sample of publications
- Long term behavior of the stirred vacuum on a Dirac chain: geometry blur and the random Slater ensemble. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment. 2024. 2024
- On the Riemann-Hilbert approach to asymptotics of tronquée solutions of Painlevé I. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. 56. 2023
- Asymptotics of matrix valued orthogonal polynomials on [-1,1]. Advances in Mathematics. 423:1-61. 2023
- Investigation of the two-cut phase region in the complex cubic ensemble of random matrices. Journal of Mathematical Physics. 63:1-40. 2022
- The kissing polynomials and their Hankel determinants. Transactions of Mathematics and its Applications. 6:1-66. 2022
- Characteristic polynomials of complex random matrices and Painlevé transcendents. International Mathematics Research Notices. 2021:19000-19054. 2021
- Global-phase portrait and large-degree asymptotics for the Kissing polynomials. Studies in Applied Mathematics. 147:448-526. 2021
- Ladder relations for a class of matrix valued orthogonal polynomials. Studies in Applied Mathematics. 146:463-497. 2021
- Large z Asymptotics for Special Function Solutions of Painlevé II in the Complex Plane. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications (SIGMA). 14:1-19. 2018
- Asymptotics for Hankel Determinants Associated to a Hermite Weight with a Varying Discontinuity. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications (SIGMA). 14:1-43. 2018
- Construction and implementation of asymptotic expansions for Jacobi-type orthogonal polynomials. Advances in Computational Mathematics. 42:791-822. 2016
- Painlevé I double scaling limit in the cubic random matrix model. Random Matrices: Theory and Application. 5. 2016
- Asymptotic Behavior and Zero Distribution of Polynomials Orthogonal with Respect to Bessel Functions. Constructive Approximation. 43:153-196. 2016
- Asymptotics of orthogonal polynomials generated by a Geronimus perturbation of the Laguerre measure. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 433:732-746. 2016
- Asymptotic solvers for ordinary differential equations with multiple frequencies. Science China Mathematics. 58:2279-2300. 2015
- Large degree asymptotics of orthogonal polynomials with respect to an oscillatory weight on a bounded interval. Journal of Approximation Theory. 186:33-63. 2014
- A Gaussian quadrature rule for oscillatory integrals on a bounded interval. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. 34:883-901. 2014
- Asymptotic solvers for second-order differential equation systems with multiple frequencies. Calcolo. 51:109-139. 2014
- Strong and ratio asymptotics for Laguerre polynomials revisited. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 403:477-486. 2013
- Topological expansion in the cubic random matrix model. International Mathematics Research Notices. 2013:2699-2755. 2013
- Efficient computation of delay differential equations with highly oscillatory terms.. ESAIM-MATHEMATICAL MODELLING AND NUMERICAL ANALYSIS-MODELISATION MATHEMATIQUE ET ANALYSE NUMERIQUE. 46:1407-1420. 2012
- Simulation of memristors in presence of high-frequency forcing function. Electronics Letters. 48:684-686. 2012
- Asymptotic solvers for oscillatory systems of differential equations. Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Matemática Aplicada. 79-101. 2011
- Asymptotic Zero Distribution of Complex Orthogonal Polynomials Associated with Gaussian Quadrature. Journal of Approximation Theory. 162:2202-2224. 2010
- On Systems of Differential Equations with Extrinsic Oscillation. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. 28:1345-1367. 2010
- Analytical and Numerical Aspects of a Generalization of the Complementary Error Function. Applied Mathematics and Computation. 216:3680-3693. 2010
- A New Algorithm for Computing the Geronimus Transformation with Large Shifts. Numerical Algorithms. 1:101-139. 2010
- Computational Properties of Three-Term Recurrence Relations for Kummer Functions. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 233:1505-1510. 2010
- On Second-Order Differential Equations with Highly Oscillatory Forcing Terms. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 466:1809-1828. 2010
- Complex Gaussian Quadrature of Oscillatory Integrals. Numerische Mathematik. 2:197-219. 2009
- On Modified Asymptotic Series Involving Confuent Hypergeometric Functions. Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis. 35:88-103. 2009
- On Numerical Methods for Highly Oscillatory Problems in Circuit Simulation. COMPEL - The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. 28:1607-1618. 2009
conference contributions
- Partition Function in the Complex Cubic Log-Gas Model 2020
- Asymptotic analysis of polynomials orthogonal with respect to an oscillatory weight function 2014
- Asymptotic analysis of the partition function in the cubic random matrix model 2014
- Asymptotics of orthogonal polynomials with respect to oscillatory weights 2014
- Función de partición en el modelo de matrices aleatorias con potencial cúbico 2014
- Large degree asymptotics of polynomials orthogonal with respect to oscillatory weights 2014
- Asymptotic Analysis of the Cubic Random Matrix Model 2013
- Partition function in the Hermitian random matrix model with cubic potential 2013
- Asymptotic analysis of complex Gaussian quadrature rules. 68-68. 2012
- On polynomials orthogonal with respect to Bessel weight functions 2012
- Partition function and free energy in the cubic random matrix model 2012
- Analytical and Numerical Aspects of a Generalization of the Complementary Error Function 2011
- Asymptotic Numerical Methods for Oscillatory Systems of Differential Equations 2011
- Asymptotic Numerical Solvers for Oscillatory Systems of Differential Equations 2011
- Numerical and Asymptotic Analysis of Oscillatory Systems of Differential Equations 2011
- Orthogonal Polynomials for Complex Gaussian Quadrature. 43-43. 2011
- Partition Function and Free Energy in the Cubic Random Matrix Model 2011
- Topological Expansion in the Cubic Random Matrix Model 2011