sample of publications
- Stress test precision and bank competition. ECONOMICS LETTERS. 238. 2024
- The impact on market outcomes of the portfolio selection of large equity investors. ECONOMICS LETTERS. 212:1-5. 2022
- The interactions of R&D investments and horizontal mergers. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR & ORGANIZATION. 187:507-534. 2021
- Strategic incentives for keeping one set of books under the Arm's Length Principle. MATHEMATICAL SOCIAL SCIENCES. 106:78-90. 2020
- Information in Tullock contests. THEORY AND DECISION. 86:303-323. 2019
- Tullock contests reward information advantages. ECONOMICS LETTERS. 172:34-36. 2018
- Reserve prices in auctions with entry when the seller is risk-averse. ECONOMICS LETTERS. 154. 2017
- The value of public information in common-value Tullock contests. ECONOMIC THEORY. 63:925-942. 2017
- Price caps with capacity precommitment. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION. 131-158. 2017
- Dynamic markets for lemons: performance, liquidity, and policy intervention. Theoretical Economics. 11:601-639. 2016
- Optimal Bank Transparency. JOURNAL OF MONEY CREDIT AND BANKING. 48:203-231. 2016
- Equilibrium existence in Tullock contests with incomplete information. JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ECONOMICS. 61:241-245. 2015
- Strategy-proof allocation mechanisms for economies with public goods. ECONOMIC THEORY. 52:315-336. 2013
- Auctions with heterogeneous entry costs. RAND JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS. 42:313-336. 2011
- Decentralized Trade Mitigates the Lemons Problem. INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC REVIEW. 51:383-399. 2010
- On the Existence of Bayesian Cournot Equilibrium. GAMES AND ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR. 68:77-94. 2010
- Uniform Continuity of the Value of Zero-Sum Games with Differential Information. MATHEMATICS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH. 33:552-560. 2008
conference contributions
- The value of public information in common-value Tullock contests (GAMES, 2016) 2016
- The value of public information in common-value Tullock contests (SAET, 2015) 2015
- The value of public information in common-value Tullock contests (VJES, 2015) 2015
- Optimal Bank Transparency 2013
- Price Cap Regulation with Demand Uncertainty 2013
- Tullock Contests with Asymmetric Information 2013
- Auctions with Heterogeneous Entry Cost 2008
- Auctions with Heterogeneous Entry Cost 2008
working papers
- General equilibrium, welfare and policy when firms have market power 2024
- General equilibrium, welfare and policy when firms have market power 2024
- On the General Equilibrium Effects of Market Power 2022
- The impact on market outcomes of the portfolio selection of large equity investors 2021
- Strategic Incentives for Keeping One Set of Books under the Arm's Length Principle 2019
- The Non-Neutrality of the Arm's Length Principle with Imperfect Competition 2019
- Continuity and Robustness of Bayesian Equilibria in Tullock Contests 2019
- Tullock Contests Reward Information Advantages 2018
- Information in Tullock contest 2017
- Reserve Prices in Auctions with Entry when the Seller in Risk Averse 2016
- Information advantage in common-value classic Tullock contests 2016
- R&D investments fostering horizontal mergers 2016
- A note on price caps with demand uncertainty, quantity precommitment and disposal 2014
- Price caps regulation with capacity precommitment 2014
- The value of public information in common value Tullock contests 2014
- Dynamic markets for lemons : performance, liquidity, and policy intervention 2012
- Optimal bank transparency 2012
- Equilibrium Dynamics in Markets for Lemons 2011
- The non-neutrality of the arm's length principle with imperfect competition 2011