- A spatial one-sided error model to identify where unarrested criminals live (11/2024)
- Jan Stuhler discussion of: Women in politics during COVID (10/2024)
- Corporate social responsibility and bargaining in unionized markets (08/2024)
- Existence and uniqueness of solutions to the Bellman equation in stochastic dynamic programming (07/2024)
- Interpreting trends in intergenerational mobility (07/2024)
- Out-of-sample predictability in predictive regressions with many predictor candidates (07/2024)
- The dynamic response of municipal budgets to revenue shocks (07/2024)
- The integration of migrants in the German labor market: evidence over 50 years (07/2024)
- Wage and Earnings Inequality Between and Within Occupations: The Role of Labor Supply (07/2024)
- Do Temporary Help Agencies Help? Employment Transitions for Low-Skilled Workers (06/2024)
- Global, Arctic, and Antarctic sea ice volume predictions using score-driven threshold climate models (06/2024)
- Observed Patterns of Use and Users of Free-Floating Car-Sharing (06/2024)
- Parent's perception of respiratory syncytial virus and subsequent wheezing burden: A multi-country cross-sectional survey (06/2024)
- Perturbating and Estimating DSGE Models in Julia (06/2024)
- The effects of recreational marijuana laws on drug use and crime (06/2024)
- Name-Based Estimators of Intergenerational Mobility (05/2024)
- Stress test precision and bank competition (05/2024)
- (Structural) VAR models with ignored changes in mean and volatility (04/2024)
- Expert-based collaborative analysis of the situation and prospects of biomarker test implementation in oncology in Spain (04/2024)
- Made in Europe: Monetary&-Fiscal policy mix with financial frictions (04/2024)
- The Sentimental Propagation of Lottery Winnings: Evidence from the Spanish Christmas Lottery (04/2024)
- Voters and the trade-off between policy stability and responsiveness (04/2024)
- Vertical Contracts and Downstream Entry* (03/2024)
- The energy transition: A balancing act (02/2024)
- Multiple prizes in tournaments with career concerns (01/2024)
- School choice with transferable student characteristics (01/2024)
- School starting age and the impact on school admission (01/2024)
- Worker flows and wage dynamics: estimating wage growth without composition effects (01/2024)
- Revisiting the public¿private wage gap in Spain: new evidence and interpretation (12/2023)
- The case for CASE: Estimating heterogeneous systemic effects (12/2023)
- Uncovering the roots of obesity-based wage discrimination: The role of job characteristics (12/2023)
- Market power and price exposure: Learning from changes in renewable energy regulation (11/2023)
- mutualinf: An R package for computing and decomposing the mutual information index of Ssegregation (11/2023)
- Effect of class size on student achievement in the COVID-19 "new normal" (10/2023)
- Heterogeneous predictive association of CO2 with global warming (10/2023)
- Luck or rights? An experiment on preferences for redistribution following inheritance of opportunity (10/2023)
- Reforming European electricity markets: Lessons from the energy crisis (10/2023)
- Save, spend, or give? A model of housing, family insurance, and savings in old age (10/2023)
- Regression discontinuity design with multivalued treatments (09/2023)
- The effects of becoming a physician on prescription drug use and mental health treatment (09/2023)
- Are working hours complements in production? (08/2023)
- Competitive Search with Two-Sided Risk Aversion (08/2023)
- Information, perceptions, and electoralbehaviour of young voters: A randomised controlled experiment (08/2023)
- Which crisis support fiscal measures worked during the Covid-19 shock in Europe? (08/2023)
- Housing prices and credit constraints in competitive search (07/2023)
- Marginality and the position value (07/2023)
- Mechanism design with informational punishment (07/2023)
- Natives contribute to the residential segregation of immigrants (07/2023)
- Cigarette taxes, smoking, and health in the long run (06/2023)
- Association Between State Antibullying Policies and Suicidal Behaviors Among Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Questioning Youth (05/2023)
- Central Banks and Climate Change (Part 2): Can Central Banks Intervene Now? And How? Arguments of 'Opportunity" and 'Suitability" (05/2023)
- Central banks and climate change (Part 1) : Does climate change fit in central banks' mandates? (05/2023)
- Documenting occupational sorting by gender in the UK across three cohorts: does a grand convergence rely on societal movements? (05/2023)
- Estimating intergenerational and assortative processes in extended family data (05/2023)
- Firms and households during the pandemic: what do we learn from their electricity consumption? (05/2023)
- Pricing group membership (05/2023)
- Sentimental Business Cycles (05/2023)
- Take-it-or-leave-it contracts in many-to-many matching markets (05/2023)
- The Wrong Kind of Information (05/2023)
- Women's education, fertility and children' health during a gender equalization process: Evidence from a child labor reform in Spain (05/2023)
- Auctions with privately known capacities: Understanding competition among renewables (04/2023)
- Behind the curtain: How did women's work history vary across Central and Eastern Europe? (04/2023)
- Evolving market boundaries and competition policy enforcement in the pharmaceutical industry (04/2023)
- Slacktivism (04/2023)
- Minimum age requirements and the role of the school choice set (03/2023)
- Non-Gaussian score-driven conditionally heteroskedastic models with a macroeconomic application (03/2023)
- Terrorism and political attitudes: Evidence from European social surveys (03/2023)
- The Public Health Effects of Legalizing Marijuana (03/2023)
- Failing Young and Temporary Workers? The Impact of a Disruptive Crisis on a Dual Labour Market (02/2023)
- On risk and time pressure: When to think and when to do (02/2023)
- Score-driven threshold ice-age models: Benchmark models for long-run climate forecasts (02/2023)
- Social interaction and negotiation outcomes: An experimental approach (02/2023)
- Storing Power: Markets Structure Matters (02/2023)
- Technology neutral versus technology specific procurement (02/2023)
- The role of mothers on female labour force participation: an approach using historical parish records (02/2023)
- Co-integration with score-driven models: an application to US real GDP growth, US inflation rate, and effective federal funds rate (01/2023)
- Diagnóstico de la neumonía: una necesidad compartida = Diagnosis of pneumonia: a shared need (01/2023)
- Identification and estimation of structural VARMA models using higher order dynamics (01/2023)
- Playing with words: Do people exploit loaded language to affect others' decisions for their own benefit? (01/2023)
- Recreational marijuana laws and the misuse of prescription opioids: Evidence from National Survey on Drug Use and Health microdata (01/2023)
- Sunspots that matter: The effect of weather on solar technology adoption (01/2023)
- Behavior, decisions and ecological transition: experimental approaches with policy implications = Comportamiento, decisiones y transición ecológica: aproximaciones experimentales con implicaciones para las políticas (12/2022)
- Distribution regression in duration analysis: an application to unemployment spells (12/2022)
- The effectiveness of prosocial policies: Gender differences arising from social norms (12/2022)
- The heterogeneous effects of the great recession on informal care to the elderly (12/2022)
- (Mis)allocation of Renewable Energy Sources (11/2022)
- Intimate partner violence and women's health: the private and social burden (11/2022)
- Macroeconomic and Distributive Effects of Increasing Taxes in Spain (11/2022)
- Technology catch-up in agriculture among advanced economies (11/2022)
- Estimation of time series models using residuals dependence measures (10/2022)
- Mortality risk, perception, and human capital investments: The legacy of landmines in Cambodia (10/2022)
- News-Driven Housing Booms: Spain Versus Germany (10/2022)
- Air pollution from agricultural fires increases hypertension risk (09/2022)
- Computing decomposable multigroup indices of segregation (09/2022)
- Cross-country agricultural TFP convergence and capital deepening: evidence for induced innovation from 17 OECD countries (09/2022)
- Financial access and household's borrowing: Policy perspectives of an emerging economy (09/2022)
- Geographic Cross-Sectional Fiscal Spending Multipliers and the Role of Local Autonomy: Evidence from European Regions (09/2022)
- Learning from electricity markets: How to design a resilience strategy (09/2022)
- Do actions speak louder than words? Evidence on voter behavior from Madrid Rio Park (08/2022)
- Generalized band spectrum estimation with an application to the New Keynesian Phillips curve (08/2022)
- Terror attacks and election outcomes in Europe, 1970-2017 (08/2022)
- The implicit cost of carbon abatement during the COVID-19 pandemic (08/2022)
- Locally Robust Semiparametric Estimation (07/2022)
- Trustors' disregard for trustees deciding quickly or slowly in three experiments with time constraints (07/2022)
- Anti-Bullying Laws and Suicidal Behaviors Among Teenagers (06/2022)
- Improving sovereign debt restructurings (06/2022)
- Multivariate Markov-switching score-driven models: An application to the global crude oil market (06/2022)
- A tale of three cities: climate heterogeneity (05/2022)
- Expanding the measurement of culture with a sample of two billion humans (05/2022)
- Introduction to the special issue in honor of Juan Jose Dolado [Editorial] (05/2022)
- Motherhood, pregnancy or marriage effects? (05/2022)
- Nonparametric estimation of functional dynamic factor model (05/2022)
- Permanent inequality versus earnings instability and transmission of income shocks to consumption expenditure in India (05/2022)
- Self-enforcing contracts with persistence (05/2022)
- Single step estimation of ARMA roots for nonfundamental nonstationary fractional models (05/2022)
- Hours, Occupations, and Gender Differences in Labor Market Outcomes (04/2022)
- Properties of contests: Constructing contest success functions from best-responses (04/2022)
- Public financing and financial frictions and underground economy (04/2022)
- Public health policies for the common interest: rethinking EU states' incentives strategies when a pandemic reshuffles all interests [Editorial] (04/2022)
- (The Struggle for) Refugee integration into the labour market: evidence from Europe (03/2022)
- Do applications respond to changes in asylum policies in European countries? (03/2022)
- Large-scale battery storage, short-term market outcomes, and arbitrage (03/2022)
- Optimal arrangements for distribution in developing markets: theory and evidence (03/2022)
- Revisiting tax effort in emerging markets (03/2022)
- Robust estimation and forecasting of climate change using score-driven ice-age models (03/2022)
- Testing for No Cointegration in Vector Autoregressions with Estimated Degree of Fractional Integration (03/2022)
- The Determinants of Access to Informal Credits in India: An Application of Quantiles via Moments Method (03/2022)
- The impact on market outcomes of the portfolio selection of large equity investors (03/2022)
- Showing Off or Laying Low? The Economics of Psych-outs (02/2022)
- Anticipating extreme losses using score-driven shape filters (01/2022)
- Contests with dominant strategies (01/2022)
- Counting on my vote not counting: expressive voting in committees (01/2022)
- Dependent self-employment across Europe: involuntariness, country's wealth and labour market institutions (01/2022)
- Do elections accelerate the COVID-19 pandemic?: Evidence from a natural experiment (01/2022)
- Irregular identification of structural models with nonparametric unobserved heterogeneity (01/2022)
- Life cycle, financial frictions and informal labor markets: the case of Chile (01/2022)
- On the use of social networking services and the ability to socialize: evidence from Chinese children aged 10 to 15 (01/2022)
- Pyramidal cell axon initial segment in Alzheimer¿s disease (01/2022)
- Reexamining the Contribution of Public Health Efforts to the Decline in Urban Mortality: Reply (01/2022)
- Score-driven location plus scale models: asymptotic theory and an application to forecasting Dow Jones volatility (01/2022)
- A Ecolarização em Portugal no principio dos anos 40: Uma análise quantitativa = Schooling in Portugal in the Early 1940s: A Quantitative Analysis = La scolarité au Portugal au début des années 40: Une analyse quantitative (12/2021)
- Blast from the past: The altruism model is richer than you think (12/2021)
- Political salaries, electoral selection and the incumbency advantage: Evidence from a wage reform (12/2021)
- Price discrimination and market concentration: evidence from the laundry detergent market (12/2021)
- Regional and sectorial impacts of the Covid-19 crisis: Evidence from electronic payments (12/2021)
- Who is afraid of sanctions? The macroeconomic and distributional effects of the sanctions against Iran (12/2021)
- A review on the elasticity of unemployment duration to the potential duration of unemployment benefits (11/2021)
- Promoting academic honesty: a Bayesian causal analysis of an integrity pilot campaign (11/2021)
- 30 years of cointegration and dynamic factor models forecasting and its future with big data: Editorial (10/2021)
- AIDS, human capital and development (10/2021)
- Can market mechanisms solve the refugee crisis? (10/2021)
- Lift the ban? Initial employment restrictions and refugee labour market outcomes (10/2021)
- Mixed random forest, cointegration, and forecasting gasoline prices (10/2021)
- Spurious relationships in high-dimensional systems with strong or mild persistence (10/2021)
- Association of Marijuana Legalization with Marijuana Use among US High School Students, 1993-2019 (09/2021)
- Intergroup contact and nation building: Evidence from military service in Spain (09/2021)
- Multidimensional bargaining and posted prices (09/2021)
- Reshaping Thailand's labor market: The intertwined forces of technological advancements and shifting supply chains (09/2021)
- What drives spectrum prices in multi-band spectrum markets? An empirical analysis of 4G and 5G auctions in Europe (09/2021)
- Versorgungsengpässe während einer Pandemie und was dagegen getan werden kann (08/2021)
- Common Fiscal Capacity Is Needed to Strengthen Risk Sharing (07/2021)
- EU after COVID-19: an opportunity for policy coordination (07/2021)
- Local social interaction and urban equilibria (07/2021)
- Self-fulfilling debt crises, fiscal policy and investment (07/2021)
- The interactions of R&D investments and horizontal mergers (07/2021)
- Thompson aggregators, Scott continuous Koopmans operators, and Least Fixed Point theory (07/2021)
- Valence, complementarities, and political polarization (07/2021)
- CO2 emissions and energy technologies in Western Europe (06/2021)
- Managing a conflict: optimal alternative dispute resolution (06/2021)
- The economics of the energy transition (06/2021)
- Uncovering Regimes in Out of Sample Forecast Errors from Predictive Regressions* (06/2021)
- Biased experts, majority rule, and the optimal composition of committee (05/2021)
- Estimating the Elasticity to Real Time Pricing: Evidence from the Spanish Electricity Market American Economic Association Papers & Proceedings (05/2021)
- From dual to unified employment protection: Transition and steady state (05/2021)
- Neighborhood quality and opposition to immigration: Evidence from German refugee shelters (05/2021)
- Land, water and energy: the crossing of governance (04/2021)
- Monetary policy and inequality under labor market frictions and capital-skill complementarity (04/2021)
- Past, present and future of the Spanish labour market: when the pandemic meets the megatrends (04/2021)
- Product Lines and Price Discrimination in Markets with Information Frictions (04/2021)
- Semiparametric identification and fisher information (04/2021)
- Sovereign Debt Restructurings (04/2021)
- The Energy Transition: an Industrial Economics Perspective (04/2021)
- Aggregative games (03/2021)
- Designing shared spaces for firm-community collaborations for innovation: Formal policies and coordination in open source projects (03/2021)
- Optimal linear instrumental variables approximations (03/2021)
- Preempting the Entry of near Perfect Substitutes (03/2021)
- Quantile Factor Models (03/2021)
- Spillovers and strategic interaction in immigration policies (03/2021)
- Testing constancy in varying coefficient models (03/2021)
- The multiple priors of the open-minded decision maker (03/2021)
- Two-sided strategy-proofness in many-to-many matching markets (03/2021)
- Estimation of heterogeneous panels with systematic slope variations (02/2021)
- Aggregation and design of information in asset markets with adverse selection (01/2021)
- Endogenous hours and the wealth of entrepreneurs (01/2021)
- Identification of Seasonal Effects in Impulse Responses Using Score-Driven Multivariate Location Models (01/2021)
- LM Tests for Joint Breaks in the Dynamics and Level of a Long-Memory Time Series (01/2021)
- Optimal Price of Entry into a Competition (01/2021)
- The long-lasting effects of family and childhood on adult wellbeing: Evidence from British cohort data (01/2021)
- The welfare effects of asset mean-testing income support (01/2021)
- Worker churn in the cross section and over time: New evidence from Germany (01/2021)
- Risk attitudes and household migration decisions (12/2020)
- Robots, labor markets, and universal basic income (12/2020)
- Cooking that kills: Cleaner energy access, indoor air pollution, and health (11/2020)
- Social Connectivity, Media Bias, and Correlation Neglect (11/2020)
- A model of search with price discrimination (10/2020)
- La sostenibilidad del sistema de salud y el mercado farmacéutico: Una interacción permanente entre el costo de los medicamentos, el sistema de patentes y la atención a las enfermedades = The sustainability of the health system and the pharmaceutical market: A permanent interaction between the cost of medications, the patent system, and disease care (10/2020)
- The changing nature of gender selection into employment over the great recession (10/2020)
- Assessing the future medical cost burden for the European health systems under alternative exposure-to-risks scenarios (09/2020)
- News, sovereign debt maturity, and default risk (09/2020)
- Nonparametric Euler Equation Identification and Estimation (09/2020)
- Rational inattention and migration decisions (09/2020)
- Strategy-proof and group strategy-proof stable mechanisms: An equivalence (09/2020)
- Incentives for information provision: Energy efficiency in the Spanish rental market (08/2020)
- On the relationship between domestic saving and the current account: evidence and theory for developing countries (08/2020)
- Cournot equilibrium revisited (07/2020)
- Marginality and Myerson values (07/2020)
- Modeling life-cycle earnings risk with positive and negative shocks (07/2020)
- Strategic incentives for keeping one set of books under the Arm's Length Principle (07/2020)
- The Impact of a Permanent Income Shock on the Situation of Women in the Household: the case of a pension reform in Argentina (07/2020)
- Disequilibrium Trade in a Large Market for an Indivisible Good (06/2020)
- European gasoline markets: price transmission asymmetries in mean and variance (04/2020)
- Smartphone Identification via Passive Traffic Fingerprinting: A Sequence-to-Sequence Learning Approach (04/2020)
- Estimation for Dynamic Panel Data with Individual Effects (03/2020)
- Literacy and primary school expansion in Portugal: 1940-1962 (03/2020)
- Oligopolistic equilibrium and financial constraints (03/2020)
- The geography of linguistic diversity and the provision of public goods (03/2020)
- Two-step semiparametric empirical likelihood inference (02/2020)
- Welfare gains of bailouts in a sovereign default model (02/2020)
- Confidence and decision-making in experimental asset markets (01/2020)
- Recursive lower and dual upper bounds for Bermudan-style options (01/2020)
- Talkin' About a Resolution: Issues in the Push for Greater Transparency of Medicine Prices (01/2020)
- Trends in distributional characteristics: existence of global warming (01/2020)
- Estimation of dynamic nonlinear random effects models with unbalanced panels (12/2019)
- Patrones de consumo de las familias de trabajadores en Buenos Aires, Argentina,entre 1907 y 1933 (12/2019)
- The unexpected consequences of generic entry (12/2019)
- Financial frictions, occupational choice and economic inequality (11/2019)
- Gridlock and inefficient policy instruments (11/2019)
- Liquidity Sentiments (11/2019)
- Predictive Regressions (11/2019)
- Social pressure, transparency, and voting in committees (11/2019)
- Trend shocks and sudden stops (11/2019)
- Labour market flows: accounting for the public sector (10/2019)
- Long-Term Care Across Europe and the United States: The Role of Informal and Formal Care (09/2019)
- Measuring asset market linkages: nonlinear dependence and tail risk (08/2019)
- Taxation and the life cycle of firms (08/2019)
- Costs and benefits of dynamic trading in a lemons market (07/2019)
- From equals to despots: The dynamics of repeated decision making in partnerships with private information (07/2019)
- Immigrant locations and native residential preferences: Emerging ghettos or new communities? (07/2019)
- Optimal information censorship (07/2019)
- Overview of recent TJ-II stellarator results (07/2019)
- Persistence Heterogeneity Testing in Panels with Interactive Fixed Effects (07/2019)
- Quantile-Regression Inference With Adaptive Control of Size (07/2019)
- Cheap Talk and Strategic Rounding in Libor Submissions (06/2019)
- Correction to: Spatial mobility in elite academic institutions in economics: the case of Spain (06/2019)
- Economic growth, energy intensity and the energy mix (06/2019)
- O perfil discente das universidades federais mudou pós-lei de costas? = Has the student profile of federal universities changed after the lei de cotas? (06/2019)
- Political representation and public contracting: Evidence from municipal legislatures (06/2019)
- Spatial mobility in elite academic institutions in economics: the case of Spain (06/2019)
- Alternative diff-in-diffs estimators with several pretreatment periods (05/2019)
- Certainty equivalence principle in stochastic differential games: An inverse problem approach (05/2019)
- Equilibrium strategies in a defined benefit pension plan game (05/2019)
- Information in Tullock contests (05/2019)
- Steady-state assumptions in intergenerational mobility research (04/2019)
- Differentiability of the value function and Euler equation in non-concave discrete time stochastic dynamic programming (03/2019)
- Differences Between Short- and Long-Term Risk Aversion: An Optimal Asset Allocation Perspective (02/2019)
- Time-varying volatility, default and the sovereign risk premium (02/2019)
- A moment-based notion of time dependence for functional time series (01/2019)
- Water demand related to availability and price in an irrigation district in the Segura Basin (01/2019)
- When collective ignorance is bliss: Theory and experiment on voting for learning (01/2019)
- Who Quits Next? Firm Growth in Growing Economies (01/2019)
- Las subvenciones adicionales en la compañía ferroviaria MZA=The "Additional Grants" in MZA Railway Company (12/2018)
