Mechanical Engineering
- Elucidating the relationship between high-investment HR systems and workforce engagement: The role of employee education. (12/2024)
- Static Output Feedback Control for Vehicle Platoons with Robustness to Mass Uncertainty (12/2024)
- International and domestic R&D coopetition: the influence of information redundancy on innovation performance (11/2024)
- Robust Static Output Feedback Control of a Semi-Active Vehicle Suspension Based on Magnetorheological Dampers (11/2024)
- Mission Based Systems for Connected Automated Mobility (10/2024)
- Organizing planning knowledge for automated vehicles and intelligent transportation systems (10/2024)
- Unraveling gender differences in entrepreneurial exits: The role of human capital and family situation during an unprecedented crisis (10/2024)
- Adaptive Variable Design Algorithm for Improving Topology Optimization in Additive Manufacturing Guided Design (08/2024)
- Aplicación de la transformada wavelet discreta a la detección de roturas catastróficas de herramienta durante el taladrado de componentes aeronáuticos estructurales (07/2024)
- Computational studies on hyper velocity impact of spherical projectiles on whipple shield with hybrid Newtonian fluid-filled core (07/2024)
- Engaging long-tenured employees via high-performance work systems: a matter of dosages (07/2024)
- Exploring Action-Oriented Models via Active Inference for Autonomous Vehicles (07/2024)
- Influence of Platen Stiffness on the Contact Stress Distribution in the Standardized Uniaxial Compression Test (07/2024)
- Radar-Based Pedestrian and Vehicle Detection and Identification for Driving Assistance (07/2024)
- Robust Adaptive Heterogeneous Vehicle Platoon Control Based on Disturbances Estimation and Compensation (07/2024)
- Sensitivity Analysis and Filtering of Machinable Parts Using Density-Based Topology Optimization (07/2024)
- Kinetic Study of Anaerobic Adhesive Curing on Copper and Iron Base Substrates (06/2024)
- Modeling Autonomous Vehicle Responses to Novel Observations Using Hierarchical Cognitive Representations Inspired Active Inference (06/2024)
- Decomposition Kinetics and Lifetime Estimation of Thermoplastic Composite Materials Reinforced with rCFRP (05/2024)
- Influence of the Magnetization of Thermally Expandable Particles on the Thermal and Debonding Properties of Bonding Joints (05/2024)
- Novel Methodology for Integrated Actuator and Sensors Fault Detection and Estimation in an Active Suspension System (05/2024)
- Slate¿Cork Laminate Enhanced with Silicone for Habitat Industry Application (05/2024)
- Thermal Stability, Durability, and Service Life Estimation of Woven Flax-Carbon Hybrid Polyamide Biocomposites (05/2024)
- Aplicación de termografía infrarroja en la estimación de la vida a fatiga en laminados de CFRP taladrados (04/2024)
- Códice Madrid I: Un análisis de los mecanismos del primer tratado completo de sistemas mecánicos. (04/2024)
- Digital data-driven technologies and the environmental sustainability of micro, small, and medium enterprises: Does size matter? (04/2024)
- Tensile, impact, and the damping performance of woven flax-carbon hybrid polyamide biocomposites (04/2024)
- Wear Behavior of Epoxy Resin Reinforced with Ceramic Nano- and Microparticles (04/2024)
- An Analysis of the WPT Function for Pattern Optimization to Detect Defects in Bearings (03/2024)
- Feasibility Study of Experimental Protocol for the Time-Dependent Mechanical Response of Synthetic Tibia (03/2024)
- Kinematic analysis of an unrestrained passenger in an autonomous vehicle during emergency braking (03/2024)
- A Vibration Analysis for the Evaluation of Fuel Rail Pressure and Mass Air Flow Sensors on a Diesel Engine: Strategies for Predictive Maintenance (02/2024)
- Degradation of Mechanical Properties of Flax/PLA Composites in Hygrothermal Aging Conditions (02/2024)
- Design and Construction of a Prototype of an Assisting Device for Arm Exercise (02/2024)
- Identification of cracks in low-speed rotating slender cracked beams using frequencies and artificial rabbit algorithm (02/2024)
- Stress Intensity Factor equations for incipient transverse external annular eccentric cracks contained in a shaft under bending (02/2024)
- Two-stage crack identification in an Euler-Bernoulli rotating beam using modal parameters and Genetic Algorithm (02/2024)
- Adaptive Graph Attention and Long Short-Term Memory-Based Networks for Traffic Prediction (01/2024)
- Enhanced modelling of planar radial-loaded deep groove ball bearings with smooth-contact formulation (01/2024)
- Multiresolution analysis for tool failure detection in CFRP/Ti6Al4V hybrid stacks drilling in aircraft assembly lines (01/2024)
- Simultaneous Estimation of Vehicle Sideslip and Roll Angles Using an Event-Triggered-Based IoT Architecture (01/2024)
- Análisis técnico y funcional de un sistema de elevación de agua de la época romana (12/2023)
- Application of automatic classifiers for condition monitoring of railway rolling stock (12/2023)
- Medida de eficacia de frenada de un automóvil. Comparativa de procedimientos y equipos (12/2023)
- Experimental Validation of a Driver Monitoring System (11/2023)
- Impact response of advance combat helmet pad systems (11/2023)
- Influence of distributed out-of-plane waviness defects on the mechanical behavior of CFRP laminates (11/2023)
- Integral-based event triggering actuator fault-tolerant control for an active suspension system under a networked communication scheme (11/2023)
- Performance analysis of input shaped model reference adaptive control for a single-link flexible manipulator (11/2023)
- Drilling of Cross-Ply UHMWPE Laminates: A Study on the Effects of the Tool Geometry and Cutting Parameters on the Integrity of Components (10/2023)
- Event-Triggered Robust Path Tracking Control Considering Roll Stability Under Network-Induced Delays for Autonomous Vehicles (10/2023)
- Experimental and numerical analysis of the influence of intramedullary nail position on the cut-out phenomenon (10/2023)
- Experimental techniques for performance evaluation of shielding materials and configurations subjected to Blast and Ballistic impacts: A State-of-the-Art Review (10/2023)
- Fiber metal laminates for high strain rate applications with layerwise shock impedance tuning (10/2023)
- Machinability of 3D printed peek reinforced with short carbon fiber (10/2023)
- Digitalization as a facilitator of open innovation: Are family firms different? (09/2023)
- Experimental and numerical analyses of ballistic resistance evaluation of combat helmet using Hybrid III headform (09/2023)
- Influence of Leadership Styles on Sustainable Development for Social Reconstruction: Current Outcomes and Advisable Reorientation for Two Aerospace Multinationals¿Airbus and TASL (09/2023)
- Investigating the T-stub connection with different web-to-flange joint configurations (09/2023)
- Long Sump Life Effects of a Naturally Aged Bio-Ester Oil Emulsion on Tool Wear in Finish Turning a Ni-Based Superalloy (09/2023)
- Novel Bayesian Inference-Based Approach for the Uncertainty Characterization of Zhang's Camera Calibration Method (09/2023)
- 'FLIPPED ASSESSMENT': Proposal for a Self-Assessment Method to Improve Learning in the Field of Manufacturing Technologies (08/2023)
- Microstructure Effects on the Machinability of AM-Produced Superalloys (08/2023)
- Study of the Influence of Tool Wear of Two Drill Bits Manufactured with Different Coating Processes in Drilling Carbon/Glass Fiber Hybrid Composite Bounded with Epoxy Polymer. (08/2023)
- Estudio paramétrico del modelo de zona cohesiva propio del código de elementos finitos Abaqus/Explicit en laminados CFRP (07/2023)
- On monitoring fretting fatigue damage in solid railway axles by acoustic emission with unsupervised machine learning and comparison to non-destructive testing techniques (07/2023)
- Railway Axle Early Fatigue Crack Detection through Condition Monitoring Techniques (07/2023)
- A gender-comparative study of¿nformal entrepreneurship: the¿oderating role of¿ocation decision (06/2023)
- Estudio del uso de técnicas termográficas para la predicción del límite de fatiga de laminados CFRP en presencia de ondulaciones fuera del plano (06/2023)
- Patológicos, enamorados y redimidos. Imágenes del artista en el cine de Wes Anderson (05/2023)
- Analysis of Tool Wear and Hole Delamination for Large-Diameter Drilling of CFRP Aircraft Fuselage Components: Identifying Performance Improvement Drivers and Optimization Opportunities (04/2023)
- Influence of material extrusion parameters on fracture mechanisms of polylactic acid under three-point bending (04/2023)
- International R&D sourcing, innovation and firm age: The advantage of 'born-international sourcers' (04/2023)
- Optimal selection of the mother wavelet in WPT analysis and its influence in cracked railway axles detection (04/2023)
- Simultaneous Estimation of Vehicle Sideslip and Roll Angles Using an Integral-Based Event-Triggered Hinfinity Observer Considering Intravehicle Communications (04/2023)
- Combining interpretivism and positivism in international business research: The example of the expatriate role (02/2023)
- Modular 3-D-printed education tool for blind and visually impaired students oriented to net structures (02/2023)
- On the nonlinear hunting stability of a high-speed train bogie (02/2023)
- Tire slip H¿ control for optimal braking depending on road condition (02/2023)
- Analysis of the First Treatise on Machine Elements: Codex Madrid I (01/2023)
- Automatic Full Slip Detection System implemented on the Strain-based Intelligent Tire at severe maneuvers (01/2023)
- Hard-magnetic phenomena enable autonomous self-healing elastomers (01/2023)
- Numerical analysis of the influence of triply periodic minimal surface structures morphometry on the mechanical response. (01/2023)
- Additive Manufacturing and Mechanical Characterization of PLA-Based Skull Surrogates (12/2022)
- Closed-form solution for the natural frequencies of low-speed cracked Euler-Bernoulli rotating beams (12/2022)
- Determination of the critical speed of a cracked shaft from experimental data (12/2022)
- Diseño de una actividad de sistemas de información para entornos docente flexibles (12/2022)
- Machine learning approach in non-intrusive monitoring of tool wear evolution in massive CFRP automatic drilling processes in the aircraft industry (10/2022)
- Monitorización de holguras en ejes mediante análisis vibratorio y sistemas de clasificación inteligentes (10/2022)
- Data preprocessing for vibration analysis: Application in indirect monitoring of ship centrifuge lube oil separation systems (09/2022)
- Influence of machining parameters on fretting fatigue life of Inconel 718 (09/2022)
- Lateral dynamic simulation of a bus under variable conditions of camber and curvature radius (09/2022)
- Modeling Perception in Autonomous Vehicles via 3D Convolutional Representations on LiDAR (09/2022)
- Estimation of tire-road contact forces through a model-based approach employing strain measurements (08/2022)
- Experimental assessment of thermal gradients and layout effects on the mechanical performance of components manufactured by fused deposition modeling (08/2022)
- The general dispersion relation for the vibration modes of helical springs (08/2022)
- Analysis of the Main Corporate Social Responsibility Drivers and Barriers and Their Foreseeable Evolution¿Evidence from Two Leading Multinationals: The Airbus and TASL Cases (07/2022)
- Mathematical Analysis of a Low Cost Mechanical Ventilator Respiratory Dynamics Enhanced by a Sensor Transducer (ST) Based in Nanostructures of Anodic Aluminium Oxide (AAO). (07/2022)
- 3D printing surgical guide for nonunion: Technique tip (06/2022)
- Infrared thermography and degradation process for open-hole CFRP composite laminates under fatigue (06/2022)
- International sourcing and the productivity of SMEs in transition countries: Formal and informal "region effects" and the communist footprint (06/2022)
- Theoretical and experimental study of the bending collapse of partially reinforced CFRP-Steel square tubes (06/2022)
- Active Inference Integrated With Imitation Learning for Autonomous Driving (05/2022)
- Modeling the delamination failure under compressive loads in CFRP laminates based on digital image correlation analysis (05/2022)
- Predictive Suspension Algorithm for Land Vehicles over Deterministic Topography (05/2022)
- Characterization of the loss of grip condition in the Strain-Based Intelligent Tire at severe maneuver (04/2022)
- Mantenimiento predictivo en tractores agrícolas. Propuesta de metodología orientada al mantenimiento conectado (04/2022)
- International and domestic external knowledge in the innovation performance of firms from transition economies: The role of institutions (03/2022)
- Design of an Estimator Using the Artificial Neural Network Technique to Characterise the Braking of a Motor Vehicle (02/2022)
- Home country institutions and exports of firms in transition economies: Does innovation matter? (02/2022)
- Modelling multiple-simultaneous impact problems with a nonlinear smooth approach: pool/billiard application (02/2022)
- The transition toward the business formality of the Peruvian MSEs: How does the perception of entrepreneurs and the sector influence? (02/2022)
- H¿ dynamic output feedback control for a networked control active suspension system under actuator faults (01/2022)
- New support roller profile design for railway wheel re-profiling process by under-floor lathes with a single cutting tool (01/2022)
- Enhancement of chromatographic spectral technique applied to a high-speed train (12/2021)
- Influence of the rotation speed on the dynamic behaviour of a cracked rotating beam (12/2021)
- LMI-based H¿ controller of vehicle roll stability control systems with input and output delays (12/2021)
- Methodology for the integration of a high-speed train in Maintenance 4.0 (12/2021)
- A Review of the T-Stub Components for the Analysis of Bolted Moment Joints. (11/2021)
- Diseño de un estimador basado en redes neuronales artificiales para caracterizar la frenada de un vehículo = Design of an estimator based on arti¿cial neural networks to characterize the braking of a vehicle (11/2021)
- Experimental Behaviour of a Housing Section Built Full Scale With Cold-Formed Steel Shear Wall Panels Under Horizontal Monotonic and Cyclic Loading (11/2021)
- High-pressure cooling in finishing turning of haynes 282 using carbide tools: Haynes 282 and inconel 718 comparison (11/2021)
- Improving the learning of engineering students with interactive teaching applications (11/2021)
- High strain rate effect on tensile ductility and fracture of AM fabricated Inconel 718 with voided microstructures (10/2021)
- On the effect of geometrical fiber arrangement on damage initiation in CFRPs under transverse tension and compression (10/2021)
- Bending collapse analysis for thin and medium-thin-walled square and rectangular hollow shapes (08/2021)
- Energy absorption analysis of aramid composite during blunt projectile impact (08/2021)
- Project ARES: Driverless transportation system. Challenges and approaches in an unstructured road (08/2021)
- Surface Electromyography Study Using a Low-Cost System: Are There Neck Muscles Differences When the Passenger Is Warned during an Emergency Braking Inside an Autonomous Vehicle? (08/2021)
- Colaborar con socios internacionales para innovar: implicaciones para empresas de servicios profesionales y tecnológicos (07/2021)
- Estudio paramétrico del modelo de zona cohesiva disponible en el código de elementos finitos Abaqus. Aplicación a laminados CFRP (07/2021)
- Mechanical behaviour under three point bending until fracture of bone and simulant materials (07/2021)
- Examining the moderating effects of work unit size and task analyzability in the relation between leader's communication style and leader-member exchange (06/2021)
- Selection of a mother wavelet as identification pattern for the detection of cracks in shafts (06/2021)
- Spatial Algorithms for Geometric Contact Detection in Multibody System Dynamics (06/2021)
- Sánchez Noriega, José Luis (ed.): Cine español en la era digital: emergencias y encrucijadas. Barcelona: Laertes, 2020, 493 pp. ISBN: 978-84-18292-13-2 [Book review] (06/2021)
- Failed and successful innovations: The role of geographic proximity and international diversity of partners in technological collaboration (05/2021)
- Model based analysis of innovation in sustainable supply chains (05/2021)
- Análisis de la progresión del daño en laminados compuestos con concentrador de tensiones bajo cargas de tracción (04/2021)
- Nonlinear phenomena of contact in multibody systems dynamics: a review (04/2021)
- Reuse of components between virtual, b-learning and face-to-face courses. A case study in management information systems = Reutilización de componentes entre cursos virtuales, presenciales y mixtos (b-learning). Un caso de estudio en Sistemas de Información Gerencial (04/2021)
- Application of 3D printing and distributed manufacturing during the first-wave of COVID-19 pandemic. Our experience at a third-level university hospital (03/2021)
- Mathematical analysis of the process forces effect on collet chuck holders (03/2021)
- Undershoot and order quantity probability distributions in periodic review, reorder point, order-up-to-level inventory systems with continuous demand (03/2021)
- Analysis of Vibration Signals of Drivetrain Failures in Wind Turbines for Condition Monitoring (02/2021)
- Event-triggering Hinfinity-based observer combined with NN for simultaneous estimation of vehicle sideslip and roll angles with network-induced delays (02/2021)
- Holistic Vehicle Instrumentation for Assessing Driver Driving Styles (02/2021)
- Combined analysis of wear mechanisms and delamination in CFRP drilling (01/2021)
- Drilling of biocomposite materials: Modelling and experimental validation (01/2021)
- El fenómeno de cut-out en fractura intertrocantérica de fémur: análisis mediante modelo de elementos finitos = The cut-out phenomenon in intertrochanteric femur fracture: analysis using a finite element model (01/2021)
- Modelling and Test of an Integrated Magnetic Spring-Eddy Current Damper for Space Applications (01/2021)
- Open cell polyurethane foam compression failure characterization and its relationship to morphometry (01/2021)
- Effect of powder bed fusion laser melting process parameters, build orientation and strut thickness on porosity, accuracy and tensile properties of an auxetic structure in IN718 alloy (12/2020)
- Machinability of INCONEL718 Alloy with a Porous Microstructure Produced by Laser Melting Powder Bed Fusion at Higher Energy Densities (12/2020)
- Evaluation of Combat Helmet Behavior under Blunt Impact (11/2020)
- New Procedure for the Kinematic and Power Analysis of Cyclists in Indoor Training (11/2020)
- Numerical Analysis of EOD Helmet under Blast Load Events Using Human Head Model (11/2020)
- Dynamic behavior of aluminum alloy AW 5005 undergoing interfacial friction and specimen configuration in split hopkinson pressure bar system at high strain rates and temperatures (10/2020)
- Numerical analysis of mechanical behaviour of lattice and porous structures (10/2020)
- Study of the Emergency Braking Test with an Autonomous Bus and the sEMG Neck Response by Means of a Low-Cost System (10/2020)
- Synergic Sustainability Implications of Additive Manufacturing in Automotive Spare Parts: A Case Analysis (10/2020)
- The Braking Torque (10/2020)
- Experimental and numerical study of the thermo-viscoplastic behavior of nicro 12.1 for perforation tests (09/2020)
- Optimising the preparedness capacity of enterprise resilience using mathematical programming (09/2020)
- Sustainability Governance Mechanisms in Supply Chains: An Application in the Retail Sector (09/2020)
- An experimental and numerical investigation to characterize an aerospace composite material with open-hole using non-destructive techniques (08/2020)
- Development of an Inverted Epifluorescence Microscope for Long-Term Monitoring of Bacteria in Multiplexed Microfluidic Devices (08/2020)
- Energy absorption and residual bending behavior of biocomposites bumper beams (08/2020)
- Experimental verification of the boundary conditions in the success of the Brazilian test with loading arcs. An uncertainty approach using concrete disks (08/2020)
- On the Role of Contact and System Stiffness in the Measurement of Principal Variables in Fretting Wear Testing (08/2020)
- Development and characterization of a compact device for measuring the braking torque of a vehicle (07/2020)
- Simultaneous Estimation of Vehicle Roll and Sideslip Angles through a Deep Learning Approach (07/2020)
- Evaluation of Time and Frequency Condition Indicators from Vibration Signals for Crack Detection in Railway Axles (06/2020)
- GARCH model to estimate the impact of agricultural greenhouse gas emissions per sociodemographic factors and CAP in Spain (06/2020)
- Railway Axle Condition Monitoring Technique Based on Wavelet Packet Transform Features and Support Vector Machines (06/2020)
- Numerical Analysis of Bicycle Helmet under Blunt Behavior (05/2020)
- Postmortem analysis using different sensors and technologies on aramid composites samples after ballistic impact (05/2020)
- Automatic expanding mandrel with air sensing device: Design and analysis (04/2020)
- Cracked rotor diagnosis by means of frequency spectrum and artificial neural networks (04/2020)
- Dynamic Modeling of the Dissipative Contact and Friction Forces of a Passive Biped-Walking Robot (04/2020)
