sample of publications
- Flexible work arrangements in family firms: A socioemotional wealth perspective. German Journal of Human Resource Management. 37:300-322. 2023
- Satisfaction with HR practices and employee performance: a moderated mediation model of engagement and health. European Management Journal. 40:295-305. 2022
- Retaining an ageing workforce: The effects of high-performance work systems and flexible work programmes. Human Resource Management Journal. 28:585-604. 2018
- Teams in Small Technology-Based Firms: the roles of diversity and conflict management. Journal of Technology Management and Innovation. 12:11-17. 2017
- Are High-Performance Work Systems always a valuable retention tool? The roles of workforce feminization and flexible work arrangements. European Management Journal. 35:128-136. 2017
- El diseño de los equipos como moderador de la relación entre el trabajo en equipo y los resultados organizativos de pequeñas empresas de base tecnológica. Espacios. 38:24. 2017
- The HR department's contribution to line managers' effective implementation of HR practices. Human Resource Management Journal. 26:449-470. 2016
- The acceptance of newly introduced HR practices Some evidence from Spain on the role of management behavior and organizational climate. International Journal of Manpower. 36:334-353. 2015
- Differentiating the workforce: The performance effects of using contingent labor in a context of high-performance work systems. Journal of Business Research. 67:1334-1341. 2014
- Factors helping the HR function gain greater acceptance for its proposals and innovations: evidence from Spain. International Journal of Human Resource Management. 24:3794-3811. 2013
- Efectos de la contratación temporal sobre los resultados de los sistemas de trabajo de alto rendimiento. Universia Business Review. 14-31. 2013
- La planificación de los recursos humanos en las multinacionales. Información comercial española. 73-82. 2011
- El atractivo de España para la inversión extranjera directa según el Análisis Comparativo 2010 de ESADE. Boletín Económico. Información Comercial Española. 11-22. 2011
- ¿Están convergiendo globalmente las prácticas de recursos humanos? = Are the HR Practices Converging Globally?. Universia Business Review. 88-102. 2010
book chapters
- The compensation of corporate expatriates. In: Readings and Cases in International Human Resource Management. Routledge. 243-264. 2023
- Compensating global employees. In: Readings and Cases in International Human Resource Management (6th Edition). Routledge. 162-182. 2017
- Implementing HR practices effectively: Exploring the role of the HR department. In: New Clues for Analysing the HRM Black Box. CAMBRIDGE SCHOLARS PUBLISHING. 37-64. 2015
- Plan de Organización y Recursos Humanos. In: Manual de creación de empresas. De la oportunidad a la puesta en marcha. THOMSON CIVITAS. 319-354. 2014
conference contributions
- The Effect of Workforce Composition on the Retention Outcomes of High-Performance Work Systems: The Role of Gender 2015
- Implementing HR practices effectively : Exploring the role of the HR department 2014
- The Contribution of the HR Department to teh Efective Implementation of HR practices 2014
- Women under High-Performance Work Systems: Which is the outcome for firms? 2014
- Sistema de alto compromiso y rendimiento empresarial en pequeñas empresas: un análisis empírico 2008