sample of publications
- Finding the effective dynamics to make rare events typical in chaotic maps. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. 131:227201-1-227201-6. 2023
- Nonequilibrium criticality driven by Kardar-Parisi-Zhang fluctuations in the synchronization of oscillator lattices. Physical Review Research. 5:023047-1-023047-23. 2023
- Dynamical phase transition to localized states in the two-dimensional random walk conditioned on partial currents. PHYSICAL REVIEW E. 104:044134. 2021
- Generalized optimal paths and weight distributions revealed through the large deviations of random walks on networks. PHYSICAL REVIEW E. 103:1-15. 2021
- Steering complex networks toward desired dynamics. Scientific Reports. 10:1-8. 2020
- Explosive synchronization in populations of cooperative and competitive oscillators. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals. 132:1-5. 2020
- Accelerated relaxation and suppressed dynamic heterogeneity in a kinetically constrained (East) model with swaps. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment. 2019:1-22. 2019
- Physical swap dynamics, shortcuts to relaxation, and entropy production in dissipative Rydberg gases. PHYSICAL REVIEW E. 100:012110-1-012110-13. 2019
- Experimental complexity in physical, social and biological systems. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals. 120:200-202. 2019
- Glassy dynamics due to a trajectory phase transition in dissipative Rydberg gases. PHYSICAL REVIEW A. 98. 2018
- Quench dynamics of a dissipative Rydberg gas in the classical and quantum regimes. PHYSICAL REVIEW A. 97. 2018
- Epidemic Dynamics in Open Quantum Spin Systems. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. 119:40401-1-140401-6. 2017
- Experimental signatures of an absorbing-state phase transition in an open driven many-body quantum system. PHYSICAL REVIEW A. 96. 2017
- Inter-layer synchronization in non-identical multi-layer networks. Scientific Reports. 7:1-9. 2017
- Non-equilibrium fluctuations and metastability arising from non-additive interactions in dissipative multi-component Rydberg gases. NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. 18:1-11. 2016
- Quantum non-equilibrium dynamics of Rydberg gases in the presence of dephasing noise of different strengths. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS. 49:1-8. 2016
- Front propagation versus bulk relaxation in the annealing dynamics of a kinetically constrained model of ultrastable glasses. JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL MECHANICS-THEORY AND EXPERIMENT. 2016:1-14. 2016
- Inter-layer synchronization in multiplex networks of identical layers. CHAOS. 26. 2016
- Experimental implementation of maximally synchronizable networks. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 448:113-121. 2016
- Self-similar nonequilibrium dynamics of a many-body system with power-law interactions. Physical review E: statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics. 92:1-8. 2015
- Enhancing the stability of the synchronization of multivariable coupled oscillators. Physical review E: statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics. 92:032804-1-032804-7. 2015
- The static lengthscale characterizing the glass transition at lower temperatures. EPL. 111:p1-p6. 2015
- Synchronization of intermittent behavior in ensembles of multistable dynamical systems. Physical review E: statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics. 91:032902-1-032902-9. 2015
- Glass transition in fluids with magnetic interactions. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 90:1-4. 2014
- Synchronization of interconnected networks: The role of connector nodes. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. 112:1-5. 2014
- Generalized synchronization in relay systems with instantaneous coupling. Physical review E: statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics. 88:1-5. 2013
- Early Prefrontal Activation As a Mechanism to Prevent Forgetting in the Context of Interference. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF GERIATRIC PSYCHIATRY. 21:580-588. 2013
- HERMES: Towards an Integrated Toolbox to CharacterizeFunctional and Effective Brain Connectivity. NEUROINFORMATICS. 11:405-434. 2013
- Targeting the dynamics of complex networks. Scientific Reports. 2:1-5. 2012
- Emerging Meso- and Macroscales from Synchronization of Adaptive Networks. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. 107:1-5. 2011
- Age-Related Effects in Working Memory Recognition Modulated by Retroactive Interference. Journals of Gerontology - Series A Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences. 67A:565-572. 2011
- Emergence of structural patterns out of synchronization in networks with competitive interactions. Scientific Reports. 1:1-8. 2011
- Age effects on retroactive interference during working memory maintenance. BIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY. 88:72-82. 2011
- Node Vulnerability under Finite Perturbations in Complex Networks. PLoS One. 6:1-8. 2011
- Age-related occipito-temporal hypoactivation during visual search: Relationships between mN2pc sources and performance. Neuropsychologia. 49:858-865. 2011
- Conflict and cognitive control during sentence comprehension: Recruitment of a frontal network during the processing of Spanish object-first sentences. Neuropsychologia. 49:382-391. 2011
- Functional Connectivity in Mild Cognitive Impairment During a Memory Task: Implications for the Disconnection Hypothesis. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease. 22:183-193. 2010
conference contributions