Multidimensional bargaining and posted prices
published in
- Journal of Economic Theory Journal
publication date
- September 2021
start page
- 105317
end page
- 105346
- 196
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
full text
International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)
- 0022-0531
Electronic International Standard Serial Number (EISSN)
- 1095-7235
- A seller and a buyer bargain over the quantities and prices of multiple goods. Both agents have private information about their preferences. Utility is quasilinear in money. We show that a deterministic mechanism satisfies (i) dominant-strategy incentive compatibility, (ii) ex-post individual rationality and (iii) ex-post budget balance if and only if it is a posted-price mechanism. A similar, more general result holds if (iii) is replaced by ex-post collusion-proofness and a no-free lunch condition. We provide a unified proof of both findings via the property of non-bossiness.
- Economics
- mechanism design; bilateral trade; multidimensional private information; posted prices; dominant strategies; collusion-proofness