


This portal intends to reinforce the promotion of advanced research in accordance with stringent international criteria.

We are providing you with a tool to explore the R+D+i structure across Carlos III University of Madrid, quickly locate experts in a scientific research field and facilitate access to their research outputs.

Our aim is to foster access to scientific and research information that will give quick, dynamic and up to date answer to these 2 questions:

  - Who is researching a specific topic?

  - What is an expert, group or particular department researching?

We hope that, as well as answering these questions, the UC3M Research Portal will facilitate contact among researchers and will initiate new ways of collaboration.

To start searching, you can enter a word in the search box.

The search results will adhere to the following limits: active Researchers at Carlos III University of Madrid, Projects since 2006 and Publications, Theses, Patents and Software since 2008. This data are collected from UC3M Current Research Information System: Universitas XXI.

The data will be updated monthly, so you will need to take the latest update into account to interpret results correctly.