of knowledge-intensive activities (01/2017)
- Earnings manipulation in an information choice environment (01/2017)
- Entrepreneurship in equilibrium: a signaling approach (01/2017)
- Firms' Innovation Strategy under the Shadow of Analyst Coverage (01/2017)
- Firms' innovation strategy under the shadow of analyst coverage (01/2017)
- Impression management and non-GAAP disclosure in earnings announcements (01/2017)
- Markets, Banks and Shadow Banks (01/2017)
- Mood as a moderator of social norm's influence: an abstract (01/2017)
- Offshoring Drivers and Governance Mode Choice: The Moderating Effect of Knowledge-Intensive Activities (01/2017)
- Offshoring drivers and governance mode choice: The moderating effect of knowledge intensive activities (01/2017)
- On the relationship between coopetition and innovation: disentangling some influential factors (01/2017)
- Retos en la incorporación al mercado laboral: análisis de la brecha en competencias = Challenges in entering the labour market: a competence gap analysis (01/2017)
- Search for Yield [Barcelona GSE Summer Forum, 2016] (01/2017)
- Students facing the labour market: what should they have learned? A competence gap analysis (01/2017)
- The Effect of Patent Protection on Inventor Mobility (01/2017)
- The effect of patent protection on inventor mobility (01/2017)
- The effect of patent protection on inventor mobility (01/2017)
- The effect of patent protection on inventor mobility (01/2017)
- The effect of patents on inventor mobility (01/2017)
- Agenda digital iberoamericana (01/2016)
- All that glitters is not gold: competition as a reason for voluntary disclosure of bribery (01/2016)
- Alleviating Boardroom Gender Inequality in Emerging Markets: Can Foreign Institutional Investors Counteract Local Institutional Forces? (01/2016)
- An Examination of Ownership Effects on Board Governance and Incentives (01/2016)
- Aplicación de la tecnología emergente de realidad aumentada: Experiencias pilotos en el ámbito de la educación universitaria (01/2016)
- Balancing on a tight rope: can creativity and control coexist for the sake of innovation? (01/2016)
- Balancing on a tightrope: can creativity and control coexist for the sake of innovation? (01/2016)
- Bank Capital Regulation with Unregulated Competitors (01/2016)
- Bank capital regulation with unregulated competitors (01/2016)
- Banks' equity holdings and their impact on securities issues in different institutional settings (01/2016)
- CSR as inhibitor or stimulus for performance improvements in major organizational transformations (01/2016)
- CSR as inhibitor or stimulus for performance improvements in major organizational transformations (01/2016)
- Co-Legitimation of Producers and Customers in a Socially Stigmatized Online Product Community (01/2016)
- Debt pressure and the choice of interactive control systems: Effects on cost of debt (01/2016)
- Digital disruption in capital markets (01/2016)
- Digital transformation and social change: corporate challenges and future agenda: [Round table] (01/2016)
- Discussant de "Effects of the adoption of IFRS on the credit market: Evidence from Brazil" (01/2016)
- Discussion de "Information and financial intermediation: evidence from public disclosure regulation" de Matthias Breuer, Katharina Hombach y Maximilian Andre Müller, (01/2016)
- Disentangling the role of management control systems for innovation´s attributes, outcomes and context (01/2016)
- Disruptive innovation and new business models (01/2016)
- Earnings Management and Conditional Conservatism (01/2016)
- Earnings Quality (01/2016)
- Earnings management and conditional conservatism (01/2016)
- Earnings management and impression management (01/2016)
- Editor's Panel: Research Integrity and Research Ethics (01/2016)
- Effects of CEOs' and CFOs' compensation mechanisms on real activities and accounting manipulation (01/2016)
- Effects of Ideas Dissemination Across Countries: The Case of Board Monitoring Effectiveness (01/2016)
- Effects of Investor Categories on Board Independence (01/2016)
- Engagement and Mutual Influence of Multiple Audiences and the Performance of Boundary Spanners (01/2016)
- Entrepreneurship in equilibrium: a signaling approach (01/2016)
- Environmental R&D investment (01/2016)
- Environmental Supply Chain Collaboration: Exploring the Moderating Effects of Location and Sourcing (01/2016)
- How local is a local banking market? Bank competition, borrower competition and interest rates (01/2016)
- Impact of Firm Created Content on Brand Engagement in the Spanish twittersphere (01/2016)
- Impact of Firm Created Content on User Generated Content: Using Twittiment as a Social Media Monitoring Tool to Explore Twitter (01/2016)
- Impact of firm created content on user generated content in the Spanish twittersphere (01/2016)
- Industry concentration and investment funding: The importance of understanding the market structure (01/2016)
- Is it good for small firms to engage in Cause-Related Marketing campaigns? (01/2016)
- La importancia del marketing móvil y el marketing digital como generadores del 'Amor de marca' en el sector deportivo. Una aplicación empírica al Real Madrid, F.C. (01/2016)
- Learning skills: how far away are businessmen and graduates? (01/2016)
- Managerial incentives for attracting attention (01/2016)
- Managers who trust whilst create budgetary slack: myth or reality? (01/2016)
- Ownership Effects on Board Composition: The Case of Inside Versus Outside Board Director Representation (01/2016)
- Professional investors and the decision usefulness of financial reporting (01/2016)
- Regional crime rates and reporting quality: evidence from private firms in London (01/2016)
- Relación entre las vías de internacionalización y el rendimiento de las pequeñas y medianas empresas familiares (01/2016)
- Say-on-Payout (01/2016)
- Search for Yield [Konstanz Seminar on Monetary Theory and Policy, 2016] (01/2016)
- Small but Moral: The Impact of Firm Size and Gratitude on the Effectiveness of Cause-Marketing Campaigns (01/2016)
- Stakeholder (Dis)Engagement in Social Media: The Case of Twitter and the Banking Industry (01/2016)
- The Bright Side of Stock Repurchases (01/2016)
- The Bright Side of Stock Repurchases (01/2016)
- The Governance Impact of a Changing Investor Landscape: Foreign Investors and Managerial Earnings Forecasts (01/2016)
- The Strategic Allocation of Inventors to R&D Collaborations (01/2016)
- The bright side of stock repurchases (01/2016)
- The combined effects of leadership and magnitude of change on adaptive team performance: the mediating roles of implicit and explicit coordination (01/2016)
- The dark and bright sides of collaboration: the effects of geographic proximity and the international diversity of partners on innovation success and failure (01/2016)
- The effects of information differences among investors on the role of earnings quality in facilitating corporate investment (01/2016)
- The institutionalization of sustainability assurance services: a comparison between Italy and United States (01/2016)
- The institutionalization of sustainability assurance services: a comparison between Italy and United States (01/2016)
- The role of experience in influencing support among CEOS (01/2016)
- The strategic allocation of inventors to R&D collaborations (01/2016)
- The strategic allocation of inventors to R&D collaborations (01/2016)
- The strategic allocation of inventors to R&D collaborations (01/2016)
- Topic analysis of Twitter content from Ibero-America: application to car brands (01/2016)
- Using teaching and students based data to answer broad interdisciplinary research questions (01/2016)
- What determines investment in environmental innovation? (01/2016)
- Why are they hiding? Patent secrecy and patenting strategies (01/2016)
- [Participación en Mesa Redonda] (01/2016)
- "Nacidas de nuevo globales": una vía de internacionalización de las pequeñas y medianas empresas familiares. Desencadenantes del proceso e influencia en el rendimiento (01/2015)
- "Nacidas de nuevo globales": una vía de internacionalización de las pequeñas y medianas empresas familiares. Desencadenantes del proceso e influencia en el rendimiento (01/2015)
- Accounting quality effects of imposing gender quotas on boards of directors (01/2015)
- Banks' equity holdings and their impact on security issues in different institutional settings (01/2015)
- Banks' equity holdings and their impact on security issues in different institutional settings (01/2015)
- Competences development from two perspectives: businessmen vs. graduates (01/2015)
- Competition and Bank Income Smoothing (01/2015)
- Competition and bank income smoothing (01/2015)
- Contraponencia a: "Whistleblowers in the Board: The Role of Independent Directors in Prosecuting Cartels", de Murillo Campello y Daniel Ferrés (01/2015)
- Corporate social responsibility, firm management and international experience as driving factors of a company's brand reputation (01/2015)
- Cost stickiness and accruals estimation models (01/2015)
- Cost stickiness and accruals estimation models (01/2015)
- Cost stickiness and accruals estimation models (01/2015)
- Debt pressure and the choice of interactive control systems: Effects on cost of debt (01/2015)
- Discussant de "Why employees choose to be represented on corporate boards" de Tom Berglund (01/2015)
- Discussant en "Return news decomposition and conditional conservatism" de Shengmin Hung y Zheng Qiao (01/2015)
- Discussion en "Corporate diversification and earnings quality" de C. Homburg, J. Nasev y D. Nussmann (01/2015)
- Dividend Policy with Controlling Shareholders (01/2015)
- Effects of CEOs' and CFOs' compensation mechanisms on real activities and accounting manipulation (01/2015)
- El alcance de la reforma concursal y reformas pendientes (01/2015)
- Engagement and Mutual Influence of Multiple Audiences and the Performance of Boundary Spanner (01/2015)
- Expenditure trends in us advertising: long-term effects and structural changes with new media introductions (01/2015)
