sample of publications
- Design and Construction of a Prototype of an Assisting Device for Arm Exercise. Machines. 12:145. 2024
- Medida de eficacia de frenada de un automóvil. Comparativa de procedimientos y equipos. E-medida : Revista Española de Metrología. 13. 2023
- Experimental Validation of a Driver Monitoring System. Machines. 11. 2023
- Automatic Full Slip Detection System implemented on the Strain-based Intelligent Tire at severe maneuvers. MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING. 183. 2023
- Lateral dynamic simulation of a bus under variable conditions of camber and curvature radius. Mathematics. 10:1-25. 2022
- The general dispersion relation for the vibration modes of helical springs. Mathematics. 10:1-18. 2022
- Characterization of the loss of grip condition in the Strain-Based Intelligent Tire at severe maneuver. MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING. 168:1-21. 2022
- Design of an Estimator Using the Artificial Neural Network Technique to Characterise the Braking of a Motor Vehicle. SENSORS. 22:1-30. 2022
- H¿ dynamic output feedback control for a networked control active suspension system under actuator faults. MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING. 162. 2022
- LMI-based H¿ controller of vehicle roll stability control systems with input and output delays. SENSORS. 21:7850. 2021
- Diseño de un estimador basado en redes neuronales artificiales para caracterizar la frenada de un vehículo = Design of an estimator based on arti¿cial neural networks to characterize the braking of a vehicle. Técnica Industrial. 70-81. 2021
- Holistic Vehicle Instrumentation for Assessing Driver Driving Styles. SENSORS. 21:1427. 2021
- The Braking Torque. encyclopedia. 189. 2020
- Development and characterization of a compact device for measuring the braking torque of a vehicle. SENSORS. 20:1-14. 2020
- A strain-based intelligent tire to detect contact patch features for complex maneuvers. Sensors (Switzerland). 20:1-24. 2020
- Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics (CFRP) monocoque structure for Formula Student car = Estructura monocasco de plásticos reforzados con fibra de carbono (CFRP) para coches de Formula Student. Dyna. 95:18-22. 2020
- Influence of camber angle on tire tread behavior by an on-board strain-based system for intelligent tires. MEASUREMENT. 145:631-639. 2019
- New analysis and correlation between steady and oscillatory tests in fumed silica-based shear thickening fluids. RHEOLOGICA ACTA. 58:647-655. 2019
- Ergonomic analysis of the driver position focused on the clutch pedal. Dyna. 94:502-506. 2019
- Is the use of a low-cost sEMG sensor valid to measure muscle fatigue?. SENSORS. 19(3204):1-19. 2019
- A strain-based method to estimate tire parameters for intelligent tires under complex maneuvering operations. SENSORS. 19:2973-1-2973-24. 2019
- Validation of a low-cost electromyography (EMG) system via a commercial and accurate EMG device: pilot study. SENSORS. 19:1-16. 2019
- Clutch pedal sensorization and evaluation of the main parameters related to driver posture. SENSORS. 18:1-15. 2018
- A Novel Inverse Dynamic Model for a Magnetorheological Damper based on Network Inversion. JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND CONTROL. 24:3434-3453. 2018
- A robust observer based on energy-to-peak filtering in combination with neural networks for parameter varying systems and its application to vehicleroll angle estimation. MECHATRONICS. 50:196-204. 2018
- VEHIOT: Design and Evaluation of an IoT Architecture Based on Low-Cost Devices to Be Embedded in Production Vehicles. SENSORS. 18:486. 2018
- A Strain-Based Method to Detect Tires' Loss of Grip and Estimate Lateral Friction Coefficient from Experimental Data by Fuzzy Logic for Intelligent Tire Development. SENSORS. 18:1-19. 2018
- A robust observer based on H[infinity] filtering with parameter uncertainties combined with Neural Networks for estimation of vehicle roll angle. MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING. 99:611-623. 2018
- Analysis of results obtained on vehicle technical inspection using fBRAKE in Spain and development of a new model for semi-trailers based on Regulation No. 13.. International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems. 25:163-188. 2018
- Study of the behaviour of adhesive joints of steel with CFRP for its application in bus structures. COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING. 129:41-46. 2017
- Cálculo de factor de seguridad probabilístico basado en la validación metrológica de modelos ingenieriles. E-medida : Revista Española de Metrología. 6:51-56. 2017
- Experimental study and analytical model of bleed valve orifice influence of a high-performance shock absorber on vehicle dynamics. Advances in Mechanical Engineering. 9:1-15. 2017
- Sensor Fusion Based on an Integrated Neural Network and Probability Density Function (PDF) Dual Kalman Filter for On-Line Estimation of Vehicle Parameters and States. SENSORS. 17. 2017