- Nonparametric tests for conditional symmetry (12/2018)
- The "Additional Grants" in MZA Railway Company (12/2018)
- Hide or Show? Observability of Private Precautions Against Crime When Property Value is Private Information (11/2018)
- Tullock contests reward information advantages (11/2018)
- A capture theory of committees (10/2018)
- Inference on trending panel data (10/2018)
- Moral hazard with non-additive uncertainty: When are actions implementable? (10/2018)
- Nonparametric tests for conditional symmetry (10/2018)
- The Evolution of gender segregation over the life course (10/2018)
- The optimal method for pricing Bermudan options by simulation (10/2018)
- A primer on capacity mechanisms (09/2018)
- Modeling of Containerized Maritime Transport (09/2018)
- News media and crime perceptions: Evidence from a natural experiment (09/2018)
- Portfolio optimization in a defined benefit pension plan where the risky assets are processes with constant elasticity of variance (09/2018)
- Dynamic pivotal politics (08/2018)
- Equation-by-equation estimation of multivariate periodic electricity price volatility (08/2018)
- Path-Breakers: how does women's political participation respond to electoral success? (08/2018)
- Polling in a proportional representation system (08/2018)
- The impact of subsidies for researchers on the gender scientific productivity gap (08/2018)
- Agricultural productivity shocks, labour reallocation and rural-urban migration in China (07/2018)
- Empleo y riesgo de violencia doméstica. ¿Importa quién es el sustentador principal? (07/2018)
- Imperfectly competitive markets, trade unions and inflation: do imperfectly competitive markets transmit more inflation than perfectly competitive ones? A theoretical appraisal (07/2018)
- Stochastic differential games for which the open-loop equilibrium is subgame perfect. (06/2018)
- Early impacts of college aid (05/2018)
- Sovereign default and the choice of maturity (05/2018)
- Evaluating long-term care policy options, taking the family seriously (04/2018)
- Frequency Domain Minimum Distance Inference For Possibly Noninvertible And Noncausal Arma Models. (04/2018)
- Generic finiteness of equilibrium distributions for bimatrix outcome game forms (04/2018)
- The effect of visa policies on international migration flows (03/2018)
- The transmission of inequality across multiple generations: testing recent theories with evidence from Germany (03/2018)
- A review of intergenerational mobility and its drivers (02/2018)
- Envelope theorem in dynamic economic models with recursive utility (02/2018)
- Meritocracy, efficiency, incentives and voting in cooperative production: a survey (02/2018)
- A new Cramer-Von Misses cointegration test with application to environmental Kuznets curve (01/2018)
- An Observational Analysis of Executive Performance in School Children (01/2018)
- Efficiency improvements for minimum distance estimation of causal and invertible ARMA models (01/2018)
- Estimation of log-GARCH models in the presence of zero returns (01/2018)
- Inefficient rushes in auctions (01/2018)
- Who actually decides? Parental influence on the housing tenure choice of their children (01/2018)
- Evaluación de la productividad y eficiencia en los aeropuertos españoles después de la liberalización del transporte aéreo = Evaluating productivity and efficiency of Spanish airports after air transport liberalization (12/2017)
- Learning by fund-raising (12/2017)
- Relinquishing power, exploitation and political unemployment in democratic organizations (12/2017)
- ¿Qué factores explican el comportamiento diferencial de la demografía española durante el siglo XIX?=What factors explain the differential behavior of Spanish demography during the 19th century? (12/2017)
- Dual employment protection and (lack of) on-the-job training: PIAAC evidence for Spain and other European countries (11/2017)
- Growth in Illyria: the role of meritocracy in the accumulation of human capital (11/2017)
- Delayed Overshooting: Is It an '80s Puzzle? (10/2017)
- Employment and the risk of domestic violence: does the breadwinner's gendermatter? (10/2017)
- Competitive search equilibrium with multidimensional heterogeneity and two-sided ex-ante investments (09/2017)
- Culture, ethnicity, and diversity (09/2017)
- New goodness-of-fit diagnostics for conditional discrete response models (09/2017)
- Preemptive Mergers in a Vertically Differentiated Unionized Oligopoly (09/2017)
- Reshaping the broadcast sector: Regulation, business rules and the potential for evaluation of new policies = La reconfiguración del sector de radiodifusión: regulación, reglas de negocio y su potencial en la evaluación de las nuevas políticas (09/2017)
- The reaction of stock market returns to unemployment (09/2017)
- Pathbreakers? Women's Electoral Success and Future Political Participation. (08/2017)
- Are migrants more productive than stayers? Some evidence for a set of highly productive academic economists (07/2017)
- Gravity models in the migration and development nexus (07/2017)
- Information Spillovers in Asset Markets with Correlated Values (07/2017)
- On the economics and politics of refugee migration (07/2017)
- On the efficiency of the first price auction (07/2017)
- Biases in Standard Measures of Intergenerational Income Dependence (06/2017)
- Reserve prices in auctions with entry when the seller is risk-averse (05/2017)
- Sincere voting in an electorate with heterogeneous preferences (05/2017)
- The Herrero-Villar approach to citation impact (05/2017)
- Do foreign exchange return regressions convey useful information on return predictability? (04/2017)
- Estudio estadístico sobre la Violencia de Género = Statistics study about violence against women (04/2017)
- Geographic mobility and research productivity in a selection of top world economics departments (04/2017)
- Inferring the Predictability Induced by a Persistent Regressor in a Predictive Threshold Model (04/2017)
- Mergers along the Global Supply Chain: Information Techonologies and Routine Tasks (04/2017)
- Production complementarities and flexibility in a model of entrepreneurship (04/2017)
- The impact of health research on length of stay in Spanish public hospitals (04/2017)
- The value of public information in common-value Tullock contests (04/2017)
- Trade and Growth: a simple model with notso-simple implications (04/2017)
- Fair student placement (03/2017)
- Multilayer OMIC data in medullary thyroid carcinoma identifies the STAT3 pathway as a potential therapeutic target in RETM918T tumors (03/2017)
- Targeted sequencing reveals low-frequency variants in EPHA genes as markers of paclitaxel-induced peripheral neuropathy (03/2017)
- The within groups and the between groups Myerson values (03/2017)
- A comparison of the Web of Science and publication-level classification systems of science (02/2017)
- Estimation of fractionally integrated panels with fixed effects and cross-section dependence (02/2017)
- Labor Supply Shocks, Native Wages, and the Adjustment of Local Employment (02/2017)
- Cross-border externalities and cooperation among representatives democracies (01/2017)
- Morphometric alterations of Golgi apparatus in Alzheimer's disease are related to tau hyperphosphorylation (01/2017)
- Peripheral diversity: transfers versus public goods (01/2017)
- Price caps with capacity precommitment (01/2017)
- Sequential PET/CT with [F-18]-FDG predicts pathological tumor response to preoperative short course radiotherapy with delayed surgery in patients with locally advanced rectal cancer using logistic regression analysis (01/2017)
- The impact of public research contracts on scientific productivity (01/2017)
- Valores de igualdad de género y especialización: diferencias entre las regiones de la UE = Values of gender equality and specialization: differences between EU region (01/2017)
- Head starts in dynamic tournaments? (12/2016)
- Heterogeneous income profiles and lifecycle bias in intergnerational mobility estimation (12/2016)
- Score-driven dynamic patent count panel data models (12/2016)
- The price of capital and the financial accelerator (12/2016)
- Exploring the differences in broadband access speeds across Glasgow (11/2016)
- Re-assessing the Impact of the Grandparent's Income on the Infant Mortality Rate: An Evaluation of the Old Age Allowance Program in Nepal (11/2016)
- Understanding connectivity to international markets: a systematic review (11/2016)
- University citation distributions (11/2016)
- Endogenous party platforms: 'stochastic' membership (10/2016)
- Trust and trustworthiness under information asymmetry and ambiguity (10/2016)
- Evaluating three decades of the European Capital of Culture programme: a difference-in-differences approach. (09/2016)
- Giving in to social pressure (09/2016)
- Risk Selection under Public Health Insurance with Opt-Out (09/2016)
- The European crisis and migration to Germany (09/2016)
- The Impact of Immigration: Why Do Studies Reach Such Different Results? (09/2016)
- The elasticity of the migrant labour supply: evidence from temporary Filipino migrants (09/2016)
- Estimation and inference in univariate and multivariate log-GARCH-X models when the conditional density is unknown (08/2016)
- Markups and the real effects of volatility shocks (08/2016)
- Switching bubbles: From Outside to Inside Bubbles (08/2016)
- A Malthus-Swan-Solow model of economic growth (07/2016)
- Deep sequencing reveals microRNAs predictive of antiangiogenic drug response (07/2016)
- In search of the determinants of European asset market comovements (07/2016)
- Multiple Openings and Competitiveness of Forward Markets: Experimental Evidence (07/2016)
- Preemptive mergers in a vertically differentiated unionized oligopoly (07/2016)
- Skorohod's representation theorem for sets of probabilities (07/2016)
- Surprise me if you can: the influence of newspaper endorsements in US presidential elections (07/2016)
- Towards a Micro-Founded Theory of Aggregate Labour Supply (07/2016)
- A quantitative theory of the gender gap in wages (06/2016)
- Distribution-free tests of conditional moment inequalities (06/2016)
- DNA copy number profiling reveals different patterns of chromosomal instability within colorectal cancer according to the age of onset (05/2016)
- Dynamic markets for lemons: performance, liquidity, and policy intervention (05/2016)
- Research output indicators are not productivity indicators (05/2016)
- A practitioners' guide to gravity models of international migration (04/2016)
- Capital goods, measured TFP and growth: The case of Spain (04/2016)
- Evaluating a bilingual education program in spain: the impact beyond foreign language learning (04/2016)
- Measuring the impact of on the job training on job mobility (04/2016)
- The "effect procargo" on technical and scale efficiency at airports: The case of Spanish airports (2009-2011) (04/2016)
- Can market mechanisms solve the refugee crisis? (03/2016)
- Comparisons of Capital Input in OECD Agriculture, 1973-2011 (03/2016)
- Molecular insights into the OGG1 gene, a cancer risk modifier in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations carriers (03/2016)
- Patent propensity, R&D and market competition: Dynamic spillovers of innovation leaders and followers (03/2016)
- The market economy investor principle: lessons learned from the ciudad de la luz case (03/2016)
- Uncovering nonlinear dynamics in air transport demand (03/2016)
- Wage expectations for higher education students in Spain (03/2016)
- A comparison of two ways of evaluating research units working in different scientific fields (02/2016)
- Optimal Bank Transparency (02/2016)
- Buscando el reforzamiento constitucional efectivo y proporcionado del derecho a la protección de la salud = In search of an effective and proportionate strengthening of the constitutional right to health protection (01/2016)
- Dynamic Contests With Bankruptcy: The Despair Effect (01/2016)
- Optimal unemployment insurance: Consumption versus expenditure (01/2016)
- Parameter drifts, misspecification and the real exchange rate in emerging countries (01/2016)
- Which firms benefit more from being located in a Science and Technology Park? Empirical evidence for Spain (01/2016)
- Can Macroeconomists Forecast Risk? Event-Based Evidence from the Euro-Area SPF (12/2015)
- Centralized vs decentralized contests (12/2015)
- Dynamic Price Competition with Switching Costs (12/2015)
- Equilibrium existence in Tullock contests with incomplete information (12/2015)
- Tradable refugee-admission quotas (TRAQs), the Syrian crisis and the new European agenda on migration (12/2015)
- Coverage of infertility treatment and fertility outcomes (11/2015)
- Functional and in silico assessment of MAX variants of unknown significance (11/2015)
- Determinacy of equilibrium in outcome game forms (10/2015)
- Do polls create momentum in political competition? (10/2015)
- Multiplicative versus fractional counting methods for co-authored publications. The case of the 500 universities in the Leiden Ranking (10/2015)
- Thyroid cancer GWAS identifies 10q26.12 and 6q14.1 as novel susceptibility loci and reveals genetic heterogeneity among populations (10/2015)
- Endogenous quality choice under upstream market power (09/2015)
- Losses from Horizontal Merger: an Extension to a Successive Oligopoly Model with Product Differentiation (09/2015)
- Optimal Public Sector Wages (09/2015)
- Bayesian mixed frequency VARs (08/2015)
- Consumption in the shadow of unemployment (08/2015)
- Returns to Skills and the Distribution of Wages: Spain 1995-2010 (08/2015)
- Information asymmetry and deception (07/2015)
- Lecture attendance, study Time, and academic performance: a panel data study (07/2015)
- Non-nested testing of spatial correlation (07/2015)
- Density characteristics and density forecast performance: a panel analysis (05/2015)
- Euler-Lagrange equations of stochastic differential games: application to a game of a productive asset (05/2015)
- Values of games with weighted graphs (05/2015)
- Efficient inference on fractionally integrated panel data models with fixed effects (04/2015)
- Employment dynamics of immigrants versus natives: evidence from the boom-bust period in spain, 2000-2011 (04/2015)
- Near unit root small open economies (04/2015)
- Differences in citation impact across countries (03/2015)
- Relative difference contest success function (03/2015)
- Science and Technology Parks and cooperation for innovation: Empirical evidence from Spain (02/2015)
- Within- and between-department variability in individual productivity: the case of economics (02/2015)
- A joint portmanteau test for conditional mean and variance time-series models (01/2015)
- Field-normalized citation impact indicators using algorithmically constructed classification systems of science (01/2015)
- Market structure and the competitive effects of switching costs (01/2015)
- The dynamics of bidding markets with financial constraints (01/2015)
- The joint effect of ethnicity and gender on occupational segregation. An approach based on the Mutual Information Index (01/2015)
- The joint effect of ethnicity and gender on occupational segregation. An approach based on the Mutual Information Index (01/2015)
- The spatial development of India (01/2015)
- didq: A command for treatment-effect estimation under alternative assumptions (01/2015)
- Influential opinion leaders (12/2014)
- State productivity growth in agriculture : catching-up and the business cycle (12/2014)
- Altruistically motivated transfers under uncertainty (11/2014)
- On evenly convex sets and functions (11/2014)
- On the optimality of not allocating (11/2014)
- Order monotonic solutions for generalized characteristic functions (11/2014)
- Citizenship, fertility, and parental investments (10/2014)
- Diferencias regionales en el costo de vida en Argentina a comienzos del siglo xx (10/2014)
- The skewness of scientific productivity (10/2014)
- Dynamic technological specialization, aggregatedconvergence and growth (09/2014)
- La internacionalización a través de la selección de estándares de certificación energética (09/2014)
- Non-revelation mechanisms in many-to-one markets (09/2014)
- On the empirical content of carbon leakage criteria in the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (09/2014)
- Pass-through of emissions costs in electricity markets (09/2014)
- The impact of a carbon tax on manufacturing: evidence from microdata (09/2014)
- The impact of science and technology parks on firms' product innovation: empirical evidence from Spain (09/2014)
- Conditional stochastic dominance tests in dynamic settings (08/2014)
- Did the euro change the effect of fundamentals on growth and uncertainty? (08/2014)
- Industry compensation under relocation risk: a firm-level analysis of the EU emissions trading scheme (08/2014)
- Religion, politician identity and development outcomes: evidence from India (08/2014)
- Sovereign credit ratings, market volatility, and financial gains (08/2014)
- Funcionamiento y diseño de los mercados eléctricos :¿qué nos enseña la teoría de juegos? (07/2014)
- Política sobre el cambio climático y sector manufacturero : la experiencia de "comercio de carbono" (07/2014)
- Resistance to technology adoption: the rise and decline of guilds (07/2014)
- Tradable Immigration Quotas (07/2014)
- Does recession drive convergence in firms' productivity? : evidence from Spanish manufacturing firms (06/2014)
- Innovación tecnológica y crecimiento en la Unión Europea (06/2014)
- Nonparametric estimation and inference for conditional density based Granger causality measures (06/2014)
- The effect on citation inequality of differences in citation practices at the web of science subject category level (06/2014)
- Detecting big structural breaks in large factor models (05/2014)
- Fractional cointegration rank estimation (05/2014)
- Health and the political agency of women (05/2014)
- A dynamic model of altruistically-motivated transfers (04/2014)
- How informative are the subjective density forecasts of macroeconomists? (04/2014)
- Labor contracts and flexibility: evidence from a labor market reform in Spain (04/2014)
- Spatial Development (04/2014)
- The impact of extreme observations in citation distributions (04/2014)
- Choice overload, satisficing behavior and price distribution in a time allocation model (03/2014)
- Experience vs. obsolescence: a vintage-human-capital model (03/2014)
- Interactions between private and public sector wages (03/2014)
- Maximizing and satisficing in a choice model based on time allocation (03/2014)
- State dependence and heterogeneity in health using a bias-corrected fixed-effects estimator (03/2014)
- Vintage human capital and learning curves (03/2014)
- Assessing the effect of public subsidies on firm R&D investment: a survey (02/2014)
- Capacity precommitment, price competition and forward markets (02/2014)
- Dynamic binary outcome models with maximal heterogeneity (02/2014)
- Measurement error in imputation procedures (02/2014)
- Competitive equilibrium with search frictions: a general equilibrium approach (01/2014)
- Entry and espionage with noisy signals (01/2014)
- Risk premium, variance premium, and the maturity structure of uncertainty (01/2014)
- Specification analysis of linear quantile models (01/2014)
- Summability of stochastic processes: a generalization of integration for non-linear processes (01/2014)
- The comparison of classification-system-based normalization procedures with source normalization alternatives in Waltman and Van Eck (2013) (01/2014)
- The evolution of the scientific productivity of highly productive economists (01/2014)
- Uniform convergence of weighted sums of non and semiparametric residuals for estimation and testing (01/2014)
- Portfolio selection in a data-rich environment (12/2013)
- Relationships among technology institutes and firms: are determining factors dependent on the type of service provided? (12/2013)
- Strategy-proofness on restricted separable domains (12/2013)
- Decentralization, political competition and corruption (11/2013)
- Automatic Specification Testing for Vector Autoregressions and Multivariate Nonlinear Time Series Models (10/2013)
- Boosting scientific research: evidence from a public program (10/2013)
- Financial development and the product cycle (10/2013)
- Towards a proper assignment of systemic risk: the combined roles of network topology and shock characteristics (10/2013)
- Urban accounting and welfare (10/2013)
- Doubts and equilibria (09/2013)
- Games with capacity manipulation: incentives and Nash equilibria (09/2013)
- How important is intra-household risk sharing for savings and labor supply? (09/2013)
- Precautionary savings and wealth distribution under habit formation preferences (09/2013)
- Two-dimensional nematics in bulk and confined geometries (09/2013)
- Competition in prescription drug markets: the roles of trademarks, advertising, and generic names (08/2013)
- Education, language and identity (08/2013)
- Give peace a chance: the effect of ownership and asymmetric information on peace (08/2013)
- House prices, sales, and time on the market: a search-theoretic framework (08/2013)
- The effect of birthright citizenship on parental integration outcomes (08/2013)
- On gender gaps and self-fulfilling expectations: alternative implications of paid-for training (07/2013)
- Quantitative evaluation of alternative field normalization procedures (07/2013)
- The role of statistics in establishing the similarity of citation distributions in a static and a dynamic context (07/2013)
- The welfare effects of location and quality in oligopoly (07/2013)
- Comments on: Model-free model-fitting and predictive distributions (06/2013)
- Generic drug names and social welfare (06/2013)
- Reaction to public information in markets: how much does ambiguity matter? (06/2013)
- The identification of a mixture of first-order binary Markov Chains (06/2013)
- Domestic transport infrastructure and firms' export market participation (05/2013)
- Endogenous strength in conflicts (05/2013)
- Multilateral resistance to migration (05/2013)
- The comparison of normalization procedures based on different classification systems (05/2013)
- Tests for m-dependence based on Sample Splitting Methods (04/2013)
- Crossing the border: self-selection, earnings and individual migration decisions (03/2013)
- Heterogeneous trade costs and wage inequality: a model of two globalizations (03/2013)
- On the properties of regression tests of stock return predictability using dividend-price ratios (03/2013)
- The measurement of the effect on citation inequality of differences in citation practices across scientific fields (03/2013)
- Certification of corporate social responsibility activities in oligopolistic markets (02/2013)
- Entropy and the value of information for investors (02/2013)
- Understanding different migrant selection patterns in rural and urban Mexico (02/2013)
- Acyclicity and singleton cores in matching markets (01/2013)
- Altruism and Exchange in Intergenerational Transfers: The Demand for Children Emergency Room (01/2013)
- Conditional stochastic dominance testing (01/2013)
- Federal directives, local discretion, and the majority rule (01/2013)
- Imitating the most successful neighbor in social networks (01/2013)
- La aplicación de las TIC en actividades médicas y servicios sociales: un análisis desde el punto de vista de los costes y beneficios económicos y financieros (01/2013)
