sample of publications
- Out-of-sample predictability in predictive regressions with many predictor candidates. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FORECASTING. 40. 2024
- Heterogeneous predictive association of CO2 with global warming. ECONOMICA. 90:1397-1421. 2023
- Nonparametric estimation of functional dynamic factor model. JOURNAL OF NONPARAMETRIC STATISTICS. 1-22. 2022
- A tale of three cities: climate heterogeneity. Series-Journal of the Spanish Economic Association. 13:475-511. 2022
- Spurious relationships in high-dimensional systems with strong or mild persistence. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FORECASTING. 37:1480-1497. 2021
- Uncovering Regimes in Out of Sample Forecast Errors from Predictive Regressions*. OXFORD BULLETIN OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS. 83:713-741. 2021
- Quantile Factor Models. ECONOMETRICA. 89:875-910. 2021
- Trends in distributional characteristics: existence of global warming. Journal of Econometrics. 214:153-174. 2020
- Predictive Regressions. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance,. 1-19. 2019
- Differences Between Short- and Long-Term Risk Aversion: An Optimal Asset Allocation Perspective. OXFORD BULLETIN OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS. 81:42-61. 2019
- The reaction of stock market returns to unemployment. STUDIES IN NONLINEAR DYNAMICS AND ECONOMETRICS. 21. 2017
- Inferring the Predictability Induced by a Persistent Regressor in a Predictive Threshold Model. JOURNAL OF BUSINESS & ECONOMIC STATISTICS. 35:202-217. 2017
- Conditional stochastic dominance tests in dynamic settings. INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC REVIEW. 55:819-838. 2014
- Detecting big structural breaks in large factor models. Journal of Econometrics. 180:30-48. 2014
- Summability of stochastic processes: a generalization of integration for non-linear processes. Journal of Econometrics. 178:331-341. 2014
- Regime-specific predictability in predictive regressions. JOURNAL OF BUSINESS & ECONOMIC STATISTICS. 30:229-241. 2012
- Modelling and Measuring Price Discovery in Commodity Markets. Journal of Econometrics. 158:95-107. 2010
- The Making of "Estimation of Common Long Memory Components in Cointegrated Systems". Journal of Financial Econometrics. 8:174-176. 2010
- Wald Tests of I(1) against I(d) Alternatives: Some New Properties and an Extension to Processes with Trending Components. STUDIES IN NONLINEAR DYNAMICS AND ECONOMETRICS. 12 :1-32. 2008
- Permanent and Transitory Components of GDP and Stock Prices: Further Analysis. Macroeconomics and Finance in Emerging Market Economies. 1:105-120. 2008
book chapters
- Common and Idiosyncratic Factors of Real Interest Rates in Emerging Economies. In: The Natural Interest Rates in Emerging Economies. Center for Latin American Monetary Studies. 277-301. 2020
- Estimation and inference in threshold type regime switching models. In: Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Empirical Macroeconomics. Edward Elgar Publishing. 189-205. 2013
- Estimation and inference in threshold type regime switching models. In: Handbook of research methods and applications in empirical macroeconomics. Edward Elgar Publishing, Ltd. 2012
- Simple Wald Tests of the Fractional Integration Parameter: An Overview of New Results. In: The Methodology and Practice in Econometrics: A Festschrift in Honour of David F. Hendry. UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD. 300-321. 2009
conference contributions
- Inferring the predictability induced by a persistent regressor in a predictive threshold model 2014
- Pairs strategies and hedging properties of gold and silver markets 2014
- Trend or not trend in distribution characteristics: the case of global warming 2014
- Trends in distributional characteristics: the case of global warming 2014
- Trends in distributional characteristics: the case of global warming 2014
- Co-summability: from linear to non-linear co-integration 2013
- Co-summability: from linear to non-linear co-integration 2013
- Co-summability: from linear to non-linear co-integration 2013
- Co-summability: from linear to nonlinear co-integration 2013
- Inferring the predictability induced by a persistent regressor in a predictive threshold models 2013
- Inferring the predictability induced by a persistent regressor in a predictive threshold models 2013
- Inferring the predictability induced by a persistent regressor in a predictive threshold models 2013
- Looking for a trend in distribution characteristics: the case of global warming 2013
- The Reaction of Stock Market Returns to Anticipated Unemployment 2013
- Modelling and Measuring Price Discovery in Commodity Markets 2008
- Modelling and Measuring Price Discovery in Commodity Markets 2008
- Modelling and Measuring Price Discovery in Commodity Markets 2008
- Modelling and Measuring Price Discovery in Commodity Markets 2008
- Modelling and Measuring Price Discovery in Commodity Markets 2008
- Modelling and Measuring Price Discovery in Commodity Markets 2008
- Modelling and Measuring Price Discovery in Commodity Markets 2008
- Modelling and Measuring Price Discovery in Commodity Markets 2008
- Shocks Do You Want to Identify Them? 2008
- Simple Wald Test of the Frantional Integration Parameter: An Overview of New Results 2008
- Simple Wald Tests of the Fractional Integration Parameter: An Overview of New Results 2008
- Testing Downside Risk Efficieny Under Market Distress 2008
- Testing Downside Risk Efficieny Under Market Distress 2008
- Testing Downside Risk Efficieny Under Market Distress 2008
- Testing for I(d) Against I(1) with Wald Tests: Some New Properties and an Extension to Processes with Trending Components ? 2008
working papers
- Global and regional long-term climate forecasts: A heterogeneous future 2025
- Detecting sparse cointegration 2025
- Dynamic effects of persistent shocks 2025
- Regional Heterogeneity and Warming Dominance in the United States 2024
- Testing extreme warming and geographical heterogeneity 2024
- Trends in temperature data: micro-foundations of their nature 2023
- Estimation of characteristics-based quantile factor models 2023
- Heterogeneous Predictive Association of CO2 with Global Warming 2023
- Climate change heterogeneity: a new quantitative approach 2022
- A tale of three cities: climate heterogeneity (special issue of SERIES in homage to Juan J. Dolado) 2021
- Out of sample predictability in predictive regressions with many predictor candidates 2020
- Spurious relationships in high dimensional systems with strong or mild persistence 2020
- Uncovering regimes in out of sample forecast errors from predictive regressions 2020
- Quantile Factor Models 2020
- Dynamic Effects of Persistent Shocks 2019
- Predictive Regressions 2019
- Quantile Factor Models 2017
- The Reaction of Stock Market Returns to Unemployment 2017
- Trends in distributional characteristics : Existence of global warming 2017
- Long-term optimal portfolio allocation under dynamic horizon-specific risk aversion 2016
- Revisiting Granger Causality of CO2 on Global Warming: a Quantile Factor Approach 2013
- The reaction of stock market returns to anticipated unemployment 2012
- Conditional stochastic dominance tests in dynamic settings 2012
- Estimation and inference in threshold type regime switching models 2012
- Detecting big structural breaks in large factor models 2011
- The reaction of stock market returns to anticipated unemployment 2011
- Summability of stochastic processes: a generalization of integration and co-integration valid for non-linear processes 2011
- Detecting big structural breaks in large factor models 2011
- Regime Specific Predictability in Predictive Regressions 2010
- Conditional Stochastic Dominance Tests in Dynamic Settings 2010
- Downside Risk Efficiency under Market Distress 2009
- Testing Downside Risk Efficiency Under Market Distress 2008
- Testing Downside Risk Efficiency Under Market Distress 2008
- Simple Wald test of the Fractional Integration Parameter: An Overview of New Results 2008