- Dynamical time and Ashtekar variables for the Husain-Kucha¿ model (12/2024)
- Wetting, Algebraic Curves, and Conformal Invariance (12/2024)
- Cell theories for the chiral crystal phase of hard equilateral triangles (11/2024)
- Nonequilibrium microbial dynamics unveil a new macroecological pattern beyond Taylor's law (10/2024)
- What is a degree of freedom? Configuration spaces and their topology (10/2024)
- Bispectrality for matrix Laguerre-Sobolev polynomials (09/2024)
- Monotone metric tensors in quantum information geometry (09/2024)
- Maximally Entangled Mixed States for a Fixed Spectrum Do Not Always Exist (08/2024)
- Nonlinear Charge Transport and Excitable Phenomena in Semiconductor Superlattices (08/2024)
- A characterization of sets realizable by compensation in the SNIEP (07/2024)
- A note on generalized degenerate q-Bernoulli and q-Euler matrices (07/2024)
- Parabolicity and Cheeger's constant on graphs (07/2024)
- Applications of Finite Non-Abelian Simple Groups to Cryptography in the Quantum Era (06/2024)
- Mathematical Models of the Arabidopsis Circadian Oscillator (06/2024)
- Mathematical results on harmonic polynomials (06/2024)
- Sobolev orthogonal polynomials and spectral methods in boundary value problems (06/2024)
- Spacetime symmetries and geometric diffusion (06/2024)
- Symmetry and instability of marginally outer trapped surfaces (06/2024)
- Critical behaviour of the contact angle within nonwetting gaps (05/2024)
- Electrically charged black hole solutions in semiclassical gravity and dynamics of linear perturbations (05/2024)
- First order structure-preserving perturbation theory for eigenvalues of symplectic matrices: Part II (05/2024)
- Migration costs and rewarding schemes in spatial public goods games (05/2024)
- A Lagrangian path integral approach to the qubit (04/2024)
- Adaptive multi-stage integration schemes for Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (04/2024)
- Asymptotic for Orthogonal Polynomials with Respect to a Rational Modification of a Measure Supported on the Semi-Axis (04/2024)
- Development and testing of a sedation protocol for Neocaridina davidi (04/2024)
- Geometric and spectral analysis on weighted digraphs (04/2024)
- Spectral transformations and second kind polynomials associated with a hermitian linear functional (04/2024)
- Choice of friction coefficient deeply affects tissue behaviour in stochastic epithelial vertex models (03/2024)
- Correlation-informed ordered dictionary learning for imaging in complex media (03/2024)
- Dirac Geometric Approach for the Unimodular Holst Action (03/2024)
- Equivalence for flag codes (03/2024)
- Euclidean self-dual gravity: Ashtekar variables without gauge fixing (03/2024)
- On Global Approximate Controllability of a Quantum Particle in a Box by Moving Walls (03/2024)
- Shape effects in the fluctuations of random isochrones on a square lattice (03/2024)
- The groupoidal picture of quantum mechanics (03/2024)
- Universal fluctuations of global geometrical measurements in planar clusters (03/2024)
- When the Design of Climate Policy meets Public Acceptance: An Adaptive Multiplex Network Model (03/2024)
- Assessing the effects of pandemic risk on cooperation and social norms using a before-after Covid-19 comparison in two long-term experiments (02/2024)
- Blow-up for a fully fractional heat equation (02/2024)
- Identifying families of multipartite states with non-trivial local entanglement transformations (02/2024)
- Liouville property and quasi-isometries on negatively curved Riemannian surfaces (02/2024)
- A new invariant for cyclic orbit flag codes (01/2024)
- Applications of the inverse degree index to molecular structures (01/2024)
- Density-functional theory for clustering of two-dimensional hard particle fluids (01/2024)
- Feedback control of organ size precision is mediated by BMP2-regulated apoptosis in the Drosophila eye (01/2024)
- Generic eigenstructure of Hermitian pencils (01/2024)
- Long term behavior of the stirred vacuum on a Dirac chain: geometry blur and the random Slater ensemble (01/2024)
- Lyapunov vectors and excited energy states of the directed polymer in random media (01/2024)
- Power laws of natural swarms as fingerprints of an extended critical region (01/2024)
- The Statistical Theory of the Angiogenesis Equations (01/2024)
- A correspondence between surjective local homeomorphisms and a family of separated graphs (12/2023)
- An Ion-Pair Induced Intermediate Complex Captured in Class D Carbapenemase Reveals Chloride Ion as a Janus Effector Modulating Activity (12/2023)
- Evolutionary games on multilayer networks: coordination and equilibrium selection (12/2023)
- Finite rank perturbations of normal operators: spectral idempotents and decomposability (12/2023)
- G-dual Teleparallel Connections in Information Geometry (12/2023)
- Parametric models and information geometry on W*-algebras (12/2023)
- Scale-Free chaos in the 2D harmonically confined Vicsek model (12/2023)
- Stability of the personal relationship networks in a longitudinal study of middle school students (12/2023)
- Approximate and ensemble local entanglement transformations for multipartite states (11/2023)
- Finding the effective dynamics to make rare events typical in chaotic maps (11/2023)
- On the generalized Fourier transform (11/2023)
- The DL(P) vector space of pencils for singular matrix polynomials (11/2023)
- The ECM and tissue architecture are major determinants of early invasion mediated by E-cadherin dysfunction (11/2023)
- Upper and lower bounds for topological indices on unicyclic graphs (11/2023)
- A stationary population model with an interior interface-type boundary (10/2023)
- Band-diagonal operators on Banach lattices: matrix dynamics and invariant subspaces (10/2023)
- Coarse-graining the vertex model and its response to shear (10/2023)
- Universal interface fluctuations in the contact process (10/2023)
- Coherent pairs of moment functionals of the second kind and associated orthogonal polynomials and Sobolev orthogonal polynomials (09/2023)
- Correction: Abrupt onset of the capillary-wave spectrum at wall-fluid interfaces (09/2023)
- Groupoid and algebra of the infinite quantum spin chain (09/2023)
- Mixed-type hypergeometric Bernoulli-Gegenbauer polynomials (09/2023)
- On integral Sombor indices (09/2023)
- Teamwork Management in Additive Manufacturing Using Game Theory (09/2023)
- Abrupt onset of the capillary-wave spectrum at wall-fluid interfaces (08/2023)
- Bound and ground states of coupled 'NLS-KdV' equations with Hardy potential and critical power (08/2023)
- Charging capacitors from thermal fluctuations using diodes (08/2023)
- Coherent pairs of measures of the second kind on the real line and Sobolev orthogonal polynomials. An application to a Jacobi case (08/2023)
- Differential properties of Jacobi-Sobolev polynomials and electrostatic interpretation (08/2023)
- Entropic contribution to phenotype fitness (08/2023)
- Hybrid Koopman C¿-formalism and the hybrid quantum-classical master equation (08/2023)
- Iterative Schemes for Probabilistic Domain Decomposition (08/2023)
- On the Riemann-Hilbert approach to asymptotics of tronquée solutions of Painlevé I (08/2023)
- Properties of multivariate Hermite polynomials in correlation with Frobenius-Euler polynomials (08/2023)
- A geometric construction of isospectral magnetic graphs (07/2023)
- A hybrid probabilistic domain decomposition algorithm suited for very large-scale elliptic PDEs (07/2023)
- Accurate prediction of the solid-state region of the Ni-Al phase diagram including configurational and vibrational entropy and magnetic effects (07/2023)
- Classical analogs of generalized purities, entropies, and logarithmic negativity (07/2023)
- Freestanding graphene heat engine analyzed using stochastic thermodynamics (07/2023)
- Prediction of the liquid-crystal phase behavior of hard right triangles from fourth-virial density-functional theories (07/2023)
- Quantum controllability on graph-like manifolds through magnetic potentials and boundary conditions (07/2023)
- The equation XTAX=B with B skew-symmetric: how much of a bilinear form is skew-symmetric? (07/2023)
- A look at generalized degenerate Bernoulli and Euler matrices (06/2023)
- Asymptotics of matrix valued orthogonal polynomials on [-1,1] (06/2023)
- Band depth based initialization of K-means for functional data clustering (06/2023)
- Mean field theory of chaotic insect swarms (06/2023)
- Structure of the Medium Formed in Heavy Ion Collisions (06/2023)
- The categorical foundations of quantum information theory: Categories and the Cramer-Rao inequality (06/2023)
- Zeros of Jacobi and ultraspherical polynomials (06/2023)
- Central Banks and Climate Change (Part 2): Can Central Banks Intervene Now? And How? Arguments of 'Opportunity" and 'Suitability" (05/2023)
- Central banks and climate change (Part 1) : Does climate change fit in central banks' mandates? (05/2023)
- Exponential topological indices: optimal inequalities and applications (05/2023)
- Inverse degree index: exponential extension and applications (05/2023)
- Quasi-triangularization of matrix polynomials over arbitrary fields (05/2023)
- Towards ordered Si surface nanostructuring: Role of an intermittent ion beam irradiation approach (05/2023)
- Generalized mixed type Bernoulli-Gegenbauer polynomials (04/2023)
- Nonequilibrium criticality driven by Kardar-Parisi-Zhang fluctuations in the synchronization of oscillator lattices (04/2023)
- Secure post-quantum group key exchange: Implementing a solution based on Kyber (04/2023)
- Sequentially ordered Sobolev inner product and Laguerre-Sobolev polynomials (04/2023)
- Texturization of polycrystalline titanium surfaces after low-energy ion beam irradiation: impact on biocompatibility (04/2023)
- The Cauchy Exponential of Linear Functionals on the Linear Space of Polynomials (04/2023)
- Structural backward stability in rational eigenvalue problems solved via block Kronecker linearizations (03/2023)
- Triadic influence as a proxy for compatibility in social relationships (03/2023)
- Concave-convex critical problems for the spectral fractional laplacian with mixed boundary conditions (02/2023)
- Frequency isolation for gyroscopic systems via hyperbolic quadratic eigenvalue problems (02/2023)
- On bundles of matrix pencils under strict equivalence (02/2023)
- Social interaction and negotiation outcomes: An experimental approach (02/2023)
- Flag codes: distance vectors and cardinality bounds (01/2023)
- Hessenberg-Sobolev matrices and Favard type theorem (01/2023)
- Higher-order recurrence relations, Sobolev-type inner products and matrix factorizations (01/2023)
- Nonlinear Fractional Schrödinger Equations coupled by power-type nonlinearities (01/2023)
- On the characterizations of third-degree semiclassical forms via polynomial mappings (01/2023)
- On the consistency of the matrix equation XT AX=B when B is symmetric: the case where CFC(A) includes skew-symmetric blocks (01/2023)
- On the interplay of hierarchies, conflicts, and cooperation: An experimental approach (01/2023)
- Revan Sombor indices: Analytical and statistical study (01/2023)
- Scale-free chaos in the confined Vicsek flocking model (01/2023)
- A note on commutation relations and finite dimensional approximations (12/2022)
- Behavior, decisions and ecological transition: experimental approaches with policy implications = Comportamiento, decisiones y transición ecológica: aproximaciones experimentales con implicaciones para las políticas (12/2022)
- Hyperchaos, intermittency, noise and disorder in modified semiconductor superlattices (12/2022)
- On generalized Bernoulli-Barnes polynomials (12/2022)
- The effectiveness of prosocial policies: Gender differences arising from social norms (12/2022)
- An unfitted radial basis function generated finite difference method applied to thoracic diaphragm simulations (11/2022)
- Fractional model for the study of the tuberculosis in Mexico (11/2022)
- Free-energy density functional for Strauss's model of transitive networks (11/2022)
- Prevalence of mutualism in a simple model of microbial coevolution (11/2022)
- Chimpanzees organize their social relationships like humans (10/2022)
- Ergodicity of the Wang-Swendsen-Kotecký algorithm on several classes of lattices on the torus (10/2022)
- Poisson brackets in Sobolev spaces: a mock holonomy-flux algebra (10/2022)
- RBF based quadrature on the sphere (10/2022)
- Split Hamiltonian Monte Carlo revisited (10/2022)
- Correction: The space of light rays: causality and L-boundary (General Relativity and Gravitation, (2022), 54, 6, (59)) (09/2022)
- Effect of combined roundness and polydispersity on the phase behavior of hard-rectangle fluids (09/2022)
- Jensen-type inequalities for m-convex functions (09/2022)
- Mathematical models of nitrogen-fixing cell patterns in filamentous cyanobacteria (09/2022)
- Quantitative phase and absorption contrast imaging (09/2022)
- Strongly minimal self-conjugate linearizations for polynomial and rational matrices (09/2022)
- Structural measures of personal networks predict migrants' cultural backgrounds: an explanation from Grid/Group theory (09/2022)
- The long and winding road to understanding organismal construction: Reply to comments on "From genotypes to organisms: State-of-the-art and perspectives of a cornerstone in evolutionary dynamics" (09/2022)
- The sky invariant: A new conformal invariant for Schwarzschild spacetime (09/2022)
- A nonlinear diffusion equation with reaction localized in the half-line (08/2022)
- Anomalous ballistic scaling in the tensionless or inviscid Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation (08/2022)
- COP1 dynamics integrate conflicting seasonal light and thermal cues in the control of Arabidopsis elongation (08/2022)
- Group actions and monotone quantum metric tensors (08/2022)
- On Ostrowski type inequalities for generalized integral operators (08/2022)
- Social capital as a network measure provides new insights on economic growth (08/2022)
- Stability of Third Degree Linear Functionals and Rational Spectral Transformations (08/2022)
- Surface nanopatterning by ion beam irradiation: compositional effects (08/2022)
- Terminal heterocyst differentiation in the Anabaena patA mutant as a result of post-transcriptional modifications and molecular leakage (08/2022)
- Zeros of optimal polynomial approximants in lpA (08/2022)
- Adiabatic lapse rate of real gases (07/2022)
- Edge observables of the Maxwell-Chern-Simons theory (07/2022)
- Quantum tomography and Schwinger's picture of quantum mechanics (07/2022)
- Rhythm of the streets: a street classification framework based on street activity patterns (07/2022)
- Analytical and computational properties of the variable symmetric division deg index (06/2022)
- Asymptotic survival of genuine multipartite entanglement in noisy quantum networks depends on the topology (06/2022)
- Classical analogs of the covariance matrix, purity, linear entropy, and von Neumann entropy (06/2022)
- Genuine multipartite entanglement of quantum states in the multiple-copy scenario (06/2022)
- Identifying key relationships between nation-state cyberattacks and geopolitical and economic factors: A model (06/2022)
- Investigation of the two-cut phase region in the complex cubic ensemble of random matrices (06/2022)
- Lagrange-based hypergeometric Bernoulli polynomials (06/2022)
- Matching number, Hamiltonian graphs and magnetic Laplacian matrices (06/2022)
- Model architecture can transform catastrophic forgetting into positive transfer (06/2022)
- Quantifying the importance and location of SARS-CoV-2 transmission events in large metropolitan areas (06/2022)
- The adjacency dimension of graphs (06/2022)
- The space of light rays: Causality and L-boundary (06/2022)
- Consistent and non-consistent deformations of gravitational theories (05/2022)
- Data-driven analysis of oscillations in Hall thruster simulations (05/2022)
- Improving the sensitivity of early rub detection in rotating machines with an adaptive orthogonal filter (05/2022)
- Non-selective distribution of infectious disease prevention may outperform risk-based targeting (05/2022)
- Proof of the equivalence of the symplectic forms derived from the canonical and the covariant phase space formalisms (05/2022)
- Seeking patterns of antibiotic resistance in ATLAS, an open, raw MIC database with patient metadata (05/2022)
- Spreading fronts of wetting liquid droplets: microscopic simulations and universal fluctuations (05/2022)
- Associated orthogonal polynomials of the first kind and Darboux transformations (04/2022)
- Corrigendum: Quantitative signal subspace imaging (2021 Inverse Problems 37 125006) (04/2022)
- Pseudospectral versus Galerkin methods: Fourth order equations (04/2022)
- Spectral preorder and perturbations of discrete weighted graphs (04/2022)
- An algebraic approach to product-form stationary distributions for some reaction networks (03/2022)
- Coordination and equilibrium selection in games: the role of local effects (03/2022)
- Effect of clustering on the orientational properties of a fluid of hard right isosceles triangles (03/2022)
- Equidistribution of zeros of some polynomials related to cyclic functions (03/2022)
- Ethnic markers and the emergence of group-specific norms: an experiment (03/2022)
- Existence of bound and ground states for an elliptic system with double criticality (03/2022)
- Extremals in Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequalities for stable processes (03/2022)
- On the motion of gravity-capillary waves with odd viscosity (03/2022)
- On-shell equivalence of general relativity and Holst theories with nonmetricity, torsion, and boundaries (03/2022)
- Stability of p-parabolicity under quasi-isometries (03/2022)
- State transformations within entanglement classes containing permutation-symmetric states (03/2022)
- Beyond Dunbar circles: a continuous description of social relationships and resource allocation (02/2022)
- Characterizations of the Symmetric T(theta,q)-Classical Orthogonal q-Polynomials (02/2022)
- Helicopter Tail Rotor and the Training of a Recurrent Neural Network (02/2022)
- Nanopatterning of rotating highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (0001) surfaces by ion beam irradiation: Experiments and modeling (02/2022)
- Asymptotic behavior of cooperative systems involving p-Laplacian operators (01/2022)
- Causality in Schwinger's Picture of Quantum Mechanics (01/2022)
- Diagonal scalings for the eigenstructure of arbitrary pencils (01/2022)
- Estrategias de movilidad basadas en la teoría de percolación para evitar la diseminación de enfermedades: COVID-19 (01/2022)
- Extremal problems on the general Sombor index of a graph (01/2022)
- Local and global robustness at steady state (01/2022)
- Mean Sombor index (01/2022)
- New lower bounds for the first variable Zagreb index (01/2022)
- On p-parabolicity of Riemannian manifolds and graphs (01/2022)
- On the Schrödinger Equation for Time-Dependent Hamiltonians with a Constant Form Domain (01/2022)
- On the generalized ABC index of graphs (01/2022)
- Polynomials of least deviation from zero in Sobolev p-norm (01/2022)
- Second Degree Linear Forms and Semiclassical Forms of Class One. A Case Study (01/2022)
- Symmetries and Covariant Poisson Brackets on Presymplectic Manifolds (01/2022)
- The kissing polynomials and their Hankel determinants (01/2022)
- Upper and lower bounds for generalized wiener indices on unicyclic graphs (01/2022)
- Weakly discriminating vertex-degree-based topological indices (01/2022)
- Average sampling in certain subspaces of Hilbert&-Schmidt operators on L2(Rd) (12/2021)
- Characteristic polynomials of complex random matrices and Painlevé transcendents (12/2021)
- Computational behavioral models in public goods games with migration between groups (12/2021)
- Description of a Dynamical Framework to Analyse the Helicopter Tail Rotor (12/2021)
- Dynamical maps and Symmetroids (12/2021)
- News or social media? Socioeconomic divide of mobile service consumption (12/2021)
- Note on the generalized conformable derivative (12/2021)
- On a class of linear cooperative systems with spatio-temporal degenerate potentials (12/2021)
- Quantitative signal subspace imaging (12/2021)
- Symmetry and monotonicity results for solutions of vectorial p-Stokes systems (12/2021)
- A Strong Maximum Principle for the fractional Laplace equation with mixed boundary condition (11/2021)
- Band-based similarity indices for gene expression classification and clustering (11/2021)
- Failure of standard density functional theory to describe the phase behavior of a fluid of hard right isosceles triangles (11/2021)
- Gossip and competitive altruism support cooperation in a Public Good Game (11/2021)
- Quantum cosmology with third quantisation (11/2021)
- Rodrigues formula and recurrence coefficients for non-symmetric Dunkl-classical orthogonal polynomials (11/2021)
- Sampling in A-shift-invariant subspaces of Hilbert-Schmidt operators on L2(Rd) (11/2021)
- Spatial competition strategies: The case of two refuges (11/2021)
- A decomposition for plane domains with the quasihyperbolic metric (10/2021)
- A mathematical model of thyroid disease response to radiotherapy (10/2021)
- Corrigendum to "A note on generalized companion pencils" (10/2021)
- Dynamical phase transition to localized states in the two-dimensional random walk conditioned on partial currents (10/2021)
- Generalized inequalities involving fractional operators of Riemann-Liouville type (10/2021)
- Regularity of solutions to a fractional elliptic problem with mixed Dirichlet-Neumann boundary data (10/2021)
- Slow growth of magnetic domains helps fast evolution routes for out-of-equilibrium dynamics (10/2021)
- Complex networks to understand the past: the case of roads in Bourbon Spain (09/2021)
- Contact loci and Hironaka's order (09/2021)
- Correction to: On the Convergence of Multi-Level Hermite-Padé Approximants for a Class of Meromorphic Functions (vol 17, 149, 2020) (09/2021)
- Evidence from a long-term experiment that collective risks change social norms and promote cooperation (09/2021)
- Fingering instability in spreading epithelial monolayers: roles of cell polarisation, substrate friction and contractile stresses (09/2021)
- From genotypes to organisms: State-of-the-art and perspectives of a cornerstone in evolutionary dynamics (09/2021)
- Kovacs memory effect with an optically levitated nanoparticle (09/2021)
- Phenotypic-dependent variability and the emergence of tolerance in bacterial populations (09/2021)
- Schwinger's picture of quantum mechanics: 2-groupoids and symmetries (09/2021)
- The antibiotic dosage of fastest resistance evolution: Gene amplifications underpinning the inverted-U (09/2021)
- Uncovering spatio-temporal patterns in semiconductor superlattices by efficient data processing tools (09/2021)
- Wasserstein distance estimates for the distributions of numerical approximations to ergodic stochastic differential equations (09/2021)
- Adaptive sampling and modal expansions in pattern-forming systems (08/2021)
- Boundary Behavior of Optimal Polynomial Approximants (08/2021)
- Covariant phase space for gravity with boundaries: Metric versus tetrad formulations (08/2021)
- Designing Hyperchaos and Intermittency in Semiconductor Superlattices (08/2021)
- Feynman's propagator in Schwinger's picture of Quantum Mechanics (08/2021)
- General properties on Sombor indices (08/2021)
- Global-phase portrait and large-degree asymptotics for the Kissing polynomials (08/2021)
- Interlacing of zeros of Laguerre polynomials of equal and consecutive degree (08/2021)
- Normalized sombor indices as complexity measures of random networks (08/2021)
- On minimal bases and indices of rational matrices and their linearizations (08/2021)
- Palatini gravity with nonmetricity, torsion, and boundaries in metric and connection variables (08/2021)
- Three Roads to the Geometric Constraint Formulation of Gravitational Theories with Boundaries (08/2021)
- Geometric properties of chemical graphs (07/2021)
- HMC: Reducing the number of rejections by not using leapfrog and some results on the acceptance rate (07/2021)
- Initializing k-means Clustering by Bootstrap and Data Depth (07/2021)
- Mobility patterns are associated with experienced income segregation in large US cities (07/2021)
- The uniform Roe algebra of an inverse semigroup (07/2021)
- A note on isoperimetric inequalities of Gromov hyperbolic manifolds and graphs (06/2021)
- An experimental characterization of workers' behavior and accuracy in crowdsourced tasks (06/2021)
- Effect of COVID-19 response policies on walking behavior in US cities (06/2021)
- Emergent dynamics in excitable flow systems (06/2021)
- Evolution of social relationships between first-year students at middle school: from cliques to circles (06/2021)
- Existence of positive solutions for a Brezis-Nirenberg type problems involving an inverse operator (06/2021)
- Inequalities on the geometric-arithmetic index (06/2021)
- Integration and diversity (06/2021)
- Memory effects in a gas of viscoelastic particles (06/2021)
- Micro-combustion modelling with RBF-FD: A high-order meshfree method for reactive flows in complex geometries (06/2021)
- Spectral transformations and associated linear functionals of the first kind (06/2021)
- The connections between Lyapunov functions for some optimization algorithms and differential equations (06/2021)
- A quantum route to the classical Lagrangian formalism (05/2021)
- Analytical and statistical studies of Rodriguez-Velazquez indices (05/2021)
- Blow-up rates for a fractional heat equation (05/2021)
- Fast signal recovery from quadratic measurements (05/2021)
- Framing in multiple public goods games and donation to charities (05/2021)
- Inequalities on the generalized abc index (05/2021)
- Interacting color strings as the origin of the liquid behavior of the quark-gluon plasma (05/2021)
- Multiple q-Kravchuk polynomials (05/2021)
- Polar differentiation matrices for the Laplace equation in the disk under nonhomogeneous Dirichlet, Neumann and Robin boundary conditions and the biharmonic equation under nonhomogeneous Dirichlet conditions (05/2021)
- Pool punishment in public goods games: How do sanctioners' incentives affect us? (05/2021)
- Some properties of the arithmetic-geometric index (05/2021)
- Special issue OPSFA15: orthogonal polynomials, special functions and applications (05/2021)
- The Graham-Knuth-Patashnik recurrence: Symmetries and continued fractions (05/2021)
- A characterization of trace-zero sets realizable by compensation in the SNIEP (04/2021)
- A restricted nonlocal operator bridging together the Laplacian and the fractional Laplacian (04/2021)
- Asymptotic zero distribution for a class of extremal polynomials (04/2021)
- Bounds on the arithmetic-geometric index (04/2021)
- Computational and analytical studies of the harmonic index on Erdös-Rényi models (04/2021)
- Isoperimetric inequalities in Riemann surfaces and graphs (04/2021)
- Lupas-type inequality and applications to Markov-type inequalities in weighted Sobolev spaces (04/2021)
- On the Consistency of the Matrix Equation X¿ AX = B when B is Symmetric (04/2021)
- On the generalized Laplace transform (04/2021)
