sample of publications
- The effects of recreational marijuana laws on drug use and crime. JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ECONOMICS. 234. 2024
- The effects of becoming a physician on prescription drug use and mental health treatment. JOURNAL OF HEALTH ECONOMICS. 91. 2023
- Cigarette taxes, smoking, and health in the long run. JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ECONOMICS. 222. 2023
- Association Between State Antibullying Policies and Suicidal Behaviors Among Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Questioning Youth. JAMA Pediatrics. 177. 2023
- Terrorism and political attitudes: Evidence from European social surveys. REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS. 99:1-20. 2023
- The Public Health Effects of Legalizing Marijuana. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC LITERATURE. 61. 2023
- Recreational marijuana laws and the misuse of prescription opioids: Evidence from National Survey on Drug Use and Health microdata. Health Economics (United Kingdom). 32:277-301. 2023
- Terror attacks and election outcomes in Europe, 1970-2017. ECONOMICS LETTERS. 219:110770-1-110770-9. 2022
- Anti-Bullying Laws and Suicidal Behaviors Among Teenagers. JOURNAL OF POLICY ANALYSIS AND MANAGEMENT. 41:787-823. 2022
- Reexamining the Contribution of Public Health Efforts to the Decline in Urban Mortality: Reply. American Economic Journal-Applied Economics. 14:166-169. 2022
- Association of Marijuana Legalization with Marijuana Use among US High School Students, 1993-2019. JAMA Network Open. 4:1-4. 2021
- The Effects of Professor Gender on the Postgraduation Outcomes of Female Students. ILR Review. 75:693-715. 2021
- Water purification efforts and the black-white infant mortality gap, 1906-1938. JOURNAL OF URBAN ECONOMICS. 122:1-8. 2021
- Challenging the Association of Marijuana Laws with Teen Marijuana Use - Reply. JAMA Pediatrics. 174:99-100. 2020
- Do economic downturns fuel racial animus?. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. 175:9-18. 2020
- Narrow Incumbent Victories and Post-Election Conflict: Evidence from the Philippines. WORLD BANK ECONOMIC REVIEW. 34:767-789. 2020
- Occupational licensing and maternal health: Evidence from early midwifery laws. JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY. 128:4337-4383. 2020
- The phenomenon of summer diarrhea and its waning, 1910-1930¿. EXPLORATIONS IN ECONOMIC HISTORY. 78. 2020
- Association of Ambulance Use in New York City with the Implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. JAMA Network Open. 1-9. 2019
- Association of Marijuana Laws with Teen Marijuana Use: New Estimates from the Youth Risk Behavior Surveys. JAMA Pediatrics. 173:879-881. 2019
- The affordable care act and ambulance response times. JOURNAL OF HEALTH ECONOMICS. 67. 2019
- Was the first public health campaign successful?. American Economic Journal-Applied Economics. 11:143-175. 2019
- With a little help from my friends: The effects of good samaritan and naloxone access laws on opioid-related deaths. JOURNAL OF LAW & ECONOMICS. 62:1-27. 2019
- Climate change, agricultural production and civil conflict: Evidence from the Philippines. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT. 88:379-395. 2018
- Medical marijuana laws and workplace fatalities in the United States. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DRUG POLICY. 60:33-39. 2018
- Wet Laws, Drinking Establishments and Violent Crime. ECONOMIC JOURNAL. 128:1333-1366. 2018
- Booster Seat Effectiveness Among Older Children: Evidence From Washington State. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PREVENTIVE MEDICINE. 53:210-215. 2017
- Economic conditions, illicit drug use, and substance use disorders in the United States. JOURNAL OF HEALTH ECONOMICS. 52:63-73. 2017
- Have cigarette taxes lost their bite? New estimates of the relationship between cigarette taxes and youth smoking. American Journal of Health Economics. 3:60-75. 2017
- It's just a game: The Super Bowl and low birth weight. JOURNAL OF HUMAN RESOURCES. 52:946-978. 2017
- Anderson et al. respond. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH. 105:e8-e9. 2015
- Body weight, mental health capital, and academic achievement. Review of Economics of the Household. 13:653-684. 2015
- Medical marijuana laws and teen marijuana use. American Law and Economics Review. 17:495-528. 2015
- Migraine headache and labor market outcomes. Health Economics (United Kingdom). 24:659-671. 2015
- Per se drugged driving laws and traffic fatalities. INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF LAW AND ECONOMICS. 42:122-134. 2015
