sample of publications
- Dynamical time and Ashtekar variables for the Husain-Kucha¿ model. PHYSICAL REVIEW D. 110:1-30. 2024
- Spacetime symmetries and geometric diffusion. Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical. 57:285204-1-285204-28. 2024
- Dirac Geometric Approach for the Unimodular Holst Action. Mathematics. 12:1-10. 2024
- Euclidean self-dual gravity: Ashtekar variables without gauge fixing. PHYSICAL REVIEW D. 109:1-10. 2024
- Poisson brackets in Sobolev spaces: a mock holonomy-flux algebra. PHYSICA SCRIPTA. 97:1-22. 2022
- Edge observables of the Maxwell-Chern-Simons theory. PHYSICAL REVIEW D. 106:025011-1-025011-14. 2022
- Proof of the equivalence of the symplectic forms derived from the canonical and the covariant phase space formalisms. PHYSICAL REVIEW D. 105:L101701-1-L101701-6. 2022
- Consistent and non-consistent deformations of gravitational theories. JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS. 2022:1-29. 2022
- On-shell equivalence of general relativity and Holst theories with nonmetricity, torsion, and boundaries. PHYSICAL REVIEW D. 105:1-19. 2022
- Covariant phase space for gravity with boundaries: Metric versus tetrad formulations. PHYSICAL REVIEW D. 104:044048. 2021
- Palatini gravity with nonmetricity, torsion, and boundaries in metric and connection variables. PHYSICAL REVIEW D. 104. 2021
- Three Roads to the Geometric Constraint Formulation of Gravitational Theories with Boundaries. Symmetry-Basel. 13:1430. 2021
- Hamiltonian Gotay-Nester-Hinds analysis of the parametrized unimodular extension of the Holst action. PHYSICAL REVIEW D. 103:064062. 2021
- Concise symplectic formulation for tetrad gravity. PHYSICAL REVIEW D. 103:024051. 2021
- Geometric formulation of the covariant phase space methods with boundaries. PHYSICAL REVIEW D. 103:1-43. 2021
- A two-sided Faulhaber-like formula involving Bernoulli polynomials. COMPTES RENDUS MATHEMATIQUE. 358:41-44. 2020
- On the asymptotics of the rescaled Appell polynomials. ADVANCES IN APPLIED MATHEMATICS. 113:101962/1-101962/18. 2020
- Generalizations of the Pontryagin and Husain-Kuchar actions to manifolds with boundary. JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS. 10:121. 2019
- Dirac's algorithm in the presence of boundaries: a practical guide to a geometric approach. CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY. 36:1-22. 2019
- Adiabatic expansions for Dirac fields, renormalization, and anomalies. PHYSICAL REVIEW D. 98 (025016). 2018
- On the distribution of the eigenvalues of the area operator in loop quantum gravity. CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY. 35. 2018
- Boundary Hilbert spaces and trace operators. CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY. 34:1-12. 2017
- Functional evolution of scalar fields in bounded one-dimensional regions. CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY. 34:065004-1-065004-15. 2017
- Hamiltonian dynamics of the parametrized electromagnetic field. CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY. 33:125030-1-125030-10. 2016
- Hamiltonian description of the parametrized scalar field in bounded spatial regions. CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY. 33:105002. 2016
- Quantization of scalar fields coupled to point masses. CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY. 32:245009. 2015
- Generalized Stirling Permutations and Forests: Higher-Order Eulerian and Ward Numbers. ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS. 22:#P3.37. 2015
- Gauge invariance in simple mechanical systems. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. 36. 2015
- Separable Hilbert space for loop quantization. PHYSICAL REVIEW D. 90. 2014
- Bivariate generating functions for a class of linear recurrences: General structure. JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL THEORY SERIES A. 125:146-165. 2014
- Topology of the Misner space and its g-boundary. GENERAL RELATIVITY AND GRAVITATION. 46:1755-1-1755-24. 2014
- Hamiltonian treatment of linear field theories in the presence of boundaries: A geometric approach. CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY. 31:045021. 2014
- Band structure in the polymer quantization of the harmonic oscillator. CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY. 30:165011. 2013
- The thermodynamic limit and black hole entropy in the area ensemble. CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY. 28:215014. 2011
- Statistical description of the black hole degeneracy spectrum. PHYSICAL REVIEW D. 83:104013. 2011
- Quantization of Midisuperspace Models. Living Reviews in Relativity. 13:6. 2010
- Detailed Black Hole State Counting in Loop Quantum Gravity. PHYSICAL REVIEW D. 82:84029. 2010
- Functional Description of S1 × S2 and S3 Gowdy Cosmologies. Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Journal of Physics: Conference Series). 175:12010. 2009
- Combinatorics of the SU(2) black hole entropy in loop quantum gravity. PHYSICAL REVIEW D. 80:084006. 2009
- Flux-Area Operator and Black Hole Entropy. PHYSICAL REVIEW D. 80:044016-1-044016-15. 2009
- The time-dependent quantum harmonic oscillator revisited: Applications to quantum field theory. Annals of Physics. 324:1360-1385. 2009
- On the computation of black hole entropy in loop quantum gravity. CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY. 26:035017. 2009
- Quantum Einstein-Rosen waves: coherent states and n-point functions. CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY. 25:205013. 2008
- Unitary Evolution of Free Massless Fields in de Sitter Spacetime. CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY. 25:145008. 2008
- Generating functions for black hole entropy in loop quantum gravity. PHYSICAL REVIEW D. 77:121502-1-121502-5. 2008
- Black Hole State Counting in Loop Quantum Gravity: A Number-Theoretical Approach. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. 100:211301-1-211301-4. 2008
- Quantum Unitary Evolution of Linearly Polarized S1 x S2 and S3 Gowdy Models Coupled to Massless Scalar Fields. CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY. 25:85002. 2008
- Classical and quantum behavior of dynamical systems defined by functions of solvable Hamiltonians. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. 76:153-157. 2008
book chapters
conference contributions
- The thermodynamic limit for black holes in loop quantum gravity. 2263-2265. 2015
- Black hole entropy in loop quantum gravity. 1-4. 2012
- Flux-Area Operator and Black Hole Entropy. 2267-2269. 2012
- Generating Functions for Black Holes in Loop Quantum Gravity. 2270-2272. 2012
- Preface. 1-2. 2012
- Quantum isolated horizons and black hole entropy. 1-28. 2011
- Semiclassical States for a Symmetry Reduced Gravitational System 2008