- Spectral Stability for the Peridynamic Fractional p-Laplacian (04/2021)
- A CMV connection between orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle and the real line (03/2021)
- Discrete-continuous Jacobi-Sobolev spaces and Fourier series (03/2021)
- Hamiltonian Gotay-Nester-Hinds analysis of the parametrized unimodular extension of the Holst action (03/2021)
- Inequalities on the generalized atom bond connectivity index (03/2021)
- Low rank perturbation of regular matrix pencils with symmetry structures (03/2021)
- Measurement outcomes that do not occur and their role in entanglement transformations (03/2021)
- Nonlinear finite elements: Sub- and supersolutions for the heterogeneous logistic equation (03/2021)
- Representation of non-semibounded quadratic forms and orthogonal additivity (03/2021)
- Transition between chaotic and stochastic universality classes of kinetic roughening (03/2021)
- Universal resilience patterns in labor markets (03/2021)
- Anomalous angiogenesis in retina (02/2021)
- Characters and generation of Sylow 2-subgroups (02/2021)
- Computational modeling and simulation to increase laser shooting accuracy of autonomous LEO trackers (02/2021)
- Generalized optimal paths and weight distributions revealed through the large deviations of random walks on networks (02/2021)
- Ladder relations for a class of matrix valued orthogonal polynomials (02/2021)
- Structured strong l-ifications for structured matrix polynomials in the monomial basis (02/2021)
- Three-dimensional imaging from single-element holographic data (02/2021)
- Topological indices and f-polynomials on some graph products (02/2021)
- 2-Orthogonal polynomials and Darboux transformations. Applications to the discrete Hahn-classical case (01/2021)
- A local radial basis function method for the Laplace-Beltrami operator (01/2021)
- Complete Singularity Analysis for the Perspective-Four-Point Problem (01/2021)
- Concise symplectic formulation for tetrad gravity (01/2021)
- Genuine multipartite nonlocality is intrinsic to quantum networks (01/2021)
- Geometric formulation of the covariant phase space methods with boundaries (01/2021)
- Hq-Semiclassical orthogonal polynomials via polynomial mappings (01/2021)
- Optimal upper bounds of the geometric-arithmetic index (01/2021)
- Polynomial approach to cyclicity for weighted ¿pA (01/2021)
- Post-Newtonian tracking formulae to increase the shooting accuracy of autonomous LEO laser trackers (01/2021)
- Quantum tomography and the quantum Radon transform (01/2021)
- Ethnic markers and the emergence of group-specific norms (12/2020)
- On the maximal general ABC index of graphs with given maximum degree (12/2020)
- Ratio asymptotics for biorthogonal matrix polynomials with unbounded recurrence coefficients (12/2020)
- Rational approximation and Sobolev-type orthogonality (12/2020)
- Robots, labor markets, and universal basic income (12/2020)
- Tracking collective cell motion by topological data analysis (12/2020)
- Using local PHS+ poly approximations for Laplace transform inversion by Gaver-Stehfest algorithm (12/2020)
- A perspective on nanoscale pattern formation at surfaces by ion-beam irradiation (11/2020)
- Competing for congestible goods: experimental evidence on parking choice (11/2020)
- Domination on hyperbolic graphs (11/2020)
- Evolution of classical and quantum states in the groupoid picture of quantum mechanics (11/2020)
- Integrodifference master equation describing actively growing blood vessels in angiogenesis (11/2020)
- Local linearizations of rational matrices with application to rational approximations of nonlinear eigenvalue problems (11/2020)
- Orientational ordering in a fluid of hard kites: A density-functional-theory study (11/2020)
- Steering complex networks toward desired dynamics (11/2020)
- Hierarchical clustering of bipartite data sets based on the statistical significance of coincidences (10/2020)
- How to divide exactly in Mathematics (10/2020)
- Integrals and iterated integrals and Borwein-Chen-Dilcher polynomials (10/2020)
- On the convergence of multi-level Hermite-Padé approximants for a class of meromorphic functions (10/2020)
- Richard Dedekind y la arquitectura del continuo aritmético (10/2020)
- The turning point and end of an expanding epidemic cannot be precisely forecast (10/2020)
- Asymptotic limit of linear parabolic equations with spatio-temporal degenerated potentials (09/2020)
- Cooperation, social norm internalization, and hierarchical societies (09/2020)
- Domain walls in vertically vibrated monolayers of cylinders confined in annuli (09/2020)
- Generic symmetric matrix pencils with bounded rank (09/2020)
- Modelling the impact of testing, contact tracing and household quarantine on second waves of COVID-19 (09/2020)
- Multiple Meixner Polynomials on a Non-Uniform Lattice (09/2020)
- Phase diagram for the bisected-hexagonal-lattice five-state Potts antiferromagnet (09/2020)
- Relations between the general sum connectivity index and the line graph (09/2020)
- Semilinear fractional elliptic problems with mixed Dirichlet-Neumann boundary conditions (09/2020)
- The change in social norms in the Mafia's territories: the anti-racket movement of Addiopizzo (09/2020)
- Using accelerometry for evaluating energy consumption and running intensity distribution throughout a marathon according to sex (09/2020)
- Amenability and paradoxicality in semigroups and C*-algebras (08/2020)
- Post-Newtonian Equations for Laser Links in Space (08/2020)
- Simultaneous zero-free approximation and universal optimal polynomial approximants (08/2020)
- Special volume on mathematical modeling with applications (08/2020)
- Sustainable Disclosure Policies and Sustainable Performance of European Listed Companies (08/2020)
- Two dimensional soliton in tumor induced angiogenesis (08/2020)
- A note on continuous stable sampling (07/2020)
- Computational and analytical studies of the Randi¿ index in Erdös-Rényi models (07/2020)
- Effect of network topology and node centrality on trading (07/2020)
- Generic symmetric matrix polynomials with bounded rank and fixed odd grade (07/2020)
- New Bounds for Topological Indices on Trees through Generalized Methods (07/2020)
- Order improvement of surface nanopatterns via substrate rocking under ion bombardment: Experiments and nonlinear models (07/2020)
- Analysis of Dengue fever outbreak by generalized fractional derivative (06/2020)
- Covariant reduction of classical Hamiltonian Field Theories: From D'Alembert to Klein&-Gordon and Schrödinger (06/2020)
- Covariant variational evolution and Jacobi brackets: Fields (06/2020)
- Grounding Social Foundations for Integrated Assessment Models of Climate Change (06/2020)
- High-order stroboscopic averaging methods for highly oscillatory delay problems (06/2020)
- Numerical study of the rippling instability driven by electron-phonon coupling in graphene (06/2020)
- Populations of genetic circuits are unable to find the fittest solution in a multilevel genotype-phenotype map (06/2020)
- Tourist support in Llanganuco Lagoon- Huascarán National Park, Perú = Soportabilidad Turística en los sitios de visita de los senderos de la laguna Chinancocha-sector Llanganuco del Parque Nacional Huascarán, Perú (06/2020)
- Unbounded Bell violations for quantum genuine multipartite non-locality (06/2020)
- A game theory model to explore the role of cooperation and diversity in community food security: the case of Southern Malawi (05/2020)
- Analytical properties of touchard-based hybrid polynomials via operational techniques (05/2020)
- Backward error and conditioning of Fiedler linearizations (05/2020)
- Covariant variational evolution and Jacobi brackets: Particles (05/2020)
- Iterated integrals of Jacobi polynomials (05/2020)
- Non-KPZ fluctuations in the derivative of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation or noisy Burgers equation (05/2020)
- On the conformable fractional logistic models (05/2020)
- The noise collector for sparse recovery in high dimensions (05/2020)
- Understanding drivers when investing for impact: an experimental study (05/2020)
- Entanglement manipulation beyond local operations and classical communication (04/2020)
- Geronimus transformations of bivariate linear functionals (04/2020)
- Lagrangian description of Heisenberg and Landau-von Neumann equations of motion (04/2020)
- On the Wandering Property in Dirichlet spaces (04/2020)
- Redes de genotipos: los senderos de la evolución (04/2020)
- A two-sided Faulhaber-like formula involving Bernoulli polynomials (03/2020)
- Explosive synchronization in populations of cooperative and competitive oscillators (03/2020)
- Imaging with highly incomplete and corrupted data (03/2020)
- No Entire Inner Functions (03/2020)
- Public Goods Games on Coevolving Social Network Models (03/2020)
- Relations between some topological indices and the line graph (03/2020)
- Schwinger's picture of quantum mechanics (03/2020)
- Schwinger's picture of quantum mechanics IV: Composition and independence (03/2020)
- Volatility Uncertainty Quantification in a Stochastic Control Problem Applied to Energy (03/2020)
- ¿Son éstas las matemáticas que deseamos? (03/2020)
- Asymptotic of cauchy biorthogonal polynomials (02/2020)
- Convolution Systems on Discrete Abelian Groups as a Unifying Strategy in Sampling Theory (02/2020)
- Epistasis between cultural traits causes paradigm shifts in cultural evolution (02/2020)
- First order structure-preserving perturbation theory for eigenvalues of symplectic matrices (02/2020)
- Groupoids and Coherent States (02/2020)
- International Conference on Mathematical Analysis & its Applications (ICMAA 2016) (02/2020)
- Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class for the critical dynamics of reaction-diffusion fronts (02/2020)
- Positive solutions for semilinear fractional elliptic problems involving an inverse fractional operator (02/2020)
- A collocation-spectral method to solve the bi-dimensional degenerate diffusive logistic equation with spatial heterogeneities in circular domain (01/2020)
- Behavior of piezoelectric layered composites with mechanical and electrical non-uniform imperfect contacts (01/2020)
- Estimation of energy consumed by middle-aged recreational marathoners during a marathon using accelerometry-based devices (01/2020)
- Geometry from divergence functions and complex structures (01/2020)
- Gromov hyperbolic in directed graphs (01/2020)
- Homotopy regularization for a high-order parabolic equation (01/2020)
- On Regular Generalized Sampling in T-Invariant Subspaces of a Hilbert Space: An Overview (01/2020)
- Root polynomials and their role in the theory of matrix polynomials (01/2020)
- Stability of the volume growth rate under quasi-isometries (01/2020)
- Synthetic Aperture Imaging With Intensity-Only Data (01/2020)
- A note on generalized companion pencils in the monomial basis (12/2019)
- Highly confined mixtures of parallel hard squares: A density-functional-theory study (12/2019)
- Knit Product of Finite Groups and Sampling (12/2019)
- Manifolds of classical probability distributions and quantum density operators in infinite dimensions (12/2019)
- Neuronal differentiation influences progenitor arrangement in the vertebrate neuroepithelium (12/2019)
- On Infinitely Many Rational Approximants to zeta(3) (12/2019)
- On the inverse degree polynomial (12/2019)
- Riesz bases associated with regular representations of semidirect product groups (12/2019)
- Christoffel transformation for a matrix of bi-variate measures (11/2019)
- Evolutionary equations and constraints: Maxwell equations (11/2019)
- Microscopic determination of correlations in the fluid interfacial region in the presence of liquid-gas asymmetry (11/2019)
- Stress-driven nonlinear dynamics of ion-induced surface nanopatterns (11/2019)
- f-polynomial on some graph operations (11/2019)
- Comparison of moving least squares and RBF+poly for interpolation and derivative approximation (10/2019)
- Descriptions of Relativistic Dynamics with World Line Condition (10/2019)
- Large scale and information effects on cooperation in public good games (10/2019)
- Nonsingular systems of generalized Sylvester equations: An algorithmic approach (10/2019)
- A unified approach to bounds for topological indices on trees and applications (09/2019)
- Accelerated relaxation and suppressed dynamic heterogeneity in a kinetically constrained (East) model with swaps (09/2019)
- Analysis of the local Drude model involving the generalized fractional derivative (09/2019)
- Author Correction: Group size effects and critical mass in public goods games (09/2019)
- Computational behavioral models for public goods games on social networks (09/2019)
- Covering graphs, magnetic spectral gaps and applications to polymers and nanoribbons (09/2019)
- New Hermite-Hadamard Type Inequalities Involving Non-Conformable Integral Operators (09/2019)
- Normas, matrices reales, vectores complejos (09/2019)
- Robustness and perturbations of minimal bases II: The case with given row degrees (09/2019)
- Schwinger's picture of quantum mechanics III: The statistical interpretation (09/2019)
- Conditioning and backward errors of eigenvalues of homogeneous matrix polynomials under Möbius transformations (08/2019)
- Correlation-function structure in square-gradient models of the liquid-gas interface: Exact results and reliable approximations (08/2019)
- How to Hide One's Relationships from Link Prediction Algorithms (08/2019)
- On Z -Invariant Self-Adjoint Extensions of the Laplacian on Quantum Circuits (08/2019)
- Schwinger's picture of quantum mechanics I: Groupoids (08/2019)
- Some new identities involving sheffer-appell polynomial sequences via matrix approach (08/2019)
- A stroboscopic averaging algorithm for highly oscillatory delay problems (07/2019)
- Metamaterials with relative displacements in their microstructure: technological challenges in 3D printing, experiments and numerical predictions (07/2019)
- Schwinger's picture of quantum mechanics II: Algebras and observables (07/2019)
- Word combinatorics for stochastic differential equations: splitting integrators (07/2019)
- Word series high-order averaging of highly oscillatory differential equations with delay (07/2019)
- A Characterization of Dirichlet-inner Functions (06/2019)
- Direct and inverse results for multipoint Hermite-Padé approximants (06/2019)
- Investigating peer and sorting effects within an adaptive multiplex network model (06/2019)
- Mixed type Hermite-Padé approximation inspired by the Degasperis-Procesi equation (06/2019)
- On Freud-Sobolev type orthogonal polynomials (06/2019)
- On the hyperbolicity constant of circular-arc graphs (06/2019)
- Several extremal problems on graphs involving the circumference, girth, and hyperbolicity constant (06/2019)
- Strong linearizations of rational matrices with polynomial part expressed in an orthogonal basis (06/2019)
- Van Dooren's Index Sum Theorem and Rational Matrices with Prescribed Structural Data (06/2019)
- An Implementation of Milstein's Method for General Bounded Diffusions (05/2019)
- An experimental study of network effects on coordination in asymmetric games (05/2019)
- An insight into RBF-FD approximations augmented with polynomials (05/2019)
- CMMSE 18: geometric-arithmetic index and line graph (05/2019)
- Individual perception dynamics in drunk games (05/2019)
- Inequalities on the inverse degree index (05/2019)
- Matrix biorthogonal polynomials on the real line: Geronimus transformations (05/2019)
- Parsimonious scenario for the emergence of viroid-like replicons de novo (05/2019)
- Some results on lower bounds for topological indices (05/2019)
- Structured backward error analysis of linearized structured polynomial eigenvalue problems (05/2019)
- The Brezis-Nirenberg problem for the fractional Laplacian with mixed Dirichlet-Neumann boundary conditions (05/2019)
- A zk-invariant subspace without the wandering property (04/2019)
- Coherent pairs of bivariate orthogonal polynomials (04/2019)
- Direct and inverse results on row sequences of simultaneous Pade-Faber approximants (04/2019)
- Gaussian statistics as an emergent symmetry of the stochastic scalar Burgers equation (04/2019)
- Group size effects and critical mass in public goods games (04/2019)
- Linear and non-linear inequalities on the inverse sum indeg index (04/2019)
- Quadratic realizability of palindromic matrix polynomials (04/2019)
- Quaternionic inner and outer functions (04/2019)
- Sampling Associated with a Unitary Representation of a Semi-Direct Product of Groups: A Filter Bank Approach (04/2019)
- Toward understanding the impact of artificial intelligence on labor (04/2019)
- A comparison of eigenvalue condition numbers for matrix polynomials (03/2019)
- An inverse problem associated with (1,1) symmetric coherent linear functionals (03/2019)
- Defects in vertically vibrated monolayers of cylinders (03/2019)
- Escaping geodesics in Riemannian surfaces with variable negative curvature (03/2019)
- On the Structure of Finite Groupoids and Their Representations (03/2019)
- On the role of polynomials in RBF-FD approximations: III. Behavior near domain boundaries (03/2019)
- On unbounded solutions of ergodic problems for non-local Hamilton-Jacobi equations (03/2019)
- Resource Theory of Entanglement with a Unique Multipartite Maximally Entangled State (03/2019)
- The Goldstone mode and resonances in the fluid interfacial region (03/2019)
- A Classification of Symmetric (1, 1)-Coherent Pairs of Linear Functionals (02/2019)
- A general bound for the dimension of quantum behaviours in the prepare-and-measure scenario (02/2019)
- Block minimal bases ¿-ifications of matrix polynomials (02/2019)
- Generalized potential functions in differential geometry and information geometry (02/2019)
- Nilpotent integrability, reduction of dynamical systems and a third-order Calogero-Moser system (02/2019)
- Szego transformation and zeros of analytic perturbations of Chebyshev weights (02/2019)
- Zeros of optimal polynomial approximants: Jacobi matrices and Jentzsch-type theorems (02/2019)
- de la Cruz et al. Reply (02/2019)
- A compact rational Krylov method for large-scale rational eigenvalue problems (01/2019)
- La cuadratura gaussiana según Gauss (01/2019)
- On Symmetric (1, 1)-Coherent Pairs and Sobolev Orthogonal polynomials: an algorithm to compute Fourier coefficients (01/2019)
- Perturbed Problems Involving the Square Root of the Laplacian (01/2019)
- Robust multifrequency imaging with MUSIC (01/2019)
- Stratified manifold of quantum states, actions of the complex special linear group (01/2019)
- Anisotropic nonlocal diffusion equations with singular forcing (12/2018)
- Erratum to "On a classical theorem on the diameter and minimum degree of a graph (12/2018)
- Gromov hyperbolicity in lexicographic product graphs (12/2018)
- L-extensions and L-boundary of conformal spacetimes (12/2018)
- Asymptotics of Sobolev orthogonal polynomials for Hermite (1,1)-coherent pairs (11/2018)
- Higher order recurrences and row sequences of Hermite-Pade approximation (11/2018)
- Multi-stage splitting integrators for sampling with modified Hamiltonian Monte Carlo methods (11/2018)
- Strong Linearizations of Rational Matrices (11/2018)
- Block Kronecker linearizations of matrix polynomials and their backward errors (10/2018)
- Frequency optimized RBF-FD for wave equations (10/2018)
- Harmonic index and harmonic polynomial on graph operations (10/2018)
- Quantitative subsurface imaging in strongly scattering media (10/2018)
- Regularity theory for singular nonlocal diffusion equations (10/2018)
- Resource heterogeneity leads to unjust effort distribution in climate change mitigation (10/2018)
- Special issue on surfaces patterned by ion sputtering (Preface) (10/2018)
- Stability of the injectivity radius under quasi-isometries and applications to isoperimetric inequalities (10/2018)
- A block-symmetric linearization of odd degree matrix polynomials with optimal eigenvalue condition number and backward error (09/2018)
- Grow-up for a quasilinear heat equation with a localized reaction in higher dimensions (09/2018)
- Hyperbolicity on graph operators (09/2018)
- Notions of infinity in Quantum Physics (09/2018)
- Remarks on a nonlinear nonlocal operator in Orlicz spaces (09/2018)
- Amenability of coarse spaces and K-algebras (08/2018)
- CMMSE-on the first general Zagreb index (08/2018)
- CMMSE: A new approximation to the geometric-arithmetic index (08/2018)
- Cheeger isoperimetric constant of Gromov hyperbolic manifolds and graphs (08/2018)
- Cognitive resource allocation determines the organization of personal networks (08/2018)
- Establishing cut-points for physical activity classification using triaxial accelerometer in middle-aged recreational marathoners (08/2018)
- Gradient blow-up for a fourth-order quasilinear Boussinesq-type equation (08/2018)
- Statistical theory of phenotype abundance distributions: A test through exact enumeration of genotype spaces (08/2018)
- Weighted Sobolev spaces: Markov-type inequalities and duality (08/2018)
- A Geometric Description of the Sets of Palindromic and Alternating Matrix Pencils with Bounded Rank (07/2018)
- Analyzing gender inequality through large-scale Facebook advertising data (07/2018)
- Determining system poles using row sequences of orthogonal Hermite-Pade approximants (07/2018)
- Evaluación de la comprensión de los paneles interpretativos en parajes naturales = Comprehension assessment of informative panels on natural landscape (07/2018)
- Filter banks on discrete Abelian Groups (07/2018)
- Hyperbolicity of direct products of graphs (07/2018)
- New lower bounds for the second variable Zagreb index (07/2018)
- Nonuniversality of front fluctuations for compact colonies of nonmotile bacteria (07/2018)
- On the networked architecture of genotype spaces and its critical effects on molecular evolution (07/2018)
- Riemann-Hilbert analysis for a Nikishin system (07/2018)
- A gentle introduction to Schwinger's formulation of quantum mechanics: The groupoid picture (06/2018)
- A simplified approach to Fiedler-like pencils via block minimal bases pencils (06/2018)
- Concurrent segregation and erosion effects in medium-energy iron beam patterning of silicon surfaces (06/2018)
- Cooperation on dynamic networks within an uncertain reputation environment (06/2018)
- Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality in first-passage percolation: the role of geodesic degeneracy (06/2018)
- Spectral gaps and discrete magnetic Laplacians. (06/2018)
- Valuations on Banach Lattices (06/2018)
- Wetting of a plane with a narrow solvophobic stripe (06/2018)
- A closed-form formula for the RBF-based approximation of the Laplace-Beltrami operator (05/2018)
- Geometric integrators and the Hamiltonian Monte Carlo method (05/2018)
- New lower bounds for the geometric-arithmetic index (05/2018)
- Non-Abelian integrable hierarchies: matrix biorthogonal polynomials and perturbations. (05/2018)
- Nonlocal heat equations: Regularizing effect, decay estimates and Nash inequalities (05/2018)
- Nonlocal operators of order near zero (05/2018)
- On bivariate classical orthogonal polynomials (05/2018)
- Positional ordering of hard adsorbate particles in tubular nanopores (05/2018)
- Uniform phases in fluids of hard isosceles triangles: one-component fluid and binary mixtures (05/2018)
- Algunas propiedades extremales de las raíces de polinomios ortogonales (04/2018)
- Continuity and representation of valuations on star bodies. (04/2018)
- Corrigendum to "Solvability and uniqueness criteria for generalized Sylvester-type equations" (04/2018)
- Intergenerational cooperation within the household: a public good game with three generations (04/2018)
- On the Hyperbolicity Constant in Graph Minors (04/2018)
- Robustness and perturbations of minimal bases (04/2018)
- Solvability and uniqueness criteria for generalized Sylvester-type equations (04/2018)
- Weather impacts expressed sentiment (04/2018)
- Amenability and uniform Roe algebras (03/2018)
- Aspects of Geodesical Motion with Fisher-Rao Metric: Classical and Quantum (03/2018)
- Calderón-Lozanovskii interpolation on quasi-Banach lattices (03/2018)
- Collaborative hierarchy maintains cooperation in asymmetric games (03/2018)
- High-order recurrence relations, Hermite-Pade approximation and Nikishin systems (03/2018)
- A Hodge-de Rham Dirac operator on the quantum SU(2) (02/2018)
- A canonical Geronimus transformation for matrix orthogonal polynomials (02/2018)
- Bogdanov-Takens resonance in time-delayed systems (02/2018)
- Matrix Pearson equations satisfied by Koornwinder weights in two variables (02/2018)
- Physics of human cooperation: experimental evidence and theoretical models (02/2018)
- Quantitative account of social interactions in a mental health care ecosystem: cooperation, trust and collective action (02/2018)
- Adding levels of complexity enhances robustness and evolvability in a multilevel genotype-phenotype map (01/2018)
- Equal status in ultimatum games promotes rational sharing (01/2018)
- Generic skew-symmetric matrix polynomials with fixed rank and fixed odd grade (01/2018)
- Graph Theory (01/2018)
- Grow-up for a quasilinear heat equation with a localized reaction (01/2018)
- Linear combinations of 2-orthogonal polynomials: generation and decomposition problems (01/2018)
- Nikishin systems on star-like sets: Ratio asymptotics of the associated multiple orthogonal polynomials (01/2018)
- On the exponent of convergence of negatively curved manifolds without Green's function (01/2018)
- Orthogonality of quasi-orthogonal polynomials (01/2018)
- Sheldon spectrum and the plankton paradox: two sides of the same coin-a trait-based plankton size-spectrum model (01/2018)
- Almost band preservers (12/2017)
- Analysis of the diurnal variation of the global electric circuit obtained from different numerical models (12/2017)
- Asymptotics for varying discrete Sobolev orthogonal polynomials (12/2017)
- Generic complete eigenstructures for sets of matrix polynomials with bounded rank and degree (12/2017)
- Geometrical structures for classical and quantum probability spaces (12/2017)
- Linear combinations of d-orthogonal polynomials (12/2017)
- Morphological stabilization and KPZ scaling by electrochemically induced co-deposition of nanostructured NiW alloy films (12/2017)
- Sampling formulas involving differences in shift-invariant subspaces: a unified approach (12/2017)
- Sampling in unitary invariant subspaces associated to LCA groups (12/2017)
- Solving quantum optimal control problems using Clebsch variables and Lin constraints (12/2017)
- Surface morphologies of Ti and Ti-Al-V bombarded by 1.0-MeV Au+ Ions (12/2017)
- Temporal patterns behind the strength of persistent ties (12/2017)
- The use of a simple model in the inverse characterization of cardiac ischemic regions (12/2017)
- A higher order system of some coupled nonlinear Schrödinger and Korteweg-de Vries equations (11/2017)
- Collective evolution of submicron hillocks during the early stages of anisotropic alkaline wet chemical etching of Si(100) surfaces (11/2017)
- Dynamical properties of heterogeneous nucleation of parallel hard squares (11/2017)