- Micro versus macro consumption data: the cyclical properties of the consumer expenditure survey (01/2013)
- Microstructure and tensile properties of oxide dispersion strengthened Fe-14Cr-0.3Y2O3 and Fe-14Cr-2W-0.3Ti-0.3Y 2O3 (01/2013)
- Organizational structure, strategic delegation and innovation in oligopolistic industries (01/2013)
- Strategy-proof allocation mechanisms for economies with public goods (01/2013)
- The determinants of pricing in pharmaceuticals: are U.S. prices really so high? (01/2013)
- When are signals complements or substitutes? (01/2013)
- Youth unemployment (01/2013)
- A simple test for identification in GMM under conditional moment restrictions (12/2012)
- Can We Infer Hospital Quality from Medical Graduates' Residency Choices? (12/2012)
- Labor market conditions and self-employment: a Denmark-Spain comparison (12/2012)
- Portfolio risk management in a data-rich environment (12/2012)
- Reforming an insider-outsider labor market: the Spanish experience (12/2012)
- Retos regulatorios y temas pendientes en el sector eléctrico español (12/2012)
- Wage bargaining, productivity growth and long-run industry structure (12/2012)
- Lloyd S. Shapley y Alvin E. Roth: un Nobel a la elegancia y la sencillez (11/2012)
- Multiplicative and fractional strategies when journals are assigned to several subfields (11/2012)
- Price regulation in oligopolistic markets (11/2012)
- Suicidal punishment in the ant Acromyrmex versicolor (11/2012)
- The Citation Merit of Scientific Publications (11/2012)
- Automated model selection in finance: general-to-specific modelling of the mean and volatility specifications (10/2012)
- Corrigendum to "The measurement of low- and high-impact in citation distributions: Technical results" [J. Informetrics 5 (2011) 48-63] (10/2012)
- Sub-field normalization in the multiplicative case: Average-based citation indicators (10/2012)
- The end of the "European Paradox" (10/2012)
- Are men and women-economists evenly distributed across research fields? Some new empirical evidence (09/2012)
- Distribution-free tests of stochastic monotonicity (09/2012)
- How do markets manage water resources? : an experiment (09/2012)
- On the distribution of public funding to political parties (09/2012)
- The evolution of markets and the revolution of industry: a unified theory of growth (09/2012)
- The pros and cons of the latest labour market reform in Spain (09/2012)
- The toll of fertility on mothers' wellbeing (09/2012)
- Three is a crowd in iterated prisoner's dilemmas: experimental evidence on reciprocal behavior (09/2012)
- Comparing globalizations (08/2012)
- Hub-and-spoke free trade areas: theory and evidence from Israel (08/2012)
- Pitfalls in backtesting historical simulation VaR models (08/2012)
- The euro and economic uncertainty in debt crises (08/2012)
- Two-Tier Labour Markets in the Great Recession: France Versus Spain (08/2012)
- A macro-economic model to forecast remittances based on Monte-Carlo simulation and artificial intelligence (07/2012)
- A simple decentralized matching mechanism in markets with couples (07/2012)
- Impacts of Family Size on the Family as a Whole: Evidence from the Developing World (07/2012)
- On gender Gaps and self-fulfilling expectations: alternative implications of paid-for training (07/2012)
- Stochastic pension funding when the benefit and the risky asset follow jump diffusion processes (07/2012)
- The Role of Information Provision as a Policy Instrument to Supplement Environmental Taxes (07/2012)
- Use of education as social indicator in the assessment of sustainability throughout the life cycle of a building (07/2012)
- Differentiability of the value function in continuous-time economic models (06/2012)
- El déficit tarifario en el sector eléctrico español (06/2012)
- It is Hobbes, not Rousseau: an experiment on voting and redistribution (06/2012)
- Performance of knowledge interactions between public research centres and industrial firms in Spain: a project-level analysis (06/2012)
- Sub-field normalization in the multiplicative case: High- and low-impact citation indicators (06/2012)
- Determinacy of equilibrium outcome distributions for zero sum and common utility games (05/2012)
- Does immigration cause crime? : evidence from Spain (05/2012)
- Innovation in Space (05/2012)
- Regime-specific predictability in predictive regressions (05/2012)
- The effects of entry regulation on bank competition: the case of the iranian banking industry (05/2012)
- How to allocate forward contracts: the case of electricity markets (04/2012)
- Information Acquisition and the Exclusion of Evidence in Trials (04/2012)
- Labour market flows: Facts from the United Kingdom (04/2012)
- Modelling electricity prices: international evidence (04/2012)
- Nonparametric Copula-Based Test for Conditional Independence with Applications to Granger Causality (04/2012)
- Sovereign credit ratings and financial markets linkages: Application to European data (04/2012)
- Vertical integration, market foreclosure and quality investment (04/2012)
- Anatomy of a Paradox: Management Practices, Organizational Structure and Energy Efficiency (03/2012)
- Managing a duopolistic water market with confirmed proposals : an experiment (03/2012)
- Moments of Multivariate Regime Switching with Application to Risk-Return Trade-Off (03/2012)
- Securities market theory: Possession, repo and rehypothecation (03/2012)
- Stochastically stable implementation (03/2012)
- The evaluation of citation distributions (03/2012)
- The political economy of linguistic cleavages (03/2012)
- Can We Still Learn Something From the Relationship Between Fertility and Mother's Employment? Evidence From Developing Countries (02/2012)
- An asymptotically pivotal transform of the residuals sample autocorrelations with application to model checking (01/2012)
- Comment on: "Auctions with a buy price: The case of reference-dependent preferences" (01/2012)
- Comments on: Some recent theory for autoregressive count time series (01/2012)
- Competitiveness indicators: The importance of an efficient allocation of resources (01/2012)
- Influence of a research career on the scientific productivity and impact of Spanish researchers: the cumulative advantage role (01/2012)
- Intergenerational linkages in consumption patterns and the geographical distribution of surnames (01/2012)
- Measuring High-Frequency Causality Between Returns, Realized Volatility, and Implied Volatility (01/2012)
- Re-employment probabilities of unemployment benefit recipients (01/2012)
- The impact of unilateral divorce on crime (01/2012)
- The new new labour market reform in Spain: Objectives, instruments, and shortcomings (01/2012)
- Knowledge Disclosure as Intellectual Property Rights Protection (12/2011)
- Comments on: Subsampling weakly dependent time series and application to extremes (11/2011)
- Implementation in adaptive better-response dynamics: Towards a general theory of bounded rationality in mechanisms (11/2011)
- Second best efficiency and the English auction (11/2011)
- Average-based versus high- and low-impact indicators for the evaluation of scientific distributions (10/2011)
- Bootstrap assisted specification tests for the Arfima Model (10/2011)
- If happiness is relative, against whom do we compare ourselves? Implications for labour supply (10/2011)
- L'unione fiscal svolta per l'Europa (10/2011)
- Waiting to Imitate: On the Dynamic Pricing of Knowledge (10/2011)
- Credit and inflation under borrowerʼs lack of commitment (09/2011)
- The Influence of the Mother's Power on her Child's Labor in Mexico (09/2011)
- The effect of ideology on policy outcomes in proportional representation systems (09/2011)
- The stability and breakup of nations: a quantitative analysis (09/2011)
- Timing of technology adoption and product market competition (09/2011)
- Entropy-based Segregation Indices (08/2011)
- THE ET INTERVIEW: PETER M. ROBINSON Interviewed by Miguel A. Delgado Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and F. Javier Hidalgo London School of Economics (08/2011)
- The skewness of science in 219 sub-fields and a number of aggregates (08/2011)
- Women in politics : evidence from the Indian States (08/2011)
- Complementarities between Universities and Technology Institutes: New empirical lessons and perspectives (07/2011)
- Endogenous capacities and price competition: the role of demand uncertainty (07/2011)
- Nonstationary discrete-time deterministic and stochastic control systems:Bounded and unbounded cases (07/2011)
- Algunas explicaciones para el grado de penetración de la banda ancha (06/2011)
- Energy Use Patterns in German Industry: Evidence from Plant-level Data (06/2011)
- Social interactions and spillovers (06/2011)
- El impacto de los parques científicos y tecnológicos españoles sobre la innovación empresarial según distintos tipos de empresas (05/2011)
- Harold Kincaid & Don Ross, eds. 2009, The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Economics [book review] (05/2011)
- Hidden information, bargaining power, and efficiency: an experiment (05/2011)
- The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Economics (05/2011)
- Welfare maximizing contest success functions when the planner cannot commit (05/2011)
- El papel de las universidades y los centros tecnológicos como impulsores de la actividad innovadora (04/2011)
- A note on Bagwell's paradox and forward induction in three classic games (03/2011)
- The Insider's Curse (03/2011)
- The Quality of Political Institutions and the Curse of Natural Resources (03/2011)
- A solution concept for housing market problems with externalities (02/2011)
- Alimentación y actividad física: un reto de nuestro tiempo=Diet and physical activity: A current challenge (02/2011)
- Do fiscal imbalances deteriorate sovereign debt ratings? (02/2011)
- Implementation with renegotiation when preferences and feasible sets are state dependent (02/2011)
- Optimal contracts with team production and hidden information: an experiment (02/2011)
- The impact of research and technology organizations on firm competitiveness. Measurement and determinants (02/2011)
- Auctions with heterogeneous entry costs (01/2011)
- Collateral fluctuations in a monetary economy (01/2011)
- Demonstration of power: Experimental results on bilateral bargaining (01/2011)
- High-and Low-Impact Citation Measures: Empirical Applications (01/2011)
- Measurement of Low- and High-Impact in Citation Distributions: Technical Results (01/2011)
- Microstructure and mechanical properties of ultrafine-grained Fe-14Cr and ODS Fe-14Cr model alloys (01/2011)
- References Made and Citations Received by Scientific Articles (01/2011)
- Review on the EFDA work programme on nano-structured ODS RAF steels (01/2011)
- What drives international equity correlations? Volatility or market direction? (01/2011)
- Grounding Public Health Policies in Ethics and Economic Efficiency: SESPAS Report 2010 (12/2010)
- Preferencias del turista en España: un estudio en función de la categoría del establecimiento hotelero elegido: 1983-2008 (12/2010)
- Social Preferences and Strategic Uncertainty: An Experiment on Markets and Contracts (12/2010)
- Strategic Profit Sharing between Firms (12/2010)
- Exact Optimal Inference in Regression Models under Heteroskedasticity and Non-Normality of Unknown Form (11/2010)
- Knowledge Spillovers in US Patents: A Dynamic Patent Intensity Model with Secret Common Innovation Factors (11/2010)
- Productivity and International Competitiveness of Agriculture in the European Union and the United States (11/2010)
- Specification Tests of Parametric Dynamic Conditional Quantiles (11/2010)
- The Effect of Reliability, Content and Timing of Public Announcements on Asset Trading Behavior (11/2010)
- A Comparison of the Scientific Performance of the US and the European Union at the Turn of the 21st Century (10/2010)
- On a PDE Arising in One-Dimensional Stochastic Control Problems (10/2010)
- A Model of Merchants (09/2010)
- Advance Purchase Discounts versus Clearance Sales (09/2010)
- Modelling and Measuring Price Discovery in Commodity Markets (09/2010)
- Multibidding Game under Uncertainty (09/2010)
- The Causes and Economic Consequences of Envy (09/2010)
- Credit easing: la política monetaria de la Reserva Federal durante la crisis financiera (08/2010)
- Data-Driven Smooth Tests for the Martingale Difference Hypothesis (08/2010)
- Labor-Market Volatility in the Search-and-Matching Model: The Role of Investment-Specific Technology Shocks (08/2010)
- Nonstationary Discrete-Time Deterministic and Stochastic Control Systems with Infinite Horizon (08/2010)
- Competition in Bureaucracy and Corruption (07/2010)
- El conflicto entre la demanda de flexibilidad laboral y la resistencia a la reforma del mercado de trabajo en España (07/2010)
- Monty Hall Drives a Wedge between Judy Benjamin and the Sleeping Beauty: A Reply to Bovens (07/2010)
- On the Complementarity of Money and Credit (07/2010)
- On the Endogeneity of Exchange Rate Regimes (07/2010)
- The Effects of Airline Alliances: What do the Aggregate Data Say? (07/2010)
- Competencia y poder de mercado en los mercados eléctricos (06/2010)
- Economic Evidence and the Quantification of Damages in Competition Cases in Spain (06/2010)
- How to Translate Results from Auctions to Procurements (06/2010)
- Information and Delay in an Agency Model (06/2010)
- La justificación de las políticas de salud pública desde la ética y la eficiencia económica: informe SESPAS 2010 = Grounding Public Health Policies in Ethics and Economic Efficiency: SESPAS Report 2010 (06/2010)
- The Making of "Estimation of Common Long Memory Components in Cointegrated Systems" (06/2010)
- Bigger is Better: Market Size, Demand Elasticity, and Innovation (05/2010)
- Decentralized Trade Mitigates the Lemons Problem (05/2010)
- Public Selection and Financing of R&D Cooperative Projects: Credit versus Subsidy Funding (05/2010)
- Related Diversification and R&D Intensity Dynamics (05/2010)
- Distribution-Free Tests for Time Series Models Specification (04/2010)
- Investment-Specific Shocks and Cyclical Fluctuations in a Frictional Labor Market (04/2010)
- Econometric Reduction Theory and Philosophy (03/2010)
- Foundations for Contest Success Functions (03/2010)
- Minority vs. Majority: An Experimental Study of Standardized Bids (03/2010)
- On Spatial Dynamics (03/2010)
- Optimal Information Transmission in Organizations: Search and Congestion (03/2010)
- Peace Agreements without Commitment (03/2010)
- Evolución reciente de la población en España y proyecciones a corto y largo plazo (02/2010)
- Heterogeneity in Dynamic Discrete Choice Models (02/2010)
- La crisis y el futuro de la macroeconomía (02/2010)
- Optimal Asset Allocation for Aggregated Defined Benefit Pension Funds with Stochastic Interest Rates (02/2010)
- The Wealth Distribution with Durable Goods (02/2010)
- Approximating the critical values of Cram¿-von Mises tests in general parametric conditional specifications (01/2010)
- Asymptotic Properties of the Bernstein Density Copula estimator for alfa-mixing data (01/2010)
- Asymptotic distribution-free diagnostic tests for heteroskedastic time series models (01/2010)
- Backtesting parametric value-at-risk with estimation risk (01/2010)
- On the Existence of Bayesian Cournot Equilibrium (01/2010)
- Short and Long Run Causality Measures: Theory and Inference (01/2010)
- Testing single-index restrictions with a focus on average derivatives (01/2010)
- The Keynesian Multiplier and the Pigou Effect under Substitution between Private and Public Consumption (01/2010)
- Linguistic Diversity and Redistribution (12/2009)
- Comments on: A Review on Empirical Likelihood Methods for Regression (11/2009)
- Computing Welfare Losses from Data under Imperfect Competition with Heterogeneous Goods (11/2009)
- Endogenous Capital Market Imperfections, Human Capital, and Intergenerational Mobility (11/2009)
- List Pricing and Discounting in a Bertrand-Edgeworth Duopoly (11/2009)
- Spatial Growth and Industry Age (11/2009)
- On the Imposibility of Representing Infinite Utility Streams (10/2009)
- Un diseño de mercado para el sector eléctrico español (10/2009)
- Why a fixed Work-Week? (10/2009)
- Analytical Value-at-Risk and Expected Shorfall under Regime Switching (09/2009)
- Bank Runs and Institutions: The Perils of Intervention (09/2009)
- Differentiability of the Value Function without Interiority Assumptions (09/2009)
- Hopf-Lax Formula for Variational Problems with Non-Constant Discount (09/2009)
- Método de la cadena de Markov-remuestro-punto de rompimiento estructural del crecimiento económico = Method of the Chain of Markov-Resampling-Breaking Structural Point of Economic Growth (09/2009)
- Recent advances in Nonparametric and Semiparametric Econometrics: Honouring Peter M. Robinson: Editor Introduction (09/2009)
- Run Equilibria in the Green-Lin Model of Financial Intermediation (09/2009)
- Sustainability of Collusion: Evidence from the Late 19th Century Basque Iron and Steel Industry (09/2009)
- A Wald Test for the Cointegrating Rank in Nonstationary Fractional Systems (08/2009)
- Ciencia y Economía = Science and Economy (08/2009)
- Investment Climate Assessment in Indonesia, Malaysia, The Philippines and Thailand: Results from Pooling Firms-Level Data (08/2009)
- Recent Advances in Time Series Analysis: A volume Honouring Peter M. Robinson: Editor's Introduction (08/2009)
- Renégotiation de contrats dans l'Industrie du transport urbain en France (07/2009)
- Agglomeration Effects in Foreign Direct Investment and the Pollution Haven Hypothesis (06/2009)
- El efecto del ciclo económico en las entradas y salidas de inmigrantes de España = The Effect of Macroeconomic Fluctuations on the Inflows and Outflows of Migrants in Spain (06/2009)
- Employment Generation by Small Producers in Spain (06/2009)
- International Trade Policy towards Monopolies and Oligopolies (06/2009)
- Avoiding the Inflation Tax (05/2009)
- Labor turnover costs and the cyclical behavior of vacancies and unemployment (05/2009)
- Which Factors Determine Academic Performance of Economics Freshers?: Some Spanish Evidence (05/2009)
- La creación de empleo de las pequeñas empresas en España (04/2009)
- Marriage and Divorce since World War II: Analyzing the Role of Technological Progress on the Formation of Households (04/2009)
- The Shared Reward Dilemma on Structured Populations (04/2009)
- Cooperative Production and Efficiency (03/2009)
- Information Acqusition in Auctions: Sealed Bids vs Open Bids (03/2009)
- On the Estimation of the Effect of Labour Participation on Fertility (03/2009)
- Pobreza relativa y absoluta: el caso de México (1992-2004) (03/2009)
- Endogenous Protection of R&D Investments (02/2009)
- Managing External Knowledge Flows: The Moderating Role of Absorptive Capacity (02/2009)
- On-the-Job Search in a Matching Model with Heterogeneous Jobs and Workers (02/2009)
- Why is the Rate of Single Parenthood Lower in Canada than in the U.S.?: A Dynamic Equilibrium Analysis of Welfare Policies (02/2009)
- An automatic Portmanteau test for serial correlation (01/2009)
- Competition Among Contests (01/2009)
- Corrigendum to "Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions to the Bellman Equation in the Unbounded Case" (01/2009)
- Delaying Retirement in Spain (01/2009)
- Distribution-free specification tests for dynamic linear models (01/2009)
- Inequality for Wage Earners and Self-Employed: Evidence from Panel Data (01/2009)
- Microstructural characterization of Y2O3 ODS-Fe-Cr model alloys (01/2009)
- On the lack of power of omnibus specification tests (01/2009)
- Quasi-maximum likelihood estimation of semi-strong garch models (01/2009)
- The Invariance Properties of the Mutual Information Index of Multigroup Segregation (01/2009)
- The Voluntary Provision of a Pure Public Good?: Another Look at CFC Emissions and the Montreal Protocol (01/2009)
- Demand and Supply Estimation Biases Due to Omission of Durability (12/2008)
- Inflation, Price Competition, and Consumer Search Technology (12/2008)
- Collateral Secured Loans in a Monetary Economy (11/2008)
- Does Immigration Affect the Phillips Curve?: Some Evidence from Spain (11/2008)
- Fractional Cointegration in the Presence of Linear Trends (11/2008)
- Suicidal Altruism Under Random Assortment (11/2008)
- CEO Compensation: Trends, Market Changes, and Regulation (10/2008)
- Macroeconomic Implications of Size-Dependent Policies (10/2008)
- Separation Costs, Job Heterogeneity and Labor Market Volatility in the Matching Model (10/2008)
- Economics Research in Spain During the 1990's: A Literature Review (09/2008)
- Efficient Partnership Dissolution Under Buy-Sell Clauses (09/2008)
- School Choice and Information: An Experimental Study on Matching Mechanisms (09/2008)
- Surnames and Social Status in Spain (09/2008)
- Welfare Losses Under Cournot Competition (09/2008)
- Are Technology Institutes a Satisfactory Tool for Public Intervention in the Area of Technology?: A Neoclassical and Evolutionary Evaluation (08/2008)
- Foreign Direct Investment and Spillovers: Gradualism May Be Better (08/2008)
- Uniform Continuity of the Value of Zero-Sum Games with Differential Information (08/2008)
- Ceilings or Floors? Gender Wage Gaps by Education in Spain (07/2008)
- Moral Hazard and the Demand for Health Services: A Matching Estimator Approach (07/2008)
- Nominal Debt as a Burden on Monetary Policy (07/2008)
- On the User Cost and Homeownership (07/2008)
- The Effect of Immigration on the Labor Market Performance of Native-Born Workers: Some Evidence for Spain (07/2008)
- A Nonparametric Decomposition of the Mexican American Average Wage Gap (06/2008)
- Cohomological Finiteness Conditions: Spaces Versus H-Spaces (06/2008)
- Differentiable Strategy-Proof Mechanisms for Private and Public Goods in Domains that are not Necessarily Large or Quasi-Linear (06/2008)
- Distribution-Free Tests of Fractional Cointegration (06/2008)
- Segmentación geográfica en los servicios de telecomunicaciones: aspectos económicos y tecnológicos (06/2008)
- The Surprise Exam Paradox, Rationality, and Pragmatics: A Simple Game-Theoretic Analysis (06/2008)
- Two-Tier Employment Protection Reforms: The Spanish Experience (06/2008)
- Wald Tests of I(1) against I(d) Alternatives: Some New Properties and an Extension to Processes with Trending Components (06/2008)
- Capital as a Factor of Production in OECD Agriculture: Measurement and Data (05/2008)
- Mean-Variance Portfolio and Contribution Selection in Stochastic Pension Funding (05/2008)
- Precios de la tierra con presión urbana: un modelo para España (05/2008)
- Compulsory Language Educational Policies and Identity Formation (04/2008)
- Extreme Voting Under Proportional Representation: The Multidimensional Case (04/2008)
- From Temporary Help Jobs to Permanent Employment: What Can We Learn from Matching Estimators and Their Sensitivity? (04/2008)
- Power Comparison Among Tests for Fractional Unit Roots (04/2008)
- Interdependent Preferences and Segregating Equilibria (03/2008)
- Modelling the impact of aging on social security expenditures (03/2008)
- On the Generic Finiteness of Equilibrium Outcome Distributions in Bimatrix Game Forms (03/2008)
- Permanent and Transitory Components of GDP and Stock Prices: Further Analysis (03/2008)
- Specification Testing (03/2008)
- The Shared Reward Dilemma (03/2008)
- Emergence and Resilience of Cooperation in the Spatial Prisoner's Dilemma Via a Reward Mechanism (02/2008)
- Forms of Governance and the Size of Rent-Seeking (02/2008)