- A Strain-Based Method to Estimate Slip Angle and Tire Working Conditions for Intelligent Tires Using Fuzzy Logic. SENSORS. 17. 2017
- A Constrained Dual Kalman Filter Based on pdf Truncation for Estimation of Vehicle Parameters and Road Bank Angle: Analysis and Experimental Validation. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS. 18:1006-1016. 2017
- A novel frequency dependent model based on trigonometric functions for a magnetorheological damper. MECCANICA. 1-15. 2017
- A Novel Strain-Based Method to Estimate Tire Conditions Using Fuzzy Logic for Intelligent Tires. SENSORS. 17. 2017
- A Sensor Fusion Method Based on an IntegratedNeural Network and Kalman Filter for Vehicle Roll Angle Estimation. SENSORS. 16. 2016
- Vehicle sideslip angle measurement based on sensor data fusion using an integrated ANFIS and an Unscented Kalman Filter algorithm. MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING. 72-73:832-845. 2016
- Braking Efficiency Estimation Of An Automobile Vehicle Based On Predictive Parameters. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCEMENTS IN MECHANICAL AND AERONAUTICAL ENGENEERING. 3:85-89. 2016
- Forces determination on the steering wheel of an automobile vehicle. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCEMENTS IN MECHANICAL AND AERONAUTICAL ENGENEERING. 3:106-110. 2016
- Practical Case Application for Stress Model Validation and Enhancement by Means of Metrological Tools. STRAIN. 51:379-390. 2015
- An uncertainty model of approximating the analytical solution to the real case in the field of stress prediction. Metrology and Measurement Systems. 22:429-442. 2015
- Sideslip angle estimator based on ANFIS for vehicle handling and stability. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology. 29:1473-1481. 2015
- fBRAKE: alternative methodology for braking efficiency determination on vehicle technical inspection according to Directive 2010/48/EU. International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems. 22:311-337. 2015
- Study of van roadworthiness considering their maintenance and periodic inspection. The Spanish case. Transportation Letters-The International Journal of Transportation Research. 6:173-184. 2014
- Improving Vehicle Safety: A New Methodology for Vehicle Steering System Inspection by Means of Forces Measure. Advances in Mechanical Engineering. 2014:1-10. 2014
- New tyre-road contact model for applications at low speed. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY. 15:553-564. 2014
- Methodology for bus structure torsion stiffness and natural vibration frequency prediction based on a dimensional analysis approach. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY. 15:451-461. 2014
- Bump Modeling and Vehicle Vertical Dynamics Prediction. Advances in Mechanical Engineering. 2014
- Discussion on "Integrated vehicle dynamics control via coordination of active front steering and rear braying". EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CONTROL. 19:144-145. 2013
- A test for lateral vehicle safety related to road design. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS-TRANSPORT. 165:187-194. 2012
- Neural-empirical tyre model based on recursive lazy learning under combined longitudinal and lateral slip conditions. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY. 12:821-829. 2011
- Bus mathematical model of acceleration threshold limit estimation in lateral rollover test. VEHICLE SYSTEM DYNAMICS. 49:1695-1707. 2011
- Modeling of a magnetorheological damper by recursive lazy learning. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NON-LINEAR MECHANICS. 46:479-485. 2011
- Dynamic performance analysis of a light van body-in-white structure. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART D-JOURNAL OF AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING. 225:167-177. 2011
- Uncertainties associated with strain-measuring systems using resistance strain gauges. JOURNAL OF STRAIN ANALYSIS FOR ENGINEERING DESIGN. 46:1-13. 2011
- A Study of Sliding between Rollers and Races in a Roller Bearing with a Numerical Model for Mechanical Event Simulations. Tribology International. 43:2175-2182. 2010
- Characterizing the Diverter Switch of a Load Tap Changer in a Transformer using Wavelet and Modal Analysis. ENGINEERING STRUCTURES. 32:3011-3017. 2010
- New Procedure to Estimate the Brake Warping in a Roller Tester. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY. 11:691-699. 2010
- Torsional Stiffness and Weight Optimization of a Real Bus Structure. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY. 11:41-47. 2010
- Procedure for Determining Manufacturing Defects in a Diesel Engine in a Workshop. APPLIED ACOUSTICS. 71:140-146. 2010
- Bus Structure Behaviour under Driving Manoeuvring and Evaluation of the Effect of an Active Roll System. International Journal of Vehicle Structures and Systems. 2:14-19. 2010
