An Efficient Method for Crack Identification in Simply Supported Euler-Bernoulli Beams
published in
publication date
- October 2009
start page
- 51001
- 5
- 131
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)
- 1048-9002
Electronic International Standard Serial Number (EISSN)
- 1528-8927
- Aneffective crack identification procedure has been developed based on thedynamic behavior of a EulerBernoulli cracked beam. It is verywell known that the presence of a crack in astructure produces a change in its frequency response that canbe used to determine the crack properties (position and size)solving what is called an inverse problem. In this work,such an inverse problem has been solved by the useof the classical optimization technique of minimizing the least squarecriterion applied to the closed-form expression for the frequencies obtainedthrough the perturbation method. The advantage of this method withrespect to the ones derived previously is that the knowledgeof the material and its properties (Young's modulus and massdensity) is not necessary, not even the behavior of theuncracked element. The methodology has been successfully applied to asimply supported EulerBernoulli beam. 2009 American Society of Mechanical Engineers