- Equilibria, information and frustration in heterogeneous network games with conflicting preferences (11/2017)
- Mathematical properties on the hyperbolicity of interval graphs (11/2017)
- On a classical theorem on the diameter and minimum degree of a graph (11/2017)
- On the existence of bound and ground states for some coupled nonlinear Schrödinger-Korteweg-de Vries equations (11/2017)
- A new algorithm for computing branching rules and Clebsch-Gordan coefficients of unitary representations of compact groups (10/2017)
- Adaptive splitting integrators for enhancing sampling efficiency of modified Hamiltonian Monte Carlo methods in molecular simulation (10/2017)
- Dynamical aspects in the quantizer-dequantizer formalism (10/2017)
- Finite element method to solve the spectral problem for arbitrary self-adjoint extensions of the Laplace-Beltrami operator on manifolds with a boundary (10/2017)
- Palindromic 3-stage splitting integrators, a roadmap (10/2017)
- Radial continuous valuations on star bodies (10/2017)
- Dynamical vector fields on the manifold of quantum states (09/2017)
- On Nikishin systems with discrete components and weak asymptotics of multiple orthogonal polynomials (09/2017)
- What is... a Sovoleb orthogonal polynomial? (09/2017)
- Admissible boundary conditions for Hamiltonian field theories (08/2017)
- Dirac-like operators on the Hilbert space of differential forms on manifolds with boundaries (08/2017)
- Gromov hyperbolicity in Mycielskian graphs (08/2017)
- Interpolation and extrapolation of strictly singular operators between L-p spaces (08/2017)
- Inverse results on row sequences of Hermite-Padé Approximation (08/2017)
- On the geometric-arithmetic index by decompositions-CMMSE (08/2017)
- Randomized hamiltonian Monte Carlo (08/2017)
- The emergence of altruism as a social norm (08/2017)
- Alliance polynomial of regular graphs (07/2017)
- Covariant Jacobi brackets for test particles (07/2017)
- Disentangling the effects of selection and loss bias on gene dynamics (07/2017)
- Huygens' principle and Dirac-Weyl equation (07/2017)
- Improving transportation networks: effects of population structure and decision making policies (07/2017)
- Multifrequency interferometric imaging with intensity-only measurements (07/2017)
- Almost disjointness preservers (06/2017)
- Covariant brackets for particles and fields (06/2017)
- Equilibrium characterization of networks under conflicting preferences (06/2017)
- Hamilton-Jacobi approach to potential functions in information geometry (06/2017)
- On perturbed orthogonal polynomials on the real line and the unit circle via Szego's transformation (06/2017)
- Sobolev orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle and coherent pairs of measures of the second kind (06/2017)
- The hyperbolicity constant of infinite circulant graphs (06/2017)
- Word series for dynamical systems and their numerical integrators (06/2017)
- An explicit description of the irreducible components of the set of matrix pencils with bounded normal rank (05/2017)
- Classical solutions and higher regularity for nonlinear fractional diffusion equations (05/2017)
- Global bifurcation diagrams of one node solutions in a class of degenerate boundary value problems (05/2017)
- Ireneo Peral: forty years as mentor (05/2017)
- Planar Riemann surfaces with uniformly distributed cusps: parabolicity and hyperbolicity (05/2017)
- Role of length polydispersity in the phase behavior of freely rotating hard-rectangle fluids (05/2017)
- Clustering in vibrated monolayers of granular rods (04/2017)
- Distribution of genotype network sizes in sequence-to-structure genotype - phenotype maps (04/2017)
- Enumerating secondary structures and structural moieties for circular RNAs (04/2017)
- Erratum to: Higher-Order Averaging, Formal Series and Numerical Integration II: The Quasi-Periodic Case (04/2017)
- Estimating wind dispersal potential in Ailanthus altissima: the need to consider the three-dimensional structure of samaras (04/2017)
- Ordering of hard rectangles in strong confinement (04/2017)
- Shellable weakly compact subsets of C[0,1] (04/2017)
- Three Term Relations for a Class of Bivariate Orthogonal Polynomials (04/2017)
- Christoffel transformations for matrix orthogonal polynomials in the real line and the non-Abelian 2D Toda lattice hierarchy (03/2017)
- Covariant Hamiltonian field theories on manifolds with boundary: Yang-Mills theories (03/2017)
- Eigenvalue condition numbers and pseudospectra of Fiedler matrices (03/2017)
- Emergence and Evolution of Cooperation Under Resource Pressure (03/2017)
- Methotrexate-treated ectopic pregnancy: beta human chorionic gonadotropin serum changes as a success predictor using a mathematical model validation (03/2017)
- On the existence of coexistence states for an advection-cooperative system with spatial heterogeneities (03/2017)
- On the role of polynomials in RBF-FD approximations: II. numerical solution of elliptic PDEs (03/2017)
- Quadratures and integral transforms arising from generating functions (03/2017)
- A conformal boundary for space-times based on light-like geodesics: the 3-dimensional case (02/2017)
- Adaptive multiscapes: an up-to-date metaphor to visualize molecular adaptation (02/2017)
- Humans expect generosity (02/2017)
- On the mathematical modelling of tumor-induced angiogenesis (02/2017)
- Topology and the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class (02/2017)
- Classical density functional study of wetting transitions on nanopatterned surfaces (01/2017)
- Entangled pure state transformations via local operations assisted by finitely many rounds of classical communication (01/2017)
- Entanglement manipulation of multipartite pure states with finite rounds of classical communication (01/2017)
- Gromov Hyperbolicity of Regular Graphs (01/2017)
- Linearizations of Hermitian Matrix Polynomials Preserving the Sign Characteristic (01/2017)
- New inequalities involving the geometric-arithmetic index (01/2017)
- New results on the harmonic index and its generalizations (01/2017)
- Shared randomness and device-independent dimension witnessing (01/2017)
- Social Pressure and Environmental Effects on Networks: A Path to Cooperation (01/2017)
- Adaptive multi-stage integrators for optimal energy conservation in molecular simulations (12/2016)
- An Extension of the Geronimus Transformation for Orthogonal Matrix Polynomials on the Real Line (12/2016)
- Bases of random unconditional convergence in banach spaces (12/2016)
- Covariant Hamiltonian first-order field theories with constraints, on manifolds with boundary: the case of Hamiltonian dynamics (12/2016)
- Genuine quantum coherence (12/2016)
- Optimized Finite Difference Formulas for Accurate High Frequency Components (12/2016)
- Small values of the hyperbolicity constant in graphs (12/2016)
- Structured condition numbers for linear systems with parameterized quasiseparable coefficient matrices (12/2016)
- A technique for studying strong and weak local errors of splitting stochastic integrators (11/2016)
- Geometry-induced capillary emptying (11/2016)
- Structured eigenvalue condition numbers for parameterized quasiseparable matrices (11/2016)
- Array imaging of localized objects in homogeneous and heterogeneous media (10/2016)
- Edge states at phase boundaries and their stability (10/2016)
- Modeling Sampling in Tensor Products of Unitary Invariant Subspaces (10/2016)
- New inequalities on the hyperbolicity constant of line graphs (10/2016)
- Relative Asymptotics of Matrix Orthogonal Polynomials for Uvarov Perturbations: The Degenerate Case (10/2016)
- Time, classical and quantum (10/2016)
- Bounds on Gromov hyperbolicity constant (09/2016)
- Computing matrix symmetrizers, part 2: New methods using eigendata and linear means; a comparison (09/2016)
- Countable Families of solutions of a limit sationay semilinear fourth-order cahn-hillard-type equation I. Mountain pass and Lusternik-Schirel 'man patterns in R^N (09/2016)
- Evolution of cooperation under social pressure in multiplex networks (09/2016)
- Projection methods for large-scale T-Sylvester equations (09/2016)
- A method for K-Means seeds generation applied to text mining (08/2016)
- Biaxial nematic phase stability and demixing behaviour in monolayers of rod-plate mixtures (08/2016)
- Darboux transformations for CMV matrices (08/2016)
- Fair linking mechanisms for resource allocation with correlated player types (08/2016)
- Humans display a reduced set of consistent behavioral phenotypes in dyadic games (08/2016)
- Multiplicative perturbation theory of the Moore-Penrose inverse and the least squares problem (08/2016)
- Optimal rearrangement invariant range for Hardy-type operators (08/2016)
- Transcript degradation and noise of small RNA-controlled genes in a switch activated network in Escherichia coli (08/2016)
- Asymptotic behavior of varying discrete Jacobi-Sobolev orthogonal polynomials (07/2016)
- Emotions and strategic behaviour: The case of the Ultimatum Game (07/2016)
- Sink strength manipulation in branches of a Mediterranean woody plant suggests sink-driven allocation of biomass in fruits but not of nutrients in seeds (07/2016)
- Strictly singular operators in pairs of L (p) space (07/2016)
- Anomalous behavior in temporal evolution of ripple wavelength under medium energy Ar+-ion bombardment on Si: A case of initial wavelength selection (06/2016)
- Chaos-based true random number generators (06/2016)
- Computing normal forms and formal invariants of dynamical systems by means of word series (06/2016)
- Concurrent enhancement of percolation and synchronization in adaptive networks (06/2016)
- Cooperation Survives and Cheating Pays in a Dynamic Network Structure with Unreliable Reputation (06/2016)
- Directional algorithms for the frequency isolation problem in undamped vibrational systems (06/2016)
- Gromov hyperbolicity of periodic graphs (06/2016)
- One-way radiative transfer (06/2016)
- The local structure factor near an interface; beyond extended capillary-wave models (06/2016)
- Formation and maintenance of nitrogen-fixing cell patterns in filamentous cyanobacteria (05/2016)
- Gone with the wind and the stream: dispersal in the invasive species Ailanthus altissima (05/2016)
- Nonlocal filtration equations with rough kernels (05/2016)
- The maximally entangled set of 4-qubit states (05/2016)
- Banach lattice versions of strict singularity (04/2016)
- Best constants for the Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator on finite graphs (04/2016)
- Casorati Type Determinants Of Some Q-Classical Orthogonal Polynomials (04/2016)
- Constructing strong l-ifications from dual minimal bases (04/2016)
- Finite Sampling in Multiple Generated U-Invariant Subspaces (04/2016)
- On polynomials associated with an Uvarov modification of a quartic potential Freud-like weight (04/2016)
- Phase behaviour and correlations of parallel hard squares: from highly confined to bulk systems (04/2016)
- Symmetry of surface nanopatterns induced by ion-beam sputtering: Role of anisotropic surface diffusion (04/2016)
- The quantum-to-classical transition: contraction of associative products (04/2016)
- Zeros of Sobolev orthogonal polynomials via Muckenhoupt inequality with three measures (04/2016)
- Ion-beam nanopatterning of silicon surfaces under codeposition of non-silicide-forming impurities (03/2016)
- Rapid assessment of disaster damage using social media activity (03/2016)
- Spectral properties of geometric-arithmetic index (03/2016)
- Uniqueness of solution of a generalized star-Sylvester matrix equation (03/2016)
- Zeros of para-orthogonal polynomials and linear spectral transformations on the unit circle (03/2016)
- Cux1 Enables Interhemispheric Connections of Layer II/III Neurons by Regulating Kv1-Dependent Firing (02/2016)
- Effect of orientational restriction on monolayers of hard ellipsoids (02/2016)
- Symplectic Runge-Kutta Schemes for Adjoint Equations, Automatic Differentiation, Optimal Control, and More (02/2016)
- Universal behavior of crystalline membranes: Crumpling transition and Poisson ratio of the flat phase (02/2016)
- Backward stability of polynomial root-finding using Fiedler companion matrices (01/2016)
Bartle-dunford-schwartz integration for positive vector measures and representation of quasi-banach
lattices (01/2016) - Blow-up scaling and global behaviour of solutions of the bi-Laplace equation via pencil operators (01/2016)
- First order asymptotic expansions for eigenvalues of multiplicatively perturbed matrices (01/2016)
- Generic change of the partial multiplicities of regular matrix pencils under low-rank perturbations (01/2016)
- On the Hyperbolicity of Edge-Chordal and Path-Chordal Graphs (01/2016)
- Optimal control of two coupled spinning particles in the Euler-Lagrange picture (01/2016)
- Orthogonal polynomials and perturbations on measures supported on the real line and on the unit circle. A matrix perspective (01/2016)
- Polynomial zigzag matrices, dual minimal bases, and the realization of completely singular polynomials (01/2016)
- The Inverse Eigenvector Problem for Real Tridiagonal Matrices (01/2016)
- Vibrational resonance: a study with high-order word-series averaging (01/2016)
- Weakly compactly generated Banach lattices (01/2016)
- A matrix approach for the Dv-semiclassical and Dv-coherent orthogonal polynomials (12/2015)
- A matrix characterization for the D-v-semiclassical and D-v-coherent orthogonal polynomials (12/2015)
- Basic estimates for solutions of a class of nonlocal elliptic and parabolic equations (12/2015)
- Fully nonlinear dynamics of stochastic thin-film dewetting (12/2015)
- Hierarchy is Detrimental for Human Cooperation (12/2015)
- Inverse Theorem on Row Sequences of Linear Pade-orthogonal Approximation (12/2015)
- Source and accessible entanglement of few-body systems (12/2015)
- OPUC, CMV matrices and perturbations of measures supported on the unit circle (11/2015)
- Strong asymptotics for the Pollaczek multiple orthogonal polynomials (11/2015)
- Towards optimal regularity for the fourth-order thin film equation in RN: Graveleau-type focusing self-similarity (11/2015)
- Hyperbolicity in the corona and join of graphs (10/2015)
- On self-adjoint extensions and symmetries in quantum mechanics (10/2015)
- Operational Multipartite Entanglement Measures (10/2015)
- Boundary dynamics and topology change in quantum mechanics (09/2015)
- Daily Rhythms in Mobile Telephone Communication (09/2015)
- Ground states of self-gravitating elastic bodies (09/2015)
- Planarity and Hyperbolicity in Graphs (09/2015)
- Simple conditions constraining the set of quantum correlations (09/2015)
- A critical fractional equation with concave convex power nonlinearities (08/2015)
- Differential orthogonality: Laguerre and Hermite cases with applications (08/2015)
- Dynamics of a Class of Advective-diffusive Equations in Ecology (08/2015)
- Edge detection based on Krawtchouk polynomials (08/2015)
- Foreword to the proceedings of the OrthoQuad 2014 conference (08/2015)
- Mutation-selection equilibrium in finite populations playing a Hawk-Dove game (08/2015)
- On the convergence of type I Hermite-Padé approximants for rational perturbations of a Nikishin system (08/2015)
- Sobolev orthogonal polynomials on product domains (08/2015)
- Gromov hyperbolic tessellation graphs (07/2015)
- Hypercyclicity of translation operators in a reproducing kernel hilbert space of entire functions induced by an analytic hilbert-space-valued kernel (07/2015)
- Large vector spaces of block-symmetric strong linearizations of matrix polynomials (07/2015)
- On co-polynomials on the real line (07/2015)
- On the Geometric-Arithmetic Index (07/2015)
- On the differential in graphs (07/2015)
- On the theory of self-adjoint extensions of symmetric operators and its applications to quantum physics (07/2015)
- Quantum Tomography twenty years later (07/2015)
- Sampling-related frames in finite U-invariant subspaces (07/2015)
- Spectral study of the Geometric-Arithmetic Index (07/2015)
- The growth threshold conjecture: a theoretical framework for understanding T-cell tolerance (07/2015)
- The topology and geometry of self-adjoint and elliptic boundary conditions for Dirac and Laplace operators (07/2015)
- Well-posedness of the Cauchy problem for a fourth-order thin film equation via regularization approaches (07/2015)
- Existence of bound and ground states for a system of coupled nonlinear Schrodinger-KdV equations (06/2015)
- Existence of solutions for a system of coupled nonlinear stationary bi-harmonic Schrodinger equations (06/2015)
- From seconds to months: an overview of multi-scale dynamics of mobile telephone calls (06/2015)
- On Alpert multiwavelets (06/2015)
- Positive Schur properties in spaces of regular operators (06/2015)
- Revealing patterns of local species richness along environmental gradients with a novel network tool (06/2015)
- The Zero-Removing Property in Hilbert Spaces of Entire Functions Arising in Sampling Theory (06/2015)
- Theory must be informed by experiments (and back): comment on "Universal scaling for the dilemma strength in evolutionary games", by Z. Wang et al. (06/2015)
- Causality and skies: is non-refocussing necessary? (05/2015)
- Generalized sampling: from shift-invariant to U-invariant spaces (05/2015)
- Short-Range Mobility and the Evolution of Cooperation: An Experimental Study (05/2015)
- Social Media Fingerprints of Unemployment (05/2015)
- A matrix approach for the semiclassical and coherent orthogonal polynomials (04/2015)
- Branching analysis of a countable family of global similarity solutions of a fourth-order thin film equation (04/2015)
- Higher-order averaging, formal series and numerical integration III: error bounds (04/2015)
- Nonuniversality due to inhomogeneous stress in semiconductor surface nanopatterning by low-energy ion-beam irradiation (04/2015)
- Spiraling bifurcation diagrams in superlinear indefinite problems (04/2015)
- Dynamics of thin fluid films controlled by thermal fluctuations (03/2015)
- Dynamics to Equilibrium in Network Games: Individual Behavior and Global Response (03/2015)
- Effect of shape biaxiality on the phase behavior of colloidal liquid-crystal monolayers (03/2015)
- How Evolutionary Dynamics Affects Network Reciprocity in Prisoner's Dilemma (03/2015)
- Liquid-gas asymmetry and the wave-vector-dependent surface tension (03/2015)
- Matrix Polynomials with Completely Prescribed Eigenstructure (03/2015)
- On the convergence of type I Hermite-Pade approximants (03/2015)
- On the q-Charlier Multiple Orthogonal Polynomials (03/2015)
- Random geometry and the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class (03/2015)
- The Cauchy problem for a tenth-order thin film equation II. Oscillatory source-type and fundamental similarity solutions (03/2015)
- General approach for dealing with dynamical systems with spatiotemporal periodicities (02/2015)
- Hermite-Padé approximation for certain systems of meromorphic functions (02/2015)
- Ion damage overrides structural disorder in silicon surface nanopatterning by low-energy ion beam sputtering (02/2015)
- Morse families in optimal control problems (02/2015)
- On the effect of boundaries in two-phase porous flow (02/2015)
- Performance of Social Network Sensors during Hurricane Sandy (02/2015)
- Proceedings of OPSFA12, 2013 PREFACE (02/2015)
- Self-adjoint extensions of the Laplace-Beltrami operator and unitaries at the boundary (02/2015)
- Asymptotic behavior of the partial derivatives of Laguerre kernels and some applications (01/2015)
- Capillary and winding transitions in a confined cholesteric liquid crystal (01/2015)
- Characterization of the restricted type spaces r(x) (01/2015)
- Evolution on neutral networks accelerates the ticking rate of the molecular clock (01/2015)
- Extra chance generalized hybrid Monte Carlo (01/2015)
- First order structured perturbation theory for multiple zero eigenvalues of skew-adjoint matrices (01/2015)
- Hermite-Pade approximation for certain systems of meromorphic functions (01/2015)
- Isotropic submanifolds and the inverse problem for mechanical constrained systems (01/2015)
- Mathematical Properties of the Hyperbolicity of Circulant Networks (01/2015)
- On Sobolev orthogonal polynomials (01/2015)
- Quasi-isometries and isoperimetric inequalities in planar domains (01/2015)
- Reputation drives cooperative behaviour and network formation in human groups (01/2015)
- Second order conditions for optimality and local controllability of discrete-time systems (01/2015)
- The p-Laplace equation in domains with multiple crack section via pencil operators (01/2015)
- A nonlocal problem from conservation biology (12/2014)
- Self-organized nanopattrening of silicon surfaces by ion beam sputtering (12/2014)
- Some paradoxical effects of the advection on a class of diffusive equations in ecology (12/2014)
- toyLIFE: a computational framework to study the multi-level organisation of the genotype-phenotype map (12/2014)
- Concentration through large advection (11/2014)
- Hard-body models of bulk liquid crystals (11/2014)
- Positive solutions to some systems of coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations (11/2014)
- A note on the Geronimus transformation and Sobolev orthogonal polynomials (10/2014)
- Computing the alliance polynomial of a graph (10/2014)
- From conformal to volume law for the entanglement entropy in exponentially deformed critical spin 1/2 chains (10/2014)
- Large degree asymptotics of orthogonal polynomials with respect to an oscillatory weight on a bounded interval (10/2014)
- Macroscopic response to microscopic intrinsic noise in three-dimensional fisher fronts (10/2014)
- On nonlocality as a resource theory and nonlocality measures (10/2014)
- Relative perturbation theory for diagonally dominant matrices (10/2014)
- Sieved para-orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle (10/2014)
- Spectral equivalence of matrix polynomials and the Index Sum Theorem (10/2014)
- The Kramer sampling theorem revisited (10/2014)
- Boundary dynamics driven entanglement (09/2014)
- Boundary dynamics driven entanglement: Quantum control in its many facets is a key notion in quantum information technologies (09/2014)
- Capillary contact angle in a completely wet groove (09/2014)
- Computing the hyperbolicity constant of a cubic graph (09/2014)
- Global Information and Mobility Support Coordination Among Humans (09/2014)
- Measurable diagonalization of positive definite matrices (09/2014)
- Pair correlation functions and the wavevector-dependent surface tension in a simple density functional treatment of the liquid-vapour interface (09/2014)
- Perturbations of a critical fractional equation (09/2014)
- Positively norming sets in Banach function spaces (09/2014)
- Splitting a critical spin chain (09/2014)
- Multiple Geronimus transformations (08/2014)
- Social imitation versus strategic choice, or consensus versus cooperation, in the networked Prisoner's Dilemma (08/2014)
- Spreading of intolerance under economic stress: results from a reputation-based model (08/2014)
- A New Perturbation Bound for the LDU Factorization of Diagonally Dominant Matrices (07/2014)
- Energy space entanglement spectrum of pairing models with s -wave and p -wave symmetry (07/2014)
- Entanglement in low-energy states of the random-hopping model (07/2014)
- Physical consequences of P not equal NP and the density matrix renormalization group annealing conjecture (07/2014)
- Transition from reciprocal cooperation to persistent behaviour in social dilemmas at the end of adolescence (07/2014)
- Asymptotics for Laguerre-Sobolev type orthogonal polynomials modified within their oscillatory regime (06/2014)
- Classical solutions for a logarithmic fractional diffusion equation (06/2014)
- Discrete semiclassical orthogonal polynomials of class one (06/2014)
- Generalized coherent pairs on the unit circle and Sobolev orthogonal polynomials (06/2014)
- Multiphoton states related via linear optics (06/2014)
- New bounds for roots of polynomials based on Fiedler companion matrices (06/2014)
- Rearrangement invariant spaces with Kato property (06/2014)
- An electrostatic model for zeros of perturbed Laguerre polynomials (05/2014)
- Disjointly homogeneous Banach lattices: Duality and complementation (05/2014)
- Phase behaviour of liquid-crystal monolayers of rod-like and plate-like particles (05/2014)
- (M, N) -Coherent pairs of linear functionals and Jacobi matrices (04/2014)
- A comparative analysis of spatial Prisoner's Dilemma experiments: Conditional cooperation and payoff irrelevance (04/2014)
- Intricate dynamics caused by facilitation in competitive environments within polluted habitat patches (04/2014)
- On an inverse problem for a linear combination of orthogonal polynomials (04/2014)
- On the space of light rays of a spacetime and a reconstruction theorem by Low (04/2014)
- Recurrence relations and outer relative asymptotics of orthogonal polynomials with respect to a discrete Sobolev type inner product (04/2014)
- Strong anisotropy in two-dimensional surfaces with generic scale invariance: Nonlinear effects (04/2014)
- Using Friends as Sensors to Detect Global-Scale Contagious Outbreaks (04/2014)
- A Gaussian quadrature rule for oscillatory integrals on a bounded interval (03/2014)
- Asymptotic solvers for second-order differential equation systems with multiple frequencies (03/2014)
- Asymptotics for multiple Meixner polynomials (03/2014)
- Pattern-wavelength coarsening from topological dynamics in silicon nanofoams (03/2014)
- The structure of iterative methods for symmetric linear discrete ill-posed problems (03/2014)
- A finite class of orthogonal functions generated by Routh-Romanovski polynomials (02/2014)
- Characterization of Gromov hyperbolic short graphs (02/2014)
- Flanders' theorem for many matrices under commutativity assumptions (02/2014)
- Learning dynamics explains human behaviour in Prisoner's Dilemma on networks (02/2014)
- More network science for teenagers (02/2014)
- The convex hull of a Banach-Saks set (02/2014)
- (M, N)-coherent pairs of order (m, k) and Sobolev orthogonal polynomials (01/2014)
- A Cohen type inequality for Laguerre-Sobolev expansions with a mass point outside their oscillatory regime (01/2014)
- Amenable traces and Folner C*-algebras (01/2014)
- Amenable traces and Følner C∗-algebras (01/2014)
- Circular Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation as an inflating, self-avoiding ring polymer (01/2014)
- Eigenvectors and minimal bases for some families of Fiedler-like linearizations (01/2014)
- Gromov hyperbolicity of periodic planar graphs (01/2014)
- Hard rods in a cylindrical pore: The nematic-to-smectic phase transition (01/2014)
- Interplay between columnar and smectic stability in suspensions of polydisperse colloidal platelets (01/2014)
- Is malarial anaemia homologous to neocytolysis after altitude acclimatisation? (01/2014)
- On the multilinear Hausdorff problem of moments (01/2014)
- Qualitative analysis of a cooperative reaction-diffusion system in a spatiotemporally degenerate environment (01/2014)
- Applying the dynamics of evolution to achieve reliability in master-worker computing (12/2013)
- Comment on "Ratchet universality in the presence of thermal noise" (12/2013)
