sample of publications
- Nonequilibrium microbial dynamics unveil a new macroecological pattern beyond Taylor's law. Physical Review E. 110. 2024
- Stability of the personal relationship networks in a longitudinal study of middle school students. Scientific Reports. 13. 2023
- Entropic contribution to phenotype fitness. Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical. 56:1-24. 2023
- Triadic influence as a proxy for compatibility in social relationships. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 120:1-8. 2023
- Free-energy density functional for Strauss's model of transitive networks. PHYSICAL REVIEW E. 106:054305-1-054305-12. 2022
- Prevalence of mutualism in a simple model of microbial coevolution. PHYSICAL REVIEW E. 106:054401-1-054401-12. 2022
- Chimpanzees organize their social relationships like humans. Scientific Reports. 12:1-8. 2022
- The long and winding road to understanding organismal construction: Reply to comments on "From genotypes to organisms: State-of-the-art and perspectives of a cornerstone in evolutionary dynamics". Physics of Life Reviews. 42:19-24. 2022
- Beyond Dunbar circles: a continuous description of social relationships and resource allocation. Scientific Reports. 12:1-11. 2022
- From genotypes to organisms: State-of-the-art and perspectives of a cornerstone in evolutionary dynamics. Physics of Life Reviews. 38:55-106. 2021
- Evolution of social relationships between first-year students at middle school: from cliques to circles. Scientific Reports. 11. 2021
- Framing in multiple public goods games and donation to charities. Royal Society Open Science. 8:1-13. 2021
- The turning point and end of an expanding epidemic cannot be precisely forecast. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 117:26190-26196. 2020
- Hierarchical clustering of bipartite data sets based on the statistical significance of coincidences. PHYSICAL REVIEW E. 102:1-12. 2020
- Populations of genetic circuits are unable to find the fittest solution in a multilevel genotype-phenotype map. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 17. 2020
- Redes de genotipos: los senderos de la evolución. Investigación y Ciencia. 2020
- Epistasis between cultural traits causes paradigm shifts in cultural evolution. Royal Society Open Science. 7:1-16. 2020
- Large scale and information effects on cooperation in public good games. Scientific Reports. 9:1-10. 2019
- Parsimonious scenario for the emergence of viroid-like replicons de novo. Viruses-Basel. 11:425. 2019
- Cognitive resource allocation determines the organization of personal networks. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 115:8316-8321. 2018
- Statistical theory of phenotype abundance distributions: A test through exact enumeration of genotype spaces. EPL. 123. 2018
- On the networked architecture of genotype spaces and its critical effects on molecular evolution. Open Biology. 8:1-18. 2018
- Adding levels of complexity enhances robustness and evolvability in a multilevel genotype-phenotype map. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 15. 2018
- Sheldon spectrum and the plankton paradox: two sides of the same coin-a trait-based plankton size-spectrum model. JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL BIOLOGY. 76:67-96. 2018
- Disentangling the effects of selection and loss bias on gene dynamics. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 114:E5616-E5624. 2017
- Enumerating secondary structures and structural moieties for circular RNAs. JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY. 419:375-382. 2017
- Distribution of genotype network sizes in sequence-to-structure genotype - phenotype maps. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 14. 2017
- Adaptive multiscapes: an up-to-date metaphor to visualize molecular adaptation. Biology Direct. 12:1-15. 2017
- Fair linking mechanisms for resource allocation with correlated player types. COMPUTING. 98:777-801. 2016
- The growth threshold conjecture: a theoretical framework for understanding T-cell tolerance. Royal Society Open Science. 2015
- General approach for dealing with dynamical systems with spatiotemporal periodicities. Physical review E: statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics. 91. 2015
- Reputation drives cooperative behaviour and network formation in human groups. Scientific Reports. 5:1-6. 2015
- Evolution on neutral networks accelerates the ticking rate of the molecular clock. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 12 (20141010):1-11. 2015
- toyLIFE: a computational framework to study the multi-level organisation of the genotype-phenotype map. Scientific Reports. 4. 2014
- Spreading of intolerance under economic stress: results from a reputation-based model. Physical review E: statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics. 90:1-13. 2014