- La vivienda y su entorno social: análisis cuantitativo desde las personas mayores de 50 años (04/2020)
- Uso de videojuegos de simulación empresarial como complemento de aprendizaje en el área de Ingeniería de Organización (04/2020)
- A strain-based intelligent tire to detect contact patch features for complex maneuvers (03/2020)
- Validation and improvement of a bicycle crank arm based in numerical simulation and uncertainty quantification (03/2020)
- A comparison between some fracture modelling approaches in 2D LEFM using finite elements (02/2020)
- A novel analytical solution for the brazilian test with loading arcs (02/2020)
- Analysis of orthogonal cutting of biocomposites (02/2020)
- On the use of the theory of critical distances with mesh control for fretting fatigue lifetime assessment (02/2020)
- Análisis comparativo de las iniciativas de mejora del sistema de navegación aérea en la Unión Europea con otros modelos regionales (01/2020)
- Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics (CFRP) monocoque structure for Formula Student car = Estructura monocasco de plásticos reforzados con fibra de carbono (CFRP) para coches de Formula Student (01/2020)
- External Knowledge Sourcing and Firm Innovation Efficiency (01/2020)
- Toward quantitative fractography using convolutional neural networks (01/2020)
- A new cutting device design to study the orthogonal cutting of CFRP laminates at different cutting speeds (12/2019)
- Study of the propagation of concave semi-elliptical shaped breathing cracks in rotating shaft (12/2019)
- The minimum shear stress range criterion and its application to crack orientation prediction in incomplete contact fretting problems (12/2019)
- Ballistic performance of aramid composite combat helmet for protection against small projectiles (10/2019)
- E-learning on risk management. An opportunity for sharing knowledge and experiences in patient safety (10/2019)
- Influence of camber angle on tire tread behavior by an on-board strain-based system for intelligent tires (10/2019)
- Multi-objective optimization analysis of cutting parameters when drilling composite materials with special geometry drills (10/2019)
- New analysis and correlation between steady and oscillatory tests in fumed silica-based shear thickening fluids (10/2019)
- Analysis of the Machinability of Carbon Fiber Composite Materials in Function of Tool Wear and Cutting Parameters Using the Artificial Neural Network Approach (09/2019)
- Energy distribution analysis regarding the crack size in a rotating shaft (09/2019)
- Ergonomic analysis of the driver position focused on the clutch pedal (09/2019)
- Influencia del nivel de lubricación en el taladrado de apilados híbridos fibra de carbono-titanio aplicando MQL (Mínima Cantidad de Lubricante):monitorización del proceso = Lubrication levels influence on carbon fiber-titanium hybrid stacks drilling applying MQL (Minimum Quantity Lubrication): process monitoring (09/2019)
- Sustainable high-speed finishing turning of haynes 282 using carbide tools in dry conditions (09/2019)
- Design and test of cryogenic cold plate for thermal-vacuum testing of space components (08/2019)
- Entrepreneurial intention of engineering students: the role of social norms and entrepreneurial self-efficacy (08/2019)
- Review of Passive Electromagnetic Devices for Vibration Damping and Isolation (08/2019)
- Wavelet packets transform processing and genetic neuro-fuzzy classification to detect faulty bearings (08/2019)
- A strain-based method to estimate tire parameters for intelligent tires under complex maneuvering operations (07/2019)
- Educar y formar al alumno talentoso: El afán de logro como competencia curricular = Educating the gifted student: Eagerness to achieve as a curricular competence (07/2019)
- Is the use of a low-cost sEMG sensor valid to measure muscle fatigue? (07/2019)
- Numerical analysis of the influence of micro-voids on fretting fatigue crack initiation lifetime (07/2019)
- A closed expression for the stress intensity factor of concave fatigue cracks in rotating shafts (06/2019)
- Analysis of the effect of out-of-phase biaxial fatigue loads on crack paths in cruciform specimens using XFEM (06/2019)
- Critical analysis of the suitability of crack propagation direction criteria for 2D cylindrical plain fretting contact (06/2019)
- Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Conical Projectile Impact on Inconel 718 Plates (06/2019)
- New methodology for estimating the shear strength of layering in slate by using the Brazilian test (06/2019)
- Numerical modelling of ballistic impact response at low velocity in aramid fabrics (06/2019)
- Sensor fusion based on a Dual Kalman Filter for estimation of road irregularities and vehicle mass under static and dynamic conditions (06/2019)
- 3D printed floating photocatalysts for wastewater treatment (05/2019)
- Analysis of the periodic breathing of a transverse annular crack propagated in a real rotating machine (05/2019)
- Análisis de factores de riesgo ergonómico con enfoque multi-metodológico: evaluando actividades de trabajadores en construcción de edificios (05/2019)
- Aproximación socio-espacial al envejecimiento y a los programas para cuidadoras/es de mayores (05/2019)
- Behavior under Load of A Human Shoulder: Finite Element Simulation and Analysis (05/2019)
- Monitoring an Analysis of Perturbations in Fusion Deposition Modelling (FDM) Processes for the Use of Biomaterials (05/2019)
- Numerical modelling of hip fracture patterns in human femur (05/2019)
- Oral appliance for Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Prototyping and Optimization of the Mandibular Protrusion Device (05/2019)
- A real-time physical model for strain-based intelligent tires (04/2019)
- Determining Contingencies in the Management of Construction Projects (04/2019)
- Leader's communication style, LMX and organizational commitment: a study of employee perceptions in Peru (04/2019)
- Suitability of numerical model from low to high velocity impacts against KM2 fabrics with isotropic hypothesis (04/2019)
- Análisis socio-ergonómico en la agricultura. Evaluación del sector oleico desde una perspectiva de género y envejecimiento (03/2019)
- Chip formation modeling using traction-separation cohesive model (03/2019)
- Condition monitoring of critical mechanical elements through Graphical Representation of State Configurations and Chromogram of Bands of Frequency (03/2019)
- On the characterization and modelling of high-performance para-aramid fabrics (03/2019)
- Relevant factors affecting the direction of crack propagation in complete contact problems under fretting fatigue (03/2019)
- Strategic Alliance Trends in the Spanish Food and Beverage Industry (03/2019)
- Validación experimental de un modelo de análisis de elementos finitos en fractura de cadera y su aplicabilidad clínica = Experimental validation of finite elements model in hip fracture and its clinical applicability (03/2019)
- Experimental and numerical analysis of the influence of drill point angle when drilling biocomposites (02/2019)
- Hybrid composite-metal stack drilling with different minimum quantity lubrication levels (02/2019)
- Development and experimental validation of a real-time analytical model for different intelligent tyre concepts (01/2019)
- Experimental analysis for stabbing resistance of different aramid composite architectures (01/2019)
- Finite element analysis of lower limb injuries in a pedestrian-vehicle collision = Análisis por elementos finitos de las lesiones en pierna en un atropello (01/2019)
- Validation of a low-cost electromyography (EMG) system via a commercial and accurate EMG device: pilot study (01/2019)
- Correction to "Computational verification of the optimum boundary condition of the Brazilian tensile test" (12/2018)
- Un estudio de caso de la presencia de humedades en viviendas sociales de mujeres propietarias (12/2018)
- Analysis of impact energy absorption by lightweight aramid structures (11/2018)
- Computational verification of the optimum boundary condition of the Brazilian tensile test (11/2018)
- Experimental analysis of drilling induced damage in biocomposites (11/2018)
- Influence of the AlN interlayer thickness on the photovoltaic properties of In-rich AlInN on Si heterojunctions deposited by RF sputtering (11/2018)
- Quality improvement of AlInN/p-Si heterojunctions with AlN buffer layer deposited by RF-sputtering (11/2018)
- The eurozone financial crisis and bank efficiency asymmetries: Peripheral versus core economies (11/2018)
- Effect of different buffer layers on the quality of InGaN layers grown on Si (10/2018)
- Elliptical Crack Identification in a Nonrotating Shaft (10/2018)
- Experimental analysis of drilling induced damage in aramid composites (10/2018)
- Finishing turning of Ni superalloy Haynes 282 (10/2018)
- Influencia de los Parámetros de Conducción en el Ruido Emitido por un Automóvil en el Tráfico Urbano (10/2018)
- Modelado e impresión 3D de engranajes de transmisión rotación-helicoidal (10/2018)
- Relevant factors in the design of composite ballistic helmets (10/2018)
- Selecting the governance mode when offshoring knowledge-intensive activities (10/2018)
- The impact of R&D sources on new product development: Sources of funds and the diversity versus control of knowledge debate (10/2018)
- Do Big 5 Personality Characteristics and Narcissism Predict Engagement in Leader Development? (09/2018)
- Feature extraction from indirect monitoring in marine oil separation systems (09/2018)
- Influence of the AlInN Thickness on the Photovoltaic Characteristics of AlInN on Si Solar Cells Deposited by RF Sputtering" (09/2018)
- A Novel Inverse Dynamic Model for a Magnetorheological Damper based on Network Inversion (08/2018)
- Clutch pedal sensorization and evaluation of the main parameters related to driver posture (08/2018)
- Influence of anodized depth on fatigue life for bicycle cranks (08/2018)
- Numerical analysis for design of bioinspired ceramic modular armors for ballistic protections (08/2018)
- Stress Intensity Factor and propagation of an open sickle shaped crack in a shaft under bending (08/2018)
- 'Input Shaping' para sistemas multicuerpo oscilatorios con dinámica descrita por DAE: Aplicación a sistemas mecánicos de transporte de piezas en cabeza = Input Shaping for Oscillatory Multibody Systems with Dynamics described by DAEs: Application to Overhead Cranes (07/2018)
- A heterogeneous orientation criterion for crack modelling in cortical bone using a phantom-node approach (07/2018)
- Desarrollo de una metodología de detección de grietas de fatiga en ruedas ferroviarias basada en el análisis de frecuencias naturales = Development of a methodology to detect fatigue cracks in railway wheels based on the analysis of natural frequencies (07/2018)
- Effects of an android app on mechanical engineering students (07/2018)
- Influence of stress state on the mechanical impact and deformation behaviors of aluminum alloys (07/2018)
- PCBN Performance in High Speed Finishing Turning of Inconel 718 (07/2018)
- Real-Time Vehicle Roll Angle Estimation Based on Neural Networks in IoT Low-Cost Devices (07/2018)
- Resolución de la cinemática de mecanismo ferroviario utilizando el cómputo paralelo sobre GPU = Resolution of the railway kinematics mechanism using parallel computing on GPU (07/2018)
- Sustainability: how energy service companies (ESCO) contribute (07/2018)
- Design of Low-Cost Vehicle Roll Angle Estimator Based on Kalman Filters and an IoT Architecture (06/2018)
- Dynamics and Embedded Internet of Things Input Shaping Control for Overhead Cranes Transporting Multibody Payloads (06/2018)
- Género y envejecimiento desde el prisma de las organizaciones que trabajan con mayores (06/2018)
- Género y evaluación de programas de apoyo para cuidadoras/es de mayores (06/2018)
- Investigación y evaluación sobre género/feminismo y envejecimiento/vejez (06/2018)
- Local and Global Knowledge Complementarity: R & D Collaborations and Innovation of Foreign and Domestic Firms (06/2018)
- Modelling of femur fracture using finite element procedures (06/2018)
- Rapid prototyping prosthetic hand acting by a low-cost shape-memory-alloy actuator (06/2018)
- Assessment of mechanical properties of human head tissues for trauma modelling. (05/2018)
- Capacidad del rotor de un acumulador cinético (FES: Flywheel Energy Storage) para diferentes materiales utilizando el cálculo analítico tensional (05/2018)
- Effective Crack Detection in Railway Axles Using Vibration Signals and WPT Energy (05/2018)
- Filament Advance Detection Sensor for Fused Deposition Modelling 3D Printers (05/2018)
- La sostenibilidad está cambiando la forma de innovar en el sector energético a través de las empresas de servicios energéticos (ESE) = Sustainability is changing the way that we innovate in the energy sector through energy service companies (ESCO) (05/2018)
- Rotor's capacity of a FES (Flywheel Energy Storage) system for different materials using analytical stress calculation = Capacidad del rotor de un acumulador cinético (FES: Flywheel Energy Storage) para diferentes materiales utilizando el cálculo analítico tensional (05/2018)
- International collaboration and innovation in professional and technological knowledge-intensive services (04/2018)
- Learning from R&D outsourcing vs. learning by R&D outsourcing (04/2018)
- A robust observer based on energy-to-peak filtering in combination with neural networks for parameter varying systems and its application to vehicleroll angle estimation (03/2018)
- Analytical and experimental study of failure onset during a Brazilian test (03/2018)
- Comparison of Iterative Proportional Fitting and Simulated Annealing as synthetic population generation techniques: Importance of the rounding method (03/2018)
- EMD-Based Methodology for the Identification of a High-Speed Train Running in a Gear Operating State (03/2018)
- High Speed Finish Turning of Inconel 718 Using PCBN Tools under Dry Conditions (03/2018)
- Identification of an open crack in a beam with variable profile by two resonant frequencies (03/2018)
- Management of time and cost contingencies in construction projects: a contractos perspective (03/2018)
- Neural approach to estimate the stress intensity factor of semi-elliptical cracks in rotating cracked shafts in bending (03/2018)
- On the bulk modulus and natural frequency of fullerene and nanotube carbon structures obtained with a beam based method (03/2018)
- A Strain-Based Method to Detect Tires' Loss of Grip and Estimate Lateral Friction Coefficient from Experimental Data by Fuzzy Logic for Intelligent Tire Development (02/2018)
- Design of an Orthopedic Product by Using Additive Manufacturing Technology: The Arm Splint (02/2018)
- Full-field strain distribution in multi-vertebra spine segments: An in vitro application of digital image correlation (02/2018)
- Perforation mechanics of 2024 aluminium protective plates subjected to impact by different nose shapes of projectiles (02/2018)
- The asymmetric effect of institutional distance on international location: family versus nonfamily firms (02/2018)
- VEHIOT: Design and Evaluation of an IoT Architecture Based on Low-Cost Devices to Be Embedded in Production Vehicles (02/2018)
- A robust observer based on H[infinity] filtering with parameter uncertainties combined with Neural Networks for estimation of vehicle roll angle (01/2018)
- Analysis of results obtained on vehicle technical inspection using fBRAKE in Spain and development of a new model for semi-trailers based on Regulation No. 13. (01/2018)
- Elliptical crack identication in a non-rotating shaft, Shock and Vibration (01/2018)
- Experimental and numerical analysis of step drill bit performance when drilling woven CFRPs (01/2018)
- Matrix cracking evolution in open-hole laminates subjected to thermo-mechanical loads (01/2018)
- Methodology for the navigation optimization of a terrain-adaptive unmanned ground vehicle (01/2018)
- The effect of leadership in the development of innovation capacity: A learning organization perspective (01/2018)
- Thermo-Viscoplastic Behavior of Ni-Based Superalloy Haynes 282 and Its Application to Machining Simulation (12/2017)
- A new approach for time-space wear modeling applied to machining tool wear (11/2017)
- Cálculo de factor de seguridad probabilístico basado en la validación metrológica de modelos ingenieriles (11/2017)
- Propagation of surface breathing cracks in shafts under quasi-static rotary bending (11/2017)
- Study of the behaviour of adhesive joints of steel with CFRP for its application in bus structures (11/2017)
- A LQR-based controller with estimation of road bank for improving vehicle lateral and rollover stability via active suspension (10/2017)
- Erratum to: Numerical Modelling of Femur Fracture and Experimental Validation Using Bone Simulant (10/2017)
- Exact Eigensolutions for a Family of Nonuniform Rods With End Point Masses (10/2017)
- Influence of cutting parameters on tool wear and hole quality in composite aerospace components drilling (10/2017)
- Market leadership, technological progress and relative performance in the mobile telecommunications industry (10/2017)
- Numerical Modelling of Femur Fracture and Experimental Validation Using Bone Simulant (10/2017)
- Crack identification in elastically restrained vibrating rods (09/2017)
- Experimental study and analytical model of bleed valve orifice influence of a high-performance shock absorber on vehicle dynamics (09/2017)
- Model-Based Algebraic Approach to Robust Parameter Estimation in Uncertain Dynamics Rotating Machinery (06/2017)
- Temperature Measurement and Numerical Prediction in Machining Inconel 718 (06/2017)
- The Quasi-Passive Quadruped Robot walking: PASIQUAD (06/2017)
- Cost-Benefit Analysis of the Managed Aquifer Recharge System for Irrigation under Climate Change Conditions in Southern Spain (05/2017)
- Parallel computing used to solve railway mechanical system (05/2017)
- Sensor Fusion Based on an Integrated Neural Network and Probability Density Function (PDF) Dual Kalman Filter for On-Line Estimation of Vehicle Parameters and States (05/2017)
- Solution of railway mechanical system using parallel computing = Solución de un sistema mecánico ferroviario usando computadora paralela (05/2017)
- A Constrained Dual Kalman Filter Based on pdf Truncation for Estimation of Vehicle Parameters and Road Bank Angle: Analysis and Experimental Validation (04/2017)
- A Strain-Based Method to Estimate Slip Angle and Tire Working Conditions for Intelligent Tires Using Fuzzy Logic (04/2017)
- Global value chain configuration: A review and research agenda (04/2017)
- Effect of full helmet systems on human head responses under blast loading (03/2017)
- Fiber-optic pyrometer for very localized temperature measurements in a turning process (03/2017)
- Understanding the decision to offshore human resource activities: a coevolutionary perspective (03/2017)
- A Novel Strain-Based Method to Estimate Tire Conditions Using Fuzzy Logic for Intelligent Tires (02/2017)
- A novel frequency dependent model based on trigonometric functions for a magnetorheological damper (02/2017)
- The kinematics of the rotary into helical gear transmission (02/2017)
- El diseño de los equipos como moderador de la relación entre el trabajo en equipo y los resultados organizativos de pequeñas empresas de base tecnológica (01/2017)
- Motivation and User Engagement in Fitness Tracking: Heuristics for Mobile Healthcare Wearables (01/2017)
- Taking Advantage of R&D Offshoring beyond Innovation (01/2017)
- The traditional approach to compensating global mobility: criticisms and alternatives (01/2017)
- Point mass identification in rectangular plates from minimal natural frequency data (12/2016)
- Aplicación de la computación paralela con unidad procesadora de gráficos para el análisis de un sistema mecánico ferroviario / Parallel computing application with graphics processor unit for analysis of a mechanical railway system (11/2016)
- Development of numerical model for ballistic resistance evaluation of combat helmet and experimental validation (11/2016)
- The HR department's contribution to line managers' effective implementation of HR practices (11/2016)
- A hardware-software approach for design and control of mechatronics devices (10/2016)
- Does Family Involvement in Management Reduce the Risk of Business Failure? The Moderating Role of Entrepreneurial Orientation (10/2016)
- The Innovation Pivot Framework Fostering Business Model Innovation in Startups (10/2016)
- Analysis of the influence of crack location for diagnosis in rotating shafts based on 3 x energy (09/2016)
- A Sensor Fusion Method Based on an IntegratedNeural Network and Kalman Filter for Vehicle Roll Angle Estimation (08/2016)
- Automatic condition monitoring system for crack detection in rotating machinery (08/2016)
- Does R&D offshoring lead to SME growth? Different governance modes and the mediating role of innovation (08/2016)
- 25 years of reengineering process: a retrospective vision (07/2016)
- Identification of two cracks with different severity in beams and rods from minimal frequency data (07/2016)
- A method for inter-yarn friction coefficient calculation for plain wave of aramid fibers (06/2016)
- Analysis of mechanical behavior variation in the proximal femur using X-FEM (Extended Finite Element Method) = Análisis de la variación del comportamiento mecánico de la extremidad proximal del fémur mediante el método XFEM (eXtended FiniteElement Method) (06/2016)