- Financial Derivatives and Firm innovation (01/2015)
- Financial reporting and Narrative Disclosure. Content Analysis vs. Textual Analysis (01/2015)
- Gender differences in risk aversion: evidence from a multiple choice exam of accounting students (01/2015)
- Geographic disclosures and firm investment efficiency (01/2015)
- Impact of FCC on UGC en Twitter: using a new Social Media Monitoring Tool (01/2015)
- Impact of Firm Created Content on User Generated Content: Using a new social media monitoring tool to explore Twitter (01/2015)
- Knowledge sourcing and green innovation (01/2015)
- L'imprenditore como motore di sviluppo (01/2015)
- La ciencia económica y la economía colaborativa (01/2015)
- Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone: Rivalry as a reason for voluntary disclosure firm's corruption (01/2015)
- Let he who is without sin, cast thefirst stone. Rivalry as a reason for realiase firm's corruption (01/2015)
- Market rewards to patterns of increasing earnings: do cash flow patterns, accruals manipulation and real activities manipulation matter? (01/2015)
- Multidimensional competition and corporate disclosure (01/2015)
- Multidimensional competition and corporate disclosure (01/2015)
- New criteria to select foreign entry mode choice of global franchise chains into emerging markets (01/2015)
- On the role of Management Control Systems for Innovation: insights from a large data set (01/2015)
- Owners' Influence on Board Composition and Structure: An Empirical Examination in the French Context (01/2015)
- Owners' Influence on Corporate Governance (01/2015)
- Panel de editores (01/2015)
- Participation in R&D tax credit and subsidy programs: the weight of inertia (01/2015)
- Participation in R&D, tax credit and subsidy programs: the weight of inertia (01/2015)
- Patents as a signal of inventor ability (01/2015)
- Physicians under accountingisation in public hospitals: Professional doctors, occupational doctors and hybrid doctor-managers in a Portuguese teaching hospital (01/2015)
- Physicians under accountingisation in public hospitals: Professional doctors, occupational doctors and hybrid doctor-managers in a Portuguese teaching hospital (01/2015)
- Physicians under accountingisation in public hospitals: Professional doctors, occupational doctors and hybrid doctor-managers in a Portuguese teaching hospital (01/2015)
- Positive and negative CEO personality traits and firm communication (01/2015)
- Positive and negative CEO personality traits and firm communication: Overconfidence, Narcissism, or Self-Esteem? (01/2015)
- Positive and negative CEO personality traits and firm communication: Overconfidence, Narcissism, or Self-Esteem? (01/2015)
- Positive and negative CEO personality traits and firm communication: Overconfidence, Narcissism, or Self-Esteem? (01/2015)
- Positive and negative CEO personality traits and firm communication: Overconfidence, Narcissism, or Self-Esteem? (01/2015)
- Responsabilidad social corporativa de las empresas multilatinas (01/2015)
- Sales volatility and marketing planning (01/2015)
- Say-on-Payout (01/2015)
- Say-on-Payout (01/2015)
- Say-on-Payout (01/2015)
- Say-on-dividend (01/2015)
- Search for Yield [European Summer Symposium on Financial Markets (ESSFM), 2015] (01/2015)
- Search for Yield [Finance Forum, 2015] (01/2015)
- Search for Yield [Joint BOE , ECB, CEPR and CFM Conference, 2015] (01/2015)
- Society needs and university teaching: Is there a gap? (01/2015)
- Stakeholder engangement and CSR information communication on social media: The case of Twitter and the Spanish banking industry (01/2015)
- Tell Me What to Do When I am in a Good Mood. Show Me What to Do When I am in a Bad Mood: Mood as a Moderator of Social Norm's Influence (01/2015)
- The Bright Side of Financial Derivatives: Options Trading and Firm Innovation (01/2015)
- The Bright Side of Financial Derivatives: Options Trading and Firm Innovation (01/2015)
- The Bright Side of Stock Repurchases (01/2015)
- The Effect of Owners in Setting CEO Incentives (01/2015)
- The Influence of Investor categories on Business Exits (01/2015)
- The bright sides of financial derivates: options trading and firm innovation (01/2015)
- The effects of information differences among investors on the role of earnings quality in facilitating corporate investment (01/2015)
- The management of faultline teams: how to enhance team learning and team performance (01/2015)
- The role of foreign shareholders in disciplining financial reporting (01/2015)
- The role of mood in social norm influence (01/2015)
- Understanding lobbying behaviour around the FASB-IASB leases project (01/2015)
- Understanding patients' participation in health care services (01/2015)
- A Contractual Approach to Discipline Self-dealing by Controlling Shareholders (01/2014)
- A Macroeconomic Model of Endogenous Systemic Risk Taking (01/2014)
- A Macroeconomic Model of Endogenous Systemic Risk Taking (01/2014)
- Accounting quality effects of imposing gender quotas (01/2014)
- Accounting quality effects of imposing gender quotason boards of directors (01/2014)
- Agency-Based Demand For Conditional Conservatism In The Presence Of Credit Default Swaps (01/2014)
- Agency-Based Demand For Conditional Conservatism In The Presence Of Credit Default Swaps (01/2014)
- Are auditor opinions on internal control effectiveness influenced by corporate social responsibility? (01/2014)
- Are auditor opinions on internal control effectiveness influenced by corporate social responsibility? (01/2014)
- Are auditor opinions on internal control effectiveness influenced by corporate social responsibility? (01/2014)
- Are auditor opinions on internal control effectiveness influenced by corporate social responsibility? (01/2014)
- Bank competition, borrower competition and interest rates (01/2014)
- Borrowers screening with credit scores (01/2014)
- Brand Equity and Social Media: An Exploratory Analysis to Measure Customer-Based Brand Equity Using Twitter Data (01/2014)
- CEO Entrenchment at Network Level (01/2014)
- CEO Entrenchment at Network Level (01/2014)
- CEO Risk Taking Incentives and Bank Failure during the 2007-2010 Financial Crisis (01/2014)
- Consumer bankruptcy, bank mergers, and soft information (01/2014)
- Corporate Governance and CSP (01/2014)
- Corporate Governance and corporate social performance (01/2014)
- Creating and Managing Environmental Innovations (01/2014)
- Discusión de "Government as Borrower of First Resort", por Gilles Chemla and Christopher Hennessy (01/2014)
- Discussant on "Founder involvement in research and development: Implications for firm survival and growth" by Carolin Haeussler, Maria Hennicke, Elisabeth Mueller (01/2014)
- Does the leadership style influence the use of accounting information system? (01/2014)
- Does the leadership style influence the use of accounting information system? (01/2014)
- Does the leadership style influence the use of accounting information system? (01/2014)
- Drivers of Board Director Involvement in TMT Composition: The Case of Race and Gender Diversity (01/2014)
- Earnings management in Japan: the role of foreign investors (01/2014)
- Effects of Environmental Innovation on Employment (01/2014)
- Employees' Mobility: Approaches and Methods (01/2014)
- Essays on Social Media and Brand Equity (01/2014)
- European franchise expansion into Latin America. Evidence from the Spanish Franchise System (01/2014)
- Expropriation risk, investment decisions and economic sectors (01/2014)
- Expropriation risk, investment decisions and economic sectors (01/2014)
- Fiscal incentives, private investment and expropriation risk: a real options approach (01/2014)
- Foreign Ownership and Corporate Governance Patterns: The Board-Auditor Relationship in Japan (01/2014)
- Foreign knowledge, absorptive capacity, and cluster evolution: evidence from the salmon cluster in Chile and the software cluster in Costa Rica (01/2014)
- Heterogeneous Owner Interests and Corporate Restructuring (01/2014)
- How Many Foreigners Does it Take to Break the Japanese Bowl: A Study of Foreign Ownership and Corporate Governance Practices (01/2014)
- How Much Am I Going to Tell You? A Study of Differences in Ownership Strategic Behavior (01/2014)
- How Much I Am Going to Tell You? A Study of Differences in Ownership Strategic Behavior (01/2014)
- How are big 4 audits valued around the world? The non-linear relationship between the value of audit quality and the investor protection quality (01/2014)
- How much have Cuban hotel chains learned from foreign partners? A Customer Satisfaction Comparison between Cuban and foreign-managed hotels (01/2014)
- Impatience is the power's feebleness: Information sharing and delay costs (01/2014)
- Impatience is the power's feebleness: information sharing and delay costs (01/2014)
- Impatience is the powers feebleness: information sharing and delay costs (01/2014)
- Industrial competiton as a limit to banking market power (01/2014)
- Information Relevance, Competition, and Voluntary Disclosure (01/2014)
- Innovation (01/2014)
- Investor Category, Firm Performance, and Business Diversification in French Publicly-Listed Firms (01/2014)
- La intensificación del trabajo de conocimiento en España (01/2014)
- Loan Officers' Screening with Credit Scores (01/2014)
- Loan officers' screening with credit scores (01/2014)
- Loan officers' screening with credit scores (01/2014)
- Loan officers' screening with credit scores (01/2014)
- Management Subadvising: The Mutual Fund Industry (01/2014)
- Management Subadvising: The Mutual Fund Industry (01/2014)
- Market discipline and bank income smoothing: Analyzing the role of accounting disclosure regulation and competition (01/2014)
- Market discipline and bank income smoothing: Analyzing the role of accounting disclosure regulation and competition. (01/2014)
- Measuring risk when expected losses are unbounded (01/2014)
- Modelling Electricity Swaps with Stochastic Forward Premium Models (01/2014)