- A comparative analysis of spatial Prisoner's Dilemma experiments: Conditional cooperation and payoff irrelevance. Scientific Reports. 4:1-9. 2014
- Gender differences in cooperation: experimental evidence on high school students. PLoS One. 8:1-10. 2013
- Comment on "Ratchet universality in the presence of thermal noise". Physical review E: statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics. 88:1-3. 2013
- Time-Shift invariance determines the functional shape of the current in dissipative rocking ratchets. Physical Review X. 3:1-10. 2013
- Evolutionary stability and resistance to cheating in an indirect reciprocity model based on reputation. Physical review E: statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics. 87:1-9. 2013
- Three is a crowd in iterated prisoner's dilemmas: experimental evidence on reciprocal behavior. Scientific Reports. 2:1-7. 2012
- Local-based semantic navigation on a networked representation of information. PLoS One. 7:1-10. 2012
- Heterogeneous networks do not promote cooperation when humans play a Prisoner's Dilemma. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 109:12922-12926. 2012
- Stability and robustness analysis of cooperation cycles driven by destructive agents in finite populations. Physical review E: statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics. 86. 2012
- On the coexistence of cooperators, defectors and conditional cooperators in the multiplayer iterated Prisoner's Dilemma. JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY. 300:299-308. 2012
- Generosity pays in the presence of direct reciprocity: a comprehensive study of 2x2 repeated games. PLoS One. 7:1-12. 2012
- Human behavior in Prisoner's Dilemma experiments suppresses network reciprocity. Scientific Reports. 2 (Article 325). 2012
- Individual strategy update and emergence of cooperation in social networks. JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL SOCIOLOGY. 36:1-21. 2012
- Disentangling categorical relationships through a graph of co-occurrences. Physical review E: statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics. 84:1-8. 2011
- Ratchet effect on a relativistic particle driven by external forces. Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical. 44:1-10. 2011
- Severe hindrance of viral infection propagation in spatially extended hosts. PLoS One. 6:1-13. 2011
- The Joker effect: cooperation driven by destructive agents. JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY. 279:113-119. 2011
- Crossed-ratchet effects and domain wall geometrical pinning. PHYSICAL REVIEW B. 83:1-13. 2011
- Species assembly in model ecosystems, I: Analysis of the population model and the invasion dynamics. JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY. 269:330-343. 2011
- Species assembly in model ecosystems, II: Results of the assembly process. JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY. 269:344-355. 2011
- Struggle for space: viral extinction through competition for cells. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. 106:1-4. 2011
- Social experiments in the mesoscale: humans playing a spatial Prisoner's Dilemma. PLoS One. 5(e13749):1-9. 2010
- Neutral networks of genotypes: evolution behind the Curtain = Redes neutras de genotipos: evolución en la trastienda. Arbor. 186:1051-1064. 2010
- Catastrophic regime shifts in model ecological communities are true phase transitions. JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL MECHANICS-THEORY AND EXPERIMENT. 2010:1-20. 2010
- Mathematics of evolution. Newsletter of the European Mathematical Society. 76:28-37. 2010
- Symmetries Shape the Current in Ratchets Induced by a Biharmonic driving Force. Physical review E: statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics. 81:30102. 2010
- Evolutionary Game Theory: Temporal and Spatial Effects Beyond Replicator Dynamics. Physics of Life Reviews. 6:208-249. 2009
- Statistical Mechanics of Ecosystem Assembly. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. 103. 2009
- Effect of spatial structure on the evolution of cooperation. Physical review E: statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics. 80. 2009
- Las matemáticas de la evolución. La Gaceta de la Real Sociedad Matemática Española. 12:667-686. 2009
- Promotion of Cooperation on Networks? The Myopic Best Response Case. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL B. 71:587-595. 2009
- Phase Diagram of a Two-Dimensional Lattice Gas Model of a Ramp System. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS. 131. 2009
- Smectic and Columnar Ordering in Length-Polydisperse Fluids of Parallel Hard Cylinders. MOLECULAR PHYSICS. 107:415-422. 2009
- The Shared Reward Dilemma on Structured Populations. Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination. 4:183-193. 2009
