sample of publications
- Nearby or faraway? Determinants of target selection in family firm acquisitions. International Business Review. 33. 2024
- Executive gender and firm leverage decisions: The role of firm ownership and governance. Journal of Business Research. 179:114700-1-114700-13. 2024
- Exploring the link between family ownership and leverage: A mediating pathway through socioemotional wealth objectives.. Review of Managerial Science. 1-50. 2023
- Euro adoption and intra-European Union exporters'productivity: Differences between family and non-family firms. European Research on Management and Business Economics. 29. 2023
- Family Control, Political Risk and Employment Security: A Cross-National Study. JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES. 1-35. 2023
- Socioemotional wealth and famiy firm performance: A meta-analytic integration. Journal of Family Business Strategy. 14:100536-1-100536-13. 2022
- Do employees boost opportunities to compete abroad? A longitudinal study of family and non-family firms. European Management Journal. 40:741-757. 2022
- Employee downsizing and sales internationalization strategy in family firms. Journal of Family Business Strategy. 13:1-13. 2022
- Combining internal and external R&D: The effects on innovation performance in family and nonfamily firms. ENTREPRENEURSHIP THEORY AND PRACTICE. 44:996-1031. 2020
- Exploring the exporting-downsizing link: Does the type of export strategy and firm efficiency in foreign markets matter?. Journal of Business Research. 108:324-336. 2020
- Socially responsible downsizing: Comparing family and non-family firms. Business Ethics-A European Review. 29:35-55. 2020
- Growth intentions in family-based new venture teams: The role of the nascent entrepreneurs R&D behavior. MANAGEMENT DECISION. 58:1190-1209. 2019
- Selecting the governance mode when offshoring knowledge-intensive activities. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management. 24:275-287. 2018
- European family firms and acquisition propensity: A comprehensive analysis of the legal system's role.. Journal of Family Business Strategy. 9:44-58. 2018
- Diversification decisions among family firms: The role of family involvement and generational stage. BRQ-Business Research Quarterly. 21:39-52. 2018
- The influence of sports participation on academic performance among students in higher education. Sport Management Review. 20:365-378. 2017
- La influencia de la práctica físico-deportiva en los resultados académicos de los estudiantes universitarios: el caso de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Revista de Investigacion en Educacion. 15:41-61. 2017
- Nascent entrepreneurs' personality attributes and the international dimension of new ventures. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal. 11:473-492. 2015
- Startup team contributions and new firm creation: The role of founding team experience. ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT. 1-2:80-105. 2015
- How may the nature of family firms explain the decisions concerning international diversification?. Journal of Business Research. 67:1311-1320. 2014
- The use of incentive compensation among board members in family firms. GROUP & ORGANIZATION MANAGEMENT. 39:162-189. 2014
- Institutional determinants of downsizing. Human Resource Management Journal. 24:111-128. 2014
- Multinational enterprises and domestic wages: The contingent effect of skill composition. International Business Review. 22:918-931. 2013
- La relación entre el cambio organizativo, los mecanismos de coordinación y los sistemas de incentivos en diferentes industrias. ESIC Market. 43:553-576. 2012
- Decisiones corporativas en las empresas españolas. Papeles de economía española. 130-147. 2012
- Do family ties shape the performance consequences of diversification? Evidence from the European Union. JOURNAL OF WORLD BUSINESS. 47:469-477. 2012
- Does downsizing improve organisational performance? An analysis of Spanish manufacturing firms. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT. 22:2924-2945. 2011
- The impact of family involvement on the R&D intensity of publicly traded firms. Family Business Review. 24:62-70. 2011
- Is there new evidence to show that product and international diversification influence SMEs' performance?. EuroMed Journal of Business. 6:63-76. 2011
- Towards New Organizational Forms. International Journal of Organizational Analysis. 18:340-357. 2010
- Downsizing Implementation and Financial Performance. MANAGEMENT DECISION. 48:1181-1197. 2010
- The Continuing Validity of the Strategy-Structure Nexus: New findings, 1993-2003. STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT JOURNAL. 30:1234-1243. 2009
- Ajuste entre estrategias de diversificación y estructuras multidivisionales: efecto sobre el resultado. Revista Europea de Dirección y Economía de la Empresa. 18:9-24. 2009
- Strategy and Structure in Context: Universalism versus Institutional Effects. ORGANIZATION STUDIES. 30:609-627. 2009
- Teoría y práctica de administración de empresas: Fundamentos y opciones estratégicas. MUES: ARANZADI THOMSON REUTERS. 2015
- Dirección de empresas: nociones teóricas y ejercicios prácticos. MADRID: CIVITAS. 2010
- El Proceso Innovador y Tecnológico: Estrategias y Apoyo Público. SOLLEIROS: Netbiblo. 2008
conference contributions
- Sustainable governance in family businesses: An environmental point of view: inaugural session 2024
- CEO mentoring and post-CEO succession performance in family firms 2023
- Executive turnover in family firms: The effects of board independence and industry competition. 1-1. 2022
- Broadening our sight on family firms and employment changes: The role of institutional risks 2020
- Where should we go? Exploring how institutional distance between acquiring and target firms affects family firms' acquisition behavior 2019
- Corporate environmental strategy and financial performance: The role of family involvement 2018
- Selecting the governance mode when offshoring knowledge-intensive activities 2018
- Drivers in offshoring and choosing the governance mode: the role of knowledge-intensive activities 2017
- Offshoring Drivers and Governance Mode Choice: The Moderating Effect of Knowledge-Intensive Activities 2017
- Offshoring drivers and governance mode choice: The moderating effect of knowledge intensive activities 2017
- Drivers in offshoring and choosing the governance mode: The role of knowledge-intensive activities 2016
- Family relations in new venture teams: growth in the entrepreneur context 2016
- Family ties in new venture teams and business growth: the role of innovation. 52-52. 2016
- The influence of sports participation on academic outcomes among students in higher education: a case study. 1-19. 2016
- An entrepreneurial approach to new venture internationalization 2013
- Startup team contributions and new firm creation 2013
- The use of incentive compensation among board members in family firms 2013
- How May the Nature of Family Firms Explain Decisions on International Diversification? 2012
- Multinational Enterprises and Domestic Wages: The moderating effect of skill composition 2012
- Skills and Innovation of Foreign and Domestic Firms 2012
- The effect of skills on innovation: Subsidiaries of foreign multinational enterprises versus domestic firms 2012
- A Study of Familiy Firms Characteristics and their Effect on Diversification: Evidence from Europe 2011
- An Study of Family Firms Characteristics and their Effect on Diversification: Evidence from Europe 2011
- Family Ties and the Use of Incentive Pay Among Board Members 2011
- Institutional and Normative Determinants of Downsizing 2011
- The Advantage of Foreignness in Skills and Innovations: Why Subsidiaries of Foreign Firms are More Innovative than Domestic Firms 2011
- Downsizing and Performance: Evidence from Spanish Manufacturing Firms 2008
- Financial Consequences of the Method and Amount of Downsizing: Evidence from Spain 2008
- Fit between Strategies/Structures and Impact on Profitability: The Spanish Evidence 2008
- Incentive Systems as a Potential Driving-Force for Organizational Change 2008
- Linking Organizational Change, Coordination Mechanisms and Incentive Systems in Different Industries 2008
- Towards New Organizational Forms: Evidence from Spain 2008