sample of publications
- International and domestic R&D coopetition: the influence of information redundancy on innovation performance. Industry and Innovation. 31:1324-1349. 2024
- Digitalization as a facilitator of open innovation: Are family firms different?. TECHNOVATION. 128. 2023
- Colaborar con socios internacionales para innovar: implicaciones para empresas de servicios profesionales y tecnológicos. Emprendimiento y negocios internacionales. 6:8-12. 2021
- Failed and successful innovations: The role of geographic proximity and international diversity of partners in technological collaboration. TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE. 166:1-13. 2021
- Disentangling the role of management control systems for product and process innovation in different contexts. European Accounting Review. 28:681-712. 2019
- International collaboration and innovation in professional and technological knowledge-intensive services. Industry and Innovation. 25:408-431. 2018
- Understanding the innovation behavior of family firms. JOURNAL OF SMALL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT. 53:382-399. 2015
- Understanding the innovation behavior of family firms. JOURNAL OF SMALL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT. 53:382-399. 2013
- Understanding the innovation behavior of family firms. JOURNAL OF SMALL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT. 53:382-399. 2013
- Service innovation in manufacturing firms: evidence from Spain. TECHNOVATION. 32:144-155. 2012
- Complementarities between Universities and Technology Institutes: New empirical lessons and perspectives. EUROPEAN PLANNING STUDIES. 19:195-215. 2011
- Competitividad en sectores de baja intensidad tecnológica: ¿Demasiado maduros para obviar la innovación?. Información comercial española. 89-98. 2011
- El papel de las universidades y los centros tecnológicos como impulsores de la actividad innovadora. Papeles de economía española. 127:59-75. 2011
- Hidden innovators: The role of other innovation activities. TECHNOLOGY ANALYSIS & STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT. 4:415-432. 2011
- Matching Goals and the Impacts of R&D Collaboration. European Management Review. 2:95-109. 2011
- The Relevance of Different Open Innovation Strategies for R&D Performers = Relevancia de distintas estrategias "Open Innovation" para las empresas que hacen I+D. Cuadernos de Economia y Direccion de la Empresa. 13:93-114. 2010
- Colaboración tecnológica e innovación en las empresas de base tecnológica: implicaciones de las relaciones con universidades y otros socios tecnológicos. Revista Galega de Economia. 19:1-15. 2010
- Public Selection and Financing of R&D Cooperative Projects: Credit versus Subsidy Funding. RESEARCH POLICY. 39:549-563. 2010
- The Role Played by Interdependences in ERP Implementations: An Empirical Analysis of Critical Factors that Minimize Elapsed Time. INFORMATION & MANAGEMENT. 47:87-95. 2010
- Technological Collaboration: Bridging the Innovation Gap between Small and Large Firms. JOURNAL OF SMALL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT. 48:44-69. 2010
- Beyond Formal R&D: Taking Advantage of other sources of innovation in Low and Medium Technology Industries. RESEARCH POLICY. 38:507-517. 2009
- R&D Managers' Adaptation of Firms' HRM Practices. R & D MANAGEMENT. 39:271-290. 2009
- ¿Hay innovación más allá de la I+D?: el papel de otras actividades innovadoras = Is There Innovation Beyond R&D? The Role Played by Other Innovation Activities. Universia Business Review. 102-117. 2009
- Bootstrap Mean Squared Error of a Small-Area EBLUP. JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL COMPUTATION AND SIMULATION. 78:443-462. 2008
book chapters
- Plan Económico y Financiero. In: Manual de Creación de Empresas. De la oportunidad a la puesta en marcha.. EDITORIAL ARANZADI, S.A.. 473-504. 2014
- Colaborar para innovar: relevancia del socio tecnológico. In: Claves de la economía mundial 2009. ICEX ESPAÑA EXPORTACION E INVERSIONES. 94-100. 2009
conference contributions
- Control experience and R&D Collaboration: the "If" and "With Whom" Decisions. 1-39. 2019
- Control experience and R&D collaboration: the "if" and "with whom" decisions 2019
- On the relationship between coopetition and innovation: disentangling some influential factors. 47-48. 2017
- Balancing on a tight rope: can creativity and control coexist for the sake of innovation? 2016
- Balancing on a tightrope: can creativity and control coexist for the sake of innovation? 2016
- Disentangling the role of management control systems for innovation´s attributes, outcomes and context 2016
- The dark and bright sides of collaboration: the effects of geographic proximity and the international diversity of partners on innovation success and failure. 123-123. 2016
- Gender differences in risk aversion: evidence from a multiple choice exam of accounting students 2015
- On the role of Management Control Systems for Innovation: insights from a large data set 2015
- International Collaboration and Innovation In Professional and Technological Knowledge-Intensive Services 2012
- The Different Effects of International Collaborations on Innovation in Professional and Technological Knowledge Intensive Services 2012
- Clarifying the Relevance of Size to ERP Implementation: Key Factors to Minimize Elapsed Time 2008
- Complementarities between External Sources of Knowledge: The Case of Universities and Technology Institutes in Spain 2008
- Complementarities between External Sources of Knowledge: The Case of Universities and Technology Institutes in Spain 2008
- Complementarities between Universities and Technology Industries: New Empirical Lessons and Perspectives 2008
- Hidden Innovation: The Tole of Non R&D Activities 2008
- Towards Organizational Integration: Optimizing Elapsed Time in Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Implementation 2008
- Understanding the Success of Internal R&D: The Relevance of Different Open Innovation Strategies 2008