sample of publications
- Predicting the virality of fake news at the early stage of dissemination. Expert Systems with Applications. 248:1-12. 2024
- Tracking Fraudulent and Low-Quality Display Impressions. Journal of Advertising. 49:309-319. 2020
- Exact optimal experimental designs with constraints. Statistics and Computing. 27:845-863. 2017
- Can Retail Sales Volatility be Curbed Through Marketing Actions? . Marketing Science. 36:232-253. 2017
- Riding successive product diffusion waves. Building a tsunami via upgrade-rebate programs. International Journal of Research in Marketing. 33:780-796. 2016
- Historical impact of technological change on the US mass media advertising expenditure. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 100:306-316. 2015
- Licensing radical product innovations to speed up the diffusion. European Journal of Operational Research. 239:542-555. 2014
- Valuing Customer Portfolios with Endogenous Mass and Direct Marketing Interventions Using a Stochastic Dynamic Programming Decomposition. Marketing Science. 33:621-640. 2014
- Magazine Sales Promotion: A Dynamic Response Analysis. Journal of Advertising. 38:137-146. 2009
- Automatic Spectral Density Estimation for Random Fields on a Lattice Via Bootstrap. Test. 18:96-114. 2009
- Marketing Research Methods: Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches. Cambridge: CAMBRIDGE UNIVERITY PRESS. 2021
conference contributions
- Expenditure trends in us advertising: long-term effects and structural changes with new media introductions. 1129. 2015
- Sales volatility and marketing planning. 872. 2015
- Optimal experimental designs for nonlinear analysis: Solving the conundrum 2013
- Optimal experimental designs for nonlinear conjoint Analysis: solving the conundrum 2013
- The Impact of Critics Discrepancy on Consumers Average Ratings and their Dispersion 2008
working papers
- Reconsidering optimal experimental design for conjoint analysis 2012
- US advertising expenditure trends : long run effects and structural changes with new media introductions 2012
- Valuing customer portfolios with endogenous mass-and-direct-marketing interventions using a stochastic dynamic programming decomposition 2012
- Can we curb retail sales volatility through marketing mix actions? 2011
- Licensing radical product innovations to speed up the diffusion 2011
- Riding successive product diffusion waves : building a tsunami via upgrade-rebate programs 2011
- Optimal Risk in Marketing Resource Allocation 2009
- The Value of a "Free" Customer 2009