sample of publications
- School choice with transferable student characteristics. GAMES AND ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR. 143. 2024
- Take-it-or-leave-it contracts in many-to-many matching markets. ECONOMIC THEORY. 591-623. 2023
- Two-sided strategy-proofness in many-to-many matching markets. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GAME THEORY. 50:105-118. 2021
- Strategy-proof and group strategy-proof stable mechanisms: An equivalence. International Journal of Economic Theory. 16:349-354. 2020
- Relinquishing power, exploitation and political unemployment in democratic organizations. SOCIAL CHOICE AND WELFARE. 49:735-753. 2017
- Fair student placement. THEORY AND DECISION. 83:293-307. 2017
- The impact of public research contracts on scientific productivity. APPLIED ECONOMICS. 49:417-432. 2017
- Wage expectations for higher education students in Spain. Labour. 30:1-17. 2016
- Non-revelation mechanisms in many-to-one markets. GAMES AND ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR. 87:624-630. 2014
- Boosting scientific research: evidence from a public program. Revista de Economia Aplicada (Revista de Economia Aplicada). 21:115-128. 2013
- Games with capacity manipulation: incentives and Nash equilibria. SOCIAL CHOICE AND WELFARE. 41:701-720. 2013
- Acyclicity and singleton cores in matching markets. ECONOMICS LETTERS. 118:237-239. 2013
- Can We Infer Hospital Quality from Medical Graduates' Residency Choices?. Journal of the European Economic Association. 10:1400-1424. 2012
- Lloyd S. Shapley y Alvin E. Roth: un Nobel a la elegancia y la sencillez. Cuadernos de información económica - Fundación Fondo para la Investigación Económica y Social. 145-150. 2012
book chapters
conference contributions
- Aplicación del aprendizaje de servicios a la docencia de diseño de mercados 2022
- Centralized Course Allocation 2019
- Take-it-or-leave-it contracts in many to many matching markets 2019
- Centralized Course Allocation Under Priorities. 1-21. 2018
- Take-it-or-leave-it contracts in many-to many matching markets 2016
- Take-it-or-leave-it contracts in many-to-many matching markets (EEA-ESEM, 2016) 2016
- Take-it-or-leave-it contracts in many-to-many matching markets (UECE LISBON MEETINGS 2016) 2016
- Strategy Proof Fair School Placement (SSCWatBC, 2014) 2014
- Strategy-proof Fair School Placement (EEE-ESEM, 2014) 2014
- An empirical assessment of the impact of public research contracts on scientific productivity 2013
- An empirical assessment of the impact of public research contracts on scientific productivity (XXEEP, 2013) 2013
- Non-revelation Mechanisms in Many-to-One Matching Markets (COST-IC1205, 2013) 2013
- Non-revelation Mechanisms in Many-to-One Matching Markets (EEE-ESEM, 2013) 2013
- College Admissions with Multiple Applications and Observable Effort 2012
- College Admissions with Multiple Applications and Observable Effort (SSCW, 2012) 2012
- Non-Revelation Mechanisms in Many-to-One Matching Markets 2012
- Wage expectations for higher education students in Spain 2012
- Re-Reforming the Bostonian System: A Novel Approach to the Schooling Problem (IDEA 20 years) 2011
- Can We Measure Hospital Quality form Physicians' Choices? 2008
- Can We Measure Hospital Quality from Physicians' Choices? 2008
- Converging to Efficiency: The Ramón y Cajal Program Experience (FEDEA, 2008) 2008
- Students' Assessment of Higher Education in Spain 2008
- Students' Assessment of Higher Education in Spain 2008
working papers
- A fair procedure in a marriage market 2021
- School Choice with Transferable Students Characteristics 2020
- Centralized Course Allocation 2018
- Two-sided strategy-proofness in many-to-many matching markets 2017
- Group strategy-proof stable mechanisms in priority-based resource allocation under multi-unit demand: a note 2017
- (Group) strategy-proofness and stability in many-to-many matching markets 2017
- Take-it-or-leave-it contracts in many-to-many matching markets 2017
- Relinquishing power, exploitation and political unemployment indemocratic organizations 2016
- Strategy-proof fair school placement 2015
- The impact of public research contracts on scientific productivity 2014
- Boosting scientific research : evidence from a public program 2012
- Acyclicity and singleton cores in matching markets 2011
- Games with capacity manipulation : incentives and Nash equilibria 2011
- Non-revelation Mechanisms in Many-to-One Markets 2010
- Wage Expectations for Higher Education Students in Spain 2010
- Students' Assessment of Higher Education in Spain 2008
- Students' Assessment of Higher Education in Spain 2008
- Can We Measure Hospital Quality from Physicians' Choices? 2008