sample of publications
- Adaptive multi-stage integration schemes for Hamiltonian Monte Carlo. JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS. 502. 2024
- Split Hamiltonian Monte Carlo revisited. STATISTICS AND COMPUTING. 32:1-14. 2022
- Wasserstein distance estimates for the distributions of numerical approximations to ergodic stochastic differential equations. JOURNAL OF MACHINE LEARNING RESEARCH. 22:1-37. 2021
- HMC: Reducing the number of rejections by not using leapfrog and some results on the acceptance rate. JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS. 437:1-19. 2021
- The connections between Lyapunov functions for some optimization algorithms and differential equations. SIAM JOURNAL ON NUMERICAL ANALYSIS. 59:1542-1565. 2021
- High-order stroboscopic averaging methods for highly oscillatory delay problems. Applied Numerical Mathematics. 152:446-479. 2020
- ¿Son éstas las matemáticas que deseamos?. La Gaceta de la Real Sociedad Matemática Española. 23:41-47. 2020
- Normas, matrices reales, vectores complejos. La Gaceta de la Real Sociedad Matemática Española. 22:514-514. 2019
- A stroboscopic averaging algorithm for highly oscillatory delay problems. IMA JOURNAL OF NUMERICAL ANALYSIS. 39:1110-1133. 2019
- Word combinatorics for stochastic differential equations: splitting integrators. COMMUNICATIONS ON PURE AND APPLIED ANALYSIS. 18:2163-2195. 2019
- Word series high-order averaging of highly oscillatory differential equations with delay. Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences. 4:445-454. 2019
- La cuadratura gaussiana según Gauss. La Gaceta de la Real Sociedad Matemática Española. 22:101-116. 2019
- Multi-stage splitting integrators for sampling with modified Hamiltonian Monte Carlo methods. JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS. 373:900-916. 2018
- Evaluación de la comprensión de los paneles interpretativos en parajes naturales = Comprehension assessment of informative panels on natural landscape. Scire. 24:53-62. 2018
- Geometric integrators and the Hamiltonian Monte Carlo method. ACTA NUMERICA. 27:113-206. 2018
- Bogdanov-Takens resonance in time-delayed systems. NONLINEAR DYNAMICS. 91:1939-1947. 2018
- Adaptive splitting integrators for enhancing sampling efficiency of modified Hamiltonian Monte Carlo methods in molecular simulation. LANGMUIR. 33:11530-11542. 2017
- Palindromic 3-stage splitting integrators, a roadmap. JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS. 346:340-355. 2017
- Randomized hamiltonian Monte Carlo. ANNALS OF APPLIED PROBABILITY. 27:2159-2194. 2017
- Word series for dynamical systems and their numerical integrators. FOUNDATIONS OF COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS. 17:675-712. 2017
- Erratum to: Higher-Order Averaging, Formal Series and Numerical Integration II: The Quasi-Periodic Case. FOUNDATIONS OF COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS. 17:625-626. 2017
- Adaptive multi-stage integrators for optimal energy conservation in molecular simulations. JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS. 327:434-449. 2016
- A technique for studying strong and weak local errors of splitting stochastic integrators. SIAM JOURNAL ON NUMERICAL ANALYSIS. 54:3239-3257. 2016
- Computing normal forms and formal invariants of dynamical systems by means of word series. NONLINEAR ANALYSIS-THEORY METHODS & APPLICATIONS. 138:326-345. 2016
- Symplectic Runge-Kutta Schemes for Adjoint Equations, Automatic Differentiation, Optimal Control, and More. SIAM REVIEW. 58:3-33. 2016
- Vibrational resonance: a study with high-order word-series averaging. Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences. 1:239-246. 2016
- Higher-order averaging, formal series and numerical integration III: error bounds. FOUNDATIONS OF COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS. 15:591-612. 2015
- Extra chance generalized hybrid Monte Carlo. JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS. 281:365-374. 2015
book chapters
- Averaging and computing normal forms with word series algorithms. In: Discrete mechanics, geometric integration and Lie-Butcher series. SPRINGER. 115-137. 2018
- Hopf algebra techniques to handle dynamical systems and numerical integrators. In: Computation and combinatorics in dynamics, stochastics and control: The Abel Symposium, Rosendal, Norway, August 2016. SPRINGER. 629-658. 2018
- Foreword. In: Numerical methods for ordinary differential equations. WILEY. 2016
- Symplectic methods. In: Encyclopedia of applied and computational mathematics. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg. 1451-1458. 2015
- Hamiltonian systems. In: Encyclopedia of applied and computational mathematics. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg. 617-625. 2015
- Numerical Hamiltonian problems. DOVER. 2018
conference contributions
- Hidden symplectic integrations 2020
- The Hamiltonian Monte Carlo Method and Geometric Integration. 26-26. 2020
- Numerical integrators for the Hamiltonian Monte Carlo method.. 5-5. 2019
- A stroboscopic averaging algorithm for highly oscillatory delay problems 2018
- Heterogeneous multiscale methods for delay differential equations 2018
- Numerical integration within the Hamiltonian (Hybrid) Monte Carlo method 2018
- Highly oscillatory delay problems 2017
- Forests, Trees, Words, Letters 2016
- La cuadratura gaussiana según Gauss 2016
- Simple ergodic variants of the Hamiltonian Monte Carlo method 2016
- Using word series to analyse splitting stochastic integrators 2016
- Word-series analysis of splitting stochastic integrators 2016
- Formal Series for dynamical systems 2015
- Formal series and numerical integrators: some history and some new tech- niques 2015
- Symplectic Runge-Kutta methods in nonsymplectic applications 2015
- Symplectic integrators for nonsymplectic problems 2015
- The Hybrid MONTE CARLO Algorithm: New Developments 2015
- The Power of Randomness: Two Hopefully Thought-Provoking Numerical Experiments 2015
- Word Series for the Analysis of SDE Integrators 2015
- Word series for the analysis of splitting SDE integrators 2015
working papers