sample of publications
- Digital data-driven technologies and the environmental sustainability of micro, small, and medium enterprises: Does size matter?. Business Strategy and the Environment. 2024
- International R&D sourcing, innovation and firm age: The advantage of 'born-international sourcers'. Technovation. 122:1-14. 2023
- External Knowledge Sourcing and Firm Innovation Efficiency. British Journal of Management. 31:123-140. 2020
- Leader's communication style, LMX and organizational commitment: a study of employee perceptions in Peru. Leadership and Organization Development Journal. 40:230-258. 2019
- Does Family Involvement in Management Reduce the Risk of Business Failure? The Moderating Role of Entrepreneurial Orientation. Family Business Review. 4:365-379. 2016
- Antecedents and consequences of bank reputation: a comparison of the United Kingdom and Spain. International Marketing Review. 33:781-805. 2016
- Differentiating the workforce: The performance effects of using contingent labor in a context of high-performance work systems. Journal of Business Research. 67:1334-1341. 2014
- Environmental Dynamism, Firm Size and the Economic Productivity of R&D. Industry and Innovation. 20:503-522. 2013
- Efectos de la contratación temporal sobre los resultados de los sistemas de trabajo de alto rendimiento. Universia Business Review. 14-31. 2013
- The dynamics of company profits: A latent growth model. Strategic Organization. 11:180-204. 2013
- The relation between firm size and R&D productivity in different technological regimes. Technovation. 32:609-623. 2012
- A model for managing intangible technological resources. What makes innovative industries different?. Universia Business Review. 102-123. 2012
- Hacer de la necesidad virtud: los recursos de las PYMEs. Economía Industrial. 53-64. 2010
book chapters
- Disruptive Data-Related Technologies and Global Value Chain: Insights from SMEs in Emerging Markets. In: Disruptive Technologies in International Business. Challenges and Opportunities for Emerging Markets. DE GRUYTER. 5-16. 2023
- Iniciativa emprendedora. In: Manual de creación de empresas. De la oportunidad a la puesta en marcha. THOMSON CIVITAS. 29-50. 2014
- Iniciativa emprendedora. In: Manual de creación de empresas. De la oportunidad a la puesta en marcha. THOMSON CIVITAS. 29-50. 2014
- Modelos de negocio en Internet. In: Manual de creación de empresas. De la oportunidad a la puesta en marcha. THOMSON CIVITAS. 609-648. 2014
- Plan de producción y operaciones. In: Manual de creación de empresas. De la oportunidad a la puesta en marcha. THOMSON CIVITAS. 267-318. 2014
- Propuestas de valor. In: Manual de creación de empresas. De la oportunidad a la puesta en marcha. THOMSON CIVITAS. 101-126. 2014
- Manual de creación de empresas. De la oportunidad a la puesta en marcha. THOMSON CIVITAS. 2014
conference contributions
- Are new ventures more environmentally sustainable? The role of digital technologies and global value chain participation in sustainability upgrading 2023
- Data-driven technologies and the environmental sustainability of micro, small and medium enterprises: Does size matter? 2023
- The Quest for Round Pegs: Person-Organization Fit, External Managers and Family Firms 2023
- El efecto moderador de la RSC en la relación entre nivel de cambioy estabilidad social con los resultados de la firma: resultados preliminares 2021
- La responsabilidad social corporativa bajo el enfoque institucional: análisis y evidencia de los efectos de seguir y no seguir las prácticas comunes en el sector. 2020
- R&D Offshoring and Innovation: Does Firm Age Matter? 2019
- The role of the persistence of social actions 2018
- Análisis transversal de la reputación bancaria en Reino Unido y España durante la recesión económica 2015
- Born-global technology sourcers: the effects of R&D offshoring on innovation efficiency in newly born firms 2015
- Who is Benefiting From R&D Offshoring to Improve Its Innovation Efficiency? A Look into Firm Age 2015
- Entrepreneurial orientation and survival of family firms: evidence from the financial crisis 2014
- Lessons from a crisis: does entrepreneurial orientation compromise family firm survival? 2014
- The Role of Entrepreneurial Orientation in Surviving a Financial Crisis: Differences between Family and Non-Family Firms 2014
- Unveiling the effects of openness on innovation efficiency dynamics: The role of firm size and appropriability 2014
- Environmental Dynamism, Firm size, and the Economic Productivity of R&D 2008
- The Dynamics of Heterogeneous Firm Performance 2008
working papers