sample of publications
- Cell theories for the chiral crystal phase of hard equilateral triangles. PHYSICAL REVIEW E. 110:054701-1-054701-13. 2024
- Density-functional theory for clustering of two-dimensional hard particle fluids. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS. 397:124044-1-124044-11. 2024
- Prediction of the liquid-crystal phase behavior of hard right triangles from fourth-virial density-functional theories. PHYSICAL REVIEW E. 108:014603-1-014603-9. 2023
- Effect of combined roundness and polydispersity on the phase behavior of hard-rectangle fluids. PHYSICAL REVIEW E. 106:1-15. 2022
- Effect of clustering on the orientational properties of a fluid of hard right isosceles triangles. PHYSICS OF FLUIDS. 34:037110-037124. 2022
- Failure of standard density functional theory to describe the phase behavior of a fluid of hard right isosceles triangles. PHYSICAL REVIEW E. 104:054132-1-054132-11. 2021
- Orientational ordering in a fluid of hard kites: A density-functional-theory study. PHYSICAL REVIEW E. 102:1-15. 2020
- Domain walls in vertically vibrated monolayers of cylinders confined in annuli. Physical Review Research. 2:1-11. 2020
- Highly confined mixtures of parallel hard squares: A density-functional-theory study. PHYSICAL REVIEW E. 100:1-14. 2019
- Defects in vertically vibrated monolayers of cylinders. NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. 21. 2019
- Uniform phases in fluids of hard isosceles triangles: one-component fluid and binary mixtures. PHYSICAL REVIEW E. 97:052703-1-052703-11. 2018
- Positional ordering of hard adsorbate particles in tubular nanopores. PHYSICAL REVIEW E. 97. 2018
- Dynamical properties of heterogeneous nucleation of parallel hard squares. Soft Matter. 13:9246-9258. 2017
- Role of length polydispersity in the phase behavior of freely rotating hard-rectangle fluids. PHYSICAL REVIEW E. 95:1-14. 2017
- Clustering in vibrated monolayers of granular rods. Soft Matter. 13:2571-2582. 2017
- Ordering of hard rectangles in strong confinement. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS. 146. 2017
- Biaxial nematic phase stability and demixing behaviour in monolayers of rod-plate mixtures. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS. 18:24569-24581. 2016
- Phase behaviour and correlations of parallel hard squares: from highly confined to bulk systems. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER. 28:1-15. 2016
- Effect of orientational restriction on monolayers of hard ellipsoids. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS. 18:4547-4556. 2016
- Effect of shape biaxiality on the phase behavior of colloidal liquid-crystal monolayers. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS. 17:6389-6400. 2015
- Capillary and winding transitions in a confined cholesteric liquid crystal. Soft Matter. 11:7038-7045. 2015
- Hard-body models of bulk liquid crystals. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER. 26:1-60. 2014
- Phase behaviour of liquid-crystal monolayers of rod-like and plate-like particles. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS. 140. 2014
- Hard rods in a cylindrical pore: The nematic-to-smectic phase transition. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER. 26. 2014
- Interplay between columnar and smectic stability in suspensions of polydisperse colloidal platelets. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS. 16:765-775. 2014
- Liquid-crystal patterns of rectangular particles in a square nanocavity. Physical review E: statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics. 88. 2013
- Two-dimensional nematics in bulk and confined geometries. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS. 185:13-19. 2013
- Dimensional crossover of hard parallel cylinders confined on cylindrical surfaces. Physical review E: statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics. 87. 2013
- Effect of polydispersity, bimodality, and aspect ratio on the phase behavior of colloidal platelet suspensions. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS. 137. 2012
- Biaxial nematic phases in fluids of hard board-like particles. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS. 13:13247-13254. 2011
- Theory and simulation of the confined Lebwohl-Lasher model. Physical review E: statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics. 83:1-17. 2011
- Effect of polydispersity and soft interactions on the nematic versus smectic phase stability in platelet suspensions. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS. 134:1-12. 2011
- Phase behaviour of mixtures of hard ellipses: a scaled particle density functional study. LIQUID CRYSTALS. 38:697-707. 2011
- Fluid-fluid versus fluid-solid demixing in mixtures of parallel hard hypercubes. JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL MECHANICS-THEORY AND EXPERIMENT. 2011:1-19. 2011