- Determining Singularities Using Row Sequences of Padé-orthogonal Approximants (12/2013)
- Gender differences in cooperation: experimental evidence on high school students (12/2013)
- Nonlocal heat equations: decay estimates and Nash inequalities (12/2013)
- Sampling associated with resolvent-type kernels and Lagrange-type interpolation series (12/2013)
- The solution of the equation AX+BX*=0 (12/2013)
- The topology of balls in Riemannian surfaces and Gromov hyperbolicity (12/2013)
- W01,1-solutions for elliptic problems having gradient quadratic lower order terms (12/2013)
- (1,1)-D-omega-coherent pairs (11/2013)
- Alan Turing and the origins of modern Gaussian elimination = Alan Turing y los orígenes de la eliminación gaussiana moderna (11/2013)
- Comment on "Effects of particle shape on growth dynamics at edges of evaporating drops of colloidal suspensions" (11/2013)
- Dimensional fragility of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class (11/2013)
- Extrapolation on Lp,infinity (mu) (11/2013)
- Groupoids and the tomographic picture of quantum mechanics (11/2013)
- Intricate bifurcation diagrams for a class of one-dimensional superlinear indefinite problems of interest in population dynamics (11/2013)
- Muckenhoupt inequality with three measures and applications to Sobolev orthogonal polynomials (11/2013)
- The Cauchy problem for a tenth-order thin film equation I. Bifurcation of oscillatory fundamental solutions (11/2013)
- Time-Shift invariance determines the functional shape of the current in dissipative rocking ratchets (11/2013)
- Bases of the space of solutions of some fourth-order linear difference equations: applications in rational approximation (10/2013)
- Convex bodies of states and maps (10/2013)
- Entropy vector formalism and the structure of multidimensional entanglement in multipartite systems (10/2013)
- Existence of solutions for semilinear nonlocal elliptic problems via a Bolzano theorem (10/2013)
- Gromov hyperbolicity of planar graphs (10/2013)
- On Some Sampling-Related Frames in U-Invariant Spaces (10/2013)
- On computational aspects of discrete Sobolev inner products on the unit circle (10/2013)
- On the Pollard decomposition method applied to some Jacobi-Sobolev expansion (10/2013)
- Oxidation of Micro-Sized Aluminium Particles: Hollow Alumina Spheres (10/2013)
- Towards a proper assignment of systemic risk: the combined roles of network topology and shock characteristics (10/2013)
- Varying discrete Laguerre-Sobolev orthogonal polynomials: Asymptotic behavior and zeros (10/2013)
- Joint probability densities of level spacing ratios in random matrices (09/2013)
- Lagrangian submanifolds and the Hamilton-Jacobi equation (09/2013)
- Liquid-crystal patterns of rectangular particles in a square nanocavity (09/2013)
- Maximally entangled set of multipartite quantum states (09/2013)
- Redes sociales y cooperación (09/2013)
- Two-dimensional nematics in bulk and confined geometries (09/2013)
- Classical orthogonal polynomials with respect to a lowering operator generalizing the Laguerre operator (08/2013)
- Direct and Inverse Results on Row Sequences of Hermite-Padé Approximation (08/2013)
- Gromov hyperbolic graphs (08/2013)
- In memoriam: Andrei Aleksandrovich Gonchar. November 21, 1931-October 10, 2012 (08/2013)
- Intrinsic fluid interfaces and nonlocality (08/2013)
- Orthogonality with respect to a Jacobi differential operator and applications (08/2013)
- Preface to the 17th ILAS Conference Pure and Applied Linear Algebra: The New Generation' Proceedings, Braunschweig, Germany, 2011 (08/2013)
- Sampling in reproducing Kernel Banach spaces (08/2013)
- The uniqueness of the linearly stable positive solution for a class of superlinear indefinite problems with nonhomogeneous boundary conditions (08/2013)
- Accurate solution of structured least squares problems via rank-revealing decompositions (07/2013)
- Entanglement classes of permutation-symmetric qudit states: symmetric operations suffice (07/2013)
- Folner sequences and finite operators (07/2013)
- Gromov hyperbolicity in strong product graphs (07/2013)
- Large deviation estimates for some nonlocal equations. General bounds and applications (07/2013)
- Remote entanglement preparation (07/2013)
- Strong and ratio asymptotics for Laguerre polynomials revisited (07/2013)
- Incomplete Padé approximation and convergence of row sequences of Hermite-Padé approximants (06/2013)
- Jacobi&-Sobolev orthogonal polynomials: Asymptotics and a Cohen type inequality (06/2013)
- Limited communication capacity unveils strategies for human interaction (06/2013)
- Null phase curves and manifolds in geometric phase theory (06/2013)
- OPSFA'11 (06/2013)
- On spectral approximation, Følner sequences and crossed products (06/2013)
- Crowd computing as a cooperation problem: an evolutionary approach (05/2013)
- Dimensional crossover of hard parallel cylinders confined on cylindrical surfaces (05/2013)
- Evolutionary stability and resistance to cheating in an indirect reciprocity model based on reputation (05/2013)
- First order non-homogeneous q-difference equation for Stieltjes function characterizing q-orthogonal polynomials (05/2013)
- First-order non-homogeneous q-difference equation for Stieltjes function characterizing q-orthogonal polynomials (05/2013)
- Heterogeneous network games: conflicting preferences (05/2013)
- Reduction of Lie-Jordan algebras: Classical (05/2013)
- Reduction of Lie-Jordan algebras: Quantum (05/2013)
- Stability of QR-based fast system solvers for a subclass of quasiseparable rank one matrices (05/2013)
- The order of condensation in capillary grooves (05/2013)
- Topological expansion in the cubic random matrix model (05/2013)
- Generators of rational Spectral Transformations (04/2013)
- Limits of social mobilization (04/2013)
- The predictability of consumer visitation patterns (04/2013)
- The solution of the equation AX+X*B=0 (04/2013)
- Realization of associative products in terms of Moyal and tomographic symbols (03/2013)
- A concave-convex elliptic problem involving the fractional Laplacian (02/2013)
- Diversity-induced resonance in the response to social norms (02/2013)
- Mixed type multiple orthogonal polynomials: perfectness and interlacing properties of zeros (02/2013)
- On W1,p,p-convergence of Fourier&-Sobolev expansions (02/2013)
- Role of nonlinearities and initial prepatterned surfaces in nanobead formation by ion-beam bombardment of Au(001): experiments and theory (02/2013)
- The Cauchy problem for a nonhomogeneous heat equation with reaction (02/2013)
- (1,1) - Coherent pairs on the unit circle (01/2013)
- A Cohen type inequality for Gegenbauer-Sobolev expansions (01/2013)
- A family of Nikishin systems with periodic recurrence coefficients (01/2013)
- Analytic Kramer kernels, Lagrange-type interpolation series and de Branges spaces (01/2013)
- Asymptotic behaviour of Sobolev orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle (01/2013)
- Concerning asymptotic behavior for extremal polynomials associated to nondiagonal Sobolev norms (01/2013)
- Existence results for some systems of coupled fractional nonlinear Schrodinger equations (01/2013)
- Numerical Solutions of the Spectral Problem for Arbitrary Self-Adjoint Extensions of the One-Dimensional Schrödinger Equation (01/2013)
- Purification to locally maximally entangleable states (01/2013)
- Reduction of Lie-Jordan Banach algebras and quantum states (01/2013)
- Semiclassical linear functionals of class three. The symmetric case (01/2013)
- Structure of Multidimensional Entanglement in Multipartite Systems (01/2013)
- Time as a limited resource: communication strategy in mobile phone networks (01/2013)
- Convergence of row sequences of simultaneous Fourier-Padé approximation (12/2012)
- Invariant forms and automorphisms of locally homogeneous multisymplectic manifolds (12/2012)
- Quadratic decomposition of a family of H-q-semiclassical orthogonal polynomial sequences (12/2012)
- Stress-induced solid flow drives surface nanopatterning of silicon by ion-beam irradiation (12/2012)
- Strong anisotropy in surface kinetic roughening: Analysis and experiments (12/2012)
- A complex systems approach to constructing better models for managing financial markets and the economy (11/2012)
- Asymptotically Linear Problems and Antimaximum Principle for the Square Root of the Laplacian (11/2012)
- Economía en un mundo complejo: Encuentro entre economía y física en la Fundación Ramón Areces (11/2012)
- Efficient computation of delay differential equations with highly oscillatory terms. (11/2012)
- Manifesto of computational social science (11/2012)
- Monotonicity and asymptotics of zeros of Sobolev type orthogonal polynomials: A general case (11/2012)
- Sensitivity of eigenvalues of an unsymmetric tridiagonal matrix (11/2012)
- Spectral properties of disjointly strictly singular operators (11/2012)
- Strong anisotropy in two-dimensional surfaces with generic scale invariance: Gaussian and related models (11/2012)
- Critical exponents for a semilinear parabolic equation with variable reaction (10/2012)
- Effect of polydispersity, bimodality, and aspect ratio on the phase behavior of colloidal platelet suspensions (10/2012)
- Higher Order Coherent Pairs (10/2012)
- Orthogonal matrix polynomials satisfying differential equations with recurrence coefficients having non-scalar limits (10/2012)
- Relative asymptotics for orthogonal matrix polynomials (10/2012)
- Szego and Para-Orthogonal Polynomials On The Real Line: Zeros And Canonical Spectral Transformations (10/2012)
- The complementary polynomials and the Rodrigues operator of classical orthogonal polynomials (10/2012)
- Universality of cauliflower-like fronts: from nanoscale thin films to macroscopic plants (10/2012)
- A General Fractional Porous Medium Equation (09/2012)
- Empathy Emerges Spontaneously in the Ultimatum Game: Small Groups and Networks (09/2012)
- Expanding maps, shrinking targets and hitting times (09/2012)
- Independence of interrupted coarsening on initial system order: ion-beam nanopatterning of amorphous versus crystalline silicon targets (09/2012)
- Kinematic reduction and the hamilton-jacobi equation (09/2012)
- Predicting Human Preferences Using the Block Structure of Complex Social Networks (09/2012)
- Social and strategic imitation: the way to consensus (09/2012)
- Three is a crowd in iterated prisoner's dilemmas: experimental evidence on reciprocal behavior (09/2012)
- Variational approach for a class of cooperative systems (09/2012)
- Fiedler companion linearizations for rectangular matrix polynomials (08/2012)
- Heterogeneous networks do not promote cooperation when humans play a Prisoner's Dilemma (08/2012)
- Local-based semantic navigation on a networked representation of information (08/2012)
- Phase Transitions with Midrange Interactions: A Nonlocal Stefan Model (08/2012)
- Stability and robustness analysis of cooperation cycles driven by destructive agents in finite populations (08/2012)
- The geometry of integrable and superintegrable systems (08/2012)
- Zeros of Sobolev orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle (08/2012)
- Accurate solution of structured linear systems via rank-revealing decompositions (07/2012)
- Maurey-Rosenthal factorization for p-summing operators and Dodds-Fremlin domination (07/2012)
- Simulation of memristors in presence of high-frequency forcing function (07/2012)
- (1,1)-q-coherent pairs (06/2012)
- A new approach to relative asymptotic behavior for discrete Sobolev-type orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle (06/2012)
- Capillary Emptying and Short-Range Wetting. (06/2012)
- Gromov hyperbolic cubic graphs (06/2012)
- On orthogonal polynomials with respect to certain discrete Sobolev inner product (06/2012)
- On semiclassical linear functionals of class s=2: classification and integral representations (06/2012)
- On some critical problems for the fractional Laplacian operator (06/2012)
- Social dynamics and cooperation: The case of nonhuman primates and its implications for human behavior. (06/2012)
- Structure theorem for Riemannian surfaces with arbitrary curvature (06/2012)
- A high-order q-difference equation for q-Hahn multiple orthogonal polynomials (05/2012)
- Asymptotic properties of Laguerre-Sobolev type orthogonal polynomials (05/2012)
- On a moment problem associated with Chebyshev polynomials (05/2012)
- On the coexistence of cooperators, defectors and conditional cooperators in the multiplayer iterated Prisoner's Dilemma (05/2012)
- Pattern formation in stromatolites: insights from mathematical modelling (05/2012)
- Qubism: self-similar visualization of many-body wavefunctions (05/2012)
- Steady states, global existence and blow-up for fourth-order semilinear parabolic equations of Cahn-Hilliard type (05/2012)
- Generosity pays in the presence of direct reciprocity: a comprehensive study of 2x2 repeated games (04/2012)
- Gromov hyperbolicity of Denjoy domains through fundamental domains (04/2012)
- Orthogonal polynomials, Catalan numbers, and a general Hankel determinant evaluation (04/2012)
- Agent-specific impact of single trades in financial markets (03/2012)
- Asymptotic and interlacing properties of zeros of exceptional Jacobi and Laguerre polynomials (03/2012)
- Casimir interaction between inclined metallic cylinders (03/2012)
- Distortion of the hyperbolicity constant of a graph (03/2012)
- Folding and unfolding quantum states (03/2012)
- Human behavior in Prisoner's Dilemma experiments suppresses network reciprocity (03/2012)
- On the tomographic description of classical fields (03/2012)
- Presymplectic high order maximum principle (03/2012)
- Scaling properties of fluid adsorption near the base of a cylinder (03/2012)
- Strictly singular and power-compact operators on Banach lattices (03/2012)
- Zeros of orthogonal polynomials generated by canonical perturbations of measures (03/2012)
- Bounds on Gromov hyperbolicity constant in graphs (02/2012)
- Hydrodynamic approach to surface pattern formation by ion beams (02/2012)
- Location of the geodesics and isoperimetric inequalities in denjoy domains. (02/2012)
- Multi-channel sampling on shift-invariant spaces with frame generators (02/2012)
- On W-1,W-p-convergence of Fourier-Sobolev expansions (02/2012)
- Quadratic Decomposition of a Laguerre-Hahn Polynomial Sequence II (02/2012)
- A General Lower Bound for the Relaxation of an Optimal Design Problem with a General Quadratic Cost Functional, and a General Linear State Equation (01/2012)
- A non-symmetric second-degree semi-classical form of class one (01/2012)
- A representation theorem for orthogonally additive polynomials in Riesz Spaces (01/2012)
- Gromov hyperbolicity of Denjoy domains with hyperbolic and quasihyperbolic metrics (01/2012)
- Individual strategy update and emergence of cooperation in social networks (01/2012)
- Phase transitions with mid-range interactions: a non-local Stefan model Phase transitions with mid-range interactions: a non-local Stefan model (01/2012)
- Social Features of Online Networks: The Strength of Intermediary Ties in Online Social Media (01/2012)
- A matrix pencil approach to the existence of compactly supported reconstruction functions in average sampling (12/2011)
- A new linear spectral transformation associated with derivatives of Dirac linear functionals (12/2011)
- A pedagogical presentation of a C*-algebraic approach to quantum tomography (12/2011)
- Computing the hyperbolicity constant (12/2011)
- Domination problems for strictly singular operators and other related classes (12/2011)
- Nikishin systems are perfect (12/2011)
- On the perturbation of singular analytic matrix functions: A generalization of Langer and Najman's results (12/2011)
- Quantum geons on noncommutative spacetimes (12/2011)
- Sobolev formal orthogonality on algebraic curves and extensions of Favard theorem (12/2011)
- Switches, excitable responses and oscillations in the Ring1B/Bmi1 ubiquitination system (12/2011)
- The zero-removing property and Lagrange-type interpolation series (12/2011)
- Twitter y política: información, opinión y ¿predicción? (12/2011)
- Andrei Aleksandrovich Gonchar (on his 80th birthday) (11/2011)
- Fluid Adsorption at the Base of a Cylinder (11/2011)
- Hyperbolicity and complement of graphs (11/2011)
- Monotonicity and asymptotic of zeros of Laguerre-Sobolev-type orthogonal polynomials of higher derivatives (11/2011)
- Optimal control realizations of Lagrangian systems with symmetry (11/2011)
- Unbounded solutions of the nonlocal heat equation (11/2011)
- Disentangling categorical relationships through a graph of co-occurrences (10/2011)
- Dynamical Renormalization Group Study for a class of non-local interface equations (10/2011)
- Local bifurcation analysis of global and "blow-up" patterns for a fourth-order thin film equation (10/2011)
- On the Hyperbolicity Constant of Line Graphs (10/2011)
- Palindromic companion forms for matrix polynomials of odd degree (10/2011)
- Perturbation theory for the LDU factorization and accurate computations for diagonally dominant matrices (10/2011)
- Ratchet effect on a relativistic particle driven by external forces (10/2011)
- Sine-Gordon wobbles through Backlund transformations (10/2011)
- Consistency and efficient solution of the Sylvester equation for ⋆-congruence (09/2011)
- Disentangling social and group heterogeneities: Public Goods games on complex networks (09/2011)
- El problema del subespacio invariante en espacios de Banach (09/2011)
- Regular multivariate sampling and approximation in L-p shift-invariant spaces (08/2011)
- Severe hindrance of viral infection propagation in spatially extended hosts (08/2011)
- Chaos and Unpredictability in Evolutionary Dynamics in Discrete Time (07/2011)
- Density of polynomials in some L² spaces on radial rays in the complex plane (07/2011)
- Dynamic effects induced by renormalization in anisotropic pattern forming systems (07/2011)
- Hyperbolicity and parameters of graphs (07/2011)
- Multiple orthogonal polynomials of mixed type: Gauss-Borel factorization and the multi-component 2D Toda hierarchy (07/2011)
- One-dimensional pattern of Au nanodots by ion-beam sputtering: formation and mechanism (07/2011)
- Social aggregation as a cooperative game (07/2011)
- Biaxial nematic phases in fluids of hard board-like particles (06/2011)
- Crossed-ratchet effects and domain wall geometrical pinning (06/2011)
- Effect of high frequency cathodic pulses on steel embedded in mortar: short and medium term tests (06/2011)
- Nikishin systems are perfect. The case of unbounded and touching supports (06/2011)
- Perturbation theory for Hamiltonian matrices and the distance to bounded-realness (06/2011)
- Recovery of eigenvectors and minimal bases of matrix polynomials from generalized Fiedler linearizations (06/2011)
- Sobolev-Gegenbauer-type orthogonality and a hydrodynamical interpretation (06/2011)
- The Joker effect: cooperation driven by destructive agents (06/2011)
- The spatial Ultimatum game revisited (06/2011)
- A very simple characterization of Gromov hyperbolicity for a special kind of Denjoy domains (05/2011)
- Affinity Paths and information diffusion in social networks (05/2011)
- Coordination and growth: the Stag Hunt game on evolutionary networks (05/2011)
- H=xp Model Revisited and the Riemann Zeros (05/2011)
- Intrinsic geometry approach to surface kinetic roughening (05/2011)
- Nanoscale pattern formation at surfaces under ion-beam sputtering: A perspective from continuum models (05/2011)
- The behavior of the principal eigenvalue of a mixed elliptic problem with respect to a parameter (05/2011)
- Dynamical strength of social ties in information spreading (04/2011)
- Random topologies and the emergence of cooperation: the role of short-cuts (04/2011)
- The equation XA+AX*=0 and the dimension of *congruence orbits* (04/2011)
- The holonomic equation of the Laguerre-Sobolev-type orthogonal polynomials: a non-diagonal case (04/2011)
- Theory and simulation of the confined Lebwohl-Lasher model (04/2011)
- A Real Variable Characterization of Gromov Hyperbolicity of Flute Surfaces (03/2011)
- Adomian Decomposition Method with Green's Function for Sixth-Order Boundary Value Problems (03/2011)
- Covariant quantum fields on noncommutative spacetimes (03/2011)
- Effect of polydispersity and soft interactions on the nematic versus smectic phase stability in platelet suspensions (03/2011)
- Evolutionary games defined at the network mesoscale: The Public Goods game (03/2011)
- Jacobi-Sobolev Orthogonal Polynomials: Asymptotics for N-Coherence of Measures (03/2011)
- Perturbations on the subdiagonals of Toeplitz matrices (03/2011)
- Phase behaviour of mixtures of hard ellipses: a scaled particle density functional study (03/2011)
- The Laguerre-Sobolev-Type Orthogonal Polynomials. Holonomic Equation And Electrostatic Interpretation (03/2011)
- Fluid-fluid versus fluid-solid demixing in mixtures of parallel hard hypercubes (02/2011)
- On the hyperbolicity constant in graphs (02/2011)
- Orthogonal polynomials associated with an inverse quadratic spectral transform (02/2011)
- A fractional porous medium equation (01/2011)
- Analytic properties of Laguerre-type orthogonal polynomials (01/2011)
- Asymptotic solvers for oscillatory systems of differential equations (01/2011)
- Branching dynamics of viral information spreading (01/2011)
- Lowering operators associated with D-Laguerre-Hahn polynomials (01/2011)
- Scaling of correlation functions near capillary condensation (01/2011)
- Sobre un teorema de Hadamard y la fórmula de Cauchy-Hadamard (01/2011)
- Special Issue Proceedings of the International Workshop on Orthogonal Polynomials and Approximation Theory dedicated to the 60th Anniversary of Guillermo Lopez Lagomasino (01/2011)
- Species assembly in model ecosystems, I: Analysis of the population model and the invasion dynamics (01/2011)
- Species assembly in model ecosystems, II: Results of the assembly process (01/2011)
- Struggle for space: viral extinction through competition for cells (01/2011)
- The self-interaction of a fluid interface, the wavevector dependent surface tension and wedge filling (01/2011)
- The solution of the equation XA + AX(T)=0 and its application to the theory of orbits (01/2011)
- Turnout intention and random social networks (01/2011)
- Twists and Gromov Hyperbolicity of Riemann Surfaces (01/2011)
- A Canonical Family of Multiple Orthogonal Polynomials for Nikishin Systems (12/2010)
- Asymptotic Behaviour of Laguerre-Sobolev-type Orthogonal Polynomials: A Nondiagonal Case (12/2010)
- Asymptotic Zero Distribution of Complex Orthogonal Polynomials Associated with Gaussian Quadrature (12/2010)
- On Systems of Differential Equations with Extrinsic Oscillation (12/2010)
- Topological Traps Control Flow on Real Networks: The Case of Coordination Failures (12/2010)
- Vector Interpretation of the Matrix Orthogonality on the Real Line (12/2010)
- Zero Location and Asymptotic behavior for Extremal Polynomials with Non-Diagonal Sobolev Norms (12/2010)
- Gromov Hyperbolicity in Cartesian Product Graphs (11/2010)
- Neutral networks of genotypes: evolution behind the Curtain = Redes neutras de genotipos: evolución en la trastienda (11/2010)
- Social experiments in the mesoscale: humans playing a spatial Prisoner's Dilemma (11/2010)
- Catastrophic regime shifts in model ecological communities are true phase transitions (10/2010)
- Co-evolution of Strategies and Update Rules in Complex Prisoner's Dilemma Game on Complex Networks (10/2010)
- Kardar-Parisi-Zhang Asymptotics for the Two-Dimensional Noisy Kuramoto-Sivashinsky Equation (10/2010)
- Mixed Type Multiple Orthogonal Polynomials for Two Nikishin Systems (10/2010)
- Analytical and Numerical Aspects of a Generalization of the Complementary Error Function (08/2010)
- Complete Blow-up and Avalanche Formation for a Parabolic System with Non-Simultaneous Blow-up (08/2010)
- Monotonicity of Zeros of Laguerre-Sobolev Type Orthogonal Polynomials (08/2010)
- The Multiplication Operator, Zero Location and Asymptotic for Non-Diagonal Sobolev Norms (08/2010)
- q-Classical Orthogonal Polynomials: A General Difference Calculus Approach (07/2010)
- Asymptotic Properties of Orthogonal Polynomials with Respect to a Non-discrete Jacobi-Sobolev Inner Product (06/2010)
- Comparative Gromov Hyperbolicity Results for the Hyperbolic and Quasihyperbolic Metrics (06/2010)
- Mathematics of evolution (06/2010)
- On Følner nets and crossed products (06/2010)
- Orthogonal Polynomials and Second-Order Pseudo-Spectral Linear Differential Equations (06/2010)
- Quantum Fields on Noncommutative Spacetimes: Theory and Phenomenology (06/2010)
- Roughness Evolution of Si Surfaces upon Ar Ion Erosion (06/2010)
- Scale-Invariant Model of Marine Population Dynamics (06/2010)
- A New Algorithm for Computing the Geronimus Transformation with Large Shifts (05/2010)
- An Interpretation of Covariance Relations for Wetting and Wedge Filling Transitions (05/2010)
- Competition between Capillarity, Layering and Biaxiality in a Confined Liquid Crystal (05/2010)
- On Polar Legendre Polynomials (05/2010)
- On the Nuclearity of Certain Cuntz-Pimsner Algebras (05/2010)
- Perturbation of Measure and Orthogonal Matrix Polynomials (05/2010)
- Phase Transitions in Nanoconfined Binary Mixtures of Highly Oriented Colloidal Rods (05/2010)
- The multicomponent 2D Toda hierarchy: generalized matrix orthogonal polynomials, multiple orthogonal polynomials and Riemann-Hilbert problems (05/2010)
- Inequivalence of Quantum Field Theories on Noncommutative Spacetimes: Moyal versus Wick-Voros Planes (04/2010)
- On the Tomographic Picture of Quantum Mechanics (04/2010)
- Radiative Corrections to the Higgs Potential in the LH Model (04/2010)
- Local Scale Invariance for Wetting and Confined Interfaces (03/2010)
- Symmetries Shape the Current in Ratchets Induced by a Biharmonic driving Force (03/2010)
- First Order Spectral Perturbation Theory of Square Singular Matrix Polynomials (02/2010)
- Gromov Hyperbolic Equivalence of the Hyperbolic and Quasihyperbolic Metrics in Denjoy Domains (02/2010)
- On the Multilinear Trigonometric Problem of Moments (02/2010)
- Surface and Smectic Layering Transitions in Binary Mixtures of Parallel Hard Rods (02/2010)
- The Laguerre-Sobolev-Type Orthogonal Polynomials (02/2010)
- A Cohen Type Inequality for Fourier Expansions of Orthogonal Polynomials with a Nondiscrete Jacobi-Sobolev Inner Product (01/2010)
- A Note on Monotonicity of Zeros of Generalized Hermite-Sobolev-Type Orthogonal Polynomials (01/2010)
- Computation of Conformal Representations of Compact Riemann Surfaces (01/2010)
- Computational Properties of Three-Term Recurrence Relations for Kummer Functions (01/2010)
- Fiedler Companion Linearizations and the Recovery of Minimal Indices (01/2010)
- Generalized Hermite-Padé Approximation for Nikishin Systems of Three Functions (01/2010)
- Observation and Modeling of Interrupted Pattern Coarsening: Surface Nanostructuring by Ion Erosion (01/2010)
- On Second-Order Differential Equations with Highly Oscillatory Forcing Terms (01/2010)
- On Some Properties of q-Hahn Multiple Orthogonal Polynomials (01/2010)
- Orthogonal Polynomials and Measures on The Unit Circle: The Geronimus Transformation (01/2010)
