sample of publications
- Impact response of advance combat helmet pad systems. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IMPACT ENGINEERING. 181, (104757):1-14. 2023
- Drilling of Cross-Ply UHMWPE Laminates: A Study on the Effects of the Tool Geometry and Cutting Parameters on the Integrity of Components. Polymers. 15:1-21. 2023
- Experimental and numerical analyses of ballistic resistance evaluation of combat helmet using Hybrid III headform. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IMPACT ENGINEERING. 179:1-14. 2023
- Energy absorption analysis of aramid composite during blunt projectile impact. MECHANICS OF ADVANCED MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES. 1-12. 2021
- Evaluation of Combat Helmet Behavior under Blunt Impact. Applied Sciences-Basel. 10, 8470:1-20. 2020
- Numerical Analysis of EOD Helmet under Blast Load Events Using Human Head Model. Applied Sciences-Basel. 10:1-24. 2020
- Experimental and numerical study of the thermo-viscoplastic behavior of nicro 12.1 for perforation tests. Materials. 13:1-20. 2020
- Numerical Analysis of Bicycle Helmet under Blunt Behavior. Applied Sciences-Basel. 10:1-17. 2020
- Postmortem analysis using different sensors and technologies on aramid composites samples after ballistic impact. SENSORS. 20:1-16. 2020
- Ballistic performance of aramid composite combat helmet for protection against small projectiles. COMPOSITE STRUCTURES. 226:1-14. 2019
- Analysis of impact energy absorption by lightweight aramid structures. COMPOSITE STRUCTURES. 203:917-926. 2018
book chapters
- Ballistic Behavior of Fiber Composites. In: Hybrid Fiber Composites: Materials, Manufacturing, Process Engineering. WILEY-VCH VERLAG GMBH. 117-127. 2020
conference contributions
- Simulante realista de cráneo humano para ensayos de impacto y predicción de daños 2023
- Additive manufacturing of head surrogates for impact analysis. 395. 2022
- Numerical and experimental analysis of aramid composites against ballistic impact. 111-118. 2020
- Influence of Inner Foam on the Aramid Composite Ballistic Behaviour. 117-117. 2019
- Análisis experimental y numérico del material compuesto de aramida frente a impacto balístico. 1111-1118. 2018
- Ballistic performance and energy absorption characteristics of lightweight aramid structures 2018
- Experimental and numerical analysis of combat helmet ballistic performance 2018
- Análisis experimental de la resistencia a la penetración de cuchillo en tejidos de alto rendimiento 2016