- Medical marijuana laws and suicides by gender and age. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH. 104:2369-2376. 2014
- National trends and outcomes of pediatric gastrostomy tube placement. JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC GASTROENTEROLOGY AND NUTRITION. 59:582-588. 2014
- Seasonality in birth defects, agricultural production and urban location. Economics and Human Biology. 15:120-128. 2014
- The influence of deductible health plans on receipt of the human papillomavirus vaccine series. Journal of Adolescent Health. 54:275-281. 2014
- The kid's speech: The effect of stuttering on human capital acquisition. ECONOMICS OF EDUCATION REVIEW. 38:76-88. 2014
- The legalization of recreational marijuana: How likely is the worst-case scenario?. JOURNAL OF POLICY ANALYSIS AND MANAGEMENT. 33:221-232. 2014
- The role of dispensaries: The devil is in the details. JOURNAL OF POLICY ANALYSIS AND MANAGEMENT. 33:235-240. 2014
- The trade-off between family size and child health in rural Bangladesh. Eastern Economic Journal. 40:71-95. 2014
- Cigarette Taxes and how Youths Obtain cigarettes. NATIONAL TAX JOURNAL. 66:371-393. 2013
- Forced intercourse, mental Health, and human capital. SOUTHERN ECONOMIC JOURNAL. 80:324-344. 2013
- Medical marijuana laws, traffic fatalities, and alcohol consumption. JOURNAL OF LAW & ECONOMICS. 56:333-369. 2013
- The effect of parental involvement laws on youth suicide. ECONOMIC INQUIRY. 51:620-636. 2013
- The minimum legal drinking age and marijuana use: New estimates from the NLSY97. JOURNAL OF HEALTH ECONOMICS. 32:474-476. 2013
- Armed conflict and birth weight: Evidence from the al-Aqsa Intifada. JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS. 99:190-199. 2012
- Body weight and wages: Evidence from Add Health. Economics and Human Biology. 10:14-19. 2012
- Boys will be boys: Are there gender differences in the effect of sexual abstinence on schooling?. Health Economics (United Kingdom). 20:287-305. 2011
- Does the number of sex partners affect educational attainment? Evidence from female respondents to the Add Health. JOURNAL OF POPULATION ECONOMICS. 25:89-118. 2011
- Individual heterogeneity and reverse causality in the relationship between migraine headache and educational attainment. ECONOMICS OF EDUCATION REVIEW. 30:913-923. 2011
- Introduction to the Special Issue on Education and Health. ECONOMICS OF EDUCATION REVIEW. 30:775-777. 2011
- Older siblings and adolescent risky behavior: Does parenting play a role?. JOURNAL OF POPULATION ECONOMICS. 24:957-978. 2011
- Outcomes of laparoscopic versus open fundoplication in children's hospitals: 2005-2008. PEDIATRICS. 127:872-880. 2011
- The effect of body weight on adolescent sexual activity. Health Economics (United Kingdom). 20:1330-1348. 2011
- The effect of migraine headache on educational attainment. JOURNAL OF HUMAN RESOURCES. 46:317-332. 2011
- Body weight and smoking initiation: Evidence from Add Health. JOURNAL OF HEALTH ECONOMICS. 29:774-777. 2010
- Exercise and adolescent mental health: new evidence from longitudinal data. Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics. 13:13. 2010
- Exercise and adolescent mental health: new evidence from longitudinal data. Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics. 13:13. 2010
- Sports participation and academic performance: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. ECONOMICS OF EDUCATION REVIEW. 29:751-759. 2010
- A head above the rest: Height and adolescent psychological well-being. Economics and Human Biology. 7:217-228. 2009
- College football games and crime. Journal of Sports Economics. 10:68-87. 2009
- The effect of breast feeding on educational attainment : Evidence from sibling data. Journal of Human Capital. 3:43-72. 2009
- The effect of sexual abstinence on females' educational attainment. DEMOGRAPHY. 46:695-715. 2009
- The effect of substance use on the delinquent behaviour of adolescents. APPLIED ECONOMICS LETTERS. 16:1721-1729. 2009
- Birth order and participation in school sports and other extracurricular activities. ECONOMICS OF EDUCATION REVIEW. 27:354-362. 2008
- Searching for peer group effects: A test of the contagion hypothesis. REVIEW OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS. 90:442-458. 2008
- The effect of adolescent virginity status on psychological well-being. JOURNAL OF HEALTH ECONOMICS. 27:1368-1381. 2008
- Youth smoking and addiction: Evaluating the wisdom and efficacy of government intervention. Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research. 8:213-217. 2008