sample of publications
- Existence and uniqueness of solutions to the Bellman equation in stochastic dynamic programming. Theoretical Economics. 19. 2024
- Housing prices and credit constraints in competitive search. ECONOMIC JOURNAL. 2023
- Thompson aggregators, Scott continuous Koopmans operators, and Least Fixed Point theory. MATHEMATICAL SOCIAL SCIENCES. 112:84-97. 2021
- Equilibrium strategies in a defined benefit pension plan game. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH. 275:374-386. 2019
- Certainty equivalence principle in stochastic differential games: An inverse problem approach. OPTIMAL CONTROL APPLICATIONS & METHODS. 40:545-557. 2019
- Differentiability of the value function and Euler equation in non-concave discrete time stochastic dynamic programming. Economic Theory Bulletin. 8:79-88. 2019
- Portfolio optimization in a defined benefit pension plan where the risky assets are processes with constant elasticity of variance. INSURANCE MATHEMATICS & ECONOMICS. 82:73-86. 2018
- Stochastic differential games for which the open-loop equilibrium is subgame perfect.. Dynamic Games and Applications. 8. 2018
- Envelope theorem in dynamic economic models with recursive utility. ECONOMICS LETTERS. 163:10-12. 2018
- Euler-Lagrange equations of stochastic differential games: application to a game of a productive asset. ECONOMIC THEORY. 59:61-108. 2015
- Stochastic pension funding when the benefit and the risky asset follow jump diffusion processes. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH. 220:404-413. 2012
- Differentiability of the value function in continuous-time economic models. JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS. 394:305-323. 2012
- On a PDE Arising in One-Dimensional Stochastic Control Problems. JOURNAL OF OPTIMIZATION THEORY AND APPLICATIONS. 147:1-26. 2010
- Optimal Asset Allocation for Aggregated Defined Benefit Pension Funds with Stochastic Interest Rates. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH. 201:211-221. 2010
- On the Imposibility of Representing Infinite Utility Streams. ECONOMIC THEORY. 40:47-56. 2009
- Differentiability of the Value Function without Interiority Assumptions. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC THEORY. 144:1948-1964. 2009
- Hopf-Lax Formula for Variational Problems with Non-Constant Discount. Journal of Geometric Mechanics. 1:357-367. 2009
- Corrigendum to "Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions to the Bellman Equation in the Unbounded Case". ECONOMETRICA. 77:317-318. 2009
- Mean-Variance Portfolio and Contribution Selection in Stochastic Pension Funding. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH. 187:120-137. 2008
- Funding and Investment Decisions in a Stochastic Defined Benefit Pension Plan with Several Levels of Labor-Income Earnings. COMPUTERS & OPERATIONS RESEARCH. 35:47-63. 2008
book chapters
- Optimal Mean Variance Portfolio in Pension Funding with Stochastic Interest Rates. In: New Frontiers in Insurance and Bank Risk Management. MCGRAW HILL INTERAMERICANA DE ESPAÑA,S.A,. 55-68. 2009
conference contributions
- Housing Prices and Credit Constraints in Competitive Search 2021
- Subgame Perfect Nash Equilibrium as solution of a control problem. 61. 2018
- On global stackelberg equilibrium in differential games of infinite horizon 2014
- A stochastic differential game of a productive asset: an Euler Equation approach 2013
- Aggregator Characterization of Implicitly Additive Utility: Consequences for Optimal Growth 2013
- A noncoperative differential game of stochastic productive assets 2011
working papers
- Housing prices and credit constraints in competitive search 2022
- Existence and uniqueness of solutions to the Bellman equation in stochastic dynamic programming 2022
- Housing prices and credit constraints in competitive search 2020
- Housing Prices and Credit Constraints in Competitive Search 2019
- Differentiability of the Value Function in Continuous-Time Economic Models 2010