sample of publications
- Adaptive Variable Design Algorithm for Improving Topology Optimization in Additive Manufacturing Guided Design. Inventions. 9. 2024
- Sensitivity Analysis and Filtering of Machinable Parts Using Density-Based Topology Optimization. Applied Sciences (Switzerland). 14. 2024
- Códice Madrid I: Un análisis de los mecanismos del primer tratado completo de sistemas mecánicos.. Técnica Industrial. 337:44-52. 2024
- An Analysis of the WPT Function for Pattern Optimization to Detect Defects in Bearings. Machines. 12. 2024
- A Vibration Analysis for the Evaluation of Fuel Rail Pressure and Mass Air Flow Sensors on a Diesel Engine: Strategies for Predictive Maintenance. SENSORS. 24. 2024
- Enhanced modelling of planar radial-loaded deep groove ball bearings with smooth-contact formulation. MULTIBODY SYSTEM DYNAMICS. 60:121-159. 2024
- Application of automatic classifiers for condition monitoring of railway rolling stock. Técnica Industrial. 336:38-45. 2023
- Railway Axle Early Fatigue Crack Detection through Condition Monitoring Techniques. SENSORS. 23. 2023
- Optimal selection of the mother wavelet in WPT analysis and its influence in cracked railway axles detection. Machines. 11:1-11. 2023
- On the nonlinear hunting stability of a high-speed train bogie. NONLINEAR DYNAMICS. 111:2059-2078. 2023
- Analysis of the First Treatise on Machine Elements: Codex Madrid I. Foundations of Science. 29:19-40. 2023
- Monitorización de holguras en ejes mediante análisis vibratorio y sistemas de clasificación inteligentes. Revista Iberoamericana de Ingenieria Mecanica. 26:3-11. 2022
- Data preprocessing for vibration analysis: Application in indirect monitoring of ship centrifuge lube oil separation systems. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 10:1-12. 2022
- Mantenimiento predictivo en tractores agrícolas. Propuesta de metodología orientada al mantenimiento conectado. Revista Iberoamericana de Ingenieria Mecanica. 26:63-76. 2022
- Modelling multiple-simultaneous impact problems with a nonlinear smooth approach: pool/billiard application. NONLINEAR DYNAMICS. 107:1859-1886. 2022
- New support roller profile design for railway wheel re-profiling process by under-floor lathes with a single cutting tool. Scientific Reports. 12:1-13. 2022
- Enhancement of chromatographic spectral technique applied to a high-speed train. Structural Control & Health Monitoring. 28:e2842. 2021
- Methodology for the integration of a high-speed train in Maintenance 4.0. Journal of Computational Design and Engineering. 8:1605-1621. 2021
- Improving the learning of engineering students with interactive teaching applications. COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN ENGINEERING EDUCATION. 29:1665-1674. 2021
- Selection of a mother wavelet as identification pattern for the detection of cracks in shafts. JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND CONTROL. 1-10. 2021
- Spatial Algorithms for Geometric Contact Detection in Multibody System Dynamics. Mathematics. 9:1359. 2021
- Nonlinear phenomena of contact in multibody systems dynamics: a review. NONLINEAR DYNAMICS. 104:1269-1295. 2021
- Mathematical analysis of the process forces effect on collet chuck holders. Mathematics. 9:492. 2021
- Analysis of Vibration Signals of Drivetrain Failures in Wind Turbines for Condition Monitoring. EXPERIMENTAL TECHNIQUES. 45:1-12. 2021
- Evaluation of Time and Frequency Condition Indicators from Vibration Signals for Crack Detection in Railway Axles. Applied Sciences-Basel. 10:1-19. 2020
- Railway Axle Condition Monitoring Technique Based on Wavelet Packet Transform Features and Support Vector Machines. SENSORS. 20:1-18. 2020
- Dynamic Modeling of the Dissipative Contact and Friction Forces of a Passive Biped-Walking Robot. Applied Sciences-Basel. 10:1-16. 2020
- Energy distribution analysis regarding the crack size in a rotating shaft. International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration. 24:418-425. 2019
- Wavelet packets transform processing and genetic neuro-fuzzy classification to detect faulty bearings. Advances in Mechanical Engineering. 11:1-10. 2019
- Condition monitoring of critical mechanical elements through Graphical Representation of State Configurations and Chromogram of Bands of Frequency. MEASUREMENT. 135:71-82. 2019
- Modelado e impresión 3D de engranajes de transmisión rotación-helicoidal. Revista Iberoamericana de Ingenieria Mecanica. 22:63-70. 2018
- Feature extraction from indirect monitoring in marine oil separation systems. SENSORS. 18:1-13. 2018
- Desarrollo de una metodología de detección de grietas de fatiga en ruedas ferroviarias basada en el análisis de frecuencias naturales = Development of a methodology to detect fatigue cracks in railway wheels based on the analysis of natural frequencies. Técnica Industrial. 46-53. 2018