- Multidimensional competition and corporate disclosure (01/2014)
- Multidimensional competition and corporate disclosure (01/2014)
- Nanotech value creation across Networks and Clusters: Entrepreneurial Opportunities in East Asia Region (01/2014)
- On Speed, Technology and Market Quality: the NASDAQ 120 in March (01/2014)
- Open Innovation, R&D and the Innovative performance of innovation leaders and followers (01/2014)
- Organizational Structure and Firms' Demand for HRM Practices (01/2014)
- Overcoming aggregation effect in the estimation of conditional conservatism (01/2014)
- Perceived risks, opportunities and voluntary adoption of carbon abatement practices (01/2014)
- Perfiles de gestión del conocimiento y creatividad en una red social de una corporación multinacional (01/2014)
- Performance in Foreign Markets: Brand and Product Strategies (01/2014)
- Power and voluntary disclosure in sequential supply-chain bargaining: some experimental evidence with accounting information (01/2014)
- Product Demography in Management and Organization Theory (01/2014)
- Ratio Colloquium for Young Social Scientists (01/2014)
- Reminders of Friendship Enhance the Self-control of Compulsive Buyers: an fMRI study (01/2014)
- Say-on-Dividend (01/2014)
- Say-on-dividend (01/2014)
- Screening borrowers with credit scores (01/2014)
- Screening with Credit Scores (01/2014)
- Screening with Credit Scores (01/2014)
- Screening with credit scores (01/2014)
- Screening with credit scores (01/2014)
- Search for Yield [European Summer Symposium on Financial Markets (ESSFM), 2014] (01/2014)
- Segment disclosure and cost of capital (01/2014)
- Segmentation in the tourism sector: Using satisfaction prototypes (01/2014)
- Services in developing economies: an engine for catching up? (01/2014)
- Smart Cities and the Socially Responsible Firm: New Research Opportunities (01/2014)
- Smart Health en el ámbito de la logística hospitalaria: introducción a las II jornadas en Logística Hospitalaria (01/2014)
- Social Media and Brand Equity: An Exploratory Analysis to Measure Customer-Based Brand Equity using Twitter Data (01/2014)
- Stratgegies for Structuration: Institutional Work in the Emergence of a Social Movement Field (01/2014)
- Structuring through Dissent: Field Emergence and the Strategic Role of Organizational Agency (01/2014)
- Symbolic Entrepreneurs: Shamans or ad guys? (01/2014)
- Tax incentives and direct support for R&D: what do firms use and why? (01/2014)
- The Effects of Different Owner Categories on Corporate Internationalization (01/2014)
- The Influence of Owners on Corporate Governance (01/2014)
- The Limits of Reflected Glory: Effects of Product Name Similarity in the U.S. Network TV Programs (01/2014)
- The Relation Between Corporate Social Responsibility And Internal Control Effectiveness (01/2014)
- The Relation between Corporate Social Responsibility and Internal Control Effectiveness (01/2014)
- The Relation between Corporate Social Responsibility and Internal Control Effectiveness (01/2014)
- The Renaissance Man is not Dead! The Role of Generalists in Teams of Inventors (01/2014)
- The Renaissance Man is not dead! The role of generalists in teams of inventors (01/2014)
- The Role of Names in Product Demography of Technological Niches (01/2014)
- The dynamics of public support to Business R&D (01/2014)
- The effects of earnings quality and asymmetry of information on corporate investment. (01/2014)
- The effects of earnings quality qnd asymmetry of information on corporate investment (01/2014)
- The idiosyncratic volatility anomaly: corporate investment or investor mispricing? (01/2014)
- The relevance of portfolio management core competencies in outsourcing decisions (01/2014)
- The role of host country characteristics and the franchisor profile in the choice of foreign entry mode choice in international franchising (01/2014)
- The role of names in product demography of technological niches. (01/2014)
- The role of performance aspiration gaps and ownership in explaining business exits (01/2014)
- The strategic behavior of firms with debt (01/2014)
- To Brand not to Brand or Both? Consequences for Dual-Brand Firms (01/2014)
- Too Big to Discipline? (01/2014)
- Transferencia de tecnología y lean management en acción: un estudio de mejora en Daimler AG, Mannheim Alemania (01/2014)
- Trust In Superiors And Dysfunctional Behaviors: An Experimental Study On Budgetary Slack (01/2014)
- Una experiencia universitaria de publicidad interactiva en pantalla grande (01/2014)
- [Student presentations: Papers TBD] (01/2014)
- 'Smart cities' and Operations Management: Identifying new opportunities of research (01/2013)
- A Contractual Approach to Discipline Self-dealing by Controlling Shareholders (01/2013)
- A macroeconomic model of endogenous systemic risk taking (01/2013)
- A macroeconomic model of endogenous systemic risk taking (01/2013)
- A nonlinear product differentiation model à la Cournot: a new look to the newspapers industry (01/2013)
- A structural model with explicit distres (01/2013)
- A structural model with explicit distress (01/2013)
- Academic medical centers as engines of innovation (01/2013)
- Accounting quality effects in imposing gender quotason boards on directors (01/2013)
- Accounting quality effects of imposing gender quotas on boards of directors (01/2013)
- Accounting quality effects of imposing gender quotas on boards of directors (01/2013)
- Accounting quality effects of imposing gender quotason boards of directors (01/2013)
- Accounting quality qffects of imposing gender quotas on board of directors (01/2013)
- An Empirical Analysis of the Spanish Franchise Diffusion into Latin America (01/2013)
- Assesing Sustainable Environmental Innovations in the Civil Aviation Industry of Emerging Markets (01/2013)
- Buyer behavior in markets for technology: proximity between firms portfolio and in-licensed patents (01/2013)
- Coalitional games for the management of anonymous access in online social networks (01/2013)
- Consumer bankruptcy and soft information (01/2013)
- Cronyism and Informational Opacity: the Case of Franco's Autocracy (01/2013)
- Current marketing practices and market orientation in the tourism sector: an evolutionary approach to the Uruguayan case (01/2013)
- Differential information consequences of real versus accruals earnings management (01/2013)
- Dirección de operaciones world-class: el caso del euro, nuestra moneda (01/2013)
- Employee Referrals as a Screening Device (01/2013)
- Employee Referrals as a Screening Device (01/2013)
- Employee Referrals as a Screening Device (01/2013)
- Evolution and impactof the marketing practices and market orientation in the tourism sector: the Uruguayan case (01/2013)
- Experts or rivals. Mimicry and voluntary disclosure (01/2013)
- Experts or rivals: mimicry and voluntary disclosure (01/2013)
- Foreign Ownership and Corporate Governance Patterns: The Board-Auditor Relationship in Japan (01/2013)
- From idea to product - Translating knowledge between the lab and the clinic (01/2013)
- Heterogeneous Credit Crunch Shock and the Effectiveness of Corporate Governanc (01/2013)
- Heterogeneous credit crunch shock and the effectiveness of corporate governance (01/2013)
- Heterogeneous credit crunch shock and the effectiveness of corporate governance (01/2013)
- How Much I Am Going to Tell You? A Study of Differences in Ownership Strategic Behavior (01/2013)
- How do faultline teams learn? Exploring the roles of climate for participative safety and change-oriented leadership (01/2013)
- How many Foreigners Does it Take to Break the Japanese Bowl? A Study of Foreign Ownership and Corporate Governance Practices (01/2013)
- I Never Promised You a Rose Garden: An Analysis of the Rent Dissipation Effect in Technology Licensing Contracts (01/2013)
- I'm with you! Investigating the relationship between team situational models and performance. Session: Adaptive Coordination in Teams: Reflexions and Further developments (01/2013)
- Implications of the 'smart city' concept to firms: Exploring interfaces (01/2013)
- Industrial Competition as a Limit to Banking Market Power (01/2013)
- Industrial Competition as a Limit to Banking Market Power (01/2013)
- Intentional Field Creation: The Case of an Anti-Plastic Pollution Social Movement (01/2013)
- International franchise presence and intensity level: profile of franchisors operating abroad (01/2013)
- Introduction to Doctoral Colloquium 2 (01/2013)
- Is Environmental Innovation Worth It? The Case of the Civil Aviation Industry of Emerging Markets (01/2013)
- La utilización de videos en clase: ¿Qué hemos aprendido? (01/2013)
- Lending with Hard and Soft Information (01/2013)
- Loanable Funds, Securitization, Central Bank supervision, and Growth (01/2013)
- Management Subadvising: The Mutual Fund Industry (01/2013)
- Managing risk with socially responsible actions. The controversial industry sector (01/2013)
- Marketing for innovative organizations: Open innovation through the lenses of the service dominant logic (01/2013)
- On service innovation: a categorisation of innovative behaviour (01/2013)
- Optimal experimental designs for nonlinear analysis: Solving the conundrum (01/2013)
- Optimal experimental designs for nonlinear conjoint Analysis: solving the conundrum (01/2013)
- Participante Comite Cientifico de la European Accounting Association Annual Congress (01/2013)
- Permanent earnings vs reported earnings: does the average difference approximate zero? (01/2013)
- Politicians' Luck of the Draw: Evidence from the Spanish Christmas Lottery (01/2013)
- Power and voluntary disclosure in sequential supply-chain bargaining: some experimental evidence with accounting information (01/2013)
- Research on conservatism in accounting (01/2013)
- Session 832: Ecology of Hollywood. The demography of no technological products (01/2013)
- Social norms and regulatory focus (01/2013)
- Sources of bargaining power in licensing agreements (01/2013)
- Teaching Quality and Academic Research (01/2013)
