sample of publications
- Folk theorem under bankruptcy. JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ECONOMICS. 112. 2024
- Correction: Two extensions of consumer surplus (SERIEs, (2022), 13, 3, (557-579)). SERIEs. 13:581-582. 2022
- Two extensions of consumer surplus. Series-Journal of the Spanish Economic Association. 13:557-579. 2022
- Properties of contests: Constructing contest success functions from best-responses. Journal of Dynamics and Games. 9:151-163. 2022
- Contests with dominant strategies. ECONOMIC THEORY. 74:1-19. 2022
- Aggregative games. Series-Journal of the Spanish Economic Association. 12:49-71. 2021
- Cournot equilibrium revisited. MATHEMATICAL SOCIAL SCIENCES. 106:1-10. 2020
- Disequilibrium Trade in a Large Market for an Indivisible Good. B E Journal of Theoretical Economics. 20:1-16. 2020
- Oligopolistic equilibrium and financial constraints. RAND JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS. 51:279-300. 2020
- Imperfectly competitive markets, trade unions and inflation: do imperfectly competitive markets transmit more inflation than perfectly competitive ones? A theoretical appraisal. Journal of Dynamics and Games. 5:189-201. 2018
- Meritocracy, efficiency, incentives and voting in cooperative production: a survey. Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics. 89:88-108. 2018
- Relinquishing power, exploitation and political unemployment in democratic organizations. SOCIAL CHOICE AND WELFARE. 49:735-753. 2017
- Growth in Illyria: the role of meritocracy in the accumulation of human capital. MATHEMATICAL SOCIAL SCIENCES. 90:182-190. 2017
- Trade and Growth: a simple model with notso-simple implications. Journal of Dynamics and Games. 4:175-190. 2017
- A Malthus-Swan-Solow model of economic growth. Journal of Dynamics and Games. 3:225-230. 2016
- Dynamic Contests With Bankruptcy: The Despair Effect. B E Journal of Theoretical Economics. 16:217-241. 2016
- Centralized vs decentralized contests. ECONOMICS LETTERS. 137:32-35. 2015
- Relative difference contest success function. THEORY AND DECISION. 78:377-398. 2015
- Give peace a chance: the effect of ownership and asymmetric information on peace. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR & ORGANIZATION. 92:116-126. 2013
- The welfare effects of location and quality in oligopoly. B E Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy. 13:1143-1178. 2013
- Endogenous strength in conflicts. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION. 31:297-306. 2013
- Price regulation in oligopolistic markets. ISRN Economics. 2012:1-10. 2012
- Welfare maximizing contest success functions when the planner cannot commit. JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ECONOMICS. 47:309-317. 2011
- Implementation with renegotiation when preferences and feasible sets are state dependent. SOCIAL CHOICE AND WELFARE. 36:179-198. 2011
- Foundations for Contest Success Functions. ECONOMIC THEORY. 43:81-98. 2010
- Peace Agreements without Commitment. GAMES AND ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR. 68:469-487. 2010
- The Keynesian Multiplier and the Pigou Effect under Substitution between Private and Public Consumption. Economics Bulletin. 30:829-836. 2010
- Computing Welfare Losses from Data under Imperfect Competition with Heterogeneous Goods. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION. 27:646-654. 2009
- Cooperative Production and Efficiency. MATHEMATICAL SOCIAL SCIENCES. 57:143-154. 2009
- Welfare Losses Under Cournot Competition. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION. 26:1120-1131. 2008
- Differentiable Strategy-Proof Mechanisms for Private and Public Goods in Domains that are not Necessarily Large or Quasi-Linear. Review of Economic Design. 12:279-291. 2008
- Forms of Governance and the Size of Rent-Seeking. SOCIAL CHOICE AND WELFARE. 30:197-210. 2008
book chapters
- Contest theory. In: Handbook of game theory and industrial organization. Volume II. Applications. Edward Elgar Publishing. 125-146. 2018
- Introduction. Handbook of Game Theory and Industrial Organization, Volume I Theory . In: Handbook of game theory and industrial organization, Volume I. Theory . Edward Elgar Publishing. 1-6. 2018
- Introduction. Handbook of Game Theory and Industrial Organization, Volume II Applications. In: Handbook of Game Theory and Industrial Organization, Volume II Applications. Edward Elgar Publishing. 1-6. 2018
- The Theory of Implementation: What Did we Learnt?. In: Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science. SPRINGER. 2009
- Handbook of game theory and industrial organization. Volume I. Theory. Ed. 1. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. 2018
- Handbook of game theory and industrial organization. Volume II. Applications. Ed. 2. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. 2018
working papers
- Collusion when players take turns 2025
- Cournot equilibrium revisited 2018
- Properties of contests 2018
- Contests with Dominant Strategies 2017
- Trade and growth: a simple model with not-so-simple implications 2017
- Some additional difficulties in the dynamic foundations of competitive equilibrium 2017
- Dominant strategies in contests 2016
- Relinquishing power, exploitation and political unemployment indemocratic organizations 2016
- Growth in Illyria: the role of meritocracy in the accumulation of human capital 2016
- Oligopolistic equilibrium and financial constraints 2015
- Compensated Lindahl equilibrium: efficiency theorems and gains from trade with individual production and public goods 2014
- Relative Difference Contest Success Function 2012
- Endogenous strength in conflicts 2011
- Give peace a chance: the effect of incomplete and imperfect information on mediation 2011
- Oligopolistic Equilibrium and Financial Constraints 2011
- Oligopolistic equilibrium and financial constraints 2011
- Price regulation in oligopolistic markets 2011
- Interpreting Markups in Spanish Manufacturing: The Exponential Model 2010
- The Welfare Effects of Location and Quality in Oligopoly 2010
- Price Regulation in Oligopoly 2010
- Welfare Maximizing Contest Success Functions when the Planner cannot Commit 2009
- Computing Welfare Losses from Data under Imperfect Competition with Heterogeneous Goods 2008