sample of publications
- Signaling and herding in reward-based crowdfunding. Small Business Economics. 2024
- Problemas no resueltos de los consejeros independientes en España: El caso Indra y el sometimiento de los independientes. InDret. 2023:1-54. 2023
- Managerial incentives for attracting attention. European Financial Management. 26:896-937. 2020
- Las acciones con derechos de voto adicionales por lealtad «acciones de lealtad» desde el análisis económico del derecho = Shares that confer additional voting rights because of loyalty, loyalty shares: a Law and Economics approach. Información comercial española. 93-108. 2020
- The promise of reward crowdfunding. Corporate Governance: An International Review. 26:355-373. 2018
- Strong shareholders, weak outside investors. Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 18:277-309. 2018
- Los retos del gobierno corporativo de las sociedades controladas. Papeles de economía española. 33-46. 2017
- A contractual approach to discipline self-dealing by controlling shareholders. Journal of Law, Finance, and Accounting. 2:173-204. 2015
- Diviend Policy with Controlling Shareholders. Theoretical Inquiries in Law. 16:107-130. 2015
- Deconstructing independent directors. Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 13:63-94. 2013
- Board composition, political connections, and performance in state-owned enterprises. Industrial and Corporate Change. 21:671-698. 2012
- Ownership structure and minority expropriation : the case for multiple blockholders. Applied Financial Economics. 22:2075-2083. 2012
book chapters
- Inspection Rights in Spain. In: Research Handbook on Shareholder Inspection Rights: A Comparative Perspective. Edward Elgar Publishing, Ltd. 150-170. 2023
- The law and economics of comparative corporate law. In: Comparative Corporate Governance. 56-72. 2021
- The Spanish Banking Crisis as a Corporate Governance Problem. In: Governance of Financial Institutions. OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS. 2019
conference contributions
- Investors' Behavior in Reward Based Crowdfunding: Do Followers Actually Follow? 2020
- Investors' Behavior in Reward Based Crowdfunding: Do Followers Actually Follow? 2020
- Investors' behavior in reward based crowdfunding: Do followers actually follow? 2020
- What is the effect of corruption on the accounting practice?. 1-61. 2019
- Managerial incentives for attracting attention 2016
- Say-on-Payout 2016
- Dividend Policy with Controlling Shareholders. 107-130. 2015
- Say-on-Payout 2015
- Say-on-Payout 2015
- Say-on-Payout 2015
- Say-on-dividend 2015
- A Contractual Approach to Discipline Self-dealing by Controlling Shareholders 2014
- Say-on-Dividend 2014
- Say-on-dividend 2014
- A Contractual Approach to Discipline Self-dealing by Controlling Shareholders 2013
- Heterogeneous Credit Crunch Shock and the Effectiveness of Corporate Governanc 2013
- Heterogeneous credit crunch shock and the effectiveness of corporate governance 2013
- Heterogeneous credit crunch shock and the effectiveness of corporate governance 2013
- Bank Loan Announcements and Market Discipline 2012
- Managerial Incentives and Cheap Talk: Causes and Consequences 2012
- Bank's Ownership Structure, Risk and Performance 2008
- Board Composition and Performance in State-Owned Enterprises: Evidence from the Italian Public Utilities Sector 2008
- Ownership Structure and Minority Expropriation in Non-Listed Firms: The Case for Multiple Large Shareholders 2008
- Ownership Structure and Minority Expropriation in Non-Listed Firms: The Case for Multiple Large Shareholders 2008
working papers