- Testing for bubbles in LME Metal Prices (01/2013)
- Testing for bubbles in LME Metals Prices (01/2013)
- The Renaissance of the Renaissance Man? The Role of Broad Individual Knowledge in Teams of Inventors (01/2013)
- The Role of Connections in Academic Promotions (01/2013)
- The demography of non-technological product (01/2013)
- The explanatory power of competition on voluntary disclosure (01/2013)
- The influence of high-technology and luxury co-branding strategies on cross-cultural consumer evaluation and purchase intention (01/2013)
- The influence of tax incentives, subsidies and other public incentives to stimulate private R&D in Spain (01/2013)
- The relation between corporate social responsibility and internal control quality (01/2013)
- The role of corporate social responsibility enhancing internal control quality (01/2013)
- The role of corporate social responsibility enhancing internal control quality (01/2013)
- Ultra-fast activity and market quality (01/2013)
- Understanding commodity futures prices: fundamentals, financialization and bubble characteristics (01/2013)
- Up for Review: Unravelling the Link between Formal Evaluations and Merit-Based Practices (01/2013)
- Up for Review: Unravelling the Link between Formal Evaluations and Performance-Based Rewards (01/2013)
- Venture capital syndication and firm entry: theory and evidence (01/2013)
- What happens when the honeymoon is over? The limited effect of impression management following controversial disruptions (01/2013)
- What happens when the honeymoon is over? The limited effect of impression management following controversial disruptions (01/2013)
- Wholesale and Retail Deposit Funding in Equilibrium: Implications for Risk Taking and Regulation (Discussion to) (01/2013)
- Word of Mouth in Hospitality Management: The Case of Luxury Hotels in China (01/2013)
- [Conference participation about recent research trends and regulatory developments in international accounting] (01/2013)
- Management Sub-Advising: Mutual Fund Industry (01/2012)
- A framework for analyzing performance in the higher education service (01/2012)
- Approaches and performance implications of Green Supply Management: An empirical study (01/2012)
- Asymmetric Long-run Effects in the Oil Industry (01/2012)
- Bank Loan Announcements and Market Discipline (01/2012)
- Banking Crises and the Governmenr Policy Dilemma (01/2012)
- Choosing the master franchise entry mode in the middle east. Highlighting Spanish firm's international experience and the host country's efficiency of contract enforcement (01/2012)
- Creación de Marca de Destinos Turísticos (01/2012)
- Creación y uso de una plataforma web como apoyo a las clases del aula (01/2012)
- Derivatives Holdings and Systemic Risk in the U.S. Banking Sector (01/2012)
- Does Entrepreneurial Orientation Accelerate The Effects Of Strategy On Firm Performance? (01/2012)
- El deporte y sus estrellas como generadores de valor para las marcas españolas con comercialización internacional (01/2012)
- El uso de una wiki "pentagonomadu" como herramienta de innovación interdisciplinar en la Universidad de Alcalá. (01/2012)
- Experiencias de evaluación en e-learning en la UAH. Como sacarle el máximo partido a las plataformas virtuales. (01/2012)
- Foreign Ownership and Corporate Governance Patterns: The Board-Auditor Relationship in Japan (01/2012)
- Foreign Ownership and Corporate Governance Patterns: The Board-Auditor Relationship in Japan (01/2012)
- Impression management and Non-GAAP reporting in earnings annocuncements (01/2012)
- Impression management and Non-GAAP reporting in earnings announcements (01/2012)
- International Collaboration and Innovation In Professional and Technological Knowledge-Intensive Services (01/2012)
- La Dirección Creativa de los estudiantes como nueva estrategia de enseñanza-aprendizaje en Marketing (01/2012)
- La coordinación de las políticas fiscales y el ciclo económico (01/2012)
- La eficacia de las prácticas de marketing de las pequeñas empresas en los mercados emergentes (01/2012)
- Managerial Incentives and Cheap Talk: Causes and Consequences (01/2012)
- New Product Development within Brand Community: The Analysis of Motivation (01/2012)
- Nuevos recursos docentes en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje en el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (01/2012)
- Pilot Scheme of Assessment in E-learning (01/2012)
- Pilot scheme of assessment in e-learning. (01/2012)
- Portfolio Selection with Commodities under Conditional Copulas and Skew Preferences (01/2012)
- Promotion Signals, Age and Education (01/2012)
- Promotion Signals, Age and Education (01/2012)
- Prácticas de innovación docente en la EEES apoyadas en el uso de plataformas virtuales. Innovación Docente aplicada al Grado de Administración y Dirección de Empresas. (01/2012)
- Self-Serving Financial Reporting Communication: A Study of the Association Between Earnings Management and Impression Management (01/2012)
- Self-Serving Financial Reporting Communication: A Study of the Association between Earnings Management and Impression Management (01/2012)
- Self-serving financial reporting communication: A study of the association between earnings managment and impression management (01/2012)
- Self-serving financial reporting communication: A study of the association between earnings managment and impression management (01/2012)
- Seminar - CNMV (01/2012)
- Seminar - Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (01/2012)
- Sistema de evaluación continua en una asignatura optativa de Gestión de Operaciones (01/2012)
- Sustainable environmental innovation: An empirical analysis of the close friends in the supply chain (01/2012)
- Tax incentives and direct support for R and D: What do firms use and why? (01/2012)
- Tax incentives and direct support for R and D: what do firms use and ahy? (01/2012)
- Tax incentives and direct support for R and D: what do firms use and why? (01/2012)
- The Different Effects of International Collaborations on Innovation in Professional and Technological Knowledge Intensive Services (01/2012)
- The Impact of Product Proliferation Strategies in Response to Complex Customer Choices (01/2012)
- The Recent Behavior of Commodity Prices: Fundamentals, Speculative Bubbles and the Relation to the Global Economic Environment (01/2012)
- The Recent Behavior of Commodity Prices: Fundamentals, Speculative Bubbles and the Relation to the Global Economic Environment (01/2012)
- The Relationship between Trust and Budgetary Slack: an Empirical Study (01/2012)
- Assessment or Collaboration? An Empirical Study of Green Supply Chain Management (01/2011)
- Board Characteristics And Audit Fees: When Does Ownership Matter? (01/2011)
- Can We Trust Cheap Social Talk? (01/2011)
- Can We Trust Cheap Social Talk? (01/2011)
- Co-Branding Strategies Applied to High-Tech Products and Luxury Brands: A Cross-Cultural Perspective (01/2011)
- Corporate Governance, Future News and Forward-Looking Information (01/2011)
- Corporate Governance, Future News and Forward-looking Information (01/2011)
- El uso de nuevas herramientas de innovación y coordinación docente en el área de Comercialización e Investigación de Mercados del Grado de Administración y Dirección de Empresas (GADE) (01/2011)
- Entrenched Managers' Usage of Earnings Management Tools (01/2011)
- Entrenched Managers' Usage of Earnings Management Tools (01/2011)
- Experiencies in Didactical Innovations and eLearning (01/2011)
- Financial Contagion and Depositor Monitoring (01/2011)
- Financial Contagion and Depositor Monitoring (01/2011)
- Green Supply Chain Management Strategies in Spanish Firms (01/2011)
- How Market Environment May Constrain Global Franchising in Emerging Markets (01/2011)
- Identifying the factors driving market selection in Latin America (01/2011)
- Impression Management and Non-GAAP Reportingin Earnings Announcements (01/2011)
- Impression Management: Theory an Methodology (01/2011)
- Insurance Regulation and Business Profiles: Organizational Form and Solvency Risk (01/2011)
- Internet Press Releases: Informative or Manipulative? (01/2011)
- La respuesta de la política fiscal a los retos de la globalización (01/2011)
- Las marcas durmientes, el aprovechamiento del valor residual y la dilución de marca: una aplicación a los hipermercados Continente (grupo Carrefour) (01/2011)
- Los retos de la globalización para la política fiscal = The Challenges from Globalization to Fiscal Policy (01/2011)
- Marketing Practices and Performance in a Post-Crisis Scenario (01/2011)
- Monetary Policy Effect on Firm's Default Risk (01/2011)
- Moving from Socio-political Perspective: Do Firms' Sustainable Development Strategies Affect the Quality of Corporate Social and Environmental Reporting? (01/2011)
- Optimal Exit Strategy for CVC and IVC Backed Startups (01/2011)
- Other Effects of the World Economic Crisis: A New Financial Architecture is Born (01/2011)
- Package Advertising Claims on New Products: Impact on Firm Value (01/2011)
- Pairing Market Risk and Credit Risk (01/2011)
- Path Dependence and Discontinuities in the Cognitive and Operational Memories of Organizations (01/2011)
- Politicians' Luck of the Draw: Evidence from the Spanish Christmas Lottery (01/2011)
- Portfolio Choice with Indivisible and Illiquid Housing Assets: The Case of Spain (01/2011)
- Portfolio Choice with Indivisible and Illiquid Housing Assets: The Case of Spain (01/2011)
- Portfolio Choice with Indivisible and Illiquid Housing Assets: The Case of Spain (01/2011)
- R&D fiscal incentives and direct funding: what do firms prefer? (01/2011)
- Simposio: Broader, Deeper and Richer Faultlines: New Thinking and Data on Social Fissures in Work Teams (01/2011)
- Strategic Congruence between Community-Focused Strategies and Profit Maximization (01/2011)
- Systemic Risk Measures: The Simpler the Better? (01/2011)
- Systemic Risk Measures: The Simpler the Better? (01/2011)
- Systemic Risk Measures: the Simpler the Better? (01/2011)
