sample of publications
- The two sides of corporate social responsibility and the quality of internal control audit opinions. International Journal of Auditing. 28:226-250. 2023
- Quarterly earnings guidance and real earnings management. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting. 50:1029-1059. 2023
- Compensation mechanism for damage from ecosystem services deterioration: constitutive characteristic. International Journal of Global Environmental Issues. 19:129-142. 2021
- Stakeholders versus Firm Communication in Social Media: The case of Twitter and Corporate Social Responsibility Information. European Accounting Review. 30:31-62. 2021
- Corporate social responsibility and dynamic productivity change in the US food and beverage manufacturing industry. Agribusiness. 37:286-305. 2020
- Corporate Social Responsibility and Operational Inefficiency: A Dynamic Approach. Sustainability. 10:2277-2303. 2018
- Managing risk with socially responsible actions in firms involved in controversial activities and earnings management. Revista Espanola de Financiacion y Contabilidad. 47:1-24. 2018
- Impression management and Non-GAAP disclosure in earnings announcements. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting. 44:448-479. 2017
- The illusion of CSR: drawing the line between core and supplementary CSR. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal. 7:125-151. 2016
- Voluntary Disclosure of Press Releases and the Importance of Timing: A Comparative Study of the UK and Spain. Management International Review. 54:71-106. 2014
- Do Non-socially Responsible Companies Achieve Legitimacy Through Socially Responsible Actions? The Mediating Effect of Innovation. Journal of Business Ethics. 117:67-83. 2013
- Corporate financial communication and the internet: manipulating investor audiences?. Online Information Review. 37:518-537. 2013
- Opportunistic disclosure in press release headlines. Accounting and Business Research. 42:143-168. 2012
- Personal Values, Autonomy, and Self-efficacy: Evidence from frontline service employees. International Journal of Selection and Assessment. 20:159-170. 2012
- Corporate governance and impression management in annual results press releases. Accounting, Organizations and Society. 36:187-208. 2011
- Press release Disclosures in Spain and the UK. International Business Review. 19:1-15. 2010
- Impression Management: Developing and Illustrating a Scheme of Analysis for Narrative Disclosures: A methodological note. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal. 22:789-832. 2009
- La presentación oportunista de la información financiera en las notas de prensa. Estudios financieros. Revista de contabilidad y tributación. Comentarios, casos prácticos. 167-202. 2008
book chapters
- Does the negative environmental reputation of clients affect audit effort and quality for European Companies?. In: Climate Change and Corporate Reporting in Europe.. CAMBRIDGE SCHOLARS PUBLISHING. 200-230. 2024
- RSC 2.0: La comunicación entre empresas y stakeholders en redes sociales. In: Marketíng digital y big data. FUNDACIÓN DE LOS BANCOS Y CAJAS DE CECA (FUNCAS). 121-136. 2021
- Reporting of alternative performance measures by European firms. In: Non-GAAP financial measures and disclousre: A theoretical and empirical analysis in teh European institution setting. CAMBRIDGE SCHOLAR PUBLISHING. 196-223. 2020
- Corporate disclosure strategies on company websites: reviewing opportunistic practices. In: Handbook of Strategice-business Management. SPRINGER. 957-975. 2014
conference contributions
- Aprender siendo parte del proceso de enseñanza usando las nuevas tecnologías 2022
- CEOs debt-based compensation and CSR. Its effect on risk and performance 2018
- Missing Narratives: An Analysis of Biases in Sample Selection and Variable Choice in Textual Analysis Research. 1-52. 2018
- Impression management and non-GAAP disclosure in earnings announcements. 448-479. 2017
- Earnings management and impression management 2016
- Contraponencia a: "Whistleblowers in the Board: The Role of Independent Directors in Prosecuting Cartels", de Murillo Campello y Daniel Ferrés 2015
- Financial reporting and Narrative Disclosure. Content Analysis vs. Textual Analysis 2015
- Positive and negative CEO personality traits and firm communication 2015
- Positive and negative CEO personality traits and firm communication: Overconfidence, Narcissism, or Self-Esteem? 2015
- Positive and negative CEO personality traits and firm communication: Overconfidence, Narcissism, or Self-Esteem? 2015
- Positive and negative CEO personality traits and firm communication: Overconfidence, Narcissism, or Self-Esteem? 2015
- Positive and negative CEO personality traits and firm communication: Overconfidence, Narcissism, or Self-Esteem? 2015
- Stakeholder engangement and CSR information communication on social media: The case of Twitter and the Spanish banking industry 2015
- Agency-Based Demand For Conditional Conservatism In The Presence Of Credit Default Swaps 2014
- Agency-Based Demand For Conditional Conservatism In The Presence Of Credit Default Swaps 2014
- Are auditor opinions on internal control effectiveness influenced by corporate social responsibility? 2014
- Are auditor opinions on internal control effectiveness influenced by corporate social responsibility? 2014
- Are auditor opinions on internal control effectiveness influenced by corporate social responsibility? 2014
- Are auditor opinions on internal control effectiveness influenced by corporate social responsibility? 2014
- The Relation Between Corporate Social Responsibility And Internal Control Effectiveness 2014
- The Relation between Corporate Social Responsibility and Internal Control Effectiveness 2014
- The Relation between Corporate Social Responsibility and Internal Control Effectiveness 2014
- Managing risk with socially responsible actions. The controversial industry sector 2013
- Participante Comite Cientifico de la European Accounting Association Annual Congress 2013
- The relation between corporate social responsibility and internal control quality 2013
- The role of corporate social responsibility enhancing internal control quality 2013
- The role of corporate social responsibility enhancing internal control quality 2013
- [Conference participation about recent research trends and regulatory developments in international accounting] 2013
- Impression management and Non-GAAP reporting in earnings annocuncements 2012
- Impression management and Non-GAAP reporting in earnings announcements 2012
- Self-Serving Financial Reporting Communication: A Study of the Association Between Earnings Management and Impression Management 2012
- Self-Serving Financial Reporting Communication: A Study of the Association between Earnings Management and Impression Management 2012
- Self-serving financial reporting communication: A study of the association between earnings managment and impression management 2012
- Self-serving financial reporting communication: A study of the association between earnings managment and impression management 2012
- Corporate Governance, Future News and Forward-Looking Information 2011
- Corporate Governance, Future News and Forward-looking Information 2011
- Impression Management and Non-GAAP Reportingin Earnings Announcements 2011
- Impression Management: Theory an Methodology 2011
- Internet Press Releases: Informative or Manipulative? 2011
- Opportunistic Disclosure in Annual Results Press Releases Headlines 2010
- Corporate Governance and Impression Management 2008
- Corporate Governance and Impression Management in Annual Press Releases Reporting and Business CO 2008
- Impression Management in Press Releases: Evidence of Bias in Financial Reporting 2008
- Misleading Impressions in Press Releases Headlines 2008
working papers