sample of publications
- Plasmonic Temperature Sensor Using Side-Polished Plastic Optical Fiber with Gold Coating. IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL. 1-8. 2024
- Power Over Fiber and Analog Radio Over Fiber Simultaneous Transmission Over Long Distance in Single Mode, Multicore, and Hollow Core Fibers. Laser and Photonics Reviews. 18. 2024
- Power over fiber in radio access networks: 5G and beyond. Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. 16:119-128. 2024
- Power over Fiber Pooling as part of 6G optical fronthaul. JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY. 1-8. 2024
- Monitoring of Power Over Fiber Signals Using Intercore Crosstalk in ARoF 5G NR Transmission. JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY. 41:7155-7161. 2023
- Influence of Tilting Angle on Temperature Measurements of Different Object Sizes Using Fiber-Optic Pyrometers. SENSORS. 23:1-14. 2023
- Downtaper on Multimode Fibers towards Sustainable Power over Fiber Systems. Photonics. 10:1-16. 2023
- Experimental Validation of High Spatial Resolution of Two-Color Optical Fiber Pyrometer. SENSORS. 23:1-14. 2023
- Power-Over-Fiber Impact and Chromatic-Induced Power Fading on 5G NR Signals in Analog RoF. JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY. 40:6976-6983. 2022
- Polymer Optical Fiber Plantar Pressure Sensors: Design and Validation. SENSORS. 22:1-15. 2022
- Beaming power: photovoltaic laser power converters for power-by-light. Joule. 6:340-368. 2022
- Optically feeding 1.75 W with 100 m MMF in efficient C-RAN front-hauls with Sleep Modes. JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY. 38:7948-7955. 2021
- Power-over-fiber in a 10 km long multicore fiber link within a 5G fronthaul scenario. OPTICS LETTERS. 46:5348-5351. 2021
- Power over Fiber in C-RAN with Low Power Sleep Mode Remote Nodes Using SMF. JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY. 39:4951-4957. 2021
- Optically powered radio-over-fiber systems in support of 5G cellular networks and IoT. JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY. 39:4262-4269. 2021
- Sensing applications in aircrafts using polymer optical fibres. SENSORS. 21:1-26. 2021
- Fast and Localized Temperature Measurements During Simulated Earthquakes in Carbonate Rocks. GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS. 48:1-10. 2021
- Cleaving of PMMA Microstructured Polymer Optical Fibers with 3- and 4-Ring Hexagonal Cladding Structures. Polymers. 13:1-15. 2021
- High spatial resolution optical fiber two colour pyrometer with fast response. IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL. 21:2942 -2950. 2021
- Optical Fiber Pyrometer Designs for Temperature Measurements Depending on Object Size. SENSORS. 21:646. 2021
- SI-POF supporting power-over-fiber in multi-Gbit/s transmission for in-home networks. JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY. 39:112-121. 2021
- Self-referenced optical networks for remote interrogation of quasi-distributed fiber-optic intensity sensors. OPTICAL FIBER TECHNOLOGY. 58:1-14. 2020
- Multicore fiber scenarios supporting power over fiber in radio over fiber systems. IEEE Access. 7:158409-158418. 2019
- Smart remote nodes fed by power over fiber in internet of things applications. IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL. 19:7328 -7334. 2019
- Power, sensitivity, and response time optimization in TDM self-reference intensity sensor networks with ring resonators. OPTICS EXPRESS. 26:31264-31275. 2018
- Fiber-Optic Pyrometer with Optically Powered Switch for Temperature Mesurements. SENSORS. 18:483-1-483-10. 2018
- Remote optical powering using fiber optics in hazardous environments. JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY. 36:748-754. 2018
- Temperature Measurement and Numerical Prediction in Machining Inconel 718. SENSORS. 7. 2017