- The Expectations of the Young Students From Technical Studies About Incorporation to the Labor Market & Their Influence in Wanting to Continue Their Educative Horizon (01/2011)
- The Impact of Open Source Software on Firm Value (01/2011)
- The Impact of Open Source Software: Introductions on Firm Value (01/2011)
- The Link between Corporate Philanthropy and Product Failure (01/2011)
- To Tell or Not to Tell? Sustainable Development Strategies and Quality of Corporate Reporting (01/2011)
- What Drives Corporate Default Risk Premia? Evidence from the CDS Market (01/2011)
- What Drives Corporate Default Risk Premia? Evidence from the CDS Market (01/2011)
- What Drives Corporate Default Risk Premia? Evidence from the CDS Market (01/2011)
- What Drives Corporate Default Risk Premium? Evidence from the CDS Market (01/2011)
- Are There Arbitrage Opportunities in Credit Derivatives Markets? A New Test and an Application to the Case of CDS and ASPs (01/2010)
- Opportunistic Disclosure in Annual Results Press Releases Headlines (01/2010)
- An institutional perspective on the diffusion of international accountability standards: The case of the Environmental Management Standard (01/2009)
- A Genetic Algorithm for UPM/LPM Portfolio Optimisation (01/2008)
- A Model of Education Quality Marketing (01/2008)
- A Theory of Inefficient Quotes, Empirical Evidence in Options Markets (01/2008)
- A Trick of the Tail (01/2008)
- A trick of the tail (01/2008)
- Acculturation Impact on Advertising Strategies: Application for Emerging Markets (01/2008)
- An Insurance Market Experiment (01/2008)
- Analysis of the Aspects that Influence in the Choice of the Technical Studies from the Point of View of Occupation Marketing (01/2008)
- Are There Arbitrage Opportunities in Credit Derivatives Markets? (01/2008)
- Are There Arbitrage Opportunities in Credit Derivatives Markets? (01/2008)
- Are Women Pawns in the Political Game?: Evidence from Elections to the Spanish Senate (01/2008)
- Bank's Ownership Structure, Risk and Performance (01/2008)
- Banks' Equity Holdings and Their Impact on Security Issues (01/2008)
- Board Composition and Performance in State-Owned Enterprises: Evidence from the Italian Public Utilities Sector (01/2008)
- Can Gender Parity Break the Glass Ceiling?: Evidence from a Repeated Randomized Experiment (01/2008)
- Clarifying the Relevance of Size to ERP Implementation: Key Factors to Minimize Elapsed Time (01/2008)
- Comparing Small Vs Large Firms' R&D Productivity Through a Dual Process Perspective (01/2008)
- Complementarities between External Sources of Knowledge: The Case of Universities and Technology Institutes in Spain (01/2008)
- Complementarities between External Sources of Knowledge: The Case of Universities and Technology Institutes in Spain (01/2008)
- Complementarities between Universities and Technology Industries: New Empirical Lessons and Perspectives (01/2008)
- Corporate Governance and Impression Management (01/2008)
- Corporate Governance and Impression Management in Annual Press Releases Reporting and Business CO (01/2008)
- Cost of Equity and Accounting Conservatism (01/2008)
- Cultural Differences in Assessing Perceived Quality and Student Satisfaction with Public Higher Education: An Albert Hirschman´s Theory Application (01/2008)
- Determination of the Probability Distribution Measures from Market Option Prices using the Method of Maximum Entropy in the Mean (01/2008)
- Differential Grading Standards and University Funding: Evidence from Italy (01/2008)
- Direct and Diffuse Ecological Processes Among Spanish Railway Companies, 1848-1935 (01/2008)
- Do Investing Cash Flows Help in Explaining Future Corporate Performance? (01/2008)
- Estrategia medioambiental y logistica inversa: respuestas tecnológicas actuales (01/2008)
- Evidence of the Importance of Budgets in Organizations of the XXI Century: The Managers Viewpoint (01/2008)
- Evidence of the Importance of Budgets in Organizations of the XXI Century: The Managers Viewpoint (01/2008)
- Financial Contagion and Depositor Monitoring (01/2008)
- Gender Diversity on the Board and Eamings Quality (01/2008)
- Government, Taxes and Financial Crises (01/2008)
- Hidden Innovation: The Tole of Non R&D Activities (01/2008)
- Implementing Temporal Model to Forecast the Patient Demand in an Emergency Department of a Dpanish Hospital (01/2008)
- Impression Management in Press Releases: Evidence of Bias in Financial Reporting (01/2008)
- Information acquisition and financial contagion (01/2008)
- Information acquisition and financial contagion (01/2008)
- Insurance and tort: coordination systems and imperfect liability rules (01/2008)
- Insurance and tort: coordination systems and imperfect liability rules (01/2008)
- Integrating network and ecological analyses: direct and diffuse ecological processes among Spanish railway companies, 1848-1935 (01/2008)
- Intra-industry diversification through real option lens: real options, option portfolio, and uncertainty in the security software industry, 1983 - 2003 (01/2008)
- Intra-industry diversification through real option lens: real options, option portfolio, and uncertainty in the security software industry, 1983 - 2003 (01/2008)
- Intra-industry diversification through real option lens: real options, option portfolio, and uncertainty in the security software industry, 1983 - 2003 (01/2008)
- Lack of trust and budgetary slack (01/2008)
- Las sociedades de garantía recíproca y la financiación de la Pyme en Basilea II (01/2008)
- Las sociedades de garantía recíproca y la financiación de la Pyme en Basilea II (01/2008)
- Las sociedades de garantía recíproca y la financíación de la Pyme en Basilea II (01/2008)
- Less is More: Examining Dual Accounting Systems in Europe (01/2008)
- Liquidity and Credit Default Swap Spreads (01/2008)
- Manager's perceptions of product market competition, profitability and firms voluntary disclosure of sales (by Clive Lennox and Elisabeth Dedman) (01/2008)
- Managerial Power and Shareholder Intervention (01/2008)
- Managerial Power and Shareholder Intervention (01/2008)
- Market Orientation in the Education Sector: An Exploratory Testing in Spain (01/2008)
- Marketing Capabilities in the Transition Economy of Cuba: The Impact of Ownership Structure (01/2008)
- Masters of War: Rivals? Incremental Product Innovation and New Advertising in Mature Product Markets (01/2008)
- Minimizing Risk Measures (01/2008)
- Misleading Impressions in Press Releases Headlines (01/2008)
- Mitigación del riesgo de crédito en Basilea II y la financiación de las PYME: caso del aval de las SGRs (01/2008)
- Mitigación del riesgo de crédito en Basilea II y la financiación de las PYMEs: el caso del aval de las SGR (01/2008)
- Modelling International Diffusion of Franchising from a Country Level Perspective (01/2008)
- Modelling and Measuring Price Discovery in Commodity Markets (01/2008)
- Modelling and Measuring Price Discovery in Commodity Markets (01/2008)
- Modelling and Measuring Price Discovery in Commodity Markets (01/2008)
- Modelling and Measuring Price Discovery in Commodity Markets (01/2008)
- Modelling and Measuring Price Discovery in Commodity Markets (01/2008)
- Modelling and Measuring Price Discovery in Commodity Markets (01/2008)
- Modelling and Measuring Price Discovery in Commodity Markets (01/2008)
- Modelling and Measuring Price Discovery in Commodity Markets (01/2008)
- On the Development of Efficient Deflators for the Estimation of Accounting-based Valuation Models (01/2008)
- Open Source Software and Increasing Returns (01/2008)
- Ownership Structure and Minority Expropriation in Non-Listed Firms: The Case for Multiple Large Shareholders (01/2008)
- Ownership Structure and Minority Expropriation in Non-Listed Firms: The Case for Multiple Large Shareholders (01/2008)
- Pricing American Style Derivatives with the Gerber-Shiu Function (01/2008)
- R&D Productivity and Decision-Making Approaches: Comparing SmalL versus Large Firms Through a Dual Process Perspective (01/2008)
- R&D Productivity and Decision-Making Approaches: Comparing Small Versus Large Firms Through a Dual Process Perspective (01/2008)
- R&D Productivity, Size and Decision-Styles (01/2008)
- Satisfaction as Relief or Contentment: Comparing the Two Prototypes (01/2008)
- Scalar Versus Vector Optimization Problems Involving Risk Functions (01/2008)
- Shoppers' Price Memory According to the Monetary Unit: A Price Information Processing Perspective (01/2008)
- Social Responsability of MNCs: Effects of Stakeholder Pressures on Affiliated Firms' Behavior (01/2008)
- Statistical Properties and Economic Implications of Jump-Diffusion Processes with Shot-Noise Effects (01/2008)
- The Determinants of Benchmark Beating Behaviour in Spain (01/2008)
- The Economic Determinants of Conditional Conservatism (01/2008)
- The Economic Determinants of Conditional Conservatism (01/2008)
- The Economic Determinants of Conditional Conservatism (01/2008)
- The Economic Determinants of Conditional Conservatism (01/2008)
- The Economic Determinants of Conditional Conservatism (01/2008)
- The Educative Horizon in the Students of Technical Studies from the Optics of Occupation Marketing (01/2008)
- The Endogeneity of University Grading Standards: Evidence from Italy (01/2008)
- The Ideological Use of Accounting: Accounting's Role in Emancipation (01/2008)
- The Ideological Use of Accounting: Accounting's Role in Emancipation (01/2008)
- The Impact of Critics Discrepancy on Consumers Average Ratings and their Dispersion (01/2008)
- The Impact of Researcher Mobility on Knowledge Creation (01/2008)
- The Performance of Socially Responsible Funds: The Role of Fees and Management Companies (01/2008)
- The Performance of Socially Responsible Funds: The Role of Fees and Management Companies (01/2008)
- The Role of Accounting in the Spanish Railway Crisis (1919-1930) (01/2008)
- The Role of Contracting, Taxation, Regulation and Litigation in the Implementation of Conditional (01/2008)
- The Social Responsability of Multinational Companies: The Effect of Stakeholder Pressures on Affiliated Firms Social Behavior (01/2008)