- Improvements in the Inspection Procedure of Brake disc Warping = Mejoras en el procedimiento de inspección del alabeo en discos de freno. Securitas Vialis. 1:83-89. 2009
- Simplified Diynamic Torsional Model of an Urban Bus. International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems. 16:341-353. 2009
- Procedure to Assess the Vibroacoustic Quality of a Diesel Engine in Assembly Workshop. SAE Technical Papers. 2:1-9. 2009
- Active Roll Control Using Reinforcement Learning for a Single Unit Heavy Vehicle. International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems. 16:412-430. 2009
- SIMPERF: SIMULINK-based Educational Software for Vehicle's Performance Estimation. COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN ENGINEERING EDUCATION. 17:139-147. 2009
- Reduction of Carbon Dioxide Emissions in the Automobile Industry. Maphre RE. 51:4-9. 2009
- Influence of Shock Absorber Wearing on Vehicle Brake Performance. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY. 9:467-472. 2008
- Procedure to Verify the Maximum Speed of Automatic Transmission Moped in Periodic Motor Vehicle Inspections. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART D-JOURNAL OF AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING. 222:1615-1623. 2008
- Improving Motorcycle Front Suspension through a Gas Spring. International Review of Mechanical Engineering. 2:281-289. 2008
- La reconstrucción de accidentes: el atropello de peatones (3ª parte). revista de la Sociedad de Técnicos de Automoción. 12-19. 2008
- La realidad virtual aplicada a la asignatura Ingeniería del Transporte. Anales de ingeniería mecánica. 16:211-216. 2008
- Modelado de un amortiguador magneto-reológico mediante redes neuronales. Anales de ingeniería mecánica. 16:1429-1434. 2008
- Modelo tridimensional de vuelco de un autobús urbano. Anales de ingeniería mecánica. 16:1463-1468. 2008
- La reconstrucción de accidentes: el atropello de peatones (2ª parte). revista de la Sociedad de Técnicos de Automoción. 12-14. 2008
book chapters
- Application of 3D Printing to the Intersection of Surfaces Learning in a Descriptive Geometry Course. In: New Trends in Educational Activity in the Field of Mechanism and Machine Theory. SPRINGER. 165-173. 2018
- Integration of MatLab and ANSYS for advanced analysis of vehicle structures. In: MATLAB Applications for the Practical Engineer. INTECH. 2014
- Contribución de la Inspección Técnica de Vehículos (ITV) a la seguridad vial y al medioambiente. MADRID: AECA - ITV. 2022
- Metodología de inspección ITV en base a emisiones NOx y partículas contaminantes. UNIVERSIDAD CARLOS III DE MADRID. 2022
- Manual la reconstrucción de siniestros viales. ARANJUEZ: CENTRO UNIVERSITARIO DE LA GUARDIA CIVIL. 2020
- Roadworthiness testing contribution to vehicle safety and environment . AECA - ITV. 2019
- Study on the inclusion of light trailers and two- or three-wheel vehicles in the scope of the periodic roadworthiness testing: Final report. Publications Office of the European Union. 2019
- Automóviles y ferrocarriles: problemas resueltos. MADRID: UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE EDUCACION A DISTANCIA (UNED). 2014
- Automóviles y ferrocarriles. MADRID: UNED. 2012
- Ingeniería del transporte. MADRID: UNED. 2012
conference contributions
- Laboratory Experiences with an Intelligent Robotic Crank for Arm Exercises. 1-12. 2024
- Requirements and Problems for a Sensored Rotating Device for Arm Exercise. 1-8. 2024
- Dispositivo de bajo coste para monitorizar el estado fisiológico del conductor de un vehículo 2023
- Learning How to Design and Manufacture by Applying Hot Wire Cutting to the Fabrication of a Car Spoiler. 123-134. 2023
- Low-Cost Design of a Device for Monitoring the Physiological Status of a Vehicle Driver. 194-204. 2023
- Medida de eficacia de frenada de un automóvil. Comparativa de procedimientos y equipos 2023
- Modelo de caracterización de emisiones contaminantes emitidas por un vehículo ligero en conducción urbana. 55. 2023
- Dispositivo de bajo coste para la estimación del par de frenado de un vehículo 2022
- Modelo del Comportamiento de un Conductor empleando Lógica Difusa centrado en la Fuerza sobre el Pedal de Embrague: Estudio Piloto. 81-81. 2022
- Problems and Requirements in Impact Analysis from Vehicle Accidents.. 346-354. 2022
- Propuesta de un nuevo criterio para cuantificar las lesiones en impactos de vehículos. 1-9. 2022
- Aplicación del neumático inteligente para la caracterización de la huella de contacto en maniobras complejas. 197. 2021
- Diseño de un estimador basado en Redes Neuronales Artificiales para caracterizar la frenada de un vehículo 2021
- Mejora del comportamiento lateral y vertical de un vehículo mediante una suspensión activa. 1-10. 2021
- Aplicación del triedro de Frenet al cálculo de la relación de dispersión de un resorte mecánico sometido a oscilación acoplada de flexión y torsión = Frenet frame application to the dispersion relation calculation of a mechanical spring under under torsion and bending vibrations. 44-49. 2019
