Teamwork Management in Additive Manufacturing Using Game Theory
published in
- Digital Manufacturing Technology Journal
publication date
- September 2023
start page
- 123
end page
- 136
- 3(2)
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)
- 2810-9309
Electronic International Standard Serial Number (EISSN)
- 2810-9317
- The game theory lays out frameworks for studying decision-making in different environments. The principles of this theory predict human behaviour, leading with decision-making and describing how established outcomes may appear that are not optimal for all groups. This article presents a procedure for teamwork management in additive manufacturing projects. The new challenges in this industry must cope from a perspective that yields a response to changing actuality. The symmetric of 2 × 2 games is used to decompose the payoff matrix into two, a cooperative and a zero-sum part. The variations in the relations between the parts are the key to managing team works. The topology properties of these games are used to study the representation of the game space, which will enable us to take decisions in an additive manufacturing project. Furthermore, the analysis of game regions will allow us to obtain further information for arranging the teams. The study shows that game theory provides a proper framework to manage the collaboration between teamwork in additive manufacturing projects and can derive suitable models for strategic interactions that often occur in applications in these settings.
- Mathematics
- teamwork; additive manufacturing; game theory; project