- The performance of socially responsible funds: the role of fees and management companies (01/2008)
- Top Civil Service: Meritocracy or Nepostism? (01/2008)
- Top Civil Service: Meritocracy or Nepotism? (01/2008)
- Top Civil Service: Meritocracy or Nepotism? (01/2008)
- Towards Organizational Integration: Optimizing Elapsed Time in Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Implementation (01/2008)
- US Market entry by spanish pharmaceutical firms (01/2008)
- Understanding the Success of Internal R&D: The Relevance of Different Open Innovation Strategies (01/2008)
- Virtual helping?: the role of person-focused OCB, task interdependence and virtuality on team performance (01/2008)
- When Learning from the Past is not a Good Thing: the role of experiential learning on strategic decision making (01/2008)
- Ayuda para la adquisición de la herramienta: ChatGPT Plus (11/2024)
- Ayuda para la adquisición de la herramienta: Licencia del software Stata/SE (Versión 18) (11/2024)
- Ayuda para la adquisición de la herramienta: Owl Labs Meetin Owl 3. Equipo de videoconferencia (11/2024)
- Calificaciones ESG y Política Económica: Incertidumbre e Impactos Financieros (11/2024)
- TRACC-GLOBAL - El papel de la contabilidad en los desafíos globales de la humanidad (09/2024)
- TRACC-GLOBAL - El papel de la contabilidad en los desafíos globales de la humanidad (09/2024)
- Consultoría para el análisis de la competencia entre plataformas online (06/2024)
- Asesoría en valoración de una empresa Start-up por el método de transacciones. comparables (03/2024)
- Real effects of financial frictions across agents (11/2023)
- Estudio de la evolución de las actuaciones empresariales en relación a los ODS en el contexto de la cadena de suministro y papel desempeñado por los inversores institucionales. - SDG_SCM (09/2023)
- Negociación y fijación de precios en el mundo digital -AlgoPrice&Trade (09/2023)
- Asesoramiento en valoración de empresas (02/2023)
- Ciberseguridad: Determinantes y Consecuencias. Sensibilización Social (12/2022)
- Asesoramiento contable a Lucasiñas S.L.U (09/2022)
- Gestión de las donaciones por organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro: decisiones operacionales (09/2022)
- Gobierno Corporativo e Inversores Institucionales (09/2022)
- Innovación para una empresa sostenible y digital (09/2022)
- La Movilidad de los Recursos Humanos en Mercados Laborales Cambiantes: Flujos de empleo, Flujos de conocimiento, remuneración y. ascensos (09/2022)
- VDE-Potencialdores de la Revelación Voluntaria (09/2022)
- Análisis de los resultados de la Jornada Flexible Retribuida en el Grupo Telefónica (11/2021)
- Market and Funding Liquidity: Drivers of Liquidity and Real Effects (11/2021)
- Servicio de investigación académica y de asesoría sobre normativa comparada e impacto de la regulación en cuestiones de Derecho Societario, Gobierno corporativo y otras materias relacionadas con los mercados de valores (expediente 08/21/L2) (10/2021)
- Liderazgo Adaptativo de Equipos: Entrenando a Líderes y Miembros de Equipo para Adaptarse a Condiciones Inesperadas y Novedosas (09/2021)
- Asesoría en valoración de empresas (06/2021)
- Análisis de contenido y filtrado de términos (04/2021)
- Motivating Work Teams: An Emergence-Based Process Model (01/2021)
- European Accounting Review Broadening Research and Impact of Accounting (12/2020)
- Informe pericial sobre la evolución de los precios de las acciones de Dia. (Distribuidora Internacional de Alimentación, S.A.) y como se vieron afectados por. determinados aspectos y anuncios de información contable en 2018 (12/2020)
- Análisis de comportamientos diferenciados de los agentes de la economía y sus implicaciones sobre la estabilidad financiera (11/2020)
- Asesoría en valoración de empresas (09/2020)
- What are the wider supervisory implications of the Wirecard case? (08/2020)
- Decisiones estratégicas en las empresas familiares: Una perspectiva económica y social (06/2020)
- Evaluación de la Calidad de la Gestión y Valoracion en Presencia de Información Incompleta (06/2020)
- Multifaceted accounting: from keeping a healthy financial system to ESG reporting (06/2020)
- Multifaceted accounting: from keeping a healthy financial system to ESG reporting (06/2020)
- Trading Algorítmico: Integración o Disrupción (06/2020)
- Aspectos contables de los ingresos por trabajos en curso y su impacto en estados financieros (04/2020)
- Leading Innovation on Crowdfunding and Social Network Services Platforms: Information Processing via Analytical Modeling, Computational Tools, and Experiments (01/2020)
- Productos financieros para la transición energética: situación actual, perspectivas de futuro e implicaciones regulatorias (10/2019)
- Estrategias de Innovación y Buen Gobierno para una Economía Sostenible (01/2019)
- Informe sobre la contabilización de los gastos de desarrollo en las cuentas anuales y consolidadas de PharmaMar de 2016 (01/2019)
- Informe técnico sobre comparativa tarifas europeas:. Sistema de la compensación equitativa por copia privada - canon digital, análisis de la recaudación por concepto de canon digital en los principales países europeos y su relación con las ventas de soportes afectados por la tarifa (11/2018)
- Servicio de investigación académica y de asesoría sobre normativa comparada e impacto de la regulación en cuestiones de Derechos Societario, Gobierno Corporativo y otras materias relacionadas con el Mercado de Valores, Expediente 16/18 Lote 2 (09/2018)
- El reto del etiquetado de productos sostenibles: de la confusión a la preferencia determinada (01/2018)
- Nueva realidad bancaria y su regulación (01/2018)
- Revelación Voluntaria, Compartición de información y Colaboración Tecnológica (01/2018)
- Servicios de asesoramiento y asistencia técnica en el área de formación continua (01/2018)
- SMEBOOK: Plataforma de generación de nuevas cadenas de valor para PYMEs tecnológicas (06/2017)
- Los precios de la electricidad en Europa: determinantes e implicaciones para el Horizonte 2020 (03/2017)
- Análisis del proceso emprendedor en las fases de creación y crecimiento de un nuevo negocio: el papel de los recursos y las relaciones entre los miembros del equipo (12/2016)
- Mercados energéticos de contacto y derivados: precios, eficiencia y carteras de inversión. (12/2016)
- Sobre la estrategia corporativa de comunicación financiero-contable: elecciones y objetivos (12/2016)
- El impacto de los inversores no-residentes en la deuda soberana (10/2016)
- Información contable y gobierno corporativo: efectos sobre la financiación empresarial, las políticas de inversión y el valor de la empresa (03/2016)
- Capacidad innovadora, competitividad y el papel de la información contable. INNCOMCON-CM (01/2016)
- EARLYFIN-CM. Nuevas formas de financiación de la innovación. (01/2016)
- Estrategias y Nuevos Investigaciones de los Activos Intangibles (01/2016)
- Gestión del talento en la era de la información digital (01/2016)
- Instituciones y Cambio Tecnológico: Lecciones de la Crisis sobre Valoración de Activos, Gestión de Inversiones y Regulación (01/2016)
- Las redes de empresas e innovaciones sociales (01/2016)
- Técnicas analíticas de marketing en entornos con riqueza de datos (01/2016)
- Estrategia de marca e internacionalización: estandarización vs adaptación (10/2015)
- ¿Qué impulsa la innovación?. El papel de la regulación de los mercados de capitales, bancario y de bienes (10/2015)
- Recolección y procesamiento de datos bancarios (06/2015)
- Análisis económico del sector de hidrocarburos y de telecomunicaciones en España (04/2015)
- Innovación financiera, calidad de mercado y el tamaño del TICK (12/2014)
- Información contable y gobierno corporativo: efectos sobre la financiacion empresarial, las políticas de inversión y el valor de la empresa (01/2014)
- Economía bancaria y productiva. Influencia y regulación. (10/2013)
- Informe sobre la situación del juego on-line en España (07/2013)
- Valoracion de activos y medición de riesgos (02/2013)
- Creatividad e innovacion en las organizaciones: el papel de los grupos de interes (01/2013)
- Innovacion en la economia del Conocimiento: estrategia y organizacion (01/2013)
- La gestión del riesgo de crédito: valoración, cobertura y riesgo político (01/2013)
- Prácticas organizativas y gestión del talento (01/2013)
- Regulación en los mercados financieros desde un enfoque de información asimétrica (01/2013)
- The Impact of Joint Patents on Incentives to License (07/2011)
- Valoración de Productos Energéticos. (05/2011)
- COMINSO: Communities, Innovation and Society (01/2011)
- Gestión de cadenas de suministro, modelos de difusión de la innovación sostenible y capacidades sociales de directores y directoras de operaciones medioambientales. (01/2011)
- Grupo de Investigación Economía Financiera (01/2011)
- Innovación, Responsabilidad Social Corporativa y Resultados Empresariales (01/2011)
- Intermediación financiera en mercados con información asimétrica (01/2011)
- Ventaja competitiva, estrategia y desarrollo (11/2010)
- Análisis económico y financiero para la valoración sectorial de activos (04/2010)
- La responsabilidad social de las empresas y de los bancos: efectos financieros en las inversiones en I+D (01/2010)
- Los mercados financieros de energía: productos, microestructura y regulación (01/2010)
- Prácticas organizativas y productividad de los empleados (01/2010)
- Riesgos: Análisis, gestión y aplicaciones. (01/2010)
- Valoración de activos y medición de riesgos. (01/2010)
- Asesoramiento y asistencia técnica en el área de Normalización, Categorización y Calidad Turística al Ministerio de Turismo de Venezuela (12/2009)
- CP08: Responsabilidad Social y su efecto en la Financiación de la I+D (01/2009)
- EU-Offshoring: Globalization off-shoring effects in the EU (10/2008)
- eInnovaPlan; ayuda para la preparación de la propuesta europea. (10/2008)
- Cátedra de Investigación Actuarial (05/2008)
