sample of publications
- Feasibility Study of Experimental Protocol for the Time-Dependent Mechanical Response of Synthetic Tibia. JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICAL ENGINEERING-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME. 2024
- Drilling of Cross-Ply UHMWPE Laminates: A Study on the Effects of the Tool Geometry and Cutting Parameters on the Integrity of Components. Polymers. 15:1-21. 2023
- Machinability of 3D printed peek reinforced with short carbon fiber. Composites Part C: Open Access. 12, 100387:1-10. 2023
- Long Sump Life Effects of a Naturally Aged Bio-Ester Oil Emulsion on Tool Wear in Finish Turning a Ni-Based Superalloy. Metals. 13:1-19. 2023
- 'FLIPPED ASSESSMENT': Proposal for a Self-Assessment Method to Improve Learning in the Field of Manufacturing Technologies. Education Sciences. 13:1-15. 2023
- Microstructure Effects on the Machinability of AM-Produced Superalloys. Crystals. 13:1-16. 2023
- Additive Manufacturing and Mechanical Characterization of PLA-Based Skull Surrogates. Polymers. 15. 2022
- Influence of machining parameters on fretting fatigue life of Inconel 718. International Journal of Fatigue. 162:1-12. 2022
- Experimental assessment of thermal gradients and layout effects on the mechanical performance of components manufactured by fused deposition modeling. RAPID PROTOTYPING JOURNAL. 28:1598-1608. 2022
- High-pressure cooling in finishing turning of haynes 282 using carbide tools: Haynes 282 and inconel 718 comparison. Metals. 11:1-20. 2021
- Combined analysis of wear mechanisms and delamination in CFRP drilling. Composite structures. 255:1-10. 2021
- Drilling of biocomposite materials: Modelling and experimental validation. SIMULATION MODELLING PRACTICE AND THEORY. 106:1-15. 2021
- Machinability of INCONEL718 Alloy with a Porous Microstructure Produced by Laser Melting Powder Bed Fusion at Higher Energy Densities. Materials. 13. 2020
- Analysis of orthogonal cutting of biocomposites. Composite structures. 234:1-14. 2020
- A new cutting device design to study the orthogonal cutting of CFRP laminates at different cutting speeds. Materials. 12:1-13. 2019
- Sustainable high-speed finishing turning of haynes 282 using carbide tools in dry conditions. Metals. 9:1-14. 2019
- Influencia del nivel de lubricación en el taladrado de apilados híbridos fibra de carbono-titanio aplicando MQL (Mínima Cantidad de Lubricante):monitorización del proceso = Lubrication levels influence on carbon fiber-titanium hybrid stacks drilling applying MQL (Minimum Quantity Lubrication): process monitoring. Dyna. 94:579-584. 2019
- Relevant factors affecting the direction of crack propagation in complete contact problems under fretting fatigue. Tribology International. 131:343-352. 2019
- Experimental and numerical analysis of the influence of drill point angle when drilling biocomposites. Composite structures. 209:700-709. 2019
- Hybrid composite-metal stack drilling with different minimum quantity lubrication levels. Materials. 12:1-13. 2019
- Experimental analysis for stabbing resistance of different aramid composite architectures. Composite structures. 208:525-534. 2019
- Finishing turning of Ni superalloy Haynes 282. Metals. 8:1-12. 2018
- Experimental analysis of drilling induced damage in aramid composites. Composite structures. 202:1136-1144. 2018
- PCBN Performance in High Speed Finishing Turning of Inconel 718. Metals. 8. 2018
- High Speed Finish Turning of Inconel 718 Using PCBN Tools under Dry Conditions. Metals. 8. 2018
- Experimental and numerical analysis of step drill bit performance when drilling woven CFRPs. Composite structures. 184:1147-1155. 2018
- Thermo-Viscoplastic Behavior of Ni-Based Superalloy Haynes 282 and Its Application to Machining Simulation. Metals. 7. 2017
- Influence of cutting parameters on tool wear and hole quality in composite aerospace components drilling. Composite structures. 178:157-161. 2017
- Temperature Measurement and Numerical Prediction in Machining Inconel 718. SENSORS. 7. 2017