- Effects of an android app on mechanical engineering students. COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN ENGINEERING EDUCATION. 26:1050-1057. 2018
- Resolución de la cinemática de mecanismo ferroviario utilizando el cómputo paralelo sobre GPU = Resolution of the railway kinematics mechanism using parallel computing on GPU. Técnica Industrial. 30-37. 2018
- Effective Crack Detection in Railway Axles Using Vibration Signals and WPT Energy. SENSORS. 18. 2018
- EMD-Based Methodology for the Identification of a High-Speed Train Running in a Gear Operating State. SENSORS. 18. 2018
- The kinematics of the rotary into helical gear transmission. MECHANISM AND MACHINE THEORY. 108:110-122. 2017
- A hardware-software approach for design and control of mechatronics devices. International Journal of Research in Engineering and Science. 4:68-80. 2016
- Analysis of the influence of crack location for diagnosis in rotating shafts based on 3 x energy. MECHANISM AND MACHINE THEORY. 103:167-173. 2016
- Automatic condition monitoring system for crack detection in rotating machinery. RELIABILITY ENGINEERING & SYSTEM SAFETY. 152:239-247. 2016
- Analysis and comparison of motion capture systems for human walking. EXPERIMENTAL TECHNIQUES. 40:875-883. 2016
- Review of recent advances in the application of the wavelet transform to diagnose cracked rotors. Algorithms. 9:1-13. 2016
- Crack detection in rotating shafts based on 3x energy: Analytical and experimental analyses. MECHANISM AND MACHINE THEORY. 96, part 1:94-106. 2016
- Automatic detection of cracked rotors combining multiresolution analysis and artificial neural networks. JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND CONTROL. 21:3047-3060. 2015
- New stopping criteria for crack detection during fatigue tests of railway axles. Engineering Failure Analysis. 56:530-537. 2015
- Automatic selection of the WPT decomposition level for condition monitoring of rotor elements based on the sensitivity analysis of the wavelet energy. International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration. 20:95-100. 2015
- Forward and inverse dynamics of the Biped PASIBOT. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems. 11:1-9. 2014
- A methodology to design robotic arms for service tasks since early design stage. International Journal of Mechanics and Control. 13:73-83. 2012
- Kinematics and Dynamics of the Quasi-Passive Biped "PASIBOT". STROJNISKI VESTNIK-JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. 57:879-887. 2011
- FEM Algorithm for Solving Superconducting Meissner Repulsion Forces. International Review of Mechanical Engineering. 4:673-675. 2010
- Web-based Application for Descriptive Geometry Learning. COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN ENGINEERING EDUCATION. 18:574-581. 2010
- A Multi-Objective Optimization of a Robotic Arm for Service Tasks. STROJNISKI VESTNIK-JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. 56:316-329. 2010
- Selección del nivel de descomposición WPT mediante el análisis de la sensibilidad de la energía relativa Wavelet. Anales de ingeniería mecánica. 1-8. 2010
- Automated Diagnosis of Rolling Bearings using MRA and Neural Networks. MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING. 24:289-299. 2010
- Modelado de una transmisión Harmonic Drive: análisis del error cinemático. Revista Iberoamericana de Ingenieria Mecanica. 13:51-65. 2009
- Compact Modeling Technique for Outdoor Navigation. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Part A:Systems and Humans. 38:9-24. 2008
book chapters
- Education in Mechanism and Machine Science. In: State-of-the-Art and Innovations in Mechanism and Machine Science: A Tribute to Carlos López-Cajún. SPRINGER NATURE LIMITED. 89-103. 2023
- Leonardo Torres Quevedo (1952-1936). In: Distinguished Figures in Mechanical Engineering in Spain and Ibero-America. Springer Cham. 317-358. 2023
- Monitoring of a High-speed Train Bogie Using the EMD Technique. In: Advances in Condition Monitoring of Machinery in Non-Stationary Operations: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Condition Monitoring of Machinery in Non-Stationary Operations, CMMNO'2018, 20-22 June 2018, Santander, Spain. SPRINGER. 169-178. 2019
- Automatic Device for Skin Biopsy. In: New Trends in Medical and Service Robotics: Advances in Theory and Practice. SPRINGER. 54-61. 2019
- Leonardo Torres Quevedo. Un genio entre la mecánica y la automática. In: Figuras ilustres de la Ingeniería Mecánica en España. Universidad de Jaén (UJA). 158-200. 2018
- Incipient Fault Detection in Bearings Through the use of WPT Energy and Neural Networks. In: Advances in Condition Monitoring of Machinery in Non-Stationary Operations, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. SPRINGER. 63-72. 2014