- Envinnova: orientación emprendedora e innovación: información, flexibilidad y mercados. (01/2008)
- Análisis de metodologías de valoración y diseño de contratos a plazo con subyacente energético (10/2007)
- Fusiones, adquisiciones e integración de la banca en Europa: Estabilidad financiera y regulación. (10/2007)
- Innovación, productividad y sostenibilidad meioambiental: Creación de valor mediante la incorporación de los stakeholder y la gestion de la trazabilidad en las cadenas de suministro globales. (10/2007)
- III EIASM workshop on coopetition strategy. (06/2007)
- Mantenimiento del planificación financiero y metodología para la contrucción de carteras (06/2007)
- Apoyo a la Difusión de Técnicas de Marketing Mediante Simulación. Departamento de Comercialización e Investigación de Mercados de la Universidad de Valencia (02/2007)
- Actitud emprendedora, innovación y orientación al mercado (01/2007)
- La innovación tecnológica contable en PYMES: teoría, evidencia empírica e implicaciones prácticas para la Comunidad de Madrid (01/2007)
- Nuevas tendencias en la medición y gestión de riesgos (01/2007)
- Innovación y actividad emprendedora (12/2006)
- Estructura de propiedad, relaciones con stakeholders y política de I+D de las empresas. (10/2006)
- Optimización y Economía Financiera. (10/2006)
- Orientación Emprendedora. Innovación y resultados (10/2006)
- Desarrollo y Análisis de Experiencia de la Entidad: RGA Reinsurance Company (05/2006)
- Innovación empresarial, proliferación de productos y desarrollo de nuevos mercados (01/2006)
supervised theses
- Three essays on digitalization (12/2023)
- Three Essays on Banking and Finance (07/2023)
- Three Essays on Corporate Narrative Disclosures (07/2023)
- Three Essays on Finance (07/2023)
- Three Essays on Investors' Behavior in FinTech Markets (07/2023)
- Three Essays on Stigma (07/2023)
- Three Essays on Supply Networks: Cognitive Embeddedness, Social-ecological Resilience, and ESG Risk (07/2023)
- Three Essays on Family Firms (06/2023)
- Evidence from the financial crises: Global Financial Crisis of 2008 and European Sovereign Debt Crisis (04/2023)
- Essays on Auditing and Auditor Conservatism (07/2022)
- Essays on Corporate Finance (07/2022)
- The Macro-Financial Transmission of Shocks (01/2022)
- Assorted Papers on Auditing and Corruption (07/2021)
- Three Essays on Power Prices and the Impact of Green Technology (07/2021)
- Three Essays on Short Selling Bans, Asset Pricing and Market Quality (07/2021)
- Three Essays on Open Innovation and Markets for Technology (09/2020)
- Three Essays on Conservative Reporting and Capital Markets (07/2020)
- Three Essays on Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Reporting (07/2020)
- Three Essays on Outbound Open Innovation and Intellectual Property Protection (07/2020)
- Three essays on empirical financial accounting (07/2020)
- Essays in Corporate Governance (07/2019)
- Three Essays in Corporate Governance, Accounting and Law (07/2019)
- Three Essays on Corporate Governance and Narrative Disclosure (06/2019)
- Three Essays on Social Media Marketing (03/2019)
Essays on Reporting and Disclosure (07/2018) - Essays in corporate finance (07/2018)
- Essays on Financial Markets and Corporate Outcomes. (01/2018)
- Essays on Ownership and Innovation. (01/2018)
intelectual y exportación: un análisis desde la perspectiva del conocimiento
y del contexto (09/2017) - Estrategias Competitivas y Gestión Deportiva: un estudio integral aplicado al sector del fútbol (09/2017)
- Essays on accounting conservatism, corporate social responsibility, and corporate governance (07/2017)
- Optimal Portfolio Strategy of Cointegrated assets (07/2017)
- The value of patent knowledge: internal and external valuation (07/2017)
- Maxentropic and quantitative methods in operational risk modeling (09/2016)
- Three essays on the effect of expropriation risk on private investment (09/2016)
- Essays in program evaluation and investment (07/2016)
- La pérdida de valor en los activos estratégicos: el caso de la dilución de marcas (07/2016)
- The interrelation between accounting information, corporate governance and insider trading (07/2016)
- Three Essays on Hospitality Management in Emerging Markets. (07/2016)
- Three Essays on Network Theory Applied to Capital Markets (07/2016)
- Three essays on financial markets (05/2016)
- Essays on market discipline, banking and regulation (03/2016)
- Three essays on the interest rate curve multiplicity in the interbank market (10/2015)
- Mutual fund structure and performance (07/2015)
- Organizations as social cognitive systems (07/2015)
- Three essays on gender issues in accounting, governance and risk aversion (07/2015)
- Three essays on strategic decision making and CEO behavior in family firms (07/2015)
- Enviromental performance and financial structure/ Three Essays on the European Sovereign Debt market (05/2015)
- Four essays in Commodity Markets: Asset Allocation, Pricing, and Risk Management (11/2014)
- Essays on boards of directors (10/2014)
- Essays on mutual fund strategies and investor characteristics (07/2014)
- Three Essays on Environmental Innovation and Corporate Social Responsibility (07/2014)
- Corporate Failure Prediction and Financial Risk Spillover (06/2014)
- Essays in corporate governance and banking (06/2014)
- Essays on voluntary disclosure and information sharing (06/2014)
- Los Presupuestos participativos. Dimensiones análiticas y líneas de debate en la experiencia española (06/2014)
- Open innovation communities and informal networks as engines of exaptation (06/2014)
- Systemic risk and the impact of financing: Sources on default risk (06/2014)
- Firm Strategies behind the Establishment of Licensing Agreements (05/2014)
- Three essays on conjoint analysis: Optimal design and estimation of endogenous consideration sets (02/2014)
- Essays on corporate social responsibility (12/2012)
- Understanding the benefits of inflation-linked bonds: The case of tips (12/2012)
- Bridging the consumer and the firm: three inquiries on brand community (11/2012)
- Three essays on human resource mangement (10/2012)
- Marketing strategies for enhacing word of mouth: sales acceleration and affiliate programs (09/2012)
- Risk theory and optimal control of levy driven processes (09/2012)
- Three essays on marketing dynamics (07/2012)
- Three essays on credit derivatives and liquidity (06/2012)
- Essays on information transmission in financial markets (05/2012)
- Teamwork under the microscope: employee behavior, job design and ideal compensation system (01/2012)
- Green carmakers and Caesar's wife: Are they really above suspicion? Three essays on environmental innnovations, voluntary disclosure and cooperation along the Supply Chain (09/2011)
- Three Essays on Corporate Governance and Earnings Management (07/2011)
- High frequency dynamics of the microscopical structure in financial markets (06/2011)
- Comtemporary Challenges in High-Tech Innovative Strategy: Technological Collaboration, Product Diversification, and Organizational Innovative Productivity (10/2010)
- Empirical essays on the interaction between regulation and corporate governance in the banking industry (10/2010)
- Essays on Corporate Research and Development and Innovation Activity (09/2010)
- Arbitraje estadístico en finanzas: Four Essays on the interaction between Credit Derivaties and Fixed Income Markets (07/2010)
- Enablers and Consequents of Team Learning (07/2010)
- La Imagen del Destino Turístico Portugués en Galicia (07/2010)
- Estrategias para Afrontar los Efectos Negativos de la Diversidad en los Equipos de Trabajo (06/2010)
- La diferenciación en el sector hotelero español: la relación entre los tipos de diferenciación y competencia y sus efectos en precios y beneficios (06/2010)
- Segment disclosure, cost of capital and investment efficiency (06/2010)
- Fair value accounting for financial instruments a cost-benefit approach (05/2010)
- Three perspectives on the security software industry: Resource partitioning, real option and geography issues (04/2010)
- Relaciones inter-organizativas y rendimiento: una perspectiva estratégica y ecológica / Inter-organizational relationships and performance: a strategic and ecological perspective (02/2010)
- Three essays in managerial cognition and strategic decision making (01/2010)
- Mobility of Researchers, Collaborations, and Innovation (06/2009)
- Three Essays on Innovation and Environment (06/2009)
- Three Essays on Banking Crisis (10/2008)
- Management Issues in Open Source Software Networks (09/2008)
- La franquicia española grado de internacionalización y formas de entrada (06/2008)
- Explaining Processes of Change in Management Accounting: The Case of a Portuguese Postal Company (05/2008)
- Business Environmental Responsability: The Implementation of Green Marketing Strategies (04/2008)
Business Environmental Responsibility: The Implementation of Green Marketing
Strategies"-Doctorado Europeo (04/2008)
working papers
- Notas sobre las proyecciones de gasto en pensiones del MISSMI (10/2023)
- Shareholder Voting and Disclosure in M&As (01/2023)
- Accounting Conservatism and the Agency Problems of Overvalued Equity (10/2022)
- A Labor Market Sorting Model of Scarring and Hysteresis (04/2022)
- The Confirmatory Role of Conditional Conservatism over Voluntary Disclosure (04/2022)
- The unequal cost of job loss across countries (02/2022)
- Demand-Driven Corporate Social Responsibility and Accounting Quality: Evidence on Symbolic vs Substantive Change after Large Technological Disasters (08/2021)
- Narrative Conservatism (07/2021)
- Defusing Leverage: Liquidity Management and Labor Contracts (03/2021)
- The role of users' engagement in shaping financial reporting: should activists target accounting more? (03/2021)
- The economic consequences of Covid in Spain and how to deal with them (11/2020)
- Por un pacto político y social en torno a una estrategia de reactivación y crecimiento inclusivos (versión completa) (09/2020)
- Not Just a Boys' Club: Common Gender and Private Information Channels in Insider Trading (07/2020)
