sample of publications
- Unraveling gender differences in entrepreneurial exits: The role of human capital and family situation during an unprecedented crisis. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation. 1-28. 2024
- Why formalize? Examining the context of Peruvian women microentrepreneurs. Journal of Enterprising Communities. 18:1364-1383. 2024
- A gender-comparative study of¿nformal entrepreneurship: the¿oderating role of¿ocation decision. Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administracion. 36. 2023
- The transition toward the business formality of the Peruvian MSEs: How does the perception of entrepreneurs and the sector influence?. Academia-Revista Latinoamericana de Administracion. 35:100-114. 2022
- Agglomeration effects and firm performance in cultural value chain. Tourism, Culture and Communication. 15:157-163. 2015
- How may the nature of family firms explain the decisions concerning international diversification?. Journal of Business Research. 67:1311-1320. 2014
- The role of complementary products on platform adoption: Evidence from the video console market. TECHNOVATION. 33:405-416. 2013
- Regulation and competition in the European mobile communications industry: An examination of the implementation of mobile number portability. TELECOMMUNICATIONS POLICY. 36:187-196. 2012
- Impacto de la implicación familiar y de otros accionistas de referencia en la creación de valor. Revista de Estudios Empresariales (segunda época). 5-20. 2009
- First Come, First Served: How Market and Non-Market Actions Influence Pioneer Market Share. Journal of Business Research. 62:1139-1145. 2009
- Competitive Behavior in the European Mobile Telecommunications Industry: Pioneers vs. Followers. TELECOMMUNICATIONS POLICY. 33:339-347. 2009
book chapters
- Digital entrepreneurship in small ventures and startups. In: Digital Entrepreneurship and the Global Economy. Routledge. 36-51. 2022
- Social Media Mining for Business Intelligence Analytics: An Application for Movie Box Office Forecasting. In: Intelligent Computing. 981-999. 2021
- Benchmarking mobile operators using DEA: An application to the European mobile market. In: Mobile Services Industries, Technologies, and Applications in the Global Economy. IGI GLOBAL. 87-103. 2012
- La estrategia de internacionalización de las multinacionales de países emergentes asiáticos. In: Claves de la economía mundial. ICEX ESPAÑA EXPORTACION E INVERSIONES. 94-101. 2010
conference contributions
- Abandono de la actividad emprendedora durante la pandemia COVID-19: una perspectiva de género 2022
- Gender imbalance and entrepreneurial university. Are top universities different from non-top ones? 2021
- Social Media Mining for Business Intelligence Analytics: An Application for Movie Box Office Forecasting. 981-999. 2021
- Managing communication in integrity based crisis: Dealing with stakeholders perceptions 2020
- University Entrepreneurship: the role of universities' research, teaching and social capital capabilities in spin-offs and start-ups. 2020
- Emprendiendo en el aula! La gamificación como herramienta de aprendizaje en estudiantes universitario 2019
- Universidad y emprendimiento, ¿cómo impulsan los investigadores y docentes el capital emprendedor? 2019
- Does Facebook matter in the internationalization of Higher Education? 2018
Usos de las redes sociales e implicaciones en la
reputación corporativa 2018 - Why does Facebook matter in the internationalization of Higher Education 2018
- How May the Nature of Family Firms Explain Decisions on International Diversification? 2012
- Análisis de la creación de valor en las empresas familiares europeas 2008
- Análisis de la creación de valor en las empresas familiares europeas en presencia de accionistas relevantes 2008