A Gaussian quadrature rule for oscillatory integrals on a bounded interval Articles uri icon

publication date

  • March 2014

start page

  • 883

end page

  • 901


  • 3


  • 34

International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)

  • 1078-0947

Electronic International Standard Serial Number (EISSN)

  • 1553-5231


  • We investigate a Gaussian quadrature rule and the corresponding orthogonal polynomials for the oscillatory weight function e(i omega x) on the interval [-1, 1]. We show that such a rule attains high asymptotic order, in the sense that the quadrature error quickly decreases as a function of the frequency omega. However, accuracy is maintained for all values of w and in particular the rule elegantly reduces to the classical Gauss-Legendre rule as omega -> 0. The construction of such rules is briefly discussed, and though not all orthogonal polynomials exist, it is demonstrated numerically that rules with an even number of points are well defined. We show that these rules are optimal both in terms of asymptotic order as well as in terms of polynomial order.