- Quadratic Decomposition of a Laguerre-Hahn Polynomial Sequence I (01/2010)
- Stability of the Blow-up Time and the Blow-up Set under Perturbations (01/2010)
- When do Linear Combinations of Orthogonal Polynomials Yield New Sequences of Orthogonal Polynomials? (01/2010)
- Evolutionary Game Theory: Temporal and Spatial Effects Beyond Replicator Dynamics (12/2009)
- Large Deviations Estimates for Some Non-Local Equations: Fast Decaying Kernels and Explicit Bounds (12/2009)
- Market Impact and Trading Profile of Hidden Orders in Stock Markets (12/2009)
- Cooperative Scale-Free Networks despite the Presence of Defector Hubs (11/2009)
- Derivation of a Non-Local Interfacial Model for 3D Wetting in an External Field (11/2009)
- The Trouble with Critical Wetting (11/2009)
- A Note on Linear Differential Equations with Periodic Coefficients (10/2009)
- Effect of spatial structure on the evolution of cooperation (10/2009)
- Implicit Standard Jacobi Gives High Relative Accuracy (10/2009)
- Las matemáticas de la evolución (10/2009)
- Linear Spectral Transformations and Laurent Polynomials (10/2009)
- Promotion of Cooperation on Networks? The Myopic Best Response Case (10/2009)
- Stable Smectic Phase in Suspensions of Polydisperse Colloidal Platelets with Identical Thickness (10/2009)
- Statistical Mechanics of Ecosystem Assembly (10/2009)
- Oversampling in Shift-Invariant Spaces with a Rational Sampling Period (09/2009)
- Phase Diagram of a Two-Dimensional Lattice Gas Model of a Ramp System (09/2009)
- A Numerical Algorithm for Singular Optimal LQ Control Systems (08/2009)
- Fourier-Padé Approximants for Nikishin Systems (08/2009)
- Evolving Learning Rules and Emergence of Cooperation in Spatial Prisoner's Dilemma (07/2009)
- Impact of Human Activity Patterns on the Dynamics of Information Diffusion (07/2009)
- Linearizations of Singular Matrix Polynomials and the Recovery of Minimal Indices (07/2009)
- Multivariate Generalized Sampling in Shift-Invariant Spaces and Its Approximation Properties (07/2009)
- A Characterization of Gromov Hyperbolicity of Surfaces with Variable Negative Curvature (06/2009)
- A Symmetry Result for the p-Laplacian in a Punctured Manifold (06/2009)
- An Introduction to the Tomographic Picture of Quantum Mechanics (06/2009)
- Coupling of Morphology to Surface Transport in Ion-Beam-Irradiated Surfaces: Normal Incidence and Rotating Targets (06/2009)
- Critical Points and Level Sets in Exterior Boundary Problems (06/2009)
- Extremal Vector Valued Inequalities for Hankel Transforms (06/2009)
- Multiplicity of Solutions to Uniformly Elliptic Fully Nonlinear Equations with Concave-Convex Right-Hand Side (06/2009)
- On the Representation of Orthogonally Additive Polynomials in lp (06/2009)
- Parametrization of the Matrix Symplectic Group and Applications (06/2009)
- Perturbations of Laguerre-Hahn Functional: Modification by the Derivative of a Dirac Delta (06/2009)
- Realization of Minimal C* - Dynamical Systems in Terms of Cuntz-Pimsner Algebras (06/2009)
- Relative Asymptotic of Multiple Orthogonal Polynomials for Nikishin Systems (06/2009)
- Remarks on the Star Product of Functions on Finite and Compact Groups (06/2009)
- Smectic and Columnar Ordering in Length-Polydisperse Fluids of Parallel Hard Cylinders (06/2009)
- Stieltjes-type Polynomials on the Unit Circle (06/2009)
- Structured Hölder Condition Numbers for Multiple Eigenvalues (06/2009)
- Surface Nanopatterns Induced by Ion-Beam Sputtering (06/2009)
- Unstable Nonlocal Interface Dynamics (06/2009)
- El uso de bases y frames en teoría de muestreo (05/2009)
- Geometrical Description of Aglebraic Structures: Applications to Quantum Mechanics (05/2009)
- Oversampling and Reconstruction Functions with Compact Support (05/2009)
- Szegö Transformations and Nth Order Associated Polynomials on the Unit Circle (05/2009)
- A Cohen type inequality for Laguerre-Sobolev expansions (04/2009)
- A Generalized Wigner Function on the Space of Irreducible Representations of the Weyl-Heisenberg Group and its Transformation Properties (04/2009)
- The Shared Reward Dilemma on Structured Populations (04/2009)
- Anisotropic Scaling of Ripple Morphologies on High-Fluence Sputtered Silicon (03/2009)
- Quantum Control and Representation Theory (03/2009)
- Kinetic Roughening in a Realistic Model of non-conserved Interface Ggrowth (02/2009)
- Reconstruction of the Second Layer of Ag on Pt(111): Extended Frenkel-Kontorova Model (02/2009)
- Single-Phase-Field Model of Stepped Surfaces (02/2009)
- Enhanced Stability of the Tetratic Phase due to Clustering (01/2009)
- Low Rank Perturbation of Regular Matrix Polynomials (01/2009)
- On Convergence and Divergence of Fourier Expansions with Respect to Some Gegenbauer-Sobolev Type Inner Product (01/2009)
- Operator Algebras: An informal Overview (01/2009)
- Riemann-Hilbert Problem Associated with Angelesco Systems (01/2009)
- Stability of Gromov Hyperbolicity (01/2009)
- Szegö Transformations and Rational Spectral Transformations for Associated Polynomials (01/2009)
- Verblunsky Parameters and Linear Spectral Transformations (01/2009)
- Zeros and Logarithmic Asymptotics of Sobolev Orthogonal Polynomials for Exponential Weights (01/2009)
- Eigenvalue Bracketing for Discrete and Metric Graphs (12/2008)
- Inverse Finite-Type Relations between Sequences of Polynomials (12/2008)
- Sobolev Spaces with Respect to Measures in Curves and Zeros of Sobolev Orthogonal Polynomials (12/2008)
- Spectral Transformations of Measures Supported on the Unit Circle and the Szegö Transformation (12/2008)
- The Influence of Non-Locality on Fluctuation Effects for 3D Short-Ranged Wetting (12/2008)
- Community Connectivity and Heterogeneity: Clues and Insights on Cooperation on Social Networks (11/2008)
- Coupling of morphology to surface transport in ion-beam irradiated surfaces: oblique incidence (11/2008)
- Hawking-Like Emission in Kink-Soliton Escape from a Potential Well (11/2008)
- Matrices, Moments, and Rational Quadrature (11/2008)
- Non-Uniform Liquid-Crystalline Phases of Parallel Hard Rod-Shaped Particles: From Ellipsoids to Cylinders (11/2008)
- Sharp Lower Bounds for the Dimension of Linearizations of Matrix Polynomials (11/2008)
- The Critical Wetting Saga: How to Draw the Correct Conclusion (11/2008)
- Asymptotically Extremal Polynomials with Respect to Varying Weights and Application to Sobolev Orthogonality (10/2008)
- Incomplete Quenching in a System of Heat Equations Coupled at the Boundary (10/2008)
- New Quadrature Rules for Bernstein Measures on the Interval [-1,1] (10/2008)
- Biaxial Nematic and Smectic Phases of Parallel Particles with Different Cross Sections (09/2008)
- Geronimus Spectral Transforms and Measures on the Complex Plane (09/2008)
- A General Sampling Theory in the Functional Hilbert Space Induced by a Hilbert Space Valued Kernel (08/2008)
- Unified Moving-Boundary Model with Fluctuations for Unstable Diffusive Growth (08/2008)
- A Simple Characterization of Weighted Sobolev Spaces with Bounded Multiplication Operator (07/2008)
- Coherent Pairs of Linear Functionals on the Unit Circle (07/2008)
- First Order Spectral Perturbation Theory of Square Singular Matrix Pencils (07/2008)
- Ratio Asymptotic of Hermite-Padé Orthogonal Polynomials for Nikishin Systems. II (07/2008)
- A Note On Generic Kronecker Orbits Of Matrix Pencils With Fixed Rank (06/2008)
- A Unified View on Compensation Criteria in the Real Nonnegative Inverse Eigenvalue Problem (06/2008)
- Bidiagonal Decompositions of Oscillating Systems of Vectors (06/2008)
- Complex Cooperative Networks from Evolutionary Preferential Attachment (06/2008)
- Morse-Type Inequalities for Dynamical Systems and the Witten Laplacian (06/2008)
- Fundamental-Measure Density Functional for Mixtures of Parallel Hard Cylinders (05/2008)
- Hardy-Type Theorem for Orthogonal Functions with Respect to Their Zeros: The Jacobi Weight Case (05/2008)
- Low Rank Perturbation Of Weierstrass Structure (05/2008)
- Phase Behavior of Parallel Hard Cylinders (05/2008)
- Álgebras de operadores: un campo de investigación interdisciplinar (05/2008)
- 3D Short-Range Wetting and Nonlocality (04/2008)
- Improved Bounds on Entropic Uncertainty Relations (04/2008)
- Mesoscopic Structure Conditions the Emergence of Cooperation on Social Networks (04/2008)
- Specialization and Herding Behavior of Trading Firms in a Financial Market (04/2008)
- Strong Asymptotics for Sobolev Orthogonal Polynomials in the Complex Plane (04/2008)
- Existence of Spectral Gaps, Covering Manifolds and Residually Finite Groups (03/2008)
- Matemáticas para la innovación, innovación para las matemáticas (03/2008)
- On Lagrange-Type Interpolation Series and Analytic Kramer Kernels (03/2008)
- Period Function and Normalizers of Vector Fields in Rn with n-1 First Integrals (03/2008)
- Scaling Laws of Strategic Behavior and Size Heterogeneity in Agent Dynamics (03/2008)
- The Shared Reward Dilemma (03/2008)
- Aliasing Error of Sampling Series in Wavelet Subspaces (02/2008)
- Emergence and Resilience of Cooperation in the Spatial Prisoner's Dilemma Via a Reward Mechanism (02/2008)
- Further Results on Entanglement Detection and Quantification from the Correlation Matrix Criterion (02/2008)
- Matrices with Orthogonal Groups Admitting only Determinant One (02/2008)
- Approximation from Shift-Invariant Spaces by Generalized Sampling Formulas (01/2008)
- Generalized Sampling in Shift-Invariant Spaces with Multiple Stable Generators (01/2008)
- Integrability of Magnetic Fields Created by Current Distributions (01/2008)
book chapters
- A Framework for Intensive Care Units Cost Using Game Theory. In: Advances in Health and Disease. Volume 78 (12/2023)
- Hospital Management and Game Theory. In: Advances in Health and Disease. Volume 67 (04/2023)
- On Uhlmann's proof of the monotonicity of the relative entropy. In: Particles, Fields And Topology: Celebrating A. P. Balachandran (03/2023)
- Deep Learning and Analysis of Cardiovascular Imaging. In: Design and Control Advances in Robotics (09/2022)
- Sampling in the range of the analysis operator of a continuous frame having a unitary structure. In: From Operator Theory to Orthogonal Polynomials, Combinatorics, and Number Theor: A Volume in Honor of Lance Littlejohn's 70th Birthday (05/2021)
- Efficient parameter-dependent simulation of infections in a population model. In: Mathematical modelling in real life problems: case studies from ECMI-modelling weeks (12/2020)
- From standard orthogonal polynomials to Sobolev orthogonal polynomials. In: Orthogonal Polynomials: 2nd AIMS-Volkswagen Stiftung Workshop, Douala, Cameroon, 5-12 October, 2018 (AIMSVSW 2018) (03/2020)
- Sustainable Finance Management. In: The Rise of Green Finance in Europe: Opportunities and Challenges for Issuers, Investors and Marketplaces (11/2019)
- Notions of Infinity in Quantum Physics. In: Classical and Quantum Physics: 60 Years Alberto Ibort Fest Geometry, Dynamics, and Control (10/2019)
- Towards a Quantum Sampling Theory: The Case of Finite Groups. In: Classical and Quantum Physics: 60 Years Alberto Ibort Fest Geometry, Dynamics, and Control (10/2019)
- On the Notion of Composite System. In: Geometric Science of Information: 4th International Conference, GSI 2019, Toulouse, France, August 27-29, 2019: Proceedings (08/2019)
- A class of quasi-sparse companion pencils. In: Structured matrices in numerical linear algebra: analysis, algorithms and applications (04/2019)
- Differential Geometry of Quantum States, Observables and Evolution. In: Quantum Physics and Geometry (03/2019)
- Averaging and computing normal forms with word series algorithms. In: Discrete mechanics, geometric integration and Lie-Butcher series (11/2018)
- The Rippling effect of social influence via phone communication network. In: Complex spreading phenomena in social systems: influence and contagion in real-world social networks (06/2018)
- Finite orthogonal Laurent polynomials. In: The mathematics of the ucertain: a tribute to Pedro Gil (03/2018)
- Finite Orthogonal Laurent Polynomials. In: MATHEMATICS OF THE UNCERTAIN: A TRIBUTE TO PEDRO GIL (01/2018)
- Hopf algebra techniques to handle dynamical systems and numerical integrators. In: Computation and combinatorics in dynamics, stochastics and control: The Abel Symposium, Rosendal, Norway, August 2016 (01/2018)
- On Co-polynomials on the Real Line and the Unit Circle. In: Operations research, engineering, and cyber security: trends in applied mathematics and technology (03/2017)
- The harmonic index. In: Bounds in chemical graph theory. Basics (01/2017)
- Alliance polynomial. In: Graph polynomials (12/2016)
- Channel-Specific Daily Patterns in Mobile Phone Communication. In: Proceedings of ECCS 2014 (12/2016)
- Foreword. In: Numerical methods for ordinary differential equations (08/2016)
- On Row Sequences of Padé and Hermite-Padé Approximation. In: Modern Trends in Constructive Function Theory (01/2016)
- On some recent results on asymptotic behavior of orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle and inserting point masses. In: Computation, Cryptography, and Network Security (12/2015)
- Orthogonal polynomials: computation. In: Encyclopedia of applied and computational mathematics (12/2015)
- The contact structure in the space of light rays. In: A Mathematical Tribute to Professor José María Montesinos Amilibia (12/2015)
- Symplectic methods. In: Encyclopedia of applied and computational mathematics (11/2015)
- Interdisciplinarity in the study of behaviour change: experiences, promises and challenges. In: Thinking about behaviour change: an interdisciplinary dialogue (10/2015)
- Hamiltonian systems. In: Encyclopedia of applied and computational mathematics (01/2015)
- Sampling Theory and Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces. In: Operator Theory (01/2015)
- Følner Sequences in Operator Theory and Operator Algebras. In: Operator Theory, Operator Algebras and Applications (04/2014)
- On a Direct Uvarov-Chihara Problem and Some Extensions. In: Analytic Number Theory, Approximation Theory, and Special Functions : In Honor of Hari M. Srivastava (01/2014)
- Time Allocation in Social Networks: Correlation Between Social Structure and Human Communication Dynamics. In: Temporal Networks (04/2013)
- Generalized Sampling in L2(Rd) Shift-Invariant Subspaces with Multiple Stable Generators. In: Multiscale Signal Analysis and Modeling (01/2013)
- Numerical Integrator for Continuum Equations of Surface Growth and Erosion. In: Computational Nanotechnology Modeling and Applications with MATLAB (07/2011)
- Modular theory by example. In: Aspects of operator algebras and applications (01/2011)
- [Apendix]: Basic definitions and results for operator algebras. In: Aspects of operator algebras and applications (01/2011)
- Self-Organized Surface Nanopatterning by Ion Beam Sputtering. In: Toward Functional Nanomaterials (07/2009)
- Clebsch Variables, Lin Constraints and Quantum Control. In: Mathematical Physics and Field Theory: Julio Abad, "in memorim" (06/2009)
- Novel Symmetries and Clustering Effects in Two-dimensional Anisotropic Fluids. In: Modeling and simulation of new materials: tenth Granada Lectures: Granda, Spain, 15-19 September 2008 (01/2009)
- Orthogonal Polynomials and Rational Spectarl Transformations. In: Mathematical Physics and Field Theory: Julio Abad, in Memoriam (01/2009)
- Density Functional Theories of Hard Particle Systems. In: Theory and Simulation of Hard-Sphere Fluids and Related Systems (12/2008)
- Constructive Theory of Approximation. In: Coimbra Lecture Notes on Orthogonal Polynomials (08/2008)
- Hermité-Padé Approximants. In: Guillermo López Lagomasino: Mathematical Life and Works (08/2008)
- An Introduction to Groups, Groupoids and Their Representations (11/2019)
- ROMA, RAMO, AMOR: El arte de la combinatoria (04/2019)
- Roma, ramo, amor: l'arte combinatoria (04/2019)
- Symmetry in Graph Theory (03/2019)
- Numerical Hamiltonian problems (05/2018)
- Geometry from Dynamics, Classical and Quantum (01/2015)
- Curso práctico de variable compleja y teoría de transformadas (12/2014)
- Espacios de Hilbert y análisis de Fourier: los primeros pasos (09/2014)
- Bases en espacios de Hilbert. Teoría de muestreo y wavelets (01/2014)
- Bases en espacios de Hilbert : teoría de muestreo y wavelets (11/2012)
- Ejercicios del curso "Ecuaciones en derivadas parciales" (11/2012)
- Espacios de Hilbert y análisis de Fourier : los primeros pasos (09/2012)
- Recent advances in orthogonal polynomials, special functions, and their applications: 11th International Symposium, August 29-September 2, 2011, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Leganés, Spain (01/2012)
- XX International Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics, Madrid, Spain 31 August - 3 September 2011 (01/2012)
- La Erosión de Superficies: Invariancia de Escala y Formación de Patrones (06/2011)
- Differential Algebra, Complex Analysis and Orthogonal Polynomials (01/2010)
- Teoría geométrica de funciones: el punto de encuentro entre la variable compleja y la geometría (01/2010)
- Polinomios ortogonales no estándar. Propiedades algebraicas y analíticas (09/2009)
- Polinomios ortogonales no estándar: propiedades algebraicas y analíticas (01/2009)
conference contributions
- Jensen-type inequalities for m-convex functions and applications (01/2024)
- Mixed-type hypergeometric Bernoulli- Gegenbauer polynomials: some properties (01/2024)
- Exotic liquid crystalline phases in monolayers of vertically vibrated granular particles (01/2023)
- Matrices degeneradas generalizadas de Bernoulli y Euler (01/2023)
- Modular Sumcheck Proofs With Applications to Machine Learning and Image Processing (01/2023)
- New reverse Hölder-type inequalities and applications (01/2023)
- Prediction of the liquid-crystal phase behavior of hard right triangles from fourth-virial density functional theories (01/2023)
- A Networked Global Economy: The Role of Social Capital in Economic Growth (01/2022)
- Effect of clustering on the orientational properties of a fluid of hard right isosceles triangles (01/2022)
- Generalized mixed type Bernoulli-Gegenbauer and Lagrange-based hypergeometric Bernoulli polynomials (01/2022)
- Liquid crystalline patterns of exotic symmetries in monolayers of vertically vibrated granular particles (01/2022)
- Mixed type hypergeometric Bernoulli-Gegenbauer polynomials: announcement of results (01/2022)
- Prácticas de Matlab para visualización práctica de las Ecuaciones Diferenciales (01/2022)
- Data-driven analysis of breathing mode and ion-transit mode in 2D hybrid Hall thruster simulations (01/2021)
- Geometric formulation to analyze singular physical systems (01/2021)
- Group Actions and Monotone Metric Tensors: The Qubit Case (01/2021)
- Tilting the playing field: Dynamical loss functions for machine learning (01/2021)
- A simple method to solve the RTE without scattering and absorption in a solar cell (01/2020)
- Characters of finite groups (01/2020)
- Cooperation, social norm internalization, and hierarchical societies (01/2020)
- Domination on hyperbolic graphs (01/2020)
- From standard orthogonal polynomials to sobolev orthogonal polynomials: the role of semiclassical linear functionals (01/2020)
- Generalized optimal paths revealed through the large deviations of random walks on networks (01/2020)
- Hidden symplectic integrations (01/2020)
- Logarithmic asymptotic of multilevel Hermite-Padé polynomials (01/2020)
- Morphological impact of low-energy Xe+ irradiation on polycrystalline titanium targets (01/2020)
- Necessary conditions for ACR in Reaction Networks (01/2020)
- On multilevel Hermite-Padé approximation of certain class of meromorphic functions (01/2020)
- On the foundations of the multisymplectic description of eld theories (01/2020)
- Parsimonious scenario for the emergence of viroid-like replicons de novo (01/2020)
- Partition Function in the Complex Cubic Log-Gas Model (01/2020)
- Polynomial Best Approximation in Sobolev Spaces (01/2020)
- ROOM ONE: Amenability versus paradoxical decompositions for inverse semigroups and their C*-algebras (01/2020)
- Relative asymptotic behavior of Uvarov modified orthogonal polynomials (01/2020)
- Relative asymptotics of rational Ubarov modified orthogonal polynomials (01/2020)
- The BRIk and FABRIk algorithms for improving $k$-means clustering recovery (01/2020)
- The Hamiltonian Monte Carlo Method and Geometric Integration (01/2020)
- A non-trivial order in the set of multipartite entangled quantum states (01/2019)
- A resource theory of entanglement with a unique multipartite maximally entangled state (01/2019)
- A resource theory of entanglement with a unique multipartite maximally entangled state (01/2019)
- A resource theory of entanglement with a unique multipartite maximally entangled state (01/2019)
- A survey on NLEVPs and multiparameter eigenvalue problems (01/2019)
- Asymptotics of Cauchy biorthogonal polynomials (01/2019)
- Club formation in the climate change game (01/2019)
- Combining partner choice and gossip to make cooperation sustainable in a Public Goods Game (01/2019)
- Combining partner choice and gossip to make cooperation sustainable in a Public Goods Game (01/2019)
- Construcción de grafos espectrales (01/2019)
- Controlling Quantum Systems through their boundaries (01/2019)
- Effect of nano-confinement in the phase behaviour of hard platelets (01/2019)
- Fractional elliptic problems involving Inverse fractional operators (01/2019)
- Frequency optimized RBF-FD for wave equations (01/2019)
- Grafos periódicos, Laplaciano magnético y lagunas espectrales (01/2019)
- Hyperbolicity constant of circular-arc graphs (01/2019)
- Local Linearizations of Rational Matrices and their Applications to Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problems (01/2019)
- Local linearizations of rational matrices with application to nonlinear eigenvalue problems (01/2019)
- Logarithmic asymptotic of multi-level Hermité-Padé polynomials (01/2019)
- Nanofluid down an incline: nonlinear description of ion-induced solid flow (01/2019)
- Nanofluid down an incline: nonlinear description of ion-induced solid flow (01/2019)
- Nematic and Triatic phases of hard isosceles triangles: One component fluid and binary mixtures (01/2019)
- Netflix or Youtube? Regional income patterns of mobile service consumption (01/2019)
- New trends on orthogonal polynomials in Sobolev spaces (01/2019)
- Non-Linear Theory of Ion-Induced Solid Flow (01/2019)
- Norm Emergence in Climate Change Threshold Games (01/2019)
- Numerical integrators for the Hamiltonian Monte Carlo method. (01/2019)
- On Hermite-Padé approximation, Apéry's theorem, and the construction of infinitely many rational approximants to zeta(3) (01/2019)
- On some multiple orthogonal polynomials of a discrete variable (01/2019)
- On the Dichotomy of Paradoxical versus Amenable (01/2019)
- On the Structure of Linearizations for Rational Approximations of Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problems (01/2019)
- On the notion of composite system (01/2019)
- Ortogonalidad, Propiedades electrostáticas de ceros de poli-nomios ortogonales y cuadratura Gaussiana (01/2019)
- Paraorthogonal polynomials on the unit circle. Electrostatic interpretation of zeros (01/2019)
- Post-transcriptional regulation, noise and spatial transcript localization of small RNA-controlled genes in an Escherichia coli stress response network (01/2019)
- Quantum control at the boundary (01/2019)
- Remembering George Sudarshan (01/2019)
- Ripple Formation on Ti-Based Surfaces at MeV Energy Heavy-Ion Implantations (01/2019)
- Self-adjoint extensions as controls (01/2019)
- Several extremal problems on graphs involving the circumference, girth, and hyperbolicity constant. (01/2019)
- Solving nonlinear systems of elliptic PDEs with the PU-RBF method (01/2019)
- Stability of p-parabolicity under quasi-isometries (01/2019)
- Structured companion quadratifications of matrix polynomials (01/2019)
- Structured perturbation of eigenvalues of symplectic and Hamiltonian matrices (01/2019)
- The role of the Eikonal equation in numerics for bounded SDEs (01/2019)
- Uniqueness of solution of generalized Sylvester-like equations with rectangular coefficients (01/2019)
- Uniqueness of solution of generalized Sylvester-like equations with rectangular coefficients (01/2019)
- Vertically-vibrated granular rods: topological defects and influence of imposed geometry (01/2019)
- A class of companion pencils (01/2018)
- A class of companion pencils (01/2018)
- A stroboscopic averaging algorithm for highly oscillatory delay problems (01/2018)
- Adding levels of complexity enhances robustness and evolvability in a multilevel genotype-phenotype map (01/2018)
- Amenability notions around Roe algebras (01/2018)
- Cities at high resolution: using big-data to understand social segregation (01/2018)
- Cognitive resource allocation determines the organization of personal networks (01/2018)
- Cognitive resource allocation determines the structures of personal networks (01/2018)
- Coupled systems of PDEs related to the fifth state of matter (01/2018)
- Critical dynamics of reaction-diffusion fronts (01/2018)
- Discrete Laguerre-Sobolev Orthogonal Polynomials (01/2018)
- Distribution of genotype network sizes in sequence-to-structure genotypephenotype maps (01/2018)
- Edge States on Quantum Systems (01/2018)
- Emergence of Gaussian statistics as a symmetry far from equilibrium (01/2018)
- Entanglement theory beyond LOCC (01/2018)
- Ground states of some coupled nonlocal fractional dispersive PDEs (01/2018)
- Groupoids and frames: a new setting for sampling (01/2018)
- Groupoids, categories and Quantum Mechanics (01/2018)
- Hessenberg matrices and general Sobolev orthogonal polynomials (01/2018)
- Heterogeneous multiscale methods for delay differential equations (01/2018)
- Lifetime of a Tie: The Dynamics of Relationships in Social Networks (01/2018)
- Linearizations of polynomial and rational matrices (01/2018)
- Mathematical properties on the hyperbolicity of interval graphs (01/2018)
- Matrix biorthogonal polynomials and matrices of measures: linear spectral perturbations (01/2018)
- MemeSequencer: sparse matching for embedding image macros (01/2018)
- Modelling of patA and hetF gene function in Anabaena heterocyst formation (01/2018)
- Modelling of patA and hetF gene function in Anabaena heterocyst formation (01/2018)
- Nanoscale pattern formation: an interplay between hard and soft condensed matter physics (01/2018)
- Nanoscale pattern formation: an interplay between hard and soft condensed matter physics (01/2018)
- Nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria are tuned for evolvability (01/2018)
- Nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria optimize evolvability (01/2018)
- Nonlinear theory of ion-induced solid flow (01/2018)
- Nonlinear theory of ion-induced solid flow (01/2018)
- Numerical integration within the Hamiltonian (Hybrid) Monte Carlo method (01/2018)
- On unbounded solutions of ergodic problems for non-local Hamilton-Jacobi equations (01/2018)
- Paradoxicality and operator algebras (01/2018)
- Polar differentiation matrices and applications (01/2018)
- Quantum Control and approximate controllability of infinite dimensional quantum systems (01/2018)