- The state of innovation and entrepreneurship research (06/2016)
- Unique determination of a single crack in a uniform simply supported beam in bending vibration (06/2016)
- Virtual Forums as a Learning Method in Industrial Engineering Organization (06/2016)
- Vehicle sideslip angle measurement based on sensor data fusion using an integrated ANFIS and an Unscented Kalman Filter algorithm (05/2016)
- An Artificial Intelligence Approach for Gears Diagnostics in AUVs (04/2016)
- Analysis and comparison of motion capture systems for human walking (04/2016)
- Braking Efficiency Estimation Of An Automobile Vehicle Based On Predictive Parameters (04/2016)
- Determining the stress distribution in a bicycle crank under in-service loads (04/2016)
- Forces determination on the steering wheel of an automobile vehicle (04/2016)
- Antecedents and effects of host country nationals negative stereotyping of corporate expatriates. A social identity analysis (03/2016)
- Numerical analysis of the influence of tool wear and special cutting geometry when drilling woven CFRPs (03/2016)
- Review of recent advances in the application of the wavelet transform to diagnose cracked rotors (03/2016)
- Crack detection in rotating shafts based on 3x energy: Analytical and experimental analyses (02/2016)
- Drilling optimization of woven CFRP Laminates under different tool wear conditions: a multi-objective design of experiments approach (02/2016)
- Experimental validation of a plier with two retractable fingers = Validación experimental de una pinza de dos dedos retráctiles (02/2016)
- Inward-outward connections and their impact on firm growth (02/2016)
- Provisioning 1 Gb/s symmetrical services with next-generation passive optical network technologies (02/2016)
- Two-Color Pyrometer for Process Temperature Measurement During Machining (02/2016)
- Antecedents and consequences of bank reputation: a comparison of the United Kingdom and Spain (01/2016)
- Experimental analysis of special tool geometries when drilling woven and multidirectional CFRPs (01/2016)
- Information and library science; Scientific excellence; University ranking; Europe; Bibliometric analysis; Us Lis Faculty; Research Productivity; Citation Analysis; Scholarly Productivity; Impact; Publication; Scopus; Statistics; Web (01/2016)
- Numerical analysis of the ballistic behaviour of Kevlar (R) composite under impact of double-nosed stepped cylindrical projectiles (01/2016)
- Orientation of propagating crack paths emanating from fretting-fatigue contact problems (01/2016)
- Unemployment benefits and recall jobs: a split population model (01/2016)
- Crack identification in non-uniform rods by two frequency data (12/2015)
- Failure behaviour of 2024-T3 Aluminium under tension-torsion conditions (12/2015)
- Investigation of mechanical impact behavior of short carbon-fiber-reinforced PEEK composites (12/2015)
- Low temperature effect on impact energy absorption capability of PEEK composites (12/2015)
- Automatic detection of cracked rotors combining multiresolution analysis and artificial neural networks (11/2015)
- Failure behavior of 2024-T3 aluminum under tension-torsion conditions (11/2015)
- Manufacture of compression moulded PLA based biocomposites: A parametric study (11/2015)
- New Fiber Supervision Technique for Passive Optical Networks Supporting Mobile Services (11/2015)
- ESCO formation as enabling factor for smart cities development in European Union (UE): Spain case analysis (10/2015)
- High impact velocity on multi-layered composite of polyether ether ketone and aluminium (10/2015)
- New stopping criteria for crack detection during fatigue tests of railway axles (10/2015)
- Practical Case Application for Stress Model Validation and Enhancement by Means of Metrological Tools (10/2015)
- An uncertainty model of approximating the analytical solution to the real case in the field of stress prediction (09/2015)
- Determination of the Stress Intensity Factor of an elliptical breathing crack in a rotating shaft (09/2015)
- Improving alliances: insights from the practices of successful companies (09/2015)
- Lessons learned from the design of situated learning environments to support collaborative knowledge construction (09/2015)
- Nascent entrepreneurs' personality attributes and the international dimension of new ventures (09/2015)
- Identification of two cracks in a rod by minimal resonant and antiresonant frequency data (08/2015)
- Improving Resolution and Run Outs of a Superconducting Noncontact Device for Precision Positioning (08/2015)
- Agglomeration effects and firm performance in cultural value chain (07/2015)
- Performance of Magnetic-Superconductor Non-Contact Harmonic Drive for Cryogenic Space Applications (07/2015)
- Automatic selection of the WPT decomposition level for condition monitoring of rotor elements based on the sensitivity analysis of the wavelet energy (06/2015)
- Estimation of the reinforcement factor xi for calculating the transverse stiffness E2 with the Halpin-Tsai equations using the finite element method (06/2015)
- A review on recent advances in numerical modelling of bone cutting (04/2015)
- Dynamics of a superconducting linear slider (04/2015)
- FE-Based Tire Loading Estimation for Developing Strain-Based Intelligent Tire System (04/2015)
- Sideslip angle estimator based on ANFIS for vehicle handling and stability (04/2015)
- Understanding the innovation behavior of family firms (04/2015)
- Stress intensity factor estimation for unbalanced rotating cracked shafts by artificial neural networks (03/2015)
- Amethodology for semiautomatic generation of finite element models: Application to mechanical devices (02/2015)
- A Quasi-Static Approach to Optimize the Motion of an UGV depending on the Track Profile (01/2015)
- Relaxation of the water surface tension by humidification of the environment (01/2015)
- Startup team contributions and new firm creation: The role of founding team experience (01/2015)
- The acceptance of newly introduced HR practices Some evidence from Spain on the role of management behavior and organizational climate (01/2015)
- The effect of the magnitude and direction of institutional distance on the choice of international entry modes (01/2015)
- fBRAKE: alternative methodology for braking efficiency determination on vehicle technical inspection according to Directive 2010/48/EU (01/2015)
- ¿Qué podemos aprender de las empresas que tienen éxito en alianzas? (01/2015)
- ¿Qué tipo de empresas se benefician de la actividades de offshoring de I+D? (01/2015)
- Contactless Mechanical Components: Gears, Torque Limiters and Bearings (12/2014)
- The Wage Gap between Foreign and Spanish Nationals in Spain: an Analysis Using Matched Employer-Employee Data (12/2014)
- The full nonlinear crack detection problem in uniform vibrating rods (11/2014)
- Design and analysis of a non-hysteretic passive magnetic linear bearing for cryogenic environments (10/2014)
- Engineering Graduate Studies for Public Security Professionals: the Bachelor Thesis at the End of the Studies (10/2014)
- Study of van roadworthiness considering their maintenance and periodic inspection. The Spanish case (10/2014)
- The influence of anisotropy in numerical modeling of orthogonal cutting of cortical bone (10/2014)
- Improving Vehicle Safety: A New Methodology for Vehicle Steering System Inspection by Means of Forces Measure (09/2014)
- La internacionalización a través de la selección de estándares de certificación energética (09/2014)
- Exploring expatriate outcomes (08/2014)
- Quasi-static numerical study of the breathing mechanism of an elliptical crack in an unbalanced rotating shaft (08/2014)
- The impact of individual performance on organizational success and its implications for the management of expatriates (08/2014)
- C. Vázquez, A. Tapetado, H. Miguélez. Monitoring temperature on machining processes is enhanced using optical fibers (07/2014)
- Capabilities generation mechanisms in alliances: Case based analysis (07/2014)
- Differentiating the workforce: The performance effects of using contingent labor in a context of high-performance work systems (07/2014)
- Forward and inverse dynamics of the Biped PASIBOT (07/2014)
- How may the nature of family firms explain the decisions concerning international diversification? (07/2014)
- New tyre-road contact model for applications at low speed (06/2014)
- Research note on surface tension relaxation of lubricants by humidification of the gas phase (06/2014)
- Experimental analysis of the influence of drill point angle and wear on the drilling of woven CFRPs (05/2014)
- Numerical analysis of thermomechanical phenomena influencing tool wear in finishing turning of Inconel 718 (05/2014)
- Losing contact : Multiphysics simulation helps to improve design of a cryogenic non-contact harmonic drive for use in space and on earth (04/2014)
- Methodology for bus structure torsion stiffness and natural vibration frequency prediction based on a dimensional analysis approach (04/2014)
- Modelling thermal effects in machining of carbon fiber reinforced polymer composites (04/2014)
- Superconducting noncontact device for precision positioning in cryogenic environments (04/2014)
- The use of incentive compensation among board members in family firms (04/2014)
- Desarrollo en españa de empresas de servicios para la gestión eficiente de los procesos energéticos (03/2014)
- Bump Modeling and Vehicle Vertical Dynamics Prediction (02/2014)
- Numerical prediction of delamination in CFRP drilling (02/2014)
- Emprender en tiempos de crisis: la actividad emprendedora de los inmigrantes en España (01/2014)
- Experimental Study on the Perforation Process of 5754-H111 and 6082-T6 Aluminium Plates Subjected to Normal Impact by Conical, Hemispherical and Blunt Projectiles (01/2014)
- Institutional determinants of downsizing (01/2014)
- Material characterization for FEM simulation of sheet metal stamping processes (01/2014)
- Modeling and simulation of 5 and 11 DOF ball bearing system with localized defect (01/2014)
- Theoretical estimation of thermal effects in drilling of woven carbon fiber composite (01/2014)
- Understanding switching intention of information systems users (01/2014)
- Engineering and performance of a contactless linear slider based on superconducting magnetic levitation for precision positioning (12/2013)
- Multinational enterprises and domestic wages: The contingent effect of skill composition (12/2013)
- Optimization of passive vibration absorbers to reduce chatter in boring (12/2013)
- Procedure to verify the suspension system on periodical motor vehicle inspection (12/2013)
- The role of complementary products on platform adoption: Evidence from the video console market (12/2013)
- Adiabatic shear banding and scaling laws in chip formation with application to cutting of Ti-6Al-4V (11/2013)
- Characterization of commercial-off-the-shelf electronic components at cryogenic temperatures (11/2013)
- Factors helping the HR function gain greater acceptance for its proposals and innovations: evidence from Spain (11/2013)
- Analysis of adiabatic shear banding in orthogonal cutting of Ti alloy (10/2013)
- Understanding the innovation behavior of family firms (10/2013)
- Understanding the innovation behavior of family firms (10/2013)
- Environmental Dynamism, Firm Size and the Economic Productivity of R&D (08/2013)
- Simulation Tools as an Educational and Training Resource in Manufacturing Engineering Subjects Teaching (07/2013)
- A New Framework for Understanding Inequalities Between Expatriates and Host Country Nationals (06/2013)
- Efectos de la contratación temporal sobre los resultados de los sistemas de trabajo de alto rendimiento (06/2013)
- The dynamics of company profits: A latent growth model (05/2013)
- Discussion on "Integrated vehicle dynamics control via coordination of active front steering and rear braying" (03/2013)
- Stable thrust on a finite-sized magnet above a Meissner superconducting torus (02/2013)
- Analysis of tool wear patterns in finishing turning of Inconel 718 (01/2013)
- Implementation of Service-Learning Projects in Engineering Colleges (01/2013)
- Looking Back, Moving Forward: Toward Collaborative Universities (01/2013)
- Optimal centering and tolerance design for correlated variables (01/2013)
- Simulator Training for Employees in the Field of Production: A Robert Bosch Gasoline Systems Case (01/2013)
- Superconducting sphere and finite-size permanent magnet: force, torque, and alignment effect calculation (01/2013)
- A methodology to design robotic arms for service tasks since early design stage (12/2012)
- Contact variables and thermal effects at the tool-chip interface in orthogonal cutting (12/2012)
- Managing cross-cultural differences: Testing human resource models in Latin America (12/2012)
- A new efficient procedure to solve the nonlinear dynamics of a cracked rotor (11/2012)
- The relation between firm size and R&D productivity in different technological regimes (11/2012)
- Caracterización de los factores que afectan a la exactitud y a la precisión en el resultado de la medida de tensión superficial con instrumentos basados en el método ADSA (10/2012)
- Influence of vehicle driving parameters on the noise caused by passenger cars in urban traffic (10/2012)
- Mechanical method for experimental determination of the first-penetration field in high-temperature superconductors (10/2012)
- A simulation-based flexible platform for the design and evaluation of rail service infrastructures (09/2012)
- Invariance of the magnetization axis under spin reorientation transitions in polycrystalline magnets of Nd2Fe14B (09/2012)
- La relación entre el cambio organizativo, los mecanismos de coordinación y los sistemas de incentivos en diferentes industrias (09/2012)
- The effect of the partial pressure of water vapor on the surface tension of the liquid water-air interface (09/2012)
- A test for lateral vehicle safety related to road design (08/2012)
- Optimization of Combined Transportation Infrastructures Using Iterative Simulation. Railroad Terminal Study (08/2012)
- A model for managing intangible technological resources. What makes innovative industries different? (07/2012)
- A non-destructive method for elliptical cracks identification in shafts based on wave propagation signals and genetic algorithms (07/2012)
- Decisiones corporativas en las empresas españolas (07/2012)
- Delamination prediction in orthogonal machining of carbon long fiber-reinforced polymer composites (07/2012)
- Do family ties shape the performance consequences of diversification? Evidence from the European Union (07/2012)
- Analysis of the Stabilization System of Mimbot Biped (04/2012)
- Regulation and competition in the European mobile communications industry: An examination of the implementation of mobile number portability (04/2012)
- Non-contact linear slider for cryogenic environment (03/2012)
- Relating the near field noise of passenger cars with the driving behavior (03/2012)
- Instituciones públicas y dinámica empresarial en el sector cultural: la arqueología comercial en España (02/2012)
- Service innovation in manufacturing firms: evidence from Spain (02/2012)
- La arqueología comercial en España: ¿un sistema sectorial de innovación? = Commercial archaeology in Spain: a sectoral system of innovation? (01/2012)
- Re-employment probabilities of unemployment benefit recipients (01/2012)
- The internationalization of knowledge-intensive business services: the effect of collaboration and the mediating role of innovation (01/2012)
- Implementing lean manufacturing by means of action research methodology. Case study in the aeronautics industry (12/2011)
- Kinematics and Dynamics of the Quasi-Passive Biped "PASIBOT" (12/2011)
- Neural-empirical tyre model based on recursive lazy learning under combined longitudinal and lateral slip conditions (12/2011)
- Sincronización de los ciclos de información y de gestión de infraestructuras de servicios hoteleros (12/2011)
- The influence of transformers, induction motors and fault resistance regarding propagation voltage sags = Propagación de Huecos de Tensión: La influencia de transformadores, motores de inducción y resistencias de falla en relación con la propagación de huecos de tensión (12/2011)
- Out-of-plane failure mechanisms in LFRP composite cutting (10/2011)
- Influence of tool geometry and numerical parameters when modeling orthogonal cutting of LFRP composites (09/2011)
- Rebranding employment branding: Establishing a new research agenda to explore the attributes, antecedents, and consequences of workers' employment brand knowledge (09/2011)
- Extraction of rules for faulty bearing classification by a Neuro-Fuzzy approach (08/2011)
- Does downsizing improve organisational performance? An analysis of Spanish manufacturing firms (07/2011)
- Numerical modeling of post-processing of composite materials (07/2011)
- Optimization of permanent magnet skew in permanent magnet linear synchronous motors using finite element and statistical method (07/2011)
- Static behaviour of a shaft with an elliptical crack (07/2011)
- Effect of high frequency cathodic pulses on steel embedded in mortar: short and medium term tests (06/2011)
- An intelligent system for faulty-bearing detection based on vibration spectra (05/2011)
- Competitividad en sectores de baja intensidad tecnológica: ¿Demasiado maduros para obviar la innovación? (05/2011)
- Bus mathematical model of acceleration threshold limit estimation in lateral rollover test (04/2011)
- Hidden innovators: The role of other innovation activities (04/2011)
- Hybrid FE/ANN and LPR approach for the inverse identification of material parameters from cutting tests (04/2011)
- La planificación de los recursos humanos en las multinacionales (04/2011)
- Modeling of a magnetorheological damper by recursive lazy learning (04/2011)
- Offshoring of R&D: Looking abroad to improve innovation performance (04/2011)
- Tailoring of the flip effect in the orientation of a magnet levitating over a superconducting torus: geometrical dependencies (04/2011)
- Alignment effect between a magnet over a superconductor cylinder in the Meissner state (03/2011)
- El atractivo de España para la inversión extranjera directa según el Análisis Comparativo 2010 de ESADE (03/2011)
- Limitations of positioning systems for developing digital maps and locating vehicles according to the specifications of future driver assistance systems (03/2011)
- Local model for magnet-superconductor mechanical interaction: experimental verification (03/2011)
- Numerical and analytical modeling of orthogonal cutting: The link between local variables and global contact characteristics (03/2011)
- The impact of family involvement on the R&D intensity of publicly traded firms (03/2011)
- Transitions into permanent employment in Spain: an empirical analysis for young workers (03/2011)
- Dynamic performance analysis of a light van body-in-white structure (02/2011)
- Numerical analysis of the tool wear effect in the machining induced residual stresses (02/2011)
- The sustainability of start-up firms among formerly wage-employed workers (02/2011)
- Computational analysis of temperature effect in composite bolted joints for aeronautical applications (01/2011)
- Computer-Aided Tool for Teaching Mechanical Clutch Systems Design (01/2011)
- Flip effect in the orientation of a magnet levitating over a superconducting torus in the Meissner state (01/2011)
- Is there new evidence to show that product and international diversification influence SMEs' performance? (01/2011)
- Uncertainties associated with strain-measuring systems using resistance strain gauges (01/2011)
- Análisis de la sensibilidad a las vibraciones del método de medición de tensión superficial medienta gota suspendida (12/2010)
- The Relevance of Different Open Innovation Strategies for R&D Performers = Relevancia de distintas estrategias "Open Innovation" para las empresas que hacen I+D (12/2010)
- A Study of Sliding between Rollers and Races in a Roller Bearing with a Numerical Model for Mechanical Event Simulations (11/2010)
- Análisis de las señales de propagación de ondas en ejes fisurados (11/2010)
- Center of Percussion and Gait Design of Biped Robots (11/2010)
- Detección e identificación de fisuras de frente semielíptico en ejes mediante la aplicación de algorítmos genéticos (11/2010)
- Estudio temporal del factor de intensidad de tensiones en un eje fisurado (11/2010)
- Propuesta de ensayo para verificar el ruído emitido por un vehículo automóvil (11/2010)
- Characterizing the Diverter Switch of a Load Tap Changer in a Transformer using Wavelet and Modal Analysis (10/2010)
- Improvement of Chatter Stability in Boring Operations with Passive Vibration Absorbers (10/2010)
- New Method of Vibration Analysis of signal force of Skew Permanent Magnet in Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Motors (10/2010)
- New Procedure to Estimate the Brake Warping in a Roller Tester (10/2010)
- Colaboración tecnológica e innovación en las empresas de base tecnológica: implicaciones de las relaciones con universidades y otros socios tecnológicos (09/2010)
- FEM Algorithm for Solving Superconducting Meissner Repulsion Forces (09/2010)
- Mechanical Behaviour Analyses of Sap Ascent in Vascular Plants (09/2010)
- Towards New Organizational Forms (09/2010)
- Web-based Application for Descriptive Geometry Learning (09/2010)
- Análisis de la sensibilidad a las vibraciones del método de medición de tensión superficial mediante gota suspendida = Analysis of vibration sensitivity of the method of transition of superficial tension through hanging drop (08/2010)
