Correction: Two extensions of consumer surplus (SERIEs, (2022), 13, 3, (557-579))
published in
- SERIEs Journal
publication date
- September 2022
start page
- 581
end page
- 582
- 3
- 13
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
The original article was published with the following errors:
1. The Acknowledgements section was missed. It should be as given below: Acknowledgements, We thank Carmen Beviá, Margarida Catalao-Lopes, Rob Edwards, Ramón Faulí-Oller, Lluis Granero, Peter Hammond, Arye L. Hillman, Rebeca Jiménez, Antoine Loeper, David Martimort, Juan D. Moreno-Ternero, Pau Olivella, Robert Ritz, Nannette Stoffers, Veronika Varga, two outstanding anonymous referees and audiences at OLIGO Workshop, XXIV Jornadas de Economía Industrial, Workshop on Industrial Economics Research (University of Aveiro), SAEe 2019, and Universities of Murcia, Reus, Royal Holloway and Autónoma de Madrid for helpful comments. All errors are our own.
2. In the second line of the paragraph under Eq. (8), the cost function's "C" is written in capital letter while it must be written in small letter.
3. In Proposition 9, parts (ii) and (iii), add a blank space between "0" and '∀”.
4. In the proof of Proposition 9, between points (i) and (ii), the partial derivative must be placed after point (ii).
The original article has been corrected
- Business
- Economics
- market power; nonnegativity constraint in the outside good; oligopoly welfare losses; social welfare