- Quantum control on the boundary (01/2018)
- Radial Basis Function-generated Finite Differences (RBF-FD): a meshfree approach for the numerical solution of differential equations (01/2018)
- Recent Advances in Radial Basis Function Methods II (01/2018)
- Representation of unbounded quadratic forms and orthogonal additivity (01/2018)
- Semiclassical orthogonal polynomials and orthogonal polynomials in Sobolev spaces (01/2018)
- Spatio-temporal crime prediction through the lens of fairness (01/2018)
- Strong linearizations of rational matrices with polynomial part expressed in an orthogonal basis. (01/2018)
- The geometry of the l-boundary and conformal extensions (01/2018)
- The role of pathfollowing in nonlinear elliptic problems (01/2018)
- Universality in reaction-diffusion fronts (01/2018)
- Variational Principles in Quantum Physics (01/2018)
Geometry and spaces of classical probability states (01/2017) - A friendly approach to orthogonal polynomials and their applications (01/2017)
- Analytic properties of orthogonal polynomials in Sobolev spaces. A comparative approach with the standard case (01/2017)
- Asymptotic Expansions for Eigenvalues of Multiplicatively Perturbed Matrices (01/2017)
- Bifurcations of equilibrium metastable states of inhomogeneous classical fluids in contact with patterned substrates (01/2017)
- Cheeger isoperimetric constant of Gromov hyperbolic manifolds and graphs (01/2017)
- Christoffel transformations and matrix of measures supported in the real line (01/2017)
- Classical density functional study of wetting transitions on nanopatterned surfaces (01/2017)
- Coherent imaging without phases, Invited speaker in Waves and Imaging in Random Media (01/2017)
- Compensation of negativity in the Nonnegative Inverse Eigenvalue Problem (01/2017)
- Confinement-induced topological deffects in a tetratic liquid crystal (01/2017)
- Constructing new classes of strong linearizations of rational matrices (01/2017)
- Cooperation-driven hierarchy is interpreted as good reputation and does not increase prosociality (01/2017)
- Covariant Brackets in Field Theories and Particle Dynamics (01/2017)
- Do all glasses empty when turned to the horizontal? (01/2017)
- Dual minimal bases of polynomial matrices and applications (01/2017)
- Dynamical behaviour of several problems with heterogeneities (01/2017)
- Dynamical systems with spatiotemporal periodicities trough the symmetries (01/2017)
- Dynamics of an ultrathin viscous ferrofluid film under a magnetic field (01/2017)
- Dynamics of heterogeneous crystallization of parallel hard squares: A dynamic density functional theory study. (01/2017)
- Dynamics of heterogeneous nucleation of parallel hard squares using dynamical density functional theories (01/2017)
- Entanglement theory and entanglement measures (01/2017)
- Estructura de un fluido de partículas rectangulares en un canal estrecho bidimensional (01/2017)
- Extremal problems on graphs involving the hyperbolicity constant (01/2017)
- Formation and maintenance of nitrogen fixing cell patterns in filamentous cyanobacteria (01/2017)
- Freedom of association, social cohesion and welfare (01/2017)
- Gene regulatory networks that optimize the cost of performing a function: pattern formation in nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria (01/2017)
- Generic matrix polynomials with fixed rank and fixed degree. (01/2017)
- Generic model of population dynamics and transitions between biological interactions (01/2017)
- Global backward error analysis of polynomial eigenvalue problems (01/2017)
- Hamilton-Jacobi approach to contrast functions and geodetical motion in information geometry (01/2017)
- Highly oscillatory delay problems (01/2017)
- How cyanobacteria count to 10 (01/2017)
- Inverse results on row sequences of Hermite-Padé approximation (01/2017)
- Isoperimetric inequalities in hyperbolic manifolds (01/2017)
- Liquid-crystalline patterns in vibrated granular rods (01/2017)
- Local structured perturbation of eigenvalues of symplectic matrices: a multiplicative approach (01/2017)
- Matrix polynomials with bounded rank and degree: generic eigenstructures and explicit descriptions. (01/2017)
- Measurable diagonalization of positive definite matrices (01/2017)
- Modeling paradigm shifts in cultural evolution (01/2017)
- Modelling and simulation of a viscous ultrathin ferrofluid film under a magnetic field (01/2017)
- Multipartite entanglement transformations with local operations and finite rounds of classical communication (01/2017)
- Nanoscale pattern formation: an interplay between hard and soft condensed matter physics (01/2017)
- Nanoscale pattern formation: an interplay between hard and soft condensed matter physics (01/2017)
- Nikishin systems on star-like sets and associated multi-orthogonal polynomials (01/2017)
- Nonlinear theory of ion-induced solid flow (01/2017)
- Nonlocal operators of order near zero (01/2017)
- Notions of infinity in local quantum physics (01/2017)
- Observations on the use of RBF-FD augmented with polynomials for the numerical solution of elliptic PDEs. (01/2017)
- On the first general Zagreb index (01/2017)
- On unbounded solutions of ergodic problems for non-local Hamilton-Jacobi equations (01/2017)
- Optimal regularity for a fourth-order thin film equation in R^N (01/2017)
- Orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle the real line and the unit circle: Szegö transformations and CMV matrices (01/2017)
- Orthogonal polynomials, Geronimus transformations and quadrature rules (01/2017)
- Orthogonal polynomials, zeros and electrostatics (01/2017)
- Paul Van Dooren's Index Sum Theorem and the solution of the inverse rational eigenvalue problem. (01/2017)
- Polydisperse hard rectangles: A simple model for vibrated monolayers of granular rods (01/2017)
- Polynomial eigenvalue problems: linearizations and global backward error analysis. (01/2017)
- Polynomial root-finding using companion matrices (01/2017)
- Polynomial root-finding using companion matrices (01/2017)
- Preservación de la función de Green en superficies de Riemann (01/2017)
- Preservation of some isoperimetric inequalities under quasi-isometries (01/2017)
- Product realizations for matrix polynomials. (01/2017)
- Promiscuity of function, changing environments, and molecular evolution (01/2017)
- RBF-FD approximations based on PHS with polynomial augmentation for the numerical solution of elliptic PDEs (01/2017)
- Regularity theory for nonlocal filtration equations (01/2017)
- Results on existence of Vector Bound and Ground state solutions on Systems of coupled NLS and NLS-KdV equations (01/2017)
- Robustness and perturbations of minimal bases (01/2017)
- Seminar at the Fluid and Aerodynamics Research Group (01/2017)
- Sesión Especial: Avances recientes en Geometría, Mecánica y Control (01/2017)
- Sobolev extremal polynomials (01/2017)
- Spectral gaps and discrete magnetic Laplacians (01/2017)
- Stability of the injectivity radius under quasi-isometries and applications to isoperimetric inequalities (01/2017)
- Structured and unstructured backward error analyses of linearized polynomial eigenvalue problems. (01/2017)
- Structured backward error analyses of linearized polynomial eigenvalue problems (01/2017)
- Structured perturbation for eigenvalues of symplectic matrices: a multiplicative approach (01/2017)
- Symmetry of surface nanopatterns induced by ion-beam sputtering (01/2017)
- The action of Möbius transformations on the eigenvalue condition numbers and the backward errors of polynomial eigenvalue problems. (01/2017)
- The covariant Hamiltonian formalism of field theories on manifolds with boundaries (01/2017)
- The importance of being integrable: 30+1 years of the KPZ equation (01/2017)
- The role of identities on the formation of social networks: experimental lessons (01/2017)
- Unravelling patA gene function in Anabaena heterocyst formation (01/2017)
- V International Workshop on Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics and its applications. (01/2017)
- Vector positive solutions for systems of coupled NLS and NLS-KdV equations (01/2017)
- Wetting of heterogeneous substrates. A classical density-functional-theory approach (01/2017)
- What comes first? Social Strength or common friends? (01/2017)
- What comes first? Social strength or common friends? (01/2017)
- Why people stop calling? The temporal weakness of decaying ties? (01/2017)
- A mathematical model arising in capillary-gravity water waves (01/2016)
- Almost band preserving operators (01/2016)
- Amenability and paradoxical decompositions: analytic aspects (01/2016)
- Around a table: Social lubricants for trust building (01/2016)
- Asymptotics of extremal polynomials with respect to Sobolev norms. (01/2016)
- Backward stability of polynomial root-finding using Fiedler companion matrices (01/2016)
- Backward stability of polynomial root-finding via matrices and matrix pencils (01/2016)
- Block Kronecker linearizations of matrix polynomials and their backward errors (01/2016)
- CMV matrices, direct and inverse problems, applications (01/2016)
- Clustering effects in vibrated monolayers of rods (01/2016)
- Clustering in monolayers of vibrated granular rods (01/2016)
- Comportamiento humano: la interacción que gobierna los sistemas complejos socio-tecnológicos (01/2016)
- Computation and use of the Laurent series of the inverse in RBF-FD problems (01/2016)
- Continuation algorithms for the frequency isolation problem in undamped vibrational systems (01/2016)
- Cooperation survives and cheating pays in a networked society with unreliable reputation (01/2016)
- Diameter, minimum degree and hyperbolicity constant in graphs (01/2016)
- Directional perturbation in structured matrix eigenproblems (01/2016)
- Disjointly homogeneous Banach lattices and applications (01/2016)
- Dynamics in complex networks. Analysing real-world (mobile) data (01/2016)
- Eigenvalue condition numbers and backward errors of polynomial eigenvalue problems under Möbius transformations (01/2016)
- Eigenvalue perturbation expansions and structured condition numbers (01/2016)
- Forests, Trees, Words, Letters (01/2016)
- Formation and maintenance of nitrogen fixing cell patterns in filamentous cyanobacteria (01/2016)
- Formation and maintenance of nitrogen fixing cell patterns in filamentous cyanobacteria (01/2016)
- Fronts of compact bacterial colonies are not in the KPZ universality class (01/2016)
- Fronts of compact bacterial colonies are not in the KPZ universality class (01/2016)
- Global backward error analyses for polynomial eigenvalue problems solved via linearizations (01/2016)
- IBSEN: Productor de datos "de" y "para" investigación. (01/2016)
- Initial conditions and surface anisotropies under ion-beam bombardment: beyond basic nanopatterns (01/2016)
- Ion-beam surface patterning: solid flow at the nano-scale (01/2016)
- LOCC manipulation on multipartite quantum states: Identifying maximal entanglement (01/2016)
- La cuadratura gaussiana según Gauss (01/2016)
- Large scale behavioral experiments: what, why and how? (01/2016)
- Linear Spectral transformations of a matrix of measures supported in the real line (01/2016)
- Markov-type inequalities and duality in weighted Sobolev spaces. (01/2016)
- Matrix equations and backward error bounds for polynomial eigenproblems solved via linearizations (01/2016)
- Modeling and simulation of thin ferrofluid films under magnetic field (01/2016)
- Modeling paradigm shifts in cultural evolution (01/2016)
- Muckenhoupt inequalities with three measures and applications to Sobolev orthogonal polynomials (01/2016)
- Nanoscale surfaces and interfaces far from equilibrium (01/2016)
- Non-uniform stress as a driving force for semiconductor surface nanostructuring by ion beams (01/2016)
- Nonuniform stress as a driving force for semiconductor surface nanopatterning by ion beams (01/2016)
- On Iterated Primitives of Classical Orthogonal Polynomials. (01/2016)
- On Nikishin systems with discrete components and weak asymptotics of multiple orthogonal polynomials (01/2016)
- On Sobolev-type extremal polynomials (01/2016)
- On a class of integrable Hamiltonian systems related to the optimal control problem of two coupled spins (01/2016)
- On a classical Theorem on the diameter and minimum degree (01/2016)
- On the Geometric-Arithmetic Index by decompositions (01/2016)
- On the backward stability of polynomial root-finding methods using matrix pencils (01/2016)
- On the emergence of cooperation in networked societies (01/2016)
- On the emergence of cooperation under vigilance: A multiplex networks approach (01/2016)
- On the evolution of cooperation in networked societies (01/2016)
- On the evolution of cooperation in networked societies (01/2016)
- On the geometric-arithmetic index (01/2016)
- On the steps of Shannon's sampling theorem: towards a theory of quantum sampling (01/2016)
- Operators, Foelner sequences and paradoxicality (01/2016)
- Optimal regularity for a fourth-order thin film equation in R^N. (01/2016)
- Parameterized condition numbers for the solution of quasiseparable linear systems (01/2016)
- Parameterized condition numbers for the solution of quasiseparable linear systems (01/2016)
- Pattern-wavelength coarsening from topological dynamics in silicon nanofoams (01/2016)
- Paul Van Dooren's index sum theorem: to infinity and beyond (01/2016)
- Polinomios ortogonales "clásicos". Operadores y ortogonalidad (01/2016)
- Polinomios ortogonales en la recta real (01/2016)
- Polydisperse hard rectangles: A simple model for vibrated monolayers of granular rods (01/2016)
- Quantum Mechanics and Information Geometry (01/2016)
- Revealing patterns of local species richness along environmental gradients with a novel network tool (01/2016)
- Sign characteristic of Hermitian linearizations of Hermitian matrix polynomials (01/2016)
- Simple conditions constraining the set of quantum correlations. (01/2016)
- Simple ergodic variants of the Hamiltonian Monte Carlo method (01/2016)
- Social and economical networks from (big-)data (01/2016)
- Solution of Sylvester-like equations and systems: consistency, uniqueness, and some applications (01/2016)
- Solutions to some variational PDEs as critical points of their Euler-Lagrange functional (01/2016)
- Spectral transformations and matrix orthogonal polynomials (01/2016)
- Strong linearizations of rational matrices (01/2016)
- Strong linearizations of rational matrices: theory and explicit constructions (01/2016)
- Structure-Revealing condensed forms for matrix polynomials (01/2016)
- Symmetry of surface nanopatterns induced by ion-beam sputtering: role of anisotropic surface diffusion (01/2016)
- The Newton polygon and structured eigenvalue perturbation (01/2016)
- The effect of Möbius transformations on the eigenvalue condition numbers of polynomial eigenvalue problems (01/2016)
- Tumor induced angiogenesis (01/2016)
- Twitter Session Analytics: Profiling Users' Short-Term Behavioral Changes (01/2016)
- Two-Level Orthogonal Arnoldi Method for Large Rational Eigenvalue Problems (01/2016)
- Two-level orthogonal Arnoldi method for large-scale rational eigenvalue problems (01/2016)
- Uncovering human behavioral phenotypes: a lab-in-the-field Game Theory experiment (01/2016)
- Uniqueness of solution of a generalized *-Sylvester equation. (01/2016)
- Uniqueness of solution of systems of generalized Sylvester and *-Sylvester equations (01/2016)
- Using word series to analyse splitting stochastic integrators (01/2016)
- Weakly compactly generated Banach lattices (01/2016)
- Word-series analysis of splitting stochastic integrators (01/2016)
- Working together: an experimental approach to understand collaborative and prosocial behavior (01/2016)
- toyLIFE, or the importance of being promiscuous (01/2016)
- A combinatorial procedure to generate sufficient conditions for the real nonnegative inverse eigenvalue problem (01/2015)
- A matrix approach for the semiclassical and coherent orthogonal polynomials (01/2015)
- A matrix approach for the semiclassical and coherent orthogonal polynomials. (01/2015)
- Amenability aspects around Roe C*-algebras (01/2015)
- An historical approach to Sobolev orthogonal polynomials (01/2015)
- Bound and Ground states to systems of coupled NLS-KdV equations (01/2015)
- Capillary and winding transitions in a confined cholesteric liquid crystal (01/2015)
- Causality and the contact structure on the space of light rays (01/2015)
- Clustering effects in vibrated monolayers of rods (01/2015)
- Computing matrix symmetrizers, leading to open matrix optimization problems (01/2015)
- Conquista de Hispania y desarrollo de la red de calzadas romanas (01/2015)
- Constructing strong l-ifications (01/2015)
- Constructing strong l-ifications of arbitrary degree (01/2015)
- Cotas para la Constante de Hiperbolicidad de Gromov (01/2015)
- Cotas para la constante de Hiperbolicidad de Gromov (01/2015)
- Critical behavior of crystalline membranes: crumpling transition and auxetic behavior in the flat phase (01/2015)
- Dependencia con la temperatura del periodo del reloj de segmentación (01/2015)
- Desigualdades para la constante de hiperbolicidad de gráficas cúbicas. (01/2015)
- Directional perturbation in structured matrix eigenproblems (01/2015)
- Edge detection based on Krawtchouk polynomials (01/2015)
- Eigenvalue condition numbers of polynomial eigenvalue problems under Möbius transformations (01/2015)
- Eigenvalue condition numbers of polynomial eigenvalue problems under Möbius transformations (01/2015)
- Estabilidad de desigualdades isoperimétricas en superficies de Riemann (01/2015)
- Evaluación y diseño de las infraestructuras aeroportuarias mediante redes temporales y ABM (01/2015)
- Existence and multiplicity of bound-ground states for a system of NLS-KdV equations (01/2015)
- Existence and multiplicity of solutions for a system of coupled NLS-KdV equations (01/2015)
- Existence and multiplicity of stationary solutions a Cahn--Hilliard-type equation in RN (01/2015)
- Existence and multiplicity results of fourth-order semilinear parabolic equations of Cahn&-Hilliard type (01/2015)
- Existence and multiplicity results of fourth-order semilinear parabolic equations of Cahn-Hilliard type (01/2015)
- Foelner C*-algebras and applications (01/2015)
- Formal Series for dynamical systems (01/2015)
- Formal series and numerical integrators: some history and some new tech- niques (01/2015)
- Formation and kinetic roughening of hillocks by alkaline wet etching of Si (01/2015)
- Fronts of compact bacterial colonies are not in the KPZ universality class (01/2015)
- Geodésicas que escapan a infinito en superficies de curvatura negativa (01/2015)
- Gromov hyperbolicity in Myecielskian graphs (01/2015)
- Hermitian linearizations of Hermitian matrix polynomials preserving the sign characteristic (01/2015)
- High order recurrence relation, Hermite-Padé approximation, and Nikishin systems (01/2015)
- Hiperbolicidad en el sentido de Gromov de grafos Mycielskianos (01/2015)
- Inverse eigenstructure problems for matrix polynomials (01/2015)
- Learning dynamics explains human behavior in Prisoner's Dilemma on networks (01/2015)
- Linearizations of Hermitian matrix polynomials preserving the sign characteristic (01/2015)
- Linearizations of Hermitian matrix polynomials preserving the sign characteristic (01/2015)
- Linearizations of rational function matrices (01/2015)
- Low rank perturbation of canonical forms (01/2015)
- Low rank perturbation of canonical forms (01/2015)
- Low rank perturbations of canonical forms (01/2015)
- Low-energy ion damage overrides initial atomic structural disorder in silicon nano-patterning (01/2015)
- Matrix polynomials with completely prescribed eigenstructure (01/2015)
- Minimum and maximum degree and hyperbolicity constant in graphs (01/2015)
- Minimum and maximum degree and hyperbolicity constant in graphs (01/2015)
- Modeling and numerical simulation of ion-beam irradiated surfaces with anisotropic diffusion (01/2015)
- Modeling and numerical simulations of ion-beam irradiated surfaces with anisotropic diffusion (01/2015)
- Multiple Geronimus Transformations (01/2015)
- Neutral evolution and the acceleration of the molecular clock (01/2015)
- Non-uniform distribution of stress as a key to surface nanopatterning by ion-beam irradiation (01/2015)
- Non-uniform stress as a driving force for semiconductor surface nanostructuring by ion beams (01/2015)
- Nonuniversality due to inhomogeneous stress in semiconductor surface nanopatterning by low-energy ion-beam irradiation (01/2015)
- Notions of Amenability (01/2015)
- On a Markov theorem for type I Hermite-Padé approximation of a Nikishin system (01/2015)
- On first order asymptotic expansions for multiplicative perturbation of eigenvalues (01/2015)
- On hyperbolicity in the Cartesian Sum of Graphs (01/2015)
- On the Atiyah's index Theorem for manifolds with boundary and the eta-invariant. (01/2015)
- On the Cartesian sum of graphs and hyperbolicity (01/2015)
- On the convergence of type I Hermite&-Padé approximants for rational perturbations of a Nikishin system (01/2015)
- On the multisymplectic formalism of first-order Hamiltonian field theories on manifolds with boundary: an application to Palatini's gravity (01/2015)
- Operator algebra: amenability aspects around Roe-algebras (01/2015)
- Orthogonal polynomials in Sobolev spaces. An overview (01/2015)
- Parameterized condition numbers for quasiseparable matrices (01/2015)
- Pattern-wavelength coarsening from topological dynamics in silicon nanofoams (01/2015)
- Pattern-wavelength coarsening in silicon nanofoams produced by ion plasma erosion (01/2015)
- Perturbation theory of the Moore-Penrose inverse and the least squares problema. (01/2015)
- Polynomial Zigzag matrices, dual minimal bases, and applications (01/2015)
- Projection methods for large T-Sylvester equations (01/2015)
- Quasi-Canonical forms for matrix polynomials (01/2015)
- Quasilinear elliptic equations with lower order terms (01/2015)
- Quasilinear elliptic equations with lower order terms (01/2015)
- Random unconditionality in Banach spaces (01/2015)
- Random unconditionally convergent bases in Banach spaces. (01/2015)
- Recent advances on inverse problems for matrix polynomials (01/2015)
- Relative perturbation theory for diagonally dominant matrices (01/2015)
- Reputation drives cooperative behaviour and network formation in human groups (01/2015)
- Simple conditions constraining the set of quantum correlations. (01/2015)
- Small data: social experiments as tools for modelling (01/2015)
- Social imitation vs strategic choice in the networked Prisoner's Dilemma. (01/2015)
- Social media fingerprints of unemployment (01/2015)
- Spatial coordination and cooperation among humans: experimental results (01/2015)
- Stress vs sputtering effects in the propagation of surface ripples produced by ion-beam sputtering (01/2015)
- Structured condition numbers for the solution of parameterized quasiseparable linear systems (01/2015)
- Structured linearizations that preserve the sign characteristic of Hermitian matrix polynomials (01/2015)
- Structured vs. unstructured spectral perturbation: a particular overview (01/2015)
- Symplectic Runge-Kutta methods in nonsymplectic applications (01/2015)
- Symplectic integrators for nonsymplectic problems (01/2015)
- Temporal dynamics of intra and inter-city social network (01/2015)
- Temporal dynamics of intra and inter-city social networks (01/2015)
- The Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator on graphs. (01/2015)
- The Hybrid MONTE CARLO Algorithm: New Developments (01/2015)
- The Power of Randomness: Two Hopefully Thought-Provoking Numerical Experiments (01/2015)
- Two-Level orthogonal Arnoldi method for large rational eigenvalue problems (01/2015)
- Unveiling behavioral phenotypes in a lab-in-the-field, social dilemma experiment. (01/2015)
- Volker Mehrmann and modern factorizations of symplectic matrices (01/2015)
- Word Series for the Analysis of SDE Integrators (01/2015)
- Word series for the analysis of splitting SDE integrators (01/2015)
- nth Root Asymptotics for Multiple Meixner Polynomials (01/2015)
- toyLIFE: the complexities of the genotype-phenotype map (01/2015)
- A Cohen type inequality for Laguerre-Sobolev expansions (01/2014)
- A collocation spectral method to solve the heterogeneous logistic equation in circular domains (01/2014)
- A matrix approach for the coherence of orthogonal polynomials (01/2014)
- Applications of Morse families in dynamics. (01/2014)
- Are you are social keeper of a social explorer? Managing thousands of friends in the economy of attention (01/2014)
- Are you are social keeper of a social explorer? Managing thousands of friends in the economy of attention (01/2014)
- Asymptotic analysis of polynomials orthogonal with respect to an oscillatory weight function (01/2014)
- Asymptotic analysis of the partition function in the cubic random matrix model (01/2014)
- Asymptotic behavior of the partial derivatives of Laguerre kernels and some applications. (01/2014)
- Asymptotics for Laguerre-Sobolev type orthogonal polynomials modifed within their oscillatory regime (01/2014)
- Asymptotics of orthogonal polynomials with respect to oscillatory weights (01/2014)
- Backward error and conditioning of Fiedler companion linearizations (01/2014)
- Backward error and conditioning of Fiedler linearizations (01/2014)
- Backward stability of polynomial root-finding using Fiedler companion matrices (01/2014)
- Backward stability of polynomial root-finding using Fiedler companion matrices (01/2014)
- Backward stability of polynomial root-finding using Fiedler companion matrices (01/2014)
- Banach lattice versions of strict singularity (01/2014)
- Banach lattice versions of strict singularity (01/2014)
- Bolas en métricas aleatorias: la borrachera de Euclides (01/2014)
- Bounds on Gromov hyperbolicity constant (01/2014)
- Bounds on the Hyperbolicity Constant (01/2014)
- Characterization of the hyperbolicity in the lexicographic product (01/2014)
- Classical solutions for nonlinear fractional diffusion equations (01/2014)
- Convergence of type I Hermite-Padé approximants of systems of meromorphic functions (01/2014)
- Convex bodies of states, majorization and Atiyah's convexity theorem (01/2014)
- Cooperación en redes: teorías, experimentos y experimentos bien hechos (01/2014)
- Desigualdades Isoperimétricas (01/2014)
- Disjoint sequences in Banach lattices (01/2014)
- Disjointly homogeneous Banach lattices (01/2014)
- Distinctive power of the alliance polynomial for regular graphs (01/2014)
- Distortion of the hyperbolicity constant in minor graphs (01/2014)
- Dominio y rango óptimos para operadores de Hardy en espacios invariantes por reordenamientos (01/2014)
- Dual minimal bases and inverse problems for polynomial matrices (01/2014)
- Dynamics of thin liquid films controlled by thermal fluctuations (01/2014)
- Existence Results for Some Systems of Coupled Fractional Nonlinear Schrodinger Equations (01/2014)
- Existence and Multiplicity Results of Fourth-Order Semilinear Parabolic Equations of Cahn-Hilliard Type (01/2014)
- Existence and multiplicity results of Fourth-Order Semilinear Parabolic Equations of Cahn&-Hilliard Type (01/2014)
