sample of publications
- mutualinf: An R package for computing and decomposing the mutual information index of Ssegregation. R Journal. 15/2:77-88. 2023
- The role of mothers on female labour force participation: an approach using historical parish records. Empirical Economics. 2023
- Computing decomposable multigroup indices of segregation. Stata Journal. 22:521-556. 2022
- On the use of social networking services and the ability to socialize: evidence from Chinese children aged 10 to 15. APPLIED ECONOMICS. 54:5639-5654. 2022
- Alternative diff-in-diffs estimators with several pretreatment periods. Econometric Reviews. 38:465-486. 2019
- The Evolution of gender segregation over the life course. AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL REVIEW. 83:983-1019. 2018
- Dual employment protection and (lack of) on-the-job training: PIAAC evidence for Spain and other European countries. Series-Journal of the Spanish Economic Association. 8:345-371. 2017
- Re-assessing the Impact of the Grandparent's Income on the Infant Mortality Rate: An Evaluation of the Old Age Allowance Program in Nepal. WORLD DEVELOPMENT. 87:333-348. 2016
- The joint effect of ethnicity and gender on occupational segregation. An approach based on the Mutual Information Index. SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH. 49:167-178. 2015
- The joint effect of ethnicity and gender on occupational segregation. An approach based on the Mutual Information Index. SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH. 49:167-178. 2015
- didq: A command for treatment-effect estimation under alternative assumptions. Stata Journal. 15:796-808. 2015
- Can We Infer Hospital Quality from Medical Graduates' Residency Choices?. Journal of the European Economic Association. 10:1400-1424. 2012
- Entropy-based Segregation Indices. Sociological Methodology. 41:159-194. 2011
- Productivity and International Competitiveness of Agriculture in the European Union and the United States. AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS. 41:611-627. 2010
- The Invariance Properties of the Mutual Information Index of Multigroup Segregation. Research on Economic Inequality (Research on Economic Inequality). 17:33-53. 2009
- A Nonparametric Decomposition of the Mexican American Average Wage Gap. JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECONOMETRICS. 23:463-485. 2008
book chapters
- Segregation: empirical findings. In: Handbook of research on economic and social well-being. Edward Elgar Publishing. 504-530. 2018
conference contributions
- crtrees: An implementation of classification and regression trees (CART) and Random Forests in Stata 2019
- Complementarity analysis in multinomial models: The gentzkow command 2017
- aries: an implementation of CART in Stata 2015
- The onset of female labor market participation and the role of mothers 2014
- The onset of female labour market participation and the role of mothers 2014
- The transmission of preferences and beliefs about female labor market participation: direct evidence on the role of mothers 2014
- Treatment effect identification using alternative parallel assumptions 2014
- The onset of female labor market participation and the role of intergenerational human capital transmission 2013
- Treatment Effect Identification Using Alternative Parallel Assumptions 2013
- Treatment Effect Identification Using Alternative Parallel Assumptions 2013
- The onset of female labor market participation and the role of mothers 2012
- The onset of female labor market participation and the role of mothers 2012
- The onset of female labor market participation and the role of intergenerational human capital transmission 2011
- Can We Measure Hospital Quality form Physicians' Choices? 2008
- Can We Measure Hospital Quality from Physicians' Choices? 2008
working papers
- Assessing ChatGPT's ability to detect and correct programming errors in stata do-files 2025
- The effect of copays on the economic and ethnic segregation of primary education students: An evaluation of Chile's 2015 School Inclusion Act 2025
- Computing decomposable multigroup indexes of segregation 2021
- Does limiting internet use among adolescents affect their offline social relationships? 2018
- Beyond occupation : the evolution of gender segregation over the life course 2016
- Transmission of preferences and beliefs about female labor market participation : direct evidence on the role of mothers 2014
- Reassessing the Differential Impact of Grandmothers and Grandfathers: The Old AgeProgram in Nepal 2014
- dqd: A command for treatment effect estimation under alternative assumptions 2014
- The joint effect of ethnicity and gender on occupational segregation : an approach based on the Mutual Information Index 2012
- Treatment effect identification using alternative parallel assumptions 2012
- A Kullback-Leibler Measure of Conditional Segregation 2010
- Entropy-based Segregation Indices 2010
- Macroeconomic Model Relations to be used in the Integrated Assesment Model 2009
- Can We Measure Hospital Quality from Physicians' Choices? 2008