sample of publications
- Digitalization and employment in Europe: the role of firm's size and the complementarity of R&D. R & D MANAGEMENT. 54:695-712. 2024
- Corporate environmental R&D: does organisational innovation matter?. Industry and Innovation. 1-36. 2024
- Green innovation strategies and firms' internationalization. INDUSTRIAL AND CORPORATE CHANGE. 32:815-830. 2023
- The heterogeneous effects of environmental taxation on green technologies. RESEARCH POLICY. 51:1-14. 2022
- End-of-pipe and cleaner production technologies. Do policy instruments and organizational capabilities matter? Evidence from Spanish firms. Journal of Cleaner Production. 340:1-9. 2022
- Does persistence in using R&D tax credits help to achieve product innovations?. TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE. 173:121065-121082. 2021
- Barriers to the circular economy in European small and medium¿sized firms. Business Strategy and the Environment. 29:2450-2464. 2020
- Driving sectoral sustainability via the diffusion of organizational eco¿innovations.. Business Strategy and the Environment. 29:1437-1447. 2019
- The Impact of Innovation and Green Fiscal Incentives on Employment in Spain.. Hacienda Publica Espanola-Review of Public Economics. 231:125-154. 2019
- Information Technologies and Downsizing: Examining their impact on economic performance. INFORMATION & MANAGEMENT. 56:526-535. 2019
- Green innovation and knowledge: The role of size. Business Strategy and the Environment. 28:1045-1059. 2019
- Revisiting product and process innovations. International Journal of Business Environment. 10:270-280. 2019
- What are the determinants of investment in environmental R & D?. Energy Policy. 104:455-465. 2017
- Participation inertia in R&D tax incentive and subsidy programs. SMALL BUSINESS ECONOMICS. 12:153-177. 2017
- Towards green growth: How does green innovation affect employment?. RESEARCH POLICY. 45:1218-1232. 2016
- Tax incentives...or subsidies for business R&D?. SMALL BUSINESS ECONOMICS. 43:571-596. 2014
- Size, R&D productivity and Decision Styles. SMALL BUSINESS ECONOMICS. 42:643-662. 2014
- The Power of a Package Product Claims Drive Purchase Decisions. JOURNAL OF ADVERTISING RESEARCH. 52:364-375. 2012
- Training plans, manager's characteristics and innovation in the accommodation industry. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 31:686-694. 2012
- Influencia de las políticas públicas de incentivos a la I+D+i sobre la propensión innovadora y el comportamiento de la empresa española. Papeles de economía española. 2012
- Obstáculos a la innovación y uso de incentivos ¿subvenciones o estímulos fiscales?. Economía Industrial. 35-44. 2011
- Who Benefits from R&D Tax Policy? = ¿Quién se beneficia de los incentivos fiscales a la inversión en I+D?. Cuadernos de Economia y Direccion de la Empresa. 13:145-170. 2010
- Innovation, Exports and Productivity. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION. 28:372-376. 2010
- Innovation Activity in the Hotel Industry. TECHNOVATION. 29:632-641. 2009
- Product and Process Innovation: Persistence and Complementarities. European Management Review. 6:64-75. 2009
- Aplicación de los incentivos fiscales a la inversión en I+D en las empresas españolas = Application of R & D fiscal incentives in Spanish manufacturing firms. Hacienda Publica Espanola-Review of Public Economics. 9-40. 2008
book chapters
- Efectividad de los incentivos públicos a la investigación e innovación empresarial. In: Análisis sobre la Ciencia e Innovación en España. FECYT. 669-707. 2010
- Innovación, exportaciones y productividad. In: Análisis sobre la Ciencia e Innovación en España. FECYT. 559-615. 2010
- Performance and Entrepreneurial Orientation in Small Firms: the Moderating Effects of Strategy, Structure, Human Resource Policies and Information Systems. In: In Energizing Management trough Entrepreneurship and Innovation: European Research and Practice (Routledge Studies in Innovation, Organization and Technology). Routledge. 128-145. 2009
conference contributions
- Taxation, tax incentives or public financing. How to successfully incentivize firms´green behavior 2018
- Environmental R&D investment 2016
- What determines investment in environmental innovation? 2016
- Knowledge sourcing and green innovation. 106-107. 2015
- Participation in R&D tax credit and subsidy programs: the weight of inertia 2015
- Participation in R&D, tax credit and subsidy programs: the weight of inertia 2015
- Creating and Managing Environmental Innovations 2014
- Effects of Environmental Innovation on Employment 2014
- Tax incentives and direct support for R&D: what do firms use and why? 2014
- The dynamics of public support to Business R&D 2014
- The influence of tax incentives, subsidies and other public incentives to stimulate private R&D in Spain 2013
- Does Entrepreneurial Orientation Accelerate The Effects Of Strategy On Firm Performance? 2012
- Tax incentives and direct support for R and D: What do firms use and why? 2012
- Tax incentives and direct support for R and D: what do firms use and ahy? 2012
- Tax incentives and direct support for R and D: what do firms use and why? 2012
- Package Advertising Claims on New Products: Impact on Firm Value 2011
- R&D fiscal incentives and direct funding: what do firms prefer? 2011
- R&D Productivity and Decision-Making Approaches: Comparing SmalL versus Large Firms Through a Dual Process Perspective 2008
- R&D Productivity and Decision-Making Approaches: Comparing Small Versus Large Firms Through a Dual Process Perspective 2008
- R&D Productivity, Size and Decision-Styles 2008
working papers
- Inter-industry Differences in Organisational Eco-innovation : a panel data study 2018
- CIFRA: Challenging the ICT Patent Framework for Responsible Innovation. D4.4: Policy Paper on potential new framings, identifying needs for changing the current IPR regime relevant for ICT industries 2018
- Dificultades en la aplicación de las deducciones fiscales por actividades de I+D+i 2016
- A resource pool for environmental innovation 2014
- Technological capabilities and cost efficiency as antecedents of foreign market entry 2012
- Tax incentives and direct support for R&D : what do firms use and why? 2011
- US Market entry by Spanish Pharmaceutical Firms 2010
- US Market Entry by Spanish Pharmaceutical Firms 2008