- Fair linking mechanisms for resource allocation with correlated player types (01/2014)
- Finite operators and Foelner sequences of projections (01/2014)
- First order expansions for eigenvalues of multiplicatively perturbed matrices (01/2014)
- Foelner sequences of projections in operator theory and operator algebras (01/2014)
- Formation and maintenance of nitrogen fixing cell patterns in filamentous cyanobacteria (01/2014)
- Fragility and robustness of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class (01/2014)
- Fragility and robustness of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class (01/2014)
- Función de partición en el modelo de matrices aleatorias con potencial cúbico (01/2014)
- Física de las interacciones estratégicas (01/2014)
- Gradient bounds and large solutions for some nonlinear elliptic equations (01/2014)
- Graphs with small hyperbolicity constant (01/2014)
- Gromov Hyperbolicity in Mycielski Graphs: "Hiperbolicidad en el sentido de Gromov en grafos Mycielskianos" (01/2014)
- Human coordination in the presence of local and global information: a laboratory experiment (01/2014)
- Interplay between columnar and smectic stability in suspensions of polydisperse colloidal platelets (01/2014)
- Isoperimetric inequalities in graphs and surfaces (01/2014)
- LOCC transformations and the maximally entangled set of multipartite quantum states (01/2014)
- Large degree asymptotics of polynomials orthogonal with respect to oscillatory weights (01/2014)
- Lexicographic product graphs and hyperbolicity in the Gromov sense (01/2014)
- Liquid-crystal patterns of rectangular particles in a square nanocavity (01/2014)
- Liquid-crystal patterns of rectangular particles in a square nanocavity (01/2014)
- Measurable diagonalization of positive de nite matrices and applications to non-diagonal Sobolev orthogonal polynomials (01/2014)
- Mentes y máquinas: Ciencia-ficción, Física y Matemáticas (01/2014)
- Moody conditional cooperation on spatially structured populations: experimental evidence and theoretical implications (01/2014)
- Morse families in optimal control problems (01/2014)
- New Properties of Vector Spaces of (Quasi) Linearizations (01/2014)
- New spreading law of thin film liquids controlled by gravity and vdW forces under thermal fluctuations (01/2014)
- Nonlocal heat equations: decay estimates and Nash inequalities (01/2014)
- Nonuniform stress as a key to surface nanopatterning by ion beam irradiation (01/2014)
- On Computational Aspects of Discrete Sobolev Inner Products on the Unit Circle (01/2014)
- On Kato's representation theorem for a class of functions on infinite dimensional Kähler manifolds (01/2014)
- On Row Sequences of Padé and Hermite-Padé Approximation (01/2014)
- On a Class of Kählerian Hamiltonian Systems on Infinite Dimensional Kähler Manifolds with Holomorphic Flows (01/2014)
- On the convergence of Hermite-Padé approximants (01/2014)
- On the geometrical foundations of Field Theories on manifolds with boundary: Palatinis formulation of gravity (01/2014)
- On the structure of Schwinger's measurement algebra: groups, groupoids and 2-groupoids (01/2014)
- Operadores no acotados en Espacios de Hilbert(Tema A.1) (01/2014)
- Optimal rearrangement invariant range for Hardy type operators (01/2014)
- Orthogonal Polynomials with respect to a Differential Operator. The Jacobi case (01/2014)
- Phase behavior of liquid-crystal monolayers of rod-like and plate-like particles (01/2014)
- Phase behavior of liquid-crystal monolayers of rod-like and plate-like particles (01/2014)
- Pontryagin's Maximum Principle for Some Families of PDEs (01/2014)
- Positive Solutions to Some Systems of Coupled Nonlinear Schrodinger Equations (01/2014)
- Projection methods for large T-Sylvester equations (01/2014)
- Projection methods for large T-Sylvester equations (01/2014)
- Quasi-Canonical Forms for Quadratic Matrix Polynomials (01/2014)
- Quasi-Canonical forms for quadratic matrix polynomials (01/2014)
- Quasi-isometries and isoperimetric inequalities in Riemann surfaces (01/2014)
- Random geometry and the KPZ universality class (01/2014)
- Random geometry and the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class (01/2014)
- Random unconditionality for bases in Banach spaces (01/2014)
- Random unconditionally convergence and bases in Banach spaces (01/2014)
- Relations between the differential and parameters in graphs (01/2014)
- Reputation drives cooperative behaviour and network formation in human groups (01/2014)
- Revealing patterns of local species richness along environmental gradients with a novel network tool (01/2014)
- Social media and city dynamics (01/2014)
- Spectral transformations, Sobolev orthogonal polynomials and more (01/2014)
- Strong Anisotropy in Surface Kinetic Roughening: Theory and Experiments (01/2014)
- Strong anisotropy in two-dimensional surfaces with generic scale invariance: Non-linear effects (01/2014)
- Sylvester equations and the matrix symmetrizer problem (01/2014)
- Temporal dynamics of social networks within cities (01/2014)
- The dynamics of social networks within cities (01/2014)
- The general inverse matrix polynomial index structure problem (01/2014)
- The inverse complex eigenvector problem for real tridiagonal matrices (01/2014)
- The maximally entangled set of multipartite quantum states (01/2014)
- The maximally entangled set of multipartite quantum states (01/2014)
- The role of topology on the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class (01/2014)
- The role of topology on the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class (01/2014)
- Towards the development of a learning analytics extension in open edX (01/2014)
- Type I Hermite-Padé approximation for certain systems of meromorphic functions (01/2014)
- Zeros of para‐orthogonal polynomials and linear spectral transformations on the unit circle (01/2014)
- toyLIFE: un universo de juguete para comprender mejor la evolución (01/2014)
- (M,N)-coherent pairs of order (m,k) and Sobolev orthogonal polynomials (01/2013)
- A classical critical problem in a non-classical fractional setting (01/2013)
- A new network technique identifies the climate fingerprint behind woody species richness in Mediterranean forests (01/2013)
- Alan Turing and the origins of modern Gaussian elimination (01/2013)
- Alliance polynomial of a graph (01/2013)
- Asymptotic Analysis of the Cubic Random Matrix Model (01/2013)
- Asymptotic Behaviour of Zeros of Exceptional Jacobi and Laguerre Polynomials (01/2013)
- CMV matrices and spectral transformations of measures (01/2013)
- Characterization of some class of graphs by its alliance polynomial (01/2013)
- Condition numbers for inversion of Fiedler companion matrices (01/2013)
- Convergence of type II Hermite-Padé approximation for a class of meromorphic functions (01/2013)
- Cooperation in human societies: theory and experiments (01/2013)
- Cooperation increases with age in 4-player iterated Prisoner's Dilemma experiments: evidence from lab-in-the-field experiments (01/2013)
- Direct and inverse results on the convergence of row sequences of Hermite-Padé approximation (01/2013)
- Directional perturbations in structured eigenproblems (01/2013)
- Disjointly homogenous Banach lattices: duality and complementation (01/2013)
- Energy Dependence Of The Ripple Wavelength For Ion-Beam Sputtering Of Silicon: Experiments And Theory (01/2013)
- Evolution on genotype networks leads to phenotypic entrapment (01/2013)
- Evolutionary explanation of Moody Conditional Cooperation (01/2013)
- First order Hamiltonian field theories in manifolds with boundary: the Nambu sigma model (01/2013)
- Formation and maintenance of nitrogen fixing cell patterns in filamentous cyanobacteria (01/2013)
- From economics to ecology and back: resilience and key actors (01/2013)
- Generalized sampling in U-invariant subspaces (01/2013)
- Gromov hyperbolicity of generalized chordal graphs (01/2013)
- Gromov hyperbolicity of periodic planar graphs (01/2013)
- Heterogeneous Network Games: Conflicting Preferences (01/2013)
- Hierachical Self-Assembly of One Dimensional Au Nanodot Arrays by Ion Beam Sputtering (01/2013)
- Highly accurate numerical linear algebra (01/2013)
- Hyperbolicity in the Gromov sense of the strong product of two graphs (01/2013)
- Hyperbolicity in the Gromov sense of the strong product of two graphs (01/2013)
- Hyperbolicity of line graphs with edges of arbitrary lengths (01/2013)
- Influence of the co-deposited metal content in the formation dynamics of silicon nanodot patterns produced by low-energy ion beam sputtering (01/2013)
- Instabilities and Anisotropy vs Surface Kinetic Roughening: Theory and Experiments (01/2013)
- La topología de las bolas en superficies Riemannianas (01/2013)
- Lab-in-the field transition probabilities when playing prisoner's dilemma (01/2013)
- Limited communication capacity unveils strategies for human interaction (01/2013)
- Limited communication capacity unveils strategies for human interaction (01/2013)
- Muckenhoupt inequality with three measures and applications to Sobolev Orthogonal Polynomials (01/2013)
- Multiple Orthogonality, Hermite-Padé Approximation, and Higher Order Recurrence Relations (01/2013)
- Nano dots and nano ripples by ion induced sputtering: continuum descriptions (01/2013)
- Network analysis unravels patterns of species richness along a climatic gradient in Spanish forests (01/2013)
- Neutral evolution and phenotypic entrapment (01/2013)
- Neutral evolution and phenotypic entrapment (01/2013)
- New spreading law of thin film liquids controlled by gravity and vdW forces under thermal fluctuations (01/2013)
- New trends on orthogonal polynomials in Sobolev spaces (01/2013)
- On a symplectic Radon transform (01/2013)
- On the hyperbolicity constant of extended chordal graphs (01/2013)
- On the inverse problem on mechanics for constrained systems (01/2013)
- On the notion of integrability of dynamical systems: nilpotent integrability and serendipity (01/2013)
- Partition function in the Hermitian random matrix model with cubic potential (01/2013)
- Phase transition of a meniscus in a capillary under the influence of gravity (01/2013)
- Phase transition of a meniscus in a capillary under the influence of gravity (01/2013)
- Phase transitions with mid-range interactions: a non-local Stefan model (01/2013)
- Physics and (experimental) economics: should they care about each other? (01/2013)
- Quantum holonomy control and quantum control at the boundary (01/2013)
- Quantum walks and dynamics on graphs (01/2013)
- Quasi-isometries and isoperimetric inequalities in planar domains (01/2013)
- Random unconditionally convergent bases in Banach spaces (01/2013)
- Reduction of Jordan and Lie-Jordan Banach algebra (01/2013)
- Regular and singular matrix polynomials. Spectral information. Linearizations (01/2013)
- Reputation-Based Mechanisms for Evolutionary Master-Worker Computing (01/2013)
- Second order conditions for local controllability of discrete-time systems (01/2013)
- Sobre la estructura geométrica de las superficies riemannianas (01/2013)
- Spectral equivalence of Matrix Polynomials, the Index Sum Theorem and consequences (01/2013)
- Spectral equivalence of Matrix Polynomials, the Index Sum Theorem and consequences (01/2013)
- Spectral gaps for periodic discrete and metric graphs (01/2013)
- Statistical Physics of Soft and Hard Interfaces (01/2013)
- Stress-induced solid flow drives surface nanopatterning of silicon by ion-beam irradiation (01/2013)
- Strong anisotropy in surface kinetic roughening: theory and experiments (01/2013)
- Structure theorem and escaping geodesic on Riemannian manifolds (01/2013)
- Structured Backward Relative Error Bounds for Eigenvalues of Tridiagonal Matrices (01/2013)
- Structured eigenvalue condition numbers for parameterized quasiseparable matrices (01/2013)
- Structured eigenvalue condition numbers for parameterized quasiseparable matrices (01/2013)
- Surface nanostructuring by ion-beam irradiation: continuum descriptions (01/2013)
- Systematic analysis of system-caused systemic risk (01/2013)
- Systematic analysis of system-caused systemic risk (01/2013)
- Systematic analysis of system-caused systemic risk (SOE 2: Financial Markets and Risk Management I) (01/2013)
- Temporal evolution of initially patterned surface by ion beam sputtering (01/2013)
- Teoría de muestreo en espacios unitariamente invariantes (01/2013)
- The Poisson sigma model revisited (01/2013)
- The compensation game and the real nonnegative inverse eigenvalue problem (01/2013)
- The convex hull of a Banach-Saks set (01/2013)
- The dynamics of human social behavior in communication networks (01/2013)
- There is plenty of room at the boundary (01/2013)
- Towards a proper assignment of systemic risk: the combined roles of network topology and shock characteristics (01/2013)
- Una aproximación probabilística a la incondicionalidad en espacios de Banach (01/2013)
- Using Friends as Sensors to Detect Global-Scale Contagious Outbreaks (01/2013)
- Using friends as sensors to detect global-scale contagious outbreaks (01/2013)
- toyLIFE: a toy Universe for gaining insight into biological evolution (01/2013)
- (1,1)-q-Coherent Pairs (01/2012)
- 2D liquid crystal confined in a square cavity (01/2012)
- A matrix pencil tool to solve a sampling problem (01/2012)
- Achieving Reliability in Master-worker Computing via Evolutionary Dynamics (01/2012)
- Achieving Reliability in Master-worker Computing via Evolutionary Dynamics (01/2012)
- Agent specific impact of single trades in financial markets (01/2012)
- Arithmetic means and convex sets in Banach spaces (01/2012)
- Asymptotic analysis of complex Gaussian quadrature rules (01/2012)
- Bounds on hyperbolicity constant of line graphs (01/2012)
- Casimir effect between Topoligical Insulators (01/2012)
- Casimir effect between Topological Insulators: a proposal for quantum levitation (01/2012)
- Casimir interaction between inclined metallic cylinders (01/2012)
- Characterization of the restricted type spaces R(X) (01/2012)
- Classification of Handwritten Digits (01/2012)
- Como afectan las redes sociales al mensaje (01/2012)
- Complex dynamics caused by facilitation in polluted landscapes (01/2012)
- Computing accurance eigenvalues and eigenvectors of gradede symmetric indefinite matrices (01/2012)
- Comunidades de conversación politica en redes sociales (01/2012)
- Condition numbers of Fiedler companion matrices (01/2012)
- Desambiguación semántica mediante una red de co-ocurrencias (01/2012)
- Direct and inverse results on the convergence of row sequences of Hermite-Padé approximation (01/2012)
- Direct and inverse results on the convergence of row sequences of Hermite-Padé approximation (01/2012)
- Does intolerance emerge naturally in a reputation world? (01/2012)
- Does spatial structure matter? (01/2012)
- Ecology of trading strategies in financial markets (01/2012)
- Ecuaciones elípticas singulares y aplicaciones a problemas de control (01/2012)
- Efecto de la polidispersidad y asimetría de partículas oblatas en los diagramas de fases de emulsiones coloidales (01/2012)
- Eigenvector recovery of linearizations and the condition number of eigenvalues of matrix polynomials (01/2012)
- El efecto ratchet en la partícula relativista (01/2012)
- Elliptic problems involving fractions of the Laplacian operator (01/2012)
- Estocasticidad y exclusión competitiva en comunidades ecológicas (01/2012)
- Estrategias sociales de comunicación (01/2012)
- Evolving on phenotype landscapes (01/2012)
- Folner sequences in operator theory and operator algebras (01/2012)
- Fronteras sobre Hiperbolicidad constante de gráficos (01/2012)
- Gromov hyperbolicity of line graphs (01/2012)
- High-dimensional connectivity and cooperation (01/2012)
- Highly accurate numerical linear algebra via rank revealing decompositions (01/2012)
- Hiperbolicidad de Gromov de gráficos planos periódicos (01/2012)
- How reciprocity renders networks irrelevant for cooperation in social dilemmas (01/2012)
- Interconnection kinematic reduction and Hamilton-Jacobi equation (01/2012)
- Inverses and condition numbers of Fiedler companion matrices (01/2012)
- La corriente promedio en los "rocking ratchets" (01/2012)
- Lagrangian submanifolds and Hamilton-Jacobi equation (01/2012)
- Lipschitz bounds for nonlinear elliptic equation with strong singularity at the boundary (01/2012)
- Lipschitz estimates for solutions of elliptic equations singular at the boundary (01/2012)
- Matrix representation of codimension-two Big-Bang bifurcations, Proof of existence and stability in DC-DC converters. Boost and Buck-Boost (01/2012)
- Microscopic tip fluctuations drive the morphology of macroscopic Fisher fronts (01/2012)
- Network Reciprocity, Large-Scale Experiments and the Prisoners Dilemma: the Last Word (01/2012)
- Network>Sum(person): harnessing social networks to solve new challenges (01/2012)
- On Fourier Series of Jacobi-Sobolev Orthogonal Polynomials (01/2012)
- On orthogonal polynomials with respect to a class of differential operators (01/2012)
- On polynomials orthogonal with respect to Bessel weight functions (01/2012)
- On the Hyperbolicity Constant of Line Graphs (01/2012)
- On the irrationality of consensus in heterogeneous networks (01/2012)
- Parametrization of generalized LU factorizations of singular matrice (01/2012)
- Partition function and free energy in the cubic random matrix model (01/2012)
- Pattern formation of nitrogen fixing cells in filamentous cyanobacteria (01/2012)
- Phase Transition of a Meniscus un Capillary under the Influence of Gravity (01/2012)
- Prevalencia de la generosidad en reciprocidad directa (01/2012)
- Problemas elípticos no lineales con términos de orden inferior singulares (01/2012)
- Quadratic Forms, unbouneded Self-adjoint Operators and sekf-adjoint extensions of the Laplace-Beltrami Operator (01/2012)
- Quadratic realizability for structured matrix polynomials (01/2012)
- Rational and irrational dynamics are both needed to reach consensus in random topologies (01/2012)
- Realistic Human Behavior and Prisoners Dilemma on Networks (01/2012)
- Recent trends in Orthogonal Polynomials on the Unit Circle (01/2012)
- Response to social norms enhancement by heterogeneous populations (01/2012)
- Sampling in reproducing kernel Banach spaces (01/2012)
- Sensitivity of eigenvalues of an unsymmetric tridiagonal matrix (01/2012)
- Sensitivity problems for Fiedler matrices (01/2012)
- Social Mobilization in Context (01/2012)
- Social features of online networks: The strength of intermediary ties in online social media (01/2012)
- Some results about large solutions for nonlinear elliptic equations and their applications (01/2012)
- Spectral properties of disjointly strictly singular operators (01/2012)
- Stability of numerical algorithms with quasiseparable matrices (01/2012)
- Strong Asympototic Behavior of Eigenpolynomials for a Class of Linear Differential Operators (01/2012)
- Strong anisotropy in surface kinetic roughening: theory and experiments (01/2012)
- Structured eigenvalue condition numbers for parameterized quasiseparable matrices (01/2012)
- Structured perturbation theory for diagonally dominant matrices (01/2012)
- The Newton Polygon and Structured Eigenvalue Perturbation (01/2012)
- The Sylvester equation for congruence and some related equations (01/2012)
- The evolution of communication ties (01/2012)
- The evolution of communication ties (01/2012)
- Theoretical and numerical analysis of complex bifurcation diagrams related to a class of superlinear indefinite problems (01/2012)
- There is no such thing as network reciprocity when humans play a Prisoner´s Dilemma (01/2012)
- Three lectures on global boundary conditions and the theory of self-adjoint extensions of the covariant Laplace-Beltrami and Dirac operators on Riemannian manifolds with boundary (01/2012)
- Universal reciprocal behavior in iterated prisoner's dilemmas: Three is a crowd (01/2012)
- Universal reciprocal behavior in iterated prisoner's dilemmas: three is a crowd (01/2012)
- A version of the fundamental theorem of algebra for Markov functions and generalization of Markov´s theorem (01/2011)
- About games and invasions (01/2011)
- Accurate Solution of Structured Linear System and Least Square Problems Through Rank Revealing Decompositions (01/2011)
- Accurate Solutions of Structured Linear Systems and Linear Square Problems (01/2011)
- Accurate solution of the least squares problems via rank-revealing decomposition (01/2011)
- An adaptative numerical method to handle blow-up in a parabolic system (01/2011)
- Analytical and Numerical Aspects of a Generalization of the Complementary Error Function (01/2011)
- Analytical description of pattern formation processes by ion beam erosion (01/2011)
- Analytical sampling, Lagrange-type interpolation series and de Branges spaces (01/2011)
- Around Folner sequences in Operator Theory and Operator Algebras (01/2011)
- Aspects of Higher Order Differential Equations (01/2011)
- Asymptotic Numerical Methods for Oscillatory Systems of Differential Equations (01/2011)
- Asymptotic Numerical Solvers for Oscillatory Systems of Differential Equations (01/2011)
- CMV, GGT, and Factorization of Matrices. Some Applications in Signal Theory (01/2011)
- Capillarity and gravity: New phase transitions (01/2011)
- Chaos and Unpredictability in Evolutionary Dynamics in Discrete Time (01/2011)
- Characterization of accessibility for affine connection control systems at some points with nonzero velocity (01/2011)
- Compactly supported reconstruction functions in average sampling: A matrix pencil approach (01/2011)
- Condition numbers of Fieldles Companion matrices (01/2011)
- Congruence orbits of matrices and palindromic pencils, and the solution of the equation XA+AX^T=0 (01/2011)
- Consistency and efficient solution of the Sylvester equation for ⋆-congruence: AX + X⋆B = C (01/2011)
- Consistency and efficient solution of the Sylvester equation for congruence: AX+X?B = C (01/2011)
- Differential Orthogonality and Hydrodynamical Models (01/2011)
- Directional perturbation in structures eigenproblems (01/2011)
- Domination propieties and operator ideals (01/2011)
- Dynamic effects induced by renormalization in anisotropic pattern forming systems (01/2011)
- Effect of polydispercity and soft interactions on the nematic versus smectic phase stability in platelet suspensions (01/2011)
- Emergence of Responsive Strategies in Iterative Games (01/2011)
- Emergencia de estrategias en juegos iterados con reciprocidad directa (01/2011)
- Escaping geodesics in Riemannian surfaces with variable negative curvature (01/2011)
- Estudio mediante geometría intrínseca de procesos de crecimiento cinéticos con rugosidad (01/2011)
- Evolutionary Dynamics and Conditional Cooperation in the Iterated Prisoners Dilemma (01/2011)
- Extrapolación en $L^{p, \infty}(\mu)$ (01/2011)
- Fases nemáticas biaxiales en fluidos de partículas duras con geometría tipo losa (01/2011)
- Fiedler linearizations of matrix polynomials (01/2011)
- Fluctuations in a moving boundary description of diffusive interface growth (01/2011)
- Foelner sequences in operator Theory and operator Algebras (01/2011)
- Fundamentos de la teoría de control óptimo geométrico (01/2011)
- Generalized sampling in L2 (Rd) shift-invariant subspaces with multiple stable generators (01/2011)
- Generators of the group of rational spectral transformations for non-trivial C-functions (01/2011)
- Generators of the group of rational spectral transformations for nontrivial C-functions (01/2011)
- Hamiltonian perturbation of imaginary eigenvalues and passivation problem (01/2011)
- Hermite Padé Approximation and Asymptotics of Multiple Orthogonal Polynomials (01/2011)
- Huge Progeny Production during the Transient of a Quasispecies Model of Viral Infection, Reproduction and Mutation (01/2011)
- Human Behavior on Networks: Lessons and Perspectives from Game Theory (01/2011)
- Implicit Jacobi Algorithm for the SVD with High Relative Accuracy (01/2011)
- Integrating multiple signals in to cellular decisions by netwirks of protein modification cycles (01/2011)
- Integrating multiple signals into cell decisions by networks of protein modification cycles (01/2011)
- Invasion Dynamics in Iterative Games (01/2011)
- Ion bearb etching of optical silicon surface and surface roughness optimization (01/2011)
- KPZ asymptotics of the noisy Kuramoto-Sivashinshy equation in two dimensions (01/2011)
- La complejidad de los mercados financieros (01/2011)
- La ecuación de Kuramoto-Sivashinsky estocástica pertenece a la clase de universalidad Kardar-Parisi-Zhang en dos dimensiones (01/2011)
- La lucha por el espacio: extinción viral debida a la competencia por celulas (01/2011)
- Las geodésicas con curvatura negatva (01/2011)
- Lipschitz estimates for solutions of elliptic equations singular at the boundary (01/2011)
- Macroscopic effects of internal noise on Fisher fronts (01/2011)
- Mathematical Modeling of Human Communication (01/2011)
- Mixed type Angelesco-AT system are pefect (01/2011)
- Modular Theory for von Neumann algebras and some applications to quantum physics (01/2011)
- Monotonicity of Zeros of Laguerre-Sobolev Type Orthogonal Polynomials (01/2011)
- Muestreo generalizado en subespacios invariantes por traslación de L2 (Rd). (01/2011)
- N-coherent pairs of measures (01/2011)
- Nanoscale pattern formation at surfaces under ion-beam sputtering: A perspective from continuum models (01/2011)
- Nanoscale pattern formation at surfaces under ion-beam sputtering: A perspective from continuum models (01/2011)
- Nanoscale pattern formation at surfaces under ion-beam sputtering: a perspective from continuum models (01/2011)
- Numerical and Asymptotic Analysis of Oscillatory Systems of Differential Equations (01/2011)
- On a class of orthogonal polynomials with respect to Jacobi operator (01/2011)
- On a new class of matrix orthogonal polynomials satisfying second order differential equations (01/2011)
- Orthogonal Polynomials for Complex Gaussian Quadrature (01/2011)
- Orthogonal polynomials and Sobolev inner products asymptotics, zeros and spectral properties (01/2011)
- Orthogonality with respect to a Laguerre differential operator and fluid dynamical model (01/2011)
- Palindromic pencils, orbits, and the solution of the equation XA+AXT = 0 (01/2011)
- Partition Function and Free Energy in the Cubic Random Matrix Model (01/2011)
- Pattern formation vs kinetic roughening in diffusive interface growth (01/2011)
- Perturbations of moment matrices (01/2011)
- Prisioner´s Dilemma on a sizeable network: experiment and theory (01/2011)
- Prisoner's Dilemma on a Sizeable Network: An Experiment with Human Subjects (01/2011)
- Prisoner's Dilemma on a Sizeable Network: Experiment and Theory (01/2011)
- Problemas elipticos no lineales con terminos de orden inferior singulares (01/2011)
- Quadratic decomposition of orthogonal polynomials, Stieltjes functions and Laguerre-Hahn linear functionals (01/2011)
- Quantitative description of IBS nanopattern dynamics through an effective interface equation (01/2011)
- Recent Results on Fiedler Linearizations for Matrix Polynomials (01/2011)
- Recovery of eigenvectors of matrix polynomials from generalized Fiedler linearizations (01/2011)