- Tool for the analysis of new skills biped pasibot. In: New advances in mechanisms, transmissions and applications. SPRINGER. 173-181. 2014
- Tool for the analysis of new skills biped Pasibot. In: New Advances in Mechanisms, Transmissions and Applications: Proceedings of the Second Conference MeTrApp 2013. SPRINGER. 173-181. 2013
- Trends in Educational Activity in the fiel od mechanism and Machine Theory (2018-2022): Selected Papers from ISEMMS 2022. Ed. 129. Cham: SPRINGER NATURE LIMITED. 2023
- New trends in educational activity in the field of mechanism and machine theory (2014-2017).. Ed. 64. NEW YORK: SPRINGER. 2019
- New trends in educational activity in the field of mechanism and machine theory. Ed. 19. NEW YORK: SPRINGER. 2014
conference contributions
- Analysis of the First Treatise on Machine Elements: Codex Madrid I. 120-133. 2023
- EMD-Based Intelligent Crack Detection in Freight Railway Axles. 815-825. 2023
- Detección de holgura en ejes mediante análisis de vibraciones combinando WPT y SVM lineal. 1-8. 2022
- New formative evaluation methodology on rotating machinery diagnostics 2022
- Selección de wavelet madre como patrón de identificación para detección de fisuras en ejes. 129-129. 2021
- Analysis in the time-frequency domain of different depths of a crack located in a change of section of a shaft. 4065-4070. 2019
- Crack detection in freight railway axles using Power Spectral Density and Empirical Mode Decomposition Techniques. 3691-3701. 2019
- Crack detection in freight railway axles using Power Spectral Density and Empirical Mode Decomposition Techniques. 3691-3701. 2019
- Dynamic Modeling and Analysis of Pool Balls Interaction. 79-86. 2019
- Learning Machine Diagnostics Through Laboratory Experiments. 57-63. 2019
- Monitoring of a High-Speed Train Bogie Using the EMD Technique. 169-178. 2019
- Análisis de un mecanismo ferroviario mediante el cómputo en paralelo. 578-593. 2018
- Análisis en el dominio tiempo-frecuencia de un eje fisurado. 321-329. 2018
- Operating state identification of a high-speed train with analysis of the vibration signal. 88-91. 2018
- Study of the vibratory behaviour of a High Speed Train bogie using the EMD technique 2018
- Incipient bearing fault diagnosis using WPT and ANN including parameter optimization 2017
- Methodology to characterize the Von Misses stress in the contact between wheel and rail(Test-Rig) 2017
- Nueva metodología para el análisis de la evolución de las frecuencias naturales con la presencia de grietas en ruedas ferroviarias 2017
- Analysis of vibration signals of drive train failures in wind turbines in cold climate 2016
- Automatic online fatigue crack detection in railway axles 2016
- Estudio del contacto en la interacción rueda-carril y rueda-rodillo en bancos de ensayos ferroviarios. 786-793. 2016
- Nueva metodología para el análisis de la evolución de las frecuencias naturales con el tamaño de la grieta en ruedas ferroviarias. 826-833. 2016
- A rolling-joint higher-kinematic pair for rotary-helical motion transformation 2015
- Btool: a friendly teaching tool to acquire and process vibration signals 2015
- Energy analysis distribution regarding the crack size in a rotating shaft 2015
- Experimental analysis and validation of a vibration-based technique for crack detection in a shaft. 373-383. 2015
- A configuration optimization algorithm based on quasi-static approach for a UGV 2014
- Aproximación cuasiestática para optimizar la locomoción por terreno irregular de un vehículo de ángulo de avance variable 2014
- Experimental Analysis and Validation of a Vibration‐based Technique for Crack Detection in a Shaft 2014
- Incipient Fault Detection in Bearings Through the use of WPT Energy and Neural Networks. 63-72. 2014
- Incipient fault detection in rolling bearing through the use of WPT energy and neural networks. 63-72. 2014
- Nueva metodología para el análisis de la evolución de las frecuencias naturales con el tamaño de la grieta en ejes ferroviarios 2014
- Predicting the fatigue life of mechanical components using continuum damage mechanics (CDM): application to a railway axle 2014
- Tool for the analysis of new skills biped Pasibot. 173-181. 2014
- Euraxles - WP5: non-destructive testing (NDT) and verification on the reliability of axles in service 2013
- Using the center of percussion to simplify a biped to four point masses 2012
- Object Oriented Modeling for Walking Machines. 371-384. 2011
- Finite Element Algorithm for Solving Superconducting Meissner Repulsion Forces 2010
- Computational Multi-Objective Optimization to Design Service Robotics Structures 2008
- Metodología de diseño óptimo para la construcción de robots de servicio 2008
- Optimización multiobjetivo de mecanismos, aplicación a la robótica de servicio 2008
- Wavelet Analysis of Vibration Signals in Rotor Dynamics Systems 2008