- Downsizing Implementation and Financial Performance (08/2010)
- Gender-Compensation Differences Among High-Level Executives in the United States (07/2010)
- Variable Selection for Multivariate Statistical Process Control (07/2010)
- Vibration Analysis using Envelope Wavelet for detecting Faults in the OLTC Tap Selector (07/2010)
- BONDSYM: SIMULINK-Based Educational Software for Analysis of Dynamic System (06/2010)
- Thermal Conductance of a Multilayer Drift Chamber: An Experimental Approach (06/2010)
- A Multi-Objective Optimization of a Robotic Arm for Service Tasks (05/2010)
- A Note on the Use of Approximate Solutions for the Bending Vibrations of Simply Supported Cracked Beams (04/2010)
- A Tale of Two Transformations in Engineering Education (04/2010)
- First Transition Effects in Magnet-Superconductor Levitating Mechanisms (04/2010)
- Selección del nivel de descomposición WPT mediante el análisis de la sensibilidad de la energía relativa Wavelet (04/2010)
- Does Social Performance Really Lead to Financial Performance? Accounting for Endogeneity (03/2010)
- Torsional Stiffness and Weight Optimization of a Real Bus Structure (03/2010)
- Machining FEM Model of Long Fiber Composites for Aeronautical Component (02/2010)
- Procedure for Determining Manufacturing Defects in a Diesel Engine in a Workshop (02/2010)
- Automated Diagnosis of Rolling Bearings using MRA and Neural Networks (01/2010)
- Bus Structure Behaviour under Driving Manoeuvring and Evaluation of the Effect of an Active Roll System (01/2010)
- Cutting Performance of TiCN-HSS Cermet in Dry Machining (01/2010)
- Dependencia de la tesión superficial del agua con la humedad ambiental (01/2010)
- Hacer de la necesidad virtud: los recursos de las PYMEs (01/2010)
- Sistema de estabilización del robot PASIBOT (01/2010)
- Technological Collaboration: Bridging the Innovation Gap between Small and Large Firms (01/2010)
- ¿Están convergiendo globalmente las prácticas de recursos humanos? = Are the HR Practices Converging Globally? (01/2010)
- Business Process Modelling as a Synchronization Tool: Improving Client-Provider Communication in a Context of Service Outsourcing (12/2009)
- Control de planitud de un banco óptico para la fabricación de cámaras de deriva multicapa para el experimento CMS (12/2009)
- Do Unemployment Benefit Legislative Changes Affect Job Finding? (12/2009)
- Impacto de la implicación familiar y de otros accionistas de referencia en la creación de valor (12/2009)
- Expert System for Simulation of Metal Sheet Stamping (11/2009)
- First Come, First Served: How Market and Non-Market Actions Influence Pioneer Market Share (11/2009)
- Metodología para determinar los modos de vibración del modelo numérico de un CTC dentro de la señal del conmutador bajo operación (11/2009)
- An Efficient Method for Crack Identification in Simply Supported Euler-Bernoulli Beams (10/2009)
- Improvements in the Inspection Procedure of Brake disc Warping = Mejoras en el procedimiento de inspección del alabeo en discos de freno (10/2009)
- The Gap between Male and Female Pay in the Spanish Tourism Industry (10/2009)
- Competitive Behavior in the European Mobile Telecommunications Industry: Pioneers vs. Followers (08/2009)
- Beyond Formal R&D: Taking Advantage of other sources of innovation in Low and Medium Technology Industries (07/2009)
- Procedure to Assess the Vibroacoustic Quality of a Diesel Engine in Assembly Workshop (07/2009)
- Simplified Diynamic Torsional Model of an Urban Bus (07/2009)
- A Computer Simulation Game for Learning Product Lifecycle Planning Through the Engineer-To-Order Case (06/2009)
- Active Roll Control Using Reinforcement Learning for a Single Unit Heavy Vehicle (06/2009)
- An Efficient Implementation of Boundary Conditions in an Ale Model for Orthogonal Cutting (06/2009)
- Material Parameters in a Simulation of Metal Sheet Stamping (06/2009)
- Residual Stresses in Orthogonal Cutting of Metals: The Effect of Thermomechanical Coupling Parameters and of Friction (06/2009)
- SIMPERF: SIMULINK-based Educational Software for Vehicle's Performance Estimation (06/2009)
- The Interaction of Expatriate Pay Differential and Expatriate Inputs on Host Country Nationals' Pay Unfairness (06/2009)
- ¿Hay innovación más allá de la I+D?: el papel de otras actividades innovadoras = Is There Innovation Beyond R&D? The Role Played by Other Innovation Activities (06/2009)
- Enfoque sociotécnico de la organización del trabajo: un elemento imprescindible para los sistemas de gestión e la calidad (05/2009)
- Condition Assessment of Power OLTC by Vibration Analysis Using Wavelet Transform (04/2009)
- Mechanics of a Magnet and a Meissner Superconducting Ring at Arbitrary Position and Orientation (04/2009)
- Modelado de una transmisión Harmonic Drive: análisis del error cinemático (04/2009)
- Theoretical Analysis of Air Beding Al High Temperature (02/2009)
- Astronomía, mecánica celeste y exploración espacial: aprendizaje y valoración de competencias cognitivas, operacionales y relacionales (01/2009)
- Extensions of Yield Management based Decision Support Systems to Continuous and Hybrid Environments = Extensión de los sistemas de ayuda a la decisión basados en Yield Management a los entornos continuos e híbridos (01/2009)
- From Bureaucratic Forms Towards Team-Based Knowledge Work Systems: Implications for Human Resource Management (01/2009)
- Influence of Shock Absorber Model on Vehicle Dynamic Simulation (01/2009)
- Reduction of Carbon Dioxide Emissions in the Automobile Industry (01/2009)
- Main Characteristics of Companies Using Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and of Their Operation Context = Características de las empresas que utilizan Arquitectura Orientada para Servicios y de su contexto de operación (12/2008)
- Temporary Help Agencies and Participation Histories in the Labour Market: A Sequence-Oriented Approach (12/2008)
- Clasificación y comparación de los enfoques de criticidad de tareas en proyectos con recursos limitados (11/2008)
- Principal Alarms in Multivariate Statistical Process Control Using Independent Component Analysis (11/2008)
- Influence of Shock Absorber Wearing on Vehicle Brake Performance (08/2008)
- Experimental Identification of a Thermomechanical Model for Air Bending (07/2008)
- El diseño contractual de la relación de franquicia = The Contractual Design of the Franchise Relationship (06/2008)
- Procedure to Verify the Maximum Speed of Automatic Transmission Moped in Periodic Motor Vehicle Inspections (06/2008)
- The Role of Temporary Help Agency Employment on Temp-to-Perm Transitions (06/2008)
- Women's Family-Related Career Break: A Long-Term British Perspective (06/2008)
- Long-Term Effects of Involuntary Job Separations on Labour Careers (04/2008)
- Organizational Knowledge Transfer Through Human Resource Management: International Diffusion of Managerial Performance Management (04/2008)
- The Socio-Technical Approach to Work Organisation: An Essential Element in Quality Management Systems (04/2008)
- Improving Motorcycle Front Suspension through a Gas Spring (03/2008)
- La reconstrucción de accidentes: el atropello de peatones (3ª parte) (03/2008)
- Universal Model for Superconductor-Magnet Forces in the Static Limit (03/2008)
- Aplicación de Simulink al cálculo de las prestaciones de un vehículo automóvil (PRESCAR) (02/2008)
- Aplicación de Simulink al método de Bond Graph (BONDSYM) (02/2008)
- Estudio de las deformaciones obtenidas empleando el método de perforación para medida de tensiones residuales en perfiles de sección transversal rectangular de pared delgada (02/2008)
- Fuerza lateral en el contacto neumático calzada a bajas velocidades; comprobación de la seguridad de los vehículos (02/2008)
- La realidad virtual aplicada a la asignatura Ingeniería del Transporte (02/2008)
- Modelado de un amortiguador magneto-reológico mediante redes neuronales (02/2008)
- Modelo numérico de neumático para el estudio de su comportamiento en diferentes condiciones de funcionamiento (02/2008)
- Modelo tridimensional de vuelco de un autobús urbano (02/2008)
- Compact Modeling Technique for Outdoor Navigation (01/2008)
- Determinants of the Success of International Assignees as Knowledge Transferors: A Theoretical Framework (01/2008)
- La reconstrucción de accidentes: el atropello de peatones (2ª parte) (01/2008)
- Principal Alarms in Multivariate Statistical Process Control (01/2008)
- Vibration Analysis as Method Diagnosis for Power on Load Tap Changers (01/2008)
book chapters
- Sustainable innovation and 3D printing: Comme des Machiness digital craftsmanship in Spain. In: Entrepreneurship and innovation (07/2024)
- Education in Mechanism and Machine Science. In: State-of-the-Art and Innovations in Mechanism and Machine Science: A Tribute to Carlos López-Cajún (12/2023)
- Governance of innovation in SMEs: no place like home?. In: De Gruyter Handbook of SME Entrepreneurship (11/2023)
- Disruptive Data-Related Technologies and Global Value Chain: Insights from SMEs in Emerging Markets. In: Disruptive Technologies in International Business. Challenges and Opportunities for Emerging Markets (07/2023)
- Leonardo Torres Quevedo (1952-1936). In: Distinguished Figures in Mechanical Engineering in Spain and Ibero-America (06/2023)
- Digital entrepreneurship in small ventures and startups. In: Digital Entrepreneurship and the Global Economy (12/2022)
- The value chain configuration in the digital entrepreneurship age: location decisions and the paradoxical role of digital technologies. In: Artificiality and Sustainability in Entrepreneurship. Exploring the unforeseen and paving a way to the sustainable future. (11/2022)
- Applying a Cloud-Based Open Source ERP to Industrial Organization Learning Through the Materials Requirements Planning Module. In: Ensuring Sustainability: New Challenges for Organizational Engineering (05/2022)
- On-Premise Free Data Visualization Tools Within the Design of a Business Intelligence (BI) Learning Activity. In: Ensuring Sustainability: New Challenges for Organizational Engineering (05/2022)
- Why Do Traditional Project Management Methods Hinder the Competitiveness of the Construction Industry?. In: Ensuring Sustainability: New Challenges for Organizational Engineering (05/2022)
- Cross-border R&D sourcing strategies: different governance modes and "new" players. In: Cross-border innovation in a changing world: players, places and policies (02/2022)
- Energy Poverty in Developing Regions: Strategies, Indicators, Needs, and Technological Solutions. In: Energy Poverty Alleviation: New Approaches and Contexts (02/2022)
- Adaptación de Prácticas de Ingeniería de Vehículos para el estudio de nuevos Procedimientos de Inspección adaptados a las nuevas Tecnologías de sistemas anticontaminación. In: Innovación docente e investigación en ciencias, ingeniería y arquitectura: nuevos enfoques en la metodología docente (12/2021)
- Diseño de Dispositivo de bajo coste para la determinación experimental de la aceleración de un vehículo automóvil. In: Innovación docente e investigación en ciencias, ingeniería y arquitectura: nuevos enfoques en la metodología docente (12/2021)
- Diseño y Fabricación de un Dispositivo Aerodinámico para un Vehículo Automóvil. In: Innovación docente e investigación en ciencias, ingeniería y arquitectura: nuevos enfoques en la metodología docente (12/2021)
- Social Media Mining for Business Intelligence Analytics: An Application for Movie Box Office Forecasting. In: Intelligent Computing (07/2021)
- Toward the Circular Economy: An Initial Analysis Framework. In: Organizational Engineering in Industry 4.0. (05/2021)
- Additive Manufacturing Disruption in Manufacturing Sector. Spanish Evolution in Last Triennium. In: Organizational Engineering in Industry 4.0 (Springer) (04/2021)
- Product and Process Innovations and the Institutional Context of Transition Economies: The Effects of External Knowledge. In: The Multiple Dimensions of Institutional Complexity in International Business Research (03/2021)
- De modelos de negocio, estrategias y demás formas de competir: algo viejo, algo nuevo, algo prestado, algo azul. In: El marketing ante los nuevos retos sociales y de mercado (01/2021)
- El papel de la tecnología en la seguridad y el empoderamiento de las víctimas de violencia de género. In: Formando en la igualdad real: contenidos para un proyecto democrático (01/2021)
- Desarrollo de sesiones prácticas para el fomento de la innovación y el trabajo en equipo en la asignatura de Diseño Industrial. In: Innovación docente e investigación en Ciencias, Ingeniería y Arquitectura. Avanzando en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje (12/2020)
- Edadismo, sexismo y discapacitismo. Un análisis desde Twitter en tiempos de la Covid-19. In: Avances de Investigación en Salud a lo largo del Ciclo Vital. Nuevas realidades (12/2020)
- Failure Behavior of Aluminum Alloys Under Different Stress States. In: Handbook of Damage Mechanics: Nano to Macro Scale for Materials and Structures (12/2020)
- Internationalization of Emerging-Markets Multinationals: The Role of the Underdevelopment of the Home Country. In: The Oxford Handbook of International Business Strategy (12/2020)
- La aparente paz de género en las mujeres mayores. Datos, emociones y discursos sobre las violencias. In: Avances de investigación en salud a lo largo del ciclo vital. Nuevas realidades (12/2020)
- Proyecto de innovación educativa mediante el trabajo en equipo para el diseño y cálculo de los elementos de una máquina. In: Innovación docente e investigación en Ciencias, Ingeniería y Arquitectura. Avanzando en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje (12/2020)
- Ballistic Behavior of Fiber Composites. In: Hybrid Fiber Composites: Materials, Manufacturing, Process Engineering (08/2020)
- Autonomous Robots and CoBots: Applications in Manufacturing. In: Enabling Technologies for the Successful Deployment of Industry 4.0 (04/2020)
- Liderazgo, envejecimiento y género. In: The time is now. Feminist leadership in a new era = La hora del liderazgo feminista (07/2019)
- Monitoring of a High-speed Train Bogie Using the EMD Technique. In: Advances in Condition Monitoring of Machinery in Non-Stationary Operations: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Condition Monitoring of Machinery in Non-Stationary Operations, CMMNO'2018, 20-22 June 2018, Santander, Spain (02/2019)
- Aproximación al trabajo forzoso e infantil desde la perspectiva interdisciplinar e internacional. In: Estrategias para la consecución del trabajo decente y sostenible en la empresa (01/2019)
- Automatic Device for Skin Biopsy. In: New Trends in Medical and Service Robotics: Advances in Theory and Practice (01/2019)
- Application of 3D Printing to the Intersection of Surfaces Learning in a Descriptive Geometry Course. In: New Trends in Educational Activity in the Field of Mechanism and Machine Theory (09/2018)
- Educational Resources for Self-learning of Descriptive Geometry: 2014-2017. In: New Trends in Educational Activity in the Field of Mechanism and Machine Theory (09/2018)
- Using an Android App for Teaching Mechanism and Machine Theory. In: New Trends in Educational Activity in the Field of Mechanism and Machine Theory (09/2018)
- Leonardo Torres Quevedo. Un genio entre la mecánica y la automática. In: Figuras ilustres de la Ingeniería Mecánica en España (06/2018)
- Railway linkage mechanism analysis through parallel computing. In: 13º Congresso Ibero-americano de Engenharia Mecânica / Ingeniería Mecánica. Livro de actas (10/2017)
- Objetivos y estrategias de la empresa familiar. In: Empresa familiar: análisis estratégico (09/2017)
- Supply Chain Sustainability in Spanish Major Retailer Through Strategic Alliances and Lean Practices. In: Closing the Gap Between Practice and Research in Industrial Engineering (08/2017)
- Compensating global employees. In: Readings and Cases in International Human Resource Management (6th Edition) (01/2017)
- ¿Es posible aplicar en la cadena de suministro de la industria láctea prácticas que tienen éxito en otras industrias? Alianzas. In: El sector lácteo español en la encrucijada (09/2016)
- Forward and Inverse Dynamics and Quasi-Static Analysis of Mechanizes with MATLAB. In: Applications from Engineering with MATLAB Concepts (07/2016)
- Implementing HR practices effectively: Exploring the role of the HR department. In: New Clues for Analysing the HRM Black Box (07/2015)
- Numerical modeling of LFRP machining. In: Machinability of fibre-reinforced plastics (06/2015)
- Numerical modeling of LFRP machining. In: Machinability of fibre-reinforced plastics (06/2015)
- Compensation and total rewards: trends in emerging markets. In: Handbook of human resource management in emerging markets (02/2015)
- Integration of MatLab and ANSYS for advanced analysis of vehicle structures. In: MATLAB Applications for the Practical Engineer (09/2014)
- Driver Style Influence in the Vehicle Acoustic Emissions in Urban Traffic. In: Noise Pollution: Sources, Effects on Workplace Productivity and Health Implications (04/2014)
- Analysis of Dynamic Systems Using Bond Graph and SIMULINK . In: New Trends in Educational Activity in the Field of Mechanism and Machine Theory (01/2014)
- Análisis estratégico. In: Manual de creación de empresas. De la oportunidad a la puesta en marcha (01/2014)
- Estrategias de crecimiento para nuevas empresas. In: Manual de creación de empresas. De la oportunidad a la puesta en marcha (01/2014)
- Incipient Fault Detection in Bearings Through the use of WPT Energy and Neural Networks. In: Advances in Condition Monitoring of Machinery in Non-Stationary Operations, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering (01/2014)
- Iniciativa emprendedora. In: Manual de creación de empresas. De la oportunidad a la puesta en marcha (01/2014)
- Iniciativa emprendedora. In: Manual de creación de empresas. De la oportunidad a la puesta en marcha (01/2014)
- Interactive Application For Technical Drawing Learning. In: New Trends in Educational Activity in the Field of Mechanism and Machine Theory (01/2014)
- Modelos de negocio en Internet. In: Manual de creación de empresas. De la oportunidad a la puesta en marcha (01/2014)
- Oportunidades e ideas de negocio. In: Manual de creación de empresas. De la oportunidad a la puesta en marcha (01/2014)
- Plan de Organización y Recursos Humanos. In: Manual de creación de empresas. De la oportunidad a la puesta en marcha (01/2014)
- Plan de negocio. In: Manual de creación de empresas. De la oportunidad a la puesta en marcha (01/2014)
- Plan de producción y operaciones. In: Manual de creación de empresas. De la oportunidad a la puesta en marcha (01/2014)
- Plan jurídico-fiscal. In: Manual de creación de empresas. De la oportunidad a la puesta en marcha (01/2014)
- Propuestas de valor. In: Manual de creación de empresas. De la oportunidad a la puesta en marcha (01/2014)
- Study of the Stress Intensity Factor of an Unbalanced Rotating Cracked Shaft. In: New Advances in Mechanisms, Transmissions and Applications (01/2014)
- Tool for the analysis of new skills biped pasibot. In: New advances in mechanisms, transmissions and applications (01/2014)
- Ventaja competitiva y formulación de la estrategia de negocio. In: Manual de creación de empresas. De la oportunidad a la puesta en marcha (01/2014)
- Tool for the analysis of new skills biped Pasibot. In: New Advances in Mechanisms, Transmissions and Applications: Proceedings of the Second Conference MeTrApp 2013 (10/2013)
- Internationalization of family firms. In: The SAGE handbook of family business (01/2013)
- Offshoring activities impact a company's business model: the case of BBVA and Banco Santander. In: The offshoring challenge: strategic design and innovation for tomorrow's organization (01/2013)
- Relación con los proveedores y gestión de subcontrataciones. In: La gestión integral de proyectos (01/2013)
- The challenge of R&D offshoring: implications for firm productivity. In: Offshoring challenge: strategic design and innovation for tomorrow's organization (01/2013)
- The Direct Impact of the Normative and Cognitive Distances and the Moderating Effect of Regulations on the Internationalization of SMEs. In: New Policy Challenges for European Multinationals (12/2012)
- Plane Stress at the Crack Front: A Case Incompatible with Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics. In: Issues on Mechanical and Civil Engineering: A Symposium to Honour Professor Enrique Alarcón (11/2012)
- Analysis of Dynamic Loading of Long Fiber Reinforced Composites. In: Fiber-Reinforced Composites (10/2012)
- Benchmarking mobile operators using DEA: An application to the European mobile market. In: Mobile Services Industries, Technologies, and Applications in the Global Economy (08/2012)
- Processing and Mechanical Properties of the Workpiece in Machining of Long-Fiber-Reinforced Composites. In: Wiley Encyclopedia of Composites (07/2012)
- Biomechanical Behavior Analysis of the Sap Ascent in Vascular Plants. In: Analysis and Design of Biological Materials and Structures (06/2012)
- The Dynamics of Temporaru Jobs in the Tourism Industry. In: Strategies for Tourism Industry-Micro and Macro Perspectives (04/2012)
- Web-Application for Engineering Graphics - An Example of a Distance Learning Tool. In: International Perspectives of Distance Learning in Higher Education (03/2012)
- Magnetic-Superconductor Cryogenic Non-contact Harmonic Drive. In: Let´s embrace space (01/2012)