- Phase Behavior of Parallel Hard Cylinders. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS. 128:194901. 2008
- Fundamental-Measure Density Functional for Mixtures of Parallel Hard Cylinders. Physical review E: statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics. 77:51205. 2008
- The Shared Reward Dilemma. JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY. 251:253-263. 2008
- Emergence and Resilience of Cooperation in the Spatial Prisoner's Dilemma Via a Reward Mechanism. JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY. 250:475-483. 2008
book chapters
- ROMA, RAMO, AMOR: El arte de la combinatoria. BARCELONA: EMSE EDAPP. 2019
- Roma, ramo, amor: l'arte combinatoria. BARCELONA: HACHETTE FASCIOLI. 2019
conference contributions
- Parsimonious scenario for the emergence of viroid-like replicons de novo. 159-159. 2020
- Adding levels of complexity enhances robustness and evolvability in a multilevel genotype-phenotype map 2018
- Cognitive resource allocation determines the organization of personal networks. 25-25. 2018
- Cognitive resource allocation determines the structures of personal networks 2018
- Distribution of genotype network sizes in sequence-to-structure genotypephenotype maps 2018
- Dynamical systems with spatiotemporal periodicities trough the symmetries 2017
- Generic model of population dynamics and transitions between biological interactions 2017
- Modeling paradigm shifts in cultural evolution 2017
- Promiscuity of function, changing environments, and molecular evolution 2017
- Modeling paradigm shifts in cultural evolution 2016
- Neutral evolution and the acceleration of the molecular clock. 7-7. 2015
- Reputation drives cooperative behaviour and network formation in human groups 2015
- Fair linking mechanisms for resource allocation with correlated player types. 70-83. 2014
- Reputation drives cooperative behaviour and network formation in human groups 2014
- toyLIFE: un universo de juguete para comprender mejor la evolución 2014
- Cooperation in human societies: theory and experiments. 86-87. 2013
- Evolution on genotype networks leads to phenotypic entrapment 2013
- Neutral evolution and phenotypic entrapment 2013
- Neutral evolution and phenotypic entrapment 2013
- toyLIFE: a toy Universe for gaining insight into biological evolution 2013
- Desambiguación semántica mediante una red de co-ocurrencias 2012
- El efecto ratchet en la partícula relativista. 64-64. 2012
- Estocasticidad y exclusión competitiva en comunidades ecológicas 2012
- Evolving on phenotype landscapes. 770. 2012
- How reciprocity renders networks irrelevant for cooperation in social dilemmas 2012
- La corriente promedio en los "rocking ratchets" 2012
- Network Reciprocity, Large-Scale Experiments and the Prisoners Dilemma: the Last Word 2012
- Prevalencia de la generosidad en reciprocidad directa 2012
- Realistic Human Behavior and Prisoners Dilemma on Networks 2012
- There is no such thing as network reciprocity when humans play a Prisoner´s Dilemma. 6. 2012
- Universal reciprocal behavior in iterated prisoner's dilemmas: Three is a crowd. 117. 2012
- Universal reciprocal behavior in iterated prisoner's dilemmas: three is a crowd 2012
- Emergence of Responsive Strategies in Iterative Games 2011
- Emergencia de estrategias en juegos iterados con reciprocidad directa. 154. 2011
- Evolutionary Dynamics and Conditional Cooperation in the Iterated Prisoners Dilemma 2011
- Huge Progeny Production during the Transient of a Quasispecies Model of Viral Infection, Reproduction and Mutation. 1676-1681. 2011
- Human Behavior on Networks: Lessons and Perspectives from Game Theory 2011
- Invasion Dynamics in Iterative Games 2011
- La lucha por el espacio: extinción viral debida a la competencia por celulas 2011
- Prisoner's Dilemma on a Sizeable Network: An Experiment with Human Subjects. 39-39. 2011
- Prisoner's Dilemma on a Sizeable Network: Experiment and Theory. 23. 2011
- Replicator Dynamics for the Multiplayers Prisoner's Dilemma with "Moody" Conditional Cooperators. 97-97. 2011
- The Struggle for Space: A New Mechanism to Viral Extinction 2011
- An Exactly Solvable Model for Theoretical Ecosystem Assembly 2008
- Dinámica evolutiva de ecosistemas 2008
- Evolutionary Games and Cooperation: The Complex Effect of Population Structure 2008
- Funcional de medidas fundamentales para mezclas de cilindros duros paralelos 2008
- Juegos evolutivos y cooperación en poblaciones estructuradas: el papel de la estructura social y la dinámica evolutiva 2008
- Promotion of Cooperation on Networks? The best Response Case 2008
- Statistical Mechanics of Ecosystems 2008
- Statistical Mechanics of Ecosystems 2008
- Teoría de juegos evolutiva 2008
- Teoría de juegos evolutiva 2008
- The Complex Effect of Population Structure on the Evolution of Cooperation 2008
- Understanding the Effect of Population Structure on the Evolution of Cooperation 2008