sample of publications
- Migration costs and rewarding schemes in spatial public goods games. Physical Review E. 109. 2024
- When the Design of Climate Policy meets Public Acceptance: An Adaptive Multiplex Network Model. Ecological Economics. 217. 2024
- Assessing the effects of pandemic risk on cooperation and social norms using a before-after Covid-19 comparison in two long-term experiments. Scientific Reports. 2024
- On the interplay of hierarchies, conflicts, and cooperation: An experimental approach. PNAS Nexus. 2:1-7. 2023
- Behavior, decisions and ecological transition: experimental approaches with policy implications = Comportamiento, decisiones y transición ecológica: aproximaciones experimentales con implicaciones para las políticas. Cuadernos Económicos del ICE. 2022/II:31-62. 2022
- Social capital as a network measure provides new insights on economic growth. PLoS ONE. 17:1-18. 2022
- Non-selective distribution of infectious disease prevention may outperform risk-based targeting. Nature Communications. 13:1-9. 2022
- Computational behavioral models in public goods games with migration between groups. Journal of Physics: Complexity. 2:1-13. 2021
- Gossip and competitive altruism support cooperation in a Public Good Game. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 376:1-8. 2021
- Evidence from a long-term experiment that collective risks change social norms and promote cooperation. Nature Communications. 12:5452-5459. 2021
- Framing in multiple public goods games and donation to charities. Royal Society Open Science. 8:1-13. 2021
- Pool punishment in public goods games: How do sanctioners' incentives affect us?. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. 185:513-537. 2021
- A game theory model to explore the role of cooperation and diversity in community food security: the case of Southern Malawi. Regional Environmental Change. 20:1-12. 2020
- Public Goods Games on Coevolving Social Network Models. Frontiers in Physics. 8:1-10. 2020
- Large scale and information effects on cooperation in public good games. Scientific Reports. 9:1-10. 2019
- Computational behavioral models for public goods games on social networks. Games. 10:1-14. 2019
- Investigating peer and sorting effects within an adaptive multiplex network model. Games. 10:1-12. 2019
- Individual perception dynamics in drunk games. Physical Review E. 99:052311-2-052311-12. 2019
- Cooperation on dynamic networks within an uncertain reputation environment. Scientific Reports. 8. 2018
- Ecological Multiplex Interactions Determine the Role of Species for Parasite Spread Amplification. eLife. 2018
- Collaborative hierarchy maintains cooperation in asymmetric games. Scientific Reports. 8. 2018
- Infection dynamics on spatial small-world network models. Physical Review E. 96:052316-1-052316-7. 2017
- A growing social network model in geographical space. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment. 2017. 2017
- Parasite spreading in spatial ecological multiplex networks. Journal of Complex Networks. 5:486-511. 2017
- Coevolution of Synchronization and Cooperation in Costly Networked Interactions. Physical Review Letters. 118:238301-1-238301-5. 2017
- Cooperation Survives and Cheating Pays in a Dynamic Network Structure with Unreliable Reputation. Scientific Reports. 6. 2016
- Conformity-driven agents support ordered phases in the spatial public goods game. Europhysics Letters. 114:38001-p1-38001-p6. 2016
- Short-Range Mobility and the Evolution of Cooperation: An Experimental Study. Scientific Reports. 5. 2015
- Global Information and Mobility Support Coordination Among Humans. Scientific Reports. 4. 2014
conference contributions
- A Networked Global Economy: The Role of Social Capital in Economic Growth. 780-791. 2022
- Club formation in the climate change game 2019
- Norm Emergence in Climate Change Threshold Games 2019
- Cooperation-driven hierarchy is interpreted as good reputation and does not increase prosociality 2017
- Cooperation survives and cheating pays in a networked society with unreliable reputation 2016
- Spatial coordination and cooperation among humans: experimental results 2015
- Human coordination in the presence of local and global information: a laboratory experiment 2014