- Rebranding employment branding: Establishing a new research agenda to explore the attributes, antecedents, and consequences of workers' employment brand knowledge. In: Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management (12/2011)
- Analysis of dynamic systems using bond graph method trough SIMULINK. In: Engineering Education and Research Using MATLAB (10/2011)
- Expert System for Simulation of Metal Sheet Stamping: How Automation Can Help Improving Models and Manufacturing Techniques. In: Expert Systems for Human, Materials and Automation (10/2011)
- Dirección estratégica de la empresa familiar. In: Empresa familiar : aspectos jurídicos y económicos (09/2011)
- Generic Model Base Design for Decision Support Systems in Revenue Management: Applications to Hotel and Health Care Sectors. In: Efficient Decision Support Systems-Practice anad Challenges From Current to Future (09/2011)
- Foundations of Meissner Superconductor Magnet Mechanismus Engineering. In: Superconductivity - Theory and Applications (07/2011)
- Analysis of dynamic loading of long fiber reinforced composites. In: Fiber-Reinforced Composites (04/2011)
- Methodology for Vibration Signal Processing of an On-load Tap Changer. In: Advances in Vibration Analysis Research (04/2011)
- Cooperation and Innovation in the Internationalisation of Knowledge-Intensive Business Services. In: Reshaping the Boundaries of the Firm in an Era of Global Interdependence (12/2010)
- La estrategia de internacionalización de las multinacionales de países emergentes asiáticos. In: Claves de la economía mundial (07/2010)
- The Future of Innovation is in any Industry. In: The Future of Innovation (10/2009)
- Empresas de trabajo temporal y estabilidad en el empleo. In: Metodología y diseño de estudios para la evaluación de políticas públicas (01/2009)
- La empresa familiar y sus recursos. In: La internacionalización de la empresa familiar (10/2008)
- La estrategia de internacionalización en la empresa familiar. In: La internacionalización de la empresa familiar (10/2008)
- La internacionalización de Alsa. In: La internacionalización de la empresa familiar (10/2008)
- La internacionalizacón de la empresa familiar. In: La internacionalización de la empresa familiar (10/2008)
- Auge y desarrollo de las empresas nacidas globales. In: Claves de la economía mundial (06/2008)
- La responsabilidad social corporativa de la empresa, ¿necesidad o virtud?. In: Entre la ética, la política y el derecho: estudios en homenaje al profesor Gregorio Peces-Barba. I, Entre la ética, la política y el derecho (05/2008)
- Trends in Educational Activity in the fiel od mechanism and Machine Theory (2018-2022): Selected Papers from ISEMMS 2022 (06/2023)
- Contribución de la Inspección Técnica de Vehículos (ITV) a la seguridad vial y al medioambiente (07/2022)
- Metodología de inspección ITV en base a emisiones NOx y partículas contaminantes (01/2022)
- Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) (04/2021)
- Manual la reconstrucción de siniestros viales (04/2020)
- Roadworthiness testing contribution to vehicle safety and environment (02/2019)
- Study on the inclusion of light trailers and two- or three-wheel vehicles in the scope of the periodic roadworthiness testing: Final report (02/2019)
- New trends in educational activity in the field of mechanism and machine theory (2014-2017). (01/2019)
- Análisis mecánico inteligente: Metodología para el estudio paramétrico (01/2017)
- Metodología de elaboración de Trabajos de Fin de Grado y Postgrado relacionados con líneas de investigación de interés para la Guardia Civil (07/2015)
- Teoría y práctica de administración de empresas: Fundamentos y opciones estratégicas (06/2015)
- Automóviles y ferrocarriles: problemas resueltos (02/2014)
- Máquinas y mecanismos compuestos por imanes y superconductors, (02/2014)
- Manual de creación de empresas. De la oportunidad a la puesta en marcha (01/2014)
- New trends in educational activity in the field of mechanism and machine theory (01/2014)
- Automóviles y ferrocarriles (12/2012)
- Modelo de contacto neumático-calzada a baja velocidad (05/2012)
- Análisis de deslizamiento de los rodillos de un rodamiento: a partir de simulaciones dinámicas con un modelo de elementos finitos: influencia del coeficiente de rozamiento (03/2012)
- Ingeniería del transporte (03/2012)
- Prototipo deslizador de un motor lineal síncrono de imanes permanentes: diseño, cálculo y análisis estructural de los esfuerzos sometidos en el deslizador (01/2012)
- Caracterización y análisis de ondas vibratorias en un sistema mecánico. Estudio de propagación de frecuencias de vibración para un banco experimental. (12/2011)
- Simulación de fenómenos mecánicos, utilizando un modelo de rodamiento: nuevo método de desarrollo para la investigación científica. Base ingenieril (10/2011)
- Consenso, contribución y excelencia: epílogo a las Jornadas sobre grupos de investigación post-burocráticos (04/2011)
- Dirección de empresas: nociones teóricas y ejercicios prácticos (03/2010)
- La reducción de empleo y sus consecuencias en los resultados: un análisis de las empresas españolas (09/2009)
- Understanding Temporary Help Agency Employment: Direct-hire Versus Agency Temp Employees (12/2008)
- Lean como clave competitiva: conocimiento, aplicación y resultados de lean manufacturing en las empresas españolas (06/2008)
conference contributions
- Adopción de los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible en las empresas: Respondiendo a la presión local y al reto internacional (01/2024)
- Current Trends in Automated Driving Systems (01/2024)
- Lab Experiences with 5R mechanisms for teaching (01/2024)
- Laboratory Experiences with an Intelligent Robotic Crank for Arm Exercises (01/2024)
- Modeling, 3D Printing and Mechanical Analysis of Roman Patenotre (01/2024)
- Requirements and Problems for a Sensored Rotating Device for Arm Exercise (01/2024)
- Robust Active Suspension Control Tolerant To Sensor Faults (01/2024)
- Adapting exploratory behaviour in Active Inference for Autonomous Driving (01/2023)
- Analysis of the First Treatise on Machine Elements: Codex Madrid I (01/2023)
- Are new ventures more environmentally sustainable? The role of digital technologies and global value chain participation in sustainability upgrading (01/2023)
- Data-driven technologies and the environmental sustainability of micro, small and medium enterprises: Does size matter? (01/2023)
- Diseño de un sistema de control en pelotón heterogéneo para vehículos automatizados (01/2023)
- Diseño de una herramienta para la gestión de un servicio de transporte de emergencias utilizando las APIs de Google Maps (01/2023)
- Dispositivo de bajo coste para monitorizar el estado fisiológico del conductor de un vehículo (01/2023)
- Do women in family business promote non-financial performance? A mix-method approach (01/2023)
- Do women in family businesses enhance non-financial performance. A FSQCA approach (01/2023)
- EMD-Based Intelligent Crack Detection in Freight Railway Axles (01/2023)
- Effect of Grain Structure on Machinability of LPBF Inconel 718: A Critical Review (01/2023)
- Electric ambulance routing based on heuristic cost-based planners in pandemic situations (01/2023)
- Ensayos de impacto sobre simulante de cráneo impreso en 3D (01/2023)
- Event-Triggered Fault-Tolerant Control for Vehicle Rollover Avoidance Based on an Active Suspension with Robustness Against Disturbances and Communication Delays (01/2023)
- Gender diversity and corporate governance performance in family businesses: An integrated mixed-methods analysis (01/2023)
- Lab Experiences for a Driver Monitoring System (01/2023)
- Learning How to Design and Manufacture by Applying Hot Wire Cutting to the Fabrication of a Car Spoiler (01/2023)
- Localización y detección de anomalías con datos de cámara en un marco bayesiano (01/2023)
- Low-Cost Design of a Device for Monitoring the Physiological Status of a Vehicle Driver (01/2023)
- Machinability characterization of 3D printed PEEK (01/2023)
- Material characterization of basalt and carbon laminates with and without open-hole under static and fatigue loads (01/2023)
- Medida de eficacia de frenada de un automóvil. Comparativa de procedimientos y equipos (01/2023)
- Modelo de caracterización de emisiones contaminantes emitidas por un vehículo ligero en conducción urbana (01/2023)
- On the bending collapse behavior of rectangular hollow steel shapes of various thicknesses (01/2023)
- Simulante realista de cráneo humano para ensayos de impacto y predicción de daños (01/2023)
- Sistema de control robusto basado en H¿ para el seguimiento de trayectoria de un vehículo con estimación de fallos en el actuador (01/2023)
- Sistema de seguimiento de trayectoria de un vehículo mediante control H¿ por realimentación de salidas considerando perturbaciones en las medidas (01/2023)
- Study of the influence of tool wear in drilling carbon-glass fiber hybrid composite (01/2023)
- The Quest for Round Pegs: Person-Organization Fit, External Managers and Family Firms (01/2023)
- Torso Motion Monitoring with an IMU Set-Up (01/2023)
- Abandono de la actividad emprendedora durante la pandemia COVID-19: una perspectiva de género (01/2022)
- Additive manufacturing of head surrogates for impact analysis (01/2022)
- Autonomous path following and emergency braking control for intelligent vehicles using low cost devices (01/2022)
- Biomechanical damage estimation on hard and soft tissue due to ballistic impact without penetration (01/2022)
- CFRP drilling process control based on spindle power consumption from real production data in the aircraft industry (01/2022)
- Calibración de coeficientes visco-hiperelásticos para modelos constitutivos de gelatina balística por medio de algoritmos genéticos y su aplicación en impactos balísticos en tórax (01/2022)
- Caracterización geométrica y mecánica de estructuras impresas en PLA y validación mediante ensayos experimentales (01/2022)
- Comportamiento experimental y numérico de paneles FML de acero inoxidable y fibra de vidrio (01/2022)
- Control H ¿ del deslizamiento longitudinal del neumático para frenada óptima en función del estado de la carretera (01/2022)
- Countersink depth control in aeronautical structural components drilling processes by machining forces analysis (01/2022)
- Crack morphology in lattice-core specimens made of biopolymer via fused deposition modelling (01/2022)
- Cyclic Mechanical Behaviour of Poly Lactic Acid Scaffolds Made by Additive Manufacturing (01/2022)
- Desarrollo de simulantes óseos mediante fabricación aditiva y validación del comportamiento mecánico a flexión (01/2022)
- Detección de holgura en ejes mediante análisis de vibraciones combinando WPT y SVM lineal (01/2022)
- Diseño de máquina de lavado para pitahaya (01/2022)
- Diseño de un cuadro de bicicleta de carga para el reparto de paquetería en última milla (01/2022)
- Dispositivo de bajo coste para la estimación del par de frenado de un vehículo (01/2022)
- El neumático conectado y sostenible: I-ECOTIRE (01/2022)
- Estimación de los límites resistentes del tejido lamelar en función de la porosidad y densidad mineral ósea. (01/2022)
- Estimación numérica de las constantes elásticas de estructuras impresas en PLA y validación mediante ensayos experimentales. (01/2022)
- Estudio de la influencia de los parámetros que gobiernan un procedimiento iterativo de optimización topológica (01/2022)
- Estudio del fallo a compresión en estructuras triplemente periódicas con mínima superficie obtenidas por fabricación aditiva. (01/2022)
- Estudio morfométrico de hueso trabecular sano, osteoporótico y artrósico de cabezas femorales humanas. (01/2022)
- Event-triggered Robust Output Feedback Controller for a Networked Roll Control System (01/2022)
- Experiencia de la adaptación de la asignatura Expresión Gráfica en la Ingeniería a la docencia online en tiempos de confinamiento (01/2022)
- Experimental and numerical ballistic behaviour of stainless-steel and fiber glass FML plates (01/2022)
- Generar nuevo material usando el programa eXeLearning: Comparación con Android y Windows (01/2022)
- Industrial heritage in Granada and Almería. The recovery of the Zurgena railway station as an example of the reinterpretation of the Lorca-Baza railway line (01/2022)
- Industrial heritage of the city of Granada: the water well "Santa Clara" in "La Vega de Granada" (01/2022)
- Influencia de la cafeína en la respuesta muscular según la habituación a la cafeína y al deporte (01/2022)
- Mechanical behaviour of specimens made via fused deposition modelling under three-point bending (01/2022)
- Medida remota de las emisiones contaminantes en la pluma del escape de un vehículo automóvil (01/2022)
- Modelo del Comportamiento de un Conductor empleando Lógica Difusa centrado en la Fuerza sobre el Pedal de Embrague: Estudio Piloto (01/2022)
- New formative evaluation methodology on rotating machinery diagnostics (01/2022)
- Nueva metodología para la docencia y evaluación de la asignatura Cinemática y Dinámica de Máquinas (01/2022)
- Problems and Requirements in Impact Analysis from Vehicle Accidents. (01/2022)
- Propuesta de un nuevo criterio para cuantificar las lesiones en impactos de vehículos (01/2022)
- Simultaneous localization and anomaly detection from first-person video data through a Coupled Dynamic Bayesian Network model (01/2022)
- Sistema Trimodal de Impartición Docente (01/2022)
- Sistema de frenado con elementos de bajo coste en automatización de vehículos para zonas turísticas sin tráfico mixto (01/2022)
- Transformación digital multicanal del aprendizaje activo de Sistemas de Información Integrados (ERPs) (01/2022)
- Uso de algoritmos genéticos para la calibración de coeficientes visco-hiperelásticos en simulantes de tejido blando y su aplicación en impactos balísticos de tórax (01/2022)
- ¿Es menos lesivo tensar los músculos ante un posible frenado de emergencia? (01/2022)
- Analysis of machining performance of Inconel 718 printed by PBF-LM (powder bed fusion laser melting). (01/2021)
- Análisis del comportamiento biomecánico de un fémur artificial con clavo intramedular (01/2021)
- Análisis experimental y numérico de la influencia de la posición del clavo intramedular en el fenómeno del cut-out (01/2021)
- Aplicación del neumático inteligente para la caracterización de la huella de contacto en maniobras complejas (01/2021)
- Comportamiento mecánico bajo flexión a tres puntos hasta fractura de hueso y material simulante (01/2021)
- Cross-border innovation in a changing world: players, places, policies (01/2021)
- Detection of Abnormal Motion by Estimating Scene Flows of Point Clouds for Autonomous Driving (01/2021)
- Diseño de un estimador basado en Redes Neuronales Artificiales para caracterizar la frenada de un vehículo (01/2021)
- Diseño y preparación de un curso SPOC para el aprendizaje de mecanismos (01/2021)
- Does ethnicity moderate the relationship between communication of the leader and LMX? Perception of employees in Peru (01/2021)
- El efecto moderador de la RSC en la relación entre nivel de cambioy estabilidad social con los resultados de la firma: resultados preliminares (01/2021)
- El papel de la tecnología en la seguridad y el empoderamiento de las víctimas de violencia de género (01/2021)
- Estudio del factor de intensidad de tensiones para fisuras anulares incipientes abiertas contenidas en un eje sometido a flexión (01/2021)
- Ethnicity as a moderating role in the relation between leader's communication and LMX: A study of employees in Peru (01/2021)
- Ethnicity as a moderating role in the relation between leader's communication and LMX: a study of employees in Peru. Paper presented at EURAM 2021 (01/2021)
- Expresión cerrada del factor de intensidad de tensiones de una fisura contenida en un eje sometido a flexión (01/2021)
- Gender imbalance and entrepreneurial university. Are top universities different from non-top ones? (01/2021)
- Influencia de la velocidad de giro en el comportamiento dinámico de una viga rotatoria fisurada (01/2021)
- Interpretable anomaly detection using a generalized markov jump particle filter (01/2021)
- Mechanical behaviour under three-point bending until fracture of bone and simulant materials (01/2021)
- Mejora del comportamiento lateral y vertical de un vehículo mediante una suspensión activa (01/2021)
- Modelo de comportamiento vibratorio de una viga rotatoria (01/2021)
- Numerical analysis of the cut-out phenomena in intertrochanteric femoral fracture (01/2021)
- Selección de wavelet madre como patrón de identificación para detección de fisuras en ejes (01/2021)
- Social Media Mining for Business Intelligence Analytics: An Application for Movie Box Office Forecasting (01/2021)
- Visibility-Aware Adaptative Speed Planner for Human-like Navigation in Roundabouts (01/2021)
- Actitudes de las personas mayores sobre su calidad de vida, salud y futuro en tiempos del COVID19 (01/2020)
- Applying the Materials Requirements Planning module of a cloud-based open source ERP to Industrial Organization learning (01/2020)
- Choosing free data visualization tools within the design of a Business Intelligence (BI) learning activity (01/2020)
- Circular economy analysis at Spanish glass sector applying the Ellen MacArthur model (01/2020)
- Competitiveness limiting factors on the current project management approaches of the construction industry (01/2020)
- Ensayo y fabricación de un nuevo nodo de CFRP unido mediante adhesivos para su uso en estructuras de autobuses (01/2020)
- Examining the moderating effects of work unit size and task analyzability in the relation between leader's communication style and leader-member exchange (01/2020)
- In-house additive manufacturing and its consequences into the purchasing process (01/2020)
- Indicadores de Sostenibilidad en la cadena de valor alimentaria. El caso de la industria láctea (01/2020)
- MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) in the current environment (01/2020)
- Managing communication in integrity based crisis: Dealing with stakeholders perceptions (01/2020)
- Model based analysis of innovation in sustainable supply chains. A case study (01/2020)
- Numerical and experimental analysis of aramid composites against ballistic impact (01/2020)
- Psicología y toma de decisiones financieras (01/2020)
- Reuse of components between virtual, b-learning and face-to-face courses. A case study in Management Information Systems (01/2020)
- Risk management through time and cost contingencies during the execution phase of construction projects: contractors' perspective (01/2020)
- Synergic Sustainability Implications of Additive Manufacturing in Automotive Spare Parts. A Case Analysis (01/2020)
- Technologies and images of older women (01/2020)
- The "region effect" in international supply chains: Implications for the competitiveness of SMEs in Transition Countries (01/2020)
- The moderating role of ethnicity in the relation between communication of the leader and LMX: perception of the employees of Peru (01/2020)
- Trabajo y jubilación desde una perspectiva intergeneracional e intergénero. (01/2020)
- University Entrepreneurship: the role of universities' research, teaching and social capital capabilities in spin-offs and start-ups. (01/2020)
- Accelerometer Placement Comparison for Crack Detection in Railway Axles Using Vibration Signals and Machine Learning (01/2019)
- Analysis in the time-frequency domain of different depths of a crack located in a change of section of a shaft (01/2019)
- Aplicación del triedro de Frenet al cálculo de la relación de dispersión de un resorte mecánico sometido a oscilación acoplada de flexión y torsión = Frenet frame application to the dispersion relation calculation of a mechanical spring under under torsion and bending vibrations (01/2019)
- Aproximación socio-espacial al envejecimiento y a los programas para cuidadoras/es de mayores (01/2019)
- Arquitecturas híbridas para el diseño de prácticas docentes con recursos online: un caso de studio (01/2019)
- Circular Economy: An Analysis Framework (01/2019)
- Crack detection in freight railway axles using Power Spectral Density and Empirical Mode Decomposition Techniques (01/2019)
- Crack detection in freight railway axles using Power Spectral Density and Empirical Mode Decomposition Techniques (01/2019)
- Desarrollo de un sistema de medición sEMG low-cost = Development of a low-cost sEMG system (01/2019)
- Diseño de una mini lavadora para fibra de vicuña con una capacidad de 5 Kg/h = Mechanical design of a 5 kg/h cleaning machine for vicuña wool (01/2019)
- Dynamic Modeling and Analysis of Pool Balls Interaction (01/2019)
- Educational Resources for Self-learning of Descriptive Geometry (01/2019)
- Efecto de la deformación de la fibra por alta temperatura en medidas de temperatura con el pirómetro a dos colores (01/2019)
- Emprendiendo en el aula! La gamificación como herramienta de aprendizaje en estudiantes universitario (01/2019)
- Estilos de conducción de un vehículo automóvil empleando la técnica de redes neuronales artificiales = Artificial neural networks for driving styles clustering (01/2019)
- Estudio experimental y numérico del ensayo brasileño con arcos de contacto (01/2019)
- European Union Air Navigation Projects: Impact on Airspace Operations Management (01/2019)
- How fast is Additive Manufacturing disrupting the Spanish manufacturing sector? Last three years' evolution (01/2019)
- Impact of Additive Manufacturing in Aerospace Industry Purchasing Process (01/2019)
