Expert-based collaborative analysis of the situation and prospects of biomarker test implementation in oncology in Spain Articles uri icon


  • Franch Camino, Blanca
  • Hidalgo, Alvaro
  • del Llano Nuñez Cortes, Alicia
  • del Llano Señaris, Juan Ernesto
  • Lumbreras, Blanca
  • Beas Pedraza, David
  • Nuño Solinis, Roberto
  • Paz Ares, Luis
  • Ramon y Cajal, Santiago
  • Rodriguez, Miguel Javier

publication date

  • April 2024


  • 4


  • 26


  • Purpose: Biomarkers as screening for precision medicine is a fundamental step. The purpose of this article is twofold. First, tohighlight the existing barriers in the implementation of Precision Medicine in Spain, with a special emphasis on barriersin access to the determination of biomarkers. Second, to provide a Roadmap that can help implement Precision Medicineequitably at the national level and optimize the use of biomarkers. Methods: A systematic review of literature (SRL) and a focus group (FG) with multidisciplinary experts has been carried out in 2023.Participants were contacted individually, and discourse analysis was processed anonymously. Results: We carried out a quantitative (SRL) and a qualitative approach (FG). The discourse analysis and roadmap were sentindividually to each expert for approval. Conclusions: The potential of Precision Medicine has not been fulfilled in Spain. While several regional initiatives are in place, anational plan or strategy around Precision Medicine and use of biomarkers is lacking. In a general context of rapidprogress at a global and European level, including the 2021 Europe's Beating Cancer Plan, it is time to define andimplement a National Plan to make the promise come true. While some comparable countries within Europe ¿ such asthe UK or France ¿ are mature enough to adopt such strategies, in Spain there is still a long way to go. We consider thatthe different strands of work outlined in the Roadmap can be used as basis for such purpose.


  • biomarkers; oncology; policy roadmap; precision medicine; spain