sample of publications
- Combining interpretivism and positivism in international business research: The example of the expatriate role. Journal of World Business. 58:1-13. 2023
- Positioning context front and center in international human resource management research. Human Resource Management Journal. 33:1-16. 2023
- The challenge of using a 'non-positivist' paradigm and getting through the peer-review process. Human Resource Management Journal. 31:37-48. 2020
- Compensating international mobility in a workers' cooperative: An interpretative study. Journal of World Business. 55. 2020
- Research paradigms in international human resource management: An epistemological systematisation of the field. German Journal of Human Resource Management. 34:99-123. 2020
- Retaining an ageing workforce: The effects of high-performance work systems and flexible work programmes. Human Resource Management Journal. 28:585-604. 2018
- The Changing Nature of Expatriation. Thunderbird International Business Review. 60:815-821. 2017
- Understanding the decision to offshore human resource activities: a coevolutionary perspective. International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management. 47:175-197. 2017
- The traditional approach to compensating global mobility: criticisms and alternatives. International Journal of Human Resource Management. 28:149-169. 2017
- The HR department's contribution to line managers' effective implementation of HR practices. Human Resource Management Journal. 26:449-470. 2016
- Antecedents and effects of host country nationals negative stereotyping of corporate expatriates. A social identity analysis. Human Resource Management Review. 26:59-68. 2016
- Information and library science; Scientific excellence; University ranking; Europe; Bibliometric analysis; Us Lis Faculty; Research Productivity; Citation Analysis; Scholarly Productivity; Impact; Publication; Scopus; Statistics; Web. Journal of World Business. 51:127-141. 2016
- The acceptance of newly introduced HR practices Some evidence from Spain on the role of management behavior and organizational climate. International Journal of Manpower. 36:334-353. 2015
- Exploring expatriate outcomes. International Journal of Human Resource Management. 25:1921-1937. 2014
- The impact of individual performance on organizational success and its implications for the management of expatriates. International Journal of Human Resource Management. 25:1960-1977. 2014
- Differentiating the workforce: The performance effects of using contingent labor in a context of high-performance work systems. Journal of Business Research. 67:1334-1341. 2014
- Factors helping the HR function gain greater acceptance for its proposals and innovations: evidence from Spain. International Journal of Human Resource Management. 24:3794-3811. 2013
- A New Framework for Understanding Inequalities Between Expatriates and Host Country Nationals. Journal of Business Ethics. 115:291-310. 2013
- Managing cross-cultural differences: Testing human resource models in Latin America. Journal of Business Research. 65:1773-1781. 2012
- The Interaction of Expatriate Pay Differential and Expatriate Inputs on Host Country Nationals' Pay Unfairness. International Journal of Human Resource Management. 20:2135-2149. 2009
- Determinants of the Success of International Assignees as Knowledge Transferors: A Theoretical Framework. International Journal of Human Resource Management. 19:1-18. 2008
book chapters
- Taking stock of hrm research in Latin America: Implications for talent management. In: The Routledge Companion to Talent Management. Routledge. p. 164-p. 175. 2022
- Compensating Global Mobility. In: Global Mobility and the Management of Expatriates / edited by Jaime Bonache, Chris Brewster and Fabian Jintae Froese. CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS. 100-124. 2020
- Reflexive chapter: The nonlinear relationships in cross-cultural and global mobility / Paula Caligiuri and Jaime Bonache. In: The SAGE Handbook of Contemporary Cross-Cultural Management. Part V, Global mobility and cross-cultural management / edited by Betina Szkudlarek, Laurence Romani, Dan Caprar and Joyce S. Osland. SAGE PUBLICATIONS, LTD. 465-477. 2020
- Compensating Global Careerists. In: The Management of Global Careers : Exploring the Rise of International Work. SPRINGER. 319-340. 2018
- Implementing HR practices effectively: Exploring the role of the HR department. In: New Clues for Analysing the HRM Black Box. CAMBRIDGE SCHOLARS PUBLISHING. 37-64. 2015
- Compensation and total rewards: trends in emerging markets. In: Handbook of human resource management in emerging markets. Edward Elgar Publishing, Ltd. 293-315. 2015
- The Cambridge Companion to Global Mobility and the Management of Expatriates / edited by Jaime Bonache, Chris Brewster and Fabian Jintae Froese. CAMBRIDGE: CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS. 2020
conference contributions
- Age, Gender, and a Double Jeopardy in Expatriate Selection 2017
- Distributive Justice in the Compensation of Global Mobility: An inductive study of a workers' cooperative in the Mondragon Corporation 2016
- Understanding the decision to offshore human resources activities: An Empirical Analysis. 50-50. 2016
- Implementing HR practices effectively : Exploring the role of the HR department 2014
- Understanding the decision to offshore human resources activities. A coevolutionary perspective. 2014