- Ceilings or floors? Gender wage gaps by education in Spain (Journal of Population Economics DOI: 10.1007/s00148-006-0128-1) (01/2008)
- Flexibility at the Margin and Labor Market Volatility in OECD Countries (01/2008)
- Funding and Investment Decisions in a Stochastic Defined Benefit Pension Plan with Several Levels of Labor-Income Earnings (01/2008)
- Gamson's Law and Hedonic Games (01/2008)
- Joint and marginal specification tests for conditional mean and variance models (01/2008)
- Semiparametric estimation of dynamic conditional expected shortfall models (01/2008)
- Social Preferences, Skill Segregation, and Wage Dynamics (01/2008)
- Testing for Cointegration Using Induced-Order Statistics (01/2008)
book chapters
- Multigenerational inequality. In: Research Handbook on Intergenerational Inequality (05/2024)
- Multigenerational inequality. In: Research Handbook on Intergenerational Inequality (05/2024)
- Building nations through internal mobility: evidence from Spanish conscripts. In: Nation Building: Big Lessons from Successes and Failures (02/2023)
- Educational inequality. In: Handbook of the Economics of Education (01/2023)
- Expectations and incomplete markets. In: Handbook of Economic Expectations (01/2023)
- Dynamic Bargaining with Private Information. In: Bargaining: current research and future directions (04/2022)
- Asias corporate debt: assessingits role in financial vulnerability. In: The Sustainability of Asia"s Debt Problems, Policies, and Practices (02/2022)
- Economía laboral y big data: panorámica sobre técnicas de regularización en la evaluación de efectos causales. In: Análisis econométrico y big data (06/2021)
- Inmigración y políticas migratorias en España. In: El Futuro de las Pensiones en Espan¿a (06/2021)
- Las pensiones de viudedad. In: El futuro de las pensiones en España (06/2021)
- Desafío: Preparar nuestro estado de bienestar para una sociedad más longeva. In: Espan¿a 2050: Fundamentos y propuestas para una Estrategia Nacional de Largo Plazo (05/2021)
- Common and Idiosyncratic Factors of Real Interest Rates in Emerging Economies. In: The Natural Interest Rates in Emerging Economies (10/2020)
- Dual Labour Markets Revisited. In: Oxford Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance (02/2020)
- Growth and convergence among Argentine provinces since 1895. In: Time and Space: Latin American Regional Development in Historical Perspective (01/2020)
- Regional Inequality in Latin America: Does It Mirror the European Pattern?. In: Time and Space: Latin American Regional Development in Historical Perspective (01/2020)
- Spatial inequality in Latin America (1895-2010). In: Time and Space: Latin American Regional Development in Historical Perspective (01/2020)
- Las consecuencias de los canales de entrada de lainmigración en España. In: El fenómeno migratorio en España. Reflexiones desde el ámbito de la Seguridad Nacional (02/2019)
- The impact of age of entry on academic progression. In: Data-driven policy impact evaluation: how microdata is transforming policy design (01/2019)
- Combining physical and financial solidarity in asylum policy. In: The human and economic implications of twenty-first century immigration policy (10/2018)
- Benefits and costs of the gender equality targets for the post-2015 development agenda. In: Prioritizing development. A cost benefita analysis of the United Nations' sustainable development goals (05/2018)
- Segregation: empirical findings. In: Handbook of research on economic and social well-being (03/2018)
- Assessing coordinated effects in merger cases. In: Handbook of Game Theory and Industrial Organization. Vol II. Applications (02/2018)
- Auctions. In: Handbook of game theory and industrial organization. Volume II. Applications (02/2018)
- Contest theory. In: Handbook of game theory and industrial organization. Volume II. Applications (02/2018)
- Introduction. Handbook of Game Theory and Industrial Organization, Volume I Theory . In: Handbook of game theory and industrial organization, Volume I. Theory (02/2018)
- Introduction. Handbook of Game Theory and Industrial Organization, Volume II Applications. In: Handbook of Game Theory and Industrial Organization, Volume II Applications (02/2018)
- On the asymptotic efficiency of directional model checks for regression. In: From Statistics to Mathematical Finance: Festscrift in Honour of Winfried Stute (09/2017)
- Efficient solidarity mechanisms in asylum policy. In: Refugees and economic migrants: facts, policies and challenges (01/2016)
- Interdisciplinarity in the study of behaviour change: experiences, promises and challenges. In: Thinking about behaviour change: an interdisciplinary dialogue (10/2015)
- La evaluación docente basada en el resultado como vía de mejora del sistema educativo. In: Reflexiones sobre el sistema educativo español (06/2015)
- El intercambio de información y el funcionamiento del mecado de crédito. In: Préstamo responsable y prevención del sobreendeudamiento (01/2014)
- Nonparametric distribution-free model checks for multivariate dynamic regressions. In: Contemporary Developments in Statistical Theory. A Festschrift for Hira Lal Koul (01/2014)
- Equilibrium in economics and game theory. In: Encyclopedia of Philosophy and the Social Sciences (01/2013)
- Estimation and inference in threshold type regime switching models. In: Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Empirical Macroeconomics (01/2013)
- Model adequacy checks for discrete choice dynamic models. In: Recent Advances and Future Directions in Causality, Prediction, and Specification Analysis: Essays in Honor of Halbert L. White Jr. (08/2012)
- User cost, home ownership and house prices: United States. In: International encyclopedia of housing and home (07/2012)
- Participación española en misiones de paz : un enfoque cuantitativo. In: Defensa y Globalización (06/2012)
- Copula-based volatility models. In: Handbook of volatility models and their applications (04/2012)
- Estimation and inference in threshold type regime switching models. In: Handbook of research methods and applications in empirical macroeconomics (04/2012)
- Comentario: las diferentes explicaciones del desempleo en España y sus consecuencias para la política de empleo. In: El mercado de trabajo en la obra de Luis Toharia (01/2012)
- Globalización económica : dimensiones y efectos. In: Temario de preparación al cuerpo de profesores de enseñanza secundaria (01/2012)
- La integración económica y monetaria de la Unión Europea. In: Temario de preparación al cuerpo de profesores de enseñanza secundaria (01/2012)
- Las razones del comercio internacional. In: Temario de preparación al cuerpo de profesores de enseñanza secundaria (01/2012)
- Los pagos internacionales y el mercado de divisas. In: Temario de preparación al cuerpo de profesores de enseñanza secundaria (01/2012)
- Operaciones con el exterior : la balanza de pagos. In: Temario de preparación al cuerpo de profesores de enseñanza secundaria (01/2012)
- Climate change, investment and carbon markets and prices &- evidence from manager interviews : carbon pricing for low-carbon investment project. In: Carbon pricing project (02/2011)
- Remuneración por rendimiento y diferencial salarial de género en España. In: Talento, esfuerzo y movilidad social (02/2011)
- Diferencias de género en competencia y cooperación. In: Economía experimental y del comportamiento (01/2011)
- Incentivos en el sistema de I+D: el programa Ramón y Cajal. In: Análisis sobre ciencia e innovación en España (12/2010)
- Economía y Sociedad de la Información y del Conocimiento (SIC) en España: una comparación internacional. In: La Sociedad de la Información y el Conocimiento (09/2010)
- Home ownership : economic benefits. In: International encyclopedia of housing and home (07/2010)
- El enigma de los concursos empresariales en España y la crisis. In: La crisis de la economía española: análisis económico de la Gran Recesión (06/2010)
- On Testing Conditional Moment Restrictions. In: Structural Econometrics: Essays in Methodology and Applications (06/2010)
- Paro y empleo temporal durante la crisis: una comparación entre Francia y España. In: La crisis de la economía española: análisis económico de la Gran Recesión (06/2010)
- Ajuste ocupacional y pluriempleo de los médicos: ¿importan las parejas?. In: La feminización de las profesiones sanitarias (01/2010)
- Diferencias de género y temporalidad: el caso de los profesionales superiores en el sector sanitario en España. In: La feminización de las profesiones sanitarias (01/2010)
- Inferencia causal y evaluación de políticas públics: metodología y aplicaciones. In: Metodología y diseño de estudios para la evaluación de políticas públicas (11/2009)
- Simple Wald Tests of the Fractional Integration Parameter: An Overview of New Results. In: The Methodology and Practice in Econometrics: A Festschrift in Honour of David F. Hendry (09/2009)
- Econometrics: Nonlinear Cointegration. In: Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science (06/2009)
- Optimal Mean Variance Portfolio in Pension Funding with Stochastic Interest Rates. In: New Frontiers in Insurance and Bank Risk Management (06/2009)
- La Teoría de Juegos: sus aplicaciones en economía y su metodología. In: Sobre la economía y sus métodos (01/2009)
- La medición de la desigualdad de la renta. In: Sobre la economía y sus métodos (01/2009)
- The Theory of Implementation: What Did we Learnt?. In: Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science (01/2009)
- Investigación. In: Libro blanco de la universidad digital 2010 (10/2008)
- Fairness and Short Run Price Adjustment in Posted Offer Markets. In: Handbook of Experimental Economics: Results (09/2008)
- Quantitative Restrictions in Experimental Posted-Offer Markets. In: Handbook of Experimental Economics Results (09/2008)
- The Endowment Effect. In: Handbook of Experimental Economics Results (09/2008)
- Capital Input in OECD Agriculture: A Multilateral Comparison. In: Competitiveness in Agriculture and the Food Sector: US and EU Perspectives (06/2008)
- Exchange Rate Volatility and the Mixture of Distribution Hypothesis. In: High Frequency Financial Econometrics: Recent Developments (06/2008)
- Experimental Insights into the Efficiency of Alternative Water Management Institutions. In: Game Theory and Policy Making in Natural Resources and the Environment (06/2008)
- Multidimensional Perspectives on Inequality: Conceptual and Empirical Challenges (07/2020)
- Handbook of game theory and industrial organization. Volume I. Theory (02/2018)
- Handbook of game theory and industrial organization. Volume II. Applications (02/2018)
- Análisis y práctica de las políticas de precios y financiación de los medicamentos (01/2016)
- Políticas actuales de precios de medicamentos en Europa : panorama general (01/2015)
- La maratón de PISA: la perseverancia como factor del éxito en una prueba de competencias (09/2014)
- La intervención de precios de los medicamentos en España: Panorama de la regulación y estudios empíricos (01/2014)
- Economía y pseudociencia : crítica a las falacias económicas imperantes (10/2013)
- El comercio exterior de España : teoría y práctica (03/2012)
- Temario de preparación al cuerpo de profesores de enseñanza secundaria: Economía (01/2012)
- Análisis económico del derecho (12/2010)
- La crisis de la economía española: análisis económico de la gran recesión (10/2010)
- Making Migration a Development Factor: The case of North and West Africa (06/2010)
- Microéconomie (06/2010)
conference contributions
- Expropriation Risk Over the Business Cycle (01/2024)
- Geographical Mobility as a Bridge to Opportunity: Evidence from the Spanish Military Service (01/2024)
- Geographical Mobility as a Bridge to Opportunity: Evidence from the Spanish Military Service (01/2023)
- Risk-sharing with a central authority: Free-riding, lack of commitment, and bail-outs (01/2023)
- Unpacking the Distributional Effects of the Energy Crisis: Evidence from the Spanish Electricity Market (01/2023)
- Aplicación del aprendizaje de servicios a la docencia de diseño de mercados (01/2022)
- Efficiency and Distributional Impacts of Real-Time Pricing for Electricity (01/2022)
- Efficiency and Distributional Impacts of Real-Time Pricing for Electricity (01/2022)
- Socio-Economic Aspects of Energy Storage (01/2022)
- Sovereign Debt, Default and International Liquidity (01/2022)
- Competition policy and the Green Deal (01/2021)
- Competition policy and the Green Deal (01/2021)
- Housing Prices and Credit Constraints in Competitive Search (01/2021)
- The Energy Transition for Industrial Economists (01/2021)
- The Energy Transition for Industrial Economists (01/2021)
- Auctioning Renewables (01/2020)
- Auctioning renewables (01/2020)
- Covid-19, trust and solidarity in the EU (01/2020)
- Fiscal Rules, Policy and Macroeconomic Stabilization in the Euro Area (01/2020)
- Market Power and Price Discrimination: Learning from Changes in Renewables Regulation (01/2020)
- Optimal Linear Instrumental Variables Approximations (01/2020)
- Risk Sharing, Contagion and Network Formation (01/2020)
- Technology neutral versus technology specific procurement (01/2020)
- The Energy Transition: An Industrial Economics Perspective (01/2020)
- The Energy Transition: a challenge for Industrial Economics (01/2020)
- Centralized Course Allocation (01/2019)
- Competition among renewables (01/2019)
- Identification of possibly nonfundamental Structural VARMA models using higher order moments (01/2019)
- Locally robust semiparametric estimation (01/2019)
- Measuring asset market linkages: nonlinear dependence and tail risk (01/2019)
- Modeling life-cycle earnings risk with positive and negative shocks (01/2019)
- Policy responsiveness versus stability: the role of institutions (01/2019)
- Processing time and the location choice of asylum seekers across European countries (01/2019)
- Risk-Sharing with a Central Authority: Free-Riding, Lack of Commitment, and Bailouts (01/2019)
- Risk-sharing with a central authority: Free-riding, lack of commitment, and bail-outs (01/2019)
- Risk-sharing with a central authority: Free-riding, lack of commitment, and bail-outs (01/2019)
- Robust model checks with high-dimensional covariates (01/2019)
- Sentimental Business Cycles (01/2019)
- Sentimental business cycles (01/2019)
- Take-it-or-leave-it contracts in many to many matching markets (01/2019)
- The effect of policies on the arrivals of asylum seekers in European countries (01/2019)
- The implications of intimate partner violence on women's health (01/2019)
- Worker Flows and Wage Dynamics: Estimating Wage Growth without Composition Effects (01/2019)
- Worker churn in the cross section and over time: New evidence from Germany (01/2019)
- crtrees: An implementation of classification and regression trees (CART) and Random Forests in Stata (01/2019)
- Asymmetric information with multiple risks: the case of the Chilean private health insurance market (01/2018)
- Centralized Course Allocation Under Priorities (01/2018)
- Combining physical and financial solidarity in asylum policy: TRAQs with matching (01/2018)
- Externalités des politiques d'immigration (01/2018)
- Long-Term Care across Europe and the U.S.: The Role of Informal and Formal Care (01/2018)
- Persistence heterogeneity testing in panels with interactive fixed effects (01/2018)
- Predicting Spanish emigration and immigration (01/2018)
- Sovereign Debt Restructurings: A Dynamic Discrete Choice Approach (01/2018)
- Subgame Perfect Nash Equilibrium as solution of a control problem (01/2018)
- The impact of a permanent income shock on the situation of women in the household: the case of a pension reform in Argentina (01/2018)
- The implications of intimate partner violence on women's health (01/2018)
- Analysis of the technologies enabling the broadcast convergence (01/2017)
- Análisis de la dinámica de la creatividad en las regiones españolas (01/2017)
- Competitive search equilibrium with multidimensional heterogeneity and two-sided ex-ante (01/2017)
- Complementarity analysis in multinomial models: The gentzkow command (01/2017)
- Entrepreneurial Production Function and Firm Dynamics (01/2017)
- Hours, Occupations, and Gender Differences in Labor Market Outcomes (01/2017)
- How firms accumulate inputs: evidence from import switching (01/2017)
- Mujer creativa y desarrollo económico (01/2017)
- New goodness‐of‐fit diagnostics for conditional discrete response models (01/2017)
- Nonlinear and Asymmetric Pricing Behaviour in the Spanish Gasoline Market (01/2017)
- When Ignorance is Bliss: Theory and Experiment on Collective Learning (01/2017)
- A comparison of the Web of Science with publication-level classification systems of science (01/2016)
- Around a table: Social lubricants for trust building (01/2016)
- Asymmetric information with multiple risks: the case of the Chilean Private Health Insurance Market (01/2016)
- Asymmetric information with multiple risks: the case of the Chilean Private Health Insurance Market (01/2016)
- Borders and policy externalities: the case of the EU asylum policy (01/2016)
- Climate change and migration: a dynamic model (01/2016)
- Currencies of Science: discussing disciplinary "exchange rates" for citations and Mendeley readership (01/2016)
- Dispute resolution institutions and strategic militarization (01/2016)
- Evaluating long-term-care policy options, taking the family seriously (01/2016)
- Evaluating long-term-care policy options, taking the family seriously (01/2016)
- Experiments on forward markets with multiple openings (01/2016)
- Free Will: An Axiom of Science (01/2016)
- Frequency domain minimum distance inference for possibly noninvertible and noncausal ARMA models (01/2016)
- Great opportunities or poor alternatives: self employment, paid employment, and unemployment over the business cycle (01/2016)
- How to get past Dublin? (01/2016)
- Immigrants and native residential mobility: native flight or new neighborhoods (01/2016)
- Inference on trending panel data (01/2016)
- Institutions alter prosocial behavior (01/2016)
- Lack of trust generates demand for institutions, and institutions crowd out civic spirit: experimental evidence (01/2016)
- Manipulation or rounding? Cheap talk and strategic coarseness in Libor and Euribor submissions (01/2016)
- Manipulation or rounding? Cheap talk and strategic coarseness in libor and euribor submissions (01/2016)
- New goodness-of-fit diagnostics for conditional discrete response models: count variables (01/2016)
- Shift-share instruments, past settlements, and the wage impact of migration (01/2016)
- Take-it-or-leave-it contracts in many-to many matching markets (01/2016)
- Take-it-or-leave-it contracts in many-to-many matching markets (EEA-ESEM, 2016) (01/2016)
- Take-it-or-leave-it contracts in many-to-many matching markets (UECE LISBON MEETINGS 2016) (01/2016)
- The case for legal aid (01/2016)
- The effect of lawyers' career concerns on litigation (01/2016)
- The value of public information in common-value Tullock contests (GAMES, 2016) (01/2016)
- Variation in Long-Term Care across Europe: Economic Incentives or Family Cohesion? (01/2016)
- Wage Risk, Employment Risk and the Rise in Wage Inequality (01/2016)
- Wage risk, employment risk and the rise in wage inequality (01/2016)
- Wage risk, employment risk and the rise in wage inequality (01/2016)
- Altruism, exchange, attachment to the house, or by accident: why do people leave bequests? (01/2015)
- Altruism, long-term care, attachment to the house, or by accident :why do people leave bequests? (01/2015)
- An Alternative to Field-normalization in the Aggregation of Heterogeneous Scientific Fields (01/2015)
- Bias-free estimation of fractional integrated panel data models (01/2015)
- Bilateral contracting with search: the case of the Chilean OTC electricity market (01/2015)
- Coverage of infertility treatment and fertility outcomes: do women catch up? (01/2015)
- Discusión del artículo: ''Selling daughters: teenage marriage, income shocks, and bride price tradition' (01/2015)
- Does the breadwinner's gender matter? employment and the risk of domestic violence (01/2015)
- Efficient decentralised regulation in competitive insurance markets with asymmetric information (01/2015)
- Envejecimiento igualitario y Desarrollo rural-urbano: evaluar e investigar con una mirada psicosociológica y ecofeminista (01/2015)
- Estimation of dynamic nonlinear random effects models with unbalanced panels (01/2015)
- Evaluating long-term-care policy options, taking the family seriously (01/2015)
- Evaluating long-term-care policy options, taking the family seriously (01/2015)
- Evaluating long-term-care policy options, taking the family seriously (01/2015)
- Frequency domain minimum distance estimation of possibly noninvertible and noncausal ARMA models (01/2015)
- Frequency domain minimum distance estimation of possibly noninvertible and noncausal ARMA models (01/2015)
- Great opportunities or poor alternatives: self employment, paid employment, and unemployment over the business cycle (01/2015)
- Great opportunities or poor alternatives: self employment, paid employment, and unemployment over the business cycle (01/2015)
- Hide and seek: asymmetric information in the private health insurance (01/2015)
- Optimal unemployment insurance: consumption versus expenditure (01/2015)
- Price discrimination with search (01/2015)
- Production complementarities and flexibility in a model of entrepreneurship (01/2015)
- Sostenibilidad social, trabajo y envejecimiento: dos investigaciones con una misma perspectiva de género (01/2015)
- Sovereign risk, private credit, and stabilization policies (01/2015)
- The World income distribution: the effects of international unbundling of production (01/2015)
- The World income distribution: the effects of international unbundling of production (01/2015)
- The agricultural environmental development and social inclusions attitudes for the mitigation of the GHG impact in Spain (01/2015)
- The agricultural environmental education for the reduction of GHG emissions in Spain (01/2015)
- The impact of public research contracts on scientific productivity (01/2015)
- The transmission of inequality across multiple generations: testing recent theories with evidence from Germany (01/2015)
- The value of public information in common-value Tullock contests (SAET, 2015) (01/2015)
- The value of public information in common-value Tullock contests (VJES, 2015) (01/2015)
- Towards a low carbon power sector: a research agenda (01/2015)
- University citation distributions (01/2015)
- Variance ratio tests for panels with cross section dependence (01/2015)
- Who monitors the monitors? : effect of partisan observers on electoral outocomes (01/2015)
- Women's role in agriculture. The UK and Spain since the 20th century (01/2015)
- aries: an implementation of CART in Stata (01/2015)
- A joint portmanteau test for conditional mean and variance timeseries models (01/2014)
- An analysis and comparison of the climate policy and emission trading in European countries (01/2014)
- An empirical assesment of the impact of public research contracts on scientific productivity (01/2014)
- Are the shocks obtained from SVAR fundamental? (01/2014)
- Asset pricing with heterogeneous inattention (01/2014)
- Asset pricing with heterogeneous inattention (01/2014)
- Asset pricing with heterogeneous inattention (01/2014)
- Asset pricing with heterogeneous inattention (01/2014)
- Asymmetric information and Price Discrimination in the Chilean Private Health Insurance Market (01/2014)
