sample of publications
- New Procedure for the Kinematic and Power Analysis of Cyclists in Indoor Training. Sensors. 20:6135. 2020
- Validation and improvement of a bicycle crank arm based in numerical simulation and uncertainty quantification. Sensors. 20:1-27. 2020
- Influencia de los Parámetros de Conducción en el Ruido Emitido por un Automóvil en el Tráfico Urbano. E-medida : Revista Española de Metrología. 7. 2018
- Influence of anodized depth on fatigue life for bicycle cranks. Engineering Failure Analysis. 90:82-89. 2018
- Determining the stress distribution in a bicycle crank under in-service loads. Experimental Techniques. 40:885-890. 2016
- Procedure to verify the suspension system on periodical motor vehicle inspection. International Journal of Vehicle Design. 63:1-17. 2013
- Influence of vehicle driving parameters on the noise caused by passenger cars in urban traffic. Transportation Research, Part D: Transport and Environment. 17:509-513. 2012
- Relating the near field noise of passenger cars with the driving behavior. Noise Control Engineering Journal. 60:171-183. 2012
- Modeling of a magnetorheological damper by recursive lazy learning. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics. 46:479-485. 2011
- Propuesta de ensayo para verificar el ruído emitido por un vehículo automóvil. Anales de ingeniería mecánica. 18:1-8. 2010
- BONDSYM: SIMULINK-Based Educational Software for Analysis of Dynamic System. Computer Applications in Engineering Education. 18:238-251. 2010
- Procedure for Determining Manufacturing Defects in a Diesel Engine in a Workshop. Applied Acoustics. 71:140-146. 2010
- Procedure to Assess the Vibroacoustic Quality of a Diesel Engine in Assembly Workshop. SAE Technical Papers. 2:1-9. 2009
- Active Roll Control Using Reinforcement Learning for a Single Unit Heavy Vehicle. International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems. 16:412-430. 2009
- SIMPERF: SIMULINK-based Educational Software for Vehicle's Performance Estimation. Computer Applications in Engineering Education. 17:139-147. 2009
- Influence of Shock Absorber Model on Vehicle Dynamic Simulation. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering. 223:189-203. 2009
- Influence of Shock Absorber Wearing on Vehicle Brake Performance. International Journal of Automotive Technology. 9:467-472. 2008
- Procedure to Verify the Maximum Speed of Automatic Transmission Moped in Periodic Motor Vehicle Inspections. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering. 222:1615-1623. 2008
- Improving Motorcycle Front Suspension through a Gas Spring. International Review of Mechanical Engineering. 2:281-289. 2008
- Modelado de un amortiguador magneto-reológico mediante redes neuronales. Anales de ingeniería mecánica. 16:1429-1434. 2008
- Aplicación de Simulink al cálculo de las prestaciones de un vehículo automóvil (PRESCAR). Anales de ingeniería mecánica. 16:183-189. 2008
- Aplicación de Simulink al método de Bond Graph (BONDSYM). Anales de ingeniería mecánica. 16:191-197. 2008
book chapters
- Educational Resources for Self-learning of Descriptive Geometry: 2014-2017. In: New Trends in Educational Activity in the Field of Mechanism and Machine Theory. SPRINGER. 186-194. 2018
- Driver Style Influence in the Vehicle Acoustic Emissions in Urban Traffic. In: Noise Pollution: Sources, Effects on Workplace Productivity and Health Implications. NOVA SCIENCE PUBLISHERS INC. 24-48. 2014
- Analysis of Dynamic Systems Using Bond Graph and SIMULINK . In: New Trends in Educational Activity in the Field of Mechanism and Machine Theory. SPRINGER SERIES. 155-162. 2014
- Interactive Application For Technical Drawing Learning. In: New Trends in Educational Activity in the Field of Mechanism and Machine Theory. SPRINGER SERIES. 181-189. 2014
- Analysis of dynamic systems using bond graph method trough SIMULINK. In: Engineering Education and Research Using MATLAB. INTECH. 265-289. 2011
conference contributions
- El neumático conectado y sostenible: I-ECOTIRE. 108-118. 2022
- Experiencia de la adaptación de la asignatura Expresión Gráfica en la Ingeniería a la docencia online en tiempos de confinamiento. 124. 2022
- Educational Resources for Self-learning of Descriptive Geometry. 186-194. 2019
- The management of air navigation in Europe. Areas for future operational research. 495-506. 2019
- Influencia de los parámetros de conducción en el ruido emitido por un automóvil en el tráfico urbano 2017
- Determinación del estado tensional de una biela de bicicleta frente a las cargas de trabajo. 1279-1286. 2016
- Analysis of Dynamic Systems Using Bond Graph and SIMULINK. 155-162. 2014
- Interactive Application For Technical Drawing Learning. 181-189. 2014
- Aplicación interactiva para la docencia de los fundamentos del sistema Diédrico. 58-65. 2011
- Characterization of the Noise Emissions of a Passenger Vehicle. 763-771. 2011
- Proposal Of A Test To Measure Vehicle Noise Emissions In Real Driving Conditions 2011
- Propuesta de ensayo para verificar el ruído emitido por un vehículo automóvil. 1-8. 2010
- A New Non-Parametric Model Based on Neural Network for a MR Damper 2008
- Aplicaciones de Simulink al método de Bond Graph (BONDSYM) 2008
- Modelo de un amortiguador magneto-reológico mediante redes neuronales 2008