- Fiber-optic pyrometer for very localized temperature measurements in a turning process. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN QUANTUM ELECTRONICS. 23:5601306-1-5601306-6. 2017
- Numerical analysis of the influence of tool wear and special cutting geometry when drilling woven CFRPs. Composite structures. 138:285-294. 2016
- Two-Color Pyrometer for Process Temperature Measurement During Machining. JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY. 34:1380-1386. 2016
- Orientation of propagating crack paths emanating from fretting-fatigue contact problems. Frattura ed Integrita Strutturale. 10:285-294. 2016
- Experimental analysis of the influence of drill point angle and wear on the drilling of woven CFRPs. Materials. 7:4258-4271. 2014
- Numerical analysis of thermomechanical phenomena influencing tool wear in finishing turning of Inconel 718. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCES. 82:161-169. 2014
- Modelling thermal effects in machining of carbon fiber reinforced polymer composites. JOURNAL OF REINFORCED PLASTICS AND COMPOSITES. 33:758-766. 2014
- Theoretical estimation of thermal effects in drilling of woven carbon fiber composite. Materials. 7:4442-4454. 2014
- Analysis of tool wear patterns in finishing turning of Inconel 718. WEAR. 297:885-894. 2013
book chapters
- Numerical modeling of LFRP machining. In: Machinability of fibre-reinforced plastics. DE GRUYTER. 103-138. 2015
- Numerical modeling of LFRP machining. In: Machinability of fibre-reinforced plastics. DE GRUYTER. 103-138. 2015
conference contributions
- Effect of Grain Structure on Machinability of LPBF Inconel 718: A Critical Review 2023
- Ensayos de impacto sobre simulante de cráneo impreso en 3D 2023
- Machinability characterization of 3D printed PEEK 2023
- Simulante realista de cráneo humano para ensayos de impacto y predicción de daños 2023
- Additive manufacturing of head surrogates for impact analysis. 395. 2022
- Countersink depth control in aeronautical structural components drilling processes by machining forces analysis. 715-722. 2022
- Cyclic Mechanical Behaviour of Poly Lactic Acid Scaffolds Made by Additive Manufacturing. 3-8. 2022
- Analysis of machining performance of Inconel 718 printed by PBF-LM (powder bed fusion laser melting). 2021
- Tool wear and induced damage in CFRP drilling with step and double point angle drill bits. 610-617. 2019
- Calidad e integridad del componente en procesos de escariado de apilados híbridos. 482. 2018
- Study of the performance of PCBN and carbide tools in finishing machining of Inconel 718 with cutting fluid at conventional pressures. 634-637. 2018
- Additive manufacturing for a Moon village. 794-801. 2017
- Analysis of fretting fatigue behaviour of an aeroengine nickel-base alloy. 853-854. 2017
- Composite fiber reinforced plastic one-shoot drilling: quality inspection assessment and tool wear evaluation. 139-145. 2017
- Numerical modeling of instabilities during machining of aeronautical alloy. 36-42. 2017
- High speed machining of Nickel-based alloys (HRSA) with CBN tools 2016
- Mecanizado de alta velocidad de superaleaciones de base níquel con herramientas PCBN. 761-767. 2016
- Optical-fiber pyrometer positioning accuracy analysis 2016
- Estimation of thermal effects in dry drilling of Ti6Al4V. 433-439. 2015
- Influence of special tool geometry in drilling woven CFRPs materials. 632-638. 2015
- Numerical modelling of the thermal effects on material in drilling processes Ti6Al4V alloy. 427-432. 2015
- Optical fiber pyrometer positioning accuracy during machining. 4-4. 2015
- Orientación de grietas de propagación en problemas de contacto en fretting-fatiga. 436-441. 2015
- Implementation of a numerical model to define a bending manufacturing process. 36-41. 2014
- Influence of tool geometry in drilling of CFRP. 1-8. 2014
- 3D numerical modelling of machining 2013
- Analysis of adiabatic shear banding in machining. 46. 2013
- Damage prediction in composite milling 2013
- Numerical modeling of composite cutting including thermal effects 2013
- Surface integrity in finishing turning of Inconel 718 2013