- Phase Transitions in Nanoconfined Binary Mixtures of Highly Oriented Colloidal Rods. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS. 12:10831-10841. 2010
- Competition between Capillarity, Layering and Biaxiality in a Confined Liquid Crystal. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL E. 32:89-101. 2010
- Surface and Smectic Layering Transitions in Binary Mixtures of Parallel Hard Rods. Physical review E: statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics. 81:21706. 2010
- Stable Smectic Phase in Suspensions of Polydisperse Colloidal Platelets with Identical Thickness. Physical review E: statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics. 80:1-6. 2009
- Smectic and Columnar Ordering in Length-Polydisperse Fluids of Parallel Hard Cylinders. MOLECULAR PHYSICS. 107:415-422. 2009
- Enhanced Stability of the Tetratic Phase due to Clustering. Physical review E: statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics. 79:1-9. 2009
- Non-Uniform Liquid-Crystalline Phases of Parallel Hard Rod-Shaped Particles: From Ellipsoids to Cylinders. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS. 129:54907. 2008
- Biaxial Nematic and Smectic Phases of Parallel Particles with Different Cross Sections. Physical review E: statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics. 78:31705. 2008
- Phase Behavior of Parallel Hard Cylinders. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS. 128:194901. 2008
- Fundamental-Measure Density Functional for Mixtures of Parallel Hard Cylinders. Physical review E: statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics. 77:51205. 2008
book chapters
- Novel Symmetries and Clustering Effects in Two-dimensional Anisotropic Fluids. In: Modeling and simulation of new materials: tenth Granada Lectures: Granda, Spain, 15-19 September 2008. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS. 237-240. 2009
- Density Functional Theories of Hard Particle Systems. In: Theory and Simulation of Hard-Sphere Fluids and Related Systems. SPRINGER. 247-341. 2008
conference contributions
- Exotic liquid crystalline phases in monolayers of vertically vibrated granular particles. 1261-1278. 2023
- Prediction of the liquid-crystal phase behavior of hard right triangles from fourth-virial density functional theories 2023
- Effect of clustering on the orientational properties of a fluid of hard right isosceles triangles 2022
- Liquid crystalline patterns of exotic symmetries in monolayers of vertically vibrated granular particles 2022
- Effect of nano-confinement in the phase behaviour of hard platelets. 125-125. 2019
- Nematic and Triatic phases of hard isosceles triangles: One component fluid and binary mixtures. 95-95. 2019
- Vertically-vibrated granular rods: topological defects and influence of imposed geometry. 244-244. 2019
- Confinement-induced topological deffects in a tetratic liquid crystal 2017
- Dynamics of heterogeneous crystallization of parallel hard squares: A dynamic density functional theory study. 2017
- Dynamics of heterogeneous nucleation of parallel hard squares using dynamical density functional theories 2017
- Estructura de un fluido de partículas rectangulares en un canal estrecho bidimensional 2017
- Liquid-crystalline patterns in vibrated granular rods 2017
- Polydisperse hard rectangles: A simple model for vibrated monolayers of granular rods 2017
- Clustering effects in vibrated monolayers of rods 2016
- Clustering in monolayers of vibrated granular rods 2016
- Polydisperse hard rectangles: A simple model for vibrated monolayers of granular rods 2016
- Capillary and winding transitions in a confined cholesteric liquid crystal 2015
- Clustering effects in vibrated monolayers of rods 2015
- Interplay between columnar and smectic stability in suspensions of polydisperse colloidal platelets. 82-82. 2014
- Liquid-crystal patterns of rectangular particles in a square nanocavity 2014
- Liquid-crystal patterns of rectangular particles in a square nanocavity 2014
- Phase behavior of liquid-crystal monolayers of rod-like and plate-like particles 2014
- Phase behavior of liquid-crystal monolayers of rod-like and plate-like particles 2014
- 2D liquid crystal confined in a square cavity. 115. 2012
- Efecto de la polidispersidad y asimetría de partículas oblatas en los diagramas de fases de emulsiones coloidales. 140. 2012
- Effect of polydispercity and soft interactions on the nematic versus smectic phase stability in platelet suspensions 2011
- Fases nemáticas biaxiales en fluidos de partículas duras con geometría tipo losa 2011
- Biaxial Nematic and Smectic Phases of Parallel Particles with Different Cross Sections 2009
- Funcional de medidas fundamentales para mezclas de cilindros duros paralelos 2008
- Novel Symmetries and Clustering Effects in Two-Dimensional Anisotropic Fluids 2008
- Potenciales de depleción extremadamente atractivos en mezclas de esferas blandas 2008