- Influence of Inner Foam on the Aramid Composite Ballistic Behaviour (01/2019)
- Influencia de parámetros geométricos y DMO en el comportamiento mecánico del fémur humano (01/2019)
- International External Knowledge, Home Country Institutions and Innovation of Firms from Transition Countries (01/2019)
- Learning Machine Diagnostics Through Laboratory Experiments (01/2019)
- Make, buy or ally to source R&D overseas? International gains beyond innovation performance (01/2019)
- Methodology for the study of the influence of e-scooter vibrations on human health and comfort (01/2019)
- Modelado numérico de las propiedades mecánicas de fémur humano tras tratamiento contra osteoporosis mediante denosumab (01/2019)
- Modelización frente a impacto de tejidos de aramida de alto rendimiento (01/2019)
- Monitoring of a High-Speed Train Bogie Using the EMD Technique (01/2019)
- Multilayer Para-Aramid Fabrics Modelling Against Ballistic Impact (01/2019)
- Optimal Model Reference Command Shaping for vibration reduction of Multibody-Multimode flexible systems: Initial Study (01/2019)
- Optimización del lavado de fibra de Vicuña mediante sistema ultrasónico = Optimization of the washing of vicuña's wool by ultrasonic system (01/2019)
- R&D Offshoring and Innovation: Does Firm Age Matter? (01/2019)
- Real time analysis of the filament for FDM 3D printers (01/2019)
- Reutilización de componentes en la producción de MOOC: un caso de estudio (01/2019)
- The management of air navigation in Europe. Areas for future operational research (01/2019)
- Tool wear and induced damage in CFRP drilling with step and double point angle drill bits (01/2019)
- Universidad y emprendimiento, ¿cómo impulsan los investigadores y docentes el capital emprendedor? (01/2019)
- Using an Android App for teaching mechanism and machine theory (01/2019)
- Very localized temperature measurements and applications using optical fiber pyrometers (01/2019)
- ¿Existen diferencias generacionales y por género en el trabajo y jubilación? (01/2019)
- ¿Tienen las personas con un mayor grado de conocimientos financieros más posibilidades de emprender con éxito? (01/2019)
- "Mesa final y de clausura. Presentación del número 21, monográfico de la Revista Prisma Social: "Envejecimiento y Género. Investigación y Evaluación de programas" (01/2018)
- Análisis de la influencia del diseño del frontal del vehículo en las lesiones de un peatón en caso de atropello (01/2018)
- Análisis de la influencia del ángulo de caída en la deformación de la banda de rodadura de un neumático mediante extensometría (01/2018)
- Análisis de las fuerzas aplicadas en el proceso de accionamiento y desaccionamiento del pedal de embrague (01/2018)
- Análisis de un mecanismo ferroviario mediante el cómputo en paralelo (01/2018)
- Análisis del taladrado de material compuesto 100% biodegradable (01/2018)
- Análisis en el dominio tiempo-frecuencia de un eje fisurado (01/2018)
- Análisis experimental y numérico del material compuesto de aramida frente a impacto balístico (01/2018)
- Análisis numérico de golpes de cráneo contra el suelo o bordillos (01/2018)
- Análisis numérico de la respuesta de un casco para la desactivación de artefactos explosivos frente a impacto (01/2018)
- Aplicación de técnicas de inspección no destructiva al control de calidad en la fabricación de probetas de gelatina balística (01/2018)
- Aplicación práctica de técnicas de visión artificial a la balística de efectos (01/2018)
- Ballistic performance and energy absorption characteristics of lightweight aramid structures (01/2018)
- Calidad e integridad del componente en procesos de escariado de apilados híbridos (01/2018)
- Comparación de herramientas de procesamiento de la señal en el comportamiento vibratorio de elementos fisurados (01/2018)
- Desarrollo de mecanismos de gobernanza de la sostenibilidad en las cadenas de suministro del sector retail (01/2018)
- Determinación de la profundidad de fisuras en ejes giratorios fisurados (01/2018)
Determinación de la profundidad de fisuras en ejes
giratorios fisurados (01/2018) - Does Facebook matter in the internationalization of Higher Education? (01/2018)
- Dynamic modeling and analysis of contact interaction of a passive biped-walking robot (01/2018)
- Estimación del coeficiente de adherencia lateral solicitado en el contacto neumático-calzada mediante extensometría y lógica difusa para el desarrollo del neumático inteligente (01/2018)
- Estudio experimental y numérico de la fricción entre hilos de tejidos de alto rendimiento (01/2018)
- Estudio experimental y numérico de la fricción entre hilos en la respuesta frente a impacto de tejidos de alto rendimiento (01/2018)
- Experimental Determination of the Fundamental Parameters of Road Traffic and Noise Levels Emitted (01/2018)
- Experimental and Numerical Study of inter-yarn friction coefficient behavior on the ballistic impact response of High-Performance Fabrics (01/2018)
- Experimental and numerical analysis of combat helmet ballistic performance (01/2018)
- Experimental and numerical study of a new structural composite for innovative cars (01/2018)
- Finite Element Simulation and Analysis of the behavior under load of a human shoulder (01/2018)
- Identificación de fisuras en ejes giratorios fisurados a partir de la velocidad crítica (01/2018)
- Identificación de fisuras en ejes giratorios fisurados a partir de la velocidad crítica (01/2018)
- Influence of the undeformed chip cross section in finishing turning of Inconel 718 with PCBN tools (01/2018)
- Influencia de la anisotropía en el comportamiento mecánico del fémurhumano (01/2018)
- Innovation performance of firms in transition economies: The role of international and domestic external knowledge (01/2018)
- International and domestic external knowledge in the innovation performance of firms from transition economies: the role of institutions (01/2018)
- Jubilación, vejez/envejecimiento y relaciones intergeneracionales desde un enfoque laboral y feminista (01/2018)
- Mayores y Jóvenes: trabajo agrícola desde un enfoque medioambiental y de género (01/2018)
- Mecanismos de gobernanza de la sostenibilidad de la cadena de suministro (01/2018)
- Mesa de contextos: La mirada de los mayores. Envejecimiento activo, calidad de vida y género (01/2018)
- Modelado de la fractura en hueso cortical considerando su microestructura heterogénea mediante el método Phantom Nodes. (01/2018)
- Modelado numérico de la fractura en hueso cortical considerando su microestructura heterogénea (01/2018)
- Modelización numérica de casco EOD ante impacto de fragmento (01/2018)
- Modelling fracture propagation in cortical bone tissue at a microscopic scale using the phantom-node technique. (01/2018)
- Modelling fracture propagation in cortical bone tissue at a microscopid scale using the phantom-nodes technique (01/2018)
- Monitoring of the additive manufacturing process for the use of biomaterials in medical (01/2018)
- Numerical Modelling of Multilayer Woven Para-aramid Fabrics (01/2018)
- Numerical Modelling of Soft Armour Panels Under High-Velocity Impacts (01/2018)
- Numerical analysis of a new combat helmet design against ballistic impact (01/2018)
- Numerical modelling of fracture propagation in cortical bone considering its heterogeneous structure (01/2018)
- Operating state identification of a high-speed train with analysis of the vibration signal (01/2018)
- Optimization procedure for the design of a multimaterial joint CFRP-Steel in a coach structure to improve the energy absorption in a rollover scenario: applications of composites (01/2018)
- Passive Walking Biped Model with Dissipative Contact and Friction Forces (01/2018)
- Physical education as a vector for enhancing the interest on science studies (01/2018)
- Selecting the governance mode when offshoring knowledge-intensive activities (01/2018)
- Study of the performance of PCBN and carbide tools in finishing machining of Inconel 718 with cutting fluid at conventional pressures (01/2018)
- Study of the vibratory behaviour of a High Speed Train bogie using the EMD technique (01/2018)
- Study, Design and Prototyping of Oral Appliances to Treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea (01/2018)
- Supply chain sustainability in Spanish major retailer through strategic alliances and lean practices (01/2018)
- Sustainability leveraged by energy service projects (ESCO) in Spain: analysis 2010-14 (01/2018)
- The role of entrepreneurial education in entrepreneurship orientation (01/2018)
- The role of entrepreneurial education in entrepreneurship orientation of engineering students (01/2018)
Usos de las redes sociales e implicaciones en la
reputación corporativa (01/2018) - VEHIOT: evaluation of smartphones as data acquisition systems to reduce risk situations in commercial vehicles (01/2018)
- Why does Facebook matter in the internationalization of Higher Education (01/2018)
- "Forced" Entry: Unavoidable technology adoption, transformational experience and industry leadership persistence (01/2017)
- "Forced" Entry: Unavoidable technology adoption, transformational experience and industry leadership persistence. (01/2017)
- A new joint of FRP design for a bus structure (01/2017)
- Adoption of the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) &- Leveraging the EC "Logo" roadmap (01/2017)
- Analysis of changes on shims stack valve of a high performance shock absorber (01/2017)
- Analysis of fretting fatigue behaviour of an aeroengine nickel-base alloy (01/2017)
- Analysis of the influence of tire working conditions in tire's deformation for intelligent tires development (01/2017)
- Análisis cuantitativo de las mujeres mayores sobre la satisfacción residencial (01/2017)
- Análisis discursivo de las-os líderes en organizaciones de-para personas mayores (01/2017)
- Análisis ergonómico del puesto de conducción: freno de mano (01/2017)
- Análisis experimental y numérico de la morfología de fractura de fémur / (01/2017)
- Análisis numérico de blindajes cerámicos modulares inspirados en la naturaleza para protecciones balísticas (01/2017)
- Applications of shear thickening fluids in automotive engineering (01/2017)
- CFRP monocoque structure for Formula Student car (01/2017)
- Characterization of the rheological properties of Shear Thickening Fluids (STF) for use in shock transmisions units (STU) (01/2017)
- Comparativa de la caracterización reológica de fluidos dilatantes con diferentes concentraciones de partículas de sílice (01/2017)
- Composite fiber reinforced plastic one-shoot drilling: quality inspection assessment and tool wear evaluation (01/2017)
- Cálculo de factor de seguridad probabilistico basado en la validación metrológica de modelos ingenieriles (01/2017)
- Damper instrumentation: difficulties and alternatives (01/2017)
- Different methodologies to guarantee rollover scenario safety of the structure of a bus (01/2017)
- Does innovation matter? Home country institutions and exports of firms in transition economies (01/2017)
- Drivers in offshoring and choosing the governance mode: the role of knowledge-intensive activities (01/2017)
- El prisma feminista como clave para evaluar los programas de voluntariado de mayores (01/2017)
- Energia potencial acumulada en un autobus sometido a torsión (01/2017)
- Energy transition in the transport sector (01/2017)
- Experimental analysis of the clutch pedal in the driver position (01/2017)
- Experimental and numerical analysis of hip fracture morphology (01/2017)
- Experimental and numerical analysis of hip fracture morphology (01/2017)
- Explaining alliance success factors in Spanish food and beverage supply chain: case analysis (01/2017)
- Factor de intensidad de tensiones de una fisura abierta cóncava contenida en un eje sometido a flexión (01/2017)
- Fuzzy-based rollover controller considering the effect of road bank for a heavy duty vehicle (01/2017)
- High downforce devices for Formula Student cars: a numerical study (01/2017)
- Incipient bearing fault diagnosis using WPT and ANN including parameter optimization (01/2017)
- Influencia de los parámetros de conducción en el ruido emitido por un automóvil en el tráfico urbano (01/2017)
- Injury severity pattern of a pedestrian crash according to impact speed (01/2017)
- Invisibilidad, Prejuicios y Violencia sobre las Mujeres Mayores. Empoderar a la Vejez y/desde el Feminismo (01/2017)
- Is the virtual homologation for pedestrian protection viable? (01/2017)
- Kinematics and Dynamics of the Quasi-Passive Robot walking "PASIQUAD" (01/2017)
- Methodology to characterize the Von Misses stress in the contact between wheel and rail(Test-Rig) (01/2017)
- Metodology and implementation of advanced methods to improve dynamic behaviour of mechanical systems. application to lifts (01/2017)
- Metodología de análisis dinámico de mecanismos. aplicación a la optimización de la navegacion de un UGV (01/2017)
- Metodología, evaluación y género en el voluntariado de personas mayores (01/2017)
- Monitoring systems and remote powering for next generation broadband Access Networks (01/2017)
- Nueva metodología para el análisis de la evolución de las frecuencias naturales con la presencia de grietas en ruedas ferroviarias (01/2017)
- Numerical modeling of instabilities during machining of aeronautical alloy (01/2017)
- Offshoring Drivers and Governance Mode Choice: The Moderating Effect of Knowledge-Intensive Activities (01/2017)
- Offshoring drivers and governance mode choice: The moderating effect of knowledge intensive activities (01/2017)
- On the relationship between coopetition and innovation: disentangling some influential factors (01/2017)
- On the transition in the brittle-ductile fracture mode in polymeric materials (01/2017)
- Personality, especially narcissism, predicts engagement in leader development (01/2017)
- Platforms bridging the world: Unraveling international and local effects in global ecosystems (01/2017)
- Platforms bridging the world: unraveling international network effects (01/2017)
- Railway linkage mechanism analysis through parallel computing (01/2017)
- Relación entre el estilo de comunicación del líder, el vínculo líder-seguidor (LMX) y el compromiso organizacional (01/2017)
- Root cause identification of existing barriers detected by people with disabilities in air transport (01/2017)
- The efficiency implications of international diversification on European mobile telecommunication operators (01/2017)
- The lambda-curves method for crack identification in beams (01/2017)
- The role of International and Domestic external knowledge in innovation of firms from Transition Economies (01/2017)
- Active Ageing and socio-ergonomics factors in agriculture: The case of olive farmers in Community of Madrid and peripheral areas (01/2016)
- Analysis of vibration signals of drive train failures in wind turbines in cold climate (01/2016)
- Análisis de la inscripción en curva de un vehículo industrial a la luz del nuevo Reglamento nº 79 de la Comisión Económica de las Naciones Unidas para Europa (01/2016)
- Análisis experimental combinado con elementos finitos de la fractura de la extremidad proximal del fémur (01/2016)
- Análisis experimental de la resistencia a la penetración de cuchillo en tejidos de alto rendimiento (01/2016)
- Análisis experimental y numérico del comportamiento de un fémur artificial (01/2016)
- Análisis numérico del efecto de la protección de mandíbula y visor en un casco de combate ante cargas explosivas (01/2016)
- Automatic online fatigue crack detection in railway axles (01/2016)
- Automatización y optimización de la determinación numérica del Factor de Intensiad de Tensiones en ejes fisurados (01/2016)
- Behaviour of a new combat helmet design against ballistic impact: Experimental and numerical analysis (01/2016)
- Computational modeling of bulk modulus in carbon nanostructures using a finite element approach (01/2016)
- Determinación del estado tensional de una biela de bicicleta frente a las cargas de trabajo (01/2016)
- Diseño de un estimador del ángulo de balanceo de vehículos industriales mediante redes neuronales (01/2016)
- Displacements and strains in multivertebra spine segments measured by means of Digital Image Correlation (01/2016)
- Distributive Justice in the Compensation of Global Mobility: An inductive study of a workers' cooperative in the Mondragon Corporation (01/2016)
- Drivers in offshoring and choosing the governance mode: The role of knowledge-intensive activities (01/2016)
- El atropello en vía interurbana, ¿previsto en homologación? (01/2016)
- Estimación mediante Redes Neuronales del Factor de Intensidad de Tensiones en un eje giratorio fisurado (01/2016)
- Estudio del comportamiento de un sistema salvacunetas para mejorar la seguridad vial (01/2016)
- Estudio del comportamiento del cuerpo de válvulas de un amortiguador de alto rendimiento (01/2016)
- Estudio del contacto en la interacción rueda-carril y rueda-rodillo en bancos de ensayos ferroviarios (01/2016)
- Estudio mediante extensiometría del comportamiento dinámico de la banda de rodadura de un neumático (01/2016)
- Evaluación de programas de envejecimiento activo desde una perspectiva de género: herramientas y casos prácticos (01/2016)
- Family relations in new venture teams: growth in the entrepreneur context (01/2016)
- Family ties in new venture teams and business growth: the role of innovation (01/2016)
- Finite element modeling of UHMWPE personal protections considering strain-rate dependence (01/2016)
- Framework for a new wave of IT-enabled business process transformations (01/2016)
- Fundamentos del Programa ENCAGE-CM. Envejecimiento activo, calidad de vida y género (01/2016)
- Fuzzy-Based Anti-Rollover Controller for a Heavy Duty Vehicle, using Active Suspension (01/2016)
- High speed machining of Nickel-based alloys (HRSA) with CBN tools (01/2016)
- Home country institutions and exports of firms from developing countries: does innovation matter? (01/2016)
- Human Resources Excellence in Research Award: the UC3M case (01/2016)
- Impact and Compression after Impact (CAI) behavior of PLA/Flax biocomposites (01/2016)
- Mecanizado de alta velocidad de superaleaciones de base níquel con herramientas PCBN (01/2016)
- Metodología para la adaptación y validación experimental de modelos ingenieriles (01/2016)
- Modeling of impact dynamics and application in public security education (01/2016)
- Modeling of viscoelastoplastic behavior of Flax/PLA biodegradable composites (01/2016)
- Mujeres mayores: protagonistas del cuidado, de los programas de apoyo y de su evaluación (01/2016)
- Multimode fibers in millimeter-wave evolution for 5G cellular networks (01/2016)
- Nanocomposites based on LDPE filled with carbon nnotubes and their Potential Bactericide Activity (01/2016)
- Nueva metodología para el análisis de la evolución de las frecuencias naturales con el tamaño de la grieta en ruedas ferroviarias (01/2016)
- Nuevas metodologías para la inspección técnica del sistema de dirección (01/2016)
- Optical-fiber pyrometer positioning accuracy analysis (01/2016)
- Optimisation of traction and fixing systems in suspended monorails (01/2016)
- Overcoming the Constraints to Export Faced by Firms in Developing Countries: The Role of Innovation (01/2016)
- Parametric study on the manufacturing of biocomposite materials (01/2016)
- Simulation of the impact behavior of PLA/Flax biocomposites (01/2016)
- Single and multiple impact behaviour of thermoplastic composites (01/2016)
- Sistema de control antivuelco para furgoneta utilizando lógica difusa y suspensión activa (01/2016)
- Social environmental attitudes for the reduction of agricultural greenhouse gases in Spain (01/2016)
- Stab-resistance of high performance woven fabrics: Experimental tests (01/2016)
- Tecnologías para la seguridad física e investigación (01/2016)
- The dark and bright sides of collaboration: the effects of geographic proximity and the international diversity of partners on innovation success and failure (01/2016)
- The impact of geographic and regulative distances on international location choice in family firms (01/2016)
- The influence of sports participation on academic outcomes among students in higher education: a case study (01/2016)
- Una propuesta de investigación multidisciplinar sobre Envejecimiento activo, Calidad de Vida y Género en la Comunidad de Madrid: el programa ENCAGE-CM (01/2016)
- Understanding the decision to offshore human resources activities: An Empirical Analysis (01/2016)
- WDM-PON Preventive Optical Monitoring System with Colourless Reflectors (01/2016)
- A low cost lab monitoring system based on Arduino microcontroller and Android (01/2015)
- A quasi-static approach to optimize the motion of an UGV depending on the track profile (01/2015)
- A rolling-joint higher-kinematic pair for rotary-helical motion transformation (01/2015)
- A study of induced damage during drilling on natural fibre based biocomposites (01/2015)
- Analysis of the manufacturing parameters on the mechanical properties of natural fibres composites (01/2015)
- Análisis numérico del efecto de la protección de mandíbula y visor del casco de combate bajo cargas explosivas (01/2015)
- Análisis transversal de la reputación bancaria en Reino Unido y España durante la recesión económica (01/2015)
- Born-global technology sourcers: the effects of R&D offshoring on innovation efficiency in newly born firms (01/2015)
- Braking Efficiency Estimation Of An Automobile Vehicle Based On Predictive Parameters (01/2015)
- Btool: a friendly teaching tool to acquire and process vibration signals (01/2015)
