Web-based Application for Descriptive Geometry Learning
published in
publication date
- September 2010
start page
- 574
end page
- 581
- 3
- 18
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)
- 1061-3773
Electronic International Standard Serial Number (EISSN)
- 1099-0542
In the education of basic matters of technical studies, as representation systems, it is necessary to introduce new technologies that allow individual learning to students. Learning can be traditional
face to face or remotely by means of e-learning. In this work, a
web-based computer specific application to study the Monge Projection is
presented. The web site is design to have two different parts: the
theoretical tutorials to remind the most important concepts of the
subject, and some step by step solved exercises with indications, in
order to fix the main ideas of the subject in the students mind.
Likewise, and for a better comprehension, the students have the
possibility, once finished the exercise, to visualize the
three-dimensional solution of the two-dimensional problem. This
application is initially thought to support the master classes, but it
is also valid for distance learning, where students face alone the
learning. This type of applications allows bringing basic matters closer
to the students by the use of new technologies.