Knowledge Spillovers in US Patents: A Dynamic Patent Intensity Model with Secret Common Innovation Factors
published in
- Journal of Econometrics Journal
publication date
- November 2010
start page
- 14
end page
- 32
- 1
- 159
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)
- 0304-4076
Electronic International Standard Serial Number (EISSN)
- 1872-6895
During the past two decades, innovations protected by patents have played a key role in business strategies. This fact enhanced studies of the determinants of patents and the impact of
patents on innovation and competitive advantage. Sustaining competitive
advantages is as important as creating them. Patents help sustaining
competitive advantages by increasing the production cost of competitors,
by signaling a better quality of products and by serving as barriers to
entry. If patents are rewards for innovation, more R&D should be
reflected in more patent applications but this is not the end of the
story. There is empirical evidence showing that patents through time are
becoming easier to get and more valuable to the firm due to increasing
damage awards from infringers. These facts question the constant and
static nature of the relationship between R&D and patents.
Furthermore, innovation creates important knowledge spillovers due to
its imperfect appropriability. Our paper investigates these dynamic
effects using US patent data from 1979 to 2000 with alternative model
specifications for patent counts. We introduce a general dynamic count
panel data model with dynamic observable and unobservable spillovers,
which encompasses previous models, is able to control for the
endogeneity of R&D and therefore can be consistently estimated by
maximum likelihood. Apart from allowing for firm specific fixed and
random effects, we introduce a common unobserved component, or secret
stock of knowledge, that affects differently the propensity to patent of
each firm across sectors due to their different absorptive capacity.