- Dynamic response of Kevlar: numerical analysis (01/2015)
- Effect of mandible protection and visor of the advanced combat helmet on human head response under blast loading (01/2015)
- El estigma en el envejecimiento y salud mental (01/2015)
- Energy analysis distribution regarding the crack size in a rotating shaft (01/2015)
- Envejecimiento igualitario y Desarrollo rural-urbano: evaluar e investigar con una mirada psicosociológica y ecofeminista (01/2015)
- Estimation of thermal effects in dry drilling of Ti6Al4V (01/2015)
- Experimental analysis and validation of a vibration-based technique for crack detection in a shaft (01/2015)
- Experimental and numerical procedure for analysis of bone fracture (01/2015)
- Experimental punching technique for ductile fracture testing on aluminium sheets (01/2015)
- FEM Analysis of the SIF in Rotating Shafts Containing Breathing Elliptical Cracks (01/2015)
- High impact velocity on multi-layared composite of polyether ether ketone and aluminium (01/2015)
- Influence of special tool geometry in drilling woven CFRPs materials (01/2015)
- Internationalization of European mobile telecommunication operators: institutional diversity and performance implications (01/2015)
- Modelización y análisis experimental del patrón de fractura de cadera (01/2015)
- Monitoring techniques in broadband access networks (01/2015)
- Numerical modelling of the thermal effects on material in drilling processes Ti6Al4V alloy (01/2015)
- Numerical study of the behaviour of natural fibres composites under low-velocity impact (01/2015)
- Optical fiber pyrometer positioning accuracy during machining (01/2015)
- Orientación de grietas de propagación en problemas de contacto en fretting-fatiga (01/2015)
- Políticas y gestión de la diversidad y sostenibilidad (01/2015)
- Sensitivity analysis on MIMBOT biped robot through parallel computing (01/2015)
- Sostenibilidad social, trabajo y envejecimiento: dos investigaciones con una misma perspectiva de género (01/2015)
- Statistical and numerical analysis of wear tool geometry in drilling CFRP (01/2015)
- Tecnologías para la seguridad y su aplicación en la formación superior de los futuros oficiales de la Guardia Civil (01/2015)
- The Effect of Workforce Composition on the Retention Outcomes of High-Performance Work Systems: The Role of Gender (01/2015)
- The Influence of Family Involvement on Outsourcing Strategy (01/2015)
- The agricultural environmental development and social inclusions attitudes for the mitigation of the GHG impact in Spain (01/2015)
- The agricultural environmental education for the reduction of GHG emissions in Spain (01/2015)
- The evolution of the computing time in the simulation of Mimbot-Biped Robot using parallel algorithms (01/2015)
- Who is Benefiting From R&D Offshoring to Improve Its Innovation Efficiency? A Look into Firm Age (01/2015)
- Women's role in agriculture. The UK and Spain since the 20th century (01/2015)
- A configuration optimization algorithm based on quasi-static approach for a UGV (01/2014)
- An analysis and comparison of the climate policy and emission trading in European countries (01/2014)
- Analysis of Dynamic Systems Using Bond Graph and SIMULINK (01/2014)
- Aproximación cuasiestática para optimizar la locomoción por terreno irregular de un vehículo de ángulo de avance variable (01/2014)
- Characterization and improvement of axial and radial stiffness of contactless thrust superconducting magnetic bearings (01/2014)
- Colaboración entre Cátedra EADS-Fundación Adecco con CESyA. Proyecto Pasaje: Accesibilidad en el transporte aéreo (01/2014)
- Contact Pressure Profiles in Axisymmetric Compression Considering Friction and Geometrical Factors (01/2014)
- ESCOs formation as key factor for Smart Cities: Spain case analysis (01/2014)
- Entrepreneurial orientation and survival of family firms: evidence from the financial crisis (01/2014)
- Experimental Analysis and Validation of a Vibration‐based Technique for Crack Detection in a Shaft (01/2014)
- Implementation of a numerical model to define a bending manufacturing process (01/2014)
- Implementing HR practices effectively : Exploring the role of the HR department (01/2014)
- Incipient Fault Detection in Bearings Through the use of WPT Energy and Neural Networks (01/2014)
- Incipient fault detection in rolling bearing through the use of WPT energy and neural networks (01/2014)
- Influence of tool geometry in drilling of CFRP (01/2014)
- Interactive Application For Technical Drawing Learning (01/2014)
- International location and foreign operation mode combinations along the value chain: Effects of firm's innovation propensity (01/2014)
- Inward Internationalization Process (01/2014)
- Lessons from a crisis: does entrepreneurial orientation compromise family firm survival? (01/2014)
- Levitation force relaxation and hysteresis in a frictionless superconducting magnetic bearing (01/2014)
- Magnetic Gearboxes for Aerospace Application (01/2014)
- Magnetic Gears for Space Applications (01/2014)
- Magnetorreductora para aplicaciones criogénicas espaciales (01/2014)
- Mechanical characterization of journal superconducting magnetic bearings: stiffness,hysteresis and force relaxation (01/2014)
- Non-hysteretic passive magnetic linear bearing for cryogenic environments (01/2014)
- Nueva metodología para el análisis de la evolución de las frecuencias naturales con el tamaño de la grieta en ejes ferroviarios (01/2014)
- Predicting the fatigue life of mechanical components using continuum damage mechanics (CDM): application to a railway axle (01/2014)
- R&D Offshoring and Internatinal Competitiveness (01/2014)
- Service-Learning Projects Based on Dynamic Documentation in Engineering Colleges (01/2014)
- Success factors in alliances: challenges in the Spanish Food and Beverage Industry (01/2014)
- Supporting situated learning based on QR codes with etiquetAR App: a pilot study (01/2014)
- The Contribution of the HR Department to teh Efective Implementation of HR practices (01/2014)
- The Role of Entrepreneurial Orientation in Surviving a Financial Crisis: Differences between Family and Non-Family Firms (01/2014)
- Thermomechanical behaviour of composite sandwich panels of polymer/metal under low-velocity impact (01/2014)
- Tool for the analysis of new skills biped Pasibot (01/2014)
- Understanding the decision to offshore human resources activities. A coevolutionary perspective. (01/2014)
- Unveiling the effects of openness on innovation efficiency dynamics: The role of firm size and appropriability (01/2014)
- Women under High-Performance Work Systems: Which is the outcome for firms? (01/2014)
- Álgebra de la reducción cinemática de motores y engranajes tipo Nonius-Vernier (01/2014)
- 3D numerical modelling of machining (01/2013)
- A quasi-static approach to optimize the motion of a UGV depending of the track profile (01/2013)
- An entrepreneurial approach to new venture internationalization (01/2013)
- Analysis of adiabatic shear banding in machining (01/2013)
- Analysis of the clamping mechanisms of collet-chucks holders for turning (01/2013)
- Capabilities generation mechanisms in alliances. Case based analysis (01/2013)
- Contactless superconducting magnetic instrument for precise positioning in cryogenic environments (01/2013)
- Damage prediction in composite milling (01/2013)
- Design rules of magnet-superconductor non-contact mechanisms considering the mechanical interaction in the Meissner state (01/2013)
- Euraxles - WP5: non-destructive testing (NDT) and verification on the reliability of axles in service (01/2013)
- Input shaping for multibody oscillatory systems described by DAEs (01/2013)
- Las empresas de servicios energéticos (ESE) en España y su contribución al desarrollo de las Ciudades Inteligentes (Smart Cities) (01/2013)
- Linear actuator for ultraprecise positioning based on superconducting levitation (01/2013)
- MAGDRIVE: a Non-Contact Magnetic Superconducting Harmonic Drive (01/2013)
- Magnetic non-contact harmonic drive (01/2013)
- Magnetic-Superconductor Cryogenic Non-contact Harmonic Drive: Performance and Dynamical Behavior (01/2013)
- Non-contact Linear Mechanism Based in Superconducting Levitation for Cryogenic Environment (01/2013)
- Numerical modeling of composite cutting including thermal effects (01/2013)
- On the influence of relative humidity on the contact angle of a water droplet on a silicon wafer (01/2013)
- Relaxation of surface tension of aqueous solutions by humidification of the gas phase (01/2013)
- Relaxation of the water surface tension by humidification of the environment (01/2013)
- Simulación del comportamiento ante las vibraciones de encoders ópticos lineales mediante modelado FEM de alta eficiencia computacional (01/2013)
- Startup team contributions and new firm creation (01/2013)
- Surface integrity in finishing turning of Inconel 718 (01/2013)
- The impact of R&D sources on new product sales (01/2013)
- The use of incentive compensation among board members in family firms (01/2013)
- 2D and 3D Approaches to Simulation of Metal and Composite Cutting (01/2012)
- A Unified Analysis of the In-Plane and Out-of-Plane Constraints in 3-D Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (01/2012)
- Aligning Hotel Data Management for Customer-Related Resource Assignement Decisions (01/2012)
- Dependence of Surface Tensión with the Relative Humidity in the Gas-phase (01/2012)
- Determinants of organizational innovation in service firms: A case study of the professional archaeology (01/2012)
- Efecto de la presencia y orientación de una masa excéntrica en la forma del frente de una fisura de un eje rotatorio (01/2012)
- Estudio de los impactos socioeconómicos del Camino Santiago-Fisterra. (01/2012)
- Experience on a Cryogenic Linear Mechanism Based on Superconducting Levitation (01/2012)
- Experimental determination of the first penetration field in high‐temperature superconductors by mechanical methods (01/2012)
- Exploring interdisciplinary approaches to heritagization processes: The case of the pilgrimage from Santiago to Fisterra (01/2012)
- Extensión a los socios locales de las certificaciones de calidad en la cooperación al desarrollo. Casos español y brasileño (01/2012)
- Flexibilidad de ejes rotativos con fisuras semielípticas (01/2012)
- How May the Nature of Family Firms Explain Decisions on International Diversification? (01/2012)
- Integrating computer-aided modeling and micro-simulation in multi-criteria evaluation of service infrastructure assignment approaches (01/2012)
- International Collaboration and Innovation In Professional and Technological Knowledge-Intensive Services (01/2012)
- Management innovation in knowledge intensive business services: The emergence of professional archaeology as case study (01/2012)
- Multinational Enterprises and Domestic Wages: The moderating effect of skill composition (01/2012)
- Reinventing the company: A case study of organizational innovation in the archaeological company (01/2012)
- Relaxation of Surface Tensión of Aqueous Solutions by Humidification of the Gas Phase (01/2012)
- Simplified Local Model for the Mechanical Interaction between a Finite Magnet and Superconductor in the Meissner State (01/2012)
- Skills and Innovation of Foreign and Domestic Firms (01/2012)
- Skills and innovations of foreign and domestic firms (01/2012)
- Temperature Sensor Based on Fiber Optic Pyrometer in Material Removal Processes (01/2012)
- Temperature sensor based on fiber optic pyrometer in material removal processes (01/2012)
- The Different Effects of International Collaborations on Innovation in Professional and Technological Knowledge Intensive Services (01/2012)
- The Influence of Eccentricity on the Crack Breathing in a Rotating Shaft (01/2012)
- The effect of skills on innovation: Subsidiaries of foreign multinational enterprises versus domestic firms (01/2012)
- Using the center of percussion to simplify a biped to four point masses (01/2012)
- A Study of Familiy Firms Characteristics and their Effect on Diversification: Evidence from Europe (01/2011)
- An Study of Family Firms Characteristics and their Effect on Diversification: Evidence from Europe (01/2011)
- Análise, mediante simulação, da utilização de serviços públicos estomatológicos (01/2011)
- Aplicación interactiva para la docencia de los fundamentos del sistema Diédrico (01/2011)
- Characterization of the Noise Emissions of a Passenger Vehicle (01/2011)
- Desarrollo de un modelo conceptual para la implantación de sistemad de calidad en sistemas sociotécnicos (01/2011)
- Dimensional Analysis for Bus Dynamic Performance Evaluation (01/2011)
- Diseño organizativo y control de gestión en organizaciones de base científica (01/2011)
- Effect of Hybrid Power Systems on Bus Structure and Lateral Acceleration Threshold (01/2011)
- Enhanced Steering System Inspection for Improving Road Safety (01/2011)
- Estudio sobre la relación entre el mantenimiento y la inspección técnica de vehículos en furgonetas (01/2011)
- FE Modeling of Orthogonal Cutting of LFRP Composites (01/2011)
- Family Ties and the Use of Incentive Pay Among Board Members (01/2011)
- Influence of speed bumps design on vehicle safety (01/2011)
- Institutional and Normative Determinants of Downsizing (01/2011)
- Investigating the impact of forecasting support systems usability on switching intention among vendors (01/2011)
- Numerical Analysis of Tool Edge Radius Effect on Orthogonal Dry Machinig Processes of Austenitic Stainless Steels (01/2011)
- Numerical Modeling of Delamination during Machining of LFRP Composites (01/2011)
- Numerical Modeling of Delamination during Machining of LFRP Composites (01/2011)
- Numerical Modeling of Post-Processing of Composite Materials (01/2011)
- Object Oriented Modeling for Walking Machines (01/2011)
- Organizational Innovation in Knowledge Intensive Business Services: A Case Study of the Professional Archaeology (01/2011)
- Pacientes gerodontológicos con discapacidades: simulación de pautas de tratamiento (01/2011)
- Process of Change Management and Organizational Innovation in a Public Science Organization (01/2011)
- Proposal Of A Test To Measure Vehicle Noise Emissions In Real Driving Conditions (01/2011)
- Propuesta de mejora de la superestructura de un autobús mediante análisis modal (01/2011)
- Retos y enfoques en la evaluación centrada en competencias usando el método del caso: un enfoque multidisciplinar (01/2011)
- Structures Analysis of Alternative Evaluation Approaches of Lab Sessions in Engineering Education (01/2011)
- Tendencias en la simulación de sistemas mecánicos: uso de la técnica MES en el analisis mecánico en la Universidad de Cadiz (01/2011)
- The Advantage of Foreignness in Skills and Innovations: Why Subsidiaries of Foreign Firms are More Innovative than Domestic Firms (01/2011)
- Three-dimensional modeling of machining processes (01/2011)
- Toward a Model of Diffusion of Innovations in HRM: The Impact of Inter-Organizational Knowledge Networks (01/2011)
- Vibration Analysis Produced by the Variation of the Magnetic Force Present in the Models of Linear Motor with Permanent Magnets of Opposite Poles and Halbach Type (01/2011)
- Who do You Trust? Reciprocity and Firm Prestige in Inter-Organizational Diffusion of HRM Knowledge (01/2011)
- Finite Element Algorithm for Solving Superconducting Meissner Repulsion Forces (01/2010)
- Propuesta de ensayo para verificar el ruído emitido por un vehículo automóvil (01/2010)
- Individualized high performance and Internet-Distributed courses applied to security information engineering courses in High Education (01/2009)
- A New Methodology to Obtain a Dynamic Rolling Stock Maximum Construction Gauge (01/2008)
- A New Non-Parametric Model Based on Neural Network for a MR Damper (01/2008)
- ANN Approach for Modelling Orthogonal Cutting (01/2008)
- Agent Based Social Simulations Cross-Cultural Student Teams (01/2008)
- Agent-Enabled Design of Revenue Management Decision Support System for Small and Medium Hotel Enterprises (01/2008)
- Análisis de la creación de valor en las empresas familiares europeas (01/2008)
- Análisis de la creación de valor en las empresas familiares europeas en presencia de accionistas relevantes (01/2008)
- Aplicaciones de Simulink al método de Bond Graph (BONDSYM) (01/2008)
- Beyond Status and Friendship: A Dynamic Approach to Reputation Capital in Knowledge Work (01/2008)
- Bus Weight and Torsion Stiffness Optimization (01/2008)
- Capability Indices in Univariate and Multivariate Processes (01/2008)
- Computational Multi-Objective Optimization to Design Service Robotics Structures (01/2008)
- Conocimiento aplicación y resultados de las técnicas lean manufacturing en empresas españolas (01/2008)
- Contribution of Periodic Motor Vehicle Inspection (ITV) to Road Safety (01/2008)
- Corporate Social Responsibility Implications of Yield Management Based Decisions in Hotel Management: The Consumer Perspective (01/2008)
- Demand Planning in Hotel Management Decision Support Systems (01/2008)
- Detección e identificación de fisuras en elementos mecánicos sencillos (01/2008)
- Determinación de incertidumbres en modelos estructurales de Bogies de ferrocarril mediante elementos finitos (01/2008)
- Diseño óptimo de tolerancias con variables correladas (01/2008)
- Do Unemployment Benefit Legislative Changes Affect Job Findig? Evidence from the Spanish 1992 UI Reform Act (01/2008)
- Do Unemplyment Benefit Legislative Changes Affect Job Finding?: Evidence from the Spanish 1992 UI Reform Act (01/2008)
- Downsizing and Performance: Evidence from Spanish Manufacturing Firms (01/2008)
- Empresas que nacen globales (01/2008)
- Environmental Dynamism, Firm size, and the Economic Productivity of R&D (01/2008)
- Estudio de la influencia de los parámetros de diseño de un banco de rodillos en el comportamiento de un neumático (01/2008)
- Estudio de las deformaciones obtenidas empleando el método de perforación para medida de tensiones residuales en perfiles de sección transversal rectangular de pared delgada (01/2008)
- Extension of Yield Management Based Decision Support Systems to Continuous and Hybrid Enviroments (01/2008)
- Financial Consequences of the Method and Amount of Downsizing: Evidence from Spain (01/2008)
- Finite Element Model of a Roller Bearing for Mechanical Event Simulations: A Study of Sliding between Rollers and Races (01/2008)
- Flexibility coefficients of a shaft with elliptical front crack (01/2008)
- Hidden Innovation: The Tole of Non R&D Activities (01/2008)
- La cadena de suministro en proyectos de construcción (01/2008)
- La realidad virtual aplicada a la asignatura Ingeniería del transporte (01/2008)
- La situación de la PYME en España: problemas actuales y propuestas de solución (01/2008)
- La universidad como catalizador del potencial de la responsabilidad social al servicio del desarrollo: la nueva norma ISO 26000 de responsabilidad social (01/2008)
- Lagrangian and ALE approach for predicting residual stresses in orthogonal cutting (01/2008)
- Las iniciativas internacionales para acercar la empresa al desarrollo humano: la nueva norma ISO 26000 de Responsabilidad Social (01/2008)
- Manufacturing Process Definition as a Basic Teaching Tool in the EHEA (01/2008)
- Metodología de diseño óptimo para la construcción de robots de servicio (01/2008)
- Modelo de elementos finitos de un rodamiento de rodillos para simulación de eventos mecánicos (01/2008)
- Modelo de un amortiguador magneto-reológico mediante redes neuronales (01/2008)
- Modelo numérico de neumático para el estudio de su comportamiento en diferentes condiciones de funcionamiento (01/2008)
- Modelo tridimensional de vuelco de un autobús urbano (01/2008)
- Numerical Prediction of Residual Stresses after Machining (01/2008)
- Optimización multiobjetivo de mecanismos, aplicación a la robótica de servicio (01/2008)
- Sistema de alto compromiso y rendimiento empresarial en pequeñas empresas: un análisis empírico (01/2008)
- Steering Inspection by Means of Tyre Force Measure (01/2008)
- Teaching Strategy in Numerical Modelling of Metal Forming Processes (01/2008)
- The Dynamics of Heterogeneous Firm Performance (01/2008)
- The Influence of Cutting Speed on the Residual Stresses after Machining (01/2008)
- The Sustainability of Start-up Firms among Formerly Wage Workers (01/2008)
- The Sustainability of Start-up Firms among Formerly Wage Workers (01/2008)
- Una nueva generación de empresarios: la internacionalización precoz de la empresa (01/2008)
- Understanding the Success of Internal R&D: The Relevance of Different Open Innovation Strategies (01/2008)
- Wavelet Analysis of Vibration Signals in Rotor Dynamics Systems (01/2008)
- Who downsizes for longer?: a longitudinal analysis (01/2008)
- Work Comparing the Effectiveness of Evaluating Practical Capabilities through Hands-on on-line Exercises versus Conventional Methods (01/2008)
- Mecanismo ligero para la puesta rápida de láminas bituminosas en impermeabilizaciones de cubiertas planas (06/2020)
- Sistema y procedimiento de evaluación de estilo de conducción (06/2020)
- Conjunto de excéntricas para apoyo regulable de ejes (06/2019)
- Rectoscopio (08/2018)
- Pirómetro de fibra óptica a dos colores (07/2017)
- Cabeza de rótula con bloqueo (06/2017)
- Método para la detección de defectos de ejes ferroviarios en ensayos a fatiga (04/2017)
- Método y sistema para la monitorización de redes de fibras ópticas (04/2017)
- Método y sistema para detectar automáticamente fallos en un eje rotatorio (09/2016)
- Dispositivo automático para biopsias cutáneas (04/2016)