- Dual-wavelength speckle-based SI-POF sensor for cost-effective detection of microvibrations. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN QUANTUM ELECTRONICS. 23:1-6. 2017
- Fiber-optic pyrometer for very localized temperature measurements in a turning process. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN QUANTUM ELECTRONICS. 23:5601306-1-5601306-6. 2017
- Visible WDM system for real-time multi-Gb/s bidirectional transmission over 50-m SI-POF. IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS. 28:1696-1699. 2016
- Two-Color Pyrometer for Process Temperature Measurement During Machining. JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY. 34:1380-1386. 2016
- New Fiber Supervision Technique for Passive Optical Networks Supporting Mobile Services. IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS. 28:501-504. 2015
- Photo-thermo-mechanical behavior under quasi-static tensile conditions of a PMMA-core optical fibre. STRAIN. 52:3-13. 2015
- Efficient Multiplexer/Demultiplexer for Visible WDM Transmission over SI-POF Technology. JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY. 33:3711-3718. 2015
- Different Configurations of a Reflective Intensity-Modulated Optical Sensor to Avoid Modal Noise in Tip-Clearance Measurements. JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY. 33:2663-2669. 2015
- Polymer Optical Fiber Temperature Sensor With Dual-Wavelength Compensation of Power Fluctuations. JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY. 33:2716-2723. 2015
- Spectral and spatial characterization of perfluorinated graded-index polymer optical fibers for the distribution of optical wireless communication cells. APPLIED OPTICS. 54:1138-1145. 2015
- Broadband 1×2 liquid crystal router with low thermal dependence for polymer optical fiber networks. OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS. 333:281-287. 2014
- A self-referenced optical intensity sensor network using POFBGs for biomedical applications. SENSORS. 14:24029-24045. 2014
- Optical reconfigurable demultiplexer based on Bragg grating assisted ring resonators. OPTICS EXPRESS. 22:19156-19168. 2014
- Spectral method for fast measurement of twisted nematic liquid crystal cell parameters. APPLIED OPTICS. 53:5230-5237. 2014
- C. Vázquez, A. Tapetado, H. Miguélez. Monitoring temperature on machining processes is enhanced using optical fibers. SPIE Newsroom. 2014
- Optical Fiber Sensor boosts aircraft engine monitoring. SPIE Newsroom. 1-3. 2014
- A Temperature Sensor Based on a Polymer Optical Fiber Macro-Bend. SENSORS. 13:13076-13089. 2013
- Remote interrogation of WDM fiber-optic intensity sensors deploying delay lines in the virtual domain. SENSORS. 13:5870-5880. 2013
- Synthesis of Asymmetric Flat-Top Birefringent Interleaver Based on Digital Filter Design and Genetic Algorithm. IEEE Photonics Journal. 5:1-14. 2013
- Reconfigurable 1 x 2 wavelength selective switch using high birefringence nematic liquid crystals. APPLIED OPTICS. 51:5960-5965. 2012
- Intensity-Based Optical Systems for Fluid Level Detection. Recent Patents on Electrical & Electronic Engineering . 5:85-95. 2012
- Temperature impairment characterization in radio-over-multimode fiber systems. OPTICAL ENGINEERING. 51. 2012
- Advanced multifunctional optical switch for nnultimode optical fiber networks. OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS. 285:2802-2808. 2012
- A Polymer Optical Fiber Fuel Level Sensor: Application to Paramotoring and Powered Paragliding. SENSORS. 12:6186-6197. 2012
- Polymer Optical Fiber Intensity-Based Sensor for Liquid-Level Measurements in Volumetric Flasks for Industrial ApplicationPolymer Optical Fiber Intensity-Based Sensor for Liquid-Level Measurements in Volumetric Flasks for Industrial Application. ISRN Sensor Networks. 2012:1-7. 2012
- Analysis of the electric field propagation method: theoretical model applied to perfluorinated graded-index polymer optical fiber links. OPTICS LETTERS. 36:4116-4118. 2011