- Asymmetric information and price discrimination in the Chilean Private Health Insurance Market (01/2014)
- Comments on"From Austerity to Growth in Europe: some Lessons from Latin America" by Stephany Griffith-Jones (01/2014)
- Drugs, guns and early motherhood in Colombia (01/2014)
- Dual semidefinite programs without duality gaps for a class of convex minimax programs (01/2014)
- Dynamic Collective Choice with Endogenous Status Quo (01/2014)
- Dynamics of industrial consolidation in the EU27 Electricity and Gas Industry (2009-2014) (01/2014)
- Employment Dynamics of Immigrants versus Natives: Evidence from the Boom-Bust Period in Spain, 2000-2011 (01/2014)
- Entry with Two Correlated Signals (01/2014)
- Entry with Two Correlated Signals (01/2014)
- Estimation of Dynamic Nonlinear Random Effects Models with Unbalanced Panels (01/2014)
- Evaluating long-term-care policy options, taking the family seriously (01/2014)
- Evaluating long-term-care policy options, taking the family seriously (01/2014)
- Evaluating long-term-care policy options, taking the family seriously (01/2014)
- Exact SDP relaxations for robust SOS-convex polynomial optimization problems (01/2014)
- Exact SDP relaxations for robust SOS-convex polynomial optimization problems (01/2014)
- Financial frictions, occupational choice and economic inequality (01/2014)
- Financial frictions, occupational choice and economic inequality (01/2014)
- Generic determinacy of nash equilibrium in outcome games with small numberof strategies and outcomes (01/2014)
- Heterogeneity and Public Sector Wage Policy (01/2014)
- Identification and Estimation of General ARMA models (01/2014)
- Inferring the predictability induced by a persistent regressor in a predictive threshold model (01/2014)
- Information in contests (01/2014)
- Information in contests (01/2014)
- Information in contests (01/2014)
- Information in contests (01/2014)
- Macroeconomic implications of long-term-care policies (01/2014)
- Mobility across multiple generations: the iterated regression fallacy (01/2014)
- Monetary and Fiscal policy mix with financial frictions (01/2014)
- On global stackelberg equilibrium in differential games of infinite horizon (01/2014)
- Pairs strategies and hedging properties of gold and silver markets (01/2014)
- Partisanship and status quo inertia in ongoing negotiations (01/2014)
- Plant Age and Churning (01/2014)
- Politician identity and religious conflict in India (01/2014)
- Politician identity and religious conflict in India (01/2014)
- Reforming public sector wages (01/2014)
- Reforming public sector wages (01/2014)
- Returns to Skills and the Distribution of Wages: Spain 1995-2010 (01/2014)
- Risk-sharing and contagion in networks (01/2014)
- Strategic choice of sharing rules in collective contests (01/2014)
- Strategic choice of sharing rules in collective rent-seeking (01/2014)
- Strategy Proof Fair School Placement (SSCWatBC, 2014) (01/2014)
- Strategy-proof Fair School Placement (EEE-ESEM, 2014) (01/2014)
- The Impact of Carbon Trading on Industry: Evidence from German Manufacturing Firms (01/2014)
- The effects of children on mothers' employment and earnings: evidence from Spain (01/2014)
- The effects of children on mothers' employment and earnings: evidence from Spain (01/2014)
- The impact of carbon trading on manufacturing: evidence from German firms (01/2014)
- The onset of female labor market participation and the role of mothers (01/2014)
- The onset of female labour market participation and the role of mothers (01/2014)
- The transmission of preferences and beliefs about female labor market participation: direct evidence on the role of mothers (01/2014)
- Towards a micro-founded theory of aggregate labor supply (01/2014)
- Treatment effect identification using alternative parallel assumptions (01/2014)
- Trend or not trend in distribution characteristics: the case of global warming (01/2014)
- Trends in distributional characteristics: the case of global warming (01/2014)
- Trends in distributional characteristics: the case of global warming (01/2014)
- Urbanization (01/2014)
- Volatility shocks, collateral liquidity and financial crisis (01/2014)
- Which skills are important for economic growth? : cognitive vs non-cognitive skills (01/2014)
- Within -and between- department variability in individual productivity: The case of Economics (01/2014)
- A reform public sector wages (01/2013)
- A stochastic differential game of a productive asset: an Euler Equation approach (01/2013)
- Agglomeration, Segregation and Social Welfare in Group Formation Games (01/2013)
- Agglomeration, segregation, and social welfare in group formation games (01/2013)
- Aggregator Characterization of Implicitly Additive Utility: Consequences for Optimal Growth (01/2013)
- An empirical assessment of the impact of public research contracts on scientific productivity (01/2013)
- An empirical assessment of the impact of public research contracts on scientific productivity (01/2013)
- An empirical assessment of the impact of public research contracts on scientific productivity (01/2013)
- An empirical assessment of the impact of public research contracts on scientific productivity (XXEEP, 2013) (01/2013)
- Asymmetric information in the Chilean private health insurance market (01/2013)
- Carbon Markets, Carbon Prices and Innovation: Evidence from Interviews with Managers (01/2013)
- Co-summability: from linear to non-linear co-integration (01/2013)
- Co-summability: from linear to non-linear co-integration (01/2013)
- Co-summability: from linear to non-linear co-integration (01/2013)
- Co-summability: from linear to nonlinear co-integration (01/2013)
- Communication networks and political uprisings (01/2013)
- Competitive equilibrium with search frictions: a general equilibrium approach (01/2013)
- Consistent and Efficient Estimation of Linear Time Series Models (01/2013)
- Consumption in the Shadow of Unemployment (01/2013)
- Crecimiento a través del ahorro (01/2013)
- Declining returns to skill and the distribution of wages: Spain 1995-2006 (01/2013)
- Differences in citation impact across countries (01/2013)
- Diffusion by Imitation: The Importance of Targeting Agents (01/2013)
- Diffusion by Imitation: The Importance of Targeting Agents (01/2013)
- Diffusion by Imitation: The Importance of Targeting Agents (01/2013)
by Imitation: The Importance of Targeting Agents (01/2013) - Dynamic collective choice with endogenous status quo (01/2013)
- Electoral Rule Disproportionality and Platform Polarization (01/2013)
- Electoral Rule Disproportionality and Platform Polarization (01/2013)
- Endogenous party platforms: "stochastic" membership (01/2013)
- Entry with two correlated signals (01/2013)
- Entry with two correlated signals (01/2013)
- Estimation of fractionally integrated panels with fixed effects and cross-section dependence (01/2013)
- Estimation of nonlinear models with unbalanced panels (01/2013)
- External Imbalances in the European Union and International Fragmentation of Production: Is There a Link? (01/2013)
- Financial frictions, occupational choice and economic inequality (01/2013)
- Fractional cointegration rank estimation (01/2013)
- Hotelling meets Holmes: The importance of returns to product differentiation and distribution economies for the firm's optimal location choice (01/2013)
- Hotelling meets Holmes: The importance of returns to product differentiation and distribution economies for the firm's optimal location choice (01/2013)
- Hotelling meets Holmes: The importance of returns to product differentiation and distribution economies for the firm's optimal location choice (01/2013)
- Identification and estimation of general ARMA models (01/2013)
- Industry Compensation Under Relocation Risk: A Firm-level Analysis of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (01/2013)
- Inequality and asset prices (01/2013)
- Inferring the predictability induced by a persistent regressor in a predictive threshold models (01/2013)
- Inferring the predictability induced by a persistent regressor in a predictive threshold models (01/2013)
- Inferring the predictability induced by a persistent regressor in a predictive threshold models (01/2013)
- Influential opinion leaders (01/2013)
- Joint Portmanteau Test for Conditional Mean and Variance Time Series Models (01/2013)
- Learning by Fund-raising (01/2013)
- Long-run Intergenerational Social Mobility and the Distribution of Surnames (01/2013)
- Long-term care: macroeconomic implications and policy (01/2013)
- Looking for a trend in distribution characteristics: the case of global warming (01/2013)
- Macroeconomic implications of long-term care policy (01/2013)
- Non-revelation Mechanisms in Many-to-One Matching Markets (COST-IC1205, 2013) (01/2013)
- Non-revelation Mechanisms in Many-to-One Matching Markets (EEE-ESEM, 2013) (01/2013)
- Nonlinear Granger Causality in Mean (01/2013)
- Oferta y demanda de la especialización médica, ¿qué está cambiando? (01/2013)
- On the Spatial Economic Impact of Global Warming (01/2013)
- On the estimation of dynamic stochastic general equilibrium models: an empirical likelihood approach (01/2013)
- On the optimality of not allocating (01/2013)
- On the spatial economic impact of global warming (01/2013)
- On the spatial economic impact of global warming (01/2013)
- On the spatial economic impact of global warming (01/2013)
- On the spatial economic impact of global warming (01/2013)
- On the spatial economic impact of global warming (01/2013)
- On the spatial economic impact of global warming (01/2013)
- On the spatial economic impact of global warming (01/2013)
- On the spatial economic impact of global warming (01/2013)
- Optimal Bank Transparency (01/2013)
- Optimal Patronage (01/2013)
- Optimal Patronage (01/2013)
- Optimal Patronage (01/2013)
- Optimal Patronage (01/2013)
- Optimal Patronage (01/2013)
- Path-Breakers: how does women political participation respond to electoral success? (01/2013)
- Path-Breakers: how does women's political participation respond to electoral success? (01/2013)
- Price Cap Regulation with Demand Uncertainty (01/2013)
- Risk sharing and contagion in networks (01/2013)
- Skill‐biased technical change and the decline in low‐skill wages in a signaling model (01/2013)
- Sovereign Credit Ratings and Financial Markets Volatility (01/2013)
- Sovereing defalults and government bailouts (01/2013)
- Systematic analysis of system-caused systemic risk (01/2013)
- Systematic analysis of system-caused systemic risk (01/2013)
- Systematic analysis of system-caused systemic risk (SOE 2: Financial Markets and Risk Management I) (01/2013)
- Technological change and the composition of taxes and public expenditures (01/2013)
- Technological change and the composition of taxes and public expenditures (01/2013)
- The Efect of Electoral Disproportionality on Polarization: Theory and Evidence (01/2013)
- The European Crisis and Migration to Germany: Expectations and the Diversion of Migration Flows (01/2013)
- The European Crisis and Migration to Germany: Expectations and the Diversion of Migration Flows (01/2013)
- The European Crisis and Migration to Germany: Expectations and the Diversion of Migration Flows (01/2013)
- The European Crisis and Migration to Germany: Expectations and the Diversion of Migration Flows (01/2013)
- The Gender Wage Gap: Does a Gender Gap in Reservation Wages Play a Part? (01/2013)
- The Impacts of Cap-and-Trade on Industry: Evidence from the European Carbon Market and German Manufacturing Plants (01/2013)
- The Reaction of Stock Market Returns to Anticipated Unemployment (01/2013)
- The Small World of Corporate Boards: International Evidence from Listed Firms (01/2013)
- The onset of female labor market participation and the role of intergenerational human capital transmission (01/2013)
- The onset of female labor market participation and the role of mothers (01/2013)
- The skewness of the science and the design of research institutions (01/2013)
- The welfare effects of vertical integration with spillovers (01/2013)
- Towards a proper assignment of systemic risk: the combined roles of network topology and shock characteristics (01/2013)
- Treatment Effect Identification Using Alternative Parallel Assumptions (01/2013)
- Treatment Effect Identification Using Alternative Parallel Assumptions (01/2013)
- Tullock Contests with Asymmetric Information (01/2013)
- A directed search model of ranking by unemployment duration (01/2012)
- A directed search model of ranking by unemployment duration (01/2012)
- A directed search model of unemployment duration (01/2012)
- A directed search model of unemployment duration (01/2012)
- A simple test for identification in GMM under conditional moment restrictions (01/2012)
- Agglomeration, Segregation and Social Welfare in Group Formation Games (01/2012)
- Climate Policy, Jobs, and Industrial Competitiveness: Evidence from the UK Climate Change Levy (01/2012)
- College Admissions with Multiple Applications and Observable Effort (01/2012)
- College Admissions with Multiple Applications and Observable Effort (SSCW, 2012) (01/2012)
- Comentarista de Financial Issues and the European Crisis by Stephany Griffith-Jones, en Mesa Redonda IEA-AAEP (01/2012)
- Common Trends in Trade: the Impact of Vertical Specialization (01/2012)
- Common Trends in Trade: the Impact of Vertical Specialization (01/2012)
- Competing with Asking Prices (01/2012)
- Comportamiento empresarial, desregulación y productividad en España (01/2012)
- Democracy and the Dynamics of Income Distribution (01/2012)
- Discusión of "Bubbles, Banks and Financial Stability" (Aoki and Nikolov) (01/2012)
- Dynamic Collective Choice with Endogenous Status Quo (01/2012)
- Dynamic Collective Choice with Endogenous Status Quo (01/2012)
- Dynamic Collective Choice with Endogenous Status Quo (01/2012)
- Effect of housing on the wealth distribution: Spain vs US (01/2012)
- Estimating VARs Sampled at Mixed or Irregular Spaced Frequencies: A Bayesian Approach (01/2012)
- Firm behavior, market deregulation and productivity in Spain (01/2012)
- Firm behaviour, deregulation and productivity in Spain (01/2012)
- Heterogenous Trade Costs and Wage Inequality: A Model of Two Globalizations (01/2012)
- Housing and wealth: Spain vs US (01/2012)
- Housing and wealth: Spain vs US (01/2012)
- Industry Compensation Under Relocation Risk: A Firm-level Analysis of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (01/2012)
- Industry Compensation Under Relocation Risk: A Firm-level Analysis of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (01/2012)
- Industry Compensation Under Relocation Risk: A Firm-level Analysis of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (01/2012)
- Industry Compensation Under the Risk of Relocation: A Firm-Level Analysis of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (01/2012)
- Multiple Breaks in Long Memory Time Series (01/2012)
- Multiple openings of forward markets: experimental evidence (01/2012)
- Non-Revelation Mechanisms in Many-to-One Matching Markets (01/2012)
- On the effects of ranking by unemployment duration (01/2012)
- Outsourcing versus Vertical Integration: A Dynamic Model of Industry Equilibrium (01/2012)
- Overbooking in markets with rationing (01/2012)
- P-1266 - Dimensional schizophrenia: not an easy transition [abstract] (01/2012)
- Policy Switches in Emerging Economies (01/2012)
- Retirement and Aggregate Labor Market Conditions (01/2012)
- Strategic Complementarity in a Dynamic Game of Timing: The Case of the Montreal Protocol (01/2012)
- Switching Bubbles: From Outside to Inside Bubble (01/2012)
- The Impact of Vertical Specialization on Opennes ratios: a Barrier for Empirial Tasks (01/2012)
- The onset of female labor market participation and the role of mothers (01/2012)
- The onset of female labor market participation and the role of mothers (01/2012)
- Time Varying Volatility, Default and the Sovereign Risk Premium (01/2012)
- Time Varying Volatility, Default and the Sovereign Risk Premium (01/2012)
- Time Varying Volatility, Default and the Sovereign Risk Premium (01/2012)
- Universal reciprocal behavior in iterated prisoner's dilemmas: Three is a crowd (01/2012)
- Universal reciprocal behavior in iterated prisoner's dilemmas: three is a crowd (01/2012)
- Wage expectations for higher education students in Spain (01/2012)
- n-square uniformly consistent density estimation in nonparametric regression models (01/2012)
- A Directed Search Model of Ranking by Unemployment Duration (01/2011)
- A Directed Search Model of Ranking by Unemployment Duration (01/2011)
- A Directed Search Model of Ranking by Unemployment Duration (01/2011)
- A noncoperative differential game of stochastic productive assets (01/2011)
- Coverage of Infertility Treatment and Fertility Outcomes: Do Women Catch Up? (01/2011)
- Directed Search Over the Life Cycle (01/2011)
- Directed Search Over the Life Cycle (01/2011)
- Efficient Allocation of Free Allowances in the EU Emissions Trading System: A Firm-Level Analysis (01/2011)
- Efficient Allocation of Free Allowances in the EU Emissions Trading System: A Firm-Level Analysis (01/2011)
- Eye-tracking the market: Subject Focus in Experimental Bubble Markets (01/2011)
- Firm behavior, market deregulation and productivity in Spain (01/2011)
- Globalization and Financial Development: A Model of the Dot-Com and the Housing Bubbles (01/2011)
- Globalization and Financial Development: A Model of the Dot-Com and the Housing Bubbles (01/2011)
- Globalization and Financial Development: A Model of the Dot-Com and the Housing Bubbles (01/2011)
- Intermediated Directed Search (01/2011)
- Multiple Breaks in Long Memory Time Series (01/2011)
- Multiple Breaks in Long Memory Time Series (01/2011)
- Multiple breaks in long memory time series (01/2011)
- Nonstationarities in the Openness Measure (01/2011)
- Nonstationarities in the Openness Measure (01/2011)
- Outsourcing versus Vertical Integration: A Dynamic Model of Industry Equilibrium (01/2011)
- Outsourcing versus Vertical Integration: A Dynamic Model of Industry Equilibrium (01/2011)
- Prisoner's Dilemma on a Sizeable Network: Experiment and Theory (01/2011)
- Re-Reforming the Bostonian System: A Novel Approach to the Schooling Problem (IDEA 20 years) (01/2011)
- State dependence and heterogeneity in health using a bias corrected fixed effects estimator (01/2011)
- Strategic Complementarity in a Dynamic Game of Timing: The Case of the Montreal Protocol (01/2011)
- The onset of female labor market participation and the role of intergenerational human capital transmission (01/2011)
- Endogenous Party Platforms: Stochastic' Membership (01/2010)
- Exact Optimal and Adaptive Inference in Linear and Nonlinear Models under Heteroskedasticity and Non-Normality of Unknown Forms (01/2010)
- A Dynamic Model for Transfers with Two-Sided Imperfect Altruism (01/2008)
- A Model of Merchants (01/2008)
- A Model of Merchants. Middlemen: The Bid-Ask Spread (01/2008)
- A Wald Test for the Cointegration Rank in Nonstationary Fractional Cointegration (01/2008)
- Antitrust Remedies in Energy Markets (01/2008)
- Assessing the Impact of the Investment Climate on Productivity Using Firm-Level Data: Methodology and the Case of Costa Rica (01/2008)
- Assortative Mating over the Life Cycle (01/2008)
- Auctions with Heterogeneous Entry Cost (01/2008)
- Auctions with Heterogeneous Entry Cost (01/2008)
- Bigger is Better: Market Size, Demand Elasticity and Innovation (01/2008)
- Can We Measure Hospital Quality form Physicians' Choices? (01/2008)
- Can We Measure Hospital Quality from Physicians' Choices? (01/2008)
- Capital Input in OECD Agriculture (01/2008)
- Capital Input in OECD Agriculture: A Multilateral Comparison (01/2008)
- Catch Up, Convergence and the Business Cycle: Firm Level Evidence from Spain (01/2008)
- Climate Change Policies and Management Practices (01/2008)
- Collateral Fluctuations in a Monetary Economy (01/2008)
- College Admissions and the Role of Information: An Experimental Study (01/2008)
- Comentario sobre "Monopoly and the Incentive to Innovate When Adoption Involves Switchover Disruptions" de Holmes, Levine y Schmitz (01/2008)
- Commitment and Equilibrium Bank Runs (01/2008)
- Commitment and Equilibrium Bank Runs (01/2008)
- Complementarities between External Sources of Knowledge: The Case of Universities and Technology Institutes in Spain (01/2008)
- Complementarities between External Sources of Knowledge: The Case of Universities and Technology Institutes in Spain (01/2008)
- Complementarities between Universities and Technology Industries: New Empirical Lessons and Perspectives (01/2008)
- Confidence Intervals for Causality Measures and Tests of Non-Causality (01/2008)
- Contract Choice Incentives and Political Capture in Public Transport Services (01/2008)
- Contract Choice, Incentives, and Political Capture in Public Transport Services (01/2008)
- Contract Choice, Incentives, and Political Capture in Public Transport Services (01/2008)
- Contract Choice, Incentives, and Political Capture in Public Transport Services (01/2008)
- Converging to Efficiency: The Ramón y Cajal Program Experience (FEDEA, 2008) (01/2008)
- Corporate Investment, Irreversibilities and Lumpiness: An Empirical Model (01/2008)
- Corporate Investment, Irreversibilities and Lumpiness: An Empirical Model (01/2008)
- Corporate Investment, Irreversibilities and Lumpiness: An Empirical Model (01/2008)
- Decision Making and Implementation in Teams (01/2008)
- Decision Making and Implementation in Teams (01/2008)
- Desired Fertility, Population Structure and Age of Marriage (01/2008)
- Distribution Free Tests for Time Series Model Specification (01/2008)
- Distribution-Free Test for Time Series Model Specification (01/2008)
- Do Men and Women-Economist Choose the Same Research Fields?: Evidence from Top-50 Departments? (01/2008)
- Do Men and Women-Economist Choose the Same Research Fields?: Evidence from Top-50 Departments? (01/2008)
- Do Men and Women-Economist Choose the Same Research Fields?: Evidence from Top-50 Departments? (01/2008)
- Does Class-Size Affect the Academic Performance of College Freshers? (01/2008)
- Does Immigration Affect the Phillips Curve?: Some Evidence from Spain (01/2008)
- Does Immigration Affect the Phillips Curve?: Some Evidence from Spain (01/2008)
- Does Immigration Affect the Phillips Curve?: Some Evidence from Spain (01/2008)
- Electoral Rules and Politicians' Behavior (01/2008)
- Electoral Rules and Politicians' Behavior: A Micro Test (01/2008)
- Electoral Rules and Politicians' Behavior: A Micro Test (01/2008)
- Electoral Rules and Politicians' Behavior: A Micro Test (01/2008)
- Flexibility at the margin and labor market volatility in OECD countries (01/2008)
- GMM Estimation from Incomplete and Rotating Panels (01/2008)
- GMM Estimation from Incomplete and Rotating Panels (01/2008)
- House Prices and Time on the Market with Competitive Search (01/2008)
- House Prices, Sales and Time on the Market with Competitive Search (01/2008)
- House Prices, Sales, and Time on the Market with Comparative Search (01/2008)
- How to Award Pro-Competitive Forward Contracts: The Case of Electricity Markets (01/2008)
- How to Award Pro-Competitive Forward Contracts: The Case of Electricity Markets (01/2008)
- Implementation in Adaptive Better-Response Dynamics (01/2008)
- Implementation in Adaptive Better-Response Dynamics (01/2008)
- International Trade, Institutional Change and Economic Growth (01/2008)
- Investment Incentives and Auction Design (01/2008)