- Desarrollo de un sistema de medición sEMG low-cost = Development of a low-cost sEMG system. 259-266. 2019
- Estilos de conducción de un vehículo automóvil empleando la técnica de redes neuronales artificiales = Artificial neural networks for driving styles clustering 2019
- Análisis de la influencia del ángulo de caída en la deformación de la banda de rodadura de un neumático mediante extensometría. 727-735. 2018
- Análisis de las fuerzas aplicadas en el proceso de accionamiento y desaccionamiento del pedal de embrague. 41-48. 2018
- Estimación del coeficiente de adherencia lateral solicitado en el contacto neumático-calzada mediante extensometría y lógica difusa para el desarrollo del neumático inteligente. 736-745. 2018
- Experimental Determination of the Fundamental Parameters of Road Traffic and Noise Levels Emitted. 80-88. 2018
- Experimental and numerical study of a new structural composite for innovative cars 2018
- Optimization procedure for the design of a multimaterial joint CFRP-Steel in a coach structure to improve the energy absorption in a rollover scenario: applications of composites. 92-92. 2018
- Analysis of changes on shims stack valve of a high performance shock absorber 2017
- Analysis of the influence of tire working conditions in tire's deformation for intelligent tires development 2017
- Análisis ergonómico del puesto de conducción: freno de mano. 198-213. 2017
- Applications of shear thickening fluids in automotive engineering 2017
- CFRP monocoque structure for Formula Student car 2017
- Characterization of the rheological properties of Shear Thickening Fluids (STF) for use in shock transmisions units (STU) 2017
- Comparativa de la caracterización reológica de fluidos dilatantes con diferentes concentraciones de partículas de sílice 2017
- Cálculo de factor de seguridad probabilistico basado en la validación metrológica de modelos ingenieriles 2017
- Damper instrumentation: difficulties and alternatives 2017
- Different methodologies to guarantee rollover scenario safety of the structure of a bus 2017
- Energia potencial acumulada en un autobus sometido a torsión 2017
- Experimental analysis of the clutch pedal in the driver position 2017
- Fuzzy-based rollover controller considering the effect of road bank for a heavy duty vehicle 2017
- High downforce devices for Formula Student cars: a numerical study 2017
- Análisis de la inscripción en curva de un vehículo industrial a la luz del nuevo Reglamento nº 79 de la Comisión Económica de las Naciones Unidas para Europa. 972-978. 2016
- Diseño de un estimador del ángulo de balanceo de vehículos industriales mediante redes neuronales 2016
- Estudio del comportamiento de un sistema salvacunetas para mejorar la seguridad vial. 868-875. 2016
- Estudio del comportamiento del cuerpo de válvulas de un amortiguador de alto rendimiento. 940-947. 2016
- Estudio mediante extensiometría del comportamiento dinámico de la banda de rodadura de un neumático. 844-851. 2016
- Fuzzy-Based Anti-Rollover Controller for a Heavy Duty Vehicle, using Active Suspension 2016
- Metodología para la adaptación y validación experimental de modelos ingenieriles. 469-476. 2016
- Nuevas metodologías para la inspección técnica del sistema de dirección. 876-883. 2016
- Optimisation of traction and fixing systems in suspended monorails. 179-190. 2016
- Sistema de control antivuelco para furgoneta utilizando lógica difusa y suspensión activa 2016
- Braking Efficiency Estimation Of An Automobile Vehicle Based On Predictive Parameters. 20-24. 2015
- Characterization of the Noise Emissions of a Passenger Vehicle. 763-771. 2011
- Dimensional Analysis for Bus Dynamic Performance Evaluation. 729-735. 2011
- Effect of Hybrid Power Systems on Bus Structure and Lateral Acceleration Threshold 2011
- Enhanced Steering System Inspection for Improving Road Safety. 137-146. 2011
- Estudio sobre la relación entre el mantenimiento y la inspección técnica de vehículos en furgonetas 2011
- Influence of speed bumps design on vehicle safety. 127-136. 2011
- Propuesta de mejora de la superestructura de un autobús mediante análisis modal 2011
- A New Methodology to Obtain a Dynamic Rolling Stock Maximum Construction Gauge 2008
- A New Non-Parametric Model Based on Neural Network for a MR Damper 2008
- Bus Weight and Torsion Stiffness Optimization 2008
- Determinación de incertidumbres en modelos estructurales de Bogies de ferrocarril mediante elementos finitos. 51-68. 2008
- Estudio de las deformaciones obtenidas empleando el método de perforación para medida de tensiones residuales en perfiles de sección transversal rectangular de pared delgada 2008
- La realidad virtual aplicada a la asignatura Ingeniería del transporte. 211-216. 2008
- Modelo de un amortiguador magneto-reológico mediante redes neuronales 2008
- Modelo tridimensional de vuelco de un autobús urbano 2008
- Steering Inspection by Means of Tyre Force Measure 2008
working papers