- Dispositivo para la medida sin contacto en ejes rotativos de sus tres coordenadas independientes de desplazamiento y tres ángulos de giro independientes (04/2016)
- Mecanismo de tope y resbalón silencioso magnético (07/2014)
- Sistema neumático de detección de presencia y posicionado de pieza para procesos automáticos. (07/2014)
- Método y dispositivo para evitar el bloqueo de la rueda trasera motriz en motocicletas o vehiculos similares con transmisión de tipo cardan (11/2012)
- Planificación y control de seguimiento de trayectorias para un sistema de conducción automatizada en intersecciones no semaforizadas considerando dinámica vehicular heterogénea. (12/2024)
- Mejora de la dinámica vehicular de un simulador de conducción (11/2024)
- Convenio de Colaboración entre ACERTA I más D más i S.L. y la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid para la participación de Expertos 4D y Técnicos en la certificación de proyectos de I+D+i (10/2024)
- ECOHELMET - Diseño avanzado de cascos con materiales biodegradables atendiendo a consideraciones de género y edad (09/2024)
- GENESIS - GÉNEro y SIStemas de seguridad vial - Análisis del Impacto de las Variables de Género en la Respuesta de los Sistemas de Retención a Frenadas de Emergencia (09/2024)
- Desarrollo de sistemas de entrenamiento clínico mediante fabricación aditiva 3D para detección y prevención de complicaciones en el parto aplicando técnicas de IA (SAFEDELIVERY-CM-UC3M) (07/2024)
- ORIGEN: Oportunidades para la Reflexión e Investigación de Género en la Seguridad Vial (ORIGEN-CM-UC3M) (07/2024)
- Programa de Investigación en Entresuelas basadas en Metamateriales para Deporte y Running (PRODEM-CM-UC3M) (07/2024)
- Servicios de Asesoramiento Estratégico y Operativo para potenciación de los perfiles. STEM a partir del Motorsport (04/2024)
- Asesoramiento Técnico y Preparación de Modelos de Simulación Orientados al Automovilismo de Competición (03/2024)
- Plataforma inteligente de tratamiento y seguimiento de escoliosis idiopática mediante Inteligencia Artificial. (11/2023)
- Digitalización del proceso de industrialización de una bicicleta de montaña eléctrica de. altas prestaciones, para mejora de la eficiencia. (09/2023)
- Sistema de automatización de la conducción en red y tolerante a fallos para el seguimiento de la trayectoria afectado por perturbaciones para mejorar la seguridad y el confort. - PATHAS (09/2023)
- Cátedra Liderazgo y Diversidad de UC3M- Fundación CEOE- Fundación ADECCO en. el marco de la Alianza CEOPorLaDiversidad (07/2023)
- Drilling Process Improvement based on Data Analytics-STEP 3: tool breakage detection and countersinking height monitoring (07/2023)
- Gemelos digitales para el diseño biomecánico avanzado de protecciones de cabeza en deportes con riesgo de impacto (03/2023)
- Modelización de elementos mecánicos con defectos en dinámica por ordenador orientado a la digitalización del mantenimiento (12/2022)
- Nuevo concepto de neumático ecológico basado en el aumento de vida de la carcasa y una banda de rodadura removible de bajo impacto medioambiental (12/2022)
- Contrato de Asesoramiento y estancia científica entre la Tashkent State Technical University de Uzbekistan y la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (11/2022)
- Drilling process improvement based on data analysis step 2 (Drilling Digitalization: Data analytics + AI for Drilling Process Improvement) (05/2022)
- Diseño de un algoritmo de percepción eficiente para la conducción autónoma basado en la gestión de la incertidumbre (APBI-CM-UC3M) (01/2022)
- Sistema de monitorización de estado para detección de fisuras en ejes ferroviarios (SMEPDFEF-CM-UC3M) (01/2022)
- DIGITDRILL - Digitalization of industrial drilling process (12/2021)
- Análisis de defectos en laminados reforzados con fibras debidos a procesos de fabricación y efecto en el comportamiento a fatiga (09/2021)
- Diseño Integral y Fabricación Aditiva de Implantes Poliméricos Patient-Specific (09/2021)
- Modelado y análisis del material rodante ferroviario orientado al mantenimiento conectado (09/2021)
- Desarrollo de un modelo de rodamiento orientado al gemelo digital para la. monitorización en vehículos agrarios (06/2021)
- Diseño y prototipo para soporte y caja de electrónica de un dispositivo de ionización del aire para vehículos automóviles (06/2021)
- Desarrollo de calibraciones de equipos de ITV, de verificaciones metrológicas de opacímetros y analizadores de gases, de verificación de equipos entre calibraciones y desarrollo de auditorías técnicas internas (05/2021)
- Análisis experimental y numérico de efectos biomecánicos en protecciones balísticas de torso. (01/2021)
- Análisis de la viabilidad del proceso de industrialización de una bicicleta de montaña eléctrica de altas prestaciones, en función del tamaño del lote de fabricación (12/2020)
- Análisis y reconocimiento de patrones para la detección de defectos en ejes ferroviarios (08/2020)
- Desarrollo de modelos teóricos sencillos y puesta a punto de un laboratorio virtual para la definición de una metodología de identificación de fisuras en vigas rotatorias (06/2020)
- Diseño y fabricación de protecciones avanzadas de cabeza y torso teniendo en cuenta efectos biomecánicos y perspectiva de género (PROTEC BIO GEN) (06/2020)
- Asesoramiento sobre dinámica de mecanismos para el Proyecto europeo UWIPOM2 - Ultra-efficient wireless powered micro-robotic joint for health applications (05/2020)
- Nuevo paradigma de gestión de servicios de transportes de emergencia: ambulancias (02/2020)
- Análisis de la influencia del daño en la respuesta dinámica de palas de aerogeneradores de material compuesto (01/2020)
- Drilling process improvement based on data analysis (12/2019)
- Coordinación IFToMM PC EDUCATION (05/2019)
- Asesoramiento y soporte para el diseño, desarrollo y explotación de un modelo de simulación de un establecimiento de restauración (03/2019)
- Desarrollo de un nuevo blindaje ligero mediante una metodología combinada experimental-numérica (02/2019)
- Análisis experimental y mediante elementos finidos de los procesos de fractura frágil de fémur (12/2018)
- Diseño avanzado de protecciones personales y su interacción con el cuerpo humano (01/2018)
- Taladrado de componentes híbridos CFRPs/Ti y tolerancia al daño debido a mecanizado durante el comportamiento en servicio de uniones estructurales aeronáuticas (01/2018)
- Enhanced Neutralisation of explosive Threats Reaching Across the Plot (05/2017)
- Sistema robotizado de actuación externa sobre elementos urbanos con accesibilidad reducida (05/2017)
- Estudio de mejora del comportamiento ante vibraciones de la instalación de la antena ASFA en S-100 (03/2017)
- Simulación comportamiento dinámico Bogie reducido PR1-4600086180 (12/2016)
- Drilling Processes Improvement for Multi Material CFRP-AL-TI Stacks (04/2016)
- Capacidad innovadora, competitividad y el papel de la información contable. INNCOMCON-CM (01/2016)
- Innovaciones de RRHH para la gestión de distintos perfiles demográficos en las multinacionales españolas: un análisis en profundidad en torno a la variable edad (01/2016)
- Diseño avanzado y fabricación de protecciones personales integrales de uso militar y para Fuerzas y Cuerpos de Seguridad del Estado (PROTEC_DAF) (02/2015)
- Cátedra AEGI DEVELOPMENTS (01/2014)
- Identificación de fisuras en elementos mecánicos unidimensionales mediante métodos de detección de no linealidades (01/2014)
- Sistema inteligente de prevencion de vuelco en vehículos comerciales basados en FPGAs (01/2014)
- Soporte en el desarrollo del sistema de gestión de la calidad, de la seguridad de la información, la gestión de proyectos y en el desarrollo de herramientas SAAS en el ámbito de la gestión de la innovación (01/2014)
- Soporte en el desarrollo del sistema de certificación de proyectos de I+D+i de CERTIMAR (04/2013)
- Determinantes de la aceptacion de innovaciones de recursos humanos internacionales en las multinacionales (01/2013)
- Asesoría para la simulación de uniones adhesivas por medio del método de elementos finitos (10/2012)
- Laboratorio de técnicas avanzadas de análisis por vibraciones del estado de sistemas mecánicos rotativos de aplicación ferroviaria (07/2012)
- ICARUS: Innovative Changes in Air transport Research for Universally designed Services (RTD) (06/2012)
- Modelización del proceso de taladrado de materiales compuestos de fibra de carbono (01/2012)
- Tratamiento criogénico para la producción integral sostenible de mecanizado de piezas metálicas endurecidas (01/2012)
- Red Nacional de Ingeniería Mecánica (07/2011)
- Desarrollo de un método no destructivo de detección e identificación de fisuras en ejes no rotatorios (01/2011)
- Desarrollo de un sistema HIL para la mejora de la estabilidad lateral de un vehículo automóvil (01/2011)
- EURAXLES: Minimizing the risk of fatigue failure of railway axles (01/2011)
- Metodología de diseño óptima para robots de servicio (01/2011)
- Propagación de fisuras de fatiga en ejes giratorios (01/2010)
- MAGDRIVE: Magnetic-Superconductor Cryogenic Non-contact harmonic drives (12/2009)
- Diseño de Sistema de Climatización para módulos abengoa de equipos e instrumentación de turbina de cogeneración (11/2009)
- Fabricación de 2 embellecedores de chapa con cubre polvo para los mandos colectivo y suministros de 2 tiradores para piloto y copiloto (10/2009)
- Patrocinio Motostudent 09 (04/2009)
- Prototipo de desplazador levitante unidimensional criogénico para espejo interferencial del instrumento SAFARI (03/2009)
- Proyecto de diseño y construcción de los mecanismos de acoplamiento para el doble mando del simulador de vuelo del helicóptero AS-355-NP de la DGT. (03/2009)
- CP08: Cojinete Magnético Híbrido (01/2009)
- CP08: Desarrollo de un sistema "Hardware in the loop" de un sistema activo antivuelco (rollhil) (01/2009)
- CP08: Taladro en seco de la aleación Ti6Al4V: Análisis del daño térmico y del desgaste de herramientas mediante técnicas experimentales y simulación numérica (01/2009)
- Diseño y modelado de un sistema inteligente de suspensión semi-activa basado en amortiguadores magnetoreológicos (01/2009)
- Modelización numérica e integridad superficial en el torneado en seco de Inconel 718 (01/2009)
- Sistema electrónico embarcable para la medida de la contaminación acústica acumulada de un vehículo automóvil (01/2009)
- Desarrollo y aplicación de una metodología integrada para el estudio de los accidentes de tráfico con implicación de furgonetas (12/2008)
- Prototipo ASPASIA "Room in Rome" (12/2008)
- Análisis Mecánico de Estructura Electromagnética en Cúpula Ampliada (radoma) (07/2008)
- Cátedra Fundación IKERTIA (06/2008)
- Proyecto de acondicionamiento de instalación de protección contra incendios en nave de almacenamiento. (06/2008)
- Diseño y Fabricación de Caja Porta Sensores PTMU (05/2008)
- Asesoría y Consultoría sobre Instalaciones Mecánicas y de Protección Contra Incendios (04/2008)
- Análisis vibratorio de estructura hemiesférica (03/2008)
- Proyecto para el desarrollo del equipo de aviónica PTMU NG para el Programa TIGRE (02/2008)
- Predicción de tensiones residuales y desgaste de herramienta en procesos de corte ortogonal, mediante simulación numérica (01/2008)
- Determinación de parámetros y ensayos para caracterizar la contaminación acústica en vehículos automóviles. (12/2007)
- Mejora de la seguridad y confort de un vehículo mediante el diseño de un sistema de suspensión semi-activa basado en amortiguadores magneto-reológicos. (10/2007)
- Estudio Comp. Vibratorio Estruct. Electromag. I (radoma) (09/2007)
- Informe sobre el impacto del paso del ferrocarril de alta velocidad junto a la Clínica SEAR. (07/2007)
- Investigación Rotura en Funcionamiento de Polipasto Eléctrico (07/2007)
- Cátedra roca. (06/2007)
- Lean como Clave Competitiva: Conocimiento, Aplicación y Resultados de Lean Production en las Empresas Españolas. (03/2007)
- Colaboración para el Diseño del Plan de Gestión de Crisis (12/2006)
- Detección e identificación de fisuras de fatiga en ejes giratorios mediante algoritmos genéticos. (10/2006)
- PASIBOT. Diseño y control de robot bípedo usando técnicas de dinámica pasiva. (10/2006)
- Evaluación de Proyectos I+D+i (09/2006)
- Revision of the G.U.N.T. Catalogue No.2 "Mechatronics" (07/2006)
- Proyecto de Sensorización del Simulador de Vuelo del Helicóptero SA-350-B2 de la DGT (02/2006)
- Modelización numérica de los procesos de mecanizado y validación experimental (01/2006)
- fBrake - TT (05/2018)
- fBrake - Turismos (05/2018)
- Programa docente para el cálculo y diseño de levas: MAQCAM (09/2017)
- fBrake (01/2014)
supervised theses
- Distributed Decision-Making Architecture for Cooperative Connected Automated Mobility in Complex Traffic Environments (12/2024)
- Development and mechanical analysis of rib bone surrogates via additive manufacturing (09/2024)
- Diseño de una metodología de mantenimiento predictivo de maquinaria agrícola orientada a la Industria 4.0 (09/2024)
- Generación de modelos de negocio basados en innovación y con impacto en sostenibilidad (09/2024)
- Natural fiber and carbon fiber hybrid biocomposites, fabrication and properties assessment (06/2024)
- Análisis de la influencia de los estilos de liderazgo directivo como impulsores de la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa. (05/2024)
- Transición de la educación superior a formación híbrida: Retos y enfoques metodológicos (04/2024)
- ''Data Analytics and Applied Machine Learning: Tool Health Monitoring in Automatic Drilling Operations in Aeronautical Structural Components'' (03/2024)
- Development of meshfree RBF modeling method applied to helical piles (03/2024)
- Metodología de análisis experimental y numérico de protecciones de cabeza para uso deportivo (03/2024)
- Development of Models Simulating Multiple-Simultaneous Contact Events Using the Multibody System Dynamics (12/2023)
- Oscilaciones de un resorte helicoidal aplicando coordenadas intrínsecas de Frenet (07/2023)
- Diseño de sistemas de automatización de la conducción basados en control robusto para la mejora de la seguridad y el confort en vehículos automóviles (06/2023)
- Study of structural joints with composite materials to enhance the mechanical response of bus superstructures (07/2022)
- Metodología para la selección de los parámetros WPT óptimos para el análisis de la condición de elementos mecánicos rotativos (03/2022)
- Diseño de un sistema ADAS para la prevención de vuelco en vehículos comerciales (01/2022)
- Modelización biomecánica de accionamientos mecánicos de resistencia variable (09/2021)
- Análisis experimental y numérico del comportamiento mecánico del material compuesto base aramida empleado en protecciones personales (07/2021)
- Diseño y modelado de un STU basado en fluidos dilatantes (05/2021)
- Analysis of relevant factors affecting fretting fatigue behaviour of aeronautical alloys (12/2020)
- Drilling processes improvement for multi material CFRP-AL-TI stacks (12/2020)
- Integración del Neumático Inteligente para estimar la variación de la fricción en el contacto neumático calzada (12/2020)
- Sistema experto de frenada de un vehículo automóvil basado en Redes Neuronales Artificiales (06/2019)
- Laboratorio virtual para la medición de las fuerzas de frenado en inspección del parque de vehículos industriales (05/2019)
- Marco de Referencia para Análisis Comparativo de Métodos de Generación de Poblaciones Sintéticas (01/2019)
- Diseño de un sistema de detección del deslizamiento lateral para neumáticos instrumentados mediante extensometría. (04/2018)
- Procedimiento para la homologación de sistemas de protección de peatones mediante la realización de ensayos virtuales. (03/2018)
Metodología para la mejora del diseño de sistemas
mecánicos de responsabilidad para el uso de tecnologías avanzadas de
mantenimiento DM&M (12/2017) -
Análisis experimental y numérico del taladrado de
materiales compuestos . (11/2017) -
emprendimiento internacional en países en desarrollo: Factores determinantes
de la predicción del emprendimiento internacional (09/2017) - Impacto del Estilo de Comunicación del Líder sobre el Vínculo Líder-Seguidor y el Compromiso Organizacional: El rol moderador de la etnicidad y el contexto (09/2017)
características y determinantes del emprendedor informal (09/2017) -
Estudio numérico y experimental de un eje giratorio
fisurado. Determinación del Factor de Intensidad de Tensiones (07/2017) -
Comportamiento dinámico de un autobús circulando en
curva (03/2017) -
Análisis experimental y numérico de la fractura de
fémur humano (01/2017) -
Contribución de la rigidez torsional de un autobús en
su dinámica lateral cuando éste circula por carretera (01/2017) - Modelo de frenado del neumático de un vehículo turismo en un frenómetro de rodillos (12/2016)
- Análisis Experimental y Numérico del Proceso de Taladrado de Materiales Compuestos de Fibra de Carbono (07/2016)
- Formulación de un algoritmo eficiente de integración de un modelo de daño isótropo y validación en condiciones dinámicas (02/2016)
- Trabajo en equipo y resultados organizativos en pequeñas empresas de base tecnológica: el papel del diseño, la composición y los procesos interpersonales de los equipos (02/2016)
- El diseño de una base de datos de investigaciones en profundidad sobre atropellos a peatones (01/2016)
- Metodología para la determinación del factor de seguridad probabilístico basado en la validación del modelo teórico (01/2016)
- Modelización de la evolución del desgaste en herramientas de corte (10/2015)
- Análisis del daño térmico del material en el proceso de taladrado en seco de aleaciones de Titanio (09/2015)
- Análisis mecánico inteligente: metodología para el estudio paramétrico de mecanismos (02/2015)
- Modelización de los costes de producción de aeronaves comerciales en función de variables tecnológicas, organizativas y conceptuales (02/2015)
- International operations strategies: Effects on firm performance and the influence of institutional distance. (09/2014)
- Factor de intensidad de tensiones en fisuras elipticas con mecanismo de apertura y cierre en ejes giratorios (04/2014)
- Metodología de selección de indicadores óptimos para el análisis y diagnóstico del estado de la máquina: aplicación a elementos mecánicos rotativos. (04/2014)
- Influencia de los Segmentos del discurso en la discriminación del locutor (02/2014)
- Modelo integral de sistemas de sujeción basados en pinzas expansibles (12/2012)
- "Regulation, competition and firm productivity and performance in network industries: The case of mobile telephony in Europe" (10/2012)
- Airline strategic alliances: a signal of tacit collusion and multimarket deterrence-an (07/2012)
- The Dynamics of Airline Industry: studies on Airline Alliance Networks, Strategic Groups and de Low Cost Carrier Phenomenon (07/2012)
- Metodología para la Determinación y Asignación de Incertidumbres a Valores Obtenidos Mediante Cálculos Efectuados a partir de Modelos MEF (06/2012)
- Fudamentos de Ingeniería de Mecanismos Compuestos por Imanes y Superconductores en Estado Meissner (03/2012)
- Kinematic and dynamic analysis for biped robots design (03/2012)
- Desarrollo de nuevas metodologías de inspección del sistema de dirección de vehículos mediante placa alineadora (12/2011)
- Efecto de la curvatura superficial sobre la exactitud en el cálculo de la tensión a partir de la deformación medida con Galgas extensométricas resistivas (12/2011)
- La internacionalización de los servicios intensivos en conocimiento: cooperación, innovación e implicaciones del offshoring de i+d (07/2011)
- High frequency dynamics of the microscopical structure in financial markets (06/2011)
- Análisis termodinámico de la influencia del desgaste geométrico de las herramientas en procesos de corte ortogonal de aceros inoxidables austeniticos (12/2010)
- Determinantes y efectos de la implantación de sistemas de mejores prácticas de recursos humanos (12/2009)
- Estudio Numérico de los Fenómenos de Contacto en el Mecanizado (12/2009)
- Optimización de la fabricación y verificación de cámaras de deriva para experimentos de física de partículas (10/2009)
- Análisis y Caracterización Holista de un Sistema Rotativo Complejo (07/2009)
- Desarrollo de un Modelo Conceptual para la Implantación de Sistemas de Calidad en Sistemas Sociotécnicos (06/2009)
- Detección de Averías en Cambiadores de Tomas en Carga de Transformadores Basado en el Patrón de Vibraciones (06/2009)
- Modelo de Rozamiento utilizando técnica M.E.S. aplicación al estudio de deslizamiento en la zona de carga (03/2009)
- Análisis experimental y numérico de las tensiones residuales debidas a mecanizado en aceros inoxidables austeníticos (12/2008)
- Modelo de contacto neumático-calzada a baja velocidad (12/2008)
- Sistemas de gestión de calidad en Organizaciones No Gubernamentales para el Desarrollo (ONGD) (12/2008)
- Metodología para la determinación de tensiones residuales en un autobús (07/2008)
- The Static and Dynamic Dimensions of Heterogeneous Firm Performance (04/2008)
- Sistematización del diseño de dispositivos de levitación superconductora por efecto Meissner (03/2008)
working papers
- La docencia en el ámbito de los negocios internacionales en las universidades españolas (07/2022)
- EBTs en España: tipos de EBTs y su impacto en la productividad (02/2012)
- Cuaderno sobre inspección técnica de vehículos (01/2011)
- Credit Risk Mitigation and SMEs Bank Financing in Basel II: The Case of the Loan Guarantee Associations (09/2008)
- Cross-boundary coordination in an air control tower: Relationships as a source of resilience (03/2008)