- La tasa interna de retorno del sistema de pensiones de la seguridad social española: una aplicación de la Teoría de Colas (01/2008)
- Labor Market Consequences of Low Educational Attainment of Spanish Children (01/2008)
- Liquidity Constraints in a Monetary Economy (01/2008)
- Liquidity Constraints in a Monetary Economy (01/2008)
- Liquidity Constraints in a Monetary Economy (01/2008)
- Liquidity Constraints in a Monetary Economy (01/2008)
- Managerial Compensation in a Two-Level Gift-Exchange Experiment (01/2008)
- Managerial compensation in a two-level gift-exchange experiment (01/2008)
- Marriage and Divorce since World War II: Analyzing the Role of Technological Progress on the Formation of Households (01/2008)
- Mesa Redonda sobre colusión tácita y prácticas conscientemente paralelas (01/2008)
- Modelling and Measuring Price Discovery in Commodity Markets (01/2008)
- Modelling and Measuring Price Discovery in Commodity Markets (01/2008)
- Modelling and Measuring Price Discovery in Commodity Markets (01/2008)
- Modelling and Measuring Price Discovery in Commodity Markets (01/2008)
- Modelling and Measuring Price Discovery in Commodity Markets (01/2008)
- Modelling and Measuring Price Discovery in Commodity Markets (01/2008)
- Modelling and Measuring Price Discovery in Commodity Markets (01/2008)
- Modelling and Measuring Price Discovery in Commodity Markets (01/2008)
- Nation formation and genetic diversity (01/2008)
- Nation formation and genetic diversity (01/2008)
- Nonparametric Tests for Conditional Independence with Applications to Granger Non-Causality (01/2008)
- Nonparametric Tests for Conditional Independence with Applications to Granger Non-Causality (01/2008)
- On Gender Gaps and Self-fulfilling Expectations: Theory, Policies and Some Evidence (01/2008)
- On Gender Gaps and Self-fulfilling Expectations: Theory, Policies and Some Evidence (01/2008)
- On Gender Gaps and Self-fulfilling Expectations: Theory, Policies and Some Evidence (01/2008)
- On Gender Gaps and Self-fulfilling Expectations: Theory, Policies and Some Evidence (01/2008)
- On the Impact of Forward Contract Obligations in Multi-Unit Auctions (01/2008)
- Políticas de Igualdad de Genero y desempleo femenino en la Unión Europea (01/2008)
- Productivity Catching Up: Evidence form Spanish Manufacturing Firms (01/2008)
- Revisiting the Tests of the Unbiased Hypothesis of Forward Exchange Rates (01/2008)
- Run Equilibria in the Green-Lin Model of Financial Intemeditation (01/2008)
- Second Best Efficiency in Auctions (01/2008)
- Shocks Do You Want to Identify Them? (01/2008)
- Simple Wald Test of the Frantional Integration Parameter: An Overview of New Results (01/2008)
- Simple Wald Tests of the Fractional Integration Parameter: An Overview of New Results (01/2008)
- Social Interactions and Spillovers: Incentives, Segregation and Topology (01/2008)
- Social Interactions and Spillovers: Incentives, Segregation and Topology (01/2008)
- Social Interactions and Spillovers: Incentives, Segregation and Topology (01/2008)
- Socio-Economics Aspects of Disertification: Hearing of the Working Group C. Desertification: Socio-economic, agricultural and forestry impacts and their political consequences (01/2008)
- Spatial Growth and Industry Age (01/2008)
- Split Ticket Voting: An Implicit Incentive Approach (01/2008)
- Split Ticket Voting: An Implicit Incentive Approach (01/2008)
- Stability of Nations and Genetic Diversity (01/2008)
- Students' Assessment of Higher Education in Spain (01/2008)
- Students' Assessment of Higher Education in Spain (01/2008)
- Taxation, Aggregates and the Household (01/2008)
- Testing Downside Risk Efficieny Under Market Distress (01/2008)
- Testing Downside Risk Efficieny Under Market Distress (01/2008)
- Testing Downside Risk Efficieny Under Market Distress (01/2008)
- Testing for I(d) Against I(1) with Wald Tests: Some New Properties and an Extension to Processes with Trending Components ? (01/2008)
- The Effect of Birthright Citizenship on Parental Outcomes (01/2008)
- The Effect of Language at School on Identity and Political Outlooks (01/2008)
- The Effect of Language at School on Identity and Political Outlooks (01/2008)
- The Effect of Language at School on Identity and Political Outlooks (01/2008)
- The Effect of Language at School on Identity and Political Outlooks (01/2008)
- The Effect of Language at School on Identity and Political Outlooks (01/2008)
- The Effect of Language at School on Identity and Political Outlooks (01/2008)
- The Evolution for Markets and the Revolution fo Industry: A Unified Theory of Growth (01/2008)
- The Evolution for Markets and the Revolution fo Industry: A Unified Theory of Growth (01/2008)
- The Evolution of Markets and the Revolution of Indutry: A unified model of Growth (01/2008)
- The International Migration System Today and in the Years Ahead, and Implications for Policy (01/2008)
- The Renegotiation Cost of Public Transport Services Contracts (01/2008)
- The Strategic Motive to Sell Forward: Some experimental Evidence (01/2008)
- Uneven Development (01/2008)
- Unilateral Divorce and Crime (01/2008)
- Unilateral Divorce and Crime (01/2008)
- Unilateral Divorce and Crime (01/2008)
- Unilateral Divorce and Crime (01/2008)
- Waiting to Copy: on the dynamics of licensing (01/2008)
- Waiting to Copy: on the dynamics of licensing (01/2008)
- When are Signals Complements or Substitutes? (01/2008)
- Financiación adicional del investigador Nazarii Salish dentro del programa RYC 2023 (09/2025)
- Financiación adicional del investigador Nuarpear Lekfuangfu dentro del programa RYC 2023 (09/2025)
- Financiación adicional del investigador Johannes Schneider dentro del programa RYC 2023 (03/2025)
- CLIMAD-CM - Efectos Económicos y Sociales de las Políticas Climáticas y Energéticas (01/2025)
- Financiación adicional del investigador Carlo Galli dentro del programa RYC 2023 (12/2024)
- Financiación adicional del investigador Felix Wellschmied dentro del programa RYC 2023 (12/2024)
- High-Dimensional Data Methods for Modeling Climate Impact on the Economy (12/2024)
- CONTRATO PARA LA PRESTACIÓN DE SERVICIOS DE ASESORAMIENTO para la Asociación Europea de economía (10/2024)
- Ayudas para incentivar la incorporación de talento consolidado "Programa ATRAE". REASIGNACION LABORAL POR UN FUTURO SOSTENIBLE Y EQUITATIVO (09/2024)
- DSEGSC - Dinámicas de Exclusión Social: Intersecciones de Género, Salud y conflicto Social (09/2024)
- Economía de la transición energética y el progreso tecnológico (09/2024)
- «Servicios preparación y ejecución de dos informes especiales para 2024 del proyecto «Portugal: Balance Social» en el marco de la asociación con la Fundación La Caixa». (07/2024)
- Estudio de los Impactos Socio-Económicos de la Energía Solar (06/2024)
- Asesoramiento técnico mediante curso econometría (05/2024)
- Financiación adicional del investigador Luigi Minale dentro del programa RYC 2022 (05/2024)
- LOWCARBON_INVESTMENT - Simulating the effects of low-carbon investments in electricity markets (03/2024)
- Financiación adicional de la investigadora Emircan Yurdagul dentro del programa RYC 2022 (02/2024)
- Financiación adicional del investigador Martin Dumav dentro del programa RYC 2022 (02/2024)
- Financiación adicional del investigador Philipp Denter dentro del programa RYC 2022 (02/2024)
- Mental health among young people: Social norms information as a tool against stigma MEHYSNI (01/2024)
- Fiscal-Monetary Interactions with Default Risk and Large Central Bank (11/2023)
- Decisiones Económicas Individuales y Familiares: Asignación del Tiempo, Comportamiento Laboral y la Importancia de la Heterogeneidad Individual Inobservable -INTRAHINDEC (09/2023)
- Dinámicas de Aprendizaje en Redes Sociales, Provisión de Bien Público e Instituciones Democráticas -POLYNETPUB (09/2023)
- Formulación de políticas y prioridades legislativas en un mundo cambiante (09/2023)
- Inmigración, Diversidad e Integración -ImmDivInt (09/2023)
- Nuevos métodos para analizar y afrontar nuevos retos en política climática, transformación energética y paradigmas de movilidad geografica e intergeneracional -Nuevos métodos (09/2023)
- Sector Público y Regulación en una Economía de Mercado V -REGECO (09/2023)
- Skill Mismatch: Sources and Consequences (MISMATCH) (09/2023)
- Convenio entre la Universidad Carlos II de Madrid y la Fundación Loyola Andalucía (04/2023)
- The Evolution of Knowledge in the Market for Ideas (03/2023)
- Financiación adicional del investigador Boris Ginzburg dentro del progama RYC 2021 (01/2023)
- Financiación adicional del investigador Álvaro Name Correa dentro del programa RYC 2021 (01/2023)
- Unidad de Excelencia Mª de Maeztu - Dpto. Economía UC3M (01/2023)
- El desarrollo de las finanzas digitales: Oráculos descentralizados para un sistema financiero descentralizado (12/2022)
- Políticas para la transición energética: precios del carbono, energías renovables y almacenamiento energético (12/2022)
- "Flujos de empleo y empleo temporal en España" (11/2022)
- Asistencia técnica para el desarrollo de recomendaciones para una propuesta de reforma del mercado mayorista eléctrico de la Unión Europea (09/2022)
- Entender y abordar los desafíos políticos contemporáneos (09/2022)
- GREEN AND DIGITAL FINANCE - Supporting medium-sized companies through open source tools in their energy and digital transformations (09/2022)
- Inferencias en Modelos Econométricos de Alta Dimensión (09/2022)
- Ayuda adicional JOHANNES SIEGFRIED SCHNEIDER dentro del programa Juan de la Cierva Incorporación (2020) (08/2022)
- Financiación adicional del investigador Hernán Daniel Seoane Bernadaz dentro del programa RYC 2020 (04/2022)
- Barómetros adelantados del transporte por carretera de mercancías (indicador CORELL-ASTIC) en España (11/2021)
- Los Efectos de la Economía Gig sobre el Mercado Laboral en España (09/2021)
- Teoría Económica Dinámica: Métodos y Modelos de la Macro y de las Finanzas III (09/2021)
- A Model To Think About Crypto-Assets and Central Bank Digital Currency (08/2021)
- European Structural and Investment Funds and Recovery & Resilience Facility. Governance. (07/2021)
- Políticas macroeconómicas en el contexto de la Unión Económica (07/2021)
- Estudio sobre mercado de trabajo (06/2021)
- Teen pregnancy in Latin America: the mother-daughter link (06/2021)
- Servicio de Designación Personal- Consejo de Administración de ENAGAS (05/2021)
- The Socio-Economic Impacts of Low Emission Zones (02/2021)
- The sovereign bank nexus: the role of debt and monetary policy (01/2021)
- ClimateFinReg: Can we Mitigate Climate Change through Financial Regulation? (10/2020)
- Comprender la función de las creencias subjetivas, las aspiraciones futuras y la identidad de grupo en la desigualdad social (10/2020)
- Evaluating policies in Spain during the Covid-19 crisis and its aftermath: The role of DSGE models with heterogeneus agents and sectors. (10/2020)
- RelImprecision: Behaviour, perceptions, cognition, knowledge, organizations. Relational contracting approach to design of contractual forms when information is imprecise (10/2020)
- Almacenamiento en el sector eléctrico: incentivos a la inversión y regulación (09/2020)
- The dynamics of the real interest rates (08/2020)
- Credit access and determinants of entrepreneurial success (06/2020)
- Diversificación de riesgos: familias, gobiernos y sus interacciones (06/2020)
- El impacto heterogéneo de las fricciones financieras, las políticas públicas, y del comercio internacional en las empresas y trabajadores (06/2020)
- Estructura Ocupacional, Tamaño de las Ciudades y Desigualdad Salarial: Un Análisis de Políticas Públicas (06/2020)
- Inmigración internacional: gravedad y efectos (06/2020)
- Organización Industrial en la Frontera: Teoría, Análisis Empíricos y Experimentos (06/2020)
- Procesos de exclusión social: segregación de género y política sanitaria (06/2020)
- Estudios sobre los determinantes del capital humano y los ajustes del mercado de trabajo en la economía española (05/2020)
- Transición energética: un análisis del diseño e impacto de las políticas económicas (05/2020)
- EPPB. Madrid-Economía Política y Regulación (01/2020)
- MEI. Madrid-Economía Política y Regulación (01/2020)
- MIMA. Mercados, Innovación y Medio Ambiente. (01/2020)
- MM. Madrid-Economía Política y Regulación (01/2020)
- Spanish Network in Macroeconomics (01/2020)
- Transporte, Infraestructura y crecimiento económico en España (10/2019)
- Aplicaciones económicas de distancias culturales generadas con información proveniente de las redes sociales (04/2019)
- Big data, robots y efectos causales: Nuevas formas de obtener datos y de modelización automática en la búsqueda de relaciones causales en una economía digital (01/2019)
- Inferencias en Modelos Econométricos de Alta Dimensión (01/2019)
- Sentimientos, Noticias y Actividad Economica (01/2019)
- Toma de decisiones economicas: Implicaciones individuales, sociales y politicas. (01/2019)
- Polarización y negociaciones políticas en un mundo cambiante (10/2018)
- Arquitectura presupuestaria en la UE y Cohesión: Consecuencias fiscales para España de los cambios en la PAC y los fondos Europeos (05/2018)
- ELECTRIC CHALLENGES - Current Tools and Policy Challenges in Electricity Markets (01/2018)
- The adjustment of Local Labor Markets to demand an supply shocks (10/2017)
- Un análisis económico de la crisis de refugiados en Europa: consecuencias, integración laboral y opinión pública (10/2017)
- Can Public Spending Stimulate the Local Labor Market?. Evidence from the German Census. (07/2017)
- Creación de un área de economía y políticas de salud en Funcas (06/2017)
- Modelo de predicción de flujos de inmigración y emigración a recibir por España entre 2017 y 2100 (03/2017)
- Metodología de vanguardia para abordar los desafíos regulatorios en el mercado eléctrico (01/2017)
- El papel de la información en la toma de decisiones económicas. (12/2016)
- Tecnología para un consumo eficiente: contadores digitales, precios horarios y consumo de electricidad en España (SMART) (10/2016)
- Market Design: Theory and Application in Development (08/2016)
- Actualización, mejora y cesión de uso de la herramienta informática ENERGEIA SIMULA: una herramienta para la simulación de precios en los mercados mayoristas eléctricos (07/2016)
- Los agentes económicos, las instituciones y el desarrollo social: Un enfoque de evaluación de políticas públicas (01/2016)
- Madrid Economics. MADECO-CM (01/2016)
- Riesgo de las familias, Diveersificación de Riesgo y Seguridad Social (01/2016)
- La dependencia de ancianos en Europa: consecuencias de reformas sobre el cuidado familiar (10/2015)
- Over-borrowing: the interaction of private and sovereing debt (10/2015)
- Unidad de Excelencia Maria de Maeztu - Departamento Economia (07/2015)
- Barómetro del transporte internacional por carretera (PMI-ASTIC) para los asociados de ASTIC (04/2015)
- Incentivos individuales y bienestar social (01/2015)
- Teoría económica dinámica: métodos y modelos en macroeconomía y finanzas II (01/2015)
- Estabilidad, eficiencia y diversidad en la formación endogena de grupos (01/2014)
- INTINN: Microeconimic and macroeconimic implications of firms'internationalization and innovation strategies: the role of demand and informational barriers. (10/2013)
- Los beneficios secundarios del sistema europeo del comercio de emisiones: un analisis espacial (10/2013)
- Contrastes de especificacion de modelos econometricos (01/2013)
- Decisiones individuales y desarrollo economico y social: aplicaciones empiricas a economia familiar, economia laboral y organizacion industrial (01/2013)
- Interacciones estrategicas: implicaciones para el sector financiero, la educacion, la Intermediacion comercial y la politica (01/2013)
- La lucha contra los carteles: la defensa de la competencia y los incentivos corporativos, (01/2013)
- Modelos econométricos dinámicos: persistencia y especificación (01/2013)
- Políticas Públicas, Redistribución y Bienestar: Un Análisis Macroeconómico e Internacional (01/2013)
- Diseño y aplicación de un modelo de seguimiento y previsión de la evolución del número de trabajadores desempleados según su situación con respecto a la protección por desempleo (03/2012)
- Especialización productiva de las empresas agrarias e inserción laboral de la mujer (02/2012)
- Instituciones: Incentivos y Objetivos Sociales (01/2012)
- Sector público y regulación en una economía de mercado II (01/2012)
- Tamaño de mercado, productividad y fricciones: efectos en el crecimiento económico, el comercio internacional, la distribución del tamaño de las ciudades, y las instituciones (01/2012)
- Teoría económica dinámica: Métodos y modelos en macroeconomía, finanzas y juegos repetidos (01/2012)
- Teoría y experiimentos en comunicación y en mercados de futuros (01/2012)
- Trade and Migration: A Welfare comparison between trade adn migration: Local public goods, redistributive policies, and housing markets (7PM-PEOPLE-RG) (02/2011)
- Cátedra Telefónica de Estudios sobre Tecnologías y Economía de las Telecomunicaciones (01/2011)
- Estudios de Macroeconomía y Economía Laboral (01/2011)
- Estudios en Econometría (01/2011)
- Estudios en Microeconomía y Economía Industrial (01/2011)
- TOSIR: Contrastes sobre restricciones de forma y desigualdad de curvas no-parametricas condicionales (01/2011)
- Talento, esfuerzo y movilidad social. (01/2011)
- Colaboración de investigación económica y financiera con la fundación IDEAS (09/2010)
- EFIGE. European Firms in a Global Economy: Internal policies for external competitiviness (04/2010)
- SCience, Innovation, FIrms and markets in a GLObalized World (04/2010)
- A proposal to evaluate firms' competitive behavior in various types of markets and industries. (01/2010)
- Estructura de relaciones e interacción estrategica (01/2010)
- Diseño del Plan Nacional de Selección de Exploraciones Agrarias para el 2008 y del Indicador Avanzado de Precios Percibidos por Agricultores (12/2009)
- A proposal to evaluate the effects of airlines cooperative agreements on the prices of Transatlantic air services (06/2009)
- Actualización y Autorización de uso de la Herramienta Informática "ENERGEIA": Una Herramienta para la Simulación de Precios en los Mercados Mayoristas Eléctricos (09/2008)
- EFIGE. European Firms in a Global Economy: Internal policies for external competitiviness (09/2008)
- NONLINEAR PANEL: Nonlinear Panel Data Models: Heterogeneity, Identification and Estimation (Marie Curie - IOF) (08/2008)
- Redes Sociales, Educación y Mercado de Trabajo. (05/2008)
- A Proposal to assess the substitutability between different program genres in the European broadcasting industry. (03/2008)
- Análisis del clima de Inversión en la Comunidad de Madrid (02/2008)
- Redes, instituciones y mercados en la UE-27. (01/2008)
- La incapacidad temporal para el trabajo: análisis económico de su incidencia y su duración (12/2007)
- Market structure, market frictions and household saving and labor supply decisions. (10/2007)
- AutoFIM: Automated Financial Modelling (09/2007)
- Taxation, Aggregates and the household (05/2007)
- Diseño de modelos econométricos para la cuantificación y análisis estadístico de los cambios introducidos en el seno de la política agraria comunitaria. (04/2007)
- La Cuota de Reserva del 2% del Empleo para Personas con Discapacidad en Empresas de 50 o más Trabajadores (03/2007)
- Apoyo al doctorado en el área de microeconomía (01/2007)
- Asimetrías, persistencia y volatilidad de las variables económicas. (01/2007)
- El papel de las instituciones y los mercados en las decisiones económicas (01/2007)
- Estudios de microeconomía y economía industrial (01/2007)
- Panorama Laboral de la Comunidad de Madrid 2007 (12/2006)
- Análisis de la investigación española a partir de las publicaciones más citadas (10/2006)
- Organización de la IV conferencia internacional sobre la industria ferroviaria (10/2006)
- Desarrollo de un Modelo Oligopolista de Análisis de la Competencia en el Mercado de Generación Eléctrica Español (09/2006)
- Congreso homenaje al profesor Francesc Marmol: "Long memory for Francesc Marmol" (05/2006)
- Informe sobre las Pérdidas de Productividad Laboral Ocasionadas por las Enfermedades en Cataluña en el año 2003 (05/2006)
- Diseño de Modelos Econométricos para la Cuantificación y Análisis Estadístico de los Cambios Introducidos en el Seno de la Política Agraria Comunitaria. (03/2006)
- Apoyo al doctorado en el área de microeconomía (01/2006)
- Economía europea: agricultura, desertización y urbanismo (01/2006)
- Seminario de estudios sociales de la salud y los medicamentos (01/2006)
supervised theses
- Essays in Labor and Health Economics (12/2024)
- Essays on Immigration and Labor Economics (07/2024)
- Essays on Labour Economics, Migration and Gender (07/2024)
- Essays on the Econometrics of Inequality (06/2024)
- Essays on the Macroeconomics of Labor Mobility (06/2024)
- Inference on Econometric Models Based on Grouped Data (06/2024)
- Subtitulado simplificado para personas con discapacidad (03/2024)
- Essays in sovereign debt (09/2023)
- Essays on Political Economy, Social Norms, and Networks (09/2023)
- Essays on Family Economics and the Macroeconomy (07/2023)
- Essays on labor market adjustment and earnings growth (07/2023)
- Essays on macroeconomic crises and policy responses (07/2023)
- Essays on Aggregate Macroeconomic Shocks and Their Heterogeneous Effects (06/2023)
- Essays on Household and Public Finance (06/2023)
- Essays on Identification of Structural VARMA models (06/2023)
- Essays on Firm Growth and Financing (05/2023)
- Essays on Noncausal and Noninvertible Time Series (04/2023)
- Essays on Risk-sharing, Default and Fixed-Term Contracts (04/2023)
- Essays on Semiparametric Identification and Estimation (04/2023)
- Essays on Sovereign Borrowing and Default (04/2022)
- Essays in Dynamic Public Finance (03/2022)
- The Macro-Financial Transmission of Shocks (01/2022)
- Efectividad en la comunicación de la marca de las entidades financieras al consumidor a través del Patrocinio Deportivo: Caso Santander/Ferrari en la Fórmula 1 (12/2021)
- Dynamic Quantile Causal Inference and Forecasting (06/2021)
- Essays in Family Economics (06/2021)
- Essays in Macroeconomics (06/2021)
- Three Essays in Empirical Public Economics (05/2021)
- Three Essays on Policy Evaluation (05/2021)
- Network Dependence (12/2020)
- Conflicts over Land, Labor, and Rent Essays on The Political Economy of Institutional Change (09/2020)
- Essays on Reputation in Online Marketplaces (09/2020)
- Three Essays on Collusion-proof Mechanism Design (09/2020)
- Essays on Labour Market Flows, Immigration and Persistence of Temporary Jobs (05/2020)
- Essays on Threshold Models with Unit Roots (10/2019)
- Essays in Educational and Intergenerational Inequality (09/2019)
- Essays in Labor Inequality and Risk (09/2019)
- Econometric Modeling of Self-Exciting Process (07/2019)
- Essays on Specification Tests for Conditional Hazard and Distribution Models (07/2019)
- Essays on Firm Dynamics (06/2019)
- Three essays in urban economics (06/2019)
in Empirical Political Economy (12/2018) -
on mixed-frequency and casuality analysis in the frequency domain (09/2018) - Essays on occupational choice, intergenerational persistence and structural change (06/2018)
- Intergenerational Networks and job search. (06/2018)
- Three Essays on (12/2017)
- Essays on Macroeconomics and Financial Restrictions (09/2017)
on the social effects of public spending (07/2017) - Essays on the Identification of Linear Rational Expectations Models (07/2017)