- Dual-core photonic crystal fibers for tunable polarization mode dispersion compensation. OPTICS EXPRESS. 99:21680-21691. 2011
- Synthesis of optical filters using microring resonators with ultra-large FSR. OPTICS EXPRESS. 18:25936-25949. 2010
- Radio-Over-Fibre Technologies arising from the Building the Future Optical Network in Europe (BONE) Project. IET Optoelectronics. 4:247-259. 2010
- Coarse WDM Networking of Self-Referenced Fiber-Optic Intensity Sensors with Reconfigurable Characteristics. OPTICS EXPRESS. 18:4396-4410. 2010
- An integrated view on monitoring and compensation for dynamic optical networks: from management to physical layer. PHOTONIC NETWORK COMMUNICATIONS. 18:191-210. 2009
- Multiplexer and Variable Optical Attenuator based on PDLC for Polymer Optical Fiber Networks. MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS. 502:130-142. 2009
- Use of a Novel Fiber Optical Strain Sensor for Monitoring the Vertical Deflection of an Aircraft Flap. IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL. 9:1219-1225. 2009
- A Self-Referencing Intensity Based Polymer Optical Fiber Sensor for Liquid Detection. SENSORS. 9:6446-6455. 2009
- Tap-and-2-Split Switch Design Based on Integrated Optics for Light-Tree Routing in WDM Networks. JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY. 27:2506-2517. 2009
- Photonics in Switching: Enabling Technologies and Subsystem Design. Journal of Optical Networking. 8:404-428. 2009
- Radio-Frequency Self-Referencing Technique With Enhanced Sensitivity for Coarse WDM Fibre Optic Intensity Sensors. JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY. 27:475-482. 2009
- Maximum Entropy Estimation of the Bubble Size Distribution in Fluidized Beds. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE. 64:2307-2319. 2009
- Modelling and Electro-Optical Testing of Suspended Particle Devices. SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS. 92:1483-1487. 2008
- Tunable, Narrow-Band, Grating-Assisted Microring Reflectors. OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS. 281:4910-4916. 2008
- Electrical FIR Filter with Optical Coefficients for Self-Referencing WDM Intensity Sensors. IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS. 20:45-47. 2008
book chapters
- Recent Advances in Wavelength-Division-Multiplexing Plastic Optical Fiber Technologies. In: Advances in Optical Fiber Technology: Fundamental Optical Phenomena and Application. INTECH. 387-424. 2015
- Multimode Graded-Index Optical Fibers for Next-Generation Broadband Access. In: Current Developments in Optical Fiber Technology. INTECH. 73-121. 2013
- Signal Processing, Management and Monitoring in Transmission Networks. In: Optical Transmission: The FP7 BONE Project Experience. SPRINGER. 53-122. 2012
- Liquid Crystal Optical Switches. In: Optical Switches: Materials and Design. WOODHEAD PUBLISHING. 206-240. 2010
conference contributions
- Effective Index Theory in Gold-nanoparticle-based Fiber Optic Sensor 2023
- Light switch based on a nanoparticle chain and on the opto-mechanically generated field enhancement. 428-433. 2023
- Reconfigurable MCF-SDM Designs for 5/6G RAN and PON with Optical Feeding Capability. 1-4. 2023
- Temperature sensor based on Gold nanoparticles deposition in plastic optical fiber. 1-5. 2023
- Crosstalk-Based Remote Monitoring Technique for Power over Fiber Signals in Spatial Division Multiplexing Links. 1-4. 2022
- Dispersion Induced-Power Fading tuned by Power-over-Fiber on 5G NR Analog Radio over Fiber Fronthaul optical links. 1-4. 2022
- Estudio de la estabilidad en hileras de nanopartículas plasmónicas 2022
- Study of the stability in rows of plasmonic nanoparticles 2022
- Estudio de pérdidas de tapers en fibra de 200um 2021
- Friction during earthquakes: 25 years of experimental studies. 1-7. 2021
