sample of publications
- Natives contribute to the residential segregation of immigrants. LISER Policy Brief. 2023
- Do applications respond to changes in asylum policies in European countries?. Regional Science and Urban Economics. 93:1-17. 2022
- Can market mechanisms solve the refugee crisis?. IZA World of Labor. 1-10. 2021
- Rational inattention and migration decisions. Journal of International Economics. 126:1-22. 2020
- Immigrant locations and native residential preferences: Emerging ghettos or new communities?. Journal of Urban Economics. 112:133-151. 2019
- The effect of visa policies on international migration flows. ifo Institute. 16:38-41. 2018
- Gravity models in the migration and development nexus. Revue d'Economie du Developpement. 25:69-91. 2017
- The elasticity of the migrant labour supply: evidence from temporary Filipino migrants. Journal of Development Studies. 53:1822-1834. 2016
- The European crisis and migration to Germany. Regional Science and Urban Economics. 60:61-72. 2016
- A practitioners' guide to gravity models of international migration. World Economy. 39:496-512. 2016
- Can market mechanisms solve the refugee crisis?. IZA World of Labor. 2016
- Tradable refugee-admission quotas (TRAQs), the Syrian crisis and the new European agenda on migration. IZA Journal of European Labor Studies. 23:1-13. 2015
- Tradable refugee-admission quotas and EU asylum policy. CESifo Economic Studies. 61:638-672. 2015
- The size of the cliff at the border. Regional Science and Urban Economics. 51:1-6. 2015
- Tradable Immigration Quotas. Journal of Public Economics. 115:94-108. 2014
- Multilateral resistance to migration. Journal of Development Economics. 102:79-100. 2013
- Crossing the border: self-selection, earnings and individual migration decisions. Journal of Development Economics. 101:75-91. 2013
- Understanding different migrant selection patterns in rural and urban Mexico. Journal of Development Economics. 103:182-201. 2013
book chapters
- Inmigración y políticas migratorias en España. In: El Futuro de las Pensiones en Espan¿a. CAJAMAR. 53-73. 2021
- Las consecuencias de los canales de entrada de lainmigración en España. In: El fenómeno migratorio en España. Reflexiones desde el ámbito de la Seguridad Nacional. MINISTERIO DE LA PRESIDENCIA, RELACIONES CON LAS CORTES Y MEMORIA DEMOCRATICA. 333-339. 2019
- Combining physical and financial solidarity in asylum policy. In: The human and economic implications of twenty-first century immigration policy. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research. 171-218. 2018
- Efficient solidarity mechanisms in asylum policy. In: Refugees and economic migrants: facts, policies and challenges. CENTRE FOR ECONOMIC POLICY RESEARCH (CEPR). 27-35. 2016
- Inmigración, ¿integración sin modelo?. MADRID: Alianza Editorial. 2013
conference contributions
- Processing time and the location choice of asylum seekers across European countries 2019
- The effect of policies on the arrivals of asylum seekers in European countries. 1-24. 2019
- Combining physical and financial solidarity in asylum policy: TRAQs with matching 2018
- Externalités des politiques d'immigration 2018
- Predicting Spanish emigration and immigration 2018
- Borders and policy externalities: the case of the EU asylum policy 2016
- Climate change and migration: a dynamic model 2016
- How to get past Dublin? 2016
- Immigrants and native residential mobility: native flight or new neighborhoods 2016
- Immigrant locations and native residential preferences in Spain: new ghettos? 2015
- Keynote Lecture: Borders and policy externalities: the case of the EU asylum policy 2015
- Immigrant Locations and Native Residential Preferences in Spain: New Ghettos?" 2013
Locations and Native Residential Preferences in Spain: New Ghettos?" 2013 - The European Crisis and Migration to Germany: Expectations and the Diversion of Migration Flows 2013
- The European Crisis and Migration to Germany: Expectations and the Diversion of Migration Flows 2013
- The European Crisis and Migration to Germany: Expectations and the Diversion of Migration Flows 2013
- The European Crisis and Migration to Germany: Expectations and the Diversion of Migration Flows 2013
- The European Crisis and Migration to Germany: Expectations and the Diversion of Migration Flows 2013
- The Gender Wage Gap: Does a Gender Gap in Reservation Wages Play a Part? 2013
- Visa Policies, Networks and the Cliff at the Border 2013
working papers
- Inmigración y políticas migratorias en España 2021
- Rational Inattention and Migration Decisions 2020
- Do Processing Times Affect the Distribution of Asylum Seekers across Europe? 2020
- Predicting Spanish emigration and immigration 2018
- Immigrant locations and native residential preferences: emerging guettos or new communities 2017
- A practitioners' guide to gravity models of international migration 2014
- The European crisis and migration to Germany: expectations and the diversion of migration flows 2013