sample of publications
- Geometric and spectral analysis on weighted digraphs. LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS. 687. 2024
- A geometric construction of isospectral magnetic graphs. Analysis and Mathematical Physics. 13:1-44. 2023
- A note on commutation relations and finite dimensional approximations. EXPOSITIONES MATHEMATICAE. 40:947-960. 2022
- Matching number, Hamiltonian graphs and magnetic Laplacian matrices. LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS. 642:86-100. 2022
- Spectral preorder and perturbations of discrete weighted graphs. MATHEMATISCHE ANNALEN. 382:1775-1823. 2022
- The uniform Roe algebra of an inverse semigroup. JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS. 499:1-28. 2021
- Representation of non-semibounded quadratic forms and orthogonal additivity. JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS. 495:1-25. 2021
- Amenability and paradoxicality in semigroups and C*-algebras. JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS. 279:1-43. 2020
- Covering graphs, magnetic spectral gaps and applications to polymers and nanoribbons. Symmetry-Basel. 11:1-21. 2019
- Notions of infinity in Quantum Physics. 1-11. 2018
- Amenability of coarse spaces and K-algebras. Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences. 8:257-306. 2018
- Spectral gaps and discrete magnetic Laplacians.. LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS. 547:183-216. 2018
- Amenability and uniform Roe algebras. JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS. 459:686-716. 2018
- On self-adjoint extensions and symmetries in quantum mechanics. ANNALES HENRI POINCARE. 16:2367-2397. 2015
- Self-adjoint extensions of the Laplace-Beltrami operator and unitaries at the boundary. JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS. 268:634-670. 2015
- Amenable traces and Folner C*-algebras. EXPOSITIONES MATHEMATICAE. 32:161-177. 2014
- Amenable traces and Følner C∗-algebras. EXPOSITIONES MATHEMATICAE. 32:161-177. 2014
- Folner sequences and finite operators. JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS. 403:464-476. 2013
- On spectral approximation, Følner sequences and crossed products. JOURNAL OF APPROXIMATION THEORY. 170:155-171. 2013
- On Følner nets and crossed products. 1-12. 2010
- On the Nuclearity of Certain Cuntz-Pimsner Algebras. MATHEMATISCHE NACHRICHTEN. 283:752-757. 2010
- Realization of Minimal C* - Dynamical Systems in Terms of Cuntz-Pimsner Algebras. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS. 20:751-790. 2009
- Operator Algebras: An informal Overview. 1-15. 2009
- Eigenvalue Bracketing for Discrete and Metric Graphs. JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS. 348:806-833. 2008
- Álgebras de operadores: un campo de investigación interdisciplinar. La Gaceta de la Real Sociedad Matemática Española. 11:641-646. 2008
- Existence of Spectral Gaps, Covering Manifolds and Residually Finite Groups. REVIEWS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS. 20:199-231. 2008
book chapters
- Notions of Infinity in Quantum Physics. In: Classical and Quantum Physics: 60 Years Alberto Ibort Fest Geometry, Dynamics, and Control. SPRINGER. 259-273. 2019
- Følner Sequences in Operator Theory and Operator Algebras. In: Operator Theory, Operator Algebras and Applications. SPRINGER. 1-24. 2014
- Modular theory by example. In: Aspects of operator algebras and applications. AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY. 73-96. 2011
- [Apendix]: Basic definitions and results for operator algebras. In: Aspects of operator algebras and applications. AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY. 157-167. 2011
conference contributions
- ROOM ONE: Amenability versus paradoxical decompositions for inverse semigroups and their C*-algebras 2020
- Grafos periódicos, Laplaciano magnético y lagunas espectrales 2019
- On the Dichotomy of Paradoxical versus Amenable. 7-7. 2019
- Amenability notions around Roe algebras 2018
- Paradoxicality and operator algebras 2018
- Notions of infinity in local quantum physics 2017
- Amenability and paradoxical decompositions: analytic aspects 2016
- Operators, Foelner sequences and paradoxicality. 9-9. 2016
- Amenability aspects around Roe C*-algebras. 28-28. 2015
- Foelner C*-algebras and applications 2015
- Notions of Amenability 2015
- Operator algebra: amenability aspects around Roe-algebras. 10-10. 2015
- Finite operators and Foelner sequences of projections 2014
- Foelner sequences of projections in operator theory and operator algebras 2014
- Spectral gaps for periodic discrete and metric graphs 2013
- Folner sequences in operator theory and operator algebras. 24. 2012
- Around Folner sequences in Operator Theory and Operator Algebras 2011
- Foelner sequences in operator Theory and operator Algebras. 62. 2011
- Modular Theory for von Neumann algebras and some applications to quantum physics 2011
- A Quantum Theory of Constraints 2008
- An Invitation to Modular Theory and von Neumann Algebras 2008
- Eigenvalue Bracketing for Discrete and Metric Graphs 2008
- Examples of Modular Objects 2008
- Generating Spectral Gaps by Geometry: Riemannian Coverings with Residually Finite Groups 2008
- Haag-Kastler Axioms and First Consequences 2008
- Informal overview on C*-algebras and von Neumann algebras 2008
- Modular Theory: Definition and Main Results 2008
- Operator Algebras as a Natural Language for Quantum Theory 2008
- Spectral Gaps for Periodic Discrete and Metric Graphs 2008
- Vacuum Representation and Reeh-Schlieder Theorem 2008
- Von Neumann Algebras: classification and examples 2008
working papers