- Optimized Power-over-Fiber System to Remotely Feed Smart Nodes for Low-Power Consumption Applications. 41-44. 2021
- Power-over-Fiber Impact on 5G NR Transmission in Standard Single Mode Fibers. 1-4. 2021
- Effect of the fiber"s core size on a two color pyrometer 2020
- High spatial resolution optical fiber thermometers for applications in harsh environments 2020
- Integration of power over fiber (PoF) solutions in the new 5G era 2020
- Efecto de la deformación de la fibra por alta temperatura en medidas de temperatura con el pirómetro a dos colores 2019
- How hot is a lab-earthquake? 2019
- Investigation for power over fiber impact on gigabit data transmission in SI-POF 2019
- Noise analysis and multi-Gbit/s transmission in PoF scenarios over SI-POF. 1-6. 2019
- SDN-based Multi-Core Power-over-Fiber (PoF) System for 5G Fronthaul: Towards PoF Pooling. 1-3. 2018
- Integration of Power Over Fiber on RoF Systems in Different Scenarios 2017
- Monitoring systems and remote powering for next generation broadband Access Networks 2017
- Polymer optical fiber sensors for aircraft structural and engine health monitoring 2017
- Security application based on Power Over Fiber System. 13-13. 2017
- Simulation of a Bidirectional WDM-PON Preventive Optical Monitoring System. 17-17. 2017
- Temperature sensing using optical fibers in harsh environments 2017
- Unobtrusive monitoring of heart rate using a cost-effective speckle-based SI-POF remote sensor 2017
- Dual-wavelength speckle-based SI-POF sensor for frequency detection and localization of remote vibrations 2016
- GIPOF-based power delivery systems 2016
- Multimode fibers in millimeter-wave evolution for 5G cellular networks 2016
- Optical-fiber pyrometer positioning accuracy analysis 2016
- Polymer Optical Fiber Sensors for Aircraft Structural and Engine Health Monitoring 2016
- Power consumption analysis of a 3-channel real-time WDM link over SI-POF 2016
- WDM-PON Preventive Optical Monitoring System with Colourless Reflectors 2016
- Building a simulation framerork for POF Data Links. 153-156. 2015
- Demonstration of a Data Transmission system With Visible Wavelength Division Multiplexing at 3-Gbit/s over 50-m of Plastic Optical Fiber. 598-603. 2015
- Efficient Real-Time Multi-Gigabit Ethernet Data Transmission System based on Visible WDM over SI-POF 2015
- Low-Loss 7-Channel Visible WDM Scheme for Implementing Efficient Data Transmission Systems Over SI-POF 2015
- Monitoring techniques in broadband access networks. 1-3. 2015
- Optical fiber pyrometer positioning accuracy during machining. 4-4. 2015
- POF sensors for aeronautical engine monitoring. 386-389. 2015
- Sistema Permanente de Supervisión de Detección y Localización de Fallos de Fibra Óptica en PONs. 581-587. 2015
- Theoretical performance of the PF-GIPOF transfer function under different W-shaped refractive index profile designs 2015
- Visible WDM System Design for Multi-Gbit/s Transmission over SI-POF. 1-6. 2015
- Design and analysis of a WDM System for Multi-Gbit/s Transmission over 50 m of SI-POF 2014
- Effects of elongation on polymer optical fiber power losses for sensing purposes 2014
- Performance Evaluation of Short-Range PF-GIPOF Links: on Discrete Multi-Tone Transmission and WDM Enhancement 2014
- Self-referenced temperature sensor based on a polymer optical fiber macro-bend. 1-4. 2014
- Tolerance analysis for efficient MMI devices in silicon photonics. 1-7. 2014
- WDM sensor network approach: Bridging the gap towards POF-based photonic sensing. 746-749. 2014
- Broadband 1x2 Liquid Crystal Optical Switch with low thermal dependence. 89-94. 2013
- Broadband 1x2 optical switch based on a liquid crystal polarization rotator with optimized spectral response 2013
- Diffraction grating-based demultiplexers for SI-POF networks. 36-41. 2013
- Experimental test of polymer optical fiber temperature sensor on different surrounding media. 249-253. 2013
