sample of publications
- Evolving market boundaries and competition policy enforcement in the pharmaceutical industry. European Journal of Law and Economics. 55:313-348. 2023
- Preempting the Entry of near Perfect Substitutes. Journal of Competition Law and Economics. 17:194-210. 2021
- The unexpected consequences of generic entry. Journal of Health Economics. 68:102243-1-102243-22. 2019
- The market economy investor principle: lessons learned from the ciudad de la luz case. Journal of Competition Law and Economics. 12:181-208. 2016
- Competition in the pharmaceutical industry: How do quality differences shape advertising strategies?. Journal of Health Economics. 32:268-285. 2013
- El efecto del poder de Mercado sobre la inversión en generación en mercados eléctricos liberalizados. Cuadernos Económicos del ICE. 139-159. 2010
- Sabotaging Entry: An Estimation of Damages in the Directory Enquiry Service Market. Review of Law and Economics. 6:1-57. 2010
- Capacity Choices in Liberalised Electricity Markets. Energy Policy. 37:2574-2581. 2009
- Applying EU Competition Rules During Testing Times: Some Issues. Concurrences. 3-8. 2009
- The Real Economy — Challenges for Competition Policy in Periods of Retrenchment. Competition policy newsletter. 3-6. 2009
- Public Policies Towards Research Joint Venture: Institutional Design and Participants' Characteristics. Research Policy. 37:1057-1065. 2008
book chapters
- EU Competition Policy in Times of Financial Crisis. In: The Future of Retail Banking in Europe: Competition and Regulatory Challenges. EUROPEAN CREDIT RESEARCH INSTITUTE (ECRI). 4-9. 2010
working papers