The static lengthscale characterizing the glass transition at lower temperatures Articles uri icon

published in

  • EPL  Journal

publication date

  • September 2015

start page

  • p1

end page

  • p6


  • 5, 56009


  • 111

International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)

  • 0295-5075

Electronic International Standard Serial Number (EISSN)

  • 1286-4854


  • The existence of a static lengthscale that grows in accordance with the dramatic slowing-down observed at the glass transition is a subject of intense interest. Due to limitations on the relaxation times reachable by standard molecular-dynamics techniques (i.e. a range of about 4-5 orders of magnitude) it was until now impossible to demonstrate a significant enough increase in any proposed lengthscale. In this letter we explore the typical scale at unprecedented lower temperatures. A Swap Monte Carlo approach allows us to reach a lengthscale growth by more than 500%. We conclude by discussing the relationship between the observed lengthscale and various models of the relaxation time, proposing that the associated increase in relaxation time approaches experimental values.


  • Mathematics


  • glass transitions of specific systems; glasses; theory and modeling of the glass transition