- Essays on Fiscal Policy (06/2017)
- Three Essays in Health Economics (06/2017)
- Essay on contest theory (01/2017)
- Essays on econometric methods for duration data analysis (07/2016)
- Essays on heterogeneous firms and corporate default (07/2016)
- Essays in political economy (06/2016)
- Essay in microeconomic theory (03/2016)
- Essays in microeconomic theory (03/2016)
- Essays on discrete choice models with fixed effects (12/2015)
- Essays on the Economics Education (09/2015)
- Essays on duration and count data models (07/2015)
- Essays on heterogeneous agent models (07/2015)
- Essays on strategic location choices and pricing strategies in oligopolistic markets (07/2015)
- Specification and casuality of distribution models (07/2015)
- Panel data models with long-range dependance (06/2015)
- Análisis económico de los concursos de acreedores en España=Insolvency institutions, contract enforcement and firms (04/2015)
- Sovereign Default and Asymmetric Market Information (11/2014)
- Econometric Analysis of Income Mobility and Wage Growth (10/2014)
- Three essays on applied economics (10/2014)
- Essays on Financial Frictions, Occupational Choice and Trade (09/2014)
- Essays on Conflicts and Contests (07/2014)
- Essays on nonparametric econometrics. (07/2014)
- Three essays on nonparametric tests in nonparametric models (07/2014)
- On the role of imitation in social networks (06/2014)
- Firm Size Distribution under Adverse Selection and Weak Property Rights: Consequences for Development (05/2014)
- Essays on political economy and development (03/2014)
- Essays on microeconomics (01/2014)
- Essays on international finance and macroeconomics (12/2013)
- The choice to become self-employed and the decision to hire employees (12/2013)
- Essays on price regulation (11/2013)
- Essays on investment climate in developing countries (10/2013)
- Essays on macroeconomics and housing (10/2013)
- Essays on two-sided matching and mechanism design (10/2013)
- Essays in high dimensional factor models (09/2013)
- Essays on labour economics (09/2013)
- Essays on the role of information (09/2013)
- Essays in trade, innovation and productivity (06/2013)
- Essays on cartel bahavior and deterrence policy (10/2012)
- Essays in information transmission (09/2012)
- Essays on Asymmetric Information and Small Firms Finance (09/2012)
- Essays on the economic theory of organizations (09/2012)
- Deterministics, Initial Conditions and Breaks in Long Memory Time Series (07/2012)
- Three essays on specification testing (07/2012)
- Essays on information transmission in financial markets (05/2012)
- Specification tests for financial dynamic models (02/2012)
- Essays on business cycles and stabilization policy in a small commodity-exporting economy (12/2011)
- Co-summability: from linear to non-linear co-integration (09/2011)
- Essays in applied health economics (09/2011)
- Essays in industrial and organizational economics (09/2011)
- Estimating non-linear models with applications to health labor and education economics (09/2011)
- Essays on behavioral economics (07/2011)
- Three essays on the relative outcomes of minority (06/2011)
- Strategic profit sharing between firms (05/2011)
- Tesis Doctoral Nawid Siassi, European University Institute, Doctorado en 2011 (Director Principal Salvador Ortigueira) (05/2011)
- Bubbles, currency speculation and technology adoption (01/2011)
- Essays in the theory of repeated games (07/2010)
- Economic Determinants of IndiaŽs Investment Climate (06/2010)
- Essays on Political Economy and Industrial Organization (06/2010)
- Two essays on the macroeconomic analysis of government policies and entrepreneurship (06/2010)
- Essays on the Investment Climate and its Effects on Firms Efficiency (03/2010)
- Market Structure and Regulation in Pharmaceutical Markets (03/2010)
- Essays on structural change, growth and volatility (12/2009)
- Essays on Macroeconomics and Migration (09/2009)
- Markets with Frictions (06/2009)
- Tres ensayos sobre teoría económica (02/2009)
- Essays on the Economics of Collusion and Communication (10/2008)
- Essays in Two-Sided Platforms (09/2008)
- Essays on Auction Theory (07/2008)
- Essays on Dynamic Macroeconomics (07/2008)
- Economics of Organizations and Development (06/2008)
- Network Externalities in Developing Economies (06/2008)
- Essays on Economic Geography and Migration (05/2008)
- Essays on the Formation of Social Networks from a Game Theoretical Approach (02/2008)
working papers
- Assessing ChatGPT's ability to detect and correct programming errors in stata do-files (02/2025)
- Global and regional long-term climate forecasts: A heterogeneous future (02/2025)
- Improved gradient scaling for score-driven filters with an application to stock market volatility (02/2025)
- The effect of copays on the economic and ethnic segregation of primary education students: An evaluation of Chile's 2015 School Inclusion Act (02/2025)
- Are money demand equations still alive and kicking? Historical evidence of cointegration for the UK, using nonlinear techniques (01/2025)
- Detecting sparse cointegration (01/2025)
- Dynamic effects of persistent shocks (01/2025)
- General equilibrium, welfare and policy when firms have market power (12/2024)
- Regional Heterogeneity and Warming Dominance in the United States (11/2024)
- Testing extreme warming and geographical heterogeneity (11/2024)
- Anthropogenic effects of climate change: Further evidence from a fractionally integrated ice-age model (10/2024)
- Temporaty agency work and labor misallocation (09/2024)
- Common Ownership in Production Networks (06/2024)
- Learning Trade Opportunities through Production Network (06/2024)
- Modeling and Forecasting the Long Memory of Cyclical Trends in Paleoclimate Data (06/2024)
- Networking entrepreneurs (06/2024)
- Networking entrepreneurs (06/2024)
- Production and Financial Networks in Interplay: Crisis Evidence from Supplier-Customer and Credit Registers (06/2024)
- Revealing information &- or not &- in a social network of traders (06/2024)
- Social Networks and Collective Action in Large Populations: An application to the Egyptian Arab Spring (06/2024)
- Strategic use of social media influencer marketing (06/2024)
- The impact of obesity on human capital accumulation: exploring the driving factors (04/2024)
- Social Inequality in Children's Cognitive Effort and the Moderating Role of Incentives (03/2024)
- The asymmetry puzzle: the supply chain disruptions news shocks effects on oil prices and inflation (02/2024)
- General equilibrium, welfare and policy when firms have market power (01/2024)
- Global, Arctic, and Antarctic sea ice volume predictions: using score-driven threshold climate models (01/2024)
- Hidden costs of ban the box laws: unraveling the effects on drug-related deaths (12/2023)
- Trends in temperature data: micro-foundations of their nature (12/2023)
- Optimal contracts when the players think different (10/2023)
- Monetary trends in the UK and the USA from 1874 to 2020: a nonlinear approach to money demand (07/2023)
- Energy News Shocks and their Propagation to Renewable and Fossil Fuels Use (05/2023)
- Risk-sharing with a central authority: Free-riding, lack of commitment, and bail-outs (05/2023)
- Breaking the marriage trap: unilateral divorce and its effects on labor supply of married women (04/2023)
- Estimation of characteristics-based quantile factor models (04/2023)
- Asymmetric effects of financial volatility and volatility-of-volatility shocks on the energy mix (03/2023)
- Heterogeneous Predictive Association of CO2 with Global Warming (02/2023)
- An ergodic theory of sovereign default (12/2022)
- Network formation and heterogeneous risks (09/2022)
- The effect of ambiguity in strategic environments: an experiment (09/2022)
- The interactions of social norms about climate change: science, institutions and Economics (08/2022)
- Asymmetric Information with multiple risks: the case of the Chilean Private Health Insurance Market (07/2022)
- Climate change heterogeneity: a new quantitative approach (07/2022)
- Housing prices and credit constraints in competitive search (07/2022)
- News-driven housing booms: Spain vs. Germany (07/2022)
- Norms and the evolution of leaders' followership (07/2022)
- On the General Equilibrium Effects of Market Power (07/2022)
- Existence and uniqueness of solutions to the Bellman equation in stochastic dynamic programming (06/2022)
- High-Speed Rail: a panel data impact evaluation by Municipalities on depopulation and unemployment (06/2022)
- Do Temporary Help Agencies Help? Temporary employment transitions for low-skilled workers (05/2022)
- Do Temporary Help Agencies Help? Temporary employment transitions for low-skilled workers (05/2022)
- Score-driven threshold ice-age models: benchmark models for long-run climate forecasts (05/2022)
- Competitive search with two-sided risk aversion (03/2022)
- Effects of Policy Mix on European Regional Convergence (01/2022)
- Accuracy in recursive minimal state space methods (12/2021)
- The impact on market outcomes of the portfolio selection of large equity investors (11/2021)
- Effect of class size on student achievement in the COVID-19 "new normal" (10/2021)
- Robust estimation and forecasting of climate change using score-driven ice-age models (10/2021)
- School Starting Age and the choice of elementary schoolJulio Cáceres-Delpiano; Eugenio P. Giolito (10/2021)
- The heterogeneous effects of the Great Recession on informal care to the elderly (10/2021)
- Troll Farms and Voter Disinformation (10/2021)
- A structural analysis of the merit-order effect in the Spanish day-ahead power market (09/2021)
- Useful results for the simulation of non-optimal economies with heterogeneous agents (09/2021)
- Memory, multiple equilibria and emerging market crises (06/2021)
- Motherhood and the Allocation of Talent (06/2021)
- Public financing with financial frictions and underground economy (04/2021)
- A tale of three cities: climate heterogeneity (special issue of SERIES in homage to Juan J. Dolado) (03/2021)
- Inmigración y políticas migratorias en España (03/2021)
- A fair procedure in a marriage market (01/2021)
- Computing decomposable multigroup indexes of segregation (01/2021)
- Dependent self-employment across Europe: involuntariness, country's wealth and labor market institutions (01/2021)
- Degrowth versus Decoupling: Competing strategies for carbon abatement? (12/2020)
- Firms and households during the pandemic: what do we learn from their electricity consumption? (12/2020)
- Market Definition and Competition Policy Enforcement in the Pharmaceutical Industry (12/2020)
- Out of sample predictability in predictive regressions with many predictor candidates (12/2020)
- Spurious relationships in high dimensional systems with strong or mild persistence (12/2020)
- Storing Power: Market Structure Matters (12/2020)
- Technology-Neutral vs. TechnologySpecific Procurement (12/2020)
- Uncovering regimes in out of sample forecast errors from predictive regressions (12/2020)
- Worker flows and wage dynamics: estimating wage growth without composition effects (12/2020)
- Intergroup contact and nation building: evidence from military service in Spain (11/2020)
- Land, water and energy: the crossing of governance (11/2020)
- On Risk and Time pressure: When to think and when to do (11/2020)
- Prediction accuracy of bivariate score-driven risk premium and volatility filters: an illustration for the Dow Jones (11/2020)
- Quantile Factor Models (11/2020)
- Persuading to Participate: Coordination on a Standard (10/2020)
- Locally Robust Semiparametric Estimation (08/2020)
- Pricing group membership (08/2020)
- Blast from the past: The altruism model is richer than you think (07/2020)
- School Choice with Transferable Students Characteristics (07/2020)
- The size, socio-economic composition and fiscal implications of the irregular immigration in Spain (07/2020)
- USSR, education, work history, fertility choices, and later-life outcomes (07/2020)
- European Structural and Investment Funds and Regional Convergence: The Impact of Public Deficit in Beta-Convergence (06/2020)
- Forecasting gasoline prices with mixed random forest error correction models (06/2020)
- Housing prices and credit constraints in competitive search (06/2020)
- Regression Discontinuity Design with Multivalued Treatments (06/2020)
- Dynamic stochastic general equilibrium inference using a score-driven approach (05/2020)
- Estimation of split points in misspecified decision trees (05/2020)
- Institutions, opportunism and prosocial behavior: some experimental evidence (05/2020)
- Irregular identification of structural models with nonparametric unobserved heterogeneity (05/2020)
- Market Power and PriceDiscrimination: Learning from Changes in Renewables (05/2020)
- Nonlinear common trends for the global crude oil market: Markov-switching score-driven models of the multivariate t-distribution (05/2020)
- Technology catch-up in agriculture among advanced economies (05/2020)
- Gender differences in the effectiveness of prosocial policies: an application to road safety (04/2020)
- Lift the ban? Initial employment restrictions and refugee labour market outcomes (04/2020)
- Using Stata to estimate dynamic correlated random effectsprobit models with unbalanced panels (04/2020)
- XTPROBITUNBAL: Stata module to estimate Dynamic Probit Random Effects Models with Unbalanced Panel (04/2020)
- Biased experts, majorityrRule, and the optimal composition of committee (03/2020)
- Public-sector compensation over the life cycle (03/2020)
- Rational Inattention and Migration Decisions (03/2020)
- (Structural) VAR Models with Ignored Changes in Mean and Volatility (02/2020)
- Do Processing Times Affect the Distribution of Asylum Seekers across Europe? (02/2020)
- The wrong kind of information (02/2020)
- European gasoline markets: price transmission asymmetries in mean and variance (01/2020)
- Social connectivity, media bias, and correlation neglect (01/2020)
- Clean Energy Access : Gender Disparity, Health, and Labor Supply (12/2019)
- Dynamic Effects of Persistent Shocks (11/2019)
- Endogenous Hours and the Wealth of Entrepreneurs (11/2019)
- Local Autonomy and Government Spending Multipliers: Evidence from European Regions (11/2019)
- Transporte, infraestructura y crecimiento económico en España (11/2019)
- Intimate partner violence and women's health : the private and social burden (10/2019)
- Markov-switching score-driven multivariate models: outlier-robust measurement of the relationships between world crude oil production and US industrial production (10/2019)
- Housing Prices and Credit Constraints in Competitive Search (09/2019)
- Strategic Incentives for Keeping One Set of Books under the Arm's Length Principle (08/2019)
- A dynamic functional factor model for yield curves: identification, estimation and prediction (07/2019)
- Maximum likelihood estimation of score-driven models with dynamic shape parameters : an application to Monte Carlo value-at-risk (07/2019)
- Predictive Regressions (07/2019)
- The Non-Neutrality of the Arm's Length Principle with Imperfect Competition (07/2019)
- Co-integration and common trends analysis with score-driven models : an application to US macroeconomic data (05/2019)
- Literacy and primary school expansion in Portugal : 1940&-62 (04/2019)
- Economic Growth, Energy Intensity and the Energy Mix (03/2019)
- Continuity and Robustness of Bayesian Equilibria in Tullock Contests (02/2019)
- Efectos de la digitalización y la productividad en la economía española : una comparación internacional (02/2019)
- Investment Climate Effects on Alternative Firm-Level Productivity Measures (02/2019)
- Save, spend or give? A model of housing, family insurance, and savings in old age (02/2019)
- Cooking that Kills : Cleaner Energy, Indoor Air Pollution, and Health (01/2019)
- Score-driven time series models with dynamic shape : an application to the Standard & Poor's 500 index (01/2019)
- Testing Constancy in Varying Coefficient Models (01/2019)
- The Impact of Mandatory Military Service. Evidence from Spain (01/2019)
- Counterfactual Analysis Using Censored Duration Data (12/2018)
- Incentives for information provision: energy efficiency in the Spanish rental market (10/2018)
- Optimal informationcensorship (10/2018)
- Predicting Spanish emigration and immigration (10/2018)
- Cournot equilibrium revisited (09/2018)
- Leader identity and coordination (09/2018)
- Seasonal Quasi-Vector Autoregressive Models with an Application to Crude Oil Production and Economic Activity in the United States and Canada (09/2018)
- Seasonality Detection in Small Samples using Score-Driven Nonlinear Multivariate Dynamic Location Models (09/2018)
- The Democrat-Republican growth gap paradox (09/2018)
- Centralized Course Allocation (08/2018)
- Slacktivism (08/2018)
- Campaign contests (07/2018)
- Does limiting internet use among adolescents affect their offline social relationships? (07/2018)
- Gridlock and inefficienct policy instruments (06/2018)
- Tullock Contests Reward Information Advantages (06/2018)
- A fair procedure in a marriage market (05/2018)
- Measurement errors and rank correlation (04/2018)
- Showing off or laying low? the economics of psych-outs (04/2018)
- Minimum age requirements and the impact of school choice (03/2018)
- Model of search with price discrimination (03/2018)
- Properties of contests (03/2018)
- (The Struggle for) Refugee Integration into the Labour Market: Evidence from Europe (02/2018)
- A primer on capacity mechanisms (02/2018)
- A simple model of competitive testing (02/2018)
- Job insecurity (02/2018)
- Reducing credit constraints to post-secondary technical education in developing countries : evidence from Colombia (02/2018)
- Seasonal quasi-vector autoregressive models for macroeconomic data (02/2018)
- Shift-share instruments and the impact of immigration (02/2018)
- Spatial mobility in elite academic institutions in economics : the case of Spain (02/2018)
- Long-term care across Europe and the U.S.: the role of informal and formal care (01/2018)
- Religion and abortion: the role of politician identity (01/2018)
- Governance, Brain Drain, and Brain Gain in Elite Academic Institutions in Economics : the Case of Spain (12/2017)
- Two-sided strategy-proofness in many-to-many matching markets (12/2017)
- Contests with Dominant Strategies (11/2017)
- Immigrant locations and native residential preferences: emerging guettos or new communities (11/2017)
- Information in Tullock contest (11/2017)
- Sickness absence from work in Spain: are there gender differences? (11/2017)
- Score-driven non-linear multivariate dynamic location models (10/2017)
- Group strategy-proof stable mechanisms in priority-based resource allocation under multi-unit demand: a note (09/2017)
- Quantile Factor Models (09/2017)
- Graduating into a recession (08/2017)
- Online appendix : Competitive Search Equilibrium with Multidimensional Heterogeneity and Two-Sided Ex-ante Investments (08/2017)
- Partial Cartels and Mergers with Heterogeneous Firms : Experimental Evidence (08/2017)
- Dynamic conditional score models with time-varying location, scale and shape parameters (07/2017)
- Hours occupations and gender differences in labor market outcome (07/2017)
- Nonlinear and asymmetric pricing behaviour in the Spanish gasoline market (07/2017)
- (Group) strategy-proofness and stability in many-to-many matching markets (06/2017)
- Quality choice and price discrimination in markets with search costs (05/2017)
- On testing Sshock induced asymmetries in time series (02/2017)
- Take-it-or-leave-it contracts in many-to-many matching markets (02/2017)
- When collective ignorance is bliss: theory and experiment on voting for learning (02/2017)
- On the quest for currencies of science : discussing field "exchange rates" for citations and Mendeley readership (01/2017)
- Some additional difficulties in the dynamic foundations of competitive equilibrium (01/2017)
- The Reaction of Stock Market Returns to Unemployment (01/2017)
- Trade and growth: a simple model with not-so-simple implications (01/2017)
- Trends in distributional characteristics : Existence of global warming (01/2017)
- Reserve Prices in Auctions with Entry when the Seller in Risk Averse (12/2016)
- The Herrero-Villar approach to citation impact : a ranking procedure based on a tournament between research units (12/2016)
- The geography of linguistic diversity and the provision of public goods (12/2016)
- Wage risk, employment risk and the rise in wage inequality (12/2016)
- A capture theory of committees (11/2016)
- Information advantage in common-value classic Tullock contests (11/2016)
- The impact of classification systems in the evaluation of the research performance of the Leiden Ranking Universities (11/2016)
- Tort Reform and the Length of Physician Office Visits (11/2016)
- Competitive Search Equilibrium with Multidimensional Heterogeneity and Two-Sided Ex-ante Investments (09/2016)
- Evaluating Long-Term-Care Policy Options, Taking the Family Seriously (09/2016)
- Headstarts in Dynamic Tournaments? (09/2016)
- Long-term optimal portfolio allocation under dynamic horizon-specific risk aversion (09/2016)
- The gender productivity gap : some evidence for a set of highly productive academic economists (09/2016)
- Dominant strategies in contests (08/2016)
- Are migrants more productive than stayers? Some evidence for a set of highly productive academic economists (07/2016)
- Equation-by-Equation Estimation of Multivariate Periodic Electricity Price Volatility (07/2016)
- Relinquishing power, exploitation and political unemployment indemocratic organizations (07/2016)
- Score-driven dynamic patent count panel data models (07/2016)
- Beyond occupation : the evolution of gender segregation over the life course (06/2016)
- Growth in Illyria: the role of meritocracy in the accumulation of human capital (06/2016)
- R&D investments fostering horizontal mergers (06/2016)
- Employment and the Risk of Domestic Violence: Does the Breadwinner's Gender Matter? (03/2016)
- The last shall be the first : failed accountability due to voters fatigue and ballot design (03/2016)
- A comparison of the Web of Science with publication-level classification systems of Science (01/2016)
- Research output indicators are not productivity indicators (01/2016)
- An alternative to field-normalization in the aggregation of heterogeneous scientific fields (12/2015)
- Drugs, guns and early motherhood in Colombia (11/2015)
- Dynamic conditional score patent count panel data models (11/2015)
- The energy transition in Europe: initial lessons from Germany, the UK and France : towards a low carbon European power sector (10/2015)
- Oligopolistic equilibrium and financial constraints (09/2015)
- Strategy-proof fair school placement (05/2015)
- The role of captive consumers in retailers' location choices (05/2015)
- Multiplicative versus fractional counting methods for co-authored publications : the case of the 500 universities in the Leiden ranking (04/2015)
- Internal cocaine trafficking and armed violence in Colombia (03/2015)
- Estimation of Dynamic Nonlinear Random Effects Models with Unbalanced Panels (02/2015)
- Optimal Unemployment Insurance : Consumption versus Expenditure (02/2015)
- The welfare effects of asset means-testing income support (02/2015)
- Informe GENET "Género y políticas públicas: claves para la agenda política", Asociación GENET &-Red de Estudios de Género, CSIC (Centro de Ciencias Humanas y sociales) (01/2015)
