sample of publications
- Service robots and COVID-19: exploring perceptions of prevention efficacy at hotels in generation Z. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 33:4057-4078. 2021
- Understanding the Role of Attitude Components in Co-branding: A Comparison of Spanish and Taiwanese Consumers. Journal of International Consumer Marketing. 31:203-224. 2019
- Detangling consumer attitudes to better explain co-branding success. Journal of Product and Brand Management. 26:704-721. 2018
- SMORE: Towards a semantic modeling for knowledge representation on social media. SCIENCE OF COMPUTER PROGRAMMING. 121:16-33. 2016
- Current Marketing Practices and Market Orientation in the Context of an Emerging Economy: The Case of Uruguay. JOURNAL OF SMALL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT. 51:602-616. 2013
- The Power of a Package Product Claims Drive Purchase Decisions. JOURNAL OF ADVERTISING RESEARCH. 52:364-375. 2012
- Brand Value in Horizontal Alliances: The Case of Twin Cars. JOURNAL OF THE OPERATIONAL RESEARCH SOCIETY. 68:1533-1542. 2011
- Cross-Cultural Comparisons of Consumer Satisfaction Ratings: A Perspective from Albert Hirschman's Theory. INTERNATIONAL MARKETING REVIEW. 27:676-693. 2010
- The Double Jeopardy Loyalty Effect Using Discrete Choice Models. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MARKET RESEARCH. 52:633-652. 2010
- Evolutionary Changes in Service-Attribute Importance in a Crisis Scenario: The Uruguayan Financial Crisis. JOURNAL OF SERVICE RESEARCH. 11:429-440. 2009
book chapters
- Nuevas trazas del valor de marca de entidades financieras proporcionadas por su gestión online. In: Marketing Digital & Big Data. [Capítulo 8]. FUNCAS. 137-155. 2022
- An original social marketing campaign to 'Try Vegan': effectiveness and impact on quality of life. In: Applied social marketing and quality of life: case studies from an international perspective. Springer International Publishing. 205-219. 2021
- Pré-show interativo na ecrã do cinema: um caso pioneiro de comunicação persuasiva. In: Comunicação e Interatividade. Media XXI. 83-95. 2019
- Innovation in the Spanish twittersphere: an ontology and stakeholder's salience analysis. In: Revolution of innovation management. Volume 1, The digital breakthrough. Palgrave MacMillan. 97-128. 2017
- Co-branding Strategies of High-Tech Products and Luxury Brands: A Cross-Cultural Perspective. In: Let's Get Engaged! Crossing the Threshold of Marketing's Engagement Era. Developments in Marketing Science. SPRINGER. 401. 2016
- Pre-show interactivo en la pantalla de cine: un caso pionero de comunicación persuasiva. In: Comunicación e interactividad. VISIÓN LIBROS. 95-111. 2014
- Brand Loyalty and Heterogeneity in the Spanish Market of Non-Fine Laundry Detergent. In: Building Brand Loyalty: Issues and Perspectives. ICFAI UNIVERSITY PRESS. 99-116. 2009
- Brand Loyalty and Heterogeneity in the Spanish Market of Non-Fine Laundry Detergents. In: Building Brand Loyalty: Issues and Perspectives. ICFAI UNIVERSITY PRESS. 99-116. 2008
conference contributions
- Not mills, but robots! Exploratory analysis of the determinants of customer acceptance of robots hotel service = ¡No son molinos, sino robots!: análisis exploratorio de los determinantes de la aceptación por los clientes de robots de servicio en hoteles. 283-295. 2022
- Impact of Firm Created Content on Brand Engagement in the Spanish twittersphere 2016
- Impact of Firm Created Content on User Generated Content: Using Twittiment as a Social Media Monitoring Tool to Explore Twitter. 303-306. 2016
- Impact of firm created content on user generated content in the Spanish twittersphere 2016
- Topic analysis of Twitter content from Ibero-America: application to car brands 2016
- Impact of FCC on UGC en Twitter: using a new Social Media Monitoring Tool 2015
- Impact of Firm Created Content on User Generated Content: Using a new social media monitoring tool to explore Twitter 2015
- Brand Equity and Social Media: An Exploratory Analysis to Measure Customer-Based Brand Equity Using Twitter Data 2014
- Una experiencia universitaria de publicidad interactiva en pantalla grande 2014
- Current marketing practices and market orientation in the tourism sector: an evolutionary approach to the Uruguayan case 2013
- Evolution and impactof the marketing practices and market orientation in the tourism sector: the Uruguayan case 2013
- The influence of high-technology and luxury co-branding strategies on cross-cultural consumer evaluation and purchase intention 2013
- La eficacia de las prácticas de marketing de las pequeñas empresas en los mercados emergentes 2012
- Co-Branding Strategies Applied to High-Tech Products and Luxury Brands: A Cross-Cultural Perspective 2011
- Marketing Practices and Performance in a Post-Crisis Scenario 2011
- Package Advertising Claims on New Products: Impact on Firm Value 2011
- Cultural Differences in Assessing Perceived Quality and Student Satisfaction with Public Higher Education: An Albert Hirschman´s Theory Application 2008
working papers