- Till Concessionary Reversals Do Us Part: Earnings Management and the Accounting for Public Aids in Early Railway Companies (07/2020)
- Firm Efforts to Improve Employee Quality and Corporate Investment Efficiency (03/2020)
- Asking an Embarrassingly Simple Question: When Online P3 Communities Diminish Consumers' Willingness to Request Needed Help (01/2020)
- Management accounting and control systems and earnings management: Effects on future firm performance (09/2019)
- Stakeholder and Firm Communication in Social Media: The Case of Twitter and Corporate Social Responsibility Information (07/2019)
- Accounting Conservatism and the Profitability of Corporate Insiders (04/2019)
- Golden options in financial mathematics (11/2018)
- Conditional Conservatism and the Limits to Earnings Management (09/2018)
- Inter-industry Differences in Organisational Eco-innovation : a panel data study (09/2018)
- Accounting Quality in Railway Companies During the 19th and 20th Centuries: The Case of Spanish NORTE and MZA (06/2018)
- Optimistic Disclosure Tone and CEO Career Concerns (05/2018)
- Prudential Supervisors' Independence and Income Smoothing in European Banks (05/2018)
- CIFRA: Challenging the ICT Patent Framework for Responsible Innovation. D4.4: Policy Paper on potential new framings, identifying needs for changing the current IPR regime relevant for ICT industries (03/2018)
- Informal Delegation and Training (02/2018)
- Relationships between the stochastic discount factor and the optimal omega ratio (02/2018)
- The Usefulness of Financial Accounting Information: Evidence from the Field (10/2017)
- Interest Rate Future Quality Options and Negative Interest Rates (07/2017)
- A first approximation to the SPOCs-FC in the context of the Supply Chain Management (05/2017)
- The effect of patent protection on inventor mobility (05/2017)
- Insider Trading Restrictions and Earnings Management (03/2017)
- Differential equations connecting VaR and CVaR (01/2017)
- The newsvendor problem with convex risk (12/2016)
- Must an optimal buy and hold strategy contain any derivative? (11/2016)
- Good deal measurement in asset pricing: Actuarial and financial implications (09/2016)
- Teaching quality and academic research (07/2016)
- Coherent Pricing (05/2016)
- Dificultades en la aplicación de las deducciones fiscales por actividades de I+D+i (05/2016)
- La utilidad de los cuadros de mando integrados para la obtención de una 'smart health' (04/2016)
- The strategic allocation of inventors to R&D collaborations (03/2016)
- Opinion shopping: Partner versus firm-level evidence (02/2016)
- VaR as the CVaR sensitivity : applications in risk optimization (02/2016)
- La radiofrecuencia en la atención y gestión hospitalarias: un camino hacia la Smart Health (09/2015)
- Search for yield (09/2015)
- How does easing liquidity constraints affect aggregate employment? (07/2015)
- Liquidity provision: lessons from a natural experiment (07/2015)
- Determinants of the multiple-term structures from interbank rates (06/2015)
- EMT: transporte urbano 'smart' para Madrid (1) (05/2015)
- CEO risk-taking incentives and bank failure during the 2007-2010 financial crisis (03/2015)
- The Bright Side of Financial Derivatives: Options Trading and Firm Innovation (03/2015)
- Sequential arbitrage measurement in bond markets : theory and empirical applications in the Euro-zone (01/2015)
- Loan officers' screening with credit scores (10/2014)
- Looking for Trouble? Technological Change and the Growing Importance of Patents for Telecom Operators (10/2014)
- On the compensation for illiquidity in sovereign credit markets (10/2014)
- Smart City y Deportes: algunos ejemplos procedentes de la Copa del Mundo 2014 (10/2014)
- Placement of Authority, Location and External Knowledge-Sourcing (09/2014)
- Expropriation risk, investment decisions and economic sectors (08/2014)
- Bank Competition, Borrower Competition and Interest Rates (06/2014)
- Optimal reinsurance under risk and uncertainty (06/2014)
- Price Support by Bank-Afiliated Mutual Funds (05/2014)
- Board Independence, CEO Pay, and Camouflaged Compensation (03/2014)
- Information disclosure in optimal auctions (03/2014)
- A resource pool for environmental innovation (02/2014)
- Copper Price Discovery on Comex, the LME and the SHFE, 2001-2013 (02/2014)
- Redes de transporte avanzadas, gestión de la cadena de suministro y distribución de mercancías en las Smart Cities (02/2014)
- Market orientation and academic spin-off firms (01/2014)
- Las Smart Cities y las redes empresariales: Un reto para la dirección de operaciones manufactureras y de servicios (12/2013)
- Inversión y retorno de las empresas españolas en Latinoamérica (11/2013)
- A framework for analyzing performance in higher education (07/2013)
- SC Smart Finance (04/2013)
- Derivatives Holdings and Systemic Risk in the U.S. Banking Sector (12/2012)
- Reconsidering optimal experimental design for conjoint analysis (11/2012)
- Liquidity Commonalities in the Corporate CDS Market around the 2007-2012 Financial Crisis (10/2012)
- The Role of Connections in Academic Promotions (09/2012)
- US advertising expenditure trends : long run effects and structural changes with new media introductions (06/2012)
- Valuing customer portfolios with endogenous mass-and-direct-marketing interventions using a stochastic dynamic programming decomposition (06/2012)
- Technological capabilities and cost efficiency as antecedents of foreign market entry (05/2012)
- The renaissance of the "renaissance man"? : specialists vs. generalists in teams of inventors (04/2012)
- Asymmetric long-run effects in the oil industry (02/2012)
- A theoretical analysis of the stages and events experienced by financially distressed firms (01/2012)
- Political risk and corporate investment decisions (01/2012)
- Promotional benefits of 99-ending prices: the moderating role of intuitive and analytical decision style (12/2011)
- Can we curb retail sales volatility through marketing mix actions? (11/2011)
- Licensing radical product innovations to speed up the diffusion (11/2011)
- Riding successive product diffusion waves : building a tsunami via upgrade-rebate programs (11/2011)
- Tax incentives and direct support for R&D : what do firms use and why? (11/2011)
- Understanding the role of attitude components in co-branding: an application to high-tech, luxury co-branded products (07/2011)
- A New Test of Statistical Arbitrage with Applications to Credit Derivatives Markets (06/2011)
- Consumer Preferences for 99-ending prices: the mediating role of price consciousness (04/2011)
- On the institutional innovation process : EU regulation through an evolutionary lens (04/2011)
- What do Basel Capital Accords mean for SMEs? (04/2011)
- Does Gender Matter for Academic Promotion? Evidence from a Randomized Natural Experiment (02/2011)
- EU Patent System: to be or not to be? (02/2011)
- Good deals in markets with frictions (02/2011)
- Pairing Market Risk with Credit Riks (02/2011)
- How Firm Value Reflects Green Intellectual Capital. The Impact of Green Technological Innovations and Green Marketing Actions on Firm Performance (01/2011)
- Minimax strategies and duality with applications in financial mathematics (01/2011)
- Pairing Market and Credit Risk (01/2011)
- Politicians' Luck of the Draw: Evidence from the Spanish Christmas Lottery (01/2011)
- Executive Pay with Observable Decisions (12/2010)
- Are all Credit Default Swap Databases Equal? (11/2010)
- Current Marketing Practices and Market Orientation in the Context of an Emerging Economy: The Case of Uruguay (10/2010)
- Corporate Social Responsibility and Inventory Policy (09/2010)
- Systemic Risk Measures: The Simpler the Better (09/2010)
- How Much Should we Pay for Interconnecting Electricity Markets? A Real Options Approach (07/2010)
- Derivatives Pricing with Marked Point Processes using Tick-by-Tick Data (04/2010)
- US Market entry by Spanish Pharmaceutical Firms (02/2010)
- A Carrot and Stick Approach to Discipline Self-Dealing by Controlling Shareholders (01/2010)
- Capital requirements, good deals and portfolio insurance with risk measures (01/2010)
- Marketing for Technologies: S-D Logic and the Open Innovation Paradigm (01/2010)
- Stability of the Optimal Reinsurance with Respect to the Risk Measure (01/2010)
- 'Unserved' Interpretations of Service Satisfaction (12/2009)
- The Relationship between the Volatility of Returns and the Number of Jumps in Financial Markets (12/2009)
- Volatility and Covariation of Financial Assets: A High-Frequency Analysis (12/2009)
- Optimal Risk in Marketing Resource Allocation (10/2009)
- Are There Arbitrage Opportunities in Credit Derivatives Markets?: A New Test and an Application to the Case of CDS and ASPs (09/2009)
- Compatibility Between Pricing Rules and Risk Measures: The CCVaR (09/2009)
- CAPM and APT like models with risk measures (06/2009)
- What do we know about Banks Securitisation? The Spanish Experience (06/2009)
- Behavior Finance and Estimation Risk in Stochastic Portfolio Optimization (04/2009)
- The Value of a "Free" Customer (03/2009)
- The Value of Coskewness in Evaluating Mutual Funds (12/2008)
- US Market Entry by Spanish Pharmaceutical Firms (12/2008)
- Credit Risk Mitigation and SMEs Bank Financing in Basel II: The Case of the Loan Guarantee Associations (09/2008)
- Periodic Components in Panel Hourly Electricity Prices (06/2008)
- The Performance of Socially Responsible Mutual Funds: The Role of Fees and Management Companies (06/2008)
- Extending pricing rules with general risk (04/2008)
- Optimal reinsurance with general risk functions (03/2008)
- Differential Grading Standards and University Funding: Evidence from Italy (02/2008)
- Why Do I Like People Like Me? (02/2008)
- De la crisis de la economía financiera a la crisis de la economía real (01/2008)
- Delegated Portfolio Management and Risk Taking Behavior (01/2008)
- Does the Effect of Public Support for R&D Depend on the Degree of Appropriability (01/2008)