- Real Capital Input in OECD Agriculture: A Multinational Comparison (01/2015)
- "Giving" in to social pressure (12/2014)
- Do Polls Create Momentum in Political Competition? (12/2014)
- The impact of age of entry on academic progression (12/2014)
- University citation distributions (12/2014)
- The impact of a permanent income shock on the situation of women in the household: the case of a pension reform in Argentina (11/2014)
- The world income distribution: the effects of international unbundling of production (11/2014)
- Capital goods, measured TFP and growth : the case of Spain (10/2014)
- Season of birth and mother and child characteristics : evidence from Spain and Chile (10/2014)
- Transmission of preferences and beliefs about female labor market participation : direct evidence on the role of mothers (10/2014)
- Compensated Lindahl equilibrium: efficiency theorems and gains from trade with individual production and public goods (09/2014)
- Who monitors the monitor? : effect of party observers on electoral outcomes (09/2014)
- A note on price caps with demand uncertainty, quantity precommitment and disposal (08/2014)
- Great opportunities or poor alternatives: self-employment, unemployment and paid employment over the business cycle (08/2014)
- Price caps regulation with capacity precommitment (08/2014)
- Towards a micro-founded theory of aggregate labor supply (08/2014)
- Financial frictions, occupational choice and economic inequality (07/2014)
- Surprise me if you can: influence of newspaper endorsements in US Presidential elections (07/2014)
- The effect of spatial mobility and other factors on academic productivity : some evidence from a set of highly productive economists (07/2014)
- The elite in economics (07/2014)
- Hotelling meets Holmes : the importance of returns to product differentiation and distribution economies for the firm's optimal location choice (06/2014)
- Propensity to patent, R&D and market competition : dynamic spillovers of innovation leaders and followers (06/2014)
- Learning by Fund-raising (05/2014)
- The skewness of scientific productivity (05/2014)
- Reassessing the Differential Impact of Grandmothers and Grandfathers: The Old AgeProgram in Nepal (04/2014)
- dqd: A command for treatment effect estimation under alternative assumptions (04/2014)
- Field-normalized citation impact indicators using algorithmically constructed classification systems of science (03/2014)
- The impact of carbon trading on industry: evidence from German manufacturing firms (03/2014)
- The impact of public research contracts on scientific productivity (03/2014)
- The value of public information in common value Tullock contests (03/2014)
- Within and across department variability in individual productivity : the case of economics (03/2014)
- Real capital input in agriculture: a multilateral comparison (01/2014)
- Differences in citation impact across countries (11/2013)
- Mergers along the global supply chain: information technologies and routineness (11/2013)
- Pass-through of emissions costs in electricity markets (11/2013)
- The impact of a permanent income shock on the situation of women in the household (11/2013)
- Markov-perfect optimal fiscal policy : the case of unbalanced budgets (10/2013)
- Did the Euro Change the Effect of Fundamentals on Growth and Uncertainty? (09/2013)
- The comparison of classification-system-based normalization procedures with source normalization alternatives in Waltman and Van Eck (2013) (09/2013)
- The settlement of the United States, 1800 to 2000: the long transition towards Gibrat's Law (09/2013)
- Unbiased QML estimation of Log-GARCH models in the presence of zero returns (09/2013)
- Does the real interest rate drive investment? : a structural-estimation approach (08/2013)
- Inequality and asset prices (08/2013)
- Macroeconomic implications of long-term care policies (08/2013)
- Revisiting Granger Causality of CO2 on Global Warming: a Quantile Factor Approach (07/2013)
- The effects of children on mothers' employment and earnings : evidence from Spain (07/2013)
- The comparison of normalization procedures based on different classification systems (05/2013)
- The impact of extreme observations in citation distributions (04/2013)
- The effect on citation inequality of differences in citation practices at the Web of Sciences subject category level (02/2013)
- A theory of vintage capital investment and energy use (01/2013)
- Antitrust fines in times of crisis (01/2013)
- Measurement error in imputation procedures (01/2013)
- The European crisis and migration to Germany: expectations and the diversion of migration flows (01/2013)
- Breaking down the barriers to firm growth in Europe: the fourth EFIGE policy report (12/2012)
- Conditional stochastic dominance testing (12/2012)
- Dual Employment Protection Legislation and the Size Distribution of Firms (12/2012)
- Field normalization at different aggregation levels (12/2012)
- Health and the Political Agency of Women (12/2012)
- Publicizing the results of standardized external tests : does it have an effect on school outcomes? (12/2012)
- The Effect of Designated Driver Service Availability on Drunk Driving Behaviors and Consequences (12/2012)
- The joint effect of ethnicity and gender on occupational segregation : an approach based on the Mutual Information Index (12/2012)
- Treatment effect identification using alternative parallel assumptions (12/2012)
- Declining returns to skill and the distribution of wages : Spain 1995-2006 (11/2012)
- Economic Conditions and Employment Dynamics of Immigrants versus Natives: Who Pays the Costs of the "Great Recession"? (11/2012)
- On the Spatial Economic Impact of Global Warming (11/2012)
- On the Spatial Economic Impact of Global Warming (11/2012)
- Common Trends in Trade: The Impact of Vertical Specialization (10/2012)
- Information asymmetry and deception in the investment game (10/2012)
- Risk Channels of Pricing and Production: A Model of Inertial Prices and Cyclical Markups (10/2012)
- The evolution of the scientific productivity of highly productive economist (10/2012)
- Vague Lies: How to Advise Consumers When They Complain (10/2012)
- Dynamic markets for lemons : performance, liquidity, and policy intervention (09/2012)
- The Appeal of Information Transactions (09/2012)
- Collective versus decentralized wage bargaining and the efficient allocation of resources (08/2012)
- Boosting scientific research : evidence from a public program (07/2012)
- Measurement error and imputation of consumption in survey data (07/2012)
- Micro vs. macro consumption data : the cyclical properties of the consumer expenditure survey (07/2012)
- Profits in (Partial) Equilibrium and (General) Disequilibrium (07/2012)
- Switching bubbles: from outside to inside bubbles (07/2012)
- The reaction of stock market returns to anticipated unemployment (07/2012)
- An evidence review of the EU emissions trading system, focussing on effectiveness of the system in driving industrial abatement (06/2012)
- Differences in citation impact across scientific fields (06/2012)
- Industry compensation under relocation risk: a firm-level analysis of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (06/2012)
- Industry compensation under relocation risk: a firm-level analysis of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (06/2012)
- The political economy of the Maoist conflict in India : an empirical analysis (06/2012)
- Evaluating a bilingual education program in Spain: the impact beyond foreign language learning (05/2012)
- Evaluating a bilingual education program in Spain: the impact beyond foreign language learning (05/2012)
- Assessing the effect of public subsidies on firm R&D investment : a survey (04/2012)
- From the "European Paradox" to a European Drama in citation impact (04/2012)
- Vertical integration, knowledge disclosure and decreasing rival's cost (04/2012)
- Nonparametric estimation and inference for Granger causality measures (03/2012)
- The measurement of scientific excellence around the world (03/2012)
- Conditional stochastic dominance tests in dynamic settings (02/2012)
- Dynamic Price Competition with Switching Costs (02/2012)
- Modelos regulatorios en las telecomunicaciones fijas de banda ancha: comperencia en redes frente a competencia en servicios. La evidencia empírica en la OCDE y España (02/2012)
- Optimal bank transparency (02/2012)
- The citation merit of scientific publications (02/2012)
- The effects of global shocks on small commodity-exporting economies: new evidence from Canada (02/2012)
- Directed search over the life cycle (01/2012)
- Does dual employment protection affect TFP? Evidence from Spanish manufacturing firms (01/2012)
- Estimation and inference in threshold type regime switching models (01/2012)
- Immigration and the school system (01/2012)
- Nonparametric tests for conditional independence using conditional distributions (01/2012)
- Patents, secret innovations and firm's rate of return : differential effects of the innovation leader (01/2012)
- Relative Difference Contest Success Function (01/2012)
- Robust investment climate effects on alternative firm-level productivity measures (01/2012)
- Sub-field normalization in the multiplicative case : average-based citation indicators (01/2012)
- Unemployment risk and wage differentials (01/2012)
- De Economische Impact van Taaldiversiteit in de Belgische Context (12/2011)
- Detecting big structural breaks in large factor models (12/2011)
- Equilibrium Dynamics in Markets for Lemons (12/2011)
- Refundability and Price: Empirical Analysis on the Airline Industry (12/2011)
- The dollar squeeze of the financial crisis (12/2011)
- Precautionary demand for money in a monetary business cycle model (11/2011)
- Risk premium, variance premium and the maturity structure of uncertainty (11/2011)
- The non-neutrality of the arm's length principle with imperfect competition (11/2011)
- Bernstein estimator for unbounded density copula (10/2011)
- Multiplicative and fractional strategies when journals are assigned to several sub-fields (10/2011)
- Persistent markups in bidding markets with financial constraints (10/2011)
- Sub-field normalization in the multiplicative case : high- and low- impact citation indicators (10/2011)
- Vertical Specialization and Nonstationarities in International Trade Series (10/2011)
- Do foreing excess return regressions convey valid information? (09/2011)
- Heterogeneous Tiebout Communities with Private Production and Anonymous Crowding (09/2011)
- How important is intra-household risk sharing for savings and labor supply? (09/2011)
- Is There a Cost Associate with an Increase in Family Size Beyond Children? Evidence from Developing Countries (09/2011)
- The Impacts of the Climate Change Levy on Manufacturing: Evidence from Microdata (09/2011)
- The end of the European Paradox (09/2011)
- Acyclicity and singleton cores in matching markets (08/2011)
- Games with capacity manipulation : incentives and Nash equilibria (08/2011)
- Make it challenging : motivation through goal setting (08/2011)
- Product reliability, consumers' complaints and market performance: the case of consumers' associations (08/2011)
- The rise and fall of centralized wage bargaining (08/2011)
- Temptation, horizontal differentiation and monopoly pricing (07/2011)
- The Effect of Public Sector Employment on Women's Labour Market Outcomes (07/2011)
- The reaction of stock market returns to anticipated unemployment (07/2011)
- Trading and rational security pricing bubbles (07/2011)
- Agricultural productivity in the United States: catching-up and the business cycle (06/2011)
- Coverage of Infertility Treatment and Fertility Outcomes: Do Women Catch Up? (06/2011)
- Detecting big structural breaks in large factor models (06/2011)
- Endogenous strength in conflicts (06/2011)
- Give peace a chance: the effect of incomplete and imperfect information on mediation (06/2011)
- Summability of stochastic processes: a generalization of integration and co-integration valid for non-linear processes (06/2011)
- The Effect of Public Sector Employment on Women's Labour Market Outcomes (06/2011)
- The Effect of Public Sector Employment on Women's Labour Market Outcomes (06/2011)
- The evaluation of citation distributions (06/2011)
- Organizational design of multi-product multi-market firms (05/2011)
- Recycling Failure (05/2011)
- Resistance to Technology Adoption: The Rise and Decline of Guilds (05/2011)
- State dependence and heterogeneity in health using a bias corrected fixed effects estimator (05/2011)
- The skewness of science in 219 sub-fields and a number of aggregates (05/2011)
- Does immigration cause crime? : evidence from Spain (04/2011)
- Oligopolistic Equilibrium and Financial Constraints (04/2011)
- Oligopolistic equilibrium and financial constraints (04/2011)
- An impure public good model with lotteries in large groups (03/2011)
- Are the World's Megacities Too Big? (03/2011)
- Climate Change Policy and Business in Europe. Evidence from Interviewing Managers (03/2011)
- Entropy and the value of information for investors (03/2011)
- Ex Ante Information in Adverse Selection (03/2011)
- Incentives, resources and the organization of the school system (03/2011)
- Intra-Firm Bargaining and Learning in a Market Equilibrium (03/2011)
- Price regulation in oligopolistic markets (03/2011)
- Stochastically stable implementation (03/2011)
- EU Patent System: to be or not to be? (02/2011)
- Outsourcing versus Vertical Integration: A Dynamic Model of Industry Equilibrium (02/2011)
- Did Spanish firms perfom worse in the wake of 2008 crisis? (01/2011)
- Does dual employment protection affect TFP? Evidence from Spanish manufacturing firms (01/2011)
- Intermediaries in Corruption: An Experiment (01/2011)
- The identification of a mixture of first order binary Markov Chains (01/2011)
- An Evaluation of Public Aids towards Renewable Energy Sources in Spain (12/2010)
- Average-based versus High- and Low-Impact Indicators for the Evaluation of Scientific Distributions (12/2010)
- Bagwell's Paradox, Forward Induction and Outside Option Games (12/2010)
- Competitive Equilibrium with Search Frictions: Arrow-Debreu meets Diamond-Mortensen-Pisarides (12/2010)
- Executive Pay with Observable Decisions (12/2010)
- Regime Specific Predictability in Predictive Regressions (12/2010)
- The Evaluation of Citation Distributions from an Economic Perspective (12/2010)
- Two-Tier Labor Markets in the Great Recession: France vs. Spain (12/2010)
- Financing Experimentation (11/2010)
- Fiscal Policy and the Labour Market: The Effects of Public Sector Emplyment and Wages (11/2010)
- House Prices, Sales, and Time on the Market : A Search-Theoretic Framework (Supplementary Material) (11/2010)
- Interactions between Private and Public Sector Wages (11/2010)
- Interpreting Markups in Spanish Manufacturing: The Exponential Model (11/2010)
- Labour Market Flows: Facts from the United Kingdom (11/2010)
- Spillovers of Health Education at School on Parents' Physical Activity (11/2010)
- Conditional Stochastic Dominance Tests in Dynamic Settings (10/2010)
- House Prices, Sales, and Time on the Market: A Search-Theoretic Framework (10/2010)
- Multiple Openings of Forward Markets: Experimental Evidence (10/2010)
- Reaction to Public Information in Asset Markets: Does Ambiguity Matter? (10/2010)
- Strategic Profit Sharing Leads to Collusion in Bertrand Oligopolies (10/2010)
- The Skewness of Science in 219 Sub-Fields and a Number of Aggregates (10/2010)
- Will You "Quasi-marry" Me? The Rise of Cohabitation and Decline of Marriages (10/2010)
- Comment on: "Auctions with a Buy Price: The Case of Reference-Dependent Preferences" (09/2010)
- Differentiability of the Value Function in Continuous-Time Economic Models (09/2010)
- Endogenous Governance Transparency and Product Market Competition (09/2010)
- Non-revelation Mechanisms in Many-to-One Markets (09/2010)
- Quality and Quantity of Education in the Process of Development (09/2010)
- The Welfare Effects of Location and Quality in Oligopoly (09/2010)
- Ideas para la creación de "ATILA" (Área Trasatlántica de Integración para la Libertad Ampliada) (08/2010)
- Performance Pay and the Gender Wage Gap: Evidence from Spain (07/2010)
- Wage Expectations for Higher Education Students in Spain (07/2010)
- A Kullback-Leibler Measure of Conditional Segregation (06/2010)
- Entropy-based Segregation Indices (06/2010)
- Estimating Union Wage Effects and the Probability of Union Membership in the U.K. during 1991-2003 (06/2010)
- The Power Log-GARCH Model (06/2010)
- High - and Low-Impact Citation Measures: Empirical Applications (05/2010)
- Migration, Wages and Parental Background: Obstacles to Entrepreneurship and Growth in East Germany (05/2010)
- Tax Rates, Governance, and the Informal Economy in High-Income Countries (05/2010)
- The Effect of Experience in Cournot Play (05/2010)
- A Distribution-Free Transform of the Residuals Sample Autocorrelations with Application to Model Checking (04/2010)
- Testing Conditional Monotonicity in the Absence of Smoothness (03/2010)
- The Effect of Reliability, Content and Timing of Public Announcements on Asset Trading Behavior (03/2010)
- The Spanish Business Bankruptcy Puzzle and the Crisis (03/2010)
- Experimental Results on the Roommate Problem (02/2010)
- The Effect of Birthright Citizenship on Parental Integration Outcomes (02/2010)
- Competition in the Pharmaceutical Industry: How do Quality Differences Shape Advertising Strategies? (01/2010)
- Fiscal Centralization and the Political Process (01/2010)
- Price Regulation in Oligopoly (01/2010)
- Raising "Lab Rats" (01/2010)
- The Influence of the Mother's Power on her Child's Labor in Mexico (01/2010)
- The Toll of Fertility on Mothers Wellbeing (01/2010)
- Unobserved Heterogeneity in Multi-Spell Discrete Time Duration Models (01/2010)
- Empirical Econometric Evaluation of Alternative Methods of Dealing with Missing Values in Investment Climate Surveys (12/2009)
- Knowledge Spillovers in U.S. Patents: a Dynamic Patent Intensity Model with Secret Common Innovation Factors (12/2009)
- References Made and Citations Received by Scientific Articles (12/2009)
- The Measurement of Low- and High-Impact in Citation Distributions: Technical Results (12/2009)
- Assessing the Impact of Infrastructure Quality on Firm Productivity in Africa: Cross-Country Comparisons Based on Investment Climate Surveys from 1999 to 2005 (11/2009)
- On the Endogeneity of Exchange Rate Regimes (11/2009)
- Welfare Maximizing Contest Success Functions when the Planner cannot Commit (11/2009)
- The School Reentry Decision on Poor Girls: Structural Estimation and Policy Analysis using PROGRESA Database (10/2009)
- A Model of Stigma in the Fed Funds Market (09/2009)
- Contract Choice, Incentives, and Political Capture in Public Transport Services (09/2009)
- The Cost of Contract Renegotiation: Evidence from the Local Public Sector (09/2009)
- The Political Economy of Ethnolingustic Cleavages (09/2009)
- A Comparison of the Scientific Performance of the U. S. and the European Union at the Turn of the XXI Century (07/2009)
- Automated Financial Multi-Path GETS Modelling (07/2009)
- A Nonparametric Copula Based Test for Conditional Independence with Applications to Granger Causality (06/2009)
- Correcting the Bias in the Estimation of a Dynamic Ordered Probit with Fixed Effects of Self-Assessed Health Status (06/2009)
- Downside Risk Efficiency under Market Distress (06/2009)
- Employment Generation by Small Firms in Spain (06/2009)
- Transport Infraestructure, Sunk Costs and Firms' Export Behaviour (06/2009)
- What Drives International Equity Correlations? Volatility or Market Direction? (06/2009)
- What makes a High Growth Firm? A Probit Analysis using Spanish Firm-level Data (06/2009)
- Macroeconomic Model Relations to be used in the Integrated Assesment Model (04/2009)
- Domestic Transport Cost Reductions and Firms' Export Behaviour (03/2009)
- House Prices, Sales, and Time on the Market: A Search-Theoretic Framework (03/2009)
- The Impacts of the Climate Change Levy on business: Evidence from Microdata (03/2009)
- The Prevalence of Power Laws in the Citations to Scientific Papers (03/2009)
- The Strategic Motive to Sell Forward: Experimental Evidence (03/2009)
- Unobservable Persistant Productivity and Long Term Contracts (03/2009)
- A New Class of Distribution-Free Tests for Time Series Models Specification (02/2009)
- Dynamic Binary Outcome Models with Maximal Heterogeneity (02/2009)
- Econometric Reduction Theory and Philosophy (02/2009)
- Labor Contracts and Flexibility : Evidence from a Labor Market Reform in Spain (02/2009)
- Resistance to Learning and the Evolution of Cooperation (02/2009)
- Catching Up in Total Factor Productivity Tthrough the Business Cycle: Evidence from Spanish Manufacturing Surveys (11/2008)
- Do Temporary Contracts Affect TFP?: Evidence from the Spanish Manufacturing Firms (11/2008)
- Do Temporary Contracts Affect TFP?: Evidence from the Spanish Manufacturing Firms (11/2008)
- Keeping the Best for Last: Impact of Fertility on Mother's Employment: Evidence from Developing Countries (11/2008)
- Sincere Lobbying Formation (11/2008)
- Split-Ticket Voting: An Implicit Incentive Approach (11/2008)
- Immigration and Crime in Spain, 1999-2006 (10/2008)
- Students' Assessment of Higher Education in Spain (10/2008)
- Collusive Networks in Market Sharing Agreements in the Presence of an Antitrust Authority (09/2008)
- Do Better Paid Politicians Perform Better? Disentangling Incentives from Selection (09/2008)
- Do Open Transition Economies Grow Faster? (09/2008)
- Students' Assessment of Higher Education in Spain (09/2008)
- Testing Downside Risk Efficiency Under Market Distress (09/2008)
- Testing Downside Risk Efficiency Under Market Distress (09/2008)
- The Farm, the City, and the Emergence oF Social Security (09/2008)
- Does Innovation Stimulate Employment?: A Firm-Level Analysis Using Comparable Micro-Data from Four European Countries (08/2008)
- Asymmetry Effect of Returns and Volatility on Correlation of International Equity Markets (06/2008)
- Can We Measure Hospital Quality from Physicians' Choices? (06/2008)
- Omitted Variables in the Measure of a Labour Quality Index: The Case of Spain (06/2008)
- The Effect of Language at School on Identity and Political Outlooks (06/2008)
- Computing Welfare Losses from Data under Imperfect Competition with Heterogeneous Goods (05/2008)
- Social Change (05/2008)
- Nonparametric tests for Conditional Independence with Applications to Granger Non-Causality (03/2008)
- On the Impact of Forward Contract Obligations in Multi-Unit Auctions (03/2008)
- The Impact of Unilateral Divorce on Crime (03/2008)
- Doubts and Equilibria (02/2008)
- Electoral Rules and Politicians' Behavior: A Micro Test (02/2008)
- How Unilateral Divorce Affects Children (02/2008)
- House Prices, Sales and Time on the Market with Competitive Search (01/2008)
- Investment Incentives and Auction Design in Electricity Markets (01/2008)
- Markets of Information: Of Inefficient Firewalls and Efficient Monopolies (01/2008)
- Marriage and Divorce since World War II: Analyzing the Role of Technological Progress on the Formation of Households (01/2008)
- Outside Income and Moral Hazard: The Elusive Quest for Good Politicians (01/2008)
- R&D and Productivity: Estimating Production Functions when Productivity is Endogenous (01/2008)
- Simple Wald test of the Fractional Integration Parameter: An Overview of New Results (01/2008)
- Taxation, Aggregates and the Household (01/2008)