- Fault location in full-duplex plastic optical fiber links using synchronized decay time detection. 124-129. 2013
- Localización de Fallos en Enlaces Full-Duplex de Fibra Óptica Mediante Detección Sincronizada de Tiempos de Caída. 156-161. 2013
- Low power consumption silicon photonics tuning filters based on compound microring resonators. 1-7. 2013
- One Photon and Two Photon Spectroscopy in Polymer Optical Fibres Doped with Conjugated Polymer. 232-237. 2013
- Optimization of polarization rotators spectral response for broadband optical switching applications. 228-233. 2013
- Photo-termo-elastic behaviour of a PMMA-core POF 2013
- Research Activities on POF sensors and applications 2013
- Short-Range Transmission Capacity Analysis Over PF GIPOF 2013
- Study of the photo-thermo-mechanical behaviour of PMMA-core POFs. 150-155. 2013
- Univocal determination of twisted nematic liquid crystal cells parameters using a simple experimental approach 2013
- 1x2 Optical Router with Control of Output Power Level Using Twisted Nematic Liquid Crystal Cells. 36-43. 2012
- Interrogation of Remote Intensity-Based Fiber-Optic Sensors Deploying Delay Lines in the Virtual Domain. 1-4. 2012
- Temperature Impairment Characterization in Radio-Over-Multimode Fiber Systems 2012
- Temperature Sensor Based on Fiber Optic Pyrometer in Material Removal Processes 2012
- Temperature sensor based on fiber optic pyrometer in material removal processes. 1-4. 2012
- Conmutador WDM Óptico con Bajo Consumo de Potencia, Basado en Resonadores en Anillo Asistidos por Redes de Bragg 2011
- Diseño de un filtro óptico sintonizable basado en cristal líquido con mejora de las pérdidas de inserción 2011
- Dual-Core Photonic Crystal Fibers for Tunable Polarization Mode Dispersion Compensation. 9-9. 2011
- Maximum Acceptance Angle in Dye Doped Polymer Optical Fibers. 121-126. 2011
- Microstructured polymer optical fiber Bragg grating sensors for fuel quality control. 257-262. 2011
- New Radio-Frequency Techniques for Individual Drop Fibre Monitoring and Temperature Sensing in PONs. 1-5. 2011
- Offset-Launch Characterization of Transmission Loss in PF-GIPOF for Wireless Home Networks. 375-380. 2011
- Reconfigurable Optical Multiplexer for POF Networks 2011
- Reconfigurable Wavelength Selective Switch Using High Birefringence Nematic Liquid Crystals. 5960-5965. 2011
- Temperature sensor based on Polymer Optical Fiber Macro-Bends 2011
- Tunable Optical Filter using High Birefringence Nematic Liquid Crystals. 1-6. 2011
- Wind Tunnel Air Velocity Sensor Using Plastic Optical Fiber as Detector of Vortex Shedding. 415-419. 2011
- Polymer Optical Fibre Sensor for Liquid Detection Applied to Volumetric Flasks 2010
- Nueva configuración electro-óptica para redes WDM de sensores de intensidad óptica con autorreferencia. 329-334. 2009
- Plastic opticalf fiber sensor for fuel level measurements applied to paramotoring and powered paragliding 2009
- Self-referencing model for electro-optical WDM fiber-optic intensity based sensor network 2009
- "Tecnologías híbridas de fibra de plástico y vidrio: redes de banda ancha y sensores" TEC2006-13273-C03-01-02-03 2008
- A Tunable Feedback Resonator Based on a Nematic Liquid Crystal as Variable Capacitance 2008
- Electronically Reconfigurable Delays at the Reception Stage 2008
- Er-Doped Fiber Applications on Filters and Dispersion Compensation Using Compound Ring Resonators 2008
- FBG-Based Self-Referencing Configuration With Increased Sensitivity 2008
- Installation and Performance of a Polymer Optical Fiber-Based Elongation Sensor 2008
- Multiplexer and Variable Optical Attenuator based on PDLC for Polymer Optical Fiber Networks 2008
- Power-Cost-Effective Node Architecture for Light-Tree Routing in WDM Networks. 2719-2724. 2008
- Self-reference intensity sensor techniques and advance devices in WDM networks 2008