sample of publications
- Wetting, Algebraic Curves, and Conformal Invariance. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. 133:8001-1-8001-5. 2024
- Critical behaviour of the contact angle within nonwetting gaps. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter. 36. 2024
- Correction: Abrupt onset of the capillary-wave spectrum at wall-fluid interfaces. Soft Matter. 19:7468-7468. 2023
- Abrupt onset of the capillary-wave spectrum at wall-fluid interfaces. Soft Matter. 19:5668-5673. 2023
- Microscopic determination of correlations in the fluid interfacial region in the presence of liquid-gas asymmetry. PHYSICAL REVIEW E. 100:052801-1-052801-10. 2019
- Correlation-function structure in square-gradient models of the liquid-gas interface: Exact results and reliable approximations. PHYSICAL REVIEW E. 100:022803-1-022803-12. 2019
- The Goldstone mode and resonances in the fluid interfacial region. Nature Physics. 15:287-292. 2019
- Wetting of a plane with a narrow solvophobic stripe. MOLECULAR PHYSICS. 116:1190-1997. 2018
- First-order wedge wetting revisited. Soft Matter. 14:2835-2845. 2018
- Classical density functional study of wetting transitions on nanopatterned surfaces. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER. 29:1-8. 2017
- Geometry-induced capillary emptying. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 113:12633-12636. 2016
- The local structure factor near an interface; beyond extended capillary-wave models. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER. 28. 2016
- Liquid-gas asymmetry and the wave-vector-dependent surface tension. Physical review E: statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics. 91. 2015
- Capillary contact angle in a completely wet groove. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. 113:6101. 2014
- Pair correlation functions and the wavevector-dependent surface tension in a simple density functional treatment of the liquid-vapour interface. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER. 26. 2014
- Intrinsic fluid interfaces and nonlocality. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. 111:1-5. 2013
- The order of condensation in capillary grooves. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER. 25:1-5. 2013
- Capillary Emptying and Short-Range Wetting.. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. 108. 2012
- Scaling properties of fluid adsorption near the base of a cylinder. Physical review E: statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics. 85. 2012
- Fluid Adsorption at the Base of a Cylinder. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. 107:1-4. 2011
- The self-interaction of a fluid interface, the wavevector dependent surface tension and wedge filling. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER. 23:1-11. 2011
- Scaling of correlation functions near capillary condensation. MOLECULAR PHYSICS. 109:1015-1027. 2011
- An Interpretation of Covariance Relations for Wetting and Wedge Filling Transitions. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS. 132:204704. 2010
- Local Scale Invariance for Wetting and Confined Interfaces. Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical. 43:125002. 2010
- Derivation of a Non-Local Interfacial Model for 3D Wetting in an External Field. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER. 21:465105. 2009
- The Trouble with Critical Wetting. JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS. 157:149-173. 2009
- The Influence of Non-Locality on Fluctuation Effects for 3D Short-Ranged Wetting. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER. 20:505102. 2008
- The Critical Wetting Saga: How to Draw the Correct Conclusion. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER. 20. 2008
- 3D Short-Range Wetting and Nonlocality. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. 100:136105. 2008
conference contributions
- Bifurcations of equilibrium metastable states of inhomogeneous classical fluids in contact with patterned substrates 2017
- Classical density functional study of wetting transitions on nanopatterned surfaces 2017
- Do all glasses empty when turned to the horizontal? 2017
- Wetting of heterogeneous substrates. A classical density-functional-theory approach 2017
- Phase transition of a meniscus in a capillary under the influence of gravity 2013
- Phase transition of a meniscus in a capillary under the influence of gravity 2013
- Phase Transition of a Meniscus un Capillary under the Influence of Gravity. 50-50. 2012
- Capillarity and gravity: New phase transitions 2011
- What lies beyond the surface tension?: the self-interaction of a fluid interface 2011
- Continuous Capillary Condensation 2008