Temperature Measurement and Numerical Prediction in Machining Inconel 718 Articles uri icon

publication date

  • June 2017


  • 17


  • 7

Electronic International Standard Serial Number (EISSN)

  • 1424-8220


  • Thermal issues are critical when machining Ni-based superalloy components designed for high temperature applications. The low thermal conductivity and extreme strain hardening of this family of materials results in elevated temperatures around the cutting area. This elevated temperature could lead to machining-induced damage such as phase changes and residual stresses, resulting in reduced service life of the component. Measurement of temperature during machining is crucial in order to control the cutting process, avoiding workpiece damage. On the other hand, the development of predictive tools based on numerical models helps in the definition of machining processes and the obtainment of difficult to measure parameters such as the penetration of the heated layer. However, the validation of numerical models strongly depends on the accurate measurement of physical parameters such as temperature, ensuring the calibration of the model. This paper focuses on the measurement and prediction of temperature during the machining of Ni-based superalloys. The temperature sensor was based on a fiber-optic two-color pyrometer developed for localized temperature measurements in turning of Inconel 718. The sensor is capable of measuring temperature in the range of 250 to 1200 °C. Temperature evolution is recorded in a lathe at different feed rates and cutting speeds. Measurements were used to calibrate a simplified numerical model for prediction of temperature fields during turning.


  • Electronics


  • temperature sensor; fiber-optic; pyrometer; inconel 718; machining