- Recovery of eigenvectors of matrix polynomials from generalized Fielder linearizations (01/2011)
- Reduction of Optimal Control Problems with Symmetry and Dirac Structures (01/2011)
- Replicator Dynamics for the Multiplayers Prisoner's Dilemma with "Moody" Conditional Cooperators (01/2011)
- Road to tomography of fields (01/2011)
- Social networks, communication patterns between humans and information diffusion (01/2011)
- Stability of QR-based system solvers for a subclass of Quasiseparable Order One matrices (01/2011)
- Stress driven viscous flow: theory and experiments (01/2011)
- Structured Perturbation Theory for Diagonally Dominant Matrices and Numerical Applications (01/2011)
- Structured perturbation theory of diagonally dominant matrices and numerical applications (01/2011)
- Systematic study of responsive strategies through an invasion scheme (01/2011)
- Szego and para-orthogonal polynomials on the real line. Zeros and canonical spectral transformations (01/2011)
- Temporal patterns of human communication (01/2011)
- The Cauchy Problem for a Fourth-Order Thin Film Equation (01/2011)
- The Cauchy Problem for a Fourth-Order Thin Film Equation (01/2011)
- The Cauchy Problem of a Fourth-Order Thin Film Equation (01/2011)
- The Cauchy Problem of a Fourth-Order Thin Film Equation (01/2011)
- The Cauchy Problem of a Fourth-Order Thin Film Equation (01/2011)
- The Elementary Divisor Structure of Quadratic Matrix Polynomials (01/2011)
- The Quadratic Realizability Problem for Matrix Polynomials (01/2011)
- The Role of Short-Cuts for the Emergence of Cooperation on Random Topologies (01/2011)
- The Struggle for Space: A New Mechanism to Viral Extinction (01/2011)
- The Theory of Orbits in Numerical Linear Algebra and Control Theory (01/2011)
- The dynamical strength of social ties in information spreading (01/2011)
- The multiplication operator, zero location and asymptotic for non-diagonal Sobolev norms (01/2011)
- The multiplication operator, zero location and asymptotic for non-diagonal Sobolev norms. (01/2011)
- The solution of the equation XA+AXT = 0 and its application to the theory of orbits (01/2011)
- Time allocation in social networks: correlation between social structure and human dynamics (01/2011)
- Topological Expansion in the Cubic Random Matrix Model (01/2011)
- Topological Traps and Coordination Failures on Real Networks (01/2011)
- Unstable non-local interface dynamics (01/2011)
- What lies beyond the surface tension?: the self-interaction of a fluid interface (01/2011)
- Zero location and asymptotic behavior for extremal polynomials with non-diagonal Sobolev norms (01/2011)
- ¿A dónde nos llevó el control óptimo geométrico? (01/2011)
- Recent Trends in Two Variable Orthogonal Polynomials (01/2010)
- Biaxial Nematic and Smectic Phases of Parallel Particles with Different Cross Sections (01/2009)
- Structured Hölder Condition Numbers for Multiple Eigenvalues (01/2009)
- Uniformly Separated Sets in Riemann Surfaces, Gromov Hyperbolicity and the Topology of Balls (01/2009)
- A Quantum Theory of Constraints (01/2008)
- A Simple Characterization of Weighted Sobolev Spaces with Bounded Multiplication Operator (01/2008)
- A Simple Characterization of Weighted Sobolev Spaces with Bounded Multiplication Operator (01/2008)
- Acoplamiento del transporte de material y la morfología en superficies sometidas a erosión iónica (01/2008)
- An Exactly Solvable Model for Theoretical Ecosystem Assembly (01/2008)
- An Explicit Expression of the Ratio Asymptotics of Hermite-Padé Polynomials for Nikishin Systems (01/2008)
- An Invitation to Modular Theory and von Neumann Algebras (01/2008)
- An Orthogonal and Symmetric High Relative Accuracy Algorithm for the Symmetric Eigenproblem (01/2008)
- Approximation in Weighted Sobolev Spaces by Smooth Functions (01/2008)
- Blow-Up for a Nonlocal Diffusion Equation and a Reaction Term with Neumann Boundary Conditions (01/2008)
- Blow-Up for a Nonlocal Diffusion Problem with Neumann Boundary Conditions and a Reaction Term (01/2008)
- Carathéodory Functions, Perturbation of Measures and Spectral Transformations of Measures on the Unit Circle (01/2008)
- Community Connectivity and Heterogeneity: Clues and Insights on Cooperation on Social Networks (01/2008)
- Competition and Cooperation (01/2008)
- Complete Blow-Up and Avalanche Formation for a Parabolic System with Non-Simultaneous Blow-Up (01/2008)
- Completely Integrable Embeddings in Open Manifolds (01/2008)
- Complex Cooperative Networks from Evolutionary Preferential Attachment (01/2008)
- Continuous Capillary Condensation (01/2008)
- Continuum Models of Self-Organized Nanostructuring by Low-Energy Ion Beam Erosion (01/2008)
- Dinámica evolutiva de ecosistemas (01/2008)
- Doubly Structured Sets of Symplectic Matrices (01/2008)
- Ecology of Strategies and Their Dynamics in Financial Markets (01/2008)
- Eigenvalue Bracketing for Discrete and Metric Graphs (01/2008)
- Evolutionary Games and Cooperation: The Complex Effect of Population Structure (01/2008)
- Examples of Modular Objects (01/2008)
- Extreme Events in Human Activities: Impact on Information Spreading in Social Networks (01/2008)
- Financial Market Ecology: Taxonomy of Invenstment Strategies (01/2008)
- Fourier-Padé Approximation of Nikishin Systems (01/2008)
- Funcional de medidas fundamentales para mezclas de cilindros duros paralelos (01/2008)
- Games on Social Networks: Cooperation, Structure and Dynamics (01/2008)
- Generating Spectral Gaps by Geometry: Riemannian Coverings with Residually Finite Groups (01/2008)
- Gromov Hyperbolicity of Poincaré and Quasihyperbolic Metrics (01/2008)
- Haag-Kastler Axioms and First Consequences (01/2008)
- Hydrodyamic Limit of an Unstable Diffusive Growth Model (01/2008)
- Impact of Human Behaviour on Information Spreading: Viral Marketing and Social Networks (01/2008)
- Implicit Jacobi Algorithms for the Symmetric Eigen Problem (01/2008)
- Implicit Standard Jacobi Gives High Relative Accuracy on Rank Revealing Decompositions (01/2008)
- Inestabilidades morfológicas y rugosidad cinética en procesos de crecimiento con efectos no locales (01/2008)
- Influencia del comportamiento humano en la transmisión de la información: Marketing viral y redes sociales (01/2008)
- Informal overview on C*-algebras and von Neumann algebras (01/2008)
- Integrable systems, spectral transforms, self-similar reductions, and orthogonal polynomials (01/2008)
- Interplay between Morphology and Surface Transport in Nanopatterns Produced by Ion-Beam Sputtering (01/2008)
- Juegos evolutivos y cooperación en poblaciones estructuradas: el papel de la estructura social y la dinámica evolutiva (01/2008)
- Limit Cycles, Polycycles and the Inverse Integrating Factor (01/2008)
- Linearizations of Singular Matrix Polynomials and the Recovery of Minimal Indices (01/2008)
- Linearizations of Singular Matrix Polynomials and the Recovery of Minimal Indices (01/2008)
- Linearizations of Singular Matrix Polynomials and the Recovery of Minimal Indices (01/2008)
- Location of Zeros of Sobolev Orthogonal Polynomials in Curves (01/2008)
- Logarithmic Asymptotic of Mixed Type Multiple Ortogonal Polynomials of Two Nikishin Systems (01/2008)
- Mixed Dynamics in Evolutionary Games (01/2008)
- Mixed Type Orthogonal Polynomial for Two Nikishin Systems (01/2008)
- Mixed type Multiple Ortogonal Polynomials (01/2008)
- Modular Theory: Definition and Main Results (01/2008)
- Morse Theory for Vector Fields on Closed Manifolds and the Witten Laplacian (01/2008)
- Nanopattern Formation by Ion-Beam Sputtering (01/2008)
- Novel Symmetries and Clustering Effects in Two-Dimensional Anisotropic Fluids (01/2008)
- Numerical Quadratures on the Unit Circle (01/2008)
- On the Conformal Representation of Compact Riemann Surfaces (01/2008)
- Operator Algebras as a Natural Language for Quantum Theory (01/2008)
- Orthogonal Polynomials in Sobolev Spaces (01/2008)
- Other Instances of Universal Non-Equilibrium Phenomena at Submicrometric Surfaces and Interfaces (01/2008)
- Perturbación espectral y algoritmos matriciales de autovalores (01/2008)
- Polynomial Approximation in Sobolev Spaces with Arbitrary Weights (01/2008)
- Potenciales de depleción extremadamente atractivos en mezclas de esferas blandas (01/2008)
- Prisoners Dilemma on a Network of Heterogeneous Agents: Cooperation and Learning Coevolution (01/2008)
- Promotion of Cooperation on Networks? The Best Response Case (01/2008)
- Promotion of Cooperation on Networks? The best Response Case (01/2008)
- Quenching for Systems: Numerical Approximations and Possible Analytical Continuation (01/2008)
- Rate of Convergence on Multiple Orthogonal Polynomials of Mixed Type for Two Nikishin Systems of Measure (01/2008)
- Riemann Hilbert Problem Associated to Angelesco Systems (01/2008)
- Simple Closed Geodesics Determine the Gromov Hyperbolicity for Surfaces with Variable Curvature (01/2008)
- Soluciones aproximadas de ecuaciones diferenciales en dominios de Denjoy (01/2008)
- Spectral Gaps for Periodic Discrete and Metric Graphs (01/2008)
- Statistical Mechanics of Ecosystems (01/2008)
- Statistical Mechanics of Ecosystems (01/2008)
- Structure Theorem for Riemannian Surfaces and the Topology of Balls (01/2008)
- Structured Condition Numbers for Multiple Eigenvalues (01/2008)
- Structured Hölder Condition Numbers for Eigenvalues under Fully Nongeneric Perturbations (01/2008)
- Submicrometric Surfaces and Interfaces Out of Equilibrium (01/2008)
- Teoría de juegos evolutiva (01/2008)
- Teoría de juegos evolutiva (01/2008)
- The Compensation Game and the Real Nonnegative Inverse Eigenvalue Problem (01/2008)
- The Compensation Game for the Real Nonnegative Inverse Eigenvalue Problem (01/2008)
- The Compensation Game for the Real Nonnegative Inverse Eigenvalue Problem (01/2008)
- The Complex Effect of Population Structure on the Evolution of Cooperation (01/2008)
- Una nueva caracterización para la Hiperbolicidad de Gromov con curvatura variable (01/2008)
- Una nueva caracterización para la Hiperbolicidad de Gromov con curvatura variable (01/2008)
- Understanding the Effect of Population Structure on the Evolution of Cooperation (01/2008)
- Universal non-equilibrium phenomena at submicrometric surfaces and interfaces (01/2008)
- Universal non-equilibrium phenomena at submicrometric surfaces and interfaces (01/2008)
- Vacuum Representation and Reeh-Schlieder Theorem (01/2008)
- Von Neumann Algebras: classification and examples (01/2008)
- Weierstrass' Theorem with Weights (01/2008)
- ARFA--Advancing Rational Function-based Algorithms (submission for "Ayudas, en el marco del Programa Propio de Investigación, para jóvenes doctores") (12/2024)
- Local and global limits of complex-dimensional DPPs (12/2024)
- Teoría de operadores y análisis complejo: teoría espectral (local), estructura y subespacios invariantes (12/2024)
- Esquemas Criptográficos Avanzados (10/2024)
- Higher-order games (10/2024)
- NEINMATRIX - Problemas de cercanía y problemas inversos en matrices, matrices polinomiales y ecuaciones matriciales (09/2024)
- Financiación adicional del investigador Adrián del Río Vega dentro del Programa Atracción de Talento Investigador "César Nombela" 2023 (04/2024)
- Mapping Cultural Diversity through Personal Networks (03/2024)
- Complejidad Biológica y Social -BASIC (09/2023)
- Patrones de Crecimiento y Evolución - PGE (09/2023)
- Realización de experimentos con INRAE (07/2023)
- Secure Communication via Classical and Quantum Technologies (03/2023)
- Efectos informacionales en modelos de presión de grupo (02/2023)
- Financiación adicional 5º año (2022) del investigador Francisco Manuel Bernal Martínez del Programa Atracción de Talento Investigador 2018 (02/2023)
- Cooperation Agreement between Central European University and Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (11/2022)
- Emergence of Generic Scale Invariance in Dynamical Complex Systems (09/2022)
- Orden y Fluctuaciones en Fluidos Complejos (09/2022)
- Cooperation Agreement between The Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies. of the National Research Council of Italy and The Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (02/2022)
- Classical and Quantum Information Theory and Functional Analysis: Foundations and applications (11/2021)
- Laboratorio de Economía del Comportamiento (11/2021)
- Clustering Automático de Comportamientos de invertebrados en libertad mediante imagen 3D (09/2021)
- A-Planet: Acceptable PoLicies for the optimAl balance between driving and active Transport (05/2021)
- Zarocrazy (05/2021)
- Sustainable commons (11/2020)
- ZAROCRAZY (09/2020)
- Ecuaciones en derivadas parciales y sistemas de EDPs acopladas: Análisis y aplicaciones (06/2020)
- Física estadística para ciudades: modelos de movilidad y desigualdad (06/2020)
- Nuevos problemas sobre matrices dependientes de parámetros y problemas sobre matrices constantes (06/2020)
- Multi-agent systems (MASs) as support systems for collective decision making (04/2020)
- JANO. Subproyecto: Probabilistic Desing (01/2020)
- Moral effects on intertemporal preferences (01/2020)
- Multi-agent systems (MASs) as a mediating technology for enhancing collective decision-. making in human groups for problems admitting an objective answer. (01/2020)
- Resolviendo el transporte anómalo en motores de plasma de efecto Hall mediante técnicas data-driven robustas de análisis modal (01/2020)
- Teoría geométrica de funciones (01/2020)
- BESAFE: Artificial Intelligence enhancement of Surgical Techology for reduction of human behaviour related surgical accidents (05/2019)
- Multi-agent systems in collective decision making (05/2019)
- Modelización de flujos de entrada y salida de clientes en superficies comerciales y la estimación de tiempos de permanencia (04/2019)
- Complejidad Biológica y Social (01/2019)
- Confinamiento e interfases en fluidos complejos (01/2019)
- Ortogonalidad y aproximación: teoría y aplicaciones en física matemática (01/2019)
- Quantum Information Technologies Madrid. (01/2019)
- Simetría y geometría en las fluctuaciones de sistemas espacialmente extensos lejos del equilibrio (01/2019)
- Avoiding Climate Change (03/2018)
- Fundamentos Matemáticos de las Tecnologías de la Información Cuánticas: Convexidad, Muestreo y Álgebras de Operadores (01/2018)
- Física de la diferenciación y la formación de patrones de células fijadoras de nitrógeno en cianobacterias (01/2017)
- Ecuaciones en derivadas parciales no lineales y sistemas de EDPS acopladas de segundo y alto orden. (12/2016)
- Física biológica de la diferenciación de cianobacterias. (12/2016)
- Mecánica estadística para el modelado y la predicción del comportamiento humano. (12/2016)
- Teoria geometrica funciones (12/2016)
- Los números de Dunbar y la estructura de las sociedades digitales: modelización y simulación. (10/2016)
- Asesoramiento y formación sobre Bigdata para AFI Escuela (01/2016)
- Auto-organización y fluctuationes en frentes de crecimiento, erosión y delaminado: teoría y simulación (01/2016)
- Fluidos complejos y sus interfases (01/2016)
- Ortogonalidad, teoría de la aproximación y aplicaciones en física matemática (01/2016)
- Variación, replicación y adaptación en procesos evolutivos (01/2016)
- Álgebra Lineal Numérica Estructurada para Matrices Constantes, Polinomiales y Racionales (01/2016)
- IBSEN: Bridging the gap: from Individual Behaviour to the Socio-tEchnical MaN (09/2015)
- Analyzing the influence of Twitter in political elections (03/2015)
- Asesoramiento y Consultaría sobre BigData (01/2015)
- Ecuaciones de Hamilton-Jacobi no locales: ergocidad y control (01/2015)
- Matemáticas e información cuántica: de las álgebras de operadores al muestreo cuántico (01/2015)
- Organización Congreso Netmob2015 (01/2015)
- QUITEMAD+-CM.QUantum Information TEchnologies MADrid+ (10/2014)
- Física del desarrollo: formación de patrones en embriones y cianobacterias (09/2014)
- The complexity of human tasks and individuals' performance (08/2014)
- Prueba de concepto para solución a un modelo elaborado según metodología de sistemas complejos adaptativos (04/2014)
- Understanding social group formation and evolution in social networks (02/2014)
- Mecánica estadística para "big data": adquisición, análisis y modelización (01/2014)
- Sistemas de ecuaciones en derivadas parciales no lineales. problemas locales y no locales (01/2014)
- Teoría geométrica de funciones (01/2014)
- Prueba de concepto para solución a un modelo elaborado según metodología de Sistemas Complejos Adaptativos (09/2013)
- Ecuaciones diferenciales de alto orden de tipo parabolico y eliptico (01/2013)
- Modelizacion y simulacion de dinamica interfacial en sistemas de materia dura y blanda (01/2013)
- Ortogonalidad y aproximación: Teoría y Aplicaciones en Ciencia y Tecnología (01/2013)
- Álgebra Lineal Numérica Estructurada: Polinomios matriciales, matrices especiales y condicionamiento (01/2013)
- Ecuación de difusión no lineal: problemas locales y no locales (01/2012)
- Procesos dinámicos evolutivos: virus, ecosistemas y comportamientos sociales (01/2012)
- Estudio de usuarios más activos e influyentes en servicios de geolocalización, patrones de movilidad, así como lugares que son más visitados en la ciudad de Madrid (06/2011)
- Estructura y dinámica de fluidos complejos y sus interfases (FLUCOMPLEX) (01/2011)
- Estructuras globales y métodos numéricos, sistemas dinámicos y control: aplicaciones cuánticas (01/2011)
- Experimentación, modelización y simulación de sistema complejos en fenómenos físicos, Económicos, Sociales y Biológicos (01/2011)
- Polinomios matriciales y Teoría de control (01/2011)
- Problemas no locales: convoluciones y operadores fraccionarios (01/2011)
- Resilience and interaction of networks in ecology and economics (RESINEE) (01/2011)
- Aproximación mediante fórmulas de muestreo en espacios invariantes por tralación: aplicaciones (01/2010)
- Enfoques teóricos de la dinámica y fluctuaciones de intercaras (sub)micrometicas (01/2010)
- Modelización y Simulación de Sistemas Complejos (MODELICO) (01/2010)
- Ortogonalidad, teoría de aproximación y aplicaciones en ciencia y tecnología (01/2010)
- Tecnologías de información cuántica: criptografía, computación y simulación. (01/2010)
- Teoria geometrica de funciones (01/2010)
- Álgebra lineal numérica: teoría, estructura y algoritmos (01/2010)
- Asesoramiento y Consultoría sobre el Análisis de Redes Sociales para ADIC-IIC (05/2009)
- ASSYST: Action for the science of complex systems for sicially intelligent ICT (01/2009)
- CP08: Aproximación Hermite-Padé, Ortogonalidad No Estándar y Aplicaciones (01/2009)
- CP08: Nanotecnología de fluídos complejos (01/2009)
- Difusión no lineal: Explosión y difusión no local (01/2009)
- Asesoría y Consultoría sobre Modelos de Propensión en Redes Sociales de Clientes. (10/2008)
- Dinámica y fenómenos colectivos en sistemas socioeconómicos (10/2008)
- Discrete and Continuos Methods for Mechanical and Thermodynamical Systems (07/2008)
- Mecanismo de cooperación humana: Teoría de juegos en redes sociales, simulación y experimentos. (07/2008)
- Asesoramiento y Consultoría sobre el Análisis de Redes Sociales. (03/2008)
- Aproximación hermite-padé, ortogonalidad no estándar y aplicaciones. (01/2008)
- Preparación del proyecto europeo SONSIB (01/2008)
- Asesoramiento y asistencia técnica sobre el funcionamiento y estructura de IMDEA Matemáticas (07/2007)
- CP06: Métodos numéricos, analíticos y geométricos en Teoría de control y Teoría de la señal. (01/2007)
- Ortogonalidad y aproximación. Teoría y aplicaciones. (01/2007)
- Algoritmos precisos y estables en Álgebra Lineal Numérica. (10/2006)
- Algortmos matriciales esstructurales para problemas inversos y de control (10/2006)
- Modelizacón, Simulación y Análisis de Sistemas Complejos. (10/2006)
- Modelos " hidrodinámicos" para la evolución de superficies fuera del equilibrio. (10/2006)
- Muestreo en espacios invariantes por traslación: aplicaciones. (10/2006)
- Ortogonalidad y aproximación: teoría y aplicaciones físicas y técnicas. (10/2006)
- Ayuda complementaria para la Preparacion de la propuesta Europea: "World Culture: Globalization in a diverse world:world culture and subcultures in competition" (03/2006)
- CP05-Métodos numéricos, analíticos y geométricos en Teoría de control y Teoría de la señal. (01/2006)
- Modelización matemática y simulación numérica en ciencia y tecnología (01/2006)
- Modelización y Simulación de Sistemas No Homogéneos en Materia Condensada (01/2006)
- Modelos de optimización dinámica estocástica y combinatoria de sistemas productivos, logísticos y financieros (01/2006)
- Polinomios ortogonales y aproximación. Aplicaciónes a teoría de sistemas, entropías de información e integración numérica (01/2006)
supervised theses
- Contributions to the Study of Fractional Operators (12/2024)
- Investigation of oscillations in space plasma thrusters via data-driven analysis techniques. (11/2024)
- Transformations applied for design (06/2024)
- Extremal Polynomials. Asymptotic Behavior and Electrostatic Equilibrium Models (11/2023)
- Insight into social physics: Uncovering the structure and dynamics of social relationships (09/2023)
- Collective behavior of biological aggregates (07/2023)
- Complex networks, data quality, and economics: the road to sustainable growth (06/2023)
- From Point Particles to Gauge Field Theories: a Differential- Geometrical approach to the Structures of the Space of Solutions (02/2023)
- La sociedad como un sistema complejo: comportamiento y estructura (02/2023)
- Mathematical modeling of nitrogen regulated biological systems (02/2023)
- Study of gravitational theories through Hamiltonian methods and consistent deformations (02/2023)
- Discrete sub- and supersolutions method (09/2022)
- Convergence and Asymptotic of Multi-Level Hermite-Padé Polynomials (07/2022)
- The Covariant Phase Space of Gravity with Boundaries (06/2022)
- Fluctuations and patterns in ultrathin fluid films (04/2022)
- Societies in the wild: cooperation, norms, and hierarchies (04/2022)
- Study of the Gromov hyperbolicity constant on graphs (04/2022)
- Desigualdades sobre índices topológicos (01/2022)
- Breadth Analysis of Online Social Networks (11/2021)
- Quantum Control at the Boundary (11/2021)
- Amenability and coarse geometry of (inverse) semigroups and C*-algebras (03/2021)
- Cellular dynamics models of angiogenesis (01/2021)
- Flocking and Pattern Formation in Active Particles and Epithelial Tissues (01/2021)
- The discrete magnetic Laplacian: geometric and spectral preorders with applications (06/2020)
- Confinement and polydispersity in granular systems and liquid crystals (03/2020)
- Sobolev Extremal Polynomials and Applications (02/2020)
- Contributions to Conformable and non-Conformable Calculus (12/2019)
- Polynomial and rational spectral problems: conditioning, backward errors and inverse problems (12/2019)
- Structured Perturbation Theory for Eigenvalues of Symplectic Matrices (06/2019)
- Ego-centred models of social networks: the social atom (05/2019)
- On Some elliptic problems involving powers of the Laplace operator (03/2019)
- Hermite-Padé approximation and location of singularities of systems of analytic functions (01/2019)
- Krylov methods for large-scale modern problems in numerical linear algebra. (09/2018)
Algebraic Properties of some q-Multiple Orthogonal Polynomials (07/2018) - On several extremal problems in Graph Theory involving Gromov Hyperbolicity Constant. (01/2018)
Semiclassical families of bivariate orthogonal polynomials (10/2017) -
perturbations for matrices of linear functionals (09/2017) -
reliability and fairness in online task computing environments (05/2017) - Iterated Integrals of Orthogonal Polynomials and Applications (05/2017)
in molecular evolution: the case of toyLIFE (03/2017) -
properties of polynomials ortHogonal with respect to coherent pair of
measures supported on the unit circle (02/2017) -
values of the hyperbolicity constant in graphs (01/2017) - El Problema Inverso en Electrocardiografía: estudio de la caracterización paramétrica de isquemias cardíacas. (11/2016)
- Gromov Hyperbolicity of Several Products of Graphs (09/2016)
- Structured condition numbers for parameterized quasiseparable matrices (09/2016)
- Mobility and interaction patterns in social networks (07/2016)
- On the tomographic description of quantum systems: Theory and applications (11/2015)
- Stochastic Dynamics of Substrate-confined Systems: Fisher Fronts and Thin Liquid Films (06/2015)
- Evolutionary Games in Networked Populations: Models and Experiments. (05/2015)
- Sampling Theory in Shift-Invariant Spaces: Generalizations. (05/2015)
- Fourier series and orthogonal polynomials in Sobolev spaces (01/2015)
- On some nonlocal elliptic problems (10/2014)
- Alliance polynomial and hyperbolicity in regular graphs (07/2014)
- Generic Scale Invariance in continuum models of two-dimensional surfaces (07/2014)
- Systems of Markov type functions. Normality and convergence of Hermite-Padé approximants (07/2014)
- Gromov hyperbolicity in graphs (01/2014)
- Muestreo analítico, series interpolatorias tipo-Lagrange y espacios de De Branges (12/2012)
- Temporal Patterns of Communication in Social Networks (12/2012)
- Aproximaciones simultaneas e irracionalidad de los valores de la funcion zeta de Riemann (11/2012)
- Direct and inverse results on row sequences of simultaneous rational approximants (10/2012)
- Analytic Properties of Krall-type and Sobolev-type Orthogonal Polynomials (09/2012)
- Models of social behaviour based on game theory (09/2012)
- Spectral Problems and Orthogonal Polynomials on the Unit Circle (09/2012)
- Asymptotic properties and Fourier expansions of orthogonal polynomials with respect to some Sobolev inner products (06/2011)
- Estudio de la constante de hiperbolicidad en grafos (05/2011)
- Hiperbolicidad de grafos en sentido de gromov (05/2011)
- Self-organization in biology: from quasispecies to ecosystems (12/2010)
- Ortogonalidade matricial: Caso nao simetrico (06/2010)
- Orthogonally additive polynomials and applications. (Polinomios ortogonalmente aditivos y aplicaciones.) (12/2009)
- Cooperación en teoría de juegos evolutiva: Efectos de tiempo y estructura (09/2009)
- Quantitative approach to instable non-conserved growth with fluctuations (09/2009)
- Reducción de Principios Variacionales con Simetría y Problemas de Control Óptimo de Lie-Scheffers-Brockett (07/2009)
- Asymptotic properties of mixed type multiple orthogonal polynomials for Nikishin systems (06/2009)
- Sobre perturbaciones de polinomios ortogonales clásicos (05/2009)
- Transformaciones Espectrales, Funciones de Carathéodory y Polinomios Ortogonales en la Circunferencia Unidad (02/2009)
- Medidas de información, incertidumbre y entrelazamiento en mecánica cuántica (06/2008)
working papers
- The interactions of social norms about climate change: science, institutions and Economics (08/2022)
- Gender differences in the effectiveness of prosocial policies: an application to road safety (04/2020)
- Un pequeño elogio de la ciencia pequeña (09/2018)
- Amenable traces and Foelner C*-algebras (01/2013)
- Ground states of self-gravitating elastic bodies (11/